V W ij W W DAILY EVEHi'iG ECiTIOri The Wm OmronKM renwlnrly er Mr mw tluui ikwMa Mx wl o want ada carried, by any oilier eastern Oregon newiiaper. The rewm f" this may be aumna-d op In Uo wuril. Circulation. DAILY EVENING EDITION Number copies printed o( yesterday's Dally Edition v 2,771 Tblj paper la a, member and audited by the Audit 11 urea u of Clroi'latlona. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER )) iff HI A. 1 VOL. 30 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDA l , NOVEMBER 29, 1918. NO. 9599 TODEMAND mm DELIVERED HOHEN NERVES ZOLLERN'S SEAS FREEDOM VITAL PROBLEM DEFINITION FACES WORLD, WIDE"; DIVERGENCE OF OPINION SURE. CONGRESS AWAITS MESSAGE A I.OXDO.V. Nov. 29, Premier Clo menocau and IJoyd ficorgo will meet here Sunday. dlscastlng tlio procedure nf demanding IJuit Holland lellvcr tlu former kaiser lo I ho allien. HritaJn and l-Yance are uiidci-MMMMl to Ik rgreed tliat the detiutiul lie made. It Is reiorted Uie Dutch are ready to comply. .Marshal Koch mid tVrionel House may attend Uie conference. KKKVKH SirATKUKD. AMSTKKBAML Nov. 2. Counl William llohenzollern will soon leave for Amerongen Castle for treatment fn a sanitorlum near Archem. His nerve are shattered. It In said he haft frequent fits of weening. Me ha been unable to write for some day, owing to trembling. It Ik expected the allies will soon Join In asking Holland lo expel Wllhelm, offering him the choice of returning to the flermait frontier -or surrendering to the entente. Itcfuwvt to Salute. Wllhelm seldom goes outside the castle gardens. During one of his walks he met an Interned German sol dier who refused to salute. An ex planation was demanded and the eol dler silently produced a small red flag. The attendant asked If he knew that ths former kaiser stood before him. "Damn the Hohenxollcrn. Hlx of my brother died fbr them.' he said. Wllhelm has taken no walks since then, riding In a closed automo bile. ' " :..' ' ""'"""' " '. V. 8. Probably Not Join. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. The United Stales will probably not Join with the entente In Hs reported plan asking Holland to surrender M'ilhelm, according In stale department Indi cations today. HY HOBKItT BUNDER. (United Tress Htaff Correspondent.) WAHHINCiTON. Nov. 2. Presi dent Wilson today held his final con ferences with his advisers before com pletlng his message to congTess. which promises to be one of the most! Important of his cureer. Tt is expect ed he will announce his domestic pol- I nations. It forms the basis for the Ides, if congress meets promptly so 'chief points to he settled at the peace he addresses It Monday, the president j conference. Leaders of British will sail Tuesday. It is evident he 'thought have revealed a wide diver will fare a wide divergence of views ' gence of views. Great significance Is 1!V KD L. KERN. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) liONDUN, Nov. 2!l The definition of "Freedom of the Keas," Is the most important problem now before the world. In relation to the league of r SACRAMTO if-: - 1 1 BOLSHEVISM STAMPED OUT IN Rill CM P a) ' aaav ar aal a a ; MASSACRE OF JEWS REPORTED, EOLSHEVIKI IN ' VITAL CITIES tnntt uro nKi'ttHi lo have ouLuHcd lNkofi. Jtrihk iH. Niiriu. iiikpui-taat cflie?4 of iMirilHrittH'n lltiHMi A Ix'nilMiir rtKrt says tlm Pules de- Hiroyfd uHl Jfwif-U Ikium-n, there, kill lllg tllUHKUIldH. TEK 1 NEW TRIAL- LABOR STRONG FOI DEATH SENTENCE COMMUTED, PRISONER NOT HELD MARTYR NOR FRIEND TO LABOR'S CAUSE POLICE COURT HAS VIRTUOUS MONTH An arrest made .last night by Charles Myers, night policeman, was lbs first case to be recorded on the police docket since the 13th, and Is but the sixth case In the court this month. Chief Hubert a says this Is the tlRhtest month since his connection with the police department- With the 1100 ball money forfeited this morn ing, the records show a total of $301 paid Into police court during the month with but one more day to go. at the peace table on the principle ot "Freedom of the 8eas." which, with the league of nations Idea, promises to lie the center of the International diplomatic struggle The president Is apparently believing the question one to which there must be some "give and take" but thus far he has de clined to commit himself specifically. attached to this fact, as a result of the allies' action In amending President Wilson's famous 14 points so as to permit them to enter the conference uncommitted to any definition of "Freedom of the Seas," which is des tined to 'become the most vital fea ture of the new international relationship. WON GOLF - HANDICAP YESTERDAY Ten local golfers participated yes terday In a sweepstakes handicap on the links west of town and H. W. Dickson emerged as the winner with J. V. Tallman, second, and G. A. Hartman third. The net scores of the three winners were Dickson, 77; Hall man 82; lffcrtman 83. Scores made by the other golfers were as follows: Dr. W. D. McNary M; H. W. Collins. S; J. T. Lamblrth. S; It. M. Maylierry, 7; n. V. Tromb ley. 7; F. B. Judd 101; W. I. Clarke, 107. BY INDUSTRIES BOARD JANES SIMS IS FIRST LIEUTENANT James Sturgjs Is now a first lieuten ant of field artillery, having been pro moted from second lieutenant, while In the battle zone during October, ac cording to word received here today by p. W. Lampkiu from lloy V. Rit ner. captain In the Ited Cross. A ca ble received yesterday by Mr. ainp kln from Kltner staled he would sail from Brest November 2. Ho will be In New Yofk a few days on hie way home and expects to urrive here i about December 15. . The letter from Mr. ltltner was j written iin the Verdun front before ! tho armistice had lieen signed. He I complained of the boelie airmen who j bombed the hospitals at tb fronet. On one night the boche killed three Am ericans and wounded seven. The dl ivlslon with which Rltner served went through some hard fighting and lost many men. , --t-- AUSTRIA HUNGARY'S CASUALTIES 4.000.000 1 America Asked to Send PDCITCOT DATICBPC Tfl Thousand Tons of Wheat UIILHIlUl 1 nlllliUL iU ! ALLAY ENEMY FEARS tKuniM jriurMCUj urns NOW FIR1M ON THRONE ! COI'KMI-UiKX. Nov. 2. Alls-trlu-IIufignry". killed and wound ed during tlu war totaled four millions, jacfsirdinu- to data receiv ed here today. The dead totab-d HOO.ISMI, including 17.UOO officers.. i Order Declared Restoi'ed Following Brief Demon stration Period. BY WEBB MILLKR. (I'nlted Press Staff Correspondent.) Luxemburg. Nov. 2S. American troops patrolling along the Moselle and rtauer rivers, are awaiting orders, t.erman villages, opposite the banks, appears deserted. It is reported the civilians became panic stricken, at- Five Chicagoans Die In Auto, Train bmasn CHICAGO. Nov were killed today and 'Ohio train bit an auto n which the five Chicagouns were riding. I Vllll:TIIV v U IU.ImI.o. !vim is stamlK-d out In Bulgaria, ac-! tempting to flee the government or i oorfllng u. the Bulgarian legation hen if ing 'he " Officers and sol. order lias been restored following . " f the third army are ordered ' . . - . . . ... 'to ptprrhn ths crreutest Datlence and i liner pernio or sirci aeinonsirauona, ' . . . , I trovii I'rincct Ibiris is CKtaldished on the throne. America lias been askea 29. Five i.ersons when a Baltimore : to send a thousand tonf of wheat to reliee tjie ramiuc wlllc-U Is . aatly growiiifr worse. self control, using no force unless In an extremity during the forthcoming occupation of Rhenish Prussia. I'AVnl! KAItl.Y KHi.VIXti. IXXIKN. Nov. 2. liritili officl-: als favor slgnlus Hie peace treaty Willi- . In three months illo lug curly dc- j mobilization and the liegmnimr nf re- j i construction the l-:xires today dt i clurcd. ' l ltevlaed ruling of the war Industries board received at local headquarters through the State Council of Defense give the Information that on Novem- her 2th all restrictions governing thel construction of new buildings and other lmproeinents regardless of cost or materials used were removed. The new ruling In addition to re moving all restrictions asks that en couragement be given for the putting up of buildings and carrying on of Im provements as. an assistance to the government In bringing back normal conditions to the country.. KAISER ON THE MOVE IS REPORT LONDON. Nov. 29. It is re ported the former kaiser garbed In a dark overcoat, nrrtved In Mauabergen yesterday and mo tored to. Amerongen castle. Join ing the former kalserln. His luggage is reported to have con sisted of 20 large trunks. fillAN.MtlKS Kl I.I.Kll. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2. The na tion's granarlcn arc well rilled with a vastly greater commercial stock on hand now than a year ago. the agrl rultural department today announced. SERVICES WILL HONOR. I. H.GEISS TOMORROW The funeral of U H. C.elss. who died Wednesday evening will he conducted from the Presbyterian Manse at 2 o'clock Suturay afternoon. Dr. Hlenk ney. of Walla Walla, officiating- The pall lienrers will be K. t McCook, A. K. McCully. Clarence Peuland. It.- W. Hatch. IT. P. McLean. R. If. Horn- Mr. fielss took a prominent part In the work of the Umatilla County Pa triotic Service I-eague. He was chair man for district precinct No. 28 of Pendleton district, and as such was an earnest worker in all the war drives of the league. RESIGNATIONS BEFORE CABINET OF GERMANY lti;UI,l. Nov. 28. Tlc cabinet Is roiistdctinis (lie refKiiatluni of I'orolirn SecTrtary Solf, Swrt-tury or Stale ItPlHtxTKcr nntl SH-ntary of 11 limit tolu'lilfiiiuiin. FI1NFRAI TflyDRROH 1 BIB. OF JOHN E. SOUTH PKKI.IMINAnV XXlTJtl;NCK WMN. 1 lnliminary Confcremv KMin.' PAItltt. Nov. 2P. Colonel HoilM' I'renUcr 'lenieii-ttu and Marshal been invented by officers of the war l-'ocli iroably -H go to lxmdon to- department and it is learned it is now fer tHftiminary coiUereiH'CS liein produ-ed in larpe imnti(ius.. Funeral services of the late John E. iSouth will be held tomorrow, Satur- WASHIXOTON. Nov. 29. "Li'bertv ''". morning at 1 o'clock, at the Fuel.- vastly cheaper and possessing Krav' oln,!-v "metery, con- many adantagt'H ovar Kao'irw. haa:"" ,v" VJ .. . IK-afo fiot ions, v 1-IMM SAYS NO. TIIWK Yt kinds of motor vehicles, WOISUINTOWV. Tmhi.. Vov. 29. TluMik jrMi. but lioic you won't see r us' jiiiritlftit. rvairt Mvf1oo today In reply to admirem who cvn-esvl UMf lifwt iliat -In wotiW Im incident, w ben uext lie vlHired the rity. . JOEDESPAINSAYS "SURE IS GREAT" IN HOSPITAL Deceased was a well known cattle man of eastern Oregon and died here .vc.lerday-iuornns; uftr a.i Illness of The fuel- is the result of Ions expert-"1 ",JU l""1 ments. proving it is adapted to nil !a W ?'ViTlV V?'" J stationary.! " Vf , T Til. . engines and airplanes. . w . J taaawrn. us.m- -" ' - gaging in the cattle business. For n number of years he was superintend ent of tho "P" ranch iu . Harney ISKIJI.IN. Nov. 2 A tboiusaud, county. He was a veteran .f the In llanoveruiis in a tnanifesto.- dcnuitld.diaa wars of 1878. . Iudeendciit government for Hanover. j He is survived by his.. widow. 503 Water street, a daughter. Miss Esther ' ' ' South, of this place, and two sons. 'Corporal Veeder South, with the 9tt idivision in France, and Lawrence South, attending the O. A. C. HAXOVFIIAXS DKMAM) IIIGHTS. ALLIED SQUADRON TO MEET WILSON 1,OXI. " Nov. 2tt. IMhiih arc belrift nmdo for an allied squadron to meet lrcldent Wll wm' ixmvey In tho mid-Atlatilh. escort him to HreM. Joe Despain, wounded in the left that T am in No. 7 Can. Gen. Hospi foot by a machine gun bullet after ta.1. Stuns, France. AVas hit In the jtwo years of active fitfhtiim us a mem- left foot by a M. J. builet in the bal- ber of the Canadian army, sas in a tie nf -Valenciennes on Nov. 1. Iletter to his brother, Jrover lieniiain "Wound not serious so will not be here of this city, that the wound was re- Ion?. Keep right on sending my mail jceived in the battle of Valenciennes, to the battalion as I will be back with j November 1. He says the sisters in them before lomr. This is a swell 1 the Jhospitat seem like ansefs, and hospital here. The sisters seem more that "it in sure great to be between like aimefs than real people after white sheets aMain." Following Is the what we have been through lately. It ; etter in full: is sure irreat to be between white In Hospital, Nov. sheets n-ain; Well, dear brother, us Dear Brother: news is scarce I will close with love . Just a wee letter to let you know o all. from JiK. BELGIUM'S RULER ENTERS BRUGES SACKA.MEXTO. Xov. 2- Mwaef race-, a life in in-lnon. ioernor Hteiiliens lutvlng commuted Ills death sentence u. a life term, lie- failed to make provision for a ntnr trial, de manded by tabor organization. l.lkKI.V COMPOSE SITCATIOX. WANH1XCTOX. Xov. 8- Tlia commutation of Motmey'H deatli arm- tence is reearried as likely to mater ially compose tlie national labor situa tion. inoit Apntovra iiaxgixg. SACItAWKNTO. Xov. -! Ijlls here I strong for I landing Mooney. rj.bor leaders say they are "not in sympathy with the Mooney crowd and leaders say the are "not In sympathy with the Mooney crowd and that lie "alwa.i was a red and never a labor ing man." always opposing the Am erican Federation of Labor until he got Into trouble. A written statement by Governor Stephens reviews the case fully and quotes in then- entirety the two mes sages from I'resident Wilson, In which, the action now taken by the governor was suggeeted. Governor Makes Statement, Oovernor Stephens, in commuting the sentence of Thomaa J, Mooney to life Imprisonment, gave out this state ment: "On July 22. 195, 1 persona, men, women and children were killed and about 50 othera wounded tu a bomb explosion d'ng a Prepared tiesif'TJUi iarad in b d- of -fn Francbtco. The parade was a patri otic manifestation Into which the peo ple of the city had entered with much spirit and loyal impulse. ; Manifestly, because of tbe occasion chosen,, hostil ity to the nation's defense measures must have had a part In actuating the perpetration of so horrible a. deed. It Is not" unreasonable to assume tfcat ttafHtputhyw fvtm a definite re lationship existed lietweeir tho! mur derers and the propaganda and viol ence then being engaged In through out the country by agents of the Ger man government. The case, as pre sented to the California courts waa that of murder, without further evl- , dence of motive than the Impossible tenets of pan-German cause In the war are well known. Their wild pa- clflst theories fitted Into the wide spread activities of the kalser a agents in this country-' Mooney Not Martyr. "f refuse to recognise this case as V.Ia IASO. Nov. Fearing an at- In any fashion representing a clash tack on Juarex by .Francisco Villa's J between capital and labor," he adds, outlaws, ;v number of t , women andiand he characterizes ' as abswrd tha children, crossed to the American side ! propaganda that would make-'Mooney during tbe night. There Is no sign jappear as a martyr to the cuse of llb- of panic In the Mexican town today, ertv. In suuport of this .statement ne however. Villa is said to be only t) tuot miles .-oulh of the border. VILLA ATTACK FEARED IN TOWN NEAR BORDER ItKltl.lX niKCI'SSlOX HKPOKTKI). AMSTKHAOM. Xov. 2. The. Co lognc (duetto says KllKlisll. French and American roiwcwciilattvcs will soon arrive In Hcrlln to discuss ann- Istlce oimdltltins.'' BAN PREACHER DEFIES FLU" ORDINANCE FOUND- DEFECTIVE A mme on the part of tho city official imlay to prosecute Hcv. Alfred Irfx-kwood, iHistor of tho Church or Ihe Hcdceincr for hold Ing church wnlcrs lesterday morning lias c bluntly been glveu up owing to discovery by City Vlomey Fee of a defect In the ordinance as recently adopted. However a derinlte wiiiouncc nwnit on Uie subject has not Is cn nuHie oflkially. Services were hcbl at the Episcopal church yesterday morn ing ' l'ev- I'K'kwiMid and uiniii learning fif the fact C. O. Breach, uiiaranllne oflkw laid the ease liefore tlie city altorney. That orrielal startel to draw a com plaint against the pastor lint on investigating the ordinance Hosc ! illMsivercd that the new ordl- lanre where It refers to the obi health ordinnneo had 'the date of Ibc runner ordinance Incorrectly sluted. He therefori" has refrain cti from bringing any allon for fear or iHilling tlie city to frult les exiiene In event the ease slHiulil In contested, t llev. lakwiNd today said that slioiild a complaint lie niade against blm he will fight It.. He Insists that only a doxen Mtine were at the servhx etordny and that no harm could result ri-fim the gathering. - Tbe question Is now raised as to whether lite ordinance If not suf ficient lo prevent a church meet ing Is worth any thing at all and If Ihe whole city program for curbing the tnfluciira etdmic will not fall down. AT BADEN ON DEC. 16 letter from: A3viand- Berk man outlining tne ,Wtt anerwara an U ted for the Mooney campaign, lie , 1 denies that Mooney b true frlemf of labor and charact grises his prevbm- 'reeord as sueh that It does not nlll " faith in him anions- la-wabidttig tltU. Ktns. but says in conclusion that this particular caje has been decided upon Its merits. THE HAOUE. Nov. 9- Tho sol diers council on all the front has been notified to send delegates to a ) special meeting at Ptaden lecemter I 1 to discuss articliaation in plans for; organizing the German government, ; dispatches today assert. CANNOT PAY COST WITH CHEAP GOODS Council Itefu-cs. I.O.VIHlN Nov. " HERI.IN". Nov. 'JS. The workmen . must pay the 'cost of and soldiers' executive council toUa) ' limit of her capacity.' issued manifesto in contradiction of by h'oyd George in a i. "i.ermany the war to tha it was declared Meech here to- the riKht of Polsrtin workmen , and duy. "The priiu'lple has ula) Iwen soldiers to summon an imperial work- that the lc.r i ss s i.ie-tt proeee.l men and soldiers' conference. "The "11 this w-im-ol reirlltK C.eiiiuioy. only valid conference will be held Peace bhit-i be tloiutly -Jtiet. ;er Oeceniber 16." said a manifesto . Th . mnny will not be permitted to pay her ..xeiilivn council fnrthoi- n r h,,r ixiti tl uieuili it e.-. bi .tunvl'lng cheap goods members of Chancelor ribert s nilni4 ' M tiiityuiiir ." f Keterrlug t try to exercise executive- power, but . amt :n jflo-' cm-iig election. reserves for Itself tho rlsht of f nuM rnv iipprovul. Party If 1 am subjected to piracies ami In triguvs." M'l.llll l KSTI;ATItN IlKIXV.i PAUIS. Nov. 2. Apls.intliH-nt ot I allied rcpn-M'ilttuivcs to gvi to l:erlin ! anil icinia luvesligiiting locsl siull 'ions in the i-entral empire-, b. likely., M-W i:t.l. AMI IHVIMUV FIIIST I' Mils. Nov. 2. Tlie 4-VMith--ivtli dlvc-ioit, tsimaievl or New t:ng tntut iiatNmal arm- trvsip-. will be tlie' IrM itunliat trMiw to leuve for -m-i-rica. unit' CIM1 his the th. old THE WEATHER FORECAST Tonight rloudy ; warm-i-r Htiturduy, Klnp .Albert and the Queen of HUlum a . Helginn flftff a It la raised for the first jx- "" they merett t hf public s.ua re f I.rnjtr ime afii-r fnr e;ii-s' tlerma. n -u t.t t Tte Kms i f U i' uses. NO SITI I.l Mi:T N KAK. I M W VtHIK. . 2. The Ain , Mile lHtcc t hile and IVru K nt -tiled. 111 rtinbabU" it ri'im'ttt bt j lug tu tlie) lit tea a ixiimii1 iri'iteral. Itutli tioiiii-rt-M hnwer, ai-t iihh. 4-allier Uaruier 'lolay. Ma xifit i rn t'iripernlufe, ft. Mtnirnum temj rittUfti,, ; H i-iihir cU'wr. , , la) Wind. H.ulhvvt. bhS J'.alnfall, noik, rt 1