A s"ii f S i 1 .if - & '.' ' ' . ' .. ... . Ji... . ... . f. ., crr.n.i? V.i ' In 1916 Umatilla county gave President Wilson a majority of 962, , He Kas Keen wortKy of that vote. He hast made good tender severe trial, f Are we to go uack on n..ra now , u . -( influence and cmbarass him before the world by placing his critics in control of congress Nov. 5? The President asks for support. Read his appeal and see why. .Vote to uphold V lsoa, DAILY EVBO eoitio:i DAILY EVOIIHG EDITlOfl Number copies printed of yesterday's Dally Edition 96'Z Thlt tiapcr li a member and audited bjf Uie Audit Bureau of Clrci tattoo. Are jmt In tlie market for chicken If yoii are glance- at Hie want ads to day. The want ad ! la owe of In rxclting pages of the pa-r. CITY OFFICIAL PAPEER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 9576 -i "'jj VOL. 30 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OKGEON, FRIDAY, NOV 1918.' , , : ; zgs' yz 7 i AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT EAL ; .- : j j . . . . ; r ,-, .-''j . VENETIAN PLAINS OVER UN PRISONERS FOE ARIVIY BELIEVED CUT OFF ROME, Nov. 1. The Aus trian front in the Grappa re gion has completely col lapsed, the Italian war of fice announced. " It is impos sible to estimate the number of prisoners who are com ing from, the mountains in droves. All the enemy's ar tillery is captured. WITH THE AMERICA V ARMY IV FKAN'CK. Oct. 81. The tier nutna are annoyed liy the v fre quency with which they run Into American alone the line. The ;mnaiu don't understand It. An American outfit captured a (airman line ' nfrieer cast of Ithclina after IiIh unit, with other had been trylna to break through for three day. A French InU-lll-lience officer asked the (imiian why the Horhea fulled to break lltrotiglK "The reason for tho falhiref, find tlie ticrmaii, -It la the An trlcaii. we are storm troops, our unit. We have been In at tack on three point alontr tlio line In a month. Kach UHne we have rnn Into Americana. I have tetter from friend alontr the line. They have all hit or been hit by American, who are everywhere." When axfcoil. the German offi cer estimated there wero 4.000. ' INHI American In Fratase. .. r , CI'T nV J MII.F. AinAMI- tn ,he ,lirrenaer of the German and 1.0XIH.N. XoV. ..Austria armloat Am,trian nKn command I believed eatt of tlie.l'lave are believrd apt 1 1 kcertala to be. Included In allied arrnln. Ilirotigli I'm occupation, of PontonnHo lllP8 ,ermH. Turkey' surrender lndt- Alpi by the, Italian, it capture mean an advance; of alxmt 25 mile. The AiiHlrlan In the iraHM retrtoti are lielleved to have been cut off by the capture of the Important Vadul !". r.vacoe Id I no. WASHINGTON. Nov. 1 Official Italian embaasy dlBpatches declare the Aum,rlnn have evacuated t'dlne, abandoning vast quantities of war material ROME, Xov. 1. The Italians hava entered Belluno, battle front dla putche thi afternoon declare. The Austrian are evacuating Ndlne. j Plate Oorgo ixmiinntcd. AT THK ITALIAN FRONT. Nov. 1. The Italians have completely sev ered communication between the Austrlun armle In the Plave and Trentlrio region, obtaliilng complete domination of the Plave Gorge from ' Feltro' to' Relluno, Front Cover 125 Mile. WASHINGTON. Nov. I- The Ital ian advance I continuing on a front or. over 185 miles despite the Austri an plea for an armistice, said a dl ' patch from General Dia. Austrian have retreated precipitately beyond the Tagllamento pursued by the al Pe. The Tagllamento forms the prin ciple defensive line between I'lnvea and Isonso. The Italian fourth army Is advancing In the Grappa region against the Austrian who are cut off by the left wing of the third army These enemy force are believed to number 100.000 and are offering tlft resistance. The Austrian are also offering desperate resistance beyond I.elltino. Attempted counter-attacks are repeatedly repulsed. Versailles Conference Will Last Through Week TARIS. Nov. 1. interallied diplo matic council meetings wilt not end before Sunday. It 1 believed. , ( STAND FIRM BY WILSON URGES MRS. VAN ORSDALL; PRESIDENT IS ENTITLED TO YOUR HELP rrttf Mrs C C Van Orsdall.) I tho demoralised barbarians toward . i i.nir t.i ih ConiiiMHi Flk(ar.il ttcro the Rhine. I have been trying for months to warn you that the biggest fight and the blggeat danger, during Ihe World's ptrussiv i rf . ro r-v HtlO tne Ue- l ruction Of military atltCraCy irOOl the face of the earth, behind th lines; at home. Inlted SI a lei of America; tnat me big fight, would coma at about the tlma our lad wttra gullautly drlvln COMPLETELY BY ITALIAN ARMIES G VE UP IN DROVES NOTE CONSIDERED FORMAL SEVERANCE OF GERMAN ALLIANCE PARIS, Xov. 1. Conversations be tween member of the Interallied di plomatic council continued today at Colonol House' headquarters. Allied representatives remained for some time. Premier Clemenceau and Marshall Foch returned at noon from Ver sailles, where the council I sitting, looking- hlKhly satisfied. A United Press representative first handed Prenldent Wilson note to Aumrla to Col. House. "Will a separate peace be the outcome?" he was asked. "They certainly are asking it. but your opin ion 1 a good as mine." he said smil ingly. High allied diplomats consider the note as a formal severance of the AuBtro-German alliance, which w one of the allies' war alms, leaving Prussia alone on tho battle front. ABDICATION ONLY QUESTION OF DATE PARIS, Nov., 1. Action equivalent cates the. allies will certainly force the enemy Jlterally to wave the white flag In France and Italy. Members of the interallied council believe the Hapsburg dynasty is ended, with an Autrlan rapublic probable. The kaiser's abdication I considered Inev itable, the dote only being uncertain. Confidential advices suggest the Ger man Internal situation I momentar ily likely to force abdication. KVERV IMSTRICT OVKItSCB HCRIBfcD WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. The creas nry department today announced total MihscriiMlon to the Fourth 1oan were ffl,Htl.4l5.3nO. Tho subscribers ex ceeded set, 000,000. Every dlntrk-t oh tained an over sulwcrlptlon. The San Francisco district oversubscribed $2-1,- 000,000. i .. This is How This ; Live Newspaper is . , Serving its Field Owing to tho fact rail con muuication with the wetrt end or tho county now slow since tlio motor wa discontinued the 14 nrcgonian I giving tin- M-oplc of Echo and Hermlston a dally tel egraphic now bulletin, free of cost to them. The service was started yesterday, the bulletin at lOcho BoinR to carl GlllM-rt and at llormlston to P. .1. BIhccI thl week. The service Is provided because west end eolc cannot now secure a newttinrr the day it Is published and only through a bulletin service can they .be. served. An Fast Oregon la n hulk-tin service ha la-en going to HeOp ncr for some time past and pro vide the people there with Im portant war new euch afternoon. ''. HF.I.IEVF TERMS I'.XIIOI TH. VASIIlNGTON Nov. I. IHplomats iM-llcve the armlstft-e terms arc in probubly enroute Ili-rlin Well, my warnings hnvo been veri fied. At th most critical period of the war, with autocratic Germany al iimisi tin mit-irn: wnn iui o I Hilv most on her knee; with ...... . 1 m-r-iiii nt-i Hl. ,rnv. would cumeion tne term lata oown ny rresioent taa-aa in ihaaiWilson the Htion ta neousl v accented1 spokesman of the allies; with Russia (Continued on Pag 4.) IF WE DISCREDIT OUR LEADER AMERICA WILL PA Y THE PRICE America lias played a noble part in the war. We entered the struggle for just reasons. We have raised one of the best armies in. the world. By sending more than two million men to France when neither friend so quickly we have been the The war ia about won. The United States headed bv shape peace and after-the-war It will be possible to arrange attairs ior a lasting peace on an American basis in conformity with the best ideals of the re public. President Wilson knows how to do that. But the great place we now hold can be lost in a day. With out a congress that will back him up the President will be help less. If an opposition congress is elected our allies will not know what we want. We will The man whom they trust and follow will stand discredited. The war may be indefinitely prolonged.' No one can foresee what may happen. Do the people of Umatilla county want to help bring such a visitation upon the country and upon the world? If not" be careful. The senate majority may rest upon the selection made in Oregon. A vote for Oswald West will be a vote for Wilson. A vote for his opponent will be a vote against the President and it may prove a vote for dangers we scarcely dream of at present. ' . ' GERMAN WAR CABINET IS DISCUSSING ABDICATION, WILL ADVISE WILHELM COPENHAGEN, Nov. 1. tung says the war cabinet is discussing the Kaiser's abdi cation end Dr. Delbruck, chief of the party council, will present abdication documents HAIG STRIKES TODAY SOUTH VALENCIENNES LONDON. Nov. 1. The ! British soddunly attacked Kouth of Valen clenne IIiIh mornimr. llaig reported good pngress. ADVAXCR 4 MILES. WITH THK IIR1TISK AUMTRS, Nov. 1, The llritish are within three miles of Audenarde. having advanced fi'Ur mile Hinco yesterday. A thou sand more prisoner were taken. Tho llritish have passed Ansoghem, Mnwestrattc. Caerter. Rougge, Tra- gun, Uarrmmlo and l,cnliove. have crosaed the F.scaul and Kerkove and are now exllting their gain beyond the river- Adwditionnl penetration of nearly two mile has been made. LONDON. Xov. 1 llalg announc est. "In siiorowfiil enlcfiirlnm. .vrhlrli small .portion accrnnpltelied a Unit fMineHiHy yreterrinjr J liufulP of prlsfHwrw were taken. 0Krtions wc have iiiulortaken liolnw Valcmcvkmnm thl mornliur are reported maktiie Kcixl progTtwi. NOT (t)XHRMKD. ' . rOIF,HAC-r-:V. Xov. 1, N offl cltU f,tnrinmitlon lias lcon reoclved of Itorsistent rciwirts that the kiilser lias alKlimul. MyA a Itcrlin dispatch filed at niidiiight. PEOPLE NOW SEE CHARACTER ... OF SUPPORT PRESIDENT GETS FROM ROOSEVELT, LODGE ET AL (By Carl smith. Washington Corre-7 i.nnHrnt of The Journal. WAHHINOTON. Oct. ' 31. Sum marizlng the discuKsion which ha fol- lowed the president') eppea for, unified leaderahlP.' administration i leader believe the atuntlon I ftecorn- lug clarified and the people are in ! better position to judge the correct-1 ne of the president conclusions after the torrent of attack by Jlooee- velt, Iodge. Tenrose, Smoot and oth-j er reactionaries. These fact are em- nhasiied: lVith Roosevelt leading, the an- n-aHiniMrruf inn sookesmen have as- sailed the president's peace prln- ciples, which they earlier approved, .sthenics - of the administration cannot limlnarle. the war office today an and concerning w hich l.loyd Oeorga i deceive the people. nnunced-. "The hlsh coniinand earl on July 5 said that If the kaiser and; on these Issues the administration Tuesday evening established commu nis advisers will accept them, "they : submit it case and aska for a con- nicatton with -the Italian command can have peace with America, with, gross to hack the president In hla and every effort is being made fol Trance and with Oreal Britain tomor- ; Krea'l task without quibbling and the avoidance of further useless blood rfw." The administration Is well con-' quarreling. The president' appeal is racrillce. the cessation "f hostilities tent with thl Issue which show that . direct to patriotic citizen like Kod- eml the conclusion of an armistice tha rctionarv leader are at heart, nian Wanamaker. who has written: !The Italian high command at first ,.., to Wilson terms of peace, ! ihniiB n 1 liese lenun term nave neen ac- . " ,ii .... ,,...... .l l,t. Cialmea Dy OUT UH-" an" "ri""" - ' the American people . Tha aaiiinirv Is In position to see the kind of support the reartlnanry leader Intend giving the president In solving the problem of war and nor foe thought it could be done deciding factor in the struggle. its great President is m line to conditions almost as we wish. be divided against ourselves. The Berlin Vossische Zei- to Wilhelm. WEjfAHA CLUB GIVES , EMERGENCY HOSPITAL Pendleton has a Spaninh' Influenza hospital, and the We nana club Is the organization which has made the ac commodatlonH possible. Unrestricted ue of the club rooms on Court street as a nemergency hos pital, as well as full control of all ar rangements, were granted this" after noon by the club members to the Red Cross committee, consisting- of Mrs. Roy Raley. Mrs. K- W. Goodale, Mrs. Una Kturgis, Mrs George Hartman, and Mrs. Charles Greullch. ' , The committee .which has been searching since yesterday for a loca tion. Is enthusiastic. "It Is just what we need they said. x The rooms are steam heated and well lighted. There Is room for about 30 patients and It Is planned to place two beds in a room. Miss Lorene Parker, home-demonstration agent, today volunteered her services as head of the diet kitchen of the hospital. Nursing will be under the supervision of nurses from St. An-fhony-s hoHpltal. AIWICATIOX KFPOItrED. ( OI'KMIAGEV, Nov: 1. Tlio kal. or haH abdicated, aci'nrdlns: to now received by hirh (.ermau officials here lust last night. peace, and thereby test the president's ! statement that he ha lacked their active support. 3 It Jf niiW rlf9r In Ilia A m nfn r ppo,,ic that the divided leadership of which the preaident spoke must be expected If an overturn in the control of ennxress permit Lodge. Penrowe. Smnot and Weeks to take command in the senate, and -give Fordney the way and mean chairmanship In the r.inise. 4 The reactionaries, the. profiteers and the special Interests are banded I together In teh effort to undo the nro. gressive measures which the Wilson 1 administration hs.s tnAftri Thir ' denunciation of the "socialistic "To those tottering- believer ho are either uersonaliy or In gatherings "IB rmiri uriauimin ii in vihi-ikikh ... ... -i. i,i.. u- in"rtni'-i n iiuiaiiiK lia imetnoa ana great aiinomatic wor thnt Is now beiim- done In Washington. I can only say that no one is a true American who stoop to uch crltl - clsnuj or feara..1' -., ?- -C 7 LjLf .PS DPAIT HLVUL1 Or AUTOCRACY SUBJECTS, utl d ruUftUo ouuMni ' Keeping up with sugar regulations is quite a game these ji&-s. j he .time ) wa when an allowance f- of three looked o smull that many' tendered looked soamall that many wondered, how.they could get along with .so lit tle. Then the allowance wait' reduced j to two pounds and they woon got so j Jhe former ration looket sd large they) Zch-ifwJKhS could get along with .two pound a month. Xow comes a surprise from Mr, Hoover In a new regulation that In creases the regulation to three i pounds. l ne increaHe is erective in hcth home and eating house and is authorized to become effective today. The regulations are also revised to the extent that any person limy purchase his whole monthly allowance at one time S( he so desire. Official notice of the new ruling ha not been re ceived In Pendleton a yet, but doubt less will be during the day. . While the new regulation Is Issued increasing the ration, the warning Is also aounded that it must not be In terpreted to mean that there 1 . an enormous output of sugar, or that the housewife can let up on conserving It. .a- .-. mi. IfHTver- Statement.'" " - Mr: Hoover In his statement ex plains reasons'for relaxation as fol lows: - . "The -rapid manufacture of .the new crop beet sugar In'.the west ttnd new crop lf .Louisiana citiie. tibgar in the south, together with the freer rail way transportation condition and re ductions, in .the consumption o( .sngar in the manufacturing trades, and pa triotic conservation In the past four month enables us to Increase the household allowance of sugar from two pounds per person per month to three pounds, with the same ratio u. public eating places, as from Novem ber first- This make good our promise to Increase the household allowance of sngar at the earliest possible moment that our supplies would Justify and make it possible for the householder to more freely use the apple, cran- berrv and grapefruit products and to use the fruits canned during the sum mer without sugar." Round-Up Rider Now . Tank Corps Broncho From Round-Up rider to the tank corps for the IT. S. govern ment Is the step "Rroncho" Bob Hall, rider at the annual show. Is taking. ' Hall received three broken ribs at the last Kound-l'p in ihe wild horse race and having recovered from the injury has lieen accepted for service with the tanks. He arrived In Pen dleton this morning from Port land and will leave this evening for La Grande where he will visit for a week. He expects osjjers to report for training In two weeks. AUSTRIAN ARMY HEADS INSIST ON ARMISTICE Declare Italian Line Cross ing at First For bidden. VIKXNA. Nov. 1. Austrian mill 1 i.irv offic'luls Imve been within tho ' Italian lines to discuss armistice !! assumed an altitude of iinmistakable refusal una n was um nmima; i lha liialrlun Heleuutlon alarums a..,.a was permmeu m a-ns ana- a." v. mwminarv pourparlers. ir. mere fore, the cruelties of war continue In 1 Ituly, the guilt and responsibility will .rest with the enemy." RMYBREA A ILHUIHU Hl'lUl COUNCIL RULES IF4 niniinniiui otatt nrnnni in iWUniAL OlAlt, liLrUDLILi see yp IN . COPENHAGEN, Nov. 1. A Vienna . midnight dis atch states that the national council after consulting pateh states that the national council after consulting with delegates of thousands ed to establish a provisional council and draw up plans for Victor Adler has been named Leutner, war minister, and Herr Kenner minister of so cial affairs. " COUNCIL RECOGNIZED. COPENHAGEN, Nov. 1. Count Karolyi head of the national council, wired the Taeeblatt that the Budapest garrison and police have acknowledged the new council government. 1 he population AMSTERAM, NOV. 1. Tho r.onnon nnrlinti D.I hernia has been -formaHy constituted a republic says a ienna dispatch. German mempers 01 tne Austrian KeiChStrat nave elected Hen, Pacher radical president,se-i7V",'2' a . . T -, . . , ,i . laifiaara- Mrtiih AM hnaarv n ca h ai a. ' ict-Liiig iica.iLciiirci k ao uicii i capital. Two separate states apparently have been formed in Bohemia, one of German . population, the other of Czechs. The Cze chs have selected Prague, midway between Vienna and Berlin as their capital. VIENNA WORWMEN REVOLT BERLIN, Nov. 1. News papers declare a provisional workmens' and soldiers' council has been formed in;tnan rout continue- it i impossible IT' TUn.aonaaa , - workmen are reported pa rading the streets, shouting "Down with- the Haps- burgs." Soldiers are joining, them in throngs, bearing red : flags. XKW tattVFISXMKXT IX POWER, tXIPF.XII t.KX, Xov. 1. Austria' new national aovcrnnient has assumed , M'NARY VOTED TO MANPOWER BILL BY EXEMPTING MEN MOST WANTED FbR THE ARMY V.MllX(-TOX. 1- . Nor. I. (SMHiMl to the Fast iticoiilii 'M-naior McN'ary joiiwd with tlioM who fiMight agviiist a re iliutloii of the draft agin wIhmi the lut munMwcr liill was in tlio senate lit August, lie oted for the Kirhy miMmlimnt to muke the miuimiiiii draft age u liiMead of 18 aiMl for the INHmlexter aiiteiMlim'iit to make tltr mliitmain -e l- rae limi.VC of tlin iHMCi'iMiMl rHinl Ikw tlil. Tlie vtjte whs tuken aifter tlie war iletmrtmeiit hl deelared that tbe lower axe wa nwvwary aitd liatl prt-eiU4l esstimate HlHwlnjc that the liMTenhij(r cf tlie draft aire t 4. would lu Itself add mtly KOf.fNMi erriHtie?. Hud tlie Kir hy aiiHiHliiMwt leen adopted yomur iikmi regarded by army au thoritteK as tlie btxc MldtUr tiia terlul would hat been left e emC frtun the drart and the In en-ed arniy wotild Imve Itetn rasixl from tlio raokn or uldtr uteii, iiMM. of whom art tutm de frrt,l fr denmlemy or otva iatloal reason). Tho ahovo wlr nxvived Uiia KS MA?! PE OPLE'S VIEtffl GERMAN BOHFMIA of soldiers and officers decid workmens' and soldiers' new anti-monarchial state. foreign minister. Herr is jubilant. ,u" Ver- Crowd outside it build. His dwd the announcement of So. iciaU-it Leader ,-Kencg, waving j flairs, aajr-Vienna dispatches. - .- ' - " t-v,K?1, At:KX, Xor. ,. , iort1 lliBt'thc Austrian uiarlne hava " "rt,zl,,t ""r' l-ia ami , aaajaa a7a-aiaas aiac-iii i 11K3 llunERnvui BIH1 . . alitgoesfav. Mi" Karl Practtcally Abandon. LONDON. Nov. 1. Emperor Karl has practically abandoned hla shat tered government at Vienna. Zurich dispatches declare that before ieav. ing Vienna for Godollo castle. Karl oidered the authorities to yield with out resistance to the new regime. So cialists have evidently been in power since the Austrian government disin tegrated. Copenhagen announce a provisional workmen and Ibldler" council has been formed In Vienna, similar to the Russia organization. Karl's action it 1 believed,, consisted in delivering the government to thl council, w-hich 1 preparing plana for public: Meanwhile the Aus- tOi fOUtll tne prUOIt'l, All At 0 cialists. Revolutionary government I growing throughout the country. ' Vienna Is reported withont food. ... , i. i : i . - ! Connt Tlsza Mnrdcrcd. .COPENHAGEN. Nov.' 1. Vienna' dispatches sav that Count Tisxa. for mer Hungarian premier, and leader of the Hungarian government party. .has been murdered. Ha opposed Count ' Karolyl In establishing a separata l-tungarlan state . CRIPPLE NEW mrrtiMMf xImiwh the MeNary ree ord on the la- muHwer bill, the iinjMt liiH"iuiii iH-e of taif lejei hit Ion In reeit mout lu. I le vol xl to eripple the bill In ihfl-ftm-e of tlie war deiwrtnteiit'K ur aeirt nHiutt thnt nM-n u inter SI be hieltuleil In the draft. THE WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and .Saturday rain. J cm titer cloudy ami TbratumliMC, MaxliiLitfii triiprtur. ft Minimum tiuivratur, 12. Viihir. clomlv and thraltnln 1 Hiiinfull, .03 t