East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, November 14, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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1" nmiT rAr,t:s
-Z-jzz: : : . . . -..1 r i 1
Judge Fits (jurald Hick-
Judge Thou, F1U Gerald, city
vorder, la confined to hlM home
sickness. John Hailey, Jr., In In the I police duty noon
recorder's office today In his place
Juveulta .liubw called to Ki lio.
John Malloy, Jr., Judge of the ju
venile court. ai called to Kcho yes
terday to, straighten out, difficulties
soma boya hud been getting Into. ; ,
ItJIm-r luo Here - 10. !l .
A card rce.ivcd thla morning at thi
KM Clulrr from Captain Tloy Rlt'ner,
slates he;exuecta to arrive in Pendle
ton December juth to llilb. The card
was mailed October 23rd at I'arla.
".'... : .
TlWlu-r Itl-slgHS. .
Ij W. W. Ureon, county school super
intendent, reports that Hias Hnael
I'arkor. teacher of school district No.
T. Pilot Kock, has resigned. Jlei
Pjaco has been taken
JUark of Pendleton.
by Mian Clara
Iteiatu- IVrniltH Issued. ,
Permits were Issued from the off(ct
of the city recorder thin morning to
Sophia McCoinaa for the making or
repairs to building dn College street
and a dwelling on Court street, r-, The
cost will Its 75 and 1 10 respectively.
- New IVndloton llcHiilfiits.
1 Mr. ai)d Mrs. c. H. Cooper former
. ly of 1'ihit Hock, are now .Pendleton
' residents and; are residing at 61U
, James strciet. Mr. Cooper has been
added to he force at the Pendleton
'Cash Mattel. ,
' i ! 1 ,
Is, Sergeant. ' '
'" Jim Howler, well known Pendleton
niu r seeing service in Franco as a
nieniher-nr Battery 1), 146 -regiment,
Was mdije sergeant a few days bnfore
the slgnliiK of the armistice.' Bowler
was employed in the First National
, Hank here. - ,, ' : ,
Mrs. Mann IMea.
Mrs. P. A. Mann., -welt known Fa
kes woman.' died In Pendleton - this
iminilne at the age of S3. Mrs. Mann
was a life-long friend of'Mn and Mrs.
J(.. Alexander of fills city. Mr. Mann
is" .expected to arrive tomorrow and
will take the remains tu Baker for
Correpondcnce Larue.
'- The correspondence of the Home
Berylce secloii of thou Bed Cross lo
cated. In Pendleton In the Federal
building has grown to such an extent
that It -wan necessary to pnrchsse a
- .11 ,.(.....'. Pa ftlinS
sylru Is being Installed i"-the. office ! BuiHTlnlcndeiiis AuoolMtco
the service at Camp Lewis, says that
the 13th regiment, of which he Is a
oember, Is to be sent overseas for
Illness Causes Return.
CheHter Hight, trapper of the Uklah
listiict, was In Pendleton today on Ills
vay to his home In Terrebonne, Ida
lio. He was forced to Ktve up his du
ties as trapper becausd1 of 111 health
ut expects to resume them after a
time. . i - ' ? ' . ' ' ; ' 1
VPIWUlMCIlMJIlt Ulcd.,, ,.t 1 1 , i
Inventory and appraisement, In the
isiate.it Milton U Hayes has been
filed In the office of the county
clerk. Value of .the estate is placeu
at VHQQ. J. T. Hlnkle, A. B. Thom
son and Teter Sheridan are the ap
praisers. . ' '
LHrcrjr i'as In Justl Court.
The trial of the case of the State
t Oregon aguinit Ciust Caratosos Is
being heard this afternoon in Justice
J. H. Parkes' court. '. The defendant
is charged with the larceny of a
quantity of silverware belonging to
Anna Vichas at Rleth.
Xo Is Cut.
CO. Breach is wearing a court
plastr patch on the bridge of his
nose as the result of an accident which
occurred while ho was a visitor In
Walla Walla on Tuesday, fir. Breach
ban riding In a machine .when the car
hit a loose plank whoch caused Mr.
Breach to strike his nose forcibly
against the machine. It was necessary
to take a stitch in the wound.
Funeral Today.
The funeral of Rev. Claiborne A.
Wooddy; V. U.. U L p., formerly
pastor of the Baptist church here,
asheld this afternoon at 2:30 In
Portland- The service was In churge
ot uw. i W. A. Waldo. Ph. D. L)r
Wooddy was well known here and
was the brother of Mrs. T. Bush of
this city. .
superintendent;- Mrs. J. A. Owens, of
Pendleton, - superintendent, of chil
dren' division; Mrs. Charles Bonne.v
of Peud'eton, superintendent of Y. P.
division! and Mrs. H. S. tShangle of
Milton, admiulstratlon.
Rainfall J)il.
Kalnfall here last night and today
registered .03, -with the temperature
at it last night.
Paid Balance of 1-liie.
Ilarvev Brasiell. colored, hasf been
released from the city Jail on the pay--menti
of the balance of 4S on fine In
the ppllce court. Ho was given credit
of a,for one day Bpent In Jail.
r . '
JudKuunt by Wcfault.
Judge a. W. Phelps has issued a
Judgment by default In the action of
Alexanders against Oeorge Geanakoo
poaloe In the sum of $217.39 and costs
at U.
Will I'llcil for Probate-.
The will of Maria Allen, deceased,
has been filed for probate In the
county court. Albert Allen, husband
of deceased,, has been named execu
tor by JudKe Marsh. The appisers
appointed are-.irjrrank , Curl, . Frank
Martin and Clarence Tubbs. ,
I ..hr.tri" 1 i"' ' 1 f
ApM)lut AdnilnlHvalos aud ,
AMraitr. it : tfi
iveilla, Cioldsmlth. widow of Owen
Goldsmith., deceased., has-been .ap
pointed admiuliH:atniv( tne tate.
Th ,,a)praiers appointed.-are , J
Davis. q.eorge TiWatson and ,W.
Wb4rl.a,o , -" r
... ' ' l-i.'U
Slunflcld Mtaih to On. on .
Thn tiuitfiLil nnlilia .ftahools. closed
i because o the, Spanish, influenza eitij-
demic will open. - on Woiiday.-,i siuss
Mary Johns' and Miss Leura Jerard.
who have been in. Pendleton visiting
theln pant durioM -t he' i forced var
here the UttUtr
'part of the wees: to resume their du
(rii-lal Confirmation llcrelvcd.
Official .confirmation has been re
ceived by M. R. Chessman, secretary
of tho Patriotic Service league, of re
moval by the War Industries board of
m-strlctlons on all cpnstructlon worn
rx-gal Advisory Hoard Ilea-sed
Judge Jas. A. Fee, chairman of le
gal advisory board, was pleased this
morning to receive a wire ' say
ing that . registrants between
ihU a ...... f 37 An 4K. vears. inclusive.
would not be required to execute their
Ef-Hlrlrttons on all construction wumi-wouia not of it?iuih: iw . v...
fit less than fln.000. as the story was I questionnaires before returning same
'rxihii.hoii vKinlnv. it Is expected to the lcaal advisory board. This re
published yesieroay. n is wimicu tu inn ivsai y-- -
this news will result in considerable moves a heavy burden from the shoul
Imildlng In Pendleton. It is reported i ders of the attorneys of Pendleton.
theerectlon or a number of dwellings
Is already contemplated m ine near
future. - ' ' ' ' '
May ISc IlontB by Cliristmas.
it is possible that Tam Murphsson
of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Murphy, who is
in France us a member, of the hos-
tw. i-minie Nundaw school union of S uital corps, may be home by Cbrist-
which W. W. areen la president and mas. because the war department, ac-
a l-a iter - V - K. O. Hniper secretary, .nas appomieu oorc-llig io a w ire o.m a-j-
wr.f"!tr-tte-r -received .today 'nr "v.vv. ine " J . - --- ,.,,.,
rnri..i .nrofi-. Irani' Paul th programs ino yeu--. .- nainoow
W ,Mvbblus. formerly, forest ranger Injlng. of Athena, adult au
the Umatilla National Forest, now In i A. R. Yoder. of Adams.
member of the Hatnbow
educational i division, -was among the first Amer
icans Id" land on French soil.
A Rainproof Overcoat
8ee my brg Selection, made to measure at a very
low.-ost. . '
An absolute guaranleo of satisfaction goes with
every, suit o overcoat I make.
' Mulls Wadij to Order s:I.Voo u $70.00.
Vlvercoais Made lo tlrdcr ;0.M lu 0-00.
- llo-l Jvmfli lon llldg.'
I'honef 1008
. m
Will AdinKK'd for ProlMile. j
t The will of Charles S. vagoner, ue.
ceaned. has been admitted for pro- i
j bale. Mary E. Wagoner, widow of:
'deceased; Is named executrix without j
! bonds,, aud .has been, appointed ; ;
such. The estimated value of the es- ;
, lute 'la lUill'l).. M.; lis AVatson Da'e ;
' ii,?h....i.- unH Klmpr Chastaln have
i been name s appraisers of the es
J tale by Judge Marsh- , .
Pa-tor, to Carry 31 c-aso.. - j
! Frv"1 ver- pulpit In Pendleton.
-:tb other pulpits of thi state, Her-
bel t Hoover s .niessage on the need ;
I for further ufS in the food conserve- ;
: Hon program jvill be delivered by ;
; crlulslers .of this city. December 1. '
Cpneervailun Sunday." according to,
the pluns of the food damlnlstratiqn. ;
The week following, the federal food
i administration will send a message to
: .. nihop .rsmnizations. The ;
JDregon branch of the food adminls-1
vruion Is. now preparig the message
which will be sent to the ministers-
is assured by the use of some
of tbesevbeau'lfuf fixtures of
ouie. They give a (Usht that
Illuminates the room perfectly,
but that does Dot tire or strain
the eyes. They aot ex.pen
iu Mf.,i(trini i rtM t r extra ef
ficiency an"ertra beauty. Vhy d
. nut at leaet see ttemI"fr, J
, r s . ' J
401 Coyotes Killed.
Four hundred tour coyotes, zi oou
cots, 20 badKers, one otter ana -one
Ivnx -were killed last month in Idaho
by C. S. Biological survey trappers
sent, out by U J. ;plri-man, of the ot-
fice hero. A. T. Hutchins and 1- 1-.
Anderson are a tie with a kill of ZJ
covotes. each, while O. A- Tolman Is
secimd with 22 Frank Tingley se
cured -aa otter whch is considered
such a handsome specimen that It will
be sent to the bureau's natural history
collection L , Washington. Thirteeu
of tb trappers employed have suo-
ho i.-nurth Liberty Loan
and Ihe total is $22. . - .
1 111 1 " ... o - "
15e: NasM :;,Six
Buy a Xmas present each lime
you re aown vown,'.
x' ;
Buy a Xmas present each tunc
you're do'.vn tosvn; ; ,
- ' it'''-. ' ' .i-a 1 1 1 II , . : , i .
TEDiCY TO FAVOR' ECONOMY, ' lJC JJ-. txa.iT I kV?"0 v'l'l
, ' -r" ' aaSf '.1 r ,
..... M -pi - "
,; Remember the first coat you pkked out for him
your son? Remember the thrill of firide that - ran
thru you as you left the store with the first covering
for the tiny toddler? How carefully j'ou picked to
get the best that you could nothing was too goqd
for your boy. And thru the years, that same thought
will be uppermpst in your, mind :. ,: ...
' 'Today, altho he is still in the little fellows' class, it
is haa-der than ever before to get a satisfactory gar
ment because the shortage of materials and ..labor
has forced many manufacturers to lower their
standards, , '.V;'' ' '
f-'fhe high' standard set by Mayer Brothers twenty-;
eight years ago has never lowered. It has made them
TIJE clothing 'manufacturers for Young America,'
permanently establishing these Master-Made" Over
coats, in the'homes of thousands who are just as par
ticular regarding their on's clothing as you.-
luuiiv. as cuw
A verv popular dress fabric be
cause of its Quality.; ; It's ! beauti
ful sheen, it's fine lustre, it s wear
ing strength and. its draping quaj-
itv You 11 UKe a ae& w-
skin satin, offered lrf wi-me
ing shades; 36 in. wide. The yard
Offered in the newest styles, colors and, leathers.
ThTfltSDSu'rse. are not only practical but easy
to carry and look neat. Each . -..... oeu
"SUl Uw '"J , . ...
i- 11 r.moz in mlors of white.
de8ignS' La!hXMASNEckWEAR'--
New collars, cuff sets and vestees or organdie net,
Georgette and pique, well made and neatly 'turned.
Our neckwear fate perfectly. - Priced 50c to 6.00
Send vour Xmas gifts in our boxes, they add to the
r?H '. t L VM. . .... 5c to 50c
Alltcta wam .' rT. ;. f. .!.riu-t lift
a, mas VjctruB
For Boys and Little Fellows
are the best that you can 1uy,
Our splendid variety of models and wide range of
pleasing patterns make it an easy matter for the eco
nomical pother tniake herjurchase t
, ' - ii- -r $5Q l(j $l250
' Notions' of all ?cinds.,- We
have notions to suit all your
. wants good' quality and in
vast quantities. Priced right.
If in need for canned Fruits and Vegetables, our
advice is to buy them now. ' " : :'-'. 1 " .
The demand for same will be greater than ever be
fore and the prices will be higher. . nj
Yellow Free and Cling Peaches, Apricots, I ears,
Homury, Beets, Spinach, Pumpkin, Squash, Aspara
gus Tips, Sweet Potatoes, Raspberries, Strawberries,
Pineapple, Loganberries, Royal Ann Cherries, White,
G Get our prices by the case lot.' The goods-are all f
guaranteed to be high class and will please. , ....
reported to be considerably
nhc last week.
-: In the hands of users everywhere, the Nash,
Six 5-passenger car has proved itself an unusu
ally practical investment : ' -Bv
carrying business men" quickly and econo
mically from place to place, it has established its
value to the transportation of the nation.
Its Perfected Valve-in-Head motor has unu
sual power with greatest power at. average dnv-
mitsPbety and 'easy riding qualities are gen
erally acknowledged.
We 'can make' immediate, delivery.
Cor. Cottonwood & Water St. - fhone 5G0
Itan Lifted on suuUnjr, Sali; of
Th. pTiH'r-ton office of the Stand
ard oil company received notice this
n ornlnir that the ban aftuinst the siile
of gasoline on Sundays has been lift
ed and will hereafter .be peruiiueo..
This, order, however, is understood i.
have no effect upon, tne ciosm
gasoline stations between,., the hours
of 6, P-t.nu 4nd m- "a Ior lnB
present no sales of aasonne win ,oe
permitted, according to the under-
stainling of the Standard pil officq.
Here On tMrloinsH.
lien lloone. for tho pa3t two years
a member of the IT, S. .navy, arrived
this, morninK to spend a 80 day fur
!.., t,.rn vlnlliiiir his sL-ters. Mrs.
t. re. McBee and Mrs. W. W.vrlck. He
. n..rt.Vir of the crew of the V
S. s. fan Diego tuit was transferred
... it . s. l'vvmouth after the
.an DIoko was torpedoed. Uooue nas
en across seven times.
Taken to Hospital-
pence pentley. -who for tiv weeks
has been sny-ring from Spmils-h in
fluJnaa. was ltcenl. 8t Ai-.llwnyjs
i hoXital last IshtyMr comlltloti.:
I I ' M ..uu.i
; ----- - .
i-i-r.M v Ri-OTIlWts I1FI.P the reviver of an art that bad Mcornn
m n iT MKIU ll VNT FLWTr i almost extinct In these possessions.
1 jPack In the. old days, however, when
.. .;Soajs armada, was the" mtShticst
TrapiM-rs ,miUsTlbe to lxwn.
The sum of 2TO0 was subscriboi
by 2700 U. P. biological survey trap
i.ers" in Oregon and Washington in the
TXXi - Hk is at the Oold-
K. . Avertu. , ;... here - today
j from Vasinia.
K. U Kilore. d Buruiii-",
Inylon. is in the city on business.
! I). T. Santo is here today ttom Wal
!la Walla.
M is. X.; A. 'Davies' of Spokane Is here
, today. , , . s .-. ,v ' . -
suppott case In Court.
The rasa of the .state oi i'"n
against clarence liowlshy on a n"n-
um.oiit, chaise 1 being tr(ca-toaa
Siofore,' Justice of , the I'cai-o J. H
afloat. ni!nv a splendid galloon was
launched In PhUippluo waters.
the Philippine Islands the natives are
busy adding, ships to the mighty allied
merchant' fleet that Is doing so much
to beat the Hun-
The ' department of commerce has
announced that splendid work In ship-
. .. . . . .1 I..V...-! tn th
Island Most of the vessels are de- 75. Arocncan casualtt.- have been
slaned for Inter-lsland trade. They n-ported to Hie a ih-MuruiHnrt ui
have relieved tnanv vessels that havaj today., turiclals say there H no a.cn.
been wi hdrawn for oversea service. rule aa? now of makuut tiaiK aa
Shipbuilding In the rhlllppines la to what the final total will be.
. ;, - i
" caWai-tiks sow m.ooo.
WASlllXtiTOV, Nov. II. Nearly
,r" tiiisfk. K.xnxms Kll,l.l.l. I
M'.W VtllSK. Nov. 11. Three na
val men were Ulled and Pile Injured
Im-j-o- wlion a Ktcnm liH' cdcded In
the hold ol tho American lrauiori
I.oulsvillo at the dce.
f 121 East Court Phone CI 8 fj
TtrTTL Picture Framing
hire hae cabled the Oiitcli iweniler K
dcniandius 'f iirniiUcr of Wilhclnt
fir trial.
Hard on tlic llabhlts.
The first snow In Cmatilla coiiuty
this s-a.son may well be looked for-
,-. l 10 with annrehension
jack rabbits, for th,e people of I'ina
j The UquU Wasb for Sua Dutcas
t 5. the MX for voa. " 1" M
T.M.1.J1AV (OMP.W'T-
. WASHINfiTOxi' ' ' I ' The
....rk ..r flulit" uitlcr lw.s1--a auto-
tilla and. Butter creek regions pae maia-au; 1 " Lm. ilraTt call"
.f the lied Cross... J. r'. we.NuKin, ". , - ,
H'ermiston, who Is head of the rodent i-rrtt-iive, ,
control project or the agricultural
council, conferred wilh County Ae"t
M.. 8. Shrock ana the coum.v vuun
.oday aud plsus will at once bw puuie
r the, drive. ..The rabbits will m
i.i I.. 1',, ill:, .i.l and as both meat
snd fur are desirable, it is estimated
lhat the proceeds will be considerable.
The farmers will conclude their ef
forts by poisoning the rabbits which
survive after the rtr've.
Cartl of Tlianks. , g
We wish to express our thanks to K
the H. or It. T-. the H- of I F. & E.. K
the I.ady ia:vabv? and oilier friends ;
f..r their symputhy aud kindness dur-,
tng cur sad bereavement in the death B
of our infant son: also for the beau- ! A
tlful floral offerings received. A -.-.
AU the-latest trtonlds. to joiu" order, reierly made and '
at rcasonanie prKt-s r
AT ",
' 'TJ1K OI.O i:rJ.tBU: Pixtt:iss
Klc Agents for the tld Hcllable
Western Made fcr Wrete'm Trade