East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 10, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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fact; six
-.w'isSSaW? .
Net Contents fiFlmrt PraehTU nf
li! . ! Uii u
Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Chambers re-'man of the refuses garments. Rives monthly meeting of the Ladle Aid
turned InM nlKM from Kentucky, the fnllowinK names in attendance Society of the . Presbyterian i-hureh
lwr Mr. Chiimberfi attended art IN ; yesterday: Mrs. A. It. fox ,Mrs. I., wil be held in the church par
lety achool at Camp Zachary Taylor. ' H. llcParland, Mrs. Walter I'lanting, H feature of the affall will be
-.Miss J. Hlnderman, Mrs. . J. Stock- eel post" salA All sorts and shapes
Kill Kare Klnb members are an. ; man- Mrs- Ma"y I' Stockman, Mrs. j are the packages which appear and
tlciptlns the first number of their i Me,nry '-rI. Mrs- E. Rude. Mrs. their values are either ten or twenty
1S1S-1S aeries of dances, which is to I sn"i Jenkins. Mrs. o. H. Mowry. Mrs.lfjv'D cents. The feature has been a
be held Thtirwlso- evening In Kusle- 1 "arV t- Boyden. Mrs. l. B- Waffla. I source of 'interest and pleasure before
MaPy E
Woodman hall The nlub h enioved : ana Mrs- E. Mortimore.
aeveral seasons kuvc Hat .formation! ' 1 ,1 j
:nd although delayed this year by the j Ml , i...,,.,,,....,, ,, ,,,- ;
Kva Gene Sturdivant are quests at,
the home of Mrs. Sturdivant' mother.
Mrs. Kva Wissler. They arrived San- i
-day from their home In 1-ti Grande
'' " v land are, tir remain until after the!
The garment WaklYig departmoHt cf holidays. . A" " ' ' ' Mr?' J, f"."Wooflworth Is enjoying a
Ufom has established an i " I visit from "her Viiftthej, Mrs. ft. j J.
Mrs. Ida Fowler, ehalr-j Tomorrow- mornlnff a regular i Thomas, of Guthrie, oklahonnt and
tempurn ry . cessation of festlvitiea, it
Is organized with, a : membership of !
about fifty ouplei wh will particl-;
pata is : the year's program.
ha Red
honor roll
and Is a unlone ttttructiun Tor a pre-
holldpy meeting. ...
Hostesses for tomorrow are ' Mrs.
Mary Boyden, Mrs. llurtne'tt,. airs.
lHiuslaa Helta, Mrs IS'axii,, Mrs, Mac
Masters, Mrs. William ll-dwardif, and
Mrs. Amos McCarty.
II- i
sic for
poi just corn flakes
if you care for a morQ
excellerii flavor and
ihehappu satisfaction
ox a real meal .
:L - Ifli' i
L - 4 1 - '1 -
Gift PAm Easily Solved Here
f I
K V ;
- ;n i 17V ?
A Necklace, a 'Ring-, Dia-;i
mond, Gold Watch, Jewel- .
ry; or Silverware.
May we help you solve the problem and put you in the
way of doing your Christmas shopping -with pleasure, sat
isfaction and economy. We take the liberty of making
a suggestion regarding the best place to do your shopping
and earnestly urge you to do it here and AT ONCE. Come
early while the pick is the choicest, avoid the crowd ami
make your selections at leisure and in comfort, from u
full and complete assortment.
Our stork is known to comprise high-class jewelry and
our prices are less than those found in the majority of
high-grade stores.
J'IIUST C'I,.VS.S KXt.ll.WI.Vf;.
iamond Necklace i;.oo to 7.".(M
Jiaiuond and Jerl Jungs S to $h
sio.mi to -imt
M.-..00 to 1 11(1
$1.50 to Sl.f
l.5o to :t.vo
XI. m to sio.oo
xhi.oo to moo
14.110 to l."0
aio.oo to ho
S'l.nu ut i.ii
..... si .IHI t sr. H
. . . . . i."rt to I3.IM)
".MI tO IO
4I.OM to mii.ini
iamonil Hnaxhtf4
Diamond and Irmcruld Kings
Han kie Tray
A'wiit y.Cast.'s i . .
I'aitioo liinfts anil liroiH'liei .........
DiamoiH) PeBdants ,
Hruolct Watches
14amof1 and Solitaire llingH.
. llratJa . ;
Silier Belts
Tu rwn
r Link ItuttoiDt .
t ain.H , . .
jri, ,. j i..r,o to kis.oa
Watchcn I..V to l."ll
Toilet ln-ts .oo to S".vtm
I inlw-i-llas ; 2..-0 lit :t5.lHt
Scarf lrw J.V to .V.oo
l'ari"ian vr' Sets , 3.."i4 ( I.IH
'( VI.KI.Vti Mil DIMS T( IM,V.S Al.l.
lie Sure ami See TImiii lirforc Imylns.
Wm. Hanscom, THE Jeveler
'-Vs. t
r ' i . .
i! AVectablcfrcpafMioBWfAs
o theSiomailrt imiu Bowls r
f1 neither Opiam.Me"f
I Mineral. NotNabgot10
I Mi!""""
1 i rtr.lfiernetlvfbr
I and Fever
( lHxCnn'.C0MP! .1
! NEW ""J;
For InfawtB and Chlldron.
Mothers Knov, That
Genuine Castoria
Bears th
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
IV i r it
f 1 UOD
For Over
i ft ii Vnniri
I mil iy luai a
her sister, Mrs. Sam White of Wichi
ta, Kansas, twho arrived this morning.
Mra. u nite will be nere ior a ; w
days while Mre. Thomus muy rernuin
for several weeks.
jrra. Karl Killanders ha returned
t.i her home at 812 West Attn Street,
after a tw6 months' absence In I'ort-
!iuid. Mrs. Oillunders arrived Sun
day evenlhpr and friends are rejolclnu
in- the fact that her health has heen
much improved by medical treatment-
Thursday Afternoon club meetinprs
are to be resumed this week, when
Mrs. Koy. T. Hishop will, day after
morrow, be hostess for the first ses
sion since the lifting of the influenza
ban and theilrst of the wear at which
the 1918-19 president, Mrs. T. M.
Hendfifrsort, who has retnrned from
a' summer iir 'Alberta, will proside..
The business ntetini? is to be called
promrtly at '"9 o'clock at Mrs. Bishop's
home, 1101 Raley street. 1 - : -
I'AI'l-rs 1IIK-S1V AT t'IC
, Your meals hit back? Your stom
uch is sonr, ueid, gassy and you feel
bloated after eating or you have
heavy lumps f indigestion pain or
headache, but never mind. Here Is
instant relief.
a4.; -!' U
Pus m
,- J -,-.n . -
v !
tnry :wA'
C. R. Ijtele 5s hene today from Echo.
Robert-. Porter is. in the city today
from Spokaiei -f4 , j.: j- , .
Tom -OeddpR. i. here . (pit. business
from La, OivtnUe. ; .
Charles,-. -F. pro.m;. of Ckiah is in
Pendleton odfay., , ,
, Mr. and, Mrs. fi. iF. M!iKsles-worth
of JieppruT a-ctat llocl jVudletpn.
J. C. . Henry is. a Pendleton visitor
from Walla Wilja, today. . ...
Mr. and Mrs. Hay Hinkle of." Pilot
Uock are In the-city, today. ,. ,
Joe M,. JudHJns is in the city from
Krupji, Washington.
M. 1. Whitford lft yesterday for
for his home in Hernilston.
Mrs. Chester Martin and baby left
yesterday for Portland.
F. K. Stillwell is here today from
La Grande.
Bob Alexander. Hermiston, is a bus
iness visitor in the city stopping at
the Hotel St. fJeorse.
Charlie Grant is in the city from
Condon a guest at the Hotel St.
F. L. Pallard, assistant state leader
of county agents, left this morning
for Baker and Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs Car Krnest . ltuppe
are receiving congratulations upon
tha arrival of i son, born on Novem
ber -7. Portland Grogonian. v.
H. K. Dean, superintendent rjf the
experiment stat ion .at Hsrmiston wha
a visitor in the city Saturday and Sun
day. ' . j
Mr and Mrs. Will H. Bennett are
spending a few days in; Portland, hav-
R!g motored down th latter part of
the week. Sule'mCapital Journal.
C- I Koithlcy. Heppner, is In the
citv today, stopping at the lintel St.
Wm. J. Mariner is In Pendleton to
day on business, registered from
Frank I?. Jones, a former Pendleton
resident, arrived here Saturday eve
ning from San Francisco for a short
Mstt, Mr. Jones is now. traveling for
KloeHser-lIeyneinann Co., manufactur
ers of shirts and overalls.
Don't stay upset! Kat a tablet of
Pape's Diapepstn and immediately the
indigestion, gases, acidity and . all
stomac hditftress ends.
. Pape's Diapepsin tablets i are the
surest quickcHt stomach relievers In
the wor'd- They cost very little at
drug stores, , ...
southern Climate wears otf. Extract?
from the letter follow:
"The Round-Up papers didn't come,
so failed to see anything about the
''We. Jmt had fire drill, and thn
ine:i!i - i vone out of tha barracks
"r tne dcuble.
' I have a day off while the tut
j-'e'.i InK ? me repairs so hiuk I vlH
tnlio a stroll, this afternoon. It n th.
3'in.o old x-and-seven-go to iho ,V.
It then to the club an-1 thon c-'n.e
back lo tho station. It is tine
totiilt t.f&y since I f Ian led
l;tie fer tho new has worr. 'fr
fi . ' c'r-n't see any thin? interest ;
in eon imulti and 1)ananaff ,TtiwIntc on j
palm ti--os V parots ' ftnd mrtkiyj
' t ryvlierc-! look, any mo j. A few
ar-pMvlM u?. with -f(gs a id chltirr j
round ihtr.t would. pok uivsr to mo
Jl prrjcr.t. Apples, are ontj Wurth 10
a'l !. c?t ts down here so o t-a two
a wcef is all T can allow myself. - If
n.ithing haitpPTirt I will give them a
ri:n for the money year from now.
Morvri;i ii. ic- aiittixfky
Card of TliankH.
To show our appreciation, the fam
ily of the late Mrs. J. H. Hugh sin-
cere'y thank all friends and reiiow
workers for tho
their sincere symj
WAS1HXGTOV, Icc. . Tlio use
of mounted railway artillery, as a
(utplemcnt to existing -oust defenses
I rcKitrimetklcd hy C-cneral k. chlrl
f -ont artllh'ry.
( Gift
Give Good Gifts
And buy them for less. Pay cash and get more
at this Big Sample Store.
TriiroliiiK llanw of roomy ccmstruc-tlcm anil n-flm-d "''I'0'"'"';
,.rl-Uat . " I ?
SultCuMti of fibre or Icallirr rlccd at fi.Hi to iMJ.i
Wonit-H-a 8boi; thi-rc'a no gll? wour so flue as a pair of otir
Slyh-li Smart Sboi-s.
Wonitm s'Tun or mown Hlwtn with clotli tons, Lonlx or milllury
Ikh-Is, prk-ci at ow ' 'V'5
AVoiiuii h I'im. KIhm-h III fombliitttlou of tolor.s alo Mark,
rr l.. Im-Ih. rlmlnl . . . f " 7 "w
Wtmwt't I'VU silorH, ; 27 dirrvrvut .(:!!. v colors cIkkino
from. pilvd at 9l.'ii I" !.
Men's t SIiim-m, iirkTd at '. , . ., S.2.1 ti ..'l)
Men's Work Nhov '. ...,.,.... '""
aii-n'a ami Bo.vn". MacMnuws 1..... o IIMU
We ai haw a lnrs llm of M111 n and WmrtW' Aalo uunl
Ift gloves wb wool or for HiiIiis, prioti t . to .IM.
745 Main St
32 Sample Stores.
Bo miro ami buy jour full plnl-i
of War SaniiiK Miinipn. .
TlM'n. with Jour Mlipliia fiiuils, run
Nlilfr dfumoriTlH.
In 16 X4'ars tlnr have lrcl.lt d In
a0. .... MlKt) m,e
liK'rraKMl ;io p-r n ni mi cuMmMc
record wliU li few M'euritiiK eon tiiuil.
llanioiiUn forui an
n lileh never ileprex'hites).
Thej- eonlofly jk-ll a dlvlik iul
pleusurc aud evi-r-liicrcanlng value.
i i'"itMJW CMilulii elmste m-(IIiius
for.nonwil laililer iloiimiiitiN for
'ineii Solitaire uikI eliisirr.
- "!l .
... .May we not sbow them lo ou?
i - wvl w;w rr- r
- ' "Ijirnest IHmnoiiil leuler In i:aHru 1 VV" $
M -; or,-KH" M
m . mi
.X J l!
llafrrrinTTrr" , ,, ., , - . ..
The Wonder Coal Oil Gas Burner is being
demonstrated at the Bowman Hotel Building.
A wood and coal saver. Any one interested
should come and see, and especially the ladies.
Can be installed in any range . cook stove or
heater. ' ' " " '
ra,yOfter.S8 an, g UggCStlOIl S g
j. h. Hugh. m 5 5,
m A pleasure to Rive a Joy ti d w n-t
H .. . I B receive are theHO OBeful and A i A -&.
II 'I'm men an fHT1Bn ' ww
' X;ii 'iSSS. d WIIITMAV C AXIHK8 4 4
, New of Loeal Bojn la the Ser- A
Tl; Informntlnd for I'bla le- J(
partiuent Will be Appreciated. j
nso.M i T.
East Court
Picture Framing
Phone 318 0
t'.VVM, 7.M'
t'harlc Mortin, 1 vndlpton
'i- I'. S. N. ir-tri.l Flation at
i" ti.t.;il. Cnn:l 'nil' . In a l-tt.- :j
iii. fi.-ii-i-. .J;ii t.v M.r(ifii. .".12 K
1 tnfii i ail Mrt. illd if I r- In -lie
irj pics . Ijnl hU I'ni.ina for an ' n e
t"B rlv grows 9 th new of th
B 1 S
5 5
And lot of other articles to B ' j
fciHllen the hearta of ail. rf ' B
f.EATIIKlt ,iKf)s
shavixg 8irrs
SAPirrv itA.tHts
I Tallman & Co.i
. lieodlna; Ilrugsbtta, -
All Hie lalot moulilH, to sour order, properly made mil
at reaHouable prices
. AT
''' Titri dtw iii.Lt Aai.it PAivfEns
Sole Agenta for the Old ftcliable
Western Made for WeBlern .Trado