East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 30, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    -i..W.HMlfNiyt'1 V ? SIIM
C t? r. -1
Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy.. Reference.
If' A
-- ir.SV-1 cLia
Each new advortlsemsnt will
he. run undor "Ntw Today for
the firt Insertion only. During
subsequent insertions of the ad
It' will appear undor i. proper
Foe Rent
Sit f.i-.j
For Sale
FURNISHED APT; Hamilton Court
Choice Bleeping rooms, 123 Aura,
I WANTED, TO HU V Residence, I
rooms or larger, in Pendleton, Ad.
dross Box 684. ,
TOH HiCNT SiBSFlNQ room, 00
... willow-,-Phone 482B.
OO.WNSTAIKS Apartment. 401 Aura.
FOR UKSf Modern five room fur-
mxnea house. Phono 654.
'ONE 1'Hl SSI ij.;ss,'
I'AIUK. Oct. 30. ThroiiRh captur.
ed Bavarian soldiers cornea the story
of the execution of a 1'rusKlan pri
vate who had been found sleeping at
his post Ho was sentenced to ho shot,
tut his 1'russlan comrades refused to
carry out the penally. . A Bavarian
company was ordered to the execu
tion and before It would oboy put the
matter to a vote The soldiers finally
decided that as It would be "one I'rus.
Hian less" the order should be execut-1
ed and the Prussian was shot torth-
WHEAT RANCH for lent, I miles
from town. Address Box H8. Fen'
dleton, Ore.
In. 777 Thompson.
: " .'" 1 - . -
I'OB RENT Furnished rooms and
apartments. 407 W. Alto. Fhune
FUJI HAL.IS Modern house and four
lots with garage. 226 Jane St. Fen
dleton, Ore. S. 8. Butler, 1113 Indiana
Avenue, Ppokune, Washington.
FOR BALE Two corner lots on. Mark
and Garfield and modern 8-room
house. Front, . back and eleeping
porch all screened in. Also garage
and woodshed. Plenty of shade., In
quire of owner living In the house.
FOR SALE Ford touring: car.
dress "W" care thls office.
FOR RENT 5 rooms partially fur
nished In double house. Byers
Parle on Gear SU. I'hune 644-
FOR SALIC Or rent. 7 lots and 4
room house on Kdcly street. In
quire 720 Cusbie St.
FOR RENT Three room furnished
apt. with sleeping porch. 602 Water.
FOR KENT On Locust Hill, modern
house, Inquire Ralph Folsoin.
FOR SALE New Harris combine,
only out 800 acres. Bee ii. t).
Smith. Phone 448.
FOR KALE Full blood R. Is. r R.
Cockerels. Early March hatch from
trnng laying strain. Extra good col
or, weighing from 7 to 8 pounds.
Phone 10F5.
, Wanted .
East Oregonian office.
WA.NTEU Good, clean rag at The FRED E. SCHMIDT, Attorney at 'NOTICK OP "nr.WKHKKIDvm onOKH- KOTICIa
ANTBD Bewlng, phone 481-W.
WANTED Girl general housework.
a In family Wages 826; Write
Mrs. T. a. Sinclair, Bonneville, Ore.
Room 24, SmltluCrawford ku hv pbtitwt uv tmb- ;-
NO. Sit.
A referendum petition bavins been
D. W,' BAILEY, Attorney at Law,
Rooms 7, 8, 9, Despaln Building.
or pnnpoXKi)
HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
WANTED Experienced girl at The
Palm. 623 Main street.
WANTED High school boy, 18 years
or older, with bicycle for evening
messenger work. Apply Sunday
morning, .9 o'clock Western Union
Telegraph Co.
WANTED To hear from owner of
good ranch for sale.. State cash
price, full description. D. F. Bush,
Minneapolis Minn.
Law, Room 17. Schmidt block,
Tha Common Council of The City of
riied with the Kccoroer or -jn ' Pendleton. Oregon, has ordered that,
of Pendleton sn February . 1917, for i "r ,
... th. renesl of Ordinance No. 813, and the next general election w
Law. Office In rear of American
National Bank Building,
I which took no action thereon,
I will be uken on said referendum, or-
Attorneys at dered by petition of the people at the
FEE & FEE. Attorneys at Law. Of
fices In Despaln Building. if
R. L. KEATOR, Attorney at Law.
Room 24. Smith-Crawford Build
ing. . , , j.j,-' t i
FOR LENT Furnished I-room house
with sleet)ln norch. located in rear
417 Garfield. Address 42J this of-
FOR SALE 1 ton truck, A-l shape,
with new top. Phone 749R.
FOR RENT Completely furnished
four room apt., with bath- Phone
i, ,.';' , FOR RENT Furnished room with
AlTUl.MIL DtAU ht ,, ,,, , -,. f,!,v.
LOS ANGELES, Cnl.. Oct. 30.
Pinned beneath an automobile at a
lonely spot on the Lancaster road, the
body of K. D. Vanhorn was found by
passing autnlsts and v,ns brotiKht here.
Vansorn was returning from a trip
out of town with Forest Ilelllneer of
Montehulln. A passing nuto crowded
their car Into the ditch late Saturday.
Apparently no effort was made to I
release Vanhorn until Into Sunday. Ac- i
cording to reports to the sheriff he
had been dead but a short time when
the body was foiled.
224 S. Main. Phone illll.
FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeep
ing rooms. 302 E. AHa-
FOR SALE Property at 814 W Alta
b't.: 'No agents. Mrs. J. Harrison.
6336. 11th Ave. So., Seattle, Wash.
Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Modern 4 or 6 room fur
nished or partly furnished house,
not too far out. or t or 3 room nicely
furnished apartments for two. No
children, mother and daughter. Phone
582 or write Box 781.
S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law.
Smith-Crawford Building. ,
the Common Council, in the said City of Pendleton, ini a
vot vn.A ahaii h taken on a measure pro
posed by Initiative petition. fi:d with
the Recorder of the said oity ad
transmitted to the said Common Coun
cil as follows:
WANTED Wicker baby carriage.
Must bo in good condition. Address
B care this office.
WANTED Dining room girl.
Hotel. ' .
FOR SALE 1918 Holt "7b" caterpil
lar tractor. Only run 15 days and
good as new. Will sell ut a bargain.
Address A. Archer. 418 crais .-treoi, i ia(y utenographer.
walla walla, waim. vie'cpnone zis-i.
PETERSON & BISHOP. Attorneys at j
Law. Hoomi i ana . nmiin
Crawford Building,
JAMES B, PERRY, Attorney at Law.
Office over Taylor Hardware Com
pany. . . , I.
RALEY AND RALEY, Attorneys at
Law. Office In American National
Bank Building.
S. A. LOWELL, attorney and counsel
lor at law. Office In Despain Bldg.
WANTED Place to board and room
n private family by refined young j
Phone 404.
FOR RENT Furnished house, phone
Farm Land For Sale
CIO Anrrs. Complete Miout Itanch.
In the heart of the famous Rattle
' " K'nt country of Adams county
Washington. Land lays perfectly
level, 820 acres In good, clean sum
merfallow, 320 In stuliblo. Good set
of farm buildings. Two . miles to
good market, on fine maendnm road.
' Price !S per acre, including all
stock and machinery, to run the
place, 20 tons of hay and other feed.
some household furniture For full
parlloulara see or writs - Patsy
Clark, Kllzville. Wash.'
FOR RENT 2010 acres of bunch
gruss land until March 1st. 1919.
Good sheep range. Tom Gibson, Box
42, Pilot Hock, Ore. Telephone
Farmer 2X2 Pilot Rock.
For Sale.
Rye and white winter barley.
W, Collins', Pendleton.
FOR SALE 30 head Shrop rams.
Phone 60F13 or write T. O. Good
man, Rout 1. Box 35. Lowden. Wash.
FOR SALE Choice apples. 75c per
sack. Bring your sacks. E. C. Bur-
llnKame. Hill Top Farm, Walla Walla.
LOijT 850 In currency, two 20's and
one 10 and 16 cents In silver. Black
Taken Up.
There came to my place on Wild
leather folding purse. Lost on street Horse creek, about Oct. 1. 1918. one
or road between Pendleton and Cay-j red- shoat, right ear cut off. Owner
use. Liberal reward for return to : can have same rjy paying cnarges.
Peoples Warehouse office.
move your household goods. Tele
phone 339. Also baicirage transfer
ring and heavy hauling-
Why not assume tkat your oe
R. j tenant Is a reader of the classified
'and get In touch with hjro at oncaT
Box 705, City.
FOI'NU Bunch of keys. Owner can
have same by calling at this office
and paying for this notice.
In writing a Classified ad be specific,
definite. Generalities fcefog your mes
sage. ,
:. ' l -i
i iii '.i - i ., . .k. ; , c . ..... . ... i r - i
every state for new auto clutch
lock. The cleverest and most effec
tive anti-theft device on the market
automatically disengages the clutch
and locks It so car can not be moved
under Its own power. Big money
maker for ambitious hustler. Exclu
sive territory given. 8500 to 81000
necessary. American Auto Clutch
Lock, 803 West Ninth street, Los An
geles, Cal.
Justice of Supreme Court Conrad P.
Olsodn is able, aggressive and square.
Write his name on ballot November
5th to succeed himself In vacancy
caused by death of Frank A. Moore.
wast ad corryiw ahd
CLAilSII lUI) DlltiiCTOIty. .
Counting six ordinary words to
the line and charged by
the line.
Want ads and locals.
Rates Per Line.
First insertion, per line 10c
Each add. insertn. per line. 6c
One week (six insertions).
each insertion, per line 6c
1 mo. each insertion, per line 4o
fi month contract, each In
sertion, per line So
12-month contract, each In
sertion, per line .. So
No ads taken for less than 250
Ads taken over the telephone
only from East Oregonian sub
scribers ,and those listed In, the
Telephone Directory. Copy lhust
be In our offioe not later than
1:30 o'clock day of publication., .
next regular cltr election.
The following is the form and num
ber in which the measure will be
nrintrl nn the official ballot
To repeal Ordinance No. 919, grant.
Ing the Standard Oil Company, a cor
poration, permission to locate, erect,
operate and maintain warihous..
tanks and other necessary buildings
on certain lands within The Citv .f
Pendleton for the storage ana distri
bution of Petroleum and Its products
and other kinds of merchandise.
vote xes or nu
402 YES.
101 NO.
.. The full title and text of such meas
ure is as follows:
"An Ordinance granting to the
Standard Oil Company, a corporation,
permission to locate, erect, operate
and maintain warehouses or tanks, oi
both and other necessary buildings on
certain lands within The City of Pen
dleton, for storage and distribution of
Petroleum and its products and other
kinds of merchandise.
Section 1. The Standard Oil Com
pany, a corporation orgonnea ana ex
The following Is the form and num
ber in which the measure will
printed on the official ballot: 1
' Charter amendmont' authorising The
City of Pendleton to incur a bonded
indebtedness not exceeding JiO.uOO In
addition to all other indebtedness
heretofore authorised for the purpose
constructinw, eliiaraing and ex
tending Its system of suavity waitr
works an4l exempting: such indebted
ness iroin taxation.
Vote Yes or Mo.
44)0 ' 'YES ' t ..
101 NO.
The full title and text ot suck)
measure is as follows:
To nroDose by initiative petition am
Act to amend the Ciiarter of The City
of Pendleton. Umatilla County. Slats
of Oregon, .and to authorize and em
power the saiu city tfi renuii w
incur an indented ness not exceeding
820,000.00 in addition to all other in
debtedness, heretofore authorised, and
to issue, sell and lipoee of negotiable
bonds to an amount not exceeding
82u.oou.oo in addition to ail other
bonds heretofore aumorixd to bn
fating under and by virt le of the Iswslsued by aid city for the purpose of
of the State of California, and au- ! constructing, enlarging and extending
thorlzed to do business In the state oi j tlio gravity system or water worn oi
'Jreeon. is hereby Rrrinted permission,
subject to the terms and conditions
herein expressed", and is hereby au
thorized and empowered to locate.
erect, operate and maintain ware
houses tsnks srd snv aid all other
necessary b-iildi- a or slruotor-is: all
such buildings and wtreh.iuses sbal'
be constrjjted of concre.te brick or
hollow tiio. in t'-.c follov.ioil descibed
property, to-wlt: Lots 8. 4. . 10, 11
and 12 in Block 110 of the Reservation
Addition to the Town of Pendleton, all
in The City of Pendleton, Oregon, and
to use said premises and the structures
thereon for the storage ana oisiriou.
tion of Petroleum and its
and other merchandise handled by
said Company, for a period not ex
ceeding fifteen (15) years.
Section 2. The powers, rights ana
(privileges granted in Section 1 of this
said city and to supply said city and
its Inhabitants and the Inhabitants of
rh. r.rifrnrv H i.ii nine- the Said Cltr
and the territory in the vicioity of
such gravity water system with wa
ter, and to exempt such bonds from
taxation. and declaring- that said
bonds nor any -indebtedness evidenced
by thoni shall he taken into account in
computing: the heretofore authorised
indebtedness which The City of Pen
dleton mav incur
The Peoole of The City of Pendletoa
nroduots i do ordain as follows:
dleton, (Jmatiiia County. shall be
amended by adding thereto a section
to be numbered. Section "1 C C" which
i shall read as follows:
Section 1 C C That The City or
Notice of Payment of City of Pendle
ton linpmvcmont Bonds.
Notice Is hereby given that City of
Pendleton Improvement Bonds Nos.
17 end 18, Series D and 11. 12. 13 and
14, Series E, will be paid upon pre
sentation thereof to the undersigned
at the American National Bank, Pen
dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon. In
terest on said bonds ceases Novem
ber 1. 1918. -- . .
Dated October 23. 1918.
Treasurer. City of Pendleton.
By Wm. MIckelsen, Deputy.
Keep Olson on Bench by writing hi
his name November 5th.
Second-Hand Dealers '
V. STROBLE. dealer In new and sec
ond hand goods. Cash Paid for
second hand goods. Cheapest place
to buy household goods. 210 E. Court.
Phone 271W.'
MISS G- A. THORNE, graduate nurse,
located at 201 Water. Phon-3 669W.
COL. V. F. YOHN'KA, Auctioneer.
makes a specialty of farmers stock
anif machinery sales- "The man that
gets you the money." Leave orders
at East Oregonian Office.
tVestnn-PcnillctoB Auto Since
Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:46
a. m. and 12:45 p.
Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00
a. m. and 1:00 p. m.
Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20
" a- m. and 1:20 p. m.
Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight
Store) for Weston at 10 a. m. and
4:00 p. m. " ... Mi
Farm Implements
the weeds the first time nv r 4he
field. Saves one-third the time ano
does lots better work. Ordor now.
Pendleton Weeder Works, 632 Cotton
wood street.
A majority of classified messages
may ! clearly told La less than fifty
ordinance are granteo auojece iu i"-1 : i. . : . . u l . , . ,,,1 ,,
condition that in accepting the same, tl,ority and iB hereby authoried and
the said Standard Oil Company, a cor-jen owered tQ ,,CUr n indebtedness
poration. agrees to save and boUljnot exceeding 820.000.00 In addition to
I. armless The City of Pendleton from a), otn,r indebtedness heretofore au
all dsmages to any person, persons, j tnoriied and to issue, sell and dispose
association or corporation. whiah f neKOtlahle bonds to evidence such
may be caused In any manner by or ndfihtelne.M to an amount not. x
growing out of the use and occupancy i cted(n i2Ui(,o.00 in addition to all
of the said premises ty the . said ( other honds heretofore authorzed to
grantee for the purposes herein Stat- be iBmued b the ajd citv fr the
ed: and in the event of suit or action 0.e of cn.tructiniT. enlarging: and
a,llBl l"" " . . vi,"'J' r.Vi o . I extending the gravity system of water
damage, the said Standard Oil Com-! works of tne ,aid'citv. to supply the
pany, a corporatHiiK agrees to defend SHd cty ald , nhal)itants and the
such suit or actiotat Its own ex-, inhabitants of the territory .Ij..tnir,g
p-snse and cost, andif any judgment : th, Baid cit and in Uie viinty , the
shall be rendered against said City!sa)d gTavjtT WnU-r svatem with- wa
in any such suit or' action, the said.iter the bonds -Issue pursuant to; this
grantee sgrees to pay such Judgment ,ectton ptia, bp Known as "Water
within sixty days after the same i IJonda series D D." and shall have
shsil become final 'those words, written, printed or en-
Passed the Common Council this nadJBravej th..ron Bhall be number-
day of February. 1917. . i ed consecutively. commencing with
Attest: - THOS. FITS GERALD, t No. 1.: and if the whole amount of
Pecorde.. bends authorized by this section shall
Approved February 3rd, 1917. I not be issued at the same time any
J A. Best, Mayor" subsequent issue shall be numbered
This notice is published pursuant to commencing with the number next
the nrovisions of Ordinance No 609 oe i following the la.f. number issued In
safd city, passed bv the Common ' 'he- next prow-ding Issue of said
Council and approved bv the Mnvor j "onds; no bond issued pursuant to the
thereof on the 31st day of May. 190T. I Provisions of tills section shall be eub
n,. tirmt mihiip.tmn h.p.nf hoino- ject or liable to any taxation and
evidenced by them shall be taken Into
sccount in computing the heretofore
authorized indebtedness which the said
City of Pendleton may incur.
This notice is published pursuant to
order of the Common council, the first
publication thereof being made XOta
September, 1918.
City Recorder.
made on the 20th day of Sept. 1)18.
. City Recorder.
You may have profitable business
relations for years to corns with some
ne you will come to know first thru
vour next classified adl
Only Tops Selling
At Strong: Trices;
Others are Slower
PORTLAND. Oct .10. While on the
surfiicp there iippears tn be a firmer
demand for cuttle, tht general run of
stuff-is pot selling -better: in fact In
places the market Is Inclined to show
a shade of weakness at North Port
land. The sulo of a lot or two of se
lecppd t"t!6 soarcely mukes the mar
ket for the bulk of the supplies. Cow
market situation Is pprhups weakest,
but this has really been the feature
for some tlms.
General cattle range:
Prime steers 812. OOff 12.60
Good to choice steers... 1 l.oni 1 2. on
Medium to good steers.. 9.75 Gi: 1 1.00
Fair to medium steers . 8.26 W 9.25
Common to fair steers.. 6 00 8.00
Choice cows nml heifers 8.00 8.60
ll'ur Market Steady.
Market for hogs Is Just about steady
nt North Portland, with the bulk of
the good stuff not bringing nhfrv
$17.10. A couple of loads went at thej
extreme price, but this has proven to
be a quality transaction entirely. j
General hog market range:
I'liuie mixed 8 17.10 Tj 17.0
Medium mixed m.8aihM7.fo
Rough heavies 15.00W 1510
Pigs 14.00 15.011
Hulk 17.00
Prime mixed 1 7. 1 0 fl'i-1 7.
Uulk of sales 1 7.10 'a 17.20 t
No .Sheen for Market.
'While one loud entered the mutton
alleys at North Portlutid over night
it came on, contract to killers, and
nothing was uvhiIuMo h sor tlio op
en market. In genoral the trend oil
the trade Is slow anolind former prices.
Genentl lamb and sheep range:
Prime IuiuIm Ill.ft0frl2.0n
Fair to medium bun lis.. 8"0 s 10.00 I
Yearlings 10.0 fit 1 l.oo
Vearllngs lo.ooei 1 1. on
Wethers 9 00 Oi 10.00
Ewes 6.00 Sjl 8.50
Tom is the Uandy Man Around -the Uousc.
Heavy hid Docs Duiiuirc.
ZroZAO, Or.. Oct- 30. The most
terrific wind storm that ever bus been
known- ln--tis pnrt -f -thn country
has swept over the Rhododendron
siimmer resort this- week. The storm
lusted fully ten hours.
Lou;, Modg'eri5
democratic candidate for the
I have served one term in the Legislature. If I
am re-elected the best interests of the State of Ore
gon and the County of Umatilla will in the future
3 in the past, have my support regardless of
IaItl Adv.)
i ' ' if 1 "
i I I SAS.TbM.Voo MAD etTTHCi J 'iJllHill!!'''
fi ivva vz .. . .ill iu ' ! mi? i " - i ii
MrJc' A I)i A J1FPW 111 II I 7 vl I'J I SX tIOO "TURN A
a m n tw-cw. jhimh l, arena
J . ' " ' 4:Lff" -
if ! P 3 I H k JJt- 4 H HELEAl-OM.HELErt!
!i -? fVA . -MEs(r I 1. :i "I BrTTBe see if
I J --HW" I ;K S ll Ho CAAl GET Tub. T-'l
I I vV; 'P ?Ji-' 1 A plumbhc crm ;
hSU tir-S?' 3tf- tr
LONDON", Oct. 29. The German;
armies should not be considered as
ditinUely and finally beaten, but ob
servers say allied soldiers who .are
righting their way forward In the face
of great enemy resistance know that
the enemy is not broken and that
much heavy fighting , bcobubly will
have to he faced. At the same time
reliable reports continue to reach Lon
don . of Increasing dissutlMf action
among the German soldiers. This dis.
cipline has led to actual mutiny in
many cases- j
Late in July the German war minis
try Issued an order which ha Just
reached London that the most vigor
ous measures "must be Imposed" on
the recalcitrant troopa. The order
adds: "
"In all quarters cases of Insubordi
nation have occured. The troops obey
neither orders not instructions arid
they have often even offered resistance
and asulted their superiors.
"The essential point is that no man
shall at this time feel free from su
pervision. If necessary resistance may
be quelled by force of arms."
MKI.HOl'HN li, Oct. 3i. Wi Ilium
Morris Hughes, Australian premier,
will remain In London cliirlne ths
present discussion concerning tutslhta
! peace in order to look after the inter.
ests of Austria, Acting Premier Watt
announced last nlsht at the St. Kil.lii.
It ulso was hoped Mr. Walt said that
if jieacc should come Mr, HiiL-hrs
would he alile t,i arrano fV speedy
demotiiiixatlon of Australian troois.
I firay hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing age. We all know
the advantages of a youthful appear
i ance. our hair is your charin. it
! makes or mars the face. When it
fades, turns gray und looks streaked,
j j"st a few applications of sage Ten
and Sulphur enhances its appearance
;a hundredfold.
Don't stay gray! Look young!
I Kither prepare the recipe at home or
! ket from any drug stor a boitl.- of
'"Wyeth's Suk and Sulphur Com.
j pound." which Is merely the oli'-tlms
reciie lnuiroved by the addition or
j other Inirredients. Thousands of
j Tolks recommend this ready-to-i; '
preparation, hecatise It durkens the :
'hair lteaiitifuHy. besides no jne can'
, poKslhlv tell. iu it darkens so nut.iral-
, ly and eenl-. You moisten a apon
or soft I, rush lth It, ilrawinll this
'thlfiiiiih the hair, takini; 010. small
strand at a time. By liiormn the
stay hair disappears; alter nnoiht-rj
nppMcnilon or two. Its natursl i-.d ,r U
restored ami It hecomes thick, glt4-i
s aixl lustrous, and oii ai-pear ya!-
For Infants and Children ' 1
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears m
EWtkSture of
f "THS Ol.l Hi LIArj C'i"
K M fc: D f F c n f 1 E ! i.
at v&t? rnucGisT.
S eth' S;iife and Sulphur Com-'
j pound 1 a dfllKlilful t.iilct re-iu site,
lit is not Intended for the cms. riltl-(
K til" ti "r .rew"-i..n of ,l .i ,,,, i