,r - - luff ' fMEVEO KilfO'l Number copies iirinled ol yesterday' Dally ttditlon 2,861 - Thli paper In a member and audited by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, O VOL 80 NO. 9568 i -fl 1' i. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER -qQpja . x " CITY OFFICIAL PAPER y ar- hvv a Y a A A BIST mepeace with foch Wilson May Request Allied Commander to State Terms for G ran tiff Arm- N istice. NOTE'S PHRASING IS AMBIGUOUS Militarists Retain Positions, Plead for Honor Deny ing Cruelties. BY ROBKHT BKNDKIl (United Prcm Stuff o.rrcsimndcnt ) WASHINGTON. Oct. Tl M-rmany rnuxt eonie to military terms with Ueneral Fnch. Thin development Ik emiihaslzcd here. The next logical step la apparently an announcement from Iieh of the terms uion which an armistice Ik possible. The Iresl dent inay request loch to Mate lil term. CAMOI'rXAGR SEEX. BY J. W. T. MASON (United Press War Expert) NEW YORK, Ort. 22. Germany Is trying; to use her peace offensive to entice America into protecting the German nation against righteous re tribution for her crimes against hu manity. . By encouraging internation al aentlmentallism among Americans, Oerniany hopes to escape K ith some of her loot while dividing democratic na tions against , each . other. While pleading pence with Justice. Germany has not taken action against it mili tarily. All nf the old gang retain their po sltlona from Ilindenburg to the lowest and hands are still dripping with ci villaatiomv blood. War chiefs debate every nota before It Is dispatched to Wilson. Militarists carefully set every possible trap concealed with -cunning 'words.' A1 Oermun chancellor Who pleads for the salvation' of the hon or of his people while denying the cruelties of Germany's submarine policy cannot be 'trusted. Having out raged Belgium, defiled France, bomh ed Britain's open towns and murder ed American women on the high ses the Germans believe false promises will save them now, but their bloody crimes have failed and they -cringe before the least harmed of their Vic tims, pleading thai their Interests b safegunrded. fil'AltAXTEE XECKKSAItV. Their acceptance of conditions for an armistice Is so phrased as to mean anything or nothing. Promises of constitutional reform have no pres ent value. Maximilian as much en trenched In his power as his prede cessors. No peace treaty is worth anything unless it Is , guaranteed by the military power of America and the allies, dictated by Foch, l'ershlng, etc. Germany has forfeited the world's trust. The penalty for that Is unconditional surrender. other wise .democracy will he betrayed at triumph's hour. NEW TROOPS RUSHED TO CHECK AMERICANS IS ARGONNE-MEUSE I1Y m NK J. T.4YMll. ( 1'iritfNl lretw staff 1 VrrtHfxmtlMit) uiTir Tin: ami itit a.vh, x-o 22. - Tle iaifniafM chimin uc Mirmiirtluti fiijr llM'lr f'intfi opiMmliiK ilm AiiM-rl-cwiim In llie ArKViune-MtMiwi rctf-ion hy runhlnir to milts 0 mw dHlwliHis. A captuml trdr iMHuttl hy mrl Von IHt marwIf a HtilN to (.crniaii iUrt-n to 1 1 old this M4or at all tHi and d-trtM1 It Is mo4 tlial to I lie man iiillflMri' ftornimiil IrtMMMr rwr 11m olfliws arr detriiiliMd to iiold the anlicw bai'k, lt' c-larln (apMN Unml yvvAvnimy in Hint w(iits ileMlic4 lraty ma -Mix irHnnlnic and mrtMfryhttt I'm donttlilNw re moifMl (ih itf ilic iiHMi wrldUH oh siM'l4-M Iti itmliniM! irarewH, COUNTY WILL GIVE $43,880 TO WAR RELIEF ACTIVITIES In preparing for the Cnited Wur) Work raml(u which Is tu Urn opened j In 1'tnHtfllti county November 11 the I'lilrloiii Mftvlca leu aue ill Ifieltide In I tie budicet of money to Its mlwd $t,uun for the Armenian and Ayruu itllff fund. Notice has Iwen received thai t her w ill be a drive In Juniiurv for ruUlna; ' a f .10,000,00 0 fund for I be rt bf of 1 his s ll ken people, und t he It-Huns fels ll would le leltr Irt Minks the one dilve. I'lustilla coiiniv's iit of Ibis fund will ba about MfCO. j JioseSTkom fiukt ' or THE I.AM). i , AIM -7 & 11 Photo. Mr. Woodrow Wilson went a thou sand ro8c to flu-Mtrfcken girl war workers In WanhinRton. That the trls appreciate tho remembranres from the White House may be seen by a Klnnee at the smile of one who holds one of the thoufland roses. CHAMPIONING OF OPPRESSED RATIONS MEETS APPROVAL lOXPON. , Oct. 22. Newspapers universally approve Wilson's Austrian reply. His attitude Is generally prau ed as championing oppressed nation alities. Tho Tost declares: "Germany position Is unchanged. Unless she Is d!f&rmeri we cannot afford to talk, thus giving Germany the advantage of an unscrupulous liar over an hon est man." The Mall says "The peurtle Incon Mistent missive Is no reply at all. The only way for Germany to prove her sincerity is to surrender to Foch. The ttritUh sealord declared In the Telegraph. "The acceptance of evac uation Is cloaked In the vaguest terms as In tho. former not- . Germany evidently wish! to continue talking' Wants to Horn pern to. The Kx press said: "It Is a nlggfrj In a woodpile and Is the request for an armistice based on military stattiK to enable the German armies to re cuperate, instead of weakening steadily, as would otherwise be Inev- itHble.' The News said. "The allies must endorse Wilnon's program Immediate ly to prevent Germany from driving a wedKe between them." The News is nnn-commlttal regard ing the note, while pointing out the necessities for guarantees. FRANCE BELIEVES WILSON HAY MAKE NO FURTHER REPLY BY JOHN tK OA NOT (United Press 8taff Correspondent.) PAHIS, Oct, 22. "The Oerman re ply Klves France no satisfaction," said a hifth uovernmeut official. "Wilson stated that the allied command should dlciHti armistice conditions. Germany auks that It be on a basis nd- vantuKeons to (iermany. It in poHSihle the President will make no reply. If he does France Is utterly confident of his decision, "I am sure the President cannot be plessed that (iermany Attempted to make the world believe he was hnstv when htv denounced her murders. Hhe woMld like to Induce neutrals to veri fy things which are already verified. thus gainintr tome by prolmiKina con- versatlon. Iterlln vainly awaited a if Improvement In the mtlMury KltiiHtlon. 1 Then Hlndenbunr brought ud news 1 to Merlin which consequent ly set forlh In its reply a more ardent desire for an armlMice." IK.M'K Ol I I'A'HIVK UAXOFIUK H MIMM), (HI 12. Ixird orth. wl-L.HJtrc. Hal.liia; at tint AiimtIi mii club Iiiim licon imiay, c-liaruricrin d (lie t.cr. man ni mm ait attempt in Rain time, and (niifiiM iIm Immm I'iiIi's we face rfttoltitHy nihI Hear inlndiNlly llio himiH Mnt irtVii-He, It I1IMV iMHtimo mro daiiKfroiiH iIimh Ilia nillltary ofeiiKle) IhmI NfrlnT." He alMi diN-lannl tilx lidicf Iliac U'ltin Mould liandlf ;crmsity as sIh iIi t-rvi Whh the addition of this mttoiinl to the tiotii of iIh ruuitly will bring I list j ritlii nununt up to 4:i,HMi. to wlitrh j a jomiiII utarsln "Ivtubl be addvd fori llin ekp.i)i if the riimalHn. ! Th iiiocy in b raised In Noveni b-r will b divided as f..l..w: 1'nltfd War ft'nrk 14 I l m Y. W . i. A. fond l.lflO 1 1 PnlHiUn Army fund ... 1 HiiiIIhks books , . J Ort Aritienltiu nd Assyrliui flief 4.0U0 ,.,, ... j f iS.Btol UNOFFICIAL REPLY DECLARES PEACEOFFERED BY GOVERNMENT FREE FROM ARBITRARY RUL The text of the German note as re ceived by wireless, Is as follows: "In accepting the 'proposal for an evacuation of occupied territories, the German government has started from the assumption that the proced ure of this evacuation and of the con ditions of an armistice should be left to the judgment of the military ad visers and that the actual standard of power on both sides In the field has to form the basis for arrangements safeguarding and guaranteeing this standard. Peaoe of Justice Oeslrod. 'The German government suggests to the president that an opportunity should be brought about for fixing the details. It trusts that the president of the United States will approve of no demand which would be irrecon cilable with honor of the German peo ple and with opening a way to a peace of justice. "The German government protests against the reproach of illegal and in humane actions made against the German land and sea forces and thereby against the German people. 'For the covering of a retreat, de structions will always be necessary and they are carried, out insofar as is i permitted by International law. 'The German troops are under most strict instructions to spare pri vate property and to exercise care for the population to the best of their ability' Where transgressions occur. In spite of these instructive, the guil ty are being punished. "The German government further denies that the German navy in sink ing ships has ever purposely destroyed , lifeboats with their passengers. The j German government proposes with) regard to all those charges that the facts be cleared up by neutral com missions. r-iv.ts mid to iip xnuricd. In order to avoid anything that; might hamper the work of peace, the, German government has caused or- ' ders to be dispatched to all submarine commandera precluding the torpedo-; Ing of passenaer ships without, how-j ever, for technical reasons, being able to Guarantee that, ihese ordars will, reach every single submarine at sea j before Us return. , TOURNAI FALL IMMINENT, U If i - HAPPY REFUGEES ESCAPE BT I.OWKLI, MELI.KTT. ' , - .-. (United Pre fitntt Correwpondent.) . t WITH THE BillTISH. Oct. 22. The British are rabidly eltcloBlnB Tournai, bKh to the north ajid muth. A ' deei-wedfta-has been driven Into the German lines on berth iIdea of this Important city. Ita fall aeemfi Imminent. The enemy in stubbornly defending ita al proachea with artillery and machineKuns. The OerinnH heavily nhelletl NeuvIHe lat nlKht. I anw wet, bedraKled but happy wom en, children and old men escaping, escorted by Tommies carrying chlckena and household goodc It yfife" free- x r I sss. A&&& V' . J. ttS wfT tr , r2rj ff, :-;; Cfgio l . mi." n' r ; i" '-r Z .. --i- I i'-r -. - - . " " - ' - - I ' i!' -- - - - ... v--4- -x--- -- ttTl r- - t "As a fundamental condition for peace the president preHcribes the de struction of every arbitrary power that can separately, secretly and of Its own single choice disturb the peace of the world. To this the German government replies: "Hitherto the representation of the people In the German empire has not been endowed with an Influence of the i formation of the government. Government levlarcd tlianged. "The const! tu lion does not provide for a concurrence of representation of the people In decinlons of peace and war. These conditions have Just now undergone a fundamental change. A new government has been formed in complete accordance with the wishes principle of the representation of the; people based on eciual, universal, se- cref, direct franchise., n j "The leaders of theEt"eat parties bf j the Reichstag are members of this government. In - the future no gov ernment can take or continue In of fice Vlthout possessing the confidence of a majority of the Keichstaff Consent of People Irovldcd. "The responsibility of the chancel lor of the empire to the representation of the people is being legally devel oped and safeguarded. "The first act of the new govern ment has been to lay before the Reich stag a bill to alter the constitution f the empire so that the consent of the representation of the people Is requir ed for decision on war and peace. "The perfanence of the new system is, However,, guaranteed not only by constitutional safeguards, but also by the unshakeable determination of the German people whose vast major ity stands behind these reforms and demand their energetic continuance. Qoctttion IKv4rcd Answered. "The Question nthe president, with whom he and the governments asso ciated against Germany are dealing. Is therefore answered In a clear, unequl-' vocal manner by he statement that the Offer of peace and an armistice has come from a ; Kovernment which is free from anv arbitrary and irre sponsible inf invitee. Is supported by the approval of an!Vverwheimtng ma jority of the tlerman people. "SOLF." THE NEXT STEP j - - . - J a"- " ---inr-'p nj MaJ. Gen. Marris haa bwn pro moted from brijradier general to be come adjutant general of the army. SWISS LEGATION RECEIVES NOTE; -DELAY SUGGESTS Time Elapses Between Re ceiving, Delivering Official Text. WASHIXIJTOX, Or(. 22. The offi cial text of the German note has readied the Swiss legation. BY ROKEItT BFTXnEtt (rnlled Press Staff Corn',miulont.) WHIXt;TOX, M. 22. The de lay in delivering the ofrk-inl note to lnsino- has rausett the beiier here then? had li-n Ninr diffklilty de ciMllinr it. IVrhaps there is sump tlif- fereiR-e between tlie offieial text and ! the wireless version.- AVilstm while j" nailinar for lite text took a loner walk, j acecmiiwiiiil by two secret service J aj-enls. j 'Ham-Anrr Yankee's ' 'VfLyvxite Breakfast IXXDOX, Oct. 3. ( By Mail) XothinR has ever been seen like the 1st of the l S. soldiers for ham-and-egrs. At o ery mealtime Iondon rings with tho voices of the Yanks caj ling fur h a m -a n d -eggs. Luckily there is a good supply of ham in the- country, but It is to be feared that with the approaching winter, Knglish hens might go on a strike for another war bonus, and one hates to think what might happen to these enthusiasts then. BRITISH CLOS TOURNAI,REA ENEMY DRIVEN FROM OURCQ. " TROOPS ADVANCE SOUTHEAST VALENCIENNES. REACH SCHALDT Germans Abandon Guns, Increase Front; French Sur-Serre SPEEDING UP WITH. THE AMERICANS. Oct. 22. Krieiillcs. 't arire by I 1m- (.ermaus. Is bumble fiercely. Vlery-I-- J"t:tit is atso burning:, t.erman artiileryinr i against the .imcritnn rielu wing slum's a marked increase. Tlie enemy j Is nen ons etMently fearing attack. . GERMANY BELIEVES SOLFS ANSWER IS NEGOTIATIONS BASIS OOPEXHAOE.V, Oct. 22- The Ger man press generally . considers Coif's reply t Wilson as a satisfactory oasis for further negotiations. The Tase blatt declares "Should Wilson demand ImpoHHibilities we must reckon on the war's continuation.'' RED CROSS-REPORT SHOWS HDGEWORK 123 CASES SHIPPED, 5 ALMOST READY Yarn, Garments, Dressings 1 Supplied, Home Depart I me'nts Active. Following is the report of the exe jeutive ctnimittee of the I'malilia Icnuntv ('hapter. from December 1st, 1S17. to rietolier Kth, 191S. ! To the Foard of Directors. Offi . eers of the Hrnm-hes, and to the membership of 'the American ltd t'ross of rinstilia t'ount-, Oregon: J On Iti-half of the executive commit tee, we herewith submit the annual , report for the year enilinK Ortoier ! 1 7th, r.MS. Tills is separated into re- ports by committee chairmen and of i fleers of the Chapter and contains Co ntinued 01 I'aKe BRIEUHES IS BURNING, GUNS ENC0URAGEMENT IS GIVEN RED CROSS WORKERS BY CAPT. RITNER AND 3,000,000 BOYS IM. W . Uinwi. captain A. It. C. j ff w ,Niiy out rir th fn.m. Alwi nirh u iftur of encouiuKfiorH ttnd Mi. k. J. Jhlurihy ibui ntw Torn, l-raie I., ihtf lit-d wwrKeri of the. U,,th th bj at wii and iti.ng I ' in n ul ia. t hi in i-liup(er and uuy . ultUpf iiiw. ' lliat lit- Winter piutlliaVM Iv lw a rld j (t. V. HITVI-:it. 1 tit fur tit ltuiiiibi in ih trvuthv i t ll,linM A jt ( : and iiiki-i t ht w omen to kfp up h r , , , n Ol k. Kt'Ut.W bijf IrS tt t)ltill! in : ri'M. ; 30 pteinltf r. Hl. : To th Huiit:h in ih fid Cnm. Wurk j i;.. i. m. i tu'ii nit uvt tired und UlM-our aid J i 'infin l-r tii.it ihr t S.- io,ti in h litivst in the sert lw Mho r blt.-s'int. Ilu li t-iti Momeil of AlMt'l'lt'4 L i tloir itit-ifrtH wtuk In thir tM-hitlf. 'I'm will nn dt.uot ) th hiM wintfr ! "i Ho M.ir but it i tt m bittt-r Mini ; ..i.l una for lb doiiKblMi) hi thti 1 1 iMit'btM. Hint if l tnir i'i k uti hrtt l.f-n ui'lf to niukw him iioi (-onfunii'r nr liuko brun ttt m-nn nf t U mo III ii I h bid lii ihti h"rtiil IHwIl .tll.-t IllIlK Ll laaf h Iff p I U, lOrj hi K will l writ w n h th In I . MMll DUO liiMl tl'a-H Hill lalOl tWIflll p.tl mii'N in rli c ufK h'Mti ' t 4.U. j IVli Mr. K'jlr tbut 1 kiv Vr. j El OiJ; all Coast Defense Resistance Along North Drive Close to Crecy- t I-OXDOJT. Oct. sa. IlaUl today r. ; portert tlw Iiriti.h aiwi mililn s mllo i of Tournai. The i4miaiiM theve h0 hern driven fnm tlte Mirr ami (irpyetinra wymmI and liave reMtil Ilie Kwallan'a left bank f Ivo mllea M'a of Valra4ennr. . The ItrilKli rnw-hrd tlio Kc-iddt on a flv mile front above Tournai. it ia an. i iMMinced ttie Cerman8 abandoned -all ' xs defence run. - "I'nrther progr baa been mada ! Iwtween Vaiencfcninea and Tournai. I Tlw enemr'a resinlanoe on this front i l?r lnrveartinff. PARIS, Oct. 22. The bottle) In the Vonxicm region was renewed today wltli redoubled Tbilenew. The iirr iii h us are uslnar enormous nnmbera of men In their detntilnatiiin to prevm.fi tlm flankltia; of the Antonne mamlf on the north and are auffertnjr heavilr in liard riiclnitHP ArtiHerrlna: la in crooHtna; alone the wlioie front from tlie Moexre region into lorraine. KrancTo-Amtiicann rreonnolteriaaT oat tills front have jpenet rated deepiy.- - FRKXOH PTSH OX. " IJXIM)X. i-t. 2S. Tlie Frenili oirratin' north of tlm British, ecood army in t lamlers advanced, on at w4de front this iiniruinic, making exeenral proKresn. . '. , ., J-KKXCII NE-llli CITY. I'AHIS, (t a. ItcKumiiiK pro. (tress on tlie zerre river, the rYeneii liave advanced to within Icsa tlian a mile off Creey-Hur-JSerre front tht southward, tlie war office announced, (ii'mun tvunter-attackA In tlie Vou. zlers reelon are diniinisiiliiK in vfca. lenee. There b great artlllerylna; alwve the Mse and in the lliatean lcr'iikn region, k IS DIVISIONS UEPRWENTED. "On tlie Hatean east of Vousierea the battle's lnteiaity baa diminished, I wit jesterday's enemy attaelu wero extremely violent. t iihtHiried ele ments of dixisions. This morninc an i iieiny i.-ntative attack aaainst Im imrdonne farm was coniiMetely re. Iiulscd.' In VnsKea patrols took nrlA. oiK'rs northwest of Colmarq. ArSTItO-lll NCAKV WIMi RKPI.T j I'M! IS, oi-t. irl. Hrmiiffletal VI. enna dMat'liea Mate that the A astro. j Huiurarian rovernment will aoon re. il.iy to W ilson because he did not an swer tlie question ixmo-niimr nos4ble conditions for peace negotiation!. MWIKIV RWIXTS KKPI.V. IX)XIM)V. Kt. i. Jklornlnc pa isrs rej.it tlie Mnnan reiny because It does not ofrer unconditional aur. retuler. which are tlie oidy lernui an. .011 whicli the allies ran offer an ar. nilsth-e to an uUMcruuiiloua enemy, t luinis of (Mnuiu'i denuiiTailaation are not lit-licvrd Him-ere. Tt-uiiK'riilurr llrr T-l U &7, I iTp, THE WEATHDl ! M7 ' FORECAST VV i tot. frH Itmurull, nun. I I