ir eVi; l'Af.H YIVV. "2 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OIIEGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1013. TEN PAGES fimfo mf i. -- f,54- !' ' CASfl GROCERY ROLL' .- W' .: ' ' -'.'" '" " ' All of oa are talking a boat democracy. TIM aoldlera wIiom 525.Main St. Free Delivery. Phone C40 ...t.Vl, ,;,(.-' . Tl .0.0 -!!- printed m etila eaRwtty liat hmwt tmttma or diefl for It, - COMOY'S 9h. ewmwsfc. $ss4 e4 ..... W , -. -- - li New Crop Walnuts and Almonds, 1 lb. 40c SHASTA TEA Japan, Gunpowder, English Breakfast and Ceylon India ., Vi lb. 25c; 1 lb. 50c Fancy Cookies in bulk, 1 lb. .k 35c Ginger Snaps in Bulk, 1 lb 20c Snider' Catsup, bottle .i... 25c Palace Car Jam, glass 30c Bob White Soap, 18 bars $1.00 Ivory Soap, 16 bars , $100 Citrus Powder, 2 packages., , ..... . . 55c Another Diagulae for !foolch" Twelve carboys of boot! whiskey hemmt he -tain"!' of 1 arid" r' n transit to Portland' with men from the United States marshal's office awaiting their arrival. At the current price of bootleg "hootch' the ship ment Is worth about 400. Robert. H. WurflehV wllh ' hi under grrest. will have a hearing before l'nlted States Commissioner Drake, Friday, In con. nectlon wllh the carboys. OLD FASHIONED REVIVAL MEETINGS Will be held in Pendleton, Ore., in Moose Hall, next to the Bowman Hotel, beginning Thursday evening, Dec. 19, 1918, at 8 o'clock and will continue each eve ning, during the week, at the same hour, until fur ther notice. SI'XRAV SERVICES AT 11:00 A. M 3:00 AND 1:00 P. M. Rev. Thcoilore K. Ileuhe, formerly known as the New England Evangelist, now District Superintendent of the Northwest District of the Nazal ene church will have charge of the services, asslsted-by rtev. Charles Maxon of Walla Walla, and other christian workers. Miss Carol F. Hccbp, daughter 'nf the evangelist, and sweet Gospel singer will conduct the Hinging and sing alone In each service; while Maxtor Gordon Ueehe hi eon will help furniah music wllh cornet. Mix Alice Muion of Walla Walla will preside at the piano. A tiKKAT time is pi:ctei TflMlOBp who enjoy good old fashioned, Methodist Ic Revival meet ing, straight Gospel preaching burning testimonies fervent pray ing, and congregational singing of the latent and sweetest Gospel songs a special Invliutlon is extended to attend these services. heats art all free einw and bring your friends. (hrislni&sO e a Hood Book A gooii book meet ever? 1eman(l of an appropriate gift. and it Is equally acceptable to old and young. Such gifts arc treasured Tor a lifetime and never "lose their fascination. The sentiment conveyed by the donor Is lusting. We have been fortunate In obtaining a large number of books on which the copyright has recently expired und which we are able to sell at . 75c each THE TOP THK ISLAND OF SIRPRISE TIIK 1'MMMKI) THK MAJOR MV 1YNR YEARS IN HER- M.WV THK FIRST WN1)RM TIIOISAXR MISSING THK BLIND MAX'S EVES TIIK LEOPARD WOMAN TIIK Hl'HINESS OK LIFE ItKl.TAXK THK SMITH 1IIS WORLDLY GOODS TIIK SNOW RCRNF.H TflR I'NTAMED HEL TO ANSWER GEORGE IIKI.M .IOAN THl ItSHAV RAINBOW'S KXI HKART OK TIIK Sl'NSET THK BARRIER TIIK HARVESTER .NAN OK MtKlt MOVXTAIX flKI'SKY HI" It K K TIIK COAST OK ARVEITI'RE AT TIIK FOOT OK TIIK RAIN BOW TIIK LIGHT OK WESTKHX STARS TIIK STORY OK 41 1.1 A PMrK TIIK St)N OK Tit AK A.N AXI I07.KXS OK OTHERS. ALSO HVXRRERS OK Til LATEST II(M)KS VERY Face, to Fm-e with Kaiser- fc.m '.- 2 00 The Winds of Chance $l.r0 Gunner fiepew SI. AO The Pawns Count, $1,110 wm is West i.4n A Daughter of the I .and. $1.40 long I.lvc the King SI.IMI Tang of l ife SI. AO The Monc)' .Maker $1.50 Marlon St.S.1 The Ill-own House. VI.50 In and Out $1.3.1 Kenny $1.3.1 And many olliers. Magazines nlsn make excellent sins. Let us Place your Ktilcr!tioiis. Club rntes. Thompsons Dry 0 Store Killed In Action. f Corpora.! 'William V. Saunders, Ba ker, Oregon. ; ' . Corporal Joseph V. Stephen, Pilot Rock. Private Akel E. BJorklund, Seattle. Washington. Private Mllea P. Halfmann, Taco nia. Washington. Private William E. Davenport. Parker, Idaho. Private Henry Oeorge, Kamlah, Idaho. Trlvate Kdward P. McKenna. Blackfoot, Idaho. Private Newton M. Patterson, Leb anon, Oregon. Private John Schrenson, Seattle, Washington. DkNI of Wounds. Corporal Anders C. Schultz, Moro, Oregon. Private Henry A. Usltalo, Seattle. Washington. Private Arthur Bachman, Troy, Idaho. Private Paul A- Lorenz. Grants Pass. Oregon. Private Frank K- Tucket, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Wounded Severely. Sergeant Hageman R. Hllty,t)ra Knrla. Washington. I Bugler Rtigene H. ftuncey, Mont tngue, Idaho. Mechanic Raglnvald -Johnson, Ta cirna. Washington. PrKnta William D. Shurtx, Jerome, Idaho. Private George ' D. Reld, Preston, Idaho. Private Samuel F. Austin, Spokane. i Washington. j Private James H- Bell, Ontario, Or- egon. I Private Fred I Konkle, Corbett, j Oregon. 1 Private Carl L. -Moller, Richfield, j Washington. j Private Fenton Chase, Buplee, Oregon. ! Private Hugh McDonald, Rockford. . Washington. Private Chester Vandenbtirg, Cot I tage Grove. Oregon. ! Private Ren Boyd, Pooatello. Ore . gon. Private Eugene Bennett. Kelso, I Washington. Private Clarence Johnson, Andy. Washington. j Private Paul Mat II 1a, Seaside Ore gon. i Private Io Peckman, Kverett, I Washington. 1 Private Irving Poulson. Tetonio. Idaho. Private Harvey Worthlngton, Port land, Oregon. Private Marshall Mead, Newberg, Oregon. Lieutenant Rdgar Akers. Seattle. Washington. Lieutenant William J. Coyle, Seat tie, Washington. Lieutenant Edgar c. Kester, Ever. ett. Washington. Lieutenant Doming Bronson, Se attle. Washington. Lieutenant Joseph C. Cheney, El- j lensburg. Washlngtn. Private Lloyd I). Marker. ciarR ston. Washington. Private I-ewls Nichols, Portland, Oregon. Private Richard Collins, Seattle. Washington. ' , Private Roy K. Ruffner, Benverton, Oregon. Private Francis M. Hill, St. An. Ihony, Idaho. . Prlvote Cornelius Rkaurud, Bon ners Ferry, Idaho. Private Elwin Huppert, Stayton. Oregon. Private Harry G. Roydsten, Lake view, Oregon. Private Noah E. Nybert. Klamath. Falls. Oregon. Private John T. Bagblonjn, Tacoma, Wnshinston. Prlvato Eurl T. Wlnehart, Stosmlah Washington. . Private 4hn W. BaBley, Blackfoot. Idaho. Prlvatw Forest C Norton, Grand- view, Washington. Private John Iverson, Seattle. Washington. Mlsetiuc 1st Action. Turnbull, Sagle, Elgin, Em- ston, Idaho. Private Charles L!ahQ, . , Private Soen C. Thompson, Oregon. Private Alfred H. Holman, mett. Idaho. ' Private Victor B- West, Eat Side, Oregon. . Private Henry W. Myers, Big Lake, Washington. Private Loula F. KiellnS, Itura. Oregon. Private Arthur W. Nelson, Port land, Oregon. Private Byron Brigham, Kettle Falls. Washington. Private Thomas Wrangham, Bur ley, Idaho. Private Jesse A. Sevdy, Beeler. Idaho. Private Gordon Wilcox. Watervllle, Washington. Private Clarence F. Chrlstenson. Boise, Idaho. Private Walnard Rilppa, Astoria. Oregon. Private Anton Moon, 8pokane. Washington. Private Everett R. Prutaman, Wal la Walla. Washington. Private Edward Collins, Everett Washington. Wounded, Degree I'ndctermlned. Corporal Charley Sewell, Kirby. Oregon. Private John M. Jones, Decatur. Washington. Trlvate Otto Olson, Buhl, Idaho. Private Lewis H. Hordhurst, Pay ette. Idaho. Private Alfred H- Mordhurts, Pay ette, Idaho. Private Julian Melkerson, Idaho. Private John A. Holmes, Falls. Idaho. Private Philip W. Ivens, Idaho. Private William Kolovtn, Washington. Private Fred McKay, Perry Oregon. Private Ray A. Nelson, Spokane, Washington. Private Hallie L. Pepper, Sclo. Oregon. Private Richard Mohr, Spokane. Washington. Private Edward Swanson, Seattle. Washington. Private William B- Bpeirs.! Tacoma, Washington. Private Nicola Llppis, Seattle. Washington. Private Andrew F. Mode. Hoauiam, Washington. Private Lee R. Caddis, Elma. Washington. Private Jess F. Fowler, Hoqulam. Washington. Kellog. Twla Arco, Seattle City. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANT , ADS. NEW TODAY . FOR RENT S-room furnished house. Phone 6S4. FOR SALE Modern house and four lots with garage. 225 Jane ,St. Pendleton. Ore.. S. S. Butler, 111' Indiana Avenue, Spokane, Wash. 8 S s s B S 8 re M 8 8 8 8 8 The Most Popular Christmas Gift 4 IRGE SHIPMENT OF THE LATEST IDEAS IN PYRALIN IVORY JUST RECEIVED. IVORY MANI CURE SETS IVORY PICTURE FRAMES IVORY CLOCKS IVORY TOILET SETS . Separate Pieces of Every Description. A carefully selected and most beautiful line ' of pleasing suggestions that will give the greatest joy. on Christmas day. ' . , " DOLLS OF EVERY KIND, SIZE AND PRICE. SERVING TRAYS SMOKER'S TRAYS PERFUMES SHAVING SETS NUT BOWLS ROXED STATION ERY ,,: , IMPORTED JAPANESE BASKETS AND OTHER WARE. , . . CLUB CARDS AND CHIP SETS. PHONOGRAPHS . f(' Fine Boxed Candies; Vases; Safety. Razors; Reed and Bamboo Baskets; Kodaks; Atomizers, in fact everything you would expect to find in a big city drug store. , Have It Laid Away Today. Hotel St. George Building Economy Drug Company Make it a point to walk by and see our windows. Xollee to Klks. All members of Pendleton LodK No. 288, B. P. O. Elks, are requetct1 to meet at the lodge room Thursday afternoon, December 19th. at 4 oV.iock to march in a body to the depot ac companied by the hand to meet and welcome home Brother Roy W. R.t ner. tsptaln A. R- C. who will arrive that evening from France. All mem bers n-ged to bring along a flag. No restriction as to size. Remember, be at i he hall on time. By order of toe xa!ted ruler. THOS. FITZ GERALD. Sj 1.1 BRITISH SHIPS KREKD. nAMTlfRG. Dm IS. Fifteen tented ru-llli-li mercltantnicn been sent to Kneunud. In- havc Sebring, Mi- Robertson, Wash- Lieutenant Saymond lan, Washington. Private Harvey V Oregon. Prlvato Ray Mohl. Prosser, Ington. Trlvate James M. Baldwin, Elma, Washington. Private Roy Reed. Marcola, Oregon. Private Henry Schwoch, Oregon City. Oregon. Private Sam Ventura. Portland. I Oregon. N Private David Bailey, Seattle, Wash ington. Private Robert Speas, Idaho Falls, tdaho. j Private Purnell M. Jacobs, Olympla, I Washington. Vonnded Slightly Private Charles A. Logan. Boise. Idaho. Private Lewis Masters, Wenatchee, Washington. Private Henry Baker, Luclle, Idaho. !lil of Disease). Nurse Geneva Robinson, Nampa, Idaho. Corporal James E. Gardner, Salem, Oregon. Private Christian Moo, Holcomb, Washington. Died from Accident and Other Cause Private Fred J. Iterglund, Tort land, Oregon. Wounded Slightly. Captnln Edmund Forsyth. Wenat chee. Washington. Lieutenant Robert D. Leeper. Cneur Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Corporal William R. Waer, Tacoma. Washington. Corporal George Kroth. Nlssa, Oregon. i Private Charles E. Hutchinson. Rdseburg. Oregon. Private Elum A. Moore, Spring- GLASS OF SALTS IF YOUR KIDNEYS HURT F.AT LESS MEAT IF YOr FK.l RACKACHV. OR HAVE. inaiiDKR ntorni.K- Meat forms uric acid which excite., and overworks the kidneys In their efforts to filter it from the system Regular eaters of meat must flush the klrinevs occasionally. Ton must relieve them like you relieve your ! bowels! removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull ntlser I In the kidney region, sharp pains In ! the back or sick headache, disxlness. I your stomach sours, tongue is coated I anil when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine 1 j cloudy, full of sediment: the channels often get Irritated, obliging you to get i .... two or three times during the Inlsht. To neutralise these irritating arid and flush off the body's urinous waste : get about four ounces of Jd Salts from any pharmacy: take a table spoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and blad der disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthln nnd nan been used for generations to clean nnd stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder Irritation. Jad Salts la Inexpensive: harmless, and makes a delightful effervescent lithiawatet drink which millions of men and wo men take now and then thus nvoWlne serious kltluey and blutltlvr dlnviuva. 8 ..- - in. mjL. ... I1M1IWI himi.ii Illlll. II 1. 1 I iii im" 1 Mrf t - -jl'- r-V Vi s 8- 8 8 8 8 8 M Gift Mem Easily Soy to. A Necklace, a Ring, Diamond, Gold Watch, Jewelry, Silverware or a Playcrphone. ' ' May we help you solve the problem and put you In the way of doing your Christmas shopping with pleasure, sat isfaction and economy. We take the liberty of making a suggestion regarding the best place to do your" shopping anil earnestly urge you to do it here and AT ONCE. Come early while the pick is the choicest, avoid the crowd and make your selections at leisure and in comfort, from a full and complete assortment. Our stock is known to comprise high-rlnss Jewelry and our prices are less than those found in the majority of high-grade .stores. FIRST CLASS ENGRAVING. A FEW SCGGF.STIOXS 1 Diamond Necklace 16.00 In $;S.O Diamond ami Pearl Rings . SIO to SMM( Diamond Brooches $in.oo in 3M Diamond ami Emerald Kin:; KI5.1MI to 1I0 Service Tray l.5 to M.OO Vanity Ousts l-SO to .VM Cameo Rings and Rrooeltes v in in.tMt Diamond Pentliuits . SIO.OO to fllMt Bracelet Vatoles 1o I5 DiiiliHMiil and Solitaire Ring SIO.OO to SHIM! Bracelets . , $2.0(1 to $5tl.wl SIIvit Belts St.OO to .VtK3 Purses 2.JM to $I.VIMI Link Buttons l.V- to $IO Chains ssi.nn to $ Iwkils I..H to $I.VtM( Winches l.! to ft. Ml Toilet Sets SH.OO toT5.U I iiilirellas to Scarf Pins 7-V- til S.VI.OO I'ai'isimi Ivory Sets f2..n to tlH.UO "3" 8 . 8 ' 8 .1 ! -i'8 8 The New Playerphone $65 TLUl; M U'lllXFS 8.l TO $t.".n l'l.AVK RECOItDS. Be Sun and See 1'Iiihii Before IliDlnR. Ml. Wm. Hanscom, THE Jeweler ti lt it 8 a u s s s s n u 8 U 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 a 8 8 8 1