East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 30, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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',& iTc Ma3 .Your rackajre Early '
Do Your Xmas Shopping Early - : !
so says Uncle Sam,
I'nlon sheriff line.' ,
' K. Warnlck, sheriff ...of Union
ty, returned Oil -morning
Uramle after a ehort business visit iii
I emlleton.
in couni
to 14
ij'on sent creetinga to his Pendleton
Nfrlrhdsk lie. was coiiiIiik from New
York jiiii has been seeing service on
fine Atlantic.
Coldest Night of KcitMon.
Last night, October 29r was the
ci.lut nhcht of the fall season, the
thermometer registering 28. A
heavy front fell and remained on the
ground until 7:30 this morning.
l.lnlit Caws In llemiwstoii.
HermlNton hus eight cages of Span
Ixh Int'liinnza. A Hirmtnton man re
turned from the funeral of his broth
er vho died of influenza fn Baker and
now three members of the former'
.family are ill with the, disease. '
Met lHin Sanders on Train. '
Kev. R. 10. Oornall on his return
lntit week from a trip to Omaha met
lion Handera, former Pvndleton marr
now In the navy, who waa 'on his way
to spend a 30-duy furlough at Boise.
I nocraf Tomorrow.
The funeral of Mrs. Elmer Moore
and' Infant daughter will be held to
morrow afternoon.' at 2' o'clock! from
the Folsom chapel with Rev, Alfred
Toekwood of the fclplseopal church5 of
ficiating. . . ti . .
Here from tin Crosse.
W. A. Footer is In Pendleton from
La Crosse. ' Wash., and will spend 10
days here and in the vicinity of Pen
dleton visiting friends. Mr. Footer
farmed for a number of years in the
I'old Bprlng country before going to
Ijo- Crosse Bud .is well known in that
section. ,
Knight. ) A one-pound rupid fire ghelt
Inirchasod by Mr. fenjaud in Port
land Is also on diHnlay. t It came from
the battlefields ' at France' anil Mr.
l'rnland says that tlie government
suppressed the details of the fight at
which the shell was picked up.
HolK'rt Barnes Pits.
I Robert. Richard- Harnes, seven-year
oi(T son or air. ana .wre. w. n. r,m urn,
farmers living five miles fnom I'cndle
ton died this morning at Ht. Anthony's
hospital of Influenza-pneumonia. The
funeral will be tomorrow afternoon
at 3 o'clock from Folsom's chapel.
Mrs. Krrahorn III.
Mrs. Blanche Htrahorn Is one of the
sufferers from Spanish, influenza.
If. S. IStidtl Has Influenza.
H . H. Klldd, .teller In the First Na
tional Bank, has been added to the
list of Hpanlsh influenza victims.
.lui-k Robinson Jlottr.
J. F. Robinson, who has been 111 for
some.time with, Spanish InfUienno, is
recovering at his home at 124 Jack
son. . -
ciuett: rrseooY a CO.. inc. vnnrmn
Questionnaires Coming In.
Fourteen more questionnaires have
come lit to the bureau of personnel
from women nurses in Pendleton,
making a total of 3 answered out of
the- SO which were sent out to women
in this city.
Houvenlrs on nisirtay.
A shrapnel shell, of the type used
In the Civil war, and presented to
Clarence l'enland by a Civil War vet
eran many years ago. Is on display
in the show window of Allen and
Will Appear Before Wraft Hoard.
fJcore Hurst, who is employed in
Bond Brothers, Is in Portland to ap
pear before the draft board there.
Mr. Hurst la registered in Portland.
Dulagf License issued.
A license to marry was issued from
the office of the county clerk this
morning to Henry C Sander and
tella A. Keys, both of Pendleton.
Is built intd nonrf Clothes.
1 -j -
np HE best material obtain-
' able goes into them and
the st3'le is put in to stay. In
bqth fabric and fashion you
are making a 100 per cent ,
investment" when you buy a
Pond Suit or Overcoat. .
for all tastes and all purses
are here. . .
, ... -
Pendleton' leading; Clothiers.
Poultry Feeds
and Tonics, all Kinds.
127-9 E. Alta
Phone 134
Usei Cars
If you are in the market for a good used car
at a bargain price,, it will pay you to look oyer
our present stock. Every car is in good running
order, ready to drive out of the garage.
2 Ford Touring Cars,
1 Ford Roadster.
1 Chevrolet Tourinsr Car.
1 Dodge Brothers Touring Car.
(Run only 3GO0 miles good as new)
1 Mitchell Roadster.
2 Jordan Touring Cars (1 new).
Cor. Cottonwood & Water St
Thone rr.o
jrift for County nuns.
M. S. Shrock. county agent, M. II.
Chessman, secretary of the Patriotic
Service League. Miss Lorene Parker,
home demonstration a-gent, and K. O.
Karnheart, W. W. Harra. H. C. Dunn
and C. W. Howeir, members of the
agricultural council, met today to dis
cuss plans for the year for the work
of county agriculturists. They set the
date for the annual meeting of the
agricultural council at November 25.
VJlvy Simpson Koavf.
Hlley rfiiopson. for' seven years a
resident of Pendleton, left this morn-
fng for1 Walla Walla and from there
. will go to IjOS Angeles, Calif. where
he expects to remain Indefinitely. Mr.
i SimpS'ni during his residence in this
, oily was a stockholder in the fcland-
.ard (Irocery and was employed there.
. Because of III health Mr. Simpson re
' cently sold out to Charles Uonney,
: who is now sole owner.
This Store ! Greatest 1
Varietyipf Goods; - : c
' ' ' - , 4 -
IXOHtrivtUuut on PcrmitA.
i The restrictions sunounding .the
Issuing of building permits are be-
' coming more strict all the time, as
shown by a. permit filed in the office
' of the city recorder today. A nota-
'i thin on. the permit says, "Providing
no new material is necessary and no
new labor, needed." The permit Is
O. K.'d by M. R. Chessman for the !
Council of Iwfense. It grants Ida !
Fowler. 505 Court street, permission
to convert a barrt into a garage at a
; ocst of $50.
, Will Altend Funerals.
Ceorge Welier left this morning Tor
UnJontown, Washington, to attend the
funeral of hta son, George Weber. Jr..
1 and of his daughter-in-law. Mrs. Wil
liam Weber-, Young Weber died re
cently of pneumonia while on his way
to Cnmp Pike, Arkansas, to attend of-
. fleers-, training eamp. whiia Mrs.
; WetK.r died as the result of an opera-
thin. Mr. Weber was accompanied
by Henr Pchultz and daughter. Miss
Mary Schulfa. Mrs. Joe Leuer and Joe
Weber, all relatives of the deceased,
who will attend tihe funerals also.
Soft Warm Bathrobes 1
will save fall colds
.. . ;
- Chill and eold creep stealthily Upon one these nip
py nights and chilly mornings. .
A soft, warm bath robe to wrap up in us a safe
guard to health. i
Beacon robes of new shades of pink, light blue,
rose, lavender, Copenhagen and gray in figured de
signs. - ,
Beacon Robes from $5.00 to $12.50.
Corduroy Robes from $5.50 to $9.50. ' '
Pendletons in all colors.
These are made with tucks and small ruffles in
straight line effects. Colors emerald, gold, old rose,
gray, dark green, delphine, burgundy, navy, wis
teria. Some are all taffeta, others messaline, some
part jerseys, others' all-jerseys. r " "
Not only the newest kinds, and colorings but the
best quality, in plain and fancy, some jacquard ef
fects. Line that old coat or for the new one you're
making; 36 in. wide, the yard. ... . . . $1.00 to $2.50
A very popular waist and dress fabric of the' sea
son: offered in all shades for street and evening
wear: iv in. wiue. nie jaru. i v-
Make your
NOW! , . '
For thf cofd nights'that are sure to come. Use our
cotton and wool batts.
Cotton Batts .15c tb 50c
Cotton Batts, 3 Ibsl T. T:.'.'. .r.U..:.' '&2 to ?2J)p
Wrool Batts f . $2.00 to $8.50
Comfort' covering of cretonne, silkoline, etc. Good
patterns and colorings. The yard. ". 20c to 50c
v., i ' ' 'J L' I.- ' 'wi 's:-;:
.... n
Now is the time to get your new FALL ?DEESS.
We have never shown a better assortment of Dress,
Suit and Coat fabrics before. The newest weaves;
latest colorings.' It will please you to see them. A
pleasure for us to show' -fhenl. 1 Such fabrics as
epingle Ottoman, French serge, gabardine, . velour
and many others. Priced the yard. . . $1.00 to $5.00
Car Smashed I'p.
The ueorge I'erinirer Cadillac, re
cenllv purchased, has a badly smash
ed wheel and fonder today after a col
lisbm vesterdav when the oar, driven
j by Mrs. Jack Dolph. was run Into by
a Walla walla car at a poini jum m
side of the county bridge. Mrs.
I.lnh was coming toward Pendleton
when the Washington machine, also
1 headed for town, came without warn-
in. from, a adlolninir road and tne ac-
i cldent resulted. Other occupants of
the Perlnger car were Mrs. i.eorge
Perlnger. Miss Mary Johns and little
Klise Dolph, Mrs. Dolph's daughter.
No one was hurt.
Cartons In Windows.
. inniit.i. hnv come to
lendleton huslness houses regnrding
the sending of Christmas parrels to
old lent overesas that the Pendleton
Drug Co.. Fra.ler's hook store, Sayre's
The Peoples Warehouse and Alexand
ers, requested the Hod Cross to be
permitted to display the cartons ano
directions which appear in show win-
drws today. The cartons are ine ui-
fi..fQt nnua aitlhnrispd hv the Red
Cioss and must be accompanied by tr
lebel sent frohi-a,' aonmer 'overseas inr
fure the cartons can be mailed.
rcssao' for .rohn l?errdis '
A message was received at the First
National Bank here today for 3ohn
P.ernie, a discharged Canadian soldier.
He is not known here and the bank
would like to have him call for it.
.of beUcr health
end comfort are
being enjoyed by
thousands who
have "invested"
in " : -
cs their regular
" table beverage
in place of
a. m. and it Is thought at a meeting
I with the committee this afternoon it
, m 111 b& deolded: to, open, at -i:2D a half
booir-iuer bn. th uiimx i .-loo
committee. It is also said that the ci
gar stores are also talking of the ad
option of earlier closing hours, it may
be the: Sam hor as" the merchants.
j If the majority of the cigar dealers
are In favor of the proposition it is
possible such an order wHf go Into
Takes Chll Sorvloc Position.
K. O. Draper has resigned his po
sition as chief deputy In the county
clerk's office to accept a position in
the lr. S. biological survey office here.
He will make the change the first 01
Xovember. It. T. Brown, county
clerk, today stated he has not yet ap
pointed anyone in the place of Mr.
Draper, .
Ilojr Ilites Mam
Clifiord Dayhuff who is employed
on the O. O. Bissingcr ranch, was bit
ten in the knee by a savage hog t-
iday. Dayhuff was brought to St. An
jthony's hospital as an operation was
necessary. He is recovering at pres-'cnt.
Dr. Hoyden lto-omnicnIel.
Lieutenant Gay Boyden, who has
been here from Camp Lewis visiting
his wife and baby daughter, will leave
tonight for Allentown, Pennsylvania
Lieutenant Boyden has been recom
mended for a captaincy. He expects
to go overseas at oce.
Itusiness In llillre Court.
Three cases in police court this
mirming was the grist after several
days in which there has been "noth
ing doing." One was John Jardle,
ho was given sentence of ft0 or 25
days in jail for. having "bootleg"
v-hteky in his possession. He Is be
ing held in jail, unable to pay the fine,
(ieorge McCaren was fined $15 on a
drunk and disorderly charge , and
Fern Hmtth was given the same sen
tence on a like charge. Doth fines
vere paid.
Men to Leave to Jntn the Marines.
mi-- will anlrain In
A liri iiiimniiin "... ..
the morning, going to Portland and
Seattle, wnere tney nope, to oe rvTpi.
ed for service in the Marines. in
which case the local hoard will for
ward induction papers: Berkeley
Stanfield. DeVaul. William A. Bredlng.
Lawrence D. Tharp, Henry Clay
i . . . i I Ui.bv .Arthur Wevlor.
going to Portland, while those going
to teaicie artj tviinniu ... ...i... . .
-!..tt. Khnfer. Sterltnar LlV.
ermore was to be one. of the men go
ing, out tne acciaent m r.niuii miv
broke his arm will prevent.
freak l"otato lU-re.
A ifreak potato, with eighteen
branches growing from one seed po
tato, arrived today at M. Phrock's
office from A. E. Hendricks, of No
lin. Mr. Hendricks says that the po
tatoes are of good quality for cooking
and Hint two thirds of the hills plant
ed produced potatoes o this variety
of cluster formation. The vegetable
weighs si Si pounds. Mr. Shroek says
tbnt variable climatic conditions are
the cause of the freak.
Xat Kimball Going to Ktwin.
Mrs. A. A. Kimball received word
today from her son. Nat Kimball, ho
is in the motor boat service of the
navy, that he has been selected, with
nine other machinists, for a base Job
somewhere in Spain. He expects to
sail Immediately. Kimball has been?
located on the Kastern coast for some
time and has been patrolling on the
Atlantic. This will be his first over
seas trip and he expresses pleasure at
having the chance to go.
Council Moots.
At the special meeting of the city
council this morning an application
was presented by W. C. Binehar re
questing the extension of the city sew
er to a point where It can be con
nected with his residence in the west
end of the city. The matter was re
ferred to the sewer committee- The
mayor and police committee was or
dered to stake steps to have the de
bris cleaned up where the old Dutch
Henry Feed yard burned on Alta
street. On the complaint of a num
ber of farmers it was voted that F.
F. Corey he notified to appear before
the council and show reason why his
license as an employment agent should
not be revoked. Favorable action was,
also taken upon the requests for spe
cial permits to make changes in
premises with the fire limits on prop
ertv of the following parties: Ger
trude if tiara. T. J. Tweedy. Nellie E.
Ijiuiz, Mary Murphy. Beta- estate.
Censorship Leniency Evi
dently Preparing Pub-,,
lie Opinion.
G r:YK" V Oct. 30. 1caoe must
ik t Ims driayed a .single day on ac
fvam. of the lluhanollerns If
they aw an obta-rie to It. declares
tho Volks Frcund of Karlsruhe,
nvhf-h also Is permitted to "speak
of i jio (Hafieparance1 of tne super
KtitionH better that Uiv emperor
wa hosen by divine risrht.
The Schwa hlsc-he Taswaelit
says i hat "everybody is now eon
viiwed that the allies will not ao
eord Germany a cheap peace, bat.
ir the frlory and power of imperial
(Germany bt the price. t)e dterman
eople are ready to pay.
In permitting- such Items to
leave ;ermany the German cen
sorship Rpimreiitly is iwepmrinff
ptililie opinion for coming events.
Mrrvhfii.t 1 Mooned With Hour.
IVmllelnn merchants are well
rU'af'(i with the recommendation f
the executive committee of th Pa
triotic iTvloe leacue fur the adoption
of the cJofiiiK hours publUhed yester
day. A number have exprewed a
pi ef ere nee for opening later than T
LOXPOX, Knsland. Oct. 30.
AVjtste of two and a half million
tons of coai annually in cinders is
estimated and steps are bein ta-
ken to save this fuel. London
alone, it is asserted, wastes a
half million tons.
The annual savins which may
be effected, it i estimated, Is
more than flO.tiOrt.oao.
Aside from the saving In mon-
ey, is the labor which won Id he
saved. It would take 11.008
miners a year to produce the
amount of coal which in heat
value is lost in heaps annually.
mail.) When you. are making
mail ) When you are cakinir
up comfort ktta for soldiers at
the front, have .you often won- ,
dered just what is needed and
what is most needed and what is
extra anion? the doughboy's
"finds' in that has?
Here Is what they have found
found most essential and useful:
A safety razor, shaving brush
and soap, tooth brush and paste.
chewing Rum. playing cards,
package of cigarettes, and a can
of tobacco Towel, waah-ra?.
soap, hard candy or chocolate
Asked what he thought most
Important, a doctor here replied
"Chewinir gum" Often patients
cannot smoke, especially gas cas-
es, or eating Is difficult. Gum
does them lots of good."
if iitt stis. pii iiMi strr ani
tiTS TIUrt5,.,WA1 fcTIiOXtl
Your hair betomam light, wavy,
fluffv ' abunrlant and mnMN a a mnrt
Wmn in beanttfnt w a youns
Kirfs afters, '"tianderine'hafr cfeanse."
Just try this moiateu a cloth with a,
little Uanderine and carefully draw
it through your hair taking one small
strand at a time. This will cleans
the hair of dust, adlrt and exceaslv
oil and In Just a. 'few moments you
have doubled the beauty of your hair.
Besides beautifying the hair at
onre, Danderine dtosorres every par
tlrl of dandruff; cleanses, parities
awl Invigorates the scalp, forever
stopping itching and falling hair.
But what will please you most wttl
h? after a few weeks' use when you
will actually see new hair fine and
downy at first yes but reallv iivw
hair growing all over the scalp. It
you care for pretty, soft hair and lota
of it. surely get a small bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine from any drti '
gist or toilet counter for a few cents.
liam Metlin. said to be a teacher of
the Russian language, was arrested
at his home In this city by agenta of
the department of Justice on a charge
of attempting to spread Bolshevik!
propaganda, and an hour later waa
Indicted by the United Mates grand
Jury. His ball waa fixed at i0.oti.
Casper Ornhaun. assistant United
States war attorney, said Metlin la
considered one of the most potent
forces for evil to come wlthla lha
hands of federal authorities for
When Metlin was arrested, 109
pamphlets in his possession wera
wised. Ths pamphlets entllvd "ftus.
da." attacks the L'nlted states' llus
ian policy.
Metlin himself Is alleaeil to have
'uttered seilittMiis' r'ni:ik
The Itching and Sting
of Blazinir. Fierv Eczema
o. t rt.- it- - ci s i . i V .. . . .
k-r-ius use Lilt; ain is un r is v.
There is a harrassin discomfort
caused by Fczeraa that almost be
comes a torture. The itchin? is a)
most unbearable, and the skin seems
on fire with the bumlnir irritation.
A cure from local applications of
salves and ointments is impossible,
because such treatment cna only al
lay the pain temporarily. The disease
can only be reached by going deep
down to its source.
The eource of Ecsttma u la ft
blood, the disease being caused by an
infection which break ojI througfi
the skin. That is why the most satis
factory treatment fur all so-cailsil
skin diseases is S. S. S., for this rem
edy so thorouKbcT' clean&es the bl'Kxl
that no impurities can remain. 0"t a
bottle to-day at any drugstore, as 4
you wilt see resuh from the right
treatment. Write for expert Biblical
advire, which you nn get withjo
cost, by addressing Weli al rireor
21 SwiXt J-Wstgry, AliauU, Ca,