THN 'PAGES- -tii Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lbst, Found, For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. NEW TODAY ' Brew TOOAY. Each now advertisement wtl! bo run under N:w Today" for tlio first insertion only. During subsequent insertions of the ad it will appear under It prayer pjMwiClaation. i. i Second-Hand Dealers V. STROBI.B, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods, cash paid for socond hand good, cheapest place to buy housonuld goods. 210 E. Court. Phone 271VV. , CROIX DE GUERRE GIVEN TO STATUE PARIS, Oct. 80 In Uion big sqiiuro at Yjtcm. in I'.olfrluin, Mamli Hie 'iiiviiluoriihlci statue." . It Is a FtiMit man of' hronxo. In bronze flirt lies of aiMicnr-duys. It li of it lord mayor of nuntliiv pcn crutlon Sir, Vun d'-n Ivrrs. boom . And throiiKh four yearn of lHnil)ardiiH'iit lio lion not even "hecit tMTntelied. Recently, In rec otrnltlon of Mr. Van lien Porro hmtm'it brazenfaced bravery anil iliMjain of tcrmaii shells, a prunk-"b-ii llt-lKti ntiarlicd the Croix do f.'uerro to lii.s broiia lapel. Auctioneer GUI W. F. YOHNKA, Auctioneer. makes a specialty of farmers mock and machinery Bales. "The man that gets you the money,".. Leave. order at East Oregonlan Office. q Notice of Sale of 'fcstray. ii:r'iiSTAo ixvi-tiatrs " , JMCAfM I'AIIAltF.S AMSTERDAM, Nov. 2 The party committee of th relehstn?, the I.okal Anzeigcr of Berlin says it understands l.i debating the, question of calling to account tho Bta'tomout responsible for tho fitiluro of th fSerniutl peace movements lute in 1016 and nt the 'bo KlmiUig of 191T. - ' ' . ' - For'Sala COR UALE Modern house and four Iota with garago. 225 Jane St. Pen dleton. Ore. B. B. Butler, 1113 Indian! Avenue, Hpokane. Washington FOli JjALE 30 head Shrop . rami I'hone 60F13 or wrlta T. O. Good man. Rout ! Box 85, Lowden. Wash FOR SALE Choice apples 75 c per Rack, lirlni? vour sacks. E. C. Bur- llngame. 11111 Tod Farm, Walla Walla. Fort BALK-Or rent. 1 lota and 'fodm house on Eddy street.", In quire 720 Cosbie St. FOR- 6ALU-Full blood H.' Ia. K. Cockerels. Early March hatch from striinir loying strain. Kxtra good col or. walKlitnK from 7 to . pounds. Phone 10F5. ; FOR SAT.H 1 torr truck, A-l sfiape. with new top. I'hone 74K. i l-'or fiulo. i ' I : "Rye anfl while winter barley, -fa. W. Collins, Pendleton. , ' Xotlce Is hereby elveri that I, Wm. anther, on tho 8th' day of, Octortbr. IBIS, on ' my ranch In ' flection 8, fwrtsliln 4 north, raiitre 33, K.'W. M. In fjiiutllla county,. Mate of Oregon, about two uud one half mile wuwt from Ilollir, took und Iinpounded wtrays, 7 hrnl of pis or shoats, color red, nnd red and black spoiled. w'elKht about 70 pounds each. Four of said Tmtmsls" marked with slit in right ear uud three marked with slit In left ear, and that said stock, at the barn on r.aid ranch, on the (sin day of November, 11 8. at the . hour of o'clock, p, m. of said day, will be off-red for wile nnd sold at public auc llon to t-ntb'fy tho damages and costs of Ueeuioir und all c.xnenses incurred. InrludlnK the Justice feos, costs of ad- You may nave profltarjle buslneae veitlsint; and sale and such other relatione for yearn to come with some cofIs jjnd expenses as may be regu- one you will coma to know first thru lai ly made. ' ' I your next classified adt Dated this 20th diiy of October.) vT. lrlj'rirKlt. I A majority ot olasalfled niessarea V. ft - TAYrlt'''1 ,: Ta Item p. I may be clearly told in 1es tbaa fifty Aiictlonpci-. Fort SALU litis Holt "7b" caterpil lar tractor. Only run 15 days anu Wood as new. Will Tsell at a bargain. Address A, Archer. 41 H CralS Street, Walla Walla, Wash. Trjlsphone 2125 FOR SAT.K Full blood S. C. Whita- Lehoi'n pullets. F. A. Gordan, Jr. rhone 4S6. . . , words. , ....... i. Wanted! WANTED Good, clean rags at The Kast Oregonlan 'office. WANTED Sewing, phone 8J-W. WANTED Qlrl Keueral houaework. 1 In family. Wages 125. . Write Mrs. T. 0. Sinclair, Bonneville, Ore. HEMSTITCHINO at the BIngr shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. WANTED--Kxperteneed girl at , The I'alm. 423 Main street. WANTED Hih school boy, 1 years or older with bicycle for evening messena-ei1 work. , Aply Bunday mornlnB. V o'clock Western Union Telegraph Co. , WAXTED To hear from owner of eood ranch for sale. . gtato cash price, full description. D. F. Bush Minneapolis. Minn. , WANTED Modern 4 or '5 room1 f ur- nlsbed or partly-furnished house, not too far out, or t or 3 room nicely furnished apartments for two. .No children, mother and daughter. -Fnone 582, or write Box 7(11. WANTED Dining room girl, Hotel. Kleth WANT'ED Woman or girl for gen eral housewark. Must be experi enced and no objections to children. Address Box BR2, Adams, Ore. ' Farm Land For Sale CIO Acres. Complete Wheat Ranch. In the heart of the famous Rattle -.((Kp tjnt country of Adams county Washington. Land lays perfeatly level, S20 acres In good, clean sum rnerfallow, 320 in stubble. Xlood set of farm buildings. Two miles to good murker. On fine macadam road. Price JDS per acre, Inclunms an stock and machinery, . to run vthe fclace, 20 tons of hay and other feed. some household furrittare. For iuu particulars see or write Patsy K. Clark, rtruville. Wash. 3 ITSEXCU BlTlTIES KILLKD rx BATTLE PARTS. Nov. Z, rThirteen French deputies have already given up their lives in the defense of their country. The latest is M. Gaston Dumesnil, who succumbed to severe wounds after be ing decorated with the cross of the le gion of honor by Premier Clemen- ceau. ; For Rent APT A3s'D; KOOM ATjTA APT8. FTTRNIKHED APT. HamlHon1 Court. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS, iOl Clay. FOR RENT 8LEPIN3 room, WHlow. Phone 48JIU too i DOWNSTAIR Apartment 401 Aura. WHEAT RANCH for lent, miles from town, dleton. Ore. Address Bo 88. Pen- Attorncyi cr. civ ip .si'umujT. Attorney t Law. Room 4, Bmlth-Cra-WfoTd Bldg. ' ' ' D. W.-BAIUET, . Attorney at . Law, Booms 7. 8, lespaln Building- c.Krutora -W. COCTT8, Attornejr at Law. Koom 17. Schmidt brock. , CARTER A SMYTHB. . Attorneys at Law.' Offlca Jn rear, ef American National Bank Building. FURNISHED' APARTMENT Close In. - 77T Thompson. v'Oh KENT Furnished rooms and anartments.' 407- W. ARa. Phone 1177W.'- -, . S :' FOB RENTThree room furnished apt. with steeping porch. 602 Water. l-'Olt RENT On Locust Hill.'modern house. Imitilre Baiph Foisom. FOR t.ENT Furnished J-rornn house with sleciMng porch. Ideated, In rear 417 Garfield. Address 42 J this of- FOR KENT- Completely, furnished four room apt., with bath, pnone 374J. . FOR jiEN'T-e-3 furnished housekeep ing rooms. 302 E. Alia. FEB FEB, Attorneys at Law. fices' ln iDes'pain Building. Of- R. I KEATOR, Attorney at Law Room 24, Smith-Crawford Build ing. ' 3. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney- at Leiw. Smith-Crawford Building. PETERSON If BISHOP. Attorneys at Law. Rooms 2 and 4, Smith Crawford Building. ' JAME9.B. PERRY, Attorney at Us. Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. P.ALEY AND RALEY, Attorneys at ' Law. Office in American .National Bank Building. . A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel lor at law. Office la Despairi Bids. FOR RENT Modern five room lur- nished house. Phone 054.:. Nice sleeping rooms, 723 Aura. FOR BENT Room with heat, close; in., in private family,. Phone 481 FOR RENT 2000 acres of bunen- gross land until srarcn 1st. iia. Good sheep rane. , Tom Gibson, Box 4 2, Pilot Hock, - ore. xeiepnone Fa'rmer 2X2 Pilot Rock. Farirt Implement THE "NON-SKIP-' WEEDER gets ail the weeds the first time ov r tne field. Saves one-third the time ana does lots better work, - Ordor bow. Pendleton Weeder Works, 632 Cotton wood street. ' ; ' Foatid FOCxO Bunch' "of keys. Ow ner can haveVame by calling at this office and paying for this notice. wast An' coi.vr ATD Ci.ASIFIEf niRKc-romv, Counting sr ordlnhry words to the line and charged by the line. f -Want eds snd locals. Ketes Per Lino. First Insertion, per line lOe Each add. insertion, per line- Se One week (six insections), each insertion, per line . Be 1 mo. each insertion, per line 40 month contract, each in sertion, oer Hne . SO : 12-month contract, each In sertion, per line to No ads taken for less tlian....25e Ads taken over the telephone ' . only from East Oresonian sub- ' scribers and .those listed in the Telephone Directory. Copy must be in our office not Inter than 1:30 o'clock day of publication. : Notices Conrad P- Olson appointed by gov ernor Wllhytstmbe es Justice of u prenie 4iurt to succeed FranK Am Moore, has worked his way from poor farmer boy. Ho knows eon.U tions in. all rissees. , Ket him on tho bench by writing In hi nam Novem ber Sth. '. ' -Xoflt! of pavfrWiit of City of 1-cinlto Ndtlc is hereby priven that City of Pendleti-tn Improvement Bonds Nos. 17 and it. merles rvsnd 11. 1J, 13 r,tl 14 rlerles B. will be raid upon pre sentation thereof to the underslxnea at the American Nillonal Hank, Pen dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon. In terest on said bonds ceases Novem ber 1, 1918. ' Dated Octol-ef 22, 191. A LICE MOORHOUBB. . g Treastirer. City of PendletoO. By Wm. Mickelsen, Deputy. - uki, ., Conrad P. Olsorl" is now supreme Court Justice. Write his name in io suoceevi nimsen: m mo death ol Tanitjw 6th. cancy caused by Moore on Novemne Tkirr Yp.' There came to my place on Wild Horse creek, about Oct. 1. 11- red ahoat. right eor; cut off. . -Owner can have aame by paying charges. Box 705, cuy. Business Opportunities Draymen CALL, PEN LAND BROS.'. VAJM TO 'move your household goods. Tele phone 339. Also baggage transfer ring and heavy hauling. DISTRICT MAN AGE itfl WANTEI In every state for new auto e""1 lock. The cleverest, anu """ tive anti-theft device on tne m"" automatically dieengaes the clutt H and locks It so car can not be ml under its own power. Big. monHjr nmkef for ambltiotis hustler. sive territory given. T500 to tl0 necessary. Arhertca vAuto Leek. 803 West Nrnth street, Los An geles, Cai. 1 " r '.. TIME CARD Weson-PemlIeton Auto Stasw Lejtves Weston- for Pendletoo t 7M5 a- m. and 12:45 P- ' ' n Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8. 00 ' a. m- and 1:00 p. m. i " 'l Leases Adams for Pendleton at 8: . a- m. and 1:20 p. n. Leaves Pendleton (Ain-Mi-"v Btore)- for Weston 4:00 p. m. . ; at 10 - m. v:4 13000 Cups Chocolate Given in One Xiarht at "Mother" Uurdick's Hut ttbn Army hut for cake and dough nuls and pie. has a new stunt celights the soldiers. It Is the "all niKht chocolate scrv But tne general had brought Ills men rA Ti i,ih a long way already that evening, and tlLjIJlL.O UJl I KiJ r. i r -t -'i REM? AT Y-H" r 11 nlaht at "Mother ' Burdlck s nut, ana two other huts nearby assisted so that more than 15.000. cups of choco late were given to the boys that nlBht. MOVE ITALIAN'S INTO PATH OF OWX BOMBS thev had farther to go before morn lng. He knew hot chocolate would brac6 the boys. go he gave the order for groups to WITH TUB AMERICAN ARMY IX I Recently a new division suddenly stop one by one lor rest at tne civa- FJIANC I-;. Oct. 3. (By . mail. ) ! appeared in "Mot her" Burdlck's area, Hon Armr but, as tney passea Mother" B.irilick. tho Hula Texas ! nv tW the first units of it appear- Then the eenernl stopped himself for c. in i, i. ,i i'.i,rn otinl rat.-''..i n'v.. ... i..iinv tho front, the n C.m of ChriColate. They worked and won tho hearts of every douh- ; first lout:hboys told her. She was ly who Ilot ked Into the little tialva i business at once. Callinif "Pa" llor- 1 .. .... .in -I .. 1?.. : dick and her other assistants, "Moth- .... er" Burdick got pots of chocdate on kll" :be 'stove ot once. It was then fairly 1 it' ' j U at night. '"-' ' Vj-:'V Then Mother" Burdirk went out 1 ..v.rivr -fi.. . ; , 1,, to find the general commanding the .' 5ii-3it:lJ division. In the dark It was pretty C r '"- J ' hnr' to ,"':,,8 the general, nut m ' finally eornered him. He was sur prised Being a newcomer in r ranee with a new division. n had never l.etird of tbe Salvation Army women. Stovs An Army. 'I want to stop ihejn in companies J.ut long einntsh to fill their cups ja they go by tho but down the roan The now wns not "feu i betm? talked to that way ami it wo . , hardly within campaign, orders to - - w stop men In aiH l-ani for ,cbocolift.: JJfg QF THE DUFFS WITH GAS OFFICER CHICHESTER S PILLS , " 11IK 1IIAMONO 1IM. X 1 like why as to When railroad sta- AuslVian authorities. several lmnureq Italian pi - " f war In engine nonses wnere j. PARI?. Nov. 2 Austrians, the Germans, can't understand the allies are so "inrlnman" bomb cities behind the lines. Ilali;'n airmen bombi-d tioiis in Austria. locked oners with the American- army rx FRANCE, Sept. 20.-(By Mail.) The !Kis officer Is one man in the American army who has no idea of romantic he roism. Every one has been congrat ulating the chaps w-ho Jerked off their mis masks to do difficult Jobs when the boches were heaving gas over in volumes, and ho French awarded several boys fhe "Croix de Guerre" for their spunk Now comes the gas officer, taking all the Joy out of being a hero In a pas attack He syas men who take off gas masks because they cannot do- their work with them ought to be court martlaled instead of croix de suerred The men .will have' to learn aiid fight In their masks, he gas masks on. because they stay out g gJLLJQN MATCHES AMOMt ItllA.IO l'II.I.H,f,r S -fcltuw (.1 !;.-., b-ifer., An,v. t. lir !J SOi D BY 0RL6CISTS fVFCVW'? ) they were ' boivlbs. in range at tne airmen s The gas officer hands it to the boys who work right through -with, their 1 1 I . : of the hospitals. . If anyone gets whiff of gas, the gas officer things that man ought to lie right down and take care of himself, whelch doesn't scund brave or heroic at all. It sounds like quitting.- the doughboys say. , But the gas officer points out that the man who quits and takes care ot himself gets over his gassing In 3 or 4 hours, and can go back Into serv-' ire. again, -whereas the chap- who sticks it out to the last falls exhaust ed and needs a lot of hospital treat ment before he is gdod for work asraih. This Is how the gas officer frigures the man who quits is a hero. He says the boches would like to have; doughboys stay in tlie gas until theyj get whiffed good, and move around a lot until It is all through their bodies for that puts a doughboy Out of com- ! mission. - Of course, the gas officer doesn't want anyone to be si quitter when he i has an important post to hold, for he says If the doughboys Use their rrlasW quislily and corectly, t'he boches have no gas that w-lll bother seriously.' ! FOR BOYS AT FRONT WA'RtfrN'tTOX. Sot. . What ever the boys at the front may lack, they're point; to have plenty of matches tuis whiter! The war department lias purchased sit bil lion for the use of the expedition ary forces 10(l,)0,brt boxes, or 50 boxes apiece for tho 2.0O0. ,0O0 men in Franco enough sur plus to light 3000 cigarettes per man. he is some; salesman,:: - By ABman Don't Neglect , , Your Buildings i A coat of Good Paint will rl , add many more years to thew-j-J usefulness. oi70' Bros.- mi.xn I. C -r - , lit; ('fcv' , ii - -j and ("..-". s fill every requirement stand the wear of tune. ,..-L.-J. McATEE The Practical Paint Plan . ... -513 Main Street ; ' 1 Telephone loS How OoVoo To - I CAME TO APPM fOP. A rVSlTlOrJ AS 5ALESMAW VllTH VoOR. COHCEB4 Hi km I ' ZiZ 5ggg VIHAY BOSIHesS HAVEYooBEEM Bi5A6tt W? I WAS A BARBER. e I J; r t BETTEJl AND OFTER LIGnT iT''hvO' the ayes. They - aot eXP. P ' -' 'v t Slve conslderlnn tnir ettrn -.x' I ,'l fielenov and erirn bennty. W f y 1 fi not at least M tlimJ ( .--Hi., t TT', Is assured by th use of some of theso beau'lful fixtures of nurs. They give a light that llbmilnaies the room perfectly, but that does ol tire of strain pen- f- r'hy lM AFRA!D,WrJ? MAM TWAT Voi,0 HAvE,"n?U&J-t. SEJ.LIHG OUft UHB UMDEp. These unfavoiJable CVWOlTiOMS - I AVf SOLD UT3 OF STUFF Ust FAVORABLE I , ' yv vl 11 i VMHAX tott IHSTAMCEJ I 1 RAFft.TcJlC To I f I rn waiwts" j , i I." ' II r S I nfXRJBK XO.LOVfiEIt 'mO BlJtTHA" TARGET PARIS, Nov. 2 Dunkirk, up near the Belgian border, is Just now out of reach of Hun long range guns. "Big Berthas" have been Domuaraing Dun kirk, shells falling many days at five minute Intervals 4But the city went Why tkH afsume tnat your tenant Is a reader of the classified and get In tojien with him at once? t . .. ,. " on with Its daliy 'iiiuflhe. " X6t? evert the tramway schedule -was interrupt ed. - The Germans are- driven back: now- to where they do ot reach- tho ' city. I WltlGIEY CJVE8 TTX-rOtL , r; , , ; 1 " -' I .. ' l TO THr5 VtoVfXtSWVST To help meet the needs of the gov-. crnmenf, Wrigley'a will discontinue the use of tin-foil as a wrapping for "Juicy Fruit" chewing gum. In order to release this valuable, material to" Uncle sani. " Hundreds of thousands of pounds per week of tin-foil will thus be made s available to the government, it Is said. , "Juicy Fruit" will here&fter op- pear In the hermetically saledT pinle wrapper same as "spearmint. "lou-. Iilemlrit" will also be wrapped In W-ar. ed pink paper, instead of green. iiiWWl'iT " --'fflMaa;' " iiiiii"' f t I r i sit M liMSimiCi Batteries Should, Never Freezb . i , .. " t . .1 V j If your battery freeze it' youi' cywto fault.-- There proof right in the ke that y6fl " haven't .taken care .of it-r-that yoxx havezt kept it charged. " A properly charged Willard Battery can't . freeze, even in the coldest weather.' Come in and we'it tell yoii why batteries , do sometirnes freeze, and hdvt yen! taa tell when yours is cold-weather proof,1 WhW our Were asld t 'de I' copy, of bur booklet "A Mark with a Meaning for You." ItteUs just what the Willard Mark stands toti ; v . t Electri c Service Station ' Cor. Main and Watef Sts. We test, repair and re-charge storage batteries, and always' carry a: full sup ply of battery parts, nt-w Irattpries and rental batter ies. Testing sen' ice is free. f'.. i J. L. VAtTGIIAN