DAILY EAST OTCEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY? DECEMBER WIS. MsnanA ipefrnisessBj .. flfw V Notices, Business OpprtunitiesfLocais, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc. j Classified for Easy Reference. EIGHT PAGES 14 Centers Getting Soldier Education ' Underway Thru U. S. WASHINGTON, Deo. 9. Vocation, al re-education at government ex pense of wounded American soldier i. Is retting under way In 14 district ' embracing all sections of the country. A report today by the federal board ; having this work in charge showed on ,, November , a total of (584 cases In which such training would be needed, j 1 Of this number 4481 were brought to the attention of the board as eligible by the war risk Insurance bureau. More than 'one-half of these men have been allowed disability compen sations. "The bureau of war risk Insurance," tha-report says, "Is working harmoni- ously with the federal board In the endeavor to do the bent thing possi ble for the disabled men, and what It lightly conceives to be the Immedi ate offering of opportunity for special training, by which these men. de spite their handicaps, may be made efficient In some line of civil useful ness and given earning power." All expenses at the school to which they are assigned, together with trans portation and pay on a regular graded scale, are met by the government., .v Marysvllle France. . man now serving In ENTIRE COMPANY HAS IMPORTANT REASON TO LEAVE LIT MATCH, 8 INJURED, 2 BUILDINGS WRKfKEl) ' MATtYVILLK, Cal.. Dec. . Eight men were Injured, one seriously, and two brick buildings were' wrecked when, a Korean restaurant, keeper lit a match to (orate a gas leak. j Tony Johnson, a gas worker, who was repairing a leak In the cellar of the restaurant, may die of his Injur ies. Fd Reed, his assistant, sustained probable internal Injuries. The res taurant man and pedestrians were knocked down by the explosion and flying bricks. The property was owned by a VANCOUVER. Wash.. Dec. 9. -At a dinner, served to mem- bers of on of the spruce pro- ductlon dimlumT here a' sergeant announced .that If any of the men had any important reason wliv thev should be mustered I out at once they should report I to the orderly -nopm at 1 o'clock.' At the appointed hour the en- I tire company, to a man, re- sponded- All had special rea- sons why they should be mus- tered out immediately. TIME CAHD Wewton-Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton" at 7:41 a. m. and 12:45 p. . Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 1:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 1:10 a. m. and 1:10 p. m. Leaves , Pendleton Allen-Knight , Store) for Weston at 10 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. For Sale FOR 8ALK OR RENT Modern house and four lots with garage. 225 Jane St., Pendleton, Ore. 8. 8. Butler, 1113 Indiana Avenue, Spokane, Wash. FOR SALE' Good second hand sad dle for $16. M. B. Shrock, 125 Jane 8t. FOR SALK-T-One 76 Holt caterpillar, just rebored, with new crank shaft. see uienn jv. ncott, i-enuietun, ur Wanted For Rent WANTED Good, clean rags at Tha East Oregonian office. WANTED Sewing, phone 4S1-W. HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mall order promptly attended to. FARMERS and ..merchants' -of -all Umatilla county towns: We do out of town hauling or all kinds, such as potato or produce hauling, moving of household goods and other heavy trucking even between towns. Phone us at our expense. Penland Bros. Phone 239, Pendleton. , WANTED Lady to help with house work In small family. Phone 122 or Inquire Oregon Bakery. WANTED Modern 4 or 6 room un furnished house. Phone 787.T, WANTED 8 full blood Rhode Is. Red roosters, phone 8F12. WANTED Second hand pool Phone 307. table. WANTED Becond hand cash ter. Phone 222. regis- APT AND ROOMS ALTA AFTS. FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 101 CUT. FOR RENT SLEEPING room, SO Willow. Phone 482R. DOWNSTAIRS Apartment. 401 Aura, WHEAT RANCH for lent, f miles from town. Address Box 9S. Pen dleton, Ore. I Attorneys D. W. BAILEY, Attorney at Law, Rooms 7, S, , Despaln Building. GEORGE W. COUTT8. Attorney at Law, Room 17. Schmidt block. CARTER 8MTTHE. Attorney at Law. Office In rear ef American National Bank Building. Legals FEE A FEE1, Attorneys at Law. Of fices In Despaln Building. FURNISHED APARTMENTS In. 777 Thompson. close FOR RENT On Locust Hill, modern house. Inquire Ralph. Folsom. Notices HOG FEED Blydensteln Co., 1300 W. Alta.' Phftne 351. ' Also poultry and other feed. FOR SALE Full cabinet sewing ma chine in good condition, 315. 220 E. Court St. FOR SALE Shetland ponies. All kinds and colors. Oilman Folsom. Penldeton, Oregon. HISTORY OF TIIK WOULD WAR Hy Francis A March, brother of General Peyton C. March. Com plete 800 paces illustrated of fl rinl photographs. Your chance to make $500 per month. Freight pnld. credit given. Outfit free. Victory Publixhlng Company, 431 S. Dearborn, Chicago. Thrifty Hardware, Liimhor and Im plement Business for Sulo, Eastern Ore.. No competition. Best locution in state. Healthy, . mild cli mate. 3-4lhs wheat country, i Balance diversified. Watts and Rogers, Wes ton. Ore.. Umatilla Co. , ., KnUclilM of Columbus, Attention. Important meeting Tuesday. De cember 10th. Full attendance de sired. JOSEPH P. MURPHY, Sec. For Sale FOR SALE liulck 4. 1918 model, good condition. Phone 636W. In FOR BALE Or will trade for auto mobile, lot on, north side. Phone 203. FOR SALE 60 young ; dress Tom Boylen, Jr., shoots. Ad. Echo, Ore. FOR SALB 180 acres lumber land, million and a half saw lumber, $1000.- Peter Kriaer. 107 Garfield fit. WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. Slate cash price, full description. D. F. Bu&h, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED Pasture for five hea horses. Address Andy Barnett, Weston, Ore. AN EXXPER7ENCED, man wants work by Phone 212J. capable til ths hour. WANTED Small house with barn lot. Phone 246J after 5 o'clock. WANTED Modern furnished opts or small furnished house. - Inquire "T" this office. Nice sleeping rooms, 723 Aura. ROOM and beard. Phone 482R. FOR RENT Furnished Water. Apt. 02 R. L KEATOR. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith -Crawford Building. 8. A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel lor at law. Office In Despaln Bldg. S A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Smith-Crawford Building. Auctioneers COL. W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer, makes a specialty of farmers stock and machinery sales. "The man that gets you the money." Leave order at East Oregonian Office. PETERSON A BISHOP. Attorneys at Law. Rooms 2 and 4, smltav Crawford Building. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law, Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. Draymen RALEY AND RALEY, Attorney at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. FOR SALE 1 team young mares, wt. about 2000, 4 and r. years old; also two weaned cnlts. Bargain If taken at once. Address B. W. Smith, Her- miston. WANTED Experienced girl for gen eral housework. Inquire tT20 Cos bie or phone 210 J. Farm Implements FOR KALR Fine home In Weston. 6-room house, barn and other out buildings, 4 acre's of finest garden land. This is a snap. Must be seen to be appreciated. Better hurry. For particulars, address Box 83, Weston. Oregon. THE "NON-SKIP" WEEDER gets all the weeds the first time or r the field. Saves one-third the time ana does lots better work. Ordor now. Pendleton Weeder Works, 631 Cotton-; wood stre FOR SALE I have city property for sate from $1600 and up. Also farm lands end farm leases. W. H. Mor rison, 112 East Court street. Phone 1003. MESSENGER SERVICE. RELIABLE MESSENGER and deliv ery service. -Phone 321, Lester's. Business Oppoortunlty. Wanted, representaives to Introduce a new substitute for coal and wood. A guaranteed orticle of merit. Every home a prospect. Demonstration every day this week. 811 Main St. CALL PENLAND BROS." VAN TO move your household goods. Tele- Phone 839. Also baggage transfer ring and heavy hauling. Second-Hand Dealers, V. STROBLB. dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapen place to buy household goods. 210- E. Court.' Phone 271W. ' - The want ads can help you to find a tenant who never defaults In the rent. Architect Found RAYMOND W. HATCH, ARCHI tect. Phone 732J, Pendelton. Ore- gon. I - For a time. It is expected, the peace dove will be as voluble as a parrot. FRED E. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bldg. NOTICE OF STREET ASSE8SMEXT INSTALLMENT PIUVILHUKH. Notice Is hereby given that tha Common Council of the City of Pen dleton, on November 20th. did make an assessment for the Improvement of Garfield street to the south line of Jackson street to the north line of Raley street. In the City of Pendleton, and did assess the contract price for making said Improvement against the lot, part of lots and parcels of land, especially benefited thereby. All persons affecied by aueh Improve ment and assessment desiring: t take advantage of the provision of Chap ter 6 of Title 26 of Lord' Oregon Laws providing that such assessment may be paid In ten annual install ments are hereby notified that appli cation so to do must be made to the Cfcty Recorder as In such Chapter pro vided within ten days from tne cam of this notice. Forms for such appli cation may be secured from th of fice ol the City Recorder. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, . thl th day of December, 1918. THOS. FITZ GERALD. t City Recorder. Miscellaneous WOULD LIKE to make the acquaint ance of some lady who. Is looking for a husband and home- i W. A. Townsend Pell, Csy Rooming Honse. A CHOICE modern 7 or room house,- hot water heat, hard wood floors, shower bath, French door, sleeping porch and cement garage In terrace, in Laurelhurst. Portland, worth $8600. Also Quite modern t room cottage In another part of Port land for $2500. Another In another pari of same city for $2000. All for sale.. Write F. D. Watts, Weston, Ore. FOUND Child's fur neckpiece. Own-j Yonr ad should be there when the er may get same by calling at of- I servant YOU OUGHT TO HAVE looks flee and paying for this notice. at the "Help vants." SEE FREiE) demonstration. " New sub stitute (or coal and wood 811 Main Street. Your ad should be In evidence when the man with a job to offer looks at the "wants." NOTICE OF STREET ASSEBMWfc.NT INSTALLMENT FRIVILBfcKrJ. Notice Is hereby given " that tha Common Council of th City of Pen dleton, on November 29, 118, did make an assessment for the Improve ment of Pine street from tUe i south line of Webb street to the east lino of Railroad street. In the City of Pendle ton, and did asses the contract price for making said Improvement against the lots, parts of lots and parcel at tend, especially benefited thereby. All persons affected by such Improvement and assessment desiring to take ad vantage of the provision of Chapter S of Title 2 of Lord's Oregon Laws providing that such assessment may be. paid in ten annual installment are hereby notified that, application to do must be made to tha City Re corder as in such Chapter provided within ten days from the date of this notice. Forms for such application may be secured from the office of tha City Recorder. Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, this (th day of December, 1918. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash tha poison and toxlna from system before putting more food Into stomach. " Say Intlde-bathing make any one look and feal clean, . , sweet and refreshed. Wnsh yourself on the Inside before 4renkfat like you do on the outside. This Is vastly more Important because' the skin pores do not absorb Impuri ties Into the blood, causing Illness, while the powel pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the stomach, nearly an ounce of wanle material must be car ried out of the body. If this waste material Is not eliminated day by day It (iiilrkly ferment and generates Poisons, gases and toxins which are absorbed or sucked Into the blood stream, through the lymph ducts which should snrk only nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid health measure Is to. drink before breakfast each day, a Pluss of real hot water with a tea spoonful Of llmentone phosphate in it. which Is a harmless way ' to wash these poison, gases and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow Vis: thus cleansing, sweetening and Ireshenlng the entire alimentary ca ial before putting more food Into the stomach. , ' A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs but very little at the drug store but I sufficient to make any. one an enthusiast on Inside bathing. Men and women who are accustomed to woke up with a dull, aching head or have furred tongue, -bad taste, nas ty breath, sallow complexion, others who have bilious attacks, acid stom ach or constipation aro assured of pronounced Improvement in both health and appearance fhortty. KAISER'S SON TO SUTPORT EBERT BERLIN, Dec. 7. Prince Adelbert, son of the former Kaiser, telegraphed today from Kiel that he will support Chancellor Ern-rt's government. WHEN A FAMILY NEEDSJ' FRIEND tn th Absence of Doctors Nobly Gone to War. After Influenza, th Grip, Those womleWally Uatf.il "medicines, JIooiI'h Sursapiirilla, l'eptiron nntl Hood's l'ills com prist iir the new combination family treatment are warmly recommended. If taken regularly, Hood's Snrsn parilla before nienls, l'eptiron after meals, and Hood's Pills at nipht as needed, I bey ore reasonably sure to keep a family in bcnllh end prove to be reliable and always ready friends. They purify the blood, build up strength nnl reifulate the system. (let all. or anv one, as yoti think Cattle Market is ! Up 25 to 50 Cents; Hogs, Sheep Steady l ' . :. t. PORTLAND, Dec. 10.-Under the management of L. R. Mcee, the an nual, Pacific k International ". Llvestoc show opened better than anyone had expected Monday morning. The show will continue during the ; week. With the holding of the livestock shows less sttentlon wss given to the general market thnn under normal conditions, because many of the reg ular' buyers are holding back their pitsehases until the auctions ' begin Tuesday, When they will make their selections of show stuff for the holi day trude. f Rather liberal run" of hogs put In appearance st North Portland over Sunday, a total supply of 3892 head being shown compared with a nom inal showing of 630 head a year ago. In the swine trade at the opening oi General steadiness was Indicated In the swine trade at the opening of the show week, with former values con tinued. A year ago top hogs were quoted at $16; two years ago. $9.6 5 Hp 9.75. General hog range: Prime mixed $l.75f 17.00 Medium "mixed 1 (i.snw 1S.75 Rough heavies 14.75 iff 16.0n IMBS 14.00 fi 15. OA Hulk 1"5 (fettle Price Arc HUcIier. Cattle prices were advanced 25 to S0c generally at the opening -of the week's trad at North Portland. There was an unexpected light run of stock In this division over Sunday. tot. supply being 1 275' head, compared with 1615 head Inst Monday. A vear ago top steers sold In the North Portland yards at $.0. while two years ago they touched $7.50. A very large per cent of the day's offerings consisted of prime stuff JuHt what killers wanted. General cattle range: Prime steers Good to choice steers . . Medium to good steers.. Fair to medium steers.. Common to fair steers.. Choice cows and heifers Medium to good cows and heifers Fair to medium cows and heifers Cannera Bulls Calves Stockers and feeders . ' Mutton Market HnMiiur. Rather fair showing of stuff was shown in the mutton alleys at North Portland for the week and show opening. Total run was 14RS head. compared with 73S head lost Monday morning, and only a ltandful a year ago. Trend of the sheep trade continues firm at former prices. A vear ago top lamhs were listed In the North Portland yards at 13.50; two years ago. $9.60. General sheep and lamb range: Prime lamhs $1 1.50 i) 12.75 Stockers and feeders ... 6.00W goo Folr to medium lambs.. R.50ifP1060 Tearllngs ln.Ofli 11.00 Wethers 9.00 W 10.00 LONDON, Dec. 7. Members of the house of commons stand self-ac cused, and women sfe beginning to understand why there was so much j'vu peed, from your dniist toiav opposition pa tue guestlun u( their . $11. ROW 12.00 . in.50KHi.5fl a.6Af in.sn 8.n0(fi) 9.00 . R.r.nira 7.rn 7.75fi)8.00 6.00? 7.00 B.OOltil S.OOfl) S.Oflifi) 9.00W12.00 fi.OIKf 9.00 COO 4.00 7.0i. WOMEN TO UPSET OLD CUSTOMS IN COMMONS HOUSE '.Mng allowed to sit In parliament. "The house of commons is not a fit and proper place for respectable women to sit In," said Sir Medworth Meux, making a speech in regard to the proposal. "I oppose this resolu tion," he continued, "not because 1 do not love the female box, but be cause I adore women. . But Is It a proper thing for women to be sitting here until 1 lo"cloek at night?. When we sit until 2 and 3 In the morning the historic cry of "Who goes home?' will become "Who will take me home? " In future the big Strangers' Gal lery will be open to women as well ss men, but the Ladles' Gallery will still continue to be restricted to the escluslve use of women, so that what ever of privileged sex position still remains In parliament will bo to the advantage of the gentler sex. Thus are the tables turned. Many amusing queries are being put to perplexed politicians. The con centrated wisdom of a thousand years had made rules, and the rules havo been for men only. One thing that the hat. A rule In this connection is If all the formalities and rules are t0 JJolIand Can IltipOrt that If a member wishes to adress the be swept away in a tempestuous whirl I , , . oomsnf house ha must remain "uncovered." of netticosts? The honorable male I vaOOflS UY Affreenteni Male members now have visions of member don't know but the worn- J. Recently Concluded : Liie new wumiui iiicmvci biuuji.b " 1 1 ueums ijuu. lub uiue iiiun avm to remove her latest Paris creation, eviil be spent. in making common- Of necessity she must have a mirror sense laws for the good of mankind, to arrange her disheveled locks. An- ... . other point of etiquette decrees that WASHINGTON, Dec- 9. Conclusion of a trade "arrangement" between when arising to speak In debate the U. S. Marine Visits, WaS ' 1 Holland and the associated govern n.cmber must be "covered." Will she Vnrlrl W Rhronnd""'- whby. Jtand wll f ft io import commouiuen uhuw .. censes is announced by the war trade board., f - : Stipulation is made that only Dutch In her hurry grab the hat off the head of the nearest victim so as to ' ; , t. In order? This hat problem be- - comes more and more complicated as Henry Loyal, a young man spearing matters proceed. When a member Is the uniform of the marines, visited in referred to In a speech by another Pendleton yesterday, is just home for member especially In the case of a a furlough having- been returned but compliment from a minister and the a short time from France wehe he male members gloomily foresee that spent three months on fighting front women will get the lion's share of with his regiment,- and was severely these) he acknowledges It by rals- wounded in the side by shrapnel. His Ing his hat. By the time the female parents reside at Freewater and he is member has finished wrestling with visiting them for a time half a dozen hatpins the minister will At the time Loyal was wounded his be through with his compliment end two comrades on the machine gun on the next subject for debate. tnC-v were working were killed, and in similar Tne mixup ne naa me satisfaction or ThM, awiA manv either nr.hl,.m's ore vexlnir political etlauet. bayoneting one of the German at- becomes a problem I the etiquette of j What Is going to happn in parliament tacking them. PUT CREAM IN NOSE . AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Clogged No trils and End Head-Cold. . You feel fine in a lew momenta. Your cold In head or catarrh will' ba goae- Your clogged nostrils will open. The air passages of your head lll clear and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking. Snuffling, mucous discharges or dry- no struggling ror . roewn shiDs may be used: that all shipments h. Mndirn.!! tn the Netherlands ! night. . .-' !t n.me Trust a.nd that ; exporters ! Tell your druggist you want a small must obtain from prospective import-, bottle of Ely's Cream Balm,. .Apply a ers advice that an Import certificate j little of this iragrant. aiutsepiia has been Issued by the Netherlands cream In your nostrils, let It penetrata DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Wilbur relates some of his e xperiences.J trust to cover the proposed consign ment. There was no Information as to what commodities Holland may ob tain. It is announced she will be per mitted foodstuffs and manufactured products and raw materials not on the restricted exports list. It was understood that the present arrangement is in the nature of a con inn tn the Netherlands eavern- By Allman ment rather than a trade agreement through every alr passage of tha head; soothe and heal the swooten. Inflamed mucous membrane, and re lief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs. Don't - a41' sluffed-up and miserable. BRITISH WARSHIP MINED. LONDON. Den. 7. Tbo Urltfadt warship Cassandra ka been mined la such as was negotiated by other tike Baltic, the admiralty today I. tm WHILE I WM'T SEE AHH EBVICE IM V-m SPERMM AMD MAKROW BSCAPeS- Pro 1M" MAW0 PAr- VJB WAD BEE4 "VtO The PAS BEFORE THAT SOME VECM DALkSEPtilXS SPIES UAI TVEEt OPVERAtlMfi IM THAT VlcWm- I MAO xH Been AT MS PosT A&oUT TWB1TS MM4UTEA tiBJ 1 1&OU6H1: I ucion some oe wnurt"- WEMTAU1 m4 K I S 1 11 rf m m ia.t i 3 m i i gr-A o-e OCUKK WHeH I WAS II 1 v" "-"Tl sSiJ .Js m -7j 1 closer- c r;i , : ' . ,' I , ': : ' ' i r . I AMD J0SVTME1- ' tr rTM?SM WHTOE DID I ,7J mi LEAVE CC- OH.VEi.l SToP ClOTT ' 1 ' IZ! ' : northern European neutrals with the associated governments. Until now all efforts of Holland to tobtain needed commodities from Am erica except 50.000 tons of grain ent after the United States took over Dutch shipping in this country, have failed. Officials said this was due to the fact that' because of pressure brought by Germany the Netherlands government was unable to give the ne cessary guarantees. Much of Holland's ocean tonnage, said to have been tied up in Dutch ports because of the submarine me nace, now will be released for over seas trade. 9 EXPLOSION NEARLY BLOTS OUT HARBOR nonnced. NORMAL TIME OF ! SUNRISE, SUNSET i Hunting Is prohibited by the. federal migratory bird treaty between sunset and one-faau?; hour before sunrise. Below to: the ncrmal tlmo of sunrise and' set en the hunting ground of Utontilla county, tor th month, of 1'tcember: Sunrise, LONDON, Dec 7. The latest in- ! teresting war-time happening now ' released for publication Is V story of ; how Dover narrowly . missed . being j blotted out Just prior to the last Bel- : gian offensive. The harbor was crowded with war vessels of all descriptions, including ; four monitors, about to start out f or , the Belgian coast to co-operate with Suddenly an ex- 10 7:27 11 7:28 12 7:2 11 7:30 It 7:31 15 7:32 1 7:2 17 7:13 18 T: i 7:34 20 7 34 21 7:35 22 7:3 23 7:3 24' 7:34 2 7:37 2i 7 38 27 7:38 28 7:S8 29 7:38 30 ,7:38 Jl - 7:38 Sunset ' 4:11; 4:11, 4:11. 4:11, 4:U 4:11, 4:11 . 4:1. - 4:13 - 4:12 4.13 4:l 4:14 4:14 4:16. 4:14 4:1 4:17, 4:1.. 4 :1. " 4:1 : 4:10 tne tana qiiBiic. . -- I plosion shook the town and soon It iwas discovered that the monitor Idatten was ablsse in the harbor. It ' - .to ton that Admiral Keves boarded i (the Glatten, and realising th catas- I trophe both to the city and to thai 'other warships In the harbor that ! I would result if the Glatten's maga ; tines exploded, ordered air raid sirens .to be blown to clear the streets Or ders were also given to sink the Glat ten. The destroyer Broke succeeded ;in hitting her with three torpedoes In ja part away from her magasines, thus I sinking her and saving Dover. LEAGUE OF NATIONS IDEAS VALUABLE TO FUTURE CIVILIZATION DULL, SPLITTING,- SICK HEADACHE I .ON DON, Dec. 7. The league of nations is one of the most Important matters to be considered at the peace Conference. . Foreign Secretary. I'al 'four today declared In an interview. Ille said the prominence President Wil ison has given the subject hits been luble contribution to future lUxation,"' I son ha "a vali IclvUUa Dr. Jim ex' Boadacb Fowdert i liert at once 10 wcti a , Too take a Dr. James' ITeadach Powder and in just a few moment our head clear and all nsursigia sod distress vsninhee. It's the qukksst and sursst relief for headache, whetaer dull, throbbiag, splitueg or erve neaing. Send owieoa t th drug ton asd gt a dime package new. Quit suffering it's so aeedloM. B sun y get Dr. Jsmas' Hssdaea Powders -tlura Uwr Wilj bf Ba diaaM lojil.tm.a4