EIGHT PAGE! VAC.V KIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1018. The Paughtcra of the American of the Red Cross, the appeal for lol- city Mopping at the Hotel St. George, 1 Revolution will hold their first meet- unteer service is renewed In hope of! T. Q. Schllke of La Grande I a Pen ding since the quarantine thin evening completing the dressings this week. ;dletnn visitor today. '-M. the home of Mrs. George A. Hart- Gauxe folding, each afternoon will be 1 F. Hubert Is lu Pendleton from man, 114 Monroe street. At 7:S0 under the supervision of one of the i t'kiah. o'clock sharp. A full attendance Is do- .following women, who Join in asking j q. a. McCutchen Is In- the city to- Klred that work Tor the year may M cooperation tor the completion or tne day from Nolin. planned. The Informs! meeting of the Cur rent 1-ilerature Club called for Wed nesday, has been postponed until FVl- day. afternoon at. 3 o'clock at the homo f Mrs. Dlsneway. church of the Kedeemer, the Parish"? Aid. the Ladies' Auxiliary and the Sanctuary., chapter, are to meet tomor row afternoon at the rectory. A full attendance is urged and friends a well as member are . invited to be task which has claimed the attention of workers for many months. Wednesday Mrs. T. D. Taylor. Thursday Mrs. P. K. Boyden. Friday Mrs. J. C, Woodworth. W. C. O'Sullivan Is up from Stan- field, a guest at the Hotel St. George. T. S. Gibson la a business visitor in Pendleton today from pilot Rock.' . JJave White is In Pendleton today -' 1 , from Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. Helwlg Rredlng and, Newton Miller and R. U Hari were in- the city yesterday from Hold man. John Thompson of SiWftm, was In tne city-on' Paturdny. " 1. T. B. Otrrdane'waa In the city from Mencham yesterday; , A. H. Moore of 5cho was In the city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C'. Ebert and chll- little son Jack returned Monday from Portland where they spent a week with Mrs. Bredtng's mother, Mrs. R. R. Warren at one of the attractive .home, on the Columbia River highway. at Warrendale. . Th trip both going end coming in a Vellle roadster. , ; present. The meeting Is scheduled M ' department of the Red i d""n. Sunday from a trip to . Z:OC,OCK ""V"8 AUX- Cross a welcome Is extended to all i.lary wiff present an Informal program . ,, inteers for to- on missionary work. With the resumption of class work In the surgical dressings department morrow afternoon, by Mrs. T. D. Tay lor, who is Wednesday's supervisor. W. Fv Kipple of Portland, is in the - tW," J r j 'r. 'I ' 'LJ e-e-Ja" - f-r-.i. " vr r, V .J '! fl Vlr r An International Service Built on Tiny Profits Per Pound ; 1 Some industries fiavd been able to get in step with war demands more quickly , than j.o&eis.;. ' ; ; . .... In many cases mighty plants have sprung ap-but, at aprodigious cost. , ! , The packing industry was able to adapt Itself to unheard of demands more quickly, perhaps, than any other industry. And this was because the vast equipment of packing plants, refrigerator cars, branch houses, etc., had been gradually developed to its present state of efficiency, so that in the crucial hour it became a mighty international system for war" service. ' ' And how had this development taken place? Not by making vast inroads into the capi tal wealth of the country, bu41argely by using, from year to year, a portion of the profits, to provide for expansion. Swift ft Company's profits have always been so tiny, compared with sales, that they have had practic ally no effect on the price of meat (amounting to only fraction of a cent per pound). And yet the owners of the business have been content with reasonable returns on their capital, and have been able, year after year, to put part of the profits back into the business to provide for its expansion. ' These fraction of tiny profits have been repaid to to the public many fold in the form of better service, and better and cheaper meat, and made it possible for Swift & Company to meet, undaunted, the sudden cry for meat for overseas. Could any other method of financing a vital industry involve less hardship to the people of the country ? Could there be m better instance of trotf "pTOrrNsnaring'' than this return in added usefulness and in national preparedness ? Swift & Company, U. S. A. Portland. Sam Jngalls was In4 Pendleton yes terday from his ranch near Pendle ton. Max Simmons of Pendleton la a visitor at the home of Sam Harris this week. La Grande Observer. B. D. Smith, former Umatilla coun ty sheepman. Is in town from Hood River today. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart man are' here from Portland to attend the fu neral of Mrs. Hartman's father, ft. J. Ferguson., Rev. H. HI Huhell, pastor of the Christian church, left yesterday morn ing for a few days stay In Portland. Judse T. A. McBride. justice of the supreme courti returned to his home at Salem, yesterday morning - after spending Suiday in Pendleton Miss Hazel Jenkins, a popular young lady of Pendleton, Is visiting Misa Thelma Osterllng for a few days. La Grande Observer.' , f Robert N- Stanfleld, leading wool producer of the wefit, left for his On tario home yesterday, after spending several days In Portland with Mrs. Stanfleld, who Is at the Mallory Ho tel. Portland Oregonlan. , , John Adams, night clerk at the Fo ley, expects to leave tomorrow to ac. ccpt a similar position. jn the Pendle ton hotel at Pendleton. r. a Van Housen of Brfker, will succeed Mr. Adam La Grande Observer. Card of Thank We wish to express our most sin cere thanks to the many friends who so generously contributed their assist ance during our sad bereavement and ess of our' beloved husband and son. Also for the many beautiful floral tributes. ' t M Ra L., H. GBIS8. MR- A'D MRS. PETER GEIS3 AND; FAMILY. p.'iny. ' . The three weeks I wan at the front J didn't have time to write any one for It keeim us busy dodning shells and Jerry's machine gun huUets. Wit'hV didn't happen to have my number on any of them. v Believe me, this Is some experience and a great lesson not only to, me but lots of others, A fellow doesn't know what he can stand and go through until he has to. I saw Frtt ftredlng -a day or two before I came to the hospital. He was looking good. Haven't heard' from my brofhei since we went over the top, but 1 guess he la all right. I hope so, any way. I never get any letters so I guess I have lots of moll over here some place, but It hasn't caught up with me .for I have been transferred around so much. . Well, Earl It is kind of hard for me to write any more for you can't te,i where you have been or what you have done- or anything like that. Bo I will close. Tou want to excuse this writing for I- am writing this ' few lines in bed. . . Withlng you all a Merry Xmas, I remain yours truly, , JOHN B. SWANKY. PVT. American Expeditionary F., Franco. Regards to the bunch. PAT POKfcR WHTUB SHELLS FLY J. P. Walker of Pendleton, la In re ceipt of a letter, from Carl McGlnnis, a Pendleton" man', who left here1 with Troop D. whose address Is Box C, 146 F. A., A & F,. The letter is dated Oct. 23, and says In part: ."We are sleep ing lit dugouts,, two of Us In a dugout. and. Frit sends, a few over at times whch ikeeps us busy going, to cover. While I am writing this a few of the boys are playing poker and when Frits sends one over they run to a dugout." TKtiiS OF WORK IX FRANCE Walter Gill, formerly employed in George Baer's hardware store and a member of Troop D; tells in a letter to Mr. Baer of work in France. ' Gill is a sergeant and Is in charge of 150 men and 22 tractors' and trucks. He says he has considerable responsibil ity,' and that the work is hard but say he "is still in the ring." Follow ing Is the letter in full: France, Oct. 20, 1918. Dear Friend' George: Just a few more lines to let you know that I am still in the ring and and Wading mud to my neck every day. ,1 am in the best of health and certainly hope that you are. the same. I can't say that I ami in the best of spirits for I am having more grief with my trucks than a man with seven wives. Out of 19 cars f have two that will haul' . ammunition. Every day there is some officer will come around and want a certain number of cars and when I haven't got them they NO TOffi& lIXE; HOOD'S i . SarsaoarHI For 'a Tim Hits This, After Influenza, tho Crip, When pure blood, rebuilt strenpta and regulated bowels are essential. In the after-effects of influenza, the grip and other prostrating dis eases, Hood's Snrsnparilla has re markable health-helping effoctv . . . It; expels the poisons that have weakened and depleted the blood, causing pallor, anemia, flabby, flesh and la muscles. It is the standard blood remedy with a successful rec ord of nearly fifty years. f aiiy people need a fine, gentle, easy cathartic in these trying times. AV recommend Hood's Pills', used1 in the best families, and equally effec tive with delicate women or" robust men. Easy to take, easy tc operate. CHILD HATES Oil, CALOMEL PILLS FOR . LIVER ' AND BOtMS GIVK "CAIJTORNIA KYIU'P OF FFfiS" IF (HOSS( SK 1R, fR- V BRISK, CONSTIPATttl - Look back at your childhood days. Remember tho "dose" mother insisted on castor oil, calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, -how you fought agnhiHt taking them. With our children it's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic Kim ply don't uealiae what they do. Tho children's .revolt,!.; Well founded. Thetr tender little' w!nldes" arc injured hy them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only dell- cloiin "California Syrup of Figs:" Its action Is positive, but gentle! Millions of mothers keep this harmless ''fruit laxative" handy; they knoV children love to toko tt; that It never fail to clean the liver and bowels nnd sweeten the stomach, and that A teaspoonful given today saves a sicg child tomor row. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "Caylfornla Syrup of Figs," which has folT directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on each bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. See that It Is made by 'California Fig Syrup Company." Re j fuse any other kind with contempt, j it DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING WHILE Z OUR STOCK JS COMPLETE. , r . Men's fancy Silk Ties' A large 'assortment of ' Four-in-Hands with flowing ends, priced at 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Men's Fancy Grip Bow Ties 35c and 50c Men's Initial Handkerchiefs 2oc Ladies' Emhroidered Handkerchiefs 5c and 10c Men's Fancy Lisle Hose 25c and 35c Men's Silk Hose 6-c Men's Wool Hose 39c and foe Men's Garters, single or double grip 25c and 3-c Men's Arm Bands 5 t 2c Ladies' Fancy House Slippers 95c to $1.9. Men's-House Slippers . r..... ..... 95c to $2.2.) Men's Army Sweaters f J! ! Men's Jersey Sweaters $1.00 to $3..0 The Hub 52 Sample Stores. , 745 Main St 8 r,i nin ! 121 East Court (5 Picture Framing' I PHOENIX PURE PAINT 3 All the lau-st nioiilln, to your iiriler, piirrly n""1'' "' , at rciiHoiinhlt! pi'lit-H MURPHY BROS. Tim OI.B 1!IXI.M.R P.MNTKItS Sole Agents for the Old liclialilo Western Made fur Western Trado ' tt ' " ' yell their header off. blow up at any time. Several times I thought that business had gone to H , but ft is still going. It sure Is a funny feeling to have a few about the WITH THE COLORS News of Local Boa th (na Ser vice; Information- for tbla De partment Will be Appreciated. 1 am in- full command of our es- chelon and I have about 150 men anil jsixe of an 8 Inch stove pipe whistling 22 tractors and trucks to look ater so around you. The closer to the you-see how .much I have to do, I ground that you- can pet the bolter haven't aeen one of the officers from i you feel and if there Is a hole around my battery for over two weeks and it lyou , don't have to have an 'officer sure works hardships on me. I am there to tell you to Bet In It. That's very much afraldi that tho Captain has one place where will power can't over over estimated my ability to run this iconic your lejra. Well ithoy are yell eschelon. Well I will do the best I iing, come and get it before they throw can until things get too much for me ' It out so I will ring off for the time and then I will, turn up my toes and : being. , Back again. For dinner we yell, Kamerad! The captain thinks had the old army and navy special, that I am some Sgt. He told the or- beans! Oreat stuff If you like them derly for him that the reason he liked .but I can't say that I do. Tell Chet. me so well was, because ho could tell or Hob to write a few lines once In me so little and I would do the thing a while, that Is if it wouldn't break so thorough. It's all very nice to !thelr arm. Give my regards to all I have your commanding officer think j know and don't forget to answer this fhat way about you but you can see jletter." I guess that I have sounded off jwhat it leads to. jabout enough for this time so I will I am camped in a "little town, that jring off. in It used to be a town but all there Is with kindest regards and be:t left Is a few walls and piles of rook. Iwishes to you nnd family. 1 1 don't believe there Is a house with Sincerely Tours, ' WALTER. W. P. FULLER & CO. borneby the county some other manner, I a roof left on It in the whole place and I 11 UHVU W UB 1 1,111 Bliuni )l 111 VI. Alio i, main road runs thru here and Broad way. N. Y., is quiet to what It is here. JOHN SWAXEY WRITES FROM My of(ice truck get, alonff 8ide tne HOSPITAIt , road and that is the reason I know. Private John B. Swaney, Co. h HOS There lB a string of cars going day infantry, writes from Base Hospital and nlgnt- i never saw so many in all No. 22 to1 Earl Coutts of this city and my je tells how he "went over the top" aft- j'u gay that Sherman knew what he er being in the army just three'!wag talking about when he said that months: He says. In regard to the !war vax Hell. It's all of that and some army, "that a fellow doesn't know :more added. I thought that the war 8gt. W. A. Gill, Hat. "D 148 A. E. F. F. A. Tfc H. Paldock, of Hoppne'r," ls'ln the city today. J.' E. El'klns is here today from Se- ! attle. C. E. Ferguson Is here today from i Portland. O. 1. Teel Is up today from Echo. Willi M. Peterson and A. II. Cox left this rooming for Portland. I Fred Last is In the city on business from Ijt Orando. I. Bentley left today for San IHeKo, California, where he will spend the winter. ' Mrs. George Chamberlain of Pen dleton, is spending a few days in Port land. She is at the Imperial. George J. Burf is a business visclf or In Pendleton today from Portland stopping at the Hotel St. George. the league or in from Echo. C. I'atne Is a business visitor ill Pendleton today from . Ilonrdnuin, lh new irrigation dlslric-t that Is coming to the front west or Slnnfteld. CI. C Staten, of Pendleton, Is stnyln ,at the Oregon, and A. I. De.Marls Of Milton, is visiting at the Imperial. Portland Journal. .Mrs. Clyde H. Cnrpentier left today f.r Payette, Idaho, to visit nt the homo of her parents, Itev. and Mrsi 11. J. Adams. K. T. Juvenal and family are in the City guests at the hotel 8t. George what he can stand or go through un til he has to." . Following is the let ter: . . . ; November 3,- 1 9 18. -, Friends Earl and Bobble: " ' I- guess yon think It strange to re-till the said: War will end". I nave celve a. letter from me, but since I jfound every thing that I lost over here and I for one am ready to cross 'the pond for the last time. George, this was going to end for a while but I guess it was all a stall. Germany Just wanted-'a chance to build up again. She' knows now that she Is not fooling with some Infant baby and 1 think SALEM Ml 111 BE SPEAKER OF MOUSES - .18 Jones, representtaive-elect from rlon county, will be speaker of lower honse of the Oregon- Zjegisia that it Will only be a few more months j t'r. which will assemble January 13, Tnis m-tne outcome or tne-1 wun- drnwal of Herbert Gordon,, of Mu!to- have been in the hospital I have been writ In; a letter or two every day. Well, Earl it didn't take us very long' to reach France. We landed over here on the 17th of August. We were seven days coming across and I was sure g'ad when we got here for I was feeding the fish most of the way. After we got over here they split oa all up and.put us in different com panies and another division. I was in the army three months to the day and over the top we went. That was on September 26 and was in the firing line for about three weeks. war is going to teaoh more than one boy a lesson and I am one of them. I have already learned mine and now I'm ready for a course in something else. Say for instance, a course in polishing stoves. Ha, Ha. How did. the th loan go in Pendleton? I took out $100 bond. The government de ducts $10 a month from your pay and that's the way it Is paid for. While you are on tho front you don't need only a few francs for smokes so I am sending all I can home each month. 1 ' i i- Any on e Wan ti n g :- "3 "3 Er"3 1 " f3 "f) i 1 Telephone 339 'i i! PeniandnBros. Bi supply, now on hand and will be sold cheap. Get your order in now. And believe me. when ever you are at'ao" "'" ...... the front you go through a little hell.Jhen I get back and I II have to have Sleeping out in the cold and rain. 1 buv the baby some shoes stayed with It till it put me here. I veral other things too numerous have been here for about two weeks. j mention. Ha, Ha. Of course it Is kind of nice to have a I will sure be able to tell you a bed to sleep In but it Isn't very nice ouncn ui them every day. There Is some funny things happens around here In the course of a day. It got a letter from the State, since , ,hl ., ti h,. should have lots of l , """'" ,. " ' -,' , nient and a fellow sure gets the blues. Not knowing anybody and I haven't came aeross. j-iail when f I get back to my com-1 ter known as cooties. France is full OLD FASHIONED TEA FOR CONSTIPATION jnf these little devils so most any place that you go you can lino inem. i must give you my definition of a louse. They are little parasitic ani mals that had advanced the art of camouflaging to high science before man ever knew that there was such an Insect. I haven't located any more of them since the time tnat I wrote ; This Is a matter that was brought up jyou about. One of my trucks just , by Ir. W. D. McXary and Judge Ste- icaugnt nre ana came uaom near uum- t,nen A. Lowell, and has for Its pur mah, and Ben C. Sheldon- of Jack son, and the member, who were sup porting them pledging their support, or a majority of them at least, to Mr. Jones. This coupled with the solid i Wn..t Qta vnla 'i au I .Da tha fnrlnn i county man election, j Sunday evening about 80 members ; of Ihn hmme with Assurance of co- operation that pledged 34 votes, met j at an Informal conference at the Hotel I'uniana, at ine conclusion in wnii'ri'pr tt wns announced that the speakership ! hud been settled. S GLASS MAT Sl'CCEFTV K WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Wllsou's V. friends are convinced that Hcpresen tiitlve Carter Glass of VlrKlnlu, will succeed McAdoo. r6 I 1 Nil t 1 3 Fill -"sr- llfl t ''1 .a f. 1 I N f- f H VX I I e I I 1 5 tui .xur lis. V UJ IJ V. 2 n ' f-v '; fwi , F-3 r v , r aa W IkJ lad ' " "' : .: ' ' ' ll ... r . 8 r S COUNTY NURSE IS URGED BY limi t v-- The executive committee' of - the K Umatilla County Patriotic Service jg league has gone pn record as unciuall-j fiedly In lavor of securing a county a health 'nurse for Umatilla county. A' ti : ii i as. '.. .. t. ? :: flrew It Yonrself at Homr. ProosW"1 the remedy y.nf rm inf? UP- I' hadn't been for so much j ,,0e the protection of the health of tke for ilomj-d np bowels and sIuk-'handy mud. It would have burned up, the countyv particularly at this time gish liver is one that costs very little entirely. That's another thing lhnt wn,.n the soldiers will be returning -TS'l'iT,". T,VCl;:,.. tr . iFrance Is blessed with far mud and j from th, mmm and from France, and B. T- has be-n ueed by tns of thou- ;any amount of It. i it will be necessary to take precautions sand to k-p the bowels regular and jf ve nB that much rain at home for the prevention of tho spreai the whole system In tlnn con.lltion. 'wa wouI(i haVe to raise rice Instead ; tuberculosis and Instruct the poop! tvf ,.nti vet . ..tiar W bt This Is a' great life If you, the treatment of the disease I ulwtor n4 system tonic, and brew a-don't weaken but the best of them do. .'early stages. w?ek" J"rwTUr"ft" rry "'Bht tOT. "I' -How is your business? Hns the war It was the expression of those pres. j You'll surely be gratefully surprised! affected1 you tt great deal? As you cnt that this Is a matter of so mncH at the benefit you get and will frame know my business la myself arid It j Importune, provision for the securing .Sf"r. ?r-i,nA.'t.Jmti? eSEI'tKn't verr .ubantlal on. at this day'of county nurse should b. mad. r.- ..?A li'lr Z J.VZ"u A tword aa H-U Kablo'to bo.no tho county, in Jeacn. or In ad of i A.' Lie In 1 U n the i 5 Actual scene of FORDSON TRACTOR i)1nw;no. ; g 1.1 11 1J f T T TIlT-i-. . .1 4 3 up oiu aiiiiixu xiciu lur u. u. lvxann, on ine reserva tion. - . ! i Soil was packed, not having been plowed far years, and the roots were extremely large. " THE FORDSON TRACTOR MAKES HORSES TOO EXPENSIVE FOR PLOWING. $1125 f.o.b. Pendleton With Plow. ' ( You can buy the tractor without plow. a Now here for immediate delivery. ' Simpson Auto Co. S Wsiipr & Jnritisnn P.Ja. rU in ' ' -- ( i Hunt; uo rg