-TITNS PACKS AlilSIi 112FLUH1ZA THE WAY ' TO TREAT IT AND TO AVOID IT u I Simply the Old-Fashioned Grip Masquerading: Under h-- : a New Name. , , 1 Bnnniflh lnfluv whlrh Showed In ffnahvln May, has all the a mu- nee of "grip or la grippe, which h -ift ver the world . In iumwou epidemic s fur hack aw history rim;. Mippoerale-rofers to an epidemic in 413 B. C. -which is rewarded by many to have- Wen influemea". Every ceb tury has had -It attack.- Beginning with 131, this country has had five jrpidemhw. the last in 18S-9J. ;tate the lining of the Air pastures There is no occasion fi.r panic in--render them much twtter breeding fluenra.. or grin ha a very low per- ' iUac.es for the gcrma. fse Vick'a renj4Ke of r-jtalitio nt over one ; VapoKuh at the very first sign of a drmh'mtt of ere four hundred Cftes, cold. Fir a head cold, melt a little necordinft to The X." "C. Hoard of vapoRnb in a spoon and inhale the Health. The ehVf danger lies in vapor, or better still, use Yapollub in enmpliratioivs ari:Unir, attacking prin- a bensoin ateam kettle. If this is not eiitally ratiems in a run-down eondi- available, use nnrdinory rta-keitle. t Ion-tTiOie who don't iro to bed jnooh'ill half-full of boiling water, pnt in enough, or tho;e who set up too early, .half a teaspMn of VapoKub from xilF Till" ITlwrXT 1 itime to time keep the kettle just !Flovrly boilinff and inhale the steam Go to Wd at. the fii-st "symptoms, jirtsin. . 0 not only for your vwn sake iu'it to t?rF Viok's VapoKub is the dis avnid spread in the disease t others o,verv of a North Carolina druKpist, take a purwattv. euf plenty of who found how. to combine, in salve nonrifthinr food, remain perfectly form, Menthol and Camphor with Miuiet and4on t worry. Nature her- such volatile oils of Kucalyptus, self Is The' only "cure" for influenza .Thyme, Cubebs, etc., so that when the and will throw off the attack if only salve is applied to the body heat,: von conserve your Virensfh. A little these ingredients are liberated in the; Quininai Aspirin of .-VHtvec's Powder form of vapors. Vapo-Kub can be j . may n be . piven by, .4 be phy sician's di- had in three sizes at all flruKtfists. j rections to allay the achinfr Always t While fomimratively new m certain call a phsician. since the chief dan- pnrvs of the North, it Is the standard g-er af grip is in its weakening effect borne remedy in the ' South and West on the system, which allows compli- for all forms of cold troubles over cations to develop. These are chiefiy sjx million jars were wold last year, pneumonia and bronchitis, sometimes. VapoHub is particularly reommend inflammatton of the middle ear, or ed for children's croup or colds, its it heart affections. Kor thse reasons, is externally applied and can, there it Is very Importa-nt that the patient fore, be used freely and often with remain in hed until his strength re-'out the slightest harmful effect. Bank" Thief Sends Ttaofc Papers. 1 broke into the .limelight again yes POrtTLAND. Dec. 1. The rob. . ter(iKvwhen H. H. Xewhallpresidenl ber- of tHe East Side flank of Port-' of the- bank, announced that Havia land by Arihur C Xhivis, a 20-yeai- had returned all the non-negotiable old bank dork, about November 1, Jtctiing Pimples For Three Years Very Large and Wcie All Over Face J Box Ctiticura Oint ment and 2 Cakes Soap Heikd. I' I Nothing: -Purer, Sweeter, Fbt All Skin Troubles Than Cuticura I was troubled with pitpples for three year. They would start 8 mail, and then they would get very large and were all over my face. They got hard , and festered and broke, causing more to come, and they itched till) I had to cratch them. VThen iheard of Cuticura Soap and Ointment, so I sent for a free sample. It was so good I bought more, and 1 only oscd one box of -Cuticura Oint ment and two cakes of Cuticura Soap wheoj. was healed.' Signed jMiss Aha ' Trumpower, Mist, Calif., Aug. 8, 1917. When used for every -day toilet pur poses Cuticura Soap not only cleanses, purines and beautifies, but it prevents many little skin troubles if assisted by ocaaskmal ase of Cuticura Ointment to 8ootbend heal the first signs of skin troubles. Absolutely nothing better. Baaa.pl ttmmh .?re by Mtl. Aridrews po--cx,tL "Xttwtira. Ip& it. Boto.' Sld 4wnn'hti;. ,5jap Zjc. OapaQcnt 25 and 50c VIial's Wrang Vilii Your Ford? START IL4RD? WEAK MAGNETS? DDI LIGHTS? NO' PEP? All you need is THE LECTRO. In the space of a few minutes nd without taking down your motor or -magneto, THE LECTRO will positively tone up your motor and magneto. It will immedi ately brighten your lights and put new pep in your engine. It develops in jrour car a more powerful and even flow of current from the magneto and creates a stronger spark, which means gas econo my and an easy starting motor that can be throt tled down to a minimum. Inexpensive and the re sults are lasting. Lectro is sold exclusively by Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson Sis. THE WONDER J-BtlRNERv The Wonder Coal Oil Gas Burner is being .demonstrated a the Bowman Hotel Building. ' A wM)d and coal saver. Any one interested should come and sec, apd especially the ladies. Can be installed in any range ' cook stove or heater. D Al ,nlm -iay , in bedjt i-fisf fa -4's t ..fisi fver h;i 6 a' of or If you are over IjUrof not strong. ;st.y in bed four days or mure , e ; cording to the severity of the at tuck: HOW TO AVOID TIIK D1SKASK .Kvldence seems to prove that this is a germ disease, spreads principally huwn otet. Chiefly through r sinttin. So avoid pontons having colds which means avoiding anwrfs -common driniiOK cups, roller towels, etc. Keep up your rsxlily strength by plenty of exercise In the open air, and good .food, j i KKt!I FKKK FISOM tXHM A bore avoid colds, as colds Irrl- papers h had taken when he stole j ITS.500 in liberty bonds and cash. I The suit cane was shipped by ex i press from Salt Iake City, tTtah, af Jitrding the police the first clew to tha i whereabouts of yount Davis since he f male his escape after looting the j bank ffl broad daylight. Mr. "Newell received a letter from ' Davis abiuit 1 days affo tellingof ti ; (flerk's intention to send back all the papers which were of no value to hrm. Calls Meeting of . Cabirtet by Wireless vAsirr"r;Tov, do. 10 Itfsitlent fl4n called a meet ing of the cabinet for this after noon by -wlrciOM at lib request. Vie Proildent Murvliall wiU re ido at tlw. ttmferoiKH? lK'twcen the' lK"acl4 of ' the executive IsraiK'hea of the jroveriioicnt. BADGE OF PEACE GIFT TO WILSON GRAND FORKS, X. !.. Dec. 7. A special cable despatch to the Nor Imanded in this city from Christianva . indicates that the Xoble peace prize j for 1918 may be awarded to President Wilson, who according to the de jtfatch. probably will be :'invited to i visit the Norwegian capital in brdr ! to axept personally the prize, f The Danish and Swedish govern -i nitjnts are also' said to considering ex 'tndiiiir an invitation to the President . Phone 40S fiY.,E AST? '' 6lltEG 6 NI AN , rENDLETON OREGONVE r.vllUSii I tulUiiL hLsiu b'a the "ctt ft Theaters Have to Tell Yoa. : 1 ALT A tohat. lu Tlic Kuiscr s Slunlow1 orotby Hal too jikm Stroiut Holo JK'Hn With ijtt'S'G and Wrwan SHe. lVrothy 111 on, tho beautiful and nffotooltltbed vniinij Thomas H. Ince 1 sUu-. will appear in mystery piayg "The Kaiser's Shadow." at ho Altai today. It is a production that, be ctMise of its timeliness ami the gemi luely thrilling -plot, is certain to ap peal to ( every variety nr audience.. 11a It on In the role of a I eneh aervlce operative has a as hr htstrlonlc qimlities. to a marked dfwrce. !h? 1h ably wppurted b Thurston Hull Kilward Cecil, Leoio. Lorraine, Otto Hoffman and Charles Kleuch. The story was originally written tor tn Ail StH-)c Weekly by Octavus Kay Cohen tnd J. V. Olesy as a serial m. ter the name of ."The Triple Crosa." As a screen offering, directed by R. . William Neil undep ilr. low's super vision, it (tains weiBht nd interest, depicting the manner in which the plans for a secret ray 'rifle" are stol-j en, hidden and finally recovered, aft- 1 er many remarHame ana exciting aai ventures. - , . It wonld be unfair to those who have not seen the picture to expose the final solution of the piizile. The ; story has all the elements of a first. I class mystery trap doors, secret pan jels, and the .like.,.. The.Uenouement is i effective ami, surprising. The mnchl i nations of .'Herman plotters arc ex i posed cleverely and the picture can ' be honewtly recommended as a. nost f pleasurable ejitertainment, - Itjr l'astimo Today. Today ait the Pastime will he shown a continuation of the two popular sc - rials. I'earr White In another chapter of the Hooded Terror and The House if Hate. a. hisrhlr sensational nnd mel- ndramiitin nlnv and . tha renowned cowboy actor, Kddie Poll, in an cpi- sode of the BnlLs K.ve. a dare-dei'l drama of the West. ln addition also; will he shown "ord Sterling, the man who put the com in comedy' , In a reck less tdile-splitting mirthrnmker, en titled The Dae Devil Cop. Al.TA TODAY. r . AVlien I'ink Tnrns tn Hed Watch Out Tlmt IlapiK-ned in l'lacjr Comedy 'Tell Tliat to tlx Marines." 1 When a pacifist wlro .ordinarily sees Pink is kicked hard enough to see red. watch out! That Is why Eliot Brainard espoused the- cause f nisi"""- ' K"-iiy . w.untry against the Huns in eren Tha to the Marines.'- the new Para - mount-Flag comedy which will be shown at the Alta theater today." Rvainard protested against the war spirit fh. the mlliUtnt youth of Am erica and gotithto serious trouble. Nan Wolcott .his fiancee, breaks their enBagement. because her sweetheart! U no he-man. and he eoes to the country-- to escape the war maniacs. He finds this former fiancee in tha hands of a Huff spy, whom she ia tracing, and the spectacle rousea all his manhood to the degree that he slays the Hun and joins the ,lCtar!nes. Allthe pink In his moral vision had deepened into red and what he did to the Huns later on may be irnag- ined- Olin HnwUrnd has the chief role , . In tho new comedy while BeatricoUmatliia VOMlty Tremaine plays .opposite to him. The comedy haa an intensely Interesting striry and it is ct picture that, will not only be good entertainment, but It baa big propaganda value. The ac tion is speedy and the general, sup port all that could be demanded. . I nloB 1iuct I Phmned. ITOor River. Or.. Dec. in. With- out a dissenting vote representatives I from all of the eight Protestant j churches of the city, meeting yester day afternoon at the Commercial Club, voted to proceed with plans for establishing a comimmlty union church here, " ; IMtOPOSFS nlSASTItl ItfXVlXA ' WASiHXfiTO.V 1W. 10. A bill ' IMiipoHfliftg. ilractlc rcmilatkHl' . of y,c 1 i meat packing industry was . Intro duced In the honso mdny by Cliair : man Wow of the interstate commerce i committee. It einliraces a Hun for SALTS IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS, QUIT FJ! EAT I'M KII THE KIIXCTS AT ON'CE . WIIKX HACK IH'KTM Oil l(I.AIlHt juyriiKKs. "o man or wliman who'ents meat regularly can make a mistake by says a well-known authority. Meat forms' uric acid which clogs the kid-1 id- or nd . my pores so they sluggishly filter strain only part of the waste peisons from the blood, then you gerj sick. Nearly all 'rheumatism, head aches, liver ' trouble, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from slug gTfch kidneys. ' , The moment yon feel a dull ach 1 In th klrtnej'S or your back hurts, or If the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage or ; attended by a sensation of scalding. Ket nhiiut four ounces of .lad Kalis Irom any reliable pharmacy and take n tublospoonfnl In a glass of water .before breakfast for a few days and your, kidneys will then act fine. This famous sails Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined , Interest in the firm tthout two montasl with lithia and has been used for sko to Sturgls Slorle, brought his I generations to flush clogged kidneys first ninihlne to l't'ndleton In 1 SUC. It I and stimulnte them to activity, also j was a Molt harvester, lie wild a ma-I to neutralize the acids in urine so Itjchlne tike II to c. H-, Itosenberg. a it(i longer causes Irritation, thus end-1 pioneer rancher of the county, but log Madder disorders. jthis machine was not run until the : Jad .walts is Inexpensive and can- season following. j not Injure; makes a delightful effer-1 Mr', r'inith operated his first-ma-! veseent lithia-water drink which all chine on the rcserv.itlon tiie season r-gti!ar meat raters snould take now i of iss and later on his land lu the and .then to keep the kVlneys clean, iooiiier country and tho blood pure, thereby avoiding j '-Hi a recw of the changes in the ibulvu kidnvy Culupikiillon. I machinery " used by the farmers ofi 1 . ... ' f i Dr. Edward 6?Tablets Get ; at the Canscyul Remove It I .Dr.- Edwarfia' "dive TaWets. tha suhsH- tiitc fug calomel, art rently on tho bowels and positively do the vorUi ' '' PeopSe oltiicted with b.vt Tjrearh find jiiick 'Yrlk-f . through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. " Tfco ptensant, sugar coSwci t.ibieta ere tnlien for bad breaiJr ttf nil v.-ho know them. ' 'Dr. Edwards' Olive TTofclefs rt gentry irat firmly on the bowels nnd liver. ktimnlatinr? them to natural action. clearing tho biooa ana trenuy puntying th9 entire systcni'. Kicy co Trias Tvnk.n Bangcrou calomel cfocs ' without any Of the bsa otterHrtru.. 7 s.- ftH bc benerttscf ftast Hdkenlftft 3 frripinij cathartics' orc-tlcrived from-J)r. 1 13 Edwards' Olive Tafctcs! t.ithout BripS. ' -pain ci any dbanrccsbt? effects. S3 lr. .11. Edwards tliocovcred Hie h fonr-uta cflc? seventcej years of jsrnc- j ties cona padcjiti evicted wiih , 0'.vfl -rjsd liwrr camplaint, v.itU Jiio i Mtenctent bed bivatlt I Dr. ii'fcrclo' Olive Tableft Em purely! a vegstabla co'.tisxund injKCd with chve tl; you will Unor tlicm by their olive I rolor. Take onq or two every night for I a week and note the effect. Oc and 25c iw ho. All ''ji'iisf-. ' '" " ' ' - ' ' - i YOU CAfi'F FIND ANY i DAilFFlDllll 1 V."SfOPS.-Ce 0UT:IJ i iVK YOI It TVIK! MAKE IT TIIH'lv. W.WV. ilXSSY AX1) . llKAtTIITlj AT (INCH. Try ss y'MnWill. afjer an applicn-. tion of ljiinderlne. ycii can not find a . single trace of dandruff r.-oi" "'fBllinnj hair aniTV0ur scalp will hot Itch, but i !Wtmt win please you most win ne an- jer a few weeksN.iise. when you see j new hair, fine and downy at first lyes ut really hew nair growing all over tho scalp. j A little Danderine Immediately don. ; bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference h'ijv dun,- raueo.orune uuu scrnKgy, just moisten a cloth with Danderlne , and ' carefully 1 draw it through, your hair, taking one small strand at a time. ' The effect is im mediate and amazlnB yonr hnir wti. be light "fluffy apd wavy, and have an apiciir:tncje'of bundance; an in comparable hwtre, softness and lux uriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair .'health.. ' Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any drug store or j toilet oonnter, and prove that your V" "'""" V, . . . i'hV careless treatment. A small trial bottle wlH double the beauty of your ha!r." ? r ! federal control of refrlKrratloii cars, ; refrlirera Unsr DlanU and other farUl ties recently mieuwtett by the federal j. trade itnifiiifsyhni, it SPIRIT OF PROGRESS CREATES H .IE Farmers Take Big: Stride in Machinery. Vmatilla county ' Is recognized as one of the,1ca(IIngagrrlllture coun ties of tVie west, and naturally t"nei must lie a. reason for this, in com- unrina Jhrming methods - of louaj with those when the homesteader first begun plowing the bunch grass hills which are now covered by high ly cultivated wheat frelds the discov ery is made that co-incident Vith tha growth of the farming . Industry has been the Improvement of farming machinery of all kinds. ( The first plowng was with walking- plows and teams. These were followed hy the gang plows to which were hitched four and six horses. Today everywhere on tm largo wneai ranchea are to be seen huge tractors riilllng plows th.it tirrn over as many as 12 furrows at a time. The same change and advance is to be noticed In harvesting machinery. First the common practice is to toe noticed in harvesting, machlneo. First the common practice was to thresh with the small hprse power machine. Following this' came the steam thresher with a crew of 20 men. Then came the combine har vester which reouired hut three or four to operata, heading and threshing at the, same time. At first many farmers looked upon these ma chines In doul.t. but " time proved them a success, until now this Is the wognized standard harvesting ma chinery.. The early machines were drawn bv horses ns &-&.,!" ocms . - is being replaced in this work also. j Is being replaced j Many -combines a Lmterplllnr tractors rrhinl. Un ". r ! puiieu u.v mi the machine fro,. which the "war tank" has been de- vt-ioned. i.. r L.n.t.l. . k. fa nWi. TtrnhnlltV had more to do in bringing abouf this advance in the use of harvesting machinery than any other one Indi vidual. It was he who brought to the- country the first combine hnr "'Ntcr that may be said ' to have hrten a complete success.. Other machines of this type were tried before, but tn j each sony defect was roiiinfe hut caused them to be laid aside after a 'trial. Mr. Smith, who was the head -Of I K. I Stnllh ft Co., until selling his D N Tl SPAY, DKCEailtEK 11,' I. CHILDREN 10c ,4 i r e jJ DOROTHY gj IgS SS gg g j s '' V'" ...V Bi. , ..j..i4it.w,'-v:..!i-.,!..j.,,, jMniBjifii nriMmim.tMmtmKMaiiA uVv iat i imrns nun Ifirrafi nn o Her Heart Jumped at the Siffht of the Silent, Grim Old Sentinel but Her Mis sion was fo$ FRANCE, LIBERTY and DEMOCRACY, and come what would .. ' ( it must be fulfilled! REMEMBER ABIG INCE SPECIAL V ' f IN ADDITION JAMES MONTCfOMERY FLAGG'S COMEDY .TELL.THAT Td THE MARINES l Olin Howland and Beatrice Tremaine. Arollicking, 21 the coanty it can be wen that not only s Umatilla county a leading farming country because it has a large area of splendid farm land, but because Its Carme.rs are progressive an dhnvo always been quick to nee the advan tage of having the best nnd most Im proved farm machinery, 4 Many times they have , shown thlH spirit of pro- , gress to the point of scrapping hun- , dreds and tlatusfinds of machinery when convinced the new .machine was something better, and would mean ft saving in the long run, ! r 1 THEN MAN -WHO SUSPF.CTS that he bai kMney trouble and neg lects to Mb iflurca vromtHY? tvr h relief is takioK a djnferouily unwise risk, if he kidneyt re not jKopeHjr performiotf their Unction vi purifyinc the blood ttream, wae protlucra oetl poiMMiou aciii ronuia in die syaacm arid csuK neryouMieaa,TheuBii paina, b-t-Tache, Umfiuid neat, tore tnvcica, awolleoiuints, tiidiiets, putf inM under eyeaandoUier weakening symptom. JMeygdnevEillS and rmft&ttcr th Taralthw and norma. aconf Sidneys and bttckler, brinintf eien: bloodi fmid rirtyes. tJ-ur head. od dicatioa sctiTe brais aud alW'mund viaoroua bejlib. M. W. Taring Calvert, Ala., writea: "My a i totem n ktdoaf; troW. 1 tried three differea. rentediea. but nonr $m mm aucb relief aa r olc Kidfley PUia." . TAMAfAX A CO. ' ' Jin II Health I ' MtHtHMtOtOMMt 1 UJUUUU f;i" ... yy To Insure YduV Gofting One X FORMERLY E. L. SMITH O CO. ; . . -. is--, 4x - Arfenls for Holt Ttlanufacturin Co. , 19lA !!!" ALT' A THOMAS II. INCE SPECIAL m Mill ' il I II ' i.i. S DALTOKT- CjhrvmwuitCpictiiiv y .IN ADDITION ALTA SCREEN TELEGRAM. -' How the Allies Won. mmQ tomv CHILDREN 5c ; r Aljt)il?;2)c PEARL WHITE '. '.t-t IN - vs r--'. ' .' ". - The House of Kate" Thrillinff Sensational. X f'r.Jt,, EDDIE POLI bmtifa Ei" ' . Daring Dangerous '.. ,' ... Keystone Comedy Ford Sterling in THE DARE DEVIL fJOP. .' i NOODLES.-CHOP SUEY;-CHINESE;OISHESj i nClFY'S KWONG HONG .LOW & 5 -VrA ' . Il West Alta 8t. t isitalra, lliune 44 n f ;:.,i:'i im . i '.1UST BE ORDERED - PAGE EIGHT r!!!!II!!I!iifiHi!!lH ADULTS 23c t i i I I f .3 i 1 1 3 x 3' 2 i S "S 11 3 3 E 3 5 2 i I Roaring Patriotic Comedy iMUHIMlNllllllttHlinMMIMNMoNfHtfltff'HHHMHtlfintit- iiltlliiiliiiiiitliiiiiiinttlltHiiiiliiiiiiiHilitiiiiui(ition.lu..t,iJ(1 nt,.Y -j w j ' r'' 3 1