East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 02, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    UWwWtf ttfHMWMBiig, ..j.-(B t.ftww1
i "oh OB n i . n hm fmtm n so
U. " 1 1 ' II
four nunnM ana eusnty couvhips- 'wnon a dinner, given in trie nature or. 7 Robinson is. la Portland and will
rent robe. 2s tlniiji, and 4n rofu- a surprise, honored her husband, the undergo an operation on the other eye
He garments face workers In the Red occasion being Ms forty sixth birthday immediately In the hope of giving her
t rot uettiiiit room, Bcwrtunn 10 au-r. niuversHi-.. a great cluster or car- ;iler sightsagain.
. A. H. Cox, chairman of hospital gar- nations and fluffy ferns decked the i
imf'rrt mttHng. Now .that restrictions table where covers were laid for ' Material Arrive.
group iQu-klng are raised, the room eighteen. An evening of cards fol
w'lli e ojH-n to volunteers each after lowed the dinner, high honors falling
noon "between 1 uid 5 o'clock and an. to Mrs. Wilson E. Brock and L. L.
urgent tle Is made for assistance in Rogers. Guests included Mr. and
the sewing- department. :Mrs. It. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs.
- lenry Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr, my iunn atiil son, i:y. have Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Clarke,
returned to their home tn Idaho after Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oreulich, Mr!
spending Thanksgiving with Mrs. nnfl Mrs. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers
rui n's mother, Mrs. X. K. Bowman, and Mr. and Mrs. James Hill. -' "
and her sister, Mrs. Abe Molstronu 1 ' ' '
j Miss nattle Foster is In the city from
'"'tSTth the resumiition et t-lass work Mldodle. Idaho.
In; the surgical dressings -department ; J.i Howard Is In the city 'today
of "the Red Cross, the appeal for vol-'from Waitsburg.
urfteer service is renewed in hope of i T,. Connell olf Walki Walla, is a
completing the dressings this week. 1 Pendleton visitor today.
(Uim folding, each afternoon will be ! 'William MoPherson is in the city to
under the supervision of one of theidnr from Koho. '
following women, who join In asking j Mrs. M. J. Farrell Is being welcomed
cooperation for the completion of the , ln Pendleton from Oo'toi California,
task which has claimed the Attention j gne s domiciled at 520 Lincoln street.
tif workers for many months.
Materials for B0 pair of pajamas.
arrlve.d today at Red Cross head
quarters and work will 'begin at one
on the garments.
Tuesday Mrs. E. 1 Power.
"Wednesday Mrs. T.-D. Taylor.
' Thursday Mrs. F. E. Hoyden.
"Friday Mrs. J. C. Woodworth.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our .. sincere
thanks to our neighbors and , friends
for their kindness and floral offer
er and Mrs. Koscoe tthodes are be-f nf for our Leloved one who has been
Irig congratulated vpon the birth of an 4 t" rest- An1 especially to ijie
etpht and a half pound daughter who j Woodmen of the "World andho Home
arrived at the home of Mrs. Ixla Tay- . . , '
lor, S18 Stonewall Jackson street. yes-;M,!!'-' FRAVK CnuPMAX.
She is to be called a.m. ai n.-.. . v . 1,1 . n .a.n. ,
. , i MR. AND MRS. H. C. ItWS'BMAN.
terday morning.
Virginia Ye.
An informal meeting of the Ctirrent I
literature Club has been called by the
president, Mrs. Mary . I nsosway. - for )
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The program has been interrupted
and plans for club work and eontiliu- 1
atlon of the 1'rogram are to be dis- i
cussed. Mrs. Disosway has q.sked the YiiH-rntion VceeXtii'. , . S , ...
members to meet at her home on Wa!C A recent operation fo restore" the
ter street. sight "ft . Mrs. p.. AoblnsoV well
' krrowrr "Pendleton woman, "has "proved
Mrs. David Xelson extended charm- unsuccessful and it is thouphkshc will
lng hospitality 5aturdar venine; lose the Eight of the eye entirely. Mrs.
My I.cjive Sumiay, "
M. S. Shrock county, agent, Who
has resigned to accept a position with
the Oregon Ealrymen9 aue. ' ex
pects to leave on Sunday, accompan
ied by Mrs. Sthrack and their t'o sons,
for Portland, t,
ltoUlman SitcKI Closed
The school at Hold man has been
reported as cIod on account of the
Influensa. Mrs. U. Miller Tias been
elected clerk of the school district to
ffH the place made vacant by the
death of XV. L Guerrant.
AtlM-nn Woman Is Hi.
N. Buraker. & pianeer resident of
the Athena country, passed through
here today en route to Portland where
his wife has been seriously 111 for
some time and la not expected to live.
Mrs, Bonny In High School.
Mrs. Charles Bonney bexan her du
ties today at the Pendletdn TitKh
school and is teaching English and his
tory. - Mrs; -TTonney iras formerly a
teacher In the trhrh' school and had
charge of the Latin classes.
,miual M"ctlna? Scheduled. .
Closing the business of the year and
'timing 'over the proceeds of the
Roumi-Vp, above expenses, to the Red
Cross, will be thepurpose of the an
nual meeting oflhe stockholders which
will be held Friday. December 6; at
7:3rt p. m. nt the Commercial Club
rooms. The meeting was .postponed
because of Spanish Influenza.
Company I to Mcct.
All members of Company T, Oregon
'Militia, who hnve siBned up and all
jthose who wish to sign up in the local
j company, are asked by Lieutenant
jMcMonies, offlrer in command, to
meet tomorrow' night at 7:30 in the
'armory. A permanent organization
will be discussed at the meeting.
Pink apper
To save tin foil for Uncle Sam,1
VniGLEY5 is now all wrapped
in pink paper and hermetically'
sealed in wax:
1. The tangey
" ' flavor of mint
2. The luscious . -
' different' flavor
3. The soothing
" Y flavor of
, pepjermint
All in pink-end packages and
all sealed air-tight. Be Sure
to get WlilGLEYS because
tot ackoaes SPrtt-
1 One hundred fifty four soldiers'
rivpresas received Christmas packages
shipped from Pendleton hy hear rela
tives and Inspected at the Red Cross
office, according to a report made by
Mrs. F. E. Judd. head of the tnspec-
'tlon. Of this mimner. It carried la
bels pr6vlded at the office because
the regular labels failed to- arrive
from France, 6 8 bore labels which ar
rived from overseas, and 10 pack
ages bore labels sent from northwest
headquarters. These 10 labels arrived
"from soldiers -who had no relatives or
Mends to send them to, and were fill
ed by Pendleton: people who volun
teered." ' -
Itud my transportation and travel'
1 ders.. After about three days I found
jtbem at. the line. I was with' tl
! thore for four or five days when
were relieved unil sent tf rest.
' 'the artillery, uf which the l'endle
ton mineh ts a fiart, was working wfth
tis and we tiere camped among; their
Kilns 'nut a didn't know It until arter
we started marching out. The night
we pulled out -We Brotuped for a fen
minute rest not more than fifty feet
from one of their guns and belle
me they were sending 1ieoe propos
als" to the boche fast and furious
T.hey told me later that Jlin Stnrgia
is a captain and adjutant of the regi
ment and his dugout was not over
half a mile from where I was for
four days. 1 '
Cuming out we hiked for five days
to limber us up after living In Wet
dugouts -and not doing much walk-.
Ingi TV"e averaged about twelve miles
each day with light packs and equip
ment tiltrhtn. aii liitlA "Hntf tents"
at night. Most of the time it rained!
so the roads were pretty muddy but
the mud lsnt the sticky kind So we dlo
n5t mind ft so much. On the fifth
day we reached this camp and will
probably be here two or three weeks.
After the first night In a dugout
f was as lousy as a pet coon. Every
body -is up there, so It's no disgrace.
One of our favorite pastimes Is to sit
In the door oY our dugouts and havs.
a "shirt hunt." Everybody was hap
py when we got a chance to take a hot
bath again and "boll up." When a
fellow gets rid of them he is Just a
little lonesome for a day or two.
Ih this 'last "push" there was a time
when only ammunition and rations
cr.uld come In' and during that time
the daily "papers came. In In' a novel
way. One evening an aeroplane came
over flying low. When right over our
cook shack be shot up In the air sud
denly, did a "loop the loop" and when
his plane was upside down, little bun
dles of papers fell out.
I'm sending a little picture of my
self. It Isn't good because It wasn't
Well finished but you can see I'm In
good health. I've been feeling rotten
the last two days but am alright to
night. '
-I'm sending you a copy of the Stars
and Stripes, .the soldiers' paper of the
A. E. '
A communication came -through to
my commanding officer about the al
lotment to Gladys, but we are still "uu
stump" and can't do anything until
my service Tecord comes back to the
regiment. When It comes It will be a
matter of a tnonth or bo "Until she Is
paid. For the same reason I haven't
received any iay for several months
but It's a good way to save money
and I don't mind so long as 1 can get
It's Easy If You Know Dr.
Euwarda' Olive Tablets
The secret of keeping young Is to feel
young to do this you must watch your
Viver and bowels there' no need of
having a sallow complexion dark rings
under your eyes pimples bilious
look -la your face dull eyes with no
sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety
per cent of all sickness comes from in
active bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
In Ohio, perfected vegetable com
pound mixed with olive oil to set on
the liver and towels, which he gave to
his patients for years.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substi
tute for calomel, arygentle in their action
yet always effective? They bring about
that exuberance ef wpirit, that natural
buoyancy which should be enioved bv
everyone, by toning up the liver and clear
ing tne system ot impurities.
You will know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab
lets by their olive color. 10c and 23c per
box. All druggists. :
Buns "so that "we could blow them up
If we saw that they were going to cap
ture them. 13ut to our disappoint
ment they didn't get to us, but we
were ready for them and would have
liked to have mixed with them to see
if we eduld decrease the population ot
the German army a little.
I. am going to send you some kind
of a souvenir some of these days as
soon as I get one that suits me. There
are pelenty of them most any. place
you go you can get some kind of a
keepsake, but I want to get you a nlc
I don't know whether I will ever
get a chance to get my picture taken
in my "Easter Bonnet" or not maybs
not for a long time, but uu soon as J
can I will, and I will send yon one.
I'll hang up for tills time ana answer
soon. With tow,' '
"". DOC.
Pvt. Ivan Carr, Ttattery r, Js'o. US, F1
A., A. E. F-, via N, Y, 5 ; '
Frank A. Howe, II. Q.' Co. .164,
Inf.. A. R. F.. A. I'. O. ;T, willing to
Forrest A.. Hurrah, G1S Tusti street,
expresses the keenest appreciation
of newsy letters from Pendleton. He
says "Ooing over the top Is much dif
ferent than going other places I have
,'Youll Always Find Bargains atiThe Hub.
Men's Mackinatv Pants . . $6-00
Men's Heavy Wool Tants $5.00
Mackinaw" Coats $7.95 to $10.00.
Men's Logger Shirts $0.00 to $8.50
Men's Flannel Shirts ... ......... $2.50 to $4.00
Men's Overcoats ..; $9-50 to $18.50
Men's Cotton Ribbed Unions . . . $1.50 and $1.85
Men's Wool Unions $2.45 to $3.50
Men's Wool Sox ........ . . .-. ....... 39c to 75c
Men's Warm Mitts 45c to $2.50
32 Sample Stores.
745 Main St
Fr 1) ft) f II (m m
Your health and society demand
that you take something for that ' v
little things I need and I've 'never had cough. Coughing spreads lisea.se. A
any trouble so far. My Liberty Bonds Good, old, reliable $HII,OH is u.ir-jgf
should he there by now. I don't wor- anteed to relieve the worst coiiRh in
about them though, because there 24 hours.
News of local Roys In the Ser
vice; Information for Xbls De
partment Will be Appreciated.
The Flavor Lasts!
Anyone Wanting'
Telephone 3395
Penlanti Eros.
Big' supply nov on hand and
will be sold cheap. Get
your order in now.
Private J. H. McCormock wants so
badly -to hear from his brothers In' the
Moose lodge of Pendleton that he sent
the following letter to, his mother,
Mrs. M. J. SfeCormocK, and asked ;her
to giv& it publicity:
Somewhere in France:
Bear Brother Moose:
I have been' in the service for 5
long months and not a word have I
beard from anyone of Pendleton
Lodge No. 780. I know that some of
yon have written but I have never re
ceived the letters. Please . address
them correctly. I will be much
pleased to hear from any of you. 1
Your brother Moose, ..
American R. F. Iiase Hospital 5i. A.
P. O. 19.
Sergeant Verne lioynton. In a letter
t- his father, F. W. Boynton. tells of
his experiences with the "cooties."
Verne says he as as "lousy as a. pet
coon." hut If was no disgrace
everyone had them. He says A fa
vorite pastime Is to sit In the dohr of
th Gtlgoot ano nats u. mm i ....
He says ho heard that Jim flturgl Is
now a captain, artd In another letter
n-ntloned having seen Oeorge Mor
Kan. Sergeant "Oeissler, ffheldon in
rich. Kinnerly. who was clerk In Mo
tel Bowman, and a Sergeant Idle
man, related to Dr. U D. Idleman of
Pendleton. Following is the letter ln
full: " '
Somewhere in -France,
October 25, 191s:
M TTear Pod
Well, dad. the last time I wrote
you 1 was holding down a soft Joh
J In the S. O. S. but now I m back wun
f'lre old outfit and I'll soy It Is fine to
l" here. We are In a rest camp now
taking life easy after a hard "phsh."
1 got away from the other tlact
hen my commanding officer 'f itok
1-If and was sent to the hospital.
About that time I got a letter from
Major Tucker, my O. p.. with the reg
iment, and took it tohe new C. O. at
tha replacement battalion and told
is no chance to lose for all payrolls
show I've purchased them and s
drtes my service record.
- We aire living pretty soft Just at
present and enjoying every minute of
It. While we are In rest camp we do'
nothing but- rest. Our" detachment
has fhe best quarters of the regiment,
a f irie place for an Infirmary, good
beds and bur mess shack Is-close by.
We ar allowed a pass each day to
a nearby city hut T haven't been there
yet. -Iast night five American girls
with the Y. M. C. A.' entertained us
and put on another show this after
noon. They promised -to come again
next week. Believe me. It's good to
see an American girl. It's almost
worth going to the hospital with a
wound just to get a chance to talk.
to the nnrse- ' '
1 got a nifty souvenir a while pack.
itfs a German I-ugar automatic pistol
iiSiid holster. It's about the pretties! f
i gun I've seen. I left It with Harry
; Rogers at the hospital and he's golnc
to take it home for me. I mailed a
! German helmet ack to Nellie Sloan,
'too. There are only a few things we
can send through the mall but if 1
can pick tip something when we go
up again I'll send It to you. I'm
anxious to get some field glasses and
probably will when we go up again.
Don't worry about me f or we've
learned a lot about taking care of
curselves since I was hit. We are vet
erans now.
;i , .t'lToiir loving son.
Medical Dept., U. 'B. Army, A. P., O.
741, v,-,..;..
ivax oa nit nKsotiinrs onivrc.
Ivan Carr. Pendleton high school
boy and a 'member of the football
team, describes ln a letter to Miss
Veva Cook of this city, a big drive on
a -70 mile front. He says they advanc
ed on the whole front, but that the
'losses were heavier than 'ever before.
Following Is the letter In full:
France, Nov. 4, 191S.
Wear Ve:
I received your letter today and was
sure glad o hear from ybu. We are
having a "little rest today and I am
trying "to catch up with my corre
spondence. So almost all of the kids are Join
ing the army jpr navy. Well K Is too
tad, hut. I guess this war is taking most
of them, alright. But It can't last for
ever and some of these days we will
all be home oon. I think, out you
can't tell. It wl'I be a grand, glori
ous old day when we do get home.
Well, w are In another big drive
and have Just got through with a
SHILOH Stops Coughs $
t . ' ; f,'
Those thinking of Xmas
gifts, must remember, Your
photograph is the only ex
clusive gift," as It can't be
bought In the open market.
Make an appointment -as
early as you can as it is get
ting close to Xmas tlmo, and
it takes some 4ime to finish
Alta Street,
r, Actual scene of FORDSON TRACTOR plowing
up old alfalfa field for L. L. Mann, on the reserva
tion. " - " " .
Soil was packed, not naving been plowed for
years, and the roots were extremely large.
$1125 f. o. b. Pendleton With Plow.
You can buy the tractor without plow.
Now here for immediate delivery.
Simpson Auto Co.
Water & Johnson Sis. ) Plione 408
a8f'tblrtysix hour barrage, and believe
me we are sure driving them back.
This drive Is on a seventy mile front
and-we are advancing oh the whole
front. Thit sure sounds good because
we tried to drive them back before
without the- artillery and the losses
were so great that they decided to.
wait for the artillery and now we have
them going and are going to try to
keep them on the go. -
Tlie- German were shooting over an
awfully heavy- barrage, the same time
we were, and believe me there was
plertty of excitement. The shel's wer
llrhtlrnt all around us and It sure was
war-like- We lnwt three men out of i
our gun crew- Those German devils;
It sure makes -yon want to kill every
hnche you see. when thev shoot -youri
f.V n men down right before yoti.
We lost pretty heavily nn this drive:
more than we ever did before1 j
hut those he hes are sure paying for II ,
and I hope that we keep driving them !
until there aren't any boches left. j
f wanted to go tit"-.
The Germans have broken throtiEh
our lines twice 8nd We were ordered
t get our rifles and each 'man was
,H lnued on, hundred rounds of smmu-
' fmm riTTSWv?ViV!!''.sffr;'i "-."rtv7iTin'--":;;,,-i'''-'.V!T-!'' TTT.-
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