-u -u j u cj uu u -o u u PAGE THREE EIGHT PACKS DAILY EAST OKEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918, ,WkJ s. . & rtfr VZm vSm 97fi rU r. NEWS I .-..,. i I.lbviny Open 10 s m.' to B n. n.' i Now (case euaranined Sunday. For the next !twi or three .jwecRa tlrammar, 619 Thompson 1ml 11 further notice the? library wlfl be jThree TieW cases today, Mtss open from 1 (Pa. m. to 0 p. m.. giving Jacobs! 120 Lo slreet; l'eter Harry and Byron.'. Gurnm, Pendleton street, Iinay return In the near future. Jean arc at present at Quecnstown, John- land. boys, They Ire- longer day time service but no night ;on, 218 Thompson; name unknown, hours for the present. Quarantine. IKport. Following In the report of C. O. Jlrouoh, 'pinrantlne officer, for today; 617 Madison. Those make 10 cases in the city. For Itching Torture irritation and that makes the skin soft, clear and heaKhyv Any druggist can stipsly you with lemo, which generally overcomes all Ekiit diseases. 'Acne, eczema. Itch, pim ples, rashes, blackheads, in most cases give way to zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stop instantly, emo is a safe. May 1 til urn Soon, antiseptic liquid, clean, easy to use and j According to word from the war dependable. It costs only 35cj an extra office which savg that member of the large bottle, $1.00. It Will not stain, is navu aviation who are stationed In not Rreasy or sticky and is positively ,. ,i ,..,j ,,. i, .rn,i SUIO lui icrimri, wcuaitlvc dkijis. " The . W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O totul of I jo Qiiosllonnalrv In. Seventy eiueslionnairos from Pen- ' dleton women show that there aro ) Shooting llucks Afti-r Sundown, inurses In the city who are either prac- A Mr. onn Doe paid a fine of $2r, tlcal. graduate, or regixtnred tiuraes. at Herminton Saturday on a charge of seventeen homes "Were mipplled with shooting ducka after sundown. Tlie !nurss In the Influenza epidemic, but sentence also carried with tt loss of the demand has been considerably gun and hunting license. The arrest neater than could be supplied.'' was made by Herman Bottger, special deputy warden for Hermlston, PIcshm! With Sunday Crowd. Oily Matlock, manager of ths Pen dleton movies, this morntn expressed hlgh. hinixelf as pleased with the opening ma- dnv wlih lh llftlnir itf th fuj ban. New Machinery at High Ktliool, The machine shop of 'the school has received much new chlnery dining tho vacation caused by j The' crowdH attending the shows were li ft i, 8 8,- 8.. 8 8 SHOP EARLY Buy, a Xmas present each time you're down town. . " SHOP EARLY Buy a Xmas present each timo you're down town. Only 19 More Shopping Days Till Xmas Useful Gift Suggestions the epidemic. It consists of two drill presses, a stamper, a lathe, a planer and a complete set of small tools. . above the average for Sunday showing the public has no fear of the epidemic. Mr. Matlock states every care possible j will be taken to safeguard the public i health about the show houses. i Stores Open at 7:30. s December 1 saw tbe tin u'lntur ctfhttiln In to the United States noon. Olen Stnrle I fVn(1Iot(m 8toreB( for 1 1 L ... i H i L i i ii i im u.-uy j 1 1 . 'i'-fi jWarehouHO, 101101101101101101101101101101- ACCOMMODATION To suit your convenience. Is it any advantage to you to run ' A MONTHLY ACCOUNT? Instead or alnays liavlng casli? , , '' ri1isl(ler T1IIIJTV IAVH llio samo as -nsli. OR, IF A WEEKLY ACCOUNT Is more convenient, try that. (,lie us a cliaiu-r la nrruiiai- nil uifount Willi yon tills IIKtlllll. Onlcr your IK.T anil CUOCFRIfCS over tho S.MK I'llOM: at (In- SAMI-: TIM!:, and wivi- jour time ami mirs. Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 301 K. COI ItT ST. 1'lMmex in I (Private lOxt-liuunn Cuiiiiivling Itolli Ilcpls.) , . - 'VJL' CAN ALWAYS ll:i'i:Xl ON I S." I -101 TOT TOT TOT TOT IPX TOITOI-TOTtOT beginning o' a number of the rei.ples Alexanders', Bayres, Gol den Itule, Gray lirothers, I'endleton : Cash Market and Griggs Grocery all1 opened their doors at 7:30 this mrn, ! Ing. These hours will continue during j the winter season. Closing hours re-I main the same. ' 8 8 8 i J m THE . t I- .. fc. Ch'on mm date you suggest. lEitner -nds ll'lm-t. A German helmet arrived Saturday rmutillu County Hed Cross office, sent' by Itoy Ititner, Captain A. H. C The helmet, which shows wear, was sent unwrapped with the address pasted upon the metal. The parts on ttie inside show that Krlte was getting short of leather or heavy' cloth, as the little cushions are made of pieces of worn calico. This material Is a con trast to the heavy leather for pads in a helmet recently exhibited at Allen and KniBhis, Miss Itli'lHirdson letter. Mrs. Martha B. Thompson and neice. Miss Thelma Itichardson, ar rived yesterday from Brenierton navy yards, where Miss Richardson, who Is fn the yeomanette service has been suffering from severe Illness. She is still an invalid because of rheumatism In the knee, but is recovering and stood the trip well. A SO day sick leave was granted Miss Richardson, but this may bo extended indefinitely if necessary. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 i 8 8 lei. IN THE j fnMniri.i"r illWKMjhtsssssswy FOR FATHER, SON OR BROTHER from our well stocked Clothing and Furnishing section. We have Q'l anticipated the demand for MORE USEFUL - GIFT GIVING. Do your Xmas shopping now1 We will lay away your purchases and deliver them on SILK KNIT MUFFLERS A very dressy and useful gift. Come in many different shades and designs. Priced $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 up to $5.00. LOUNGING OR SMOKING JACKETS New patterns, wool material, al ways appi-eciated as a gift $6.50 to $10.00. . " GLOVES Auto gloves, silk lined dress gloves, unlinerl dress gloves, fur lined gloves. Come in washable cape, suede and chamois; all shades $6.00 down to $2.00 Leather (iois; tendinis ' W s. R. l ! P" Back To Life Again. LET'S GO! The Lids Off Liberty Hall Thoroughly fumigated and ventilated. t Dec. 3rd. Augmented Jazz Orchestra. ' Everybody Invited Way Nigh Sawyer's Big: Admission 50c AttPtidliiE Funeral. , I , l i, L'ln. nf , 1. i j ..itV XfrS. Jack Gibsn of Portland, and Mr?. 1 15 Jie T.ucona of The Dulles, arrived in rendleton last nlaht after attend ttie riinKml i,f their sister. Mrs. Tobln. former I'endleton resident. ! VS, who died at her home In Knterprise. ; f Mrs. Gibson left today accomranled by Mr. G I.Hf-ona will visit here for a short time before relurninir to her home. i ffc WOOL MACKINAWS FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN AND BOYS We are showing the good old time values in Mackinaws. Pure wool, good attractive patterns, all sizes. Men's are priced $8.50, , for Portland. j ?g 10.00, $12.50 tO $17.50. Ibson. but Mr..fc v j, NirK, -sfni Mof.ti. naws, two grades $15 and $170 mm lrtiprovcnicnt for lflin. important-matter to be consio- Itoiul An ered at the reKu'ar monthly meetina of the Pendleton Commercial asso- elation to le held tomorrow (Tuesday) ( evenins at the association rooms is j good roads and the best plan for roaai improvement for 1919. All members of the road committee nre urgently ; requested to be present at the meet- j ln?. The committe will meet with : tho county court Wednesday to make recommendations for the year's roufl : work. " j 8 8 8 8" 5 re-IB nd : e- GENT'S TOILET KITS Combination kits "with most all the useful articles a young man needs for his toilet. Priced $5.00, $6.50, $8.50 and up. Military Brash Sets $4.50 to $7.50. Leather Case Writing Album, priced . . . .$2.00, $5.00 and $6.00 ltccolvoo! Itoimd-rn Picture. i Sf-creturv M. It. Chessman has re- l reived letters from Joe Perrj' ; Charles U l-ulr.. Jr., two Camp Iwis j i hma nnknnwlcdeinR receipt of the i ! Christmas letter sent out by the I'ma- j itill.i County Patriotic service league, i j One from the former says he is con-j slderinK enlisting in the regular navyj on receiving his discharge. The other l ! expresses sincere reirret that he was: unable to Ket oversens. Itoth were IssreatVv pleased over receipt of the i Hound-1'p pictures and the cheering words from Umatilla county. KS. i Ilalnfnll Below Xornml. j ff i' The rainfall for November was :Sni ! Inches, or .71 below normal- Thf-' greatest- fall in 2 4hours was ,3i .k FOR XMAS pur showing of Suit Caes. Traveling Pass, . frief Cases, etc., w. th,e. most complete showing in many seasons past Traveling Bags In all leather, leather lined. SIO.OO. t2..V,, W5.IHI up to s.po. , f .. : j ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ! Suit' Cases, all leath er SI 2.311 to 'SSS Ladies' Cases in gen- : uine patent leather, fancv trimmed lining and tray.. t-"i o 2S Brief Cases, all len- ther .., ia;v I,i:.Tnf:n coixati TlAt.'S New shapes, very at tractive and useful, J2.IK up to SC.OO. pi.rsir coi.uvr HAKS A novelty and strict ly new, priced . . -S3. 50 ..-""a yi'niriaii if) FANCY ARM BANDS and supporters. Suspenders . 25c, 50c, 75c 50c, 75c, $1.00 HIElii THIS WEEKS USED CAR SALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT 53 '1 ' This ock c arc offering the folKmliiE hseil pars, lic?' cais am cvac'll:' a rtiirfH'iitcit, and we is1 Cfrinln they are the ls?st vnliu'a In the city. IfcMlotroll.rrs Touring: CHr, in-vt top: cord tii'CH on rear: oterliaulrtl and In fine nIiiiim. . gon-iiIik- tin rii In nt -.VIill. I.tlx-rty Itinids nt I nr. 11)17 Hodge Itrolhers Tfiurhig Cur, Just oicrliliulcd and n'rhilsliiil. t.ood tires, cM'.. IMiks anil runs like a new car. Prloc only JNi.T, Llla-rty llonils ut pur. 1I7 l-Nir Tonrlii" Can: new to': new radiator: Just overhauled and ii-paluteil noil enanilitctil to ho ill "-fwllent. coiiilillon. lrki SI2.V Liberty Hoods nt . pur. p, " Also n dandy Kord llondster and n 49t4 Tiitirlng Cur at the right prlcev Lllx-rty llmuls at ar. IIU.1 Apporson Touring t'ur. Needs a 111 tip n-palr-Imr, hut t have alhuvrd for that in tin- price. Would niake a kikhI cup for the man who rare more Tor nrrvln" than ul. Price only $:12.V I.HtI.v I'.omls nt l'r. " HUT Mitchell Urmrtster. This Is a fine mr n'nl some one will a-t a ilamly linrgnin m It. Fxtra KOmmI tires, viilli sarc. Von can't irong oil this car al K!).-. l.lhcny Itonils at par. W hy not take ndvaiitagc of ihcsc low pr!cis iiirl lit a good cur now? t'scd Car IK'piirtnicnt of I he KATIXfJ MRAT t)ll A 1III,F YOI It ltlllKlt IS TROl'm.lVCi VOV. 8 18 HANDKERCHIEFS Come in pretty initialed, em broidered letters in colors and plain white. Priced 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c. NOTICE " Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, December 3, our store Will open at 7:30 until further notice. BEAUTIFUL NEW SILK NECKWEAR We have displayed for" your convenience a large and well se lected array of Silk Ties in most ' all the most popular shapes, such as Bat-wing, Bows, Large Flow ing End Four-in-Hands, Rever sible, also the Shield Bows, Shield Teck and Band Tecks. Priced 35c, 50c, 75c, $1,00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 up to $3.50. . JUST "LIKE DADDIE WEARS ';'NECkWEAR;i '; For small boys. These ties are the same styles as daddie wears, only made smaller ' shapes, 35c, 50c and 75c. JEWELRY FOR MEN Cuff Links, Scarf Pins. Tie Clasps, Soft Cuff Links, Watch Chains, Lodge Pins, Combinati on Sets, Shirt Studs, Initialed Belt Buckles in gold or silver; Waldermore Chain and Knife; Rings, Cigarette Cases, Etc. OTHER SUITABLE GIFTS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN r Hats, Caps, Umbrellas, Canes, Silk Hosiery, Silk Shirts, Wool Shirts, Sweaters, Jersies, Pa jamas in Silk and Fine Materi als; Leather Vests, Overcoats, Suits, Rain Coats, etc. 1 Do your Xmas shopping snow. Buy liberal. r ? 11 V II s if it u ii 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8" 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8- 8" 8 8 M 8- 8 8 8 8. 14 '? 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 j Si 8 8 8 8 8 8 Cor. Cottonwood & Water Sts. rhonc 530 H r- 5 "i !i:iiiiii!imHniHffliinw!ii!;i!nin!'i!iiHiH!inp! !liitiM,ei,e.''IMiMliMMti,lh,i'l'i"ittlnlti,i',MHi,l,ii,iMiMt.i,lMtl,io lli,lti'oi'l,'.i'itliii'llii1.il,'H When you wake tip with backache and dull misery in the kidney refgion it Roncrntly means you have been eat z : lnc too much mete pa's a well-known Hlr i authol-ltv. Meat forms uric acid 1 which overworks the kidneys In their ESleffort to filter' It from the blood and j EvSjthey become sort of paritlyzed and) I oaKV. When your kdneys get sluff-j :iilsh and elo;r yui must relieve them, j gig j 'ike you relieve your bowels; remov-j H-2i.lnff all the body's urinous waste, else i S5 ' von have backache, sick headache. t d 1Ky spells; your stomach sours. E ! tonsee Is coated, and when the weath !ier t. bud yfm have rheumatic twinor-g-rs. The urine Is cloudy, full of jm1I- ! S ment, channelH often get sore, water I UcnMs ad you ore obliRed to seek re-I !l-ef two or three times during the! J3 1 nUht. . ) j ?:ilher consult a Rood, reliable phy- . - slcUiii nt once or Bet from your phar irncist about four ounces of Ijid Salts; I ' take a tnlilespoonful In a Rblss of wa- Ex ' ler before breakfast for a fewdnys; 1M onl your kidney will then art' fine, j ; Tills famous suits Is mufle fi-om the 7S ' acid of jrrnpes and lemon juice, com- j ff ; blued with lithla. and has been used f r3!fnr ftenerallons to clean and stimu-j Ei3'l.ite shiKRlsh kidneys, also to neulrtll-I .3 Ize acida In the urine so it no limner . irritates, thus ending bladder weak ness, ..lad Stalls Is a life saver for roRtilur meat enters. It is Inexpensive, can not injure and makes a delightful, ef fervescent lllh'n-water drink. inches. November 4. The number of days on .which there was .01 or more precipitation seven. It was clear seven days, partly clouoy in days, and cloudy 13 das. A heavy frost The greatest maxi- November li, fell November S. mum temperature was when the temperature was 64. and the minimum was IT. November 26. The preatct dai'y ranee was 3 7. ; t. .' ft V V i ' i . ' j , 4 f -H , Miss llesslop Dies. ' Miss Ernestine Hesslop, formerly 'employed in the county llbrarysOn Pendleton, and a guest at one time of Mrs, Ben S. Burrouifhs of this city, died recently of Spanish influenza at i Seattle, Washington. Miss Itesslop I was 33 years of ae and an orphan, :but is survived by her aunt. Miss Emi !ly Loveriilse of the Good Samaritun hospital, Portland, and a brother, l'aul Hesslop. Miss Hesslop is the ilirand dauKhter of Rev. Lovcridse for inany years pastor of tho Episcopal 'church in Eugene. In Missouri In 1851 and came to Ore gon In 18TS, settling In I'matUla coun. ty. One of his first acts on reaching Oregon was to enlist In a company of vi lunteers fighting the Indiana In the Cayuse war. He Is survived by Ms wife, Jlra. '.Carrie I. Ferguson; one son, Roy It. j Ferguson of Adams; one daughter, IVrs. Fred 1 Hurtman, of Portland; ' three sisters, Mrs. Kllen Imndla, of j Walla Walla; Mrs. Emma Leglngood or I.aiiwui. Idaho, and Mr a. Mary I. 'Pennlck, of Portland; also one brother ! W. H. Ferguon. of Waion FlnW, Mont. J. II. Fcrsuson Iln. J. H. Ferguson of Adams, died at ' his home Saturday. Mr Ferguson has been a prominent wheat fanner of Adams for 40 years. lie was born I Your nd slip old be I hi re when th home-hunter i lira out the ads that appeal to him. The Itching and Sting , of Blazing, Fiery Eczema Some of the bewitching beauties with the musical novelty "My Soldier Girl," coming to the Oregon theater, Wednesday night, December 4th. Seems Lite the Skin Is en Fire. " There ft a harrassing- discomfort caused 'oy Fzma that almost be comes a torture. The itching" is al most unbearable, and the skin seems on fire with -the burning- irritation. A cure from Ideal applications of salves and ointments is impossible, because such treatment ran only al lay the pain temporarily. The disease ran only be reached by going deep down to its source. The source of Eczema. U la the blood, the di-ease being caused by an infection which breaks out through the skin. That is why tbe most satis factory tresnment for all so-called skin diseases is H. S. S., for this rem edy so thorooi'f- ilwi'm the blood that no impuruu can remain. Get bottle to-Uay it any drugstore, yon will sec r )u,U from the ritrhe treatment Write for espert medical advice, whith you ran grt without cost, by addressing Mdi- al Director, 21 Swift Lairaratury, AUaoU. Oa,