DAILY EVEiil;l3 EDITIOi! .Number coiie iirlnlc-il of yi!Htcrday' Dully Iillliou 3,009 Tli in paper i a member and audited by the. Audit liurcau of Clrci Uitloiw. DAILY EVEi!!!G EDIT I0!I A hardware, lumlx-r and hnplnmntt lilm-wi I awlvertlMMt f t In tlM Kant Ormimlan ml tl.. lto 7 I on of tlx- live pots ii Uio hmi CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 30 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, V XV1BER 9, 1 . NO. 0607 WILL ASK STAfHG ARMY (IF r V r mm UNIVERSAL TRAINING IS PLAN SENDING " IHlLl iPRESIDENT HAS SIX DELEGATES I SESSIONS OPEN I GIVEN NO VIEW WITH BACKING! JAN. 3,! BE LIFFi ABOUT WILHELM JXIXDOX, iKnr. O. l'lilllp Selieiil- eiiuiiiii, member of the present fier llitii Ifoveiimieiil, today ileelimil (ii-r- niany will lmve lx deleguU-g at tlio leae emirerenre. Haying "they will 'ull iixm tint national itNsemhly to ttimruntee j-ririiiiiv good faith t llin uiim-h. -. 11 in uMrti-d tlio kovciii input i iIIhciikkIiik: tho iiexrloii of trlalH of (lie. kutMer and otlii'r Mrsoim rrsmn-llilo for the war. Kelioide iiiuim Ih-iu-icm (.i-niiiiiiy iiltlnuttcl)' will form a republic. m Tiili mm ordered; b mmm w- m m m & taP J 1 ti in v mm mm w w -- MM ARMS TO QUELL RIOTS : . . PA UTS, Dec. 9. Formal hoshioiih of ; tho associated govern men Cm confor jence. will besin Januaiy 3. . Jt Is h jlu'vcd. Thoy will te held at' the i French foreign office, continuing fivo or nix wefks. Afti-r fully formulating pfiice )l(in( the RitvernmPiit will ho 1 invited to Bfml JeleKtf-K to lh(j y o n -j eral coni'eienco at iaMIes. The )jp:ice ciiin;.ss will ho l.-irsely niei formality. Germany will pre- : (Cnntimit'il on 1 age G.) BY ROr.aT KF.XDKrt. (L'nlled J'rets Sinlf forrc.-fpondent.) AHOAKD TfiM (IKOKHK WASil l.nU' Dec 'j, President Wilson La piven no Indication of hia vie wit concerning the diporfition of the for mer It'aiser. hi view of the fact that Itritish officials favor placing Wil heJm on trial, tho preHident't atti tudo may he most important. Wilwon held his firnt crnference Sunday with I.nnsing' and Amha.sHador white con cerning America's attitude toward specific pr"l)'-ms of tho peace con ferenoe. REVOLVER OR NO OF CROWN PRINCE VISITORS, DECREE IJ I'UL UULUIILVIIX AMST.i-MiDAM, Jec. 9. Tho fornter crown prince. has decided not tn receive . visttnm, unless permitted by Holland to carry a revolver. A special German co'ik has arrived. Fried rich Wilheim i quoted as saying he will die if forced to et food v la Dutch." REVOLT ORGANIZED THROUGHOUT GERMANY, ALLIED NOT LIKELY! WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. The war department will soon ask congress to author ize a peace time standing armv of half a million. Ac cording to present plans the j department does not contem-1 plate recommending univer- i sal military training. These ' features of the department's ', army reorganization plans j were learned today from I sources close to both Secre-; tarv Baker and Chief of j Staff March. j FIRST PICTURE OF SURRENDERED U-BOATS AT HARWICH, ENGLAND ! j ; ; I AID MAY SAVE GOVERNMENT 4 SWEDEN BREAKS i IVI1H BOLSHEVIKI U)XIV)V, 1Xf 9. Swuilni Imrt M'ortMl diplomatic nMntioim ilth llio H(nIh-i Iki, in-cording to tho t'hiiiiKii Tclctrrnpli. PEDRO ESTATE IN GOOD SHAPE. Will IE WEEK AGO ' V .. ,?' Xo catlHO bp'onil lPsponflnry has ItnTillnK tho sulrlilc of Frank V. Pedro, hrciI 50 years, wealthy nheepnian of 1 his county. who UiU Saiiinlny as the rehu;e of a dnp of trxrhnine. retlro'H estate Is hi Hood ishaio, ah a will niatle a week fUKo hIiowk. lie lft nn ostuie valued upproxiinatcly fit 70,00i, which he left to Mb wife and ila nuhters. Mar Karot. JoHephine and Agnes. -Mr. I'i'dro. In hojiriK" the trrhnine at Tallman's drujr 'store, mUl thut he wished to ue it to kill maiple who had been niolcirtinK hiH property. Ho Idok tlte jioison at the residence on West Alta street, and died soon after. No Irmnest was held, because Pedro, in the presence of Joe Monese. a ranch Minn, and Dr. H. J. Kavnnaunh. said that he had taken the poison. Mr. Pedro wan horn In PortsiKal but came to this country when a rather ountt man. Previous to his arrival hero he had been a whaler on the sea coast of his native land. Pesldes his wife and children there are also sever al brothers, also in the sheep business, and well known over the county. Man ual, Will and Joe with Prank are counted anions ;he wealthy men of the county. His mother nnd sister also live here. Funeral services will be tomorrow at 2 o'clock from the Kolsonl chapel. Father ilutler and Father Klllinn of Herniiston, will conduct the services. The pall bearers will be chosen from the Woodman lodKe. of which Pedro w.-ta a niciijlier, ,' " . ... i ij , a . . SAX rit.WCISfO IIKI'IKS Oltli:i! .i . it . ' I" 1 1 - ' y. , jXjiXt - ' h I S " ' - ' e .f . f ,s! II J .,::V::.:vS!K." . SAN l-'HANUM'O. ih--. n. l-;lio la.vor liolph' prfK'lamatlott calling uiMiii the t'ity ! mask anain auulnM iiil'InciiMl. even the Mdlce mi iinnia.-k-Tho major admitted his orders on- without lofinl backing. MAN WORTH $100,000 HAS FAILED TO TAKE HIS QUOTA IN UNITED WAR FUND DRIVE To tho riililie: In keeping Willi its pled 1:0 nm! In rulfillim-nt if Its riiitU-tf. tho cnii jil lyaty ('oiiimUttv of tho 1 ntatillti nintv latriolic Serv ice ,diinie hcn'l(l ipimmiis tw mi! 1 h-h ff A. A. Cole and lid No)- fMtn, iMHh or IViidlrtoii. ns Htl ,n' who hnvo fnlliMl ami rtfuncMl to contribute to patriotic war fimdrt ulthout &nt -au'. Mr. Ode l a retired sheepman. Ilo owns hi thi-4 ffHinty In tle neiuhtmrlHMNl of tlMM acres of land ami tho im,smiI value of lii properly hi tills omity i more than $3:l.M0. We iihrrstaiul lie ' nlso owns proiwrtv to Morrow f-oiiiity and w Indleve Hint SIOO. OOo if a conservative estimate, lils wealth. No far x wo know ho has no dependent. Our record- how tlmt he ub Hcriheil for SlOOOO vtrth of IJb erty HoimIh of the second issue and 110110 since or lie fore- Ho 1ms contributed S."V to the liil Tro, and this is the extent of hln do nations to war pnrioso to the beat of our know teflsn1- .lie was rated for S75 in. the l ulled War work anipaiun and Ii;im rfni ! jrlxe anvthhiit. To oho of our memherrt who 1 cfiifemd with him iilh'i his rail ire to mc-1 with the committee to tliseuss the nfat ttr. ho eprivMl no object ion to the amount hut made the rather novel and altoirethi-r Irrelevant proiosii to Milmcrilio the amount lr idluis the eominlttee would draft a" bi! for pre-eTitathm tn the IcrT-hi'Mfv Vc'! por.itin j: his Ideas for the wrltftcf of nil forms of hvsuriiiHv by the ounty. It Is ncfllc.?i to nay that mh Ii a eoin prontlsc eeuld not h conihrccl. It- ItcIuw no p;itt of the 4 riraiifJi t Ion's f iinctloKs to prttmott aii - one's ltohMcs, I'nr ine whom the war has toiii lied only to eiirU h. the coin in it (ci I'im Is that lr. Ode Is mak ing n MHr necouotiiur tti the county for liH ell leuhip. . it leaves the public to form ltd own opinion. .The eao of Mr. Nelson is some what diri'erent. lie is a. working man. a liiirher by trade. There has iM-en hardly a war drive thut has not hrouht. lit coin, plaints of his attitude and mauy complalnts have Im-cii received 1m twe'ii diies. He purchased a Slop ImuhI of the lourth l.ilHrty Ijcmu but we know of no other Htihscriplfon or contribution he has made to war purpos. The cinniittce uiidertand-i, howeei'. that liis wire has contributed to the litsl t'ro-.s Ih(Ii in money uiul ser lees and does not wish in tin least to reflect iinu her patriot- , Nm. Mr. elsoiis altitude has bcin vniiousv , InterpitMed Soim havo defined him as 1111 extreme hh Hist, some as a reliiiion-j fn tiatie and others ns an nnil-Ainer-ieair. Invited to appear before tin cootiunlHcc with explana tions, he replied with a letter hi which lie referred to tho organ isations for w hose war aoti itles the I "lilted War Work enmpain wa put on as 11 -rchKktis fraud and nn abomination cf the earth hi the 5 si tit of .lehoviih" and it. w hi h lie sonlit to just if y his staiul bv wriptnral passu s. t)b- ious v .Mr. ' Nelson enjoys the rob l-e has creati;! Tor himself and t'iods -rhb rather than slmmc ht his conduct during the 1 h-eiUfiil t tat the cfnintry lui" net !:t'l to rcl upon sueh as he t t":ht Us hutt'es the em irttre is wltlrii; t bne liim t whaUMcv euiiriient be may find In expla'niiitr t4 tin hoi s, who 'f I'ercil (!:c!r nil. w h v he coubl iifit support them. Two of the do'liHUMMit . wlcw names wert" aulheried for pub lien Hon I rida v r entiiir. i'"m- ltcJ Hicir Mths-rpttoiM nccord In.' ti onota S:it,irtlu a ftcrumm. ttnd ibe'r c;ises are- considered ett!ed. (P'T'ilJ. I ('V ! TV (pnilT vTl I' i V TII I t (O I'VTUl- ,.oth; si:ku i; i:t;i.i:. TROOP D HAHHEO BATTERY HEAR HEUSE KG LAST DAYS LETTERS TO LEAGUE SHOW ROUND-UP PICTURES, HAPPY 1 C'OPKXH AGEX, lire. - TT tlmu. !saod n-i'uMlran RiianJu worn nnlered inniler arms last nialit. tn Itrrlln, to quell rioiinc. nl.hri'ikl orsaiilrrn 1 am arrlvlns from ICnla to !" tla Soartacn aroui. amonar tlietn "Iirw iroIallT hi!mm-IIiiib: for liw iio. nEinrsT. m if.nixo said TARF.X. PAFtlS. JX-c. . Clwncplkr inx-rt' KOternmeiit In hrlnaliie- n w rcHi In to Merlin In cfrort to rruh tlie Siwr taciis movement, wlih-li lias niwaif throughout the northern HiihurhH. mc ; cording- to a Zurich dilmU li. Plllaa inK conttnur esH-elallr In Jiopuloun ! iiarter. . oonfu'"! illsiateh rwt-lv-(il here from Ik-rlill citx iarcs Karl ' l.lelMi-ht' followers liave oritanuuil a revolution throiisliont tienuany. jTlio ltelehntae btiiklliut in Merlin Is : rerti-d to have been taken. TrouMo lapiiear to.bave .iretttl to litfil.sli i and Pilsen IJIoody Iterllu rfotw eon ; tinue. I IXTEKVKNTIOX SrCMiESTKI Another nirssxe says allied lnter vention Irn-sia may save the govern ment. IlltEAK IT OPPOSITIOV t)PKXHAGKX, Dec. 9. Aillieren! jto the SfMrtneua movement twlajr j hroko u,i non-Hoetalistic me1inK in 1 Vliinh'h and compelled the ollee to j piuiutoe tm remevtr all -natimml fhs, nejtan Several la.Ti Asio, BERLIN-, Iee. 7. tDelayed) Twenty-elsht were killed and t wounded In atreet fighting here yes terday between government troops and forces of the Spartacu group la which the latter were completely fle- t feated. The "Spartacusites."' under Karl IIebneeht, planned a coup d etat in which the .police station and chancellor's palace were to'be selaed and the government ejected. Appeals nmde to workmen to call a fceneral strike. Many responded, marching into the streets of the royal palnce. . The "Spartacusites" placed machine-, euns before the reichstafC buildfns. I.iebknecht addressed .the ..crowds from the roof of a motor bus. whila workmen shouted. "IonK live the In ternational republic." Mob, were fl- j rvally Incited to attack public bulld i ings but were defeated after a sharp J encounter, in which machine-Kuna i were used by both sides. CANYON CASH PLEASE B0YSmm Um m I PEOPLE JUNKERS' TOOL "An old cavalry outfit from lViiletiH (TrtMip J) is 111111 tioiKMl at ma nn in a battery of Runs at nn artillery tositinn at the front near the Metis. river In a graphic - account of the lust days pre. editijj peaces written y I .ient.-t'ol. tiooruo A. W bite ad jutant general of the Oregon Na tional itunl prior to bis muster h.to fcdi'rai servlx Me says lie was t the front tho niyht the (;crman imnico emis saries arries and w as also at the front the niht the Americans took sedan. ui had tioito on thi-oirti the mud 011 the other side ot-thn Mens river to the iu gantry outposts w here the flrim was dcstiltory and met Hie IVndle tou men !at hi tin ultcriuvoti win 11 he reached the artillery positions. Ml ON. TWO OFF IS : TODAY'S FLU REP08T one 01 atid t ,vo off! is t lie int: u -cn;i rtp.ut of tjnaraiil imc Oti'.fvr f. . rrc:i-h fur toii;:. The new case is .h;coh s. hu'ler. 4 1 ." Madis.m stret:. The two paces where the mu.nn t hri; t-.'ii !if 1 1 ,i :u I .ra 1.1m;! r. t.i:t TtMu-i-t.-i. and K-'veis. ',rl,i:i 1 loom i n ii ir.se. This 1; ies a K'llanec of six hemes now until r ii'.nvanttne in tlie eit: . i iiil'i.i; tt i;ii 1:. m it ihi; ru i. ( Hit'.). lc li. The be idles . iM'dy cf Mr-. Michael IIuikcI w:s found tod.M i:i a iiinni f In r home h re be-ide the bodies of her Inis hn:id uiul two mall chiithcti. A pHK nxe iuduaied Manuel had chepi cd off lit- w ile s head. ( hen k til. 11- him self and children hj turning 011 the Utters of apitreciation are conilne. "I received the btter that vmi sent! in to the I'atriotic service I-casuo to me and tan truthfully ay that I 1 frnm the lioys in the army and navy am proud of the contents,"' writes' ; to whom were, m-ih the Ilound-rp fieemau . Hendricks from Fort; Photos. Happy Can on hock hills mid . Stevens. "Ymi otiirht to see the fel-j letters. The he s were cvidonib look at those Konnd-l'p pictures.! j very ,ph ;isf d net only at brills' re- I tell them tinit I now have i bucks 1 r.iemliered l ut at securint: th.- dist'nc- ;id they have to iauiih when I show t .live souvenirs of their hnme county. Hum it ;s so" j 1 Tlie letters I eina received now are '"'i1;'! t' know the home county; ef course from the hoys who are at people have not forgotten me." A- F. j e;,iiips in this country. , Cnttcr of the t s. Granite State j Herman A. St. Clair cf fkiah ' writes fr.-m New Trk, and he adds' writes from Camp Lewis -j wish to. that he expects to come hack to t'ma- thasik tiie I'maiilla CtmUy Patriotic . tilin co;;iit- soon. One of the best Service I. ensue fr the Hound -l'p tetter rceeived is fron rerscant Wm.; 'photos and t he Ha ppv Can en c:;r- A. Al wrs. son of I'o'ice officer J r.nov ..f Ten Jhick hills' which 1 re-' Charles Mvers. He is now at Campi ceived a few days nro. 1 passed Kearney in the per.-eonTiel office, hav- j , them aromui anions the mcmlieis ol itii; risen from private to sergeant.! my family. Many of them are east- Carl j;. ;yrs. his brother. Joe Coff- - 11 Nn ae.d the- want to see thi man ami Charles t. Peters. nil of' Tlonnd-t'p next year." Perniteton. arc -tt tho anio camp. "The are Tine iinl i:lad t show Amomr -t hers who have written let-, Iheri to the eastern hoys'" writes .foe ters of appreciation are Orson Man't Hi. a reHie r I i; ia h hoy who is St rnnch.? n. Andrew Jackson and n. w :.t Camp Meade. Md. Chester A. Spencer. LONDON, nec. 9. "The kaiser missed bis vocation ; he should hav been a cabaret manager." declared MaxlmilMan Harden, in an Interview today. "The kaiser had an imperson al part in the war- He was discred ited, becoming a j tinker's tool. They thooKht him a coward, fearinjc ho would f 1 il to siiin the war declara tion, so they sent him northward. For eigners saw the kaiser's outside but never his Interior. The urmistfeft terms are hard. If they form a basis for the peace terms. Germany is mined. Hy losinic possession of Alsace-Lorraine and Silesia she cannot become an imlustrliil conntrv. M 1 1 hins of GertiMtiis are sincere. The en tente should treat them ns men, not militarists." it FRED LOCKLEY- THRILLS AND-. DELIGHTS WITH W STORIES Fred 1 ocivV y. fen ton. Pot;taud. Pr.uic land and the hi nil eVl, 01 Pen.lle . Ihi'and. lre s, came bat k to i'ii id town last ev.-nins a reception that sho ut' a r.e ,-; a j'cr man ma not i'e w i: iu-nt honor in liis ovn coimtr . The audi ei:ee at t lu Meihodit , iiirch xxu a'l that tlie l;ise juidiu rii'lll couhl ie-id and iho-e tiesent sat f.-r .ai ho-ar or more w it limit snee.'.i;i::. cmhini? or ihnkiuu of the inil o'it.-u. They lis tcn. tl ejiu't r' to 1; pi;: ; tale oi" ad- vennue. linmof in.a s t.ine- from a mail who was in the came for mar, months and hud spu-ndid chancts f-jr os rvat ion. ' A woman came to a canteen In Fra m e.' said Lock ley :: speakuis of t iie e'iminat i'-M of social barriers at the :r- tt. "She wanted to work and when told the canteen had sufficient workers she remarked that the floor needed scrubb.nj;. She offered to si Mit it and did so. When she needed a paii of clea n w ater she k lanced at a !.r;'vh officer present Mitd asked if he xvo'ild pet il for her. "Aladanu I am an off te-r. replied t he Knui isli-n-a'l. "Off.eer. aru a d ' u";h s," re plied 1 he scrnh woman. Ttie w jter LEST WE FORGET" I llisliy lUirrix -f .Miltn-i. itliiini.-.l ;t.i in- .rih fn.iii t ! 7:. ti I tin. .1100, . i-f:ivs 1.. ui? a ti..l!iir In .ui."i-t uf ilu- h.M h. Ii.m; f..ultt tor his -,. 1.. ri . j I'KNTIiAi, I.oY U.TV ( 'i M M 1TTKK. l i vtii.i.a 01. i'ii:u'iK' si:i:. ! It l: l.K. .l K. j r J THE WEATHER FORECAST Tulbt mnif TK-iHiay ftr; Lowlef tolllKht. t