PAGE THREE EIGHT PAGES ; DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1918, 1 1EW8 101ES OFPEILEll I SIIOPEAULY (iuorice Hill Called by IUhchx. . Ler of wheels reported a stolon re- jluwr than that at the boys". MImj J police mil, who In employed ut the 1 cently, and In each case It seems to Mnruaret C'rlm, the phyHlcal Instructor l'eiidleton Druif, company, wan called be the work of hova. Thin. work in of Hie lrl. will nnnch the tills- tenm to Idaho yesterday bccHuae of the ser-'j making a short cut, toward the rerormjand utiontr hopes are held for another ions HirrcHB or his brother. Tom Hill, ' chool. who la sufferlnif from rSpuniiih influ enza. , I chumiilonshlp team. Henry l.tKoinclle Injured. Henry latourelle Is at tit. Anthony's hoiltal receiving treatment for in- knee while , Mis Crim In School Xurwe. . MIhs Margaret Crim, physical cul ture instructor for IVnUU'lon schools, has been given the duties of school nurHc. Miss Crim Is a frequent visitor to all the schoolB and It will now be her duty to look after the carrying out Attending CrojiincrT Meeting. M. H. Hhrock, county aent; Is at juries received on the Hurmlxton today attending a meot-. cranking his car Sunday". Ing of the dairy men of that section. He will return tomorrow. Thorn Hollow Kcliool I'lnlshwl i-rvr , M Th new school building at Thorn."1 health reKulatlons In schoolrooms. MiikIIii Arrives. I Hollow is reported to be complete The school board is doini? everythng bus arrived for 41 hand- and the Tjuildlng will probably be Posslblo to safjsuard the health and Kercit) ul nedj Cross headquarters formally accented bv the board next l" K,M'I' ,ne noois open, anu 05 ine which will be made by members of Friday. fho Junior lted Crass for use In hos- ' . ' pltttlBr'..(.'t:,is;;'i;".' "1 ' i 1hin of tantcru t wr. ' ' j The first issue this school year of Trapper IHes, ' I the lantern, I"enMeton hliih school Duy a Xmas present each time you're down town. r it tnnntMTHY H - uuy a Amas prcseni cacn uiao . you're down town. vv 17 Days Left Till Christmas Do Your Shopping Now BUY ONLY USEFUL GIFTS. BUY AT A STORE WHERE YOU CAN GET USEFUL GIFTS. BIG ASSORTMENTS WHICH MAKES SELECTION EASY. co-operation of the homes feel they will be able to keep going. May (Jot New Mall. H. Inlow. principal of the Pen- Alexander Culled, one' of the best paper, wiil appear two weeks from ' dleton high school, annonnocd that linown trappers employed by the 1,". Friday. Alfred Koeppen, edltor-ln- Superintendent Fred P- Austin Is ex 8. Biological survey and who was em-' : chief, pays thiif the staff Is hard at peeling to get the services of a man ployed as a trapper along Butler j work to make the issue a good one. soon to coach athletics and also be ln creek. died yesterday at St. Vincent's . - siruetor In military training for the hospltul, Portland, ns the result of. Will Atlenil Convention. . j buys. Because of the war athletics a cancer. C'ollett, who had been In' County Judsse C. H. JIarsh and f have been partially almndoned, but the service of the survey for many Commissioner H. M. Cock burn expect j now- will be taken up again. years, was r,0 years of age and Is sur- to attend the convention of county, vlved by a wife and two children. Judges and commissioners to be held i ijc,i , Workers .Needed. . I m Portland, December 10. Incident- The hospital garment department llcll nivfcloii Formed. any, tney wni attena tne iives.o. H A new department In the Council """" "- ' n u ... of National Dc'enm Is Ihe field dlvl-iat lhe "" u,l"' sion lust formed, which amalgamates! ... the executive function of the Ktate A.lmlnlMrator Apisdnled i 1 1 ,, i ,,, ..,! In U mutter of the estate of F ran coinmitteo of the council. It will form the connectinc link hetween tha council and th feflerul departments on the one hftnd nd tho wtute coun of defense and tute divinloriM iff the women' committee on the other. ci Kv Kent, deceased, V. M. Kent has been appointed adminlRtrator, and the appruiHt'i-H appointed are: J. H. Coffmnii, W. W. VaRen and Klnneur. The probable value of the estate la MIhm To4l Iii llertii.Htoii. Mlm Virginia Tdd. formerly of Mr. Cniw lle, Mrs. Kdward Crow, of Cay use, a victim of Spanish Infhienzii. died last of the ('mitll)a County lied Ctohm In in need of the help of Pendleton wo i men to complete .the quota, of con- vnlencent rohen and pajamas. Mrs. A. J fl. Vx, chairman of the committee In, charge, Hays that tho work Is all j emergency work and should be stim j ulftted to the titmoHt. She ay that I althoueh tliP war Is over and the men ; ltalphjj.rft o nested to return MKn. interest should jint fasr In earlnsr for the men who are ronvulesrlntr in hospitals. The work will fso on daily ot the lied! Cross workroom In the 'federal tauild ir.g. 1 ! rendleton. has remrned to the hme nn ftt 8l Anthony's hospital. Khe of her parentH. Mr. and Mrs." H. . Todd of H'rinlton, aftr spending1 a hort time In Henttle uwaltinff a call oversea. Miss Todd was acropted for ortolan service and had made all preparations to mil for France when the need for canteen workers rented because of the end of the war. Whl'c In Pendleton "he was county ladcr of the ijirls Honor tlunrd hikI secre tnry f the Woim-ti'ii rdvlHlon of the Patriotic Sorvlcc LeHKiie. was 25 years of atie and the wife of Kdward Crow, a farmer of The body is at Brown's parlors awaiting word Crow's relatives in" Idaho. CnwiHT S"it Ak4 for Inmai;ofi. i (lust Currctos has filed suit aeaintl i jfel Anna and Oeorce Vichas and Geortre undertaking oeanakopulus asking for judgment In j from Mrs. lh -.,, nf 177 :inA further rtamacrs lin the sum of .j(ift. The complaint ; 5 Jalleses that the defendants wrona-1 j accused and conspired nKainst thn . 'plaintiff of takins: silverware. Th . f? suit Is a counter action to one diw-'- IHt!o ilrl Itivovern Wlieel. Ma tie Knatls. a Utile Klrl resldlns at l'- Th.impson street. wm made bapjty ewterdny aftern.ton by havln a wheel returned to her which hs.1 been stolen several dnvs before. The wheel was found by the police In the possession of a small hoy named Wil liam Khcrman. who sold he hud trad-j ed for it front some other boys. The police say there have been a num- .ks for livorc. Mrs. Elizabeth Clark has filed a complaint in the circuit court throuah her attorney Will M. Peterson, attains! i mtasp4 frnm jusijce of the Peace : ft nor nusoaim. Krancis -viarion iiarK. 111 j ,.arkeN. cui.t a short time ago in which she asks for a divorce. The,Bnl(.n ,he defendants above alloKed complaint alleaes cruel and Inhuman thn iuintiff had taken a quantity of treatment over a period of seven or ;,.n. are frfim lne Hotel Hielh. , LEATHER GOODS FOR CIIRISTIVIAS Our showing of Suit Cases, Travel ing Bags, Brief Cases, etc., is th.e most complete shown in many seasons past.;.. ' Traveling Bags in all leather lined, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 np to $30.00. Suit Cases, all leather, $12.50 to $35.00. " ' Ladies' Cases in genuine patent leather, fancy trimmed lining and tray $8.50 to : $25.00,- ;, , Brief Cases, all leather ., $8.50 to $12.50. . , . LEATHER COLLAR BAGS New shapes, very attractive and useful, $2.00 up to $6.00. PLUSH COLLAR BAGS A novelty and strictly new. Priced $3.50. GENT'S TOILET KITS Combination Kits with most all the useful articles a young man needs for his toilet. Priced $5.00, $6.50, $8.50, and up. Military Brush Sets, $4.50 to $7.50: Leather Case Writing Album. Priced $2.00, $5.00 and $6.00. eifcht years. Tho couple were married in Tennessee In I9l'i. I rt Ilall IH-;;lniilii;F. A meeting of the boys of the Pen dleton hifch kcIiooI interested in the backet ball tnm and for the Kirls in Hreled -in tasketball were held in the hth icho4l yesterday evenim?. The numlr at the girls' mei'tinfe was 1 Jodwe Jas. A. Kee Is attorney for Car-retos. him Iftlnir WaM IJely. j For ihe first time In two months' the Commercial Club met last evening:' ind flvelv bupNjnes( meeting was the result, the attendance helm? (rood and pnthiiasm strong1. Hubert Simp- president of the local auto deal- ' 101 101 101 101 lui 101 101 101 101 101- 101 COFFEE 101 Coffee possesses a distinctly characteris tic flavor and aroma. Very smooth and pleas-' ing. Sold onlv in bulk. " 35c PER LB., 3 LBS. FOR $1.00 Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour makes a delicious, wholesome, satisfying breakfast, 20c and 55c per package. "Pride Of the Ad-i-ron-dacks" pure maple syrup. Portland "llolsum" Bread, fine, pure, white loaves COUNTRY STYLE PURE PORK SAUSAGE. We make this sausage fresh every day from choice, fresh pork. Seasoned with the best spices, per pound 40c Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. .1(11 K. rol'KT ST. , Phones Mil (Private Kxt'liunjso oiiiicctlim Itotb lx pts.) vt)U .x always ii:pi:xn ox is." 1 j cr. was named as representtalve o. . I the Commercial Club at a Rood roa.J jir.eetlnr to be held t Pasco. Action1 'was taken in connection with joininc I the res,n chamber of fdtnmcros. 'three new member were voted Intr. , j the organization and other business j ; transac led. A notice from the public j ' service commission wan read eavinlt ! (that a hoarimr will be held in Port- j land to pass on the subject of In- creased telephone latep. RIBBONS ' 1 Beautiful ribbons for hair bows in stripes, checks and floral effects. We have a wide range of hair bows ready made up. Ribbons, yd 25c to 50c GLOVES ' Auto Gloves, Silk Lined Dress Gloves, Unlined Dress Gloves, Fur Lined Gloves. Come in Wash able cape, suede and chamois, all shades, $6.00 down to $2.00. JEWELRY FOR" MEN Cuff Links, Scarf Pins,, Tie ' Clasps, Soft Cuff Links, Watch Chains, Lodge Pins, Combination Setsy Shirt Studs, Initialed Belt Buckles in Gold or Silver, Waldermore Chain and Knife, Rings, Cigar ette Cases, Etc. ' v OTHER SUITABLE GIFTS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN. Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Canes, Silk Hosiery, Silk Shirts', Wool Shirts, Sweaters, Jerseys, Pajamas in Silk and Fine Materials. Leather Vests, Overcoats, Suits, Rain Coats, Etc., Etc. Do jour Christmas Shopping now. cuy iiuer ally. - IN OUR ART DEPARTMENT You will find package, embroidery goods. " Every thing useful and what you like. W"e have a complete assortment. Have a look. Buy now and make up for Xmas. Each 30c to $3.00 JEWELRY Give her a little pin, necklace, gold beads, broocHes beauty pins, lingerie bars, etc. These are guaranteed V n u a M 'fl 3 if ii 1 li 8 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Hair Bows 50c to 75c I to wear and really you'll find some good looking j things. Priced. 35c op a ii t-i o I I o Mm. M. f l'ctcrs Ho. Mis. Peters, former T'endleton man and the wife of M- I, Peters, at one time employed- in the pres room of the Kust oresonlan. died on Snnilav at. her home In Portland aft er a six days' Illness of Spanish ln-nuenz-a. Mrs. Peters, who was about S:i years of survived by her hosNand and two daoKhterfl. Alice, need 15. and Slililev. aired 7. While Tn Pendleton Khe was active as a member of the Christian church and is well known here. Mr and Mrs. Peters left Pendleton a year aco to make 'their home In Portland whero Mr. peters was emplfyed on the lv. v-' ir WOMAN'S DKVOTIOX TO HOME -TOI TOI TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT TOT 101 pi!!l!l!!ii!!ll!!! El -.3 x : E'3 THIS WEEKS USED CAR BARGAINS TliN week vto hio nffcrins the fnllnwhiK "soil earn. Tliiwe '" exaiMly as rcircs'iil-d, uml we nro certain they are the lKtt ulilca In the city. Itllfl ixalao Touring t ar, new top: cord tires on rear: overhauled and In fiiio shaM-. A kcii iiIiio Imi-Kulu at f 75.I0. l.ilH-rty Itomls ut iar. 1017 lodue Hrolhers Tourlns Cr. Just nerlinnlel Mid rcfiulshcil. tiiaal tires, etc. lisks ami runs like a new car. ITIcc only 8"3. l.llierty I loads at par. i 11117 IVir Tourlnit Tor: now lo: new radiator? Just "mcrliHiih'd and ri painted H.111I uuarautocd to Ik in cvit'lbnt ci.iulMloii. IVIce $125. I.llN-rty llonds ut par. ? ' Also dniidy Kurd lloadstcr and a 1011 Tourln - t ar at tln rlwht rks l,iln rt,v llonds at par. 1IS Apia-rmin Toiirina t'ar. Ntiils a lllllc repair Iiik, lint we have allowed for that In the trlcv. Would make a kcmhI car l" the man who cares more for wrvico tlilin stl. I'rk-e only :iio. LIlH-rty llonds al par. 11117 Mlnliell lloadstcr. This Is a fine ear and son 1 1- one will net a dandy liarituin on Jl- l:lia KimhI tires. Willi spare. Von can t an wismik on this t-ur al K.V l.HM-rly llonds ut par. . Why not take advantage or these low prices aiid v get a koh! ear now? . ' . Vscd 'r Ieuriiiiciil of the Fume duties to many women ap pear more important than health. No n atter how 111 they feel, they dra themselves Ibrouth their daily tasks, overdo and ptv- the penalty In head aches, backache. dniKUinK-down pains and nervousjiess: they become Writable, and finally discover that some form of female complaint har fastened itself upon them. When a woman uets into this condition there is one tried and true remedy made from the roots and herbs of the field Lydla II. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound, which for more than forty years ban areat work among womep in restoring health aft er niany other remedies have tailed. - JilARLEY IN. DL VON ZU COLLARS r-urTT. PMBOOY ft CO., INC. Mflwta fre.P. The 1-otly will e taken to Corvallis. ilie t'hwmo of Mr. Peters' ; :ar em.4. fr burial. . Quarantine Officer's Duties Increasing What would you do in this situation ? Quarantine Officer Preach on knoi'klns at lhe tloor nf h guar- antinod home was met at the door by the patient with the re- nuest, "Please ask the doctor if 1 may sit up"." . FEW CENTS DESTROYS YOUR DANDRUFF' AID STOPS FAILING HAIR (ji itstiov M-.roo. WASHINGTON. Ice. 4. MoAdoo was ealhsl In-foi-e the senate finance committee to oolaln on what basis lie estimates that Mi cillinus this year and four iicvt in -taxes 'would meet governmental cxieiiditures. 15 CENTS WILL CARE FOR BELGIAN BABY SAVK VOlIt IIAIIS! MAK12 THICK. WAVY ANI ItKAl'. Tll lU THY THIS. IT it jCbr. Cottonwood & Wattr Sts. Thone 530 H I S THE- OFFICE n .r -12 pl S "l" nro agents fiir ; gj( ' ' , " " M i 5 BOBS SPOKANE ) J'iKW g.3 B - . v Tbrj are lino. .. Vs.f JjX zS Si Also serve sanilwiebes. fino Fl I VcL C T,r. ' lunches and drinks. g j I I I Who wants to spend 1 cents and thus support a Belfiian baby for one day ? f Pendleton people are to "he j ivtn an opportunity to answer ' thin question soon when Christ- ! mas card?, ut 15 cents each, are ; t he sold nt special sale stands i under the auspices of the Bel- fiiiwi relief committee of the Women's UivUdon of the Patri- ot ic. Ser ice 1 ea Kue. The cauls show a heavily eml't-sscd design of the Delia ! RuMa tuinl)iiii, with tle words ' Peace on Karth. Good Will To- , ward Men." while on the reverse side a few words expluin that j the card was hotiRht fur the benefit of the relief fund. j Mrs. Hoy T. Bishop is chair- I man of the committee. and ( hope to sell -00 cards, but if the sale is a success she will put on sale. , Thin, brittle, colorless and ccraffsy . lmfr is mute evidence, of a neglected calji; of dadrhff that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive in ihe hair as dandruff. It robs the hair ..f it?lustre. its strength and its very; li'V : eventually producing: a feverish-1 mpss and ilehinff of the scalp, wh'oh M pot remedied causes the hair roots t. shrink, loosen and die then the hair comes out fast. A little Dander-; .in; tonight now any time will saV our hair. Get a sn.all bottle of Know ton'? Pandi rine trora any drus store or toi let tounter. and after the first appM your hair will take on that I:e, lustre and 'ux una nee which is f o beautiful. It will liwome wavy and f'-it'y and bav the appearance t..f al tnu'ance. ai. :;;comparable jrloss and -cftm.-s; but bat will please you n.ost will be after just a few weeks' ne. when von v:M actually- see n lot of fine, downy hair new hair r.-iwintt all over the scalp. ;I.SS AFPtHXTMKNT TIIOT StKK. M-:V YOI5K. tirr. 9. Tho npMint u.cnt of Carter f ruin fa cr. arenuin. a siieee-sor to lAtlm. M, reuariled a ccrtaiiity. This is tho lew-c.ri.-nl tu statimiit of mcmhers of the rtidcntial party lHfore sail ing. ihis lia- Ihs-ii a-keel to take the job but he refuel to say w 1 tether he wiuild nivpt if nwi1iUOtl. iti-n iiikmi:t OF (Continued I mm pajre l. FORECAST TonUht and Thursday rain or snow. til the middle or at least. one or the factors which tend to make uncertain the treisnrv require ments for the next ear. the report outlines, is the possible demand for loans by our Kuropenn ustctte! in the war. ow About that "hiii Machiiie You have been considering purchasing? The war is over. Why not let us send it up now? A Thor washer is guaranteed not .to uso over 2c worth of electricity per hour. Now doesn't it seem foolish to do a!l that work when all you save is 2c an hour? Think it over. IE 'Always at your service" t AVOID COUGHS ! AND COLT. HERS! Your health and society demand that you take something for that com; h. Coushin spreads disease. CJood. old, reliable S'HTT.orf if siar- ! nnteed to relieve the worst c jch in 1 WnVAMVt'UVUA't.VkV NOODLES, CHOP SUEY, CHINESE DISHES CniTV'Q KWONG HONG LOW UVk w in wet aiu rixmm K A HMh'Ht'"t'ittiii' 4 hours. SHU OH Stops Coughs i r 7rr7z7'7,rs .- i