" l'AGH Five DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON1, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER If, 1015. TEN PAGES? BROTHER ELKS Dear Bill: You are expected to be at the Elk's building -at seven thirty o'clock Thursday evening:, De cetnbeithe twelfth, be cause the whole bunch will be there. The dif ferent committees are w6rking hard and you will certainly have the time of your life. I can't tell you exattly what is going to happen but some of the committee men say there will be a great big "feed," as the refreshment committee has contracted for fifty pounds of whale meat. If this does not arrive in time they may serve terrapin (ordinarily $1,50 per plate) but free to; you, Bill. All you have to have is a card, its colors are red, white and blue. This card you , can. obtain from the sec- rctary, Judge Fitz Ger ald. None of these cards will be mailed to mem bers, so either ' call on the Judge, phone him or come to the building be fore the meeting.lt will be a short session but the, entertainment com mittee is going to pro vide us with a musical program,' and the gen eral committee is going to look after your every want, not only for this time but fox, a number of nights in the near future. ,You are, an Elk and should be a hundred per cent one, ko "come out of it and "show up." A member of the booster committee men tioned a few who would be there. Doctor .Vin cent, probably to carve the whale; Mayor John Vaughan, to represent the city; Till Taylor, to see that it will be a Hoover lunch ; Bill Clarke is coming be cause Ed Murphy said he was going; R. Alex ander and Frank Fra zier are going to explain why the banquets in the old armory building were always a success; Carl Cooley, Fred Lampkin and W. D. Humphrey are so busy with committee work that they won't say any thing, but they'll be there sure. Leon Co hen, Harry Hexter, J. J. Hamley, G. I. LaDow, W 11. Morris, L. L. Rog-, ers, Norbourn Berkley Frank Saling, F. J. Quinlan, B. F. Trom bly, and F. E. Welch said "sure, me for the whale meat" and some, added, "what ele ln to law?" Hill Swltiler may 1 up from t'matilla with a ( floii trom tlio Columbia, whirl! . lic'll hnvc to dtvldo with Herb Thomfwon anil llio rent of the. Hound-l bunch." Hoy ltaloy lo goInK to tril m about tlio fu ture of the order, and Judge 1Iif1im will ho ro to verify 1,1m' statement an lie Is also a trustee. liity Hliodcs W whole moat, terrapin, crocked era!, camouflaged clams or whatever they have It will bo nerved rlRht. W. I Thompson wilt keep the bank hi case Treasurer Slnyhcrry needs funds to lmy more 'cat"." The boya on tlio commllloc want to know who started tho trouble; Sic Montr Mild llrako hail some thing to do with H; Irnko Mild tt wa ltes and tW "ays tie was forced to do It; -loo Tall ninn wax out of town and At Kocpix-n wild all lie knew aliout It wan what l,c heard. If you miss tins yon will rerct It ami there Is money lip that you will attend tho next two If you cowo to this one. Take the "tip" HI"- 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Thone 640 TEA OUR REGULAR PRICE Shasta Brand, 2 lb 25c ShastaUrand 1 lb 50c Gun Powder, Japan, English Breakfast, and Ceylon and India. ; , WHY PAY MORE? Macaroni and Spaghetti, 5 lb. box 55c Snyder's Catsup, pint bottle 25c Citrus Washing Powder 28c, 2 for 55c Canned Sliced Peaches and Apricots, No. 1 tins ...... 20c, 2 for 35c Fresh Shipment Mixed Cookies, lb., .... 35c Seeded Raisins, Package . ... . . ... . . .'. 15c Golden Rod Rolled Oats, package . . . ... 35c All of na ara talking abont aeiiMMfacy. Ttx ikildleni wboM name ara printed In Uila caaoalty Hot lieve mttered or diod tor It. j n Avlut4r Ixiivo lOiiKeni. , . reennnairance flight from Mather Tll'Q ;xi$tfl Ojc.f 1 lr3lylnff I Field. Sacramento, to Seattle, and re- encouragement that an -aerial mail , turn, T.ifiitenant A. V. Holland, army mute along the-Pacific coat, in wliifTi ( aviator, got away from Kugene this service thin city would be Included, i morning at 9:30 o'clock on the last will he ertuhliffhed an the result of hlM , lop of his flight' PUBLIC BAWCE ' - "IN - BIG DINING BOOM OF METIt HOTEL, RIETH, OREGON FRIDAY EVENING December 20, 1918 SAWYER'S ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome Dance Starts 9 P. M. ' ' Lunch Served Killed In Action. ' Prlvata Frank FrodHham,' ' nirrh field, Idaho. iTlvate Robert S. McCutcheon, Keardan, WaiihlnKton. f J'rlvaie C'harlen Jacob Moser, Portlund, Oregon. I'rtvate Jene 13. Collamere, Port land, Oregon. . I'rlvate Jacob Kerber, Stayton, Oregon. ITIvoto RobeK Implnen, Seattle, Wahlnftton. Woiindod, IKurroa l iMliTtcrnilned. Uugler Kmll c. Bedereren, Puyalliap Wanbington. Private Willie Chrlatennen, Port land, Oregon. I'rlvate Theodora Warren, Black foot, Idaho. Died of Disease. Lieutenant Lee - C. Walter, New. fierg, Oregon. Private Carl Florence, Creston, .Wawhlngton. I'rlvate Henry W- Peterson, Seattle, Washington. .I'rivate Theodore O. Sandburg, Stanwood, Washington. Private Earl A. House, Klraberly, fdaho. , Private Joseph J. Brlnkman, Ida ho Falls, Idaho. Private Condata Hatmaker, Fort Hall, Idaho. Private Peter T. Beckman, Ontario, Oregon. Private Andrew Bloomqulst, Seat tle, waablngton. Corporal John A. Johannsen, Seat tle, Washington. Private c. L- Schumacher, Moscow, Idaho. 1 Private Ktanley Karkinskl, Tacoma, Washington " i ..;? Private Francis M. Yost, Cushman, Oregon. Private Wellington Larabee, Ar lington, Washington.. Private Marvin L. Smith. Cottaee Grove, Oregn. Private William A. Tuttle, Jordan, Washington. Captain Harrison ft. Beecher, Ta coma, Washington. ' Sergeant John H. Hopp, Tumwater, Washington. Corporal John B. Stackhouse, Spo kane, Washington. Corporal Henry L. Stokes, Xorth Seattle, Washington. W'ountkil, llegree irndetermlned. Private Jarne' SImowwon, Seattle, Washington. Private John T. Turner, Clearbrook, Washington. Mixtilnj; In Action. Private Bernard Parkinson, Big Lake Washington. Private Newt 11. Riddle, Lynden. Washington. Private Melvin T. Fikstad, Thorn ton, Idaho. Private Marlon ' C. Hampton, Franklin, Idaho. Private John Lougee, ShaVon, Idaho. Private Cullia F. Wachtman, Taco ma, Washington. SliuliUy Wounded. Corporal Henry ilernsteln, Leland, Idaho. Sergeant Elmer Lewis. Seattle, Washington. Private Andrew P. Nyborg, St. An thony, Idaho. Joe Lewis Leases Ranch 'Near Helix (East Oregonian Special.) HELIX, L-ec. 11- Joe L?w:s hs 1 purchase-I iho farm equip-niL of H. M. Richmond, rorlh of town, a-.d nHI 'sl.crtly m-ivc. his family to '.iK iei'. ifritce. havm li-ased the place. James O -.'l;wold waa recommended !f--r first ll.Mitcnnnt before the message : of i-eace caie. ! Mr. and Ait. Edwin J. Saunders rne trtdxv for their lie iom near Eiet wash. ! ("has. Oinii! Is here from Conricn. Mrs. Emus I-wis Joneu, former ' Tiollx resid-n;. was burrled ut W.-ill.l J Walla Monlny. Death oc?jioJ at ! Yakima, at ihe home of her lU'jflitir, yitr.. -Ella L-wU. ' ' Mrs. L. E. J't nland of Pendleton, is 'v.-Sill htr s-it Hey, who is recoverlns , trcin Influenza.' " ; Nurse Jordon tftorned to pedietin 't'.Oay. Mrs. Lydla Ail.ee 1b home fvj'n a ten dr.y visit In Portland. Mrs. Harriet Pierce has re'mi:ed !frcm a few days visit with ner ilaugh, ter .Mrs. Julia Planum in Walla S'oi.a. Grant County WTould Join Baker Judicial District for Convenience CANYON CITY, Or., Dec, 11. Ac cording to reports here a move is on foot among lawyers and business men of Grant county to get a bill through the legislature when it meets, chang ing Grant county into the Baker county cireuit court district now with Harney and Malheur coun ties. The change would b more convenient because of the con nection by rail of Grant county with paker county, while travel over the mountain roads to Harney and Mal heur counlies Is very difficult in the winter months. 1 Santa Glaiis Suogests Sensifile Gifts I There is an increase in the demand for sensible, . useful gifts. Such gifts are hot devoid of sentiment for they combine good judgment and goodwill. 5 n 8 & WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS The ideal gift. We have an ex ceptionally large assortment from $2.50 up. In all styles and points. EVER SHARP PENCILS A complete stock ranging from composition silver at $1.00 to gold at $4.00. STATIONERY A beautiful assortment of Ea ton, Crane and Pikes stationery in special Christmas boxes. GREETING CARDS We carry the Gibson Art Lino of Greeting Cards. Prices 6c to 35c. PERFUME AND TOILET WATERS A very complete line of im ported and domestic perfumes in fancy packages 75c to $5.00. DOLLS We have hundreds of Dolls of all kinds. All American made and the best thatican be bought. KODAKS A complete assortment from the $2.00 Brownie to the higher priced models. LEATHER NOVELTIES . Photo Albums, Ladies' Purses, Game Sets, Bridge Sets, Card Cases, Pinochle Sets, Etc. r THERMOS BOTTLES All sizes and prices. ' v TRAYS We have a large assortment of serving trays from $2.00 to $5.00 NUT BOWLS 60c to $3.00 , Vases, Jardineres, Flower Bowls, etc., in weller ware and Japanese ware. FOR MEN ONLY Smoking stands, Smoking Trays, Safety Razors $1.00 to $8.50; Lather Brushes, Wrist Watches, Metal Mirrors, Fitall Cases, Military Brushes, Shaving Mirrors, Flash Lights, etc. J 0 s-1- : Xi U Lira i'i totmti W- x JferfW 1 hi; 1 Wrhen She Opens Your Christmas Package Will her heart give a bound of de liKht? " It's not so much the matter of the cost as of the skill In selection. You will find in our jewelry shop not only a better choice of thinsa that really appeal to tho feminine 'fancy, but things that make the bent show for the amount expended. Let us help you with our suggestions ROYAL M. SAWTELLE Jeweler , . Largest Diamond Dealer In Eastern Oregon. Halsey Melons Jfow Ripe. -HALSEY. Or., Dec. 11. Another of those surprises for which this section of Oregon is famous was perpetrated on George Maxwell, a Halsey farmer. this week, when he discovered in his garden a number of ripe. Juicy water melons. DAUB ROTHWKLii OvwwMrfat tad oiitfdaa Byes BdenttrleaJIy ' examined. . Olaaaea ground to fit. At the peace board Uncle Sam Is ex pected to furnish "the makln's." vxoerlcM National Bank Pendleton. all dins. DOCTOR GOULD HOT HELP HER But Lydia E-Pinkham's Vege table Compound Saved " Her from a Serious ' . Operation. DOROTHY DALTON ...."nia kTiisorj ShAdov Alta Today. rattlcmen Dislike lavs. ROSEBL'RO, Dec. 11. The Doug las County Cattlemen's Association in this city has appointed a committee to formulate a plan to Initiate the enforcement of the recently adopted stock law, which provides that no stock shall be allowed to run at large. A. C. Marsters was selected chairman and County Agriculturist C. J. Hurd. secretary. Soldier Wants to Study. UNIVERSITY OP OREGON', Eu gene. Dec. 11. Albert V- Benedict, an Oregon boy with the 25th riatoon. Company F, 66th Engineers, stationed somewhere in France, has applied for correspondence studies with the uni versity extension division. His appli cation is dated November 1. He pre sented for the course one year's credit at the Hermiston high school. Brooklyn. N. Y. " I suffefsd some thing dreadful from a displacement and two very bad aff tacks of inflamma tion. My doctor said be could do nothing more for me and I won Id have to go to the hospital for an o p e r at i o n, but Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Sanative Wash .-i have entirely cured ne oi my trouuies i. J and I an now in " good health. I am willing ycu should use my testimonial and hope to benefit Other suffering women by so doinir." Mrs. F. Platt. 9 Woodbine St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Operations upon women in our hos pitals are constantly on the increase, but before submitting to an operation for ailments peculiar to their sex every woman owes it to herself to eive that famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhams4regetable Compound, a trial. ,f complications exist write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mais., for advice. 0-" Iff TEACHERS' EXAMI- NATIONS Notice is hereby given that the -County Superintendent of Umatilla County, Oregon, will hold tho regular examination o applicants for State certificates at Court House, Pemije ton, as follows " r Commencing Wednesday, Dec IS, 1918, at 9:00 O'clock a. m.t and con tinuing until Saturday, Dec 1, 1913, at 4:00 o'clock p. in. ' Wednesday Fomioon IT. S. History, Writing (Penman-" ship), Music, Drawing. Wednesday Afternoon. 9 Physiology, Heading, Manual Train ing, Composition,' Domestic 'Selene, Methods in Reading, Course of Study" -for Diawing, Methods In Arithmetic. Thursday Irenoon e Arithmetic, History of Education, Psychology, Methods in Geography, -Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, ' Course of Study for Domestic Art. Thursday Afternoon Grammar, Geography, Stenography American Literature, Physics, Type- ' writing. Methods in Language, Thesis f' for Primary Certificate. Friday Forenoon Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography, Kntr lish Literature, Chemistry. Friday Afternoon. School Law, Geology,-Algebra, Ci- vil Government. Saturday Forenoon Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon General History, Bookkeeping. Very truly yours. W. W.GREEN, County School Supt. Suit'iilcs in Phono Hooth. PORTLAND. Dec. 11. Stepping into a telephone booth in the inter urban waiting; room at First and Alder streets yesterday afternoon. Frank W. Finch. 46. of 404 Kast Twelfth street north first tried to call a telephone number, then wrote a scribbled note and then shot himself In the temple with- a 22-caliber rifle that . he had carried wrapped In a newspaper. A few minutes later. Mis Nellie Johnson of Barton. Or., openeu the same booth to step in and saw Finch's huddled form leaning against : the side of the casing. 8 PYRALIN IVORY THE ALWAYS WELCOME GIFT, COMPLETE SETS $7.50 TO $12.50 Hair Brushes, H"air Receivers, Puff Boxes, Talcum Holders, Glove Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Picture frames, Trays, Cloth Brushes, Combs, Military Brushes, Bud" Vases, Buffers, Shoe Horns, Nail Files, etc. In fact if it is made in PYRALINIVORY WE HAVE IT. Thompsons' Drug Store ' Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention WANT ADS. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NEW TODAY ' FOR SA1.K Kidllt room house, j Must he moved from lot within 60 I days. Iminire Flakier Hook Store. . ITHK PArllN'n C1HC1.K will hold heir reKtilar meetltlir Thursday. Dc. 12. tSiunedi .Mas Friedley. clerk. l!y order of Ouardian Neighbor. I Attention. ! All brother Klks and vlsltinsr broth ers are expected to he at the Klks' bulldinK this evenine at 7:30. Hrlng your card (red. white and blue) 'which you can got from Judge Kill jerald. and have a good time. i TUJS CUMM1TTEIS, f OREGON n n1 lire fah grinds mm. Saturday, Dec: 1418 Beginning at 1 P. M. sharp, the following livestock will be sold without reserve on the usual terms. 200 BRED EWES IN SMALL BANDS 40 HEAD OF HOGS MOSTLY FEEDERS 15 HEAD OF GOOD JERSEY COWS IS HEAD OF HORSES AND MULES If you are thinking of having a sale let us figure with you. We take charge of your sale, do your ad vertising and help to arrange the things to be sold. Call, phone or write , FARMERS' EXCHANGE OF THE INLAND EMPIRE Heppner, Ore. F. A. McMenamin, Auct F. R. Brown, Clk. & Mgr. A MFMHEIt Pi pug ft tfS uuuilkHi H I