EIGHT TAGES. PAG 15 KIGIIT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, ORGEON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. X 2 I V s TA The Fighting' lias Stopped but our boys are still "over there." Don't desert them 1 Now is the time to show our apprecia tion of their having fought for us by seeing that they are well cared for while so far from home. , GIVE LIBERALLY TO THE 'UNITED WAR. WORK. GRAY BROS. GROCERY CO. nTTATITV Two Phones 28 823 Main St IT Villi CO DOWN IN HISTORY that the American boys, everyone of them under great leadership with the splendid backing of the people at home; ; turned the tide of battle and into com plete victory. This will mark the beginning of the greatest era of reconstruction and up building and consequent ,; prosperity; the same lads who routed the enemy will tackle that job and make more his tory. Bank with a strong, progressive and liberal institution. TinCiUHlBffl Pendleton, Oregon "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon Remember the United War Work campaign opens today. J Give in grati tude. ! ' V ..y rl rwmtm ON . Golden West "It's the Best" When Ordering From Your Grocer. A PURE, WHOLESOME PASTEURIZED BUTTER. Made in Pendleton. A GOLDEN WEST CREAMERY EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. Memorial Service Held For John Lewis Casteel (East Oregon Ian Special.) ' I'klah, Nov. 8. Memorial services were held n I'klah Thursday, Nov. 7 In honor of John Lewis Casteel, the first one of the I'klah boys who has fallen In action In France. r Many People from o.ll over Camas Prairie attended the services which were con ducted by Hev. Herbert, Mrs. Herhert and Mrs. Iturance, each rend a short Poem, and Mrs. J- f. Kirk sang Heautlful Tsle. In a very impressive manner. Mrs. CasteeH and family wish to-express through the columns 'of this. paper their appreciation to all their friends, who have showed bo much sympathy to them In their sad bereavement. V' C. S. Stuart, lineman, was In town Friday repairing telephone lines. , Mrs. Sinclair of Bridge, creek. Is In town for a few days, visiting her daughter. Mrs. Abe Martin. Harry Dopew and Charley ninlos of Ritter, were In town Tuesday night transacting; business. Mr. Depew brought his daughter, Mabel, back for school. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore have sold 160 acres of land one mile north of town to Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lorenx. Sirs. Ed Bhehm of Alba was in town Wednesday on business. Snnford Chilson of Bridge creek was in town Friday on business. Elmer Hlnton of Range came over last week to attend sschool here dur ing the winter. He is staying with his aunt. Mrs- Mary Feterson. at the Uklah Hotel. . . ' ' Mr. Hugo Xjent. who has been 111 with typhoid fever for the last month, has usffered a relapse and Dr. De' Vanl was called ttguin Friday. Levi Eldridge is . having the GilH lnnd lots fenced Tor hia-siage horses. ' Clarence Daley was called to Pen dleton Thursday for the examination for war service. William Meengs was a business vis itor In Ukiah Thursday from Bridge creek. Harry Huston is delivering wood for the telephone company. With the cold nights the ground is beginning to freeze a little. There are no influenza cases In or around Uklah. or no other sickness, except Mr. Lent who has typhoid fe ver. ' Mrs. Ben Colvin was In ITkiah Fri day night on her way to Pendleton Misses Ruth and Pearl Dowd returned to school at McMinnvllle lant week. . Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cnrl Brutch er. Sunday, November S. at Walla Walla, a son. Tom Dlgglns is seeding some rye On his Basket mountain farm this fall to see If It will be a profitable crop up here on the mountains. Albert and Ray Gould are loading a car of potatoes today to ship. Fred , Hutzell died In Pasco Nov, S with Spanish influents..-. His wife Is very 111 with It. Mrs. Hutsetl's sis ter and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. George Berry are both in the hospital with It. Mr. Hutzell and Mr. Berry were employed at the Blue Mt. sawmill this summer. :When the mill finished Its season's run they went to Pasco to work on the O. R. A N. R. It- Rimer , Ferguson haa the measles and Is setting alon gas well as could be expected, he says in. a letter from Camp Lewis to his mother. Tess Ferguson returned from Ad ams Wednesday. Mrs. McCarty's brother. county clerk of Canyon City, Ore., Is serious ly III with Spanish influenza. Mn and Mrs. Oscar Oague of Had ley Station, near Walla Walla, are visiting Mrs. Dague's sister, Mrs. John Wroe. The potatoes are almost all dug on the mountain. The snow Is down to the Tamarack school house. Has been around the mill for several days. Tom McCarty has had bbad luck with his Bulck. . Tuesday evening they went visiting and when Jthey were ready to go home, the car wouldn't go, the gearing was stripped and torn nut and Mr. and Mrs. Mc Carty walked home In the mud and rain at 11 o'clock. - Mr. Compton still has the grippe but the rest of( th family have re covered. Fred Hiitzel of. Weston ..' , . .Victim of Influenza fKas Oregontnn SperfaliX ,,' WESTON MOUNTAIN, Nov. 11. Ceding Events i;;..r ,i;V(i , Cast Tb:r S'isdswi Prepare Vow to Withstand ilia CrW 1 Do not anticipate with a shuddering dread the beautiful event of childbirth. You can stroid discomfort during the period and strain at the crisis by preparing yew system end patting yourself in splendid condition to meet the time. For Just Uiis purpose women all OTer the tend, in every -walk of life, bare used for oyer half a century the time-honored and famous reiredy. Mother's Friend. It is pre- Eared to give the mother-to-be that direct elp she needs. The muscles, nerves, ten dons sad cords are made and kept soft and elastic. Thus strain is avoided, and as a result lif rvousncss, nausea, beariaf-dowa and stretching pains are avoided. The abdominal muscles expand easily and srentlf when baby is born. Naturally, pain Im less and the hours are fewer. The system Is prepared and the crisis la one of much less danger. Write the Bradfleld Regulator Company, Dept. M, Lamar Building;. Atlanta, Georgia, for their lelpful Motherhood Book, and ob tain a bottle of Mother's Friend from the droseitt today. It is Just as standard as su-iythinr you caa think of. And remember, there is nothing to take the place of MOTHER'S FRIEND, Sale of German Made Toys Halted by Women NEW TORK. Nov. 11. Mrs. Oliver Cromwell Field, president of the Am erican Relief Legion; led a delegation of women to a shop on Eighth avenue this week when she heard that col ored "sticker" pictures, a top for chil dren, which had been made In Ger many, were being sold there. , The woman who owns the shop, Mrs. Lena Herbson. became very much disturbed when she was told by Mrs. Field, that the women, ot AmertatlRtiuld,not stand for the sale of anything that Had heen made by the hands of Germans, blood-stained with the murders of Belgian children. Mrs. Herbson said that she: i had bought th'eni from a' m who' said that his' name was August King, a. general, buyer and -that 'she did not .-see the German mark on them. - Mrs. Herhson, who. with her hus band, came' from' ' Russia twenty- three years ago. handed over all of the sheets which were unsold -abou 450 and refused to take any money for them, saying that she was glad to get rid of them. She gladly accepted one of the signs reading. "We- WIU Not Sell German Goods." which the Legion has had printed, and hung it lu the window of her small snnp. TROOPS MAY AID RECONSTRUCTION NEW YORK. Nov.' 9. France, aft er the war. wi llexpect help from the United states In the form of labor, money, materials and ships, said An dro Tardieu. French high commis sioner, today. Tardieu said he hoped the Amen can troops would relieve the labor situation. He suggested that Ameri can technical units would be able to help restore devastated France while awaiting transportation home. This nation haa Just bought an ad d'tlonal . 000,000,000 insurance against autocracy. v OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE YOUR LIBERTY BOUD Will Buy a Good Serviceable Gar 3G AT THE Pendleton Auto Co. .. Established 1907. ... .- ... ' l!.p?. I0"?30"' t r- BiiMr--- tvNT TO SiN You up J liy(. , I7Z7. TiJ txe cross PLecae. I oS X'tv.. S iSv '3 A l m Let Us All Offer A Prater of JiianKs The ' Great Day Has Come. "OLD GLORY Still Waves, O'er the; Land ot the. Free and the Home ,of 1 -the Brave." Tuesday, Wednesday ! ahd Thursday ! $10,000 WORTH OF FINE FUflS ON DISPLAY AND SALE BY THE MANUFAC- ' TURER AT OUR STORE AT 25 Reduction BEAUTIFUL FUR COATEES AND WRAPS OF , HUDSON SEAL, KOLINSKY MINK, SEAL, ETC. FUR SCARFS IN BLACK LYNX. . BLACK FOX, TAUPE FOX, POIRET WOLF. ' SILVER LYNX, ? WHITE FOX, ETC. . ; r , - Buy Furs Now For Christmas A Small Deposit Holds Them for Later Delivery. Remember! Three Days Only Don't Fail to See This Showing. BEST IN STYLE MOST IN VALUE