EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1018, VACRFIVB I CO ROY'S CASH GROCERY 525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640' r New Crop Seeded Raisins, 16 oz. pkg. 15c H Bananas, dozen ' . . . , . . Large Oranges, dozen " ' ' -J'f . ; 30c 80c' OREGON TROOPS IN FRANCE LOCATED OftJXJOXIAN NKWS BUREAU. Waiih., Nov. 30. In a list made public by the War Department showing; the location of the various division of the Army at the time of the signing i of the armistice, the 9 lift Division l ihown to have been at Ostoosebeke and Iunkerque, near the Belgian-French border, and the 4 2st Division near St. Algnan and Noyers, In Prance. Them two Divisions contained troops from Oregon, Washington and Idaho. y - IcrouR'y to 'cooperate wlih the stati. j JlllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllifillllilllllHltmiltltlillliltiS liOHON PtCTURE BWS What the Picture Theater Have to Tell You. ASKS "OBSERVING' COMMITTER Olympic Pancake Flour, pkg.. .... . . 35c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, 2 pkgs. . 35c Quaker Corn Flakes, pkg 10c Washington Crisps, pkg 10c Best Iowa Corn ....... .can 15c; case $3.50 WASHINGTON, lxw. 3. Conirrnwl- onal (IlKplnaHuro due to PrCHtdctit U II wm't not taking the letftdative branch into his confidence regai-dlmr ieaoe mulK'rx. broke, out. with the convenine of ronitrrwi ypxtcrday. Ciimmlrurx In ' troductxl a resolution to create a xena jlorlal eoimnittcn of elKht to "otwrve" IX-oeo negotiations, keeping the innate. which lias treaty ratifications power. ,in touch vt-llh developnicnis. Hrnre- iHentallvo ltodi-nnura; introduced rowlutlon to declare Vice President Marshall the legal holder of the presl 1 demliil (bull- while Wilson Is In En ; roie. r CELERY KING WHEN FEVERISH fc'iiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiniii We Sell War Savings Stamps 5 Save and Srve ' The First National Bank lilllllllMllllllltMlllMIfftllMlllfllttflllllllllllllllinMIIIIfMTIIIIIIllllltflllllHIilllUlr Hon't make th mistake of bothering with uncertntn r-mrilfl for Celry King a purely Yejffrtablti formula made into a. palatubla tea is nature's bt riiiif-iiy for constipation, upst stom ach, coated tongue and sick headache. It's the name old remedy that thou fthmla Hwenr by and coata only a few cvnta for a generous package. Tak it freely and give U to the little on- when cross and feverish. Want Ad COST is Less Than Vacant Room Loss! You can rent your furnish ed room to 'a lodger who la "good pay who will appre ciate a good place to live, and who will STAY if the room makes a good home. The COST per day of a want ad is smaller than the I..(.SS 'per day through hav ing the room unrented. And a few days of want ad COST will prevent a great many days of VACANT ROOM LOSS. ,. AI.TA TODAY. Today the AHa Is showing the pop ular favorite. Jack Plckford, In the whirlwind comedy drama, "Mile a Minute Kendall." a -play full of pep and action from start to finish. Jack I is now In the tJ. 8. navy doing his bit. "Mile a Minute Kendall," one of those breezy plays that keep you In merri ment and wonder from the first reel until the final fade-out on the screen. In addition will also be shown the Alta Screen Telegram, the weekly that shows the news first. ' PASTIME TODAY. The serials that were playing when the ban was clapped on In Pendleton will be continued where they left. off at the Pastime today.? Pearl White in the "House of Hate," Chapter 12, and Eddie Pole In "The Bulls Eye." chapter 10. Also wlJI be shown a Keystone with Sydney Chaplin, en titled "Flirting With the Mermaids." first in meeting the emergency which j In drawing so many teacher away ' s ;frorn the schools, and then In support-i j ting institution and axenctes for the, perparatlon of competent teachers, jiz j would be to raine at once the status S inn iravmnA i,r.,,,u aim 11 m j j enhance the efficiency of the schools ;S throughout the land. Without en. js: croachlng upon the autonomy of the ' several states, cooperation would re-is: cognise In a most effective way the j "Z dependence of the nation's welfare up- IS on the public schools and the signln-lz; cance of the teacher's service to the'r nation's life." j CHILDREN 10c TtiCGcIa ncoday-.J ADULTS 25c 1 To "rely upon in 99 out of 100 ' a want ad" fi 'Instances" In 1 safe ife. ; "1920 AM'HOI'KIATIOXS LESS. ; WASHINGTON,' Pec. 2. Govern- : mcnt expenditures to next year are of- j rielally estimated at K,OH.7, 298.07. ! 5 McAdoo transmitted to the house this I E estimate of appropriations required j for various departments of the govern- i " mcnt during; tlie fiscal year ending June SO, 1920. It include sinking . fund requirements and postal savings! appropriations. The total is approxi mately twenty-two billions less titan i the total 1919 estimates. PUBLIC-SCHOOLS PEACE HOUSING CAN BE QUICKLY SUPPLIED Training Teachers. Improv ing Instruction Worries Educators. Don't Neglect Your Buildings A coat of Good Paint will add many more years to their usefulness. Lovo Dros. ainfs fill every requirement stand the wear of time. and II (S I ..W.ftllWtJ r Proscriptions t Or Other t S Si Emergency Drugs 5 may be had after P. M. by calling J dence phones 6:30 resi- L. J. McATEE The Practical Paint Man 513 Main Street Telephone 158 J'3.''1-W r. ti ! Taliman & Co. leading Drngglsta. -m.m.,." kVl'wwww.w.Vl -'lllllltlllllllllllllllltflllllllllllllltlllllillllitllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllttltilllllill THE SENSIBI ,E GIFT By United Press.) NEW TOHK, Nov. 30. One of the greatfit reconstruction problems fac- I in k tnn nation, now mat peace nan j comii. In the problem of bettering pub. lie education, according to leading educators here, The pujrlfe schools, as well a moat private schools and colleges, have suf fered severely on account of the war. Many American cities had just formed plans Involving large expenditures for education, when the United States en tered the war, and the plans have been held In obeyance since. Great school construction programs were postponed and will be resumed with many diffi culties. In New York City several million dollars worth of construction wa planned for the puhllc schools, and the money has been available through out the war, but the government would not permit labor and materials to be diverted, from war work. Now that the ban is lifted the construction of new public schools will. begin, even though materials still are very high, Thousands of children are tinable to attend school for a full day beause of lack of space Similar conditions exist In most other large cities. Surveys show that the greatly under-constructied public school plant Is the rule In American cities. The fairly complete plant is a happy exception- Other Problem nfft&vr. But the physical plant is a thing that can be built up with a fa Id degree of promptness if the people want bet ter facilities and are willing to vote the money. It is the problem of train ing teachers and improving the educa tors most of all. Half the school children in the j United States are attending schools taught by untrained or badly trained teachers, according to a evom mission of educators headed by G.'D. Strayer. president. National Education associa tion. This commission has completed a study of national educational condi tions, and its conclusions are none too flattering to Americans who believe that the fate of a free people rests largely upon the widespread duf fusion of sound education among the people. Concerning conditions in the rural and vllliage schools, the commission! sa ys : Tour ad should tell people where to find you or to find what you have to 8e"- OJtJiJI ANOTHER GUESS V- . 1 f ' - ; - . SSjgS a L. A'SS' Virginia congressman ' who Is considered In some quarters as likely successor to McAuoo as sec retary of the treasury. Glass en tered Congress in 1902. and first won national recognition (or his aid in drafting and carrying through the ederal reserve bank act. A rip-roaring, go-get 'em Comedy; Drama. Pull of pep and one that will make Jack Pickford now of the U. S. navy, more popular than ever. '. Action ! Thrills ! . Be sure and see Sailor Jack in JVIile-a-Minute Kendal. IN ADDITION ALTA SCREEN TELEGRAM Showing how our boys whipped the Hun. Come We are showing to more people than before the ban was put on Come! ciiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiiiHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiH B ts JS RUB NEURALGIA , AWAY! END PAIN IXST.WT HFI.IKF FROM KKRVE TORTURK AXI MISKRV WITH OI.I "ST. JAOOKS IASI-5IEXT." Get a small trial bottle! Rub this soothing, penetrating lin iment right into the sore, inflamed nerves, and like magic neuralgia dis apepars. "St. Jacogs Liniment" con quers pain. It Is a harmless neural gia relief which doesn't burn or dis color the skin. Don't suffer! It's so needless. Get a small trial bottle from any drug store and gently rub the "aching nerves" and in 3ust a moment you will be absolutely free from pain, ache and suffering, but what will please you more Is, that the misery will not come back- N difference whether your pain or neuralgia misery is in thef ace. head or any part of the body, you get In stant relief and without injury. j Room 7, Temple Bids. 5 Phone 772 2 Dr. H. A. Schneider j Pendleton Oregon J Kor the national government gen-1 PASTIME TUESDAYWEDNESDAY CHILDREN 5c ADULTS 20c SERIAL DAY . : HOUSE OF HATE 5 Pearl White and Antonio IN ' Flashes in the Dark ALSO EDDIE POLI IN "THE BULL'S EYE" Coyotes of the Desert These serials begin where we left off when the Flu ban was placed on the city. ALSO KEYSTONE COMEDY ' "FLIRTING WITH THE MERMAIDS" FRAMING THE ARMISTICE TERMS AT VERSAILLES v a Real Leather Suit Case or Bag f We carry in stock the finest line of this class of goods in Eastern Oregon .'. .. VThe Leather Store" In ihe leather business lor forty years HAM LEY & CO. 0 I I i P ' ''cr-., . . . .S f L - . , . ?Xa - mS - ....iiiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiii m iiHuiMmifmni"MtimnimiiiMMmiMiiMftr 'iiiMimmiuiMMiiiiHiiiiimmiMmiMM!iMir'i , M Mm m. m m m. n m i m m IT--. A w . . . - v- iv mo iiirrii a iii i r-H m n ma varms r r iiorrvanw'o b..kaj a In the Versailles palace. On the left side of the table, from left to "rliiht. are h.o ih. n .. premier, loionei coward M. House, Ueneral ,i , "ni ana ine seroian minister. Vesntlct). rrenco prvraier, Ueorges . 'er.H- f1'' n,xt nn hos name la not aivsa . i y Wilson. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Hals. Genera I Scki, VeVtTA Amiral W Clsmence.- and UFr.MhJoniiH nUpi.t.r. SUpUooa, - " ''-MqyL? x s s st i 3 ts 1