EIGHT PAGES PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, ORGEON, 'FRIDAY, ; NOVEMBER 8, 1918. n aVl OTDEPeVNDBNT rwaiiaaea mail eaa wi.wnur V a d 14. on. Oi-mob. bv tha AIT OtUMOHUII f UBLMU1NQ CO j ifcetarei t te pMtorrtv Pwdio- - OraajeK. as eeOOad-eiaSS Mil . ON SAU IN OTHER C1T1KB, HiHuul Mew iui rtUu fevweaaa N.w. Co, Portland. Oraajo ON riLB AT efeteae BuraM. eevrlty BetieV fMWllMoi. D. ! Bnnu Ml Ihi- taaeAa IttMl, N. W. . PRATER OP A XATKft . t ifrt, To fiRht against at brutal foe. 'Valla Thou our ' hearts and hauberks stout And guid tho arm that deals the blow. W otic were slack to seek Thy I t -(. From fakh and duty fugitive: fleAr Thou in heaven, Thy dwelling place. $ an4 when Thou nearest, Jord, , - forgive. il :.v. v . . -We- b Thy younr Inheritance, Brought out of Kgypt by Thy vjr;-:-haha f" Oh, gve us blaming- swords in - France, Damascus. Asia Kolaland. Give us to crush this noisome " thing, This Prussian beast with drip.- lilac Jaws. Hear Thou the honest prayer we brine. Repentant, and maintain our f ' " cause. ' Roy Temple House. f WORK AHEAD AFTER - PEACE tlOUGH the war is '. won r x J vJ JLX UlC n ax l . th war problems are not ; an issue price ot y a 5. per e-. yetjsolved nor have wejeent interest rate and in marks gotten' .-through with- f our; fbig,so depreciated that the actual war obligations. 'The armistice lvalue was but one third of our it4elf is Jbul the beginning: -'tofj total. - , ; , t! -final Tpeace negotiations. -3Itj - In proportion to the popula- IH'-T t 3 ' -..) VT;" ..igl"!""" - """"""'! Iii.li i , . ment nbw8paper musckiftiom ra.tm (in advanob) I II.W . . T.M It. oauy. nee rear, br nail six montha by mail Dally, three montha by mall Oally, ?o month by mall Dally, oaa year by carrier Dally, six montha hr crir !.?( DU. tare aaatat br carrier 1.11 Dally, oaa moata, ay carrier .. .(I flemi-Weakly, one year, by mall Ha Semt-Waekly, six months, ay mall .71 Semi-Weekly four mentba by mall .11 may take weeks to fully settle all the intricate ; questions in volved. But even after all that is ac complished there may be work of the utmost gravity ahead for all nations concerned. The enemy country is in a state of turmoil. No one knows as yet what may have to be done there; The armies of America and the allies may have to pa lice central Europe for many months. Russia too will doubt less need help. So even though fighting- be over our boys may yet have much work to do. ! That the big thing is ended, however, there can be no rea- , sonable doubt. The German delegation plainly went under a white flag with instructions T ; for surrender. There can be no other outcome for them. ONE REASON FOR VICTORY HE people, asked to lend for the war the unprece- "dented sum of Sfi.OOO.. : 000,000, have oversubscribed 1 1 that vast toUl by $866,000,000. jMore than 21,000,000 people "joined in achieving this result. While Boston led in the ' per- : centage of oversubscription, 'that of New York, a round If 200,000,000 in advance of the stupendous quota of $1,800,. 000,000, is by far the greatest. The mere oversubscription is more than Germany's ninth loan realized in the same weeks. Her eighth, closed in April during the drive upon Paris, when victory and indem nities seemed at hand, brought rtnf 43 7?tn nnn nnn Ki wu,t uv,v;vu.vuu uub " 1 1, li More than one way i:o save the Wheai: 4ake every A sosgy biscuit or a half baked cake is a slacker. It is indigest ible and half the good grain in , it is lost by; "faulty cooking, f It Isn't hov muchyoii eat,but how much you digest that counts. . is a fine example of efficiency; i Baking and re-baking -twenty hours of it, under exact con editions' o-f nea-t make Grape Nuts a really wonderful food in efficiency and economy- I is f la vo risdclic f o us EVERY ATOM WORKS a Women TD How They MaoW EtsoS On of Gnat Happiness. . '."tj'lJ!'!!,'"" In wrry part cf tfce ItrnA ther are worn. rn wno tou now, turmiffU tin pu if cat 10:1 Of Mother's Friend. they entirely avoided th uffertrur naiwaiiy ineuUnt to motherhood. Tbey relate in ita uncertain terra bow trow It Km the days wen mada bright and cbeor.nl and! tha stjrhta culm noU r&attul. bow tlw crisis was phased without the usual eaffttri.it: e.tpriencvti when nature is untitl ed, and how they preserved their health and strength to dvot it to tin rearliw of their children and to thm thl&sa life tiutdf fur them. Mother's Friend Is ft wost penetrnrlnir remedy, prepared especial) for expectant mothers from a forniiiJa of a noted physi cian. Strain upon th llramenta ia avo.ied, and tnntead of a period of discomfort nndl constant drewl it ts a aeaaon of calm ra powe. Tha hours at tho crista ara less, and Mother's Friend anabiea tha mother to re tain bar natural s;race, and her skin la not cracked and does not becoms bard or dis figured. Writ to tha Bradfleld Reomlator Company, Dept. I., Lamur Buildinr, Atlanta, Oeorvia, for thetr Mutitertioott Boole, and obtain a buttle of atwUwr'4 irriea4 fruta h (Uut f , - tion of the British Islands, the Victory1 Loan pf, $5,000,000, 000 sold in London last year was a greater feat; but it was' placed under the grave menace of war near at hand, by a public more familiar with bond invest ments, and at such effort that sale has since been followed. When it is remembered that our fourth Liberty Loan ' was offered in the midst of an epi deTrrie of widespread ' and "ar mostdisabling gravity.'its Sue Cess, far surpassing expectati ons, is a fine proof of the patri otism and firm purpose of the American people. New York YV Ol iU. fX A HARD UNDERTAKING HE vote received by J. W. Maloney for mayor cer tainly testifies to the per sonal popularity of that gen tleman, It is unheard of for anyone to win out at such an election by having his name written in when his opponent is upon the ballot. However, Mr. Maloney came near break ing the rule. The outcome of the city election, however, proves the difficulty of con ducting a last minute campaign with success. It is better to fol low the regular order, ... . a . utMn , It may be timely to remark that press dispatches telling of events in Europe frequently reach- this country many hours ahead of official reports to nourish A Washington. In the case of the recent German notes ta this government they were know.i to the press and published many hours before they were received at Washington. The Associated Press has never had scruples against using such unofficial reports- when they were attainable by the A. P. The chief trouble with the A. P. yesterday seems to be that it did not get the news first and the United Press did Hawley's Sons Meet In France for First Time in Seven Years ' WASHINGTON, Nov. Rop- resentatlve Hawley has 'receiv- ed letters from his two sons in France, Lieutenants Cecil and Kenneth Hawley, telling of their meeting for the first - time in.0 seven years. Thoy went to France In. tha same convoy, tout not on the same ship,. In An- gUBt, 1917. : -. t Overseas Cecil has been most of the time in Northern France and his younger brother in the , region ot Mets. ' Their meeting took place at the tatter's sta- tion, th elder brother having been given an assignment which carried him to that , . vicinity.. Kenneth, who at the , date, ..of their meeting had not yet been commissioned, saluted his,., two-;. thee as Cecil came UD with o&'er officers, failing to recog- nine him until told that one of tha officers of the party wished to speak with him. i ; From inquiry , made . among fellow members of the. house who Jiave sons in France, lieu- reseffiative Hawley believes that - his boys were ahead of all ol.hqf sous of congressmen in reaching France. . Both have been in tho thick of the fighting. . MAIiA-Wl'THS NtW WANTE Owner of Six Alaskan Caulqas Finen 4 fur Maintaining Kuisanoe. ' SANTA MONICA, Nov. 8. Six shag 8V. gray dogs sa4 panning tha shade of the city haU. palion this morning while ehiri mastes, tapuiirf John Smith, formerly of Alaska, was being tried by Judge King on the charge of maintaining nuisance. Many yomen who live In the vicin ity of Marine street were the witness es in the ease. They dealared the big Eskimo dags were vicious and dan gerous to have on the street. ,. Captain Smith did ot have much to say. But he explained that the dogs came from the frozen north, and that the heat of tha southland had perhaps made them a trifle cross at times. He told how the Malamutes delighted in snow and cold, and how they had frolicked at Big Bear last winter. - "This is no city to keep a pacft of Alaska dogs in," said . the Judge. "There is ample testimony to show the dogs are dangerous." Captain Smith was fined. 25 and told to duv pose of the animals. Germany has not yet learned the word "restitution" or, at least, baa not uttered it. But the extortion of nearly 11,000,000.00 in "war contribu tions" from little Belgium alone and the untold damage inflicted on all countries that the kaiser's armies have invaded make It Imperative that "reparaauun" and "restitution" be add ed to the German vocabulary. . . mm?" , ' ' V..w.jpr..I "Good morning, papa," says th Crown Jprincev to Wilhelm. "Tha Unjtod War Work Campaign has ' gone over the top." ' And wjhat Wilhelm an swers reply is Some thing that nofather'shoulcl say in th presence of bis eldest cha-Ud. HOSPITAL Ifj ITALY ADVERTISEMENT- TO POST WAR TRAVELERS 'amouff Springs,- Unique Musical Center, erves . . Amencan3. t BY HENRY WOOD. United Press fltaff Correspondent.) ROME. 8ept. 17 (Hy mall.) The Italian government Is completing in stallatlnn of an ' American military ospltal at the famous Italian spring Montecatini, between Florence and Pisa. tteveral leading hotels of the resort have been requisitioned, and Amerlr wounded from the Italian front III be taken trmre for convalescence The Italian government thus has followed In a generat way the exam ple set hy France In taking the fa- ous resort of Aix-les-Bains for an merles n hospital base In France. Hack of the choice of Montecatini fni the American horpltal base In tuly lies another important motive It Is desired to make the the Ameri can meillcBi profession ana me- pu- generelly acquainted with the alontecstlnl aprlnga, so that after the Ill L1ISERY FOR YEARS Mrs. Courtney Tells How She Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable . Compound, . , Oskaloopa, Iowa.'-' For years I wa simply in misery from a weakness and wxu ,urb ana nothing seemed to do me any Rood. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. I did so anil got re lief right away. I can cortaihiy re commend this valu able medicine te other""Woen who suffer, for it has done Bach Brood work forme mi I kiioW it will help others if they will give it fair trial." Mrs, Lizzib Courtney, 1W 8th Ave., West, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Why will women irag along from day to day, yoar in and year out, suffering such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when such letters as this are continually being Fublished. Every woman who suffers rora displacements,, irregularities, in flammation, ulceration, backache, ner vousness, or who is passing through the Change of Life should give this famous root and Iwrb tx'raedy, Lyc.ia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Ca," Lynn, Mass. The result af its kmg experience is at rour service. YOU CAN'T. fINO ANY I DANDRUFF. AND HAIR STOPS COMING OUT s.YH vmit, wm'. i aiakr n THHK, U.4V V. til.tSHV A-M UMi HHT, A t, OSMfK. Try as you will, after an application of Danderine, you can not find a sin gle trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not ilch, but what will please you most will be after a tew weeks use you see new hair. fine and downy at first yes hut really new hair growing all over the seals. A little Danderine Immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No differenco how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy. Just moisten a cloth with Danderine . and carefully draw It threugh your hair, raking one small -strand at a 1 time. ... This will cleanse the hair of dust, d'rt or . excessive loll. ind. In Jut a few moments you have duiihled the 'beauty of your hair. A irlightful surprise awaits thoHe whose hair )aa been neglected or Is scraggy, faded, dry, hrlttle or thin. , Beside eautifying the hair. Danderine dis solves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the soaip, forever stopping Itching and falling hair, hut what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you see ' new hair---fine and downy- at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair, and lot.i of It, surely get a small bottle of Knowtton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter for a few cents. war Italy may begin sharp competl- ... wnn the Oerman spas. Although the waters of Monteoatlnl have been famnuB In Italy slnee tha time of the -.early Komans, very littlfc has been jone to make them known ikviiaa'. ' . - - , -Theyare.i the only springs In the world that can compete with those Ip iCul-lshad and nther German watering places to which hundreds of. thou sands' of people used to flock from all parts of the world every year. Viilooe Miixlcal Center While the Montecatini springs have a large following among -the Italian public generally, they have become a rather unique center for- the Italian musical profession. During the Ta.tt in years of his life Verdi went every year to Montecatini for the. usual 2 weeks "curs," and he died in 'the firm belief .that the wa ters' of the springs there .had prolong ed his life a quarter of a century , 73very square inoh ot Kontecatlnl Ic .redolent, with, memories and sou venirs of -Verdi, and partly.' because of the' "cure"' Itself. Monteoatinl be onmes every summer the great Mecca of Italian musicians. . Leoncavallo, Puccini,' Mascagnl, Caruso, and Tet- raxsinl often take their "eure' there Nearly always before . leaving the stars give a .benefit concert fop some thing or other, in which Verdi music pvedfuninates.i The half dozen -or' chestras at the' various springs where the water Is sipped piny Verdi, Servos Americans. , v Vast plans have been completed for hlg casinos. . pavilions, and water drinking palaces. : . Because of the large nnmben of ho tels that have been requisitioned for the Americans, thousands of Italians were obliged to- go without their cure" this year. The musical col ony, however, has been taken care of ami Tetraw-lnt already has given her benefot concert .and ..departed. OLD FAVORITE TONIC LAXATIVE When rontiptJ bother you and you got JVvT(h ami out of ports re nynihT that oid rellitblo vK!tabl CELERY KING n oM In evory dniff utor In th lnd. it'm tine for jndteHtJon too and tr ffVr and -ot1. Hume old rt'nifUy that thousand. iwt'r by. - I'm' ..wiini'-r, Men! "Here is Opportunity . , , t . To purchase good arm Underwear at last year prices. Men's Heavy Cotton Union Suits : . . . . . $1.50 Men's Wool Mixed Union Suits $2.45 Men's Wool Mixed Union Suits, heavy wt. $2.95 Men's Fine Wool Union Suits $3.50- Men's 2 piece Wool Underwear, plush back, garment . ... . ... . . . , .'. . . ..... ... . $1.50 Men's 2 piece Wool Underwear, garment $2.00 Men's Z piece Wool Underwear; garment $2.50 32 Sample Stores. All of us are talklntr abnui denxMTnc. Tin soldiers wlinee nam are prinied In this casually' list liave ;sufferea ar ifleo ror It. w Klllort In Action. , ' ! Prlvnte-TCeirAV." Ilcst," Milton, Orc gon. - ' ' .-"-' , Private Rrnest O. Billings. Gold Hill, Oregon. - . Private John Kerhcr, Krupp.i Wash ington. Private WaMer F. MoFgan, Julia etla, Idaho, , ..Private Pred H. Hahermsn, OlnMa, VVanhington. . . . 1 Private Harry W. Itiddle. Baker. Oregon. Private William Vaughn,. Oulden dale, Oregon. Iicd frim Acldent and OtlitM taiiMen, Private Karl J. Kli-ld, Pottland. EIWJCY MEDICINES From TilPENDLETON ' Kttl During Closing i Hduri This store has four residence phones con nected with stye. 464 will get ene of them for you in emer gencies during 'closing hoursi .' ' The Pendleton Drug Co. Plione,464 TH UNIVEKSAL fAR Look out when having your Ford car repaired that the 'genuine Ford iiarts or materials are used. There are many "bogus," imitations, or counter. " ' feit, so - called NO BogUS Ford parts of i sadly inferior Ford 1 Parts' ' on the market. Be warn. - HcrC e a?a'nst them. r Buy Ford parts and have your Ford car repaired by the authorized Ford dealer -as this is the ( only way td guard against "bogus" ' parts. Bring your car to us for service. Com? to us for Ford partp. Ours is an authorized Ford place. ' ' Simpson Auto Co. Water & Johnson Zis'. 745 Main SL Oregon.' r " .'. '! ' ' ' J lid (( pMoW. "Odnlr'llnrry Hamilton Oliver, On tario, Oaegvn, . . , . I'flVHto Earl 11. Hall, llatluck, WuHhlngign. Private Colin C. Hyde, Astoria. Ore gon. ... Wnundnl. n-sn PmieO-mijied. Private Olio Acker, Woehougal, V'ashlnKton. Missing In Anion, Private Austin- B. Mnilth. , Rupert, Idaho. 'i Private Parney Mauch, Harrah Washington. ft . . .. . Z Emergency Drugs g 5 may be had T after G:30 5 t - r 1 lie 'A 1 P. M. by calling , resit 4A i dence phones t S i ,1 i . . . . i 9 A Tallman d Co. 4 C Ussduuf IHMgkiHts. ' 4. 5 i DENTISTRY . Dr. David Bennett Hill Dr. Tom O. Bailey ., fudd IJulIdlng, Pendtcton, Orego. i i i i Phone 40S 4 Or Other" , B S-.": w .'m;- 9 t, H I ' 4 is-;