' PAGE ITVH EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OftEGOMAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER-9, 1018. ...m.nM ..! mi.. I. tl-liitlid'H'lH('? iimimiroiiiimHiiiiiiiHiiMMiiimnimnmniiMMlim ; i V1 i & flu , MOVIE ' MiMiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMUiiW ftp. TODAY 525 Main St Free Delivery. rhone640 Best Iowa Corn, ...... .can 15c; case $3.50 Tomatoes (w)iid pack) .can 20c Tomatoes (puree) 2 cans 35c Best, Shrimps,)2 cans . ,. .. 45c Minced Clams, can 20c Van Camp's, Pork and Beans, can 15c, 25c ;Van Camps Soups, 2 cans 25c. Pineapple, can 25c Sliced Peaches, 2 cans 35c CRISCO 1 Vi lb. can 60c; 3 lb. can $1.10; 6 lb. can $2.10 II 1 M m AiT TODAY. In ts:long With Your Ford? START HARD? WEAK MAGNETS? - DIM - ' i LIGHTS? NO PEP? : ! All you need is THE LECTRO. In the space of a few minutes and without taking down your motor or magneto, THE LECTRO will positively tone up your motor and magneto. It will immedi-, ately brighten your lights and put new pep in your engine. It develops in your car a more powerful and even flow of current from the magneto and creates a stronger spark, which means gas econo my and an easy starting motor that can be throt tled down to a minimum. Inexpensive and the re sults are lasting. '. ij ' Lcctro is sold exclusively by Simpson Auto Go. Water & Johnson Sis. Phone 408 'Tlie Kj4Mcr' Shadow" 'ponMhy IhilUm Una Mtrotiff Hole 1HaILug Willi lvo ami carman S!oh. Dorothy Iattori, the beautiful and nccoiiipltKhea young Thoma 11. Incu hi hp, will appear In a myHtcry jlay, "The KalnTH Hhadow," at he AUa today. It tit a production that, be cauue of ltd timellneiu and the genu inely thrilling plot, la certain to ap peal to every variety of audience. MIhk Dulton In the 'role' of a French aecret service operdtlve has a part that fitt- her perMonallty, as well rh her hlHtrionio a u all ties, to a marked degree. She la ably supported b Thurston Hall Edward Cecil, . Leoi Lorraine, Otto Hoffman and Charles French. The tory wan originally written for the All Wtory Weekly by Octavua Ray Cohen and J- U. Uleay an a serial u der the name of "The Triple Crosa." Ah a screen offering, directed by It, William Nell under Mr. ince's super vision, It gains weight and Interest, depicting the manner In which the piaiiH for a necret "ray rifle" are stol en, hluuen and finally recovered, aft er many remarkable and exciting ad vent urea. It .would be unfair to thoHe who have not een the picture to expose the final Holutfon of the puzzle. The story has all the elements of a firat- class mystery trap doors, secret pan els, and the like. The denouement Is effective and surpriHlng. The machi nations of German plotters are ex posed cleverely and the picture can be honestly recommended as a most pleasurable, entertainment. drama of the west. In Addition also will be shown Kord Htcrling, the man who put the com In emndy ,ln a reck less slde-spllttliyy rnlrthrrimker, en titled The Dare Ievll Cop. AtTX TOOAV. The PaMime Today. Today at the Pastime will be shown a continuation of the two popular se rials. Pearl White In another chapter of the Hooded Terror and The House of Hate, a highly sensational and mel odramatic play and the renowned cowboy actor, Kddle Poll, In an epi- sode of the Hulls K e, a dare-devil BREW THIS TEA FOR BILLI0USNESS next In nothing, yet keeps bowels in fine order and ends constipation. The bend of every family that value. Its health should always have In the house a package or Dr. Carter'. K. and H. Tea. Then when any member of the fam ily nteda pnrnelhing for a sluggish liver. sick hendachc. or to promptly regulate the bowels, simply brew a cup and drink It just before bedtime. It's nn old remedy is Dr. Carter's K. and 1!. Tea. and has been uaed for ye:ir by thnuaanda of famlliea. vhi ket such Kood results from ite use that they have no deaire to take any thing els". ;ive it to the children freely they like It and it will do them good. lien Pink Tiinw tit lied Watch Out That Happened in IliOtlc Comedy "Tell Tliat to tiio Marine." - . When a pacifist who ordinarily sees Pink Ib kicked hard enough to nee red. watch out.! That Ik why Eliot Knilnurd . espoused the cause of hi country against the Hun In ','Tell Tha to the Marines." the new Para-mount-Flagg. comedy which will be ahown at the Alia theater today. Bralnard protested agalnat the war spirit In the militant youth of Am erica and got into Berious trouble. Nun Wolcott, his fiancee, breaks their engagement because her sweetheart la no he-man and he goes to the country to escape the war maniacs. He finds his former fiancee in the hands of a Hun spy. whom she Is tracing, and the .spectacle rouses all his manhood to the degree that he slays the Hun and Joins the Marines. All the pink in his moral vision had deepened Into red and what he did to the Huns later on may be Imag ined. Olin Howland has the chief role In the new comedy while Beatrice Tremalne plays opposite to him. The comedy has an intensely Interesting story and it Is a, picture that will not only be good entertainment, but It has big propaganda value. The ac tion is speedy and the general sup port all that could be demanded. M CHILDREN 10c . 1 SSSffl ADULTS 25c THOMAS II. INCE SPECIAL Tour ad. should find a tenant for that furnished room who will appre ciate It. HER SONGS STIR IN CAMPS MEN 8 is Prices $35 to $330 Come in and make your own terms OTJ n ! V''l 'Z&3 ' -'" '' r v j-- - , DOROTHY DALTON,kThe Inserts ShadOY'- Tfc CXqdbgb" tefeo" Her Heart Jumped at the Sight of the Silent, Grim Old Sentinel but Her Mis- , sion was for FRANCE, LIBERTY and DEMOCRACY, and come what would it must be fulfilled! REMEMBER A BIG INCE SPECIAL IN ADDITION JAMES MONTGOMERY FLAGG'S COMEDY TELL THAT TO THE MARINES Olin Howland and Beatrice Tremaine. Arollicking, Roaring Patriotic Comedy IN ADDITION ALTA SCREEN TELEGRAM. How the Allies Won. S 3 S "3... r;.illlllll .illil !!SIIii!!!B! flfmiHH!H!m!!mm!fflm'mHt!"!!'"r a llllliUilliiiiillllililliliHiiiliiiiiiililiuiiiuiu ; 'All Phonographs in One" Plays AH Records 3 8 8 8 8 From Italy, where she had been elnginK leads in grand opera., Ju dith Damcron. American contral to, came back to America at tho beginning of the war, and since that time has been singing for the soldiers In camps la the United States. , " MUNITIONS TOILERS RECUPERATE BY TILLING FARMS S-? $250 ,,J , , I ': THINK BEFOliE YOU BUY (:.When you select your phonograph be sure that it plays all makes of records fK ti vi , so that you.caii hear all of your favorites.' i lNew orunswick One" 3 ew "All Phonographs in pnf AT YOUR OWN TERMS By means of the Ultona All-Record Reproducer, a new and entirely dif ferent idea, and the All-Wood Tone Amplifi er, THE BRUNSWICK plays all records at their best. The Brunswick requires no exclusive artists. It plays them all, and plays them well. Allow us to demonstrate $125 All the New Records Arc Now Here We Are Also Agents for COLUMBIA GRAFNOLAS AND VICTOR VICTROLAS Big Stock VICTOR, COLUMBIA AND PATHE RECORDS ALWAYS ECONOMY DRUG COMPANY Day Thone 71 T Hotel St. George Building FREE DELIVERY "8 8! 8, ' -;n"i 'ifi 8 N - Rl I r$ - Fi 8 aiill 'M I !i r 8i : ' - 8 i ;! $175 'SS 3 8 3i 8 LOXDOX,' Nov. 16 (By mall.) The English sirls who hnve tolled ao hard making mu nitions to back the boys have not only given their time and their work, but many of them have given their 'most precious possession health. An Interesting and successful experiment has been made in transferring groupR of girls from munition factories to work- on the land. The doctors had rec ommended that these women should get into the; open air, where they would have a chance to recover their original vitality. The women's branch of the food production department has given the care of these girls spe cial attention. So successful has the experiment been the welfare workers of these respective branches of women's labor are establishing centers on the same line so that the good work of restoring munition glrla to health may be continued. French Industry is ; Soon to Reorganize TARIS. France. Pec. 9. French In dustrial concerns In the region recov ered from the Germans are to be re organized and opened as quickly an possible. Two commissions composed of bus iness men from the larger towns evacuated by the Germans are work ing on a plun for resumption of work In factories thnt had been in Hun ' hands. I Thin runt triis have been divided ; Ir.to four classes (a) factories that can be completely repaired; (b those i which will bo difficult to repair: (c) these whore serviceable material re- I mains: (d)those which can be oper iated in a short time. Fact or v owners have been fur nished with questionnaires and are classes according to answers. TODAY nnr? OVOe:.; CHILUKENSc . .' ADULTS20c. PEARL WHITE IN -v.. ' V; "The House of Hate" Thrilling Sensational. EDDIE POLI in "THE BULL'S EVE" Daring Dangerous Keystone Comedy Ford Sterling in THE DARE DEVIL COP. Portland Will Quarantine 11 u. PORTLAND, Tec, 10. Mayor Geo. 1 Baker has decided upon a strict quarantine of Spanish Influenza cases wherever they are found In Portland, a a means of checking the spread of the epidemic, which has again be come somewhat marked. The neces sary ordinance to make the plan ef fective will be presented to the coun cil Wednesday, and Its enactment as an emergency measure will be asked. Grower Xot Informed. HOD KIVKR. lec. XO. While Con sul-General Skinner of London, nasi written American apple shippers that the British food administration, in setting a price on Imported, apples, has estimated the freight at $1.02 a box, the Apple-Growers' Association has received no notice of reduction of freights from the scht-anle of $2 per box, as formerly officially announced. A recent announcement of the Cana dian minisry of food sets the trans Atiantic freight charge at 2 per box. ! TEACHERS' EX AMI-' . NATIONS - - l;" Notice i hereby Riven that tha 'County Superintendent of Umatilla : ' County, Oregon, will hold the regular ; examination of applicants for State ivertifieated at Court House, Pendle Mori, an follows: w ' " .,-., .:. v - ; . Com ineinilnff Wednesday., Iv 1 J, mis. at":uo o'clock a. m., and con. ' tlnuins until Saturday, Dec 21, 11." at 4:011 o'clock p. m. - ; Wi-ilm-Mlay Forenoon ' " U. S.. History. Writing (Penman , ship). Music, JJrawing. '. Wednesday Afurnoon. " I'hysioloRy. Iteadinif, Manual Train- ,, in?. Composition. Domestic Science. . Metho'ds in KcadlnR, Course of Study for Ura-Ring, Methods in Arithmetic ' Thursday Forenoon .' Arithmetic, History of Education, ... Psychology. Methods In Geography, , Mechanical Irawinif. Domestic Artt Course of Study for Domestic Art. y' Thursday Afternoon - Grammar, Ueoffratiy, Stenography, v- ., American Literature. Physics. Type writing. Methods in Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. i; 1 , Frkiay Forenoon ; ' " Theory and Practice. OrtlioRrmh!f J tSpelllng), 1'hysical Geography, Eng. lish Literature, Chenilstrr. Friday Afternoon,. ' ,.. St-tiool I jw, aeolosy. Algebra. Cl4 ' - vil Government.-- f i i Saturday Forenoon ', . Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon 7. General History, Bookkeeping. , Very truly yours. W. W. GREEN, County School SupU 2llllllllllllllllllfllll4lltllllllllllllIllllllll(lilsllllUlIIIllillllllllllllilllllllllllilllllilflllllllltlIIIIillltlIlllltlIIlIIIllilalllf 2 Night Phone 718 Slrlkrrx lletum to Work. OAKLAND. Dec. 1. After h been out two weeks iwcause of diffe ences with the i-ompany. 30'10 striklns boilermakers returned to work today at the pwint or th Iletiyehem Shlp hHlldinir Criioration. The men agreed to return pending mediation nf their differences by 11. A. Brother. Ion. examiner for the I'uited States ! I I hey rd I ng "a r- K I THE SENSIBI ,E GIFT 1 a Real Leather Suit Case or Bag We carry in stock the finest line of this class of goods in Eastern Oregon .'. .". "The Leather Store" In the leather business for forty years HAMLEY & GO. 2TIMiMIIIIIIIUIIMlli!l!lll!nimiHiniiiiiii"iiiinii!"iii"iiin 1 MinillllMnilHniMllllinilllMMMIIIMIMMniinMIMIiniHItinintnMIHMniMIIMIIIIIMIIIIIintlHIIIIMIIMMIIIIIIIIMIIIIMMIIMII-: "J L 2A rlV wa 1U, L-WZt mi v?U f. US S fS Xl nine Hoard. , ' 4-