8 8 8 8 8 8 TAOE FOUR DAILY EAST OREGONIAN,' PENDLETON, OREGON.1 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1018.' , EIGHT PAGES a in, ' CrL mm AN DfDBPBNDENT rabUaaeC Halle ul Semi. Weekly e Pendleton, iwearon. by the AT ORKOONUUI I'TJHUSHINOI CO starts at the poatofflc at Pesdle- en, Oram, aa eeoono-claae attar. talaataoaa ON BALE! IN OTHER CITIES. tmperlalUotel Ntwn Stand, Portland Vovau Neva Co, Portland. Orecoa ON FILE AT kleavo Bureau, 0I Bocurlty Build- WaaMnirton. T. CU Bureau 601 Four teenth turn v N. w - , -.-ft r- "T- ; r reAonianl MaTWSPAPB R. 0BSCRIPTION RATBB (IN ADVANCB) aur. one rear, by mall Dally, alx montha by mall Dally, three month by mall uauy. ne mouth by mall Dally, one y'ir by carrier -fl.M I.M l.l .. .6 t.5l ' Daily, alx mjnthe by carrier l.tt I Dally, thiee montha by carrier l.f i Dally, one month, by carrier .41 ;' Semi-Weekly, one year, by inll. 1.1 i Semi-Weekly, alx montha. by mall .7 i CB'T tour mentne by mall .at . ; ' - .- to yoit .n'tm' fra Rlory of tho g ', ijiijinct. ..; The glfenln of th 'shimmer- ' Ihp; strnimer sea, The ruRtlirjr of the wild anions tho (grasses, ? The smell -of violets far across the lea? ilemlin B of on the part of successful farm-l ers and stockmen to have j homes in town. It; is a natural tendency and it is going to con- i tinue. The-auto and e-ood Do you know the bit the colors Of autumn leaves all russet. Bold, and retl, The calling' of the gorgeous Cht- na pheasant As he rises from his early mornlnT bed? lo you know the mists upon the valley . Before old Sol has kissed them q i,u B",a7asy-. tlroad eliminate distance. Fifty ! Wheat fields into orchards soft- iTt,;io0 j " merginir " mUes under modern conditions : tt As they wait the coming ' of ;s,jio,greater distance than was: y the new-born day? jfive miles under old conditi-j- L , I f A f -"VI ; IS 'ons:-V Thetime i near when V youjhm :!().'RY$h 2Q0niJes will not 1 th. WPA'J L ! bar rf mdir of from liv- Ld Iirh -'von' are t ranA" with" rfr! "janafifing his : ; I!riga(le of vondcrfunytClever girls in novel ,ms and dame, coming doMvLd V r W.ltli ?P.er Ca. The : ren(1,V.,,, wh the in,Wl ctacle. "My Soldier Olrt." at the oreson Sf,hatU hlchBave tff" to you your birth. isolated individual he once was. it is not necessary ior nim to vfcili- friiends about the town and get them WUom8li'iiiW 'VI I Ul 1 mi WW 'm ly Vy1 -7 BRIGADE YA - civ - v i in; i at I 28 YEARS AGO (Friiiu the Kant Oren'onlan, Ut't't'inher 4, 1890.) Mayor ISukMi and throe members "t tho council. Messrs. Taylor, Alexnd er and Dupiat, Ruthcrcd nt tho coun cil room last nlKht. They U(I not con Htlttile u iiiloruiu ami after walllnK lmllenlly for( mime time, adjourned. The council lUCl una ill um ihi.-h special HCKUi to wuvass , tho city election returns. - According to ' records, . remlkloii has the laiKest, lunihcr yard )ii , east ern Oregon... , .i,i-. rchrls t(uvley, will ure.ct,. to ino countly a' 1)111 for $7n.vr,, the ajimunl he paid for medical attenduiuo upon Mrs. ltanley whose arm ,wa. dlslo. cated by a fall caused from a loose board in the sidewalk. -, . t : , . -t. (Sovpnimint Wants U I'lulniH. ' POllTI.AN'D. Dec. 4. Suit of the givernment nKnlnst WIllMrd X. Jones; f this city, for the recovery of $133. 00ft as daiuaBes for tho value of nine claims of 160 acres each, alleited to have been obtained fraudulently, went on trial before a Jury and Vnlted States Judge Wnlverton In the federal court yesterday. The land Involved In the litigation Is heavily timbered. Is located in the SlleU reservation in Lincoln county. nd flKured conspic uously in Oregon's celebrated land, fraud trials a dozen years aRo (IFOLtrl Almost Discouraged IT h a mistoko fr thoee post the prime of life to yield lo wcakaem and infirmitici in Ihc bc licl that Ihote r..'e the prnnliioof approaching old Bflc. Read Ihe tallowing letter irom a man uiiddto oge: "I'nr nr.out twelve vtrt 1 w wifferer (rem pain In the back mill kiHnc . I tried many rncole;n'il 1 wan lroot di' oiirwleii. At lint, tlirauln the lvk- ol a Irieud. 1 tried Pnley Kidney I'ali. A lew bottlea curaplrtelr relleveJ roe and removen all Ihe pain and (or Ihe f rat time Ij yejra I feel like new man with amliition tu live. W. W. Henry, x Walcr Valley. Mils. Remember Ihnt Ihe kidneys miint work all the lime. They never rc.-.L I il any wonder ihnl Ihey become tired or tfet out ol order, or are inactive and iluftjliiih, when one rcuchct middle age r " irrvtJSOrate.'ttrengthen ondheal Inttcrlrr, weak and-- dUeaied kidpeya nd bladder, iney DC'P , kidneys in tneir worx oi purnyiua stream and aaating out poiaooous waite. . Wean. blood make poiaiblc neattny nerrei, .... . head.i IcUv. bralo. aouad heart, tood i.ci and per lad ,, health. . Mey Kidney Pllla baretleen relief In traandaolee.nf larneor weak back, backache, rheumatic Paine. """"' iointa, aore muaclea, lumbalo. blurred villon. puny J"","'" under eyea. nervouancM. leep-dmturoms u'"""" and other symptoms ol kidney trouoie. TA I.I.MAN & CO. Kmma Pioch Olsen. AN OPPORTUNITY FORE US IS BE- HERE are real possibilities forego the advantages of town j and the pessimist, of which life. (there are few here, must be Over the attractions of Pen- taboo. It is not right to sit idly dleton as a home town for.! by and let a good farmer move such folk it is easy to enthuse j into some larger city where he with sound reason. We have! will find no congenial souls the facilities thev want, we! and will IpaH a wretrhpd exist- for Pendleton in the j have the climate they like, we ! ence. Let him come here move to lay the advant-lhave a cordial, wide awake! where he can be with his own ages of this little city before j community spirit We are do- kind, with men , who talk his fanners and others seeking a ! ing things all the time to make language and know his prob goodtpwn in which to live and j the town' better in various re- ;iems:' . " have headquarters. I spects,. '.A , man .who moves" Pendleton owes it to itself There is a 'general tendency There camcount on Pendleton to land to the people of its terri- make good -with " himself anditory to bestir itself. ; , . with his family. ' .... CASTOR I A r For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Kut nature of In a move , to bring more j FREEDOM FOR ALL people nere a vital lactor is going to be the degree of cor! operation manifested by. local ! WuLAlNi.),.. irance an people. If all' will pull 'to-!flS Italy will dominate th gether in a common' cause sue- peace conference and cess is certain. The knocker jtbey ought to dominate it, say rKsni" s S 8 U 86? il KM 5X 7 7-f. STf- I 8 8 8 8 s 8 8 8 8 8: 8 8 WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS The ideal gift. We have an ex ceptionally large assortment from 52013, In all styles and ' points ?f 1 A f r.ti EVEfe!SHARP PENCILS A cpmplete stock ranging from composition sijver at $1.00 to gold at $4.00. . , , STATIONERY A beautiful assortment of Ea ton, Crane and Pikes stationery in special Christmas boxes. GREETING CARDS We carry the Gibson Art Line of Greeting Cards. Prices 5c to 3oc. PERFU3IES AND TOILET WATERS A very complete line of im-Mj-ted and domestic perfumes in fancy .packages 75c to $5.(KJ. DOLLS We have hundreds of Dolls of all kinds. "All American made anl thfjhesC that can be bought. KODAKS A complete assortment from the $2.00 Brownie to the higher ' priced models. . it LEAprfcRKOYEl)rtI2jJ I I'hotolAJijiiraiCtLAdifeif Vhrlk, Game Sets, Bridge Sets, Card Cases, Pinochle Setsj Etc.- ; i THERMOS BOTTLES ' All sizes and prices. TRAYS We have a large assortment of serving trays from $2.00 to $5.00. NUT BOWI.S 60c to $5.00 Vases, Jardineres, Flower Bowls, etc., in weller ware and Japanese ware. . FOR MEN ONLY Smoking stands, Smoking Trays, Safety Razors $1.00 to $8..r0; Lather . Brushes, Wrist Watches, Jletal Mirrors, . Fitall Cases, Military Brushes, Shaving Mirt'ors, IVdF-h Lights, etci t , 1 PRAEI'IVOKY' THE ALWAYS WELCOME GIFT, COMPLETE SETS $7.50 TO $12.50 Hair Brushes, Hair Receivers, Puff Boxes, Talcum Holders, Glove Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes, Picture Frames, Trays, Cloth Brushes, Combs, Military Brushes, Bud Vases, Buffers, Shoe Horns, Nail Files, etc. In fact if it is made in PYKAL1N IVORY WE HAVE IT. Thompsons' Drug Store .Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention a a Si il i? M M il il i il il i one newspaper that seems es pecially anxious that nothing be done to interfere with Brit ain's supremacy on the ocean. But the American soldiers did not go to France to fight for England's future might and prestige. They fought for justice and humanity every body told them. The slogan of the battlefield should be, the slogan of the peace table. The adjustments should assure freedom and justice to all na tions, large or small. 11 It is particularly inappro'pri-' ate that at this time any Amer-, ican newspaper should rail against the influence of the American president and of Am erican ideals at the peace table. President Wilhori goes abroad to help see that America gains' the goal our boys offered their lives to attain. Why not back him up? i Why aviliand,try to weaken hia hand? .--.-i " . IS WASHINGTON TOO DRY? EAT LESS AND TAKE t SALTS FOR KIDNEYS TAKF! A CiLASS OK SAI.TS IK VOl II . f HACK lll'IITO Oil 4 I,. noTJiKits. , .ff V Tho Ameelcan. men ,,nd,,! women nist Kiiard constantly afais,t kidney, trouble, because we etit :too numh a,nd all our fund l rich. rtur blood la filleti with uric acid which the kid neys strive to filler nut, they weaken from overwork, become sluBKlsh; the ruminative tissues cloe and the result Is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline In health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead: your back hurts or the urine Is- cloudy, full of sediment or you ure obliged to seek relief tw or three times tluriiiK the nlKht; if you sut ler with sick headache or dlmy. ner vous spells, acid stomach, or you have rliniinatlsni when Ihe weather is bad, l Ket from your pharmacist alMuit four ! ounces of Jad Salts; take a table- spoonful in a iiln-ss.or water neiore breakfast i for a kidiiivs will tbeo act fine. This fa- mnim salts is mado from the acid ot gropes,' and lemon Juk e, combined uith lithia. ami has been used for t-em i'ii:ious o flush and , stimulate cloHsvd .kidneys: to neutralize Hit. rieids in tlic 'fii'ine so it no longer Is H source n' irrilalion, thus enillna bladfler disorders. ' Jail Salts is inexpensive; cannot in Jure, makes a Ucluibtl'uL effervescent lltbioAvater bevcrajse, ami belouKS In every home, bevaiw.'e . nobody mnko a nilstake.y, hav!njr !t' kidney flnshinc any lime. aaspasi ev W F''k a I I I III I I "k I V V 11 ' V jf LJ V-A mm whw km fei - mam few days unci- yourj A? . . ..-Vis teTlAk- i H 1 W''j,A . . i 1 v a i t,iciuaj,jsccnc p.i 4'u,uirouiN uirtvauu pi"n, ? i;itilvoId'alfIfa;fielf! for L. L. Mann, on the reserva-. i tion. Soil was packed, not having been plowed for years,' and the roots were extremely large. can (rood rS the president sails for Eu X. rope to enter into negoti ations of vital importance to this country and to world so ciety as a whole certain pif flers in congress urge this plan and that plan to heckle and an noy him. Some urge that the presidential office be declared ' vacant, which congress could not do save by impeachment, i Others would closely limit the subjects to be discussed by him j at the peace table. ' The insan-i ity is not limited to members of ' the onnosition party because Reed and Hitchcock are two democratic senators who are' affected with .the i rabies, as: they have been before. . What: is the matter: back there? Isi our beloved president a cruel,! grasping tyrant that he should thus be assailed, or do those excited members merely exer- cist the unalienable right of a member to act crazy if he wishes to do so? It may be. that the drouth in Washington has unbalanced some. ARM AND'S The only NEW face powder in the past 50 yrs. Oh yes, there are many, many kinds of powders on the market, but this one is abso lutely different from any you have ever had. The price is reason able, too ; 50c KOEPEN'S Have It. THE FORDSON TRACTOR MAKES HORSES ! 1 TOO EXPENSIVE FOR PLOWING. ' $il25 f. 6. b. Pendleton With Plow. You can buy the tractor without plow. , . ,JsTow here for immediate delivery. Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson Sts. Phone 403 THE WANT ADS ARE TWO-PHASED! Tho want tula hrii.K the other inun'n your oflVr to him. i iffcr to you, uml take In -ithr of lhfsi phasos nf thflr UMffiilm-ns to oit thi-y of fer I'KCM'IvIA It HKUV.OK 1wt- to be obtained otherwise, ami for which there in no suht it u to! Tf the worker ou're looltiiijf for iIim-huH ail rtirt tmln, ymi tiihertlHo K(Ht HIM tomorrow! And the fame (.ouMe-capitcity for service holds trut- of all tho want ud !i.Mf.if. rations. The report of the Marion county gyand jury in connec tion with the state penitentiary management is a full vindica tion of Warden Murphy and in dicates that blame for the ,tur- moil and extravagance belongs! upon the shoulders of the gov-1 e'rnor and hi.s parole officer. If, conditions are $s painted no man could succeed as he should n the warden's position. . a Count Jlohc'Tizollern may ave friends in America but one of them are willing to go is bail. The flu scandalmonger should be in the same class with the man who cries "fire" n a theatre. The Commercial Club is go-! ing to enter with vim upon the reconstruction era. If certain of our senators had been taken abroad Europe might wonder who let them out. - ;; j If you like reridleton tell ail 11 UST BE ORDERED To Insure Your Getting One mm II M n M Mb Mb mm ki I i I w FORMERLY E. L. SMITH & CO. Agents for Holt Manufacturing Co. sr. u I i? Si .'.ajlirvir'. aa.