- "PAGE FIVT! DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1918. EIGHT PAGES GAZE ON BUDDHA OVER THE NORTHWEST COIOY'S CASH GROCERY 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640 ORANGES Extra Large, dozen Large, dozen $1.00 : . 80c New Crop Walnuts and Almonds, 1 lb. . 40c Snider's Catsup, bottle 25c PalaejpCai- Jam, glass . V. . .... . .. .. . . 30c ....25c 25c Best Shrimps, can Salad Points Asparagus, can Sliced Peaches and Apricots, 2 cans. Peaches, large can Apricots, large can 35c 30c 35c' Pickles, Sours, Sweets, Dills and Olives. LESS WORK FOR MOTHER When it is bad outdoors, the children must play indoors, and the floors usually get the worst of things. But floors painted with LOWE BROS. Hard Drying Floor Paint hold their own, and arc much easier to keep clean. Use this good paint on your f lpors then let the children romp to their hearts' content. Always in stock, r:; WALL PAPER, PICTURE MOULDING AND GLASS. h. J. McATEE The Practical Paint Man 513 Mail? Street Telephone 158 ARE YOU PROTECTED? IF YOU ARE NOT INSURED AGAINST EVERY KIND OF LOSS, YOU ARE NOT PROTECTED. WRITE EVERY KIND OF IN SURANCE AND GIVE YOU REAL SERVICE. Insurant JOE KliHLEY Successor to tllAS. K. HEARD. INC. Ural K.Mato PKMl,KTON. OREGON.. loan F O R D :.. ;.T-.:F-,The Universal Car. What the Ford car is among motor cars, the Ford truck is among motor trucks far ahead of all others in practical saving service. lhe Ford truck" embodies those desirable Ford W " t 1 ,1 .V-W,ASi It merits simplicity aim taieum with assured economy in uperauun and maintenance. No business too large nor so small that a Foi'd truck won't prove a money-maning utility to it. Its value is universal n KncJnpsa in ritv. town, village and on the farm, and the price only $634.58, f . o. b. Pendleton. The demand is big. Place order without delay. Simpson Auto Co. - rnone ua Best Truck in the Market Water &' Johnson jSts, Tueoma Strike My Krlixc Martial law TACOMA, Dec. 84. Declaration of martial law In Tacoma will be the re sult of a general sympathetic strike, according to one city official today. A meeting of the committee of five appointed yesterday by the Central Labor council to meet with the city council and representative of the atrlk. inn electrical worker took place at the Labor Temple today for the pur ose or determining whether a eympa- thetle strike will be called. Child Itmwncri In River. UAXDON. Or... Dec. 24. Mr. and Airs. H- M. Axtcll and their two chll dren were plunged Into the Icy waters of the Cod til lie river at the liullards ferry tonight and one of the children was drowned. Mr. Axtell Is supcrn tedent of the Dr. Day Mining camp at Whisky Run. , Tavoraa Ilrenicn Resign. TACOMA, Dec. 24. With, the ex coptlon of Fire Chief Carlson, the as sistant chief and one other fireman all the members of the city fire de partment today handed In 'their res ignations to the city council to take, effect unless the city council grants the Increase In wages demanded by them. Mnnlausiu SLoro IJuuor. ' On BAT FALJJJ. Mont.. Dec. 24. Montanans are storing away large quantities of "hard llcker" against th coming long drouth, according to Judge P. lr Mann, deputy collector of Internal revenue, and that same II qunr Is going to be confiscated If the State Aml-Haloon league succeeds getting the slate legislature to place htls state among the really "bone-dry"1 states. Clitin-li l uilil" UA GRANDE, cards warning Itu" closing Order Iec. 24 With pla- holiday shoppers against crowding and with patients quarantined In their homes, health au thorities believe tho Influensa cpldem. Ic will soon be conquered. Beveral churches have protested the closing order. Rev. V. J. Drlscoll, of tho Catholic church, filed Injunction pro ceedings snd obtained temporary re lief from County Judge Thy. A final decision will be rendered on the re. turn of Judge Knuwlcs from Port-laud. om MEN If IT IN FACE WITH FLAT OF snuii" BERNE. Dec. 24. Li cuts. Casslue Styles, Wlllaboro. N. T.; James Duke. Washington; Ilobert Raymond. New ton Centre, Mass.. and rrlvate Her bert Jones. llth Infantry, have reached Swltxerland from a German prison camp on their way to France. The officers are attached to the Am erican aviation service. Jones told the American Red Cross here that a German Sergeant at Lab Kensalza struck American r prisoners there on the face with the flat of his sword without reason after lining them up for rollcall. He said he himself was kicked by a guard until theower part of his body was temporarily pa ralyzed. Lieut. Styles told how his pilot. Lieut. Wlster Morris, had been killed. Although dying and blinded, Morris said: "Tou there Styles? It was my fault ire smashed. Hope you are. not hurt. Good-by." The Americans said the Russians at Rastatt. Germany, were dying from starvation at the rate of about six or clsht dally. The American cemetery at Rastatt now has nine graves. a? r ,1 j " ,1 , u tP , . I Peace come to him who gazes long on Buddha's face, goes Jan. tradition. This Is a particularly popular statue of the "Supreme Buddha of th Paradise of the pure earth of the west." It sits In patience at' Kamakura, 14 miles from Yokohama. ' On foot, in carriages and In autos, Buddha's followers come. .here to worship. I hi : ft S 8 8- 8. 8. -! M a it Merry lias WE EXTEND TO YOU THE SEASON'S ' GREET INGS AND EARNEST DE SIRE FOR -A- CONTINU ANCE oK Your good "WILL. k.- A. L. SCHAEFER. '0 U u n GUARDSMEN GO BACK TO CIVILIAN STATUS "WASHINGTON. Dec. 2.. Nation al guardsmen who were drafted Into the army service by the presidential proclamation of July 3. 1917. will re vert to their civilian status when dis missed from the army. It Is announced. If the national guard continues It will be necessary to organize new units In all states. GENERAL PETAIN LEADS FRENCH VICTORS INTO METZ rrrrsBi'itG klkvkn to LOSE KKJIIT I510GILAHS 'PITTSBtTRG. Dec. 24. Tho Unl- vr.ltt nt Tltfalur will lone eifibt regulars of its 1918 football team. Of the star backfieid. only Davles will be back next season. CapL McLaren a4 a ifiA iit fullback the college ha. nwned. v:asterlv and Gouch- ler will be missing from the back- field, while Stahl; Allhouse. liarrmg ton. HcCarter and: Jlilty will -be lost in the line. VEOWOMEN DEXIFa ENSIGN FKOMOTION, WASHINGTON". Dec 24. Yeo woman who have been wearing natty blue uniforms and brass buttons with appropriate Insignia on the left eleeves of their coats will not be pro moted to the rank or ensign oeiore discharge. rn rat ihn iimcttre of nromotlng veteran commissioned officers one grade before retirement has long Bin nD.H in the naw. and It Is a difficult matter tor enlisted men to get promotions to commissioned rank at any time. They must take certain in rcciHIied courses of study and pass rigid menial examinations before they, can secure commissions een wlicn there Is a scarcity pi officers In the lower grades. There are a good many chief yco womcn on duty hero and at naval slat Ions throughout the country, but If Santa Claua has promised them .M,i,tt..n. Hia rrade of enalgn be fore discharge as the result of .the r.u.i,. ..f i he emergency he has not confided that fact to the powers that bo In tho navy department. TOOO MEN AUK HIT IS SINGLE REGIMENT OBJECT TO OCCrPATION ItHRLIV. 1X11 21. The. lluusarian ministry Is reported to have devlared its opposition to occupation by tho al lies. The mlnlMterti art- undiTstood to have asked tlie nlllin If tlicy intend to otvupy llio entire fomiiry. tlm-at-enliig t rt-iii in a body if the answer Is In tho affirmative. mm i i Ml Sr milk Mm 'M - " -" "V :Va 71 . Uf I ill f "a-i 1 lir l ' . f ATI' Ill; 1 X. ' i"-:f t I Us- A Thl is the first pluitngraph of l'etain entering Mets. at the head of the victorious French aimy after the r armlKtice. .Metz I the chief citv- of the Alsace-Lorraine region handed over to the French under the armistice ., tcrnis. Germany took Alsace-Lorraine away from France In 1870. . " .i 1 -';uao.nnmn:ii A.hAMii fin swtMi PX KB X HJS'FII II HI ti III IB HXMilt 1 1 E II R II sill IX II till 11 . 1 ifliHariiwuLN HrwyiLwa in : : Over One Hundred in P NEW YORK. Doc. ;3. Lieut. Geo. H. Hughey of Company D. lOHtli In fantry (old First Pennsylvania Na tional Guard)." sold, yesterday at the McAlpIn .Hotel, that his regiment, which numbered 3200 men when 11 received Its . baptism of fire, suffered approximately 7000 casualties In a ninety-seven days'' drive. ' Lieut. Hughey. whose home Is In Philadelphia, was wounded on,Oct. 8, near Chateau Thierry, and after 11 days in a French hospital was sent r. io eomDlete his recovery .at General Hospital No. 3. Colonia. N. J. He said his regiment reached the fir ing line on July 6. fougnt at xr. s neau. where it received Its first of the six citations, at Fismes. on the Veele, at Magnaeux. Conrlandon. Cha teau Thierry. In the Argonne and at ApremOnt. GREEKS ACCV8R IHTMJAHH OF STARVING PRISONERS SALON1CA. Dee. 24. The Bul garians continued to mistreat Greeks and Serbians who were taken to Bul garia during the war. according to ln tormatlnn reaching the semi-official Athens news agency. They compelled the Greeks and Serbs to pay their fares on trains, although they took al' their money before putting them on, the report satn. ir is nnmra that trnlnloada of Greeks were left landing days without food. THE UNIVERSAL COMBINATION RANGE has proven one of the most popular gifts yet. A complete coal and wood or gas, range. N(hing to remove, just a twist of the wrist to . change from gas to coal or wood. Ask the Lady Who Owns One Many other useful gifts that please, such as ' Silverware, Carvers, Razors, (Mil Safety and Old StjlC) Roasters, Aluminum Ware, Percolators, Cutlery Boys Wagons, Guns, Etc., along with our complete line of Universal Stoves and Ranges a a a i - a:- a a a a ri V a h a a a Geo. C; Saer 643 xMain St. HARDWARE Phone 561