East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, October 17, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Mltw Mary Itllnpr. inter of Mr.
i,W. A. Htnrio of ivrnlh-lon. rrtvot -test
(nlsht from Poriland. h n.i no
fkcfm punted hy Mtmi lUanche M irkey,
Ann1 the two will vMi Mr. tnrl. Both
, r Irachera In the 1'ortland school
.41 nd ihoir vacation I occasioned by
:'(hs Spanish InfhtcnxH fpidemtc,
Mliui Mabel HcmphHl. who has
ccn In Xt. Anthony hospital the
rpawt four weeks owing; to Injuries re
ceived In 'an automnMIt" nrcldtnt, is
bl to return to her homa at SI 3
Turner street.
In. dcarrlMnS a charming wedding,
Uhat t Mlf Heleue Smith of We
"archfe. and Shrank, Van, of Portland,
whlrh occurred in tho latter city last
night, the rirtland Oreponian says:
"'Follow Urn t-be ceremony a eniHll
reception wa held and a wedding
supper wan served- The tahle was
prettily adorned with roses in the
mauve tones and fernery. Mrs. Inul
Froehllch presided at the coffee urn
and Mrs. Vernon Cartwriht served
ices. Trending at the punch table L. , .
were Misa Marian Martin and Misa ' FJUtrm nOUIlOWS BIOXEff
yesterday on their wny to Ion
Bench, tfeMfnrniu, where they wM
lend tho winter.
J. W. Owens Is here from Wnlla
Walla on business,
tieorne l;aer returned today fwm
a vacation spent In Portland.
Wayne- Bluefcnrd is In Pendleton for
uny irom wnusourK.
1 erry Simpson is a guest repistered
at the Hotel St. Creorge from Ukiah.
J C. Iiayes is here today from
Heppner. ' ' '
4. F. ReihL Is up from UPermlstod j
looking after business matters.
tleor&e K. RUison is a business vis-
it or, in Pendleton for the day from
Hermiston- ' , j
Mr. and Mra. U. 0- Justus of Hepp- j
ner, are visitor in Pendleton today,
guests at tho St. Ieorjre.
U. It. Stanftold of Kcho, was In
Pendleton yesterday.
Iifcrry Folsrttn. brother of Mrs. J,
V. Tall-man of Pendleton, arrived to
day from Iteanmont. California, for a
visit at tho Tallmun home.
News of local Iloys In tho Scr.
vice- Inrormniton for ilils Ie
IHiriiucnt Will be Appreciated.
Madeline Burgess, of Pendleton."
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Nelson return;
ed last niftht from Chir&co, Mimwapifa.
I.ns ANGELES. Oct. 17. Governor
William l. Stephens vesttrdav pur-
lis and other middle west cities. They mihjp 'hriniKh Helen Keller,, the la
were met at AValla walla by Mn
Henry Collins and Mrs. K. J. Harke.
and the party made the trip to Pen
dleton from Walla Walla by auto. , '
A nwettror of the Current Literature
Crub scheduled for tomorrow has neen
Indefinitely iwstinmed until the re
movul of the Infiuenaa Quarantine. : ,:
' Miss Lillian Ware
tor Athena to spend i
visiting relatives. "
left yesterflay
few days there
Mrs. J. E. AVitson is in the city from
Ilelrx today.
O, A. Hird of Walla Walla. Is a Pen
dleton visitor today.
F. O. Spooner la in the city from
Spokane. i
W. H. Harthimor is here on husi
riexn from Seattle. He is at Hotel
Pendleton., , -
& . Lockwood. of Walla Walla, is
t Pendleton visitor today.
C F. Liebhart la here from Uuhl,
Idaho. l'.s-;.
t. J. Mclutyre Is here front ilflldn
Paul Calllson has received from
Krnest Crockatt, recently wounded ut
the front, the following very Interest
ing letter telling of thu fight In Which
he. was hurt:
. Hospital. England, 9-9-18.
Hollo, Old Scout:: '
About noon on September 3. I was
hanging on the end of a Lewis ma
chine gun giving Heinle bursts of five
at twenty-five yards, I had received
your letter the night before in a dug
out fifty feet under ground and read
It by a lighted rope dipped in my oil
bottle. So when I was so peasurably
employed It flnnhed on my ivory
dome that I would give them one for
you so f emptied he magazine with
good effect. Now at that tnip
we were a:mile beyond our objective
and Heinle's machine guns were
rather thick so our platoon thought we
would steal one on him. We had
UEAX WALKEK UKAVKS Et pEXK ! Been advancing parallel with his gen
eral line oi retreat out we touna a
mous blind, deaf and once mute wo
man, a tlulltl Jiuerty bor.d. To maku
this .subscription, an additional one.
rMff executive of 'he staid said
ha had . to borrow the money.
."1 latnK h tno duly, of every citi
sen to buy every dollar's worth of
bonds ln-thls.the Fourth Lilierty
Loan,, that he' can In anv way han
dle." declared the guveiiio,-.
diaries "Kli' Huntinstou ApiMilnt
cl to KncPeecl ;raduato laii;KCr.
ETOEXE, Oct. 17. Dean H. WalR.
er. for more than a year graduate
manager of student activities at the
University of Oregon, resigned yester
day and Charles ("Shy") Huntlmtton,
this year's footliall coach, has taken
his place.
Walker has been ordered to Camp
Za chary Taylor. Ky-, to enter officers
training? camp.
BEISLIX. Oct. 17. The war office
.n "ftmt f i.-.wth -y.k-in,!. in 'tmtajr announced tlie .erman Hao-
the cRv todxy " 1 dcrs front has liccn withdrawn cast
Mr- and Mrs! Walter Was t bly, at Thoiu-ourt. C.lsmp anl , lnrt
o. , Washington, were ia Pendleton ? "nd L,Ue-
'.'i-r : ''Children, Cry for Fletcher
The Kind Yau Earo Always Bought,' and which . has been'
ia use for oyer thirty years, has borno tho Bicnature of
ana Has been made under his per
1 f I " )
3 l m m
t4zgrj?. eonal supervision si.ice its infancy.
. Allow no 6ne t3 deceive von in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-as-good " aie- but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience apains. Experiment. '
What is CASTOR I A '
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
urither Opium, Morphine nor other ncrcotic eubctnnce. Its
rge is its guarantee. For more Than thirty yerrs it has
lcen in constant use for the relief of Conctipation, Flstulcncy,
"Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; rJlayisj Fovcrfchrcca arising
therefrom, and by regulating tho Ctomuch and Eotvcls, aids 5
the assimilatiuh ft Fooi; giving hedthy and noLuial clcf p.
The Children's Panacea Ihe Iiother'3 Triead. .
rBeara the
Bears the Signature -of
r : : : . , .
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Water and Johnson Sis.
Thrift and Conservation in
Operating Your Car
Dt'lK-nds upon your getting the bf-st when hav
ing your car repaired
? i -We
Ford Repairing
' by Ford facta ry mechanics with
the use of only genuine
Ford Parts
. This gives you J?st results and Iff b
(operating expense..
Ui inR your FORI) to our FORI) repair shop
communication trench running at
right angles straight toward Berlin.
o down this trench we go bombing
Fritz twenty feet ahead iu the bay as
they retreated: There were bo many
of them we had to take some prison
ers whom we sent down the line to be
picked up by the reserves.
About this time Heinie made a
stand by barricading- the trench and
playing on us with his machine gun.
We soon found them on both aides
and in front as we had come down
the trench right into them. It was
some hot all right. Thirty-two and
only twenty left when I turned to call
for another pan of ammunition about
fifteen left when I called for a sec
ond pan and when 1 had finished my
fourth "fifty" only, eightof ua re
mained. '!itiiJw'.i' ' - i Lj
Then something knocked me off the
parapet and I really lost the gun.
After loading a new magazine on the
gun i climbed iip and then our offi
cer who ha4 been 'wounded twice that
morning told me to get down in the
trench and get my shoulder drefleed.
That was the first I knew of being hit.
The stretcher bearer found ft wait an
explosive bullet wound inside so I
went, right down the line and after
!eing cut open and Jabbed and Inocu
lated, etc, l.liindeo in Wlxbjty and
good old Kngland.
Two months will see me through,
but I don't think I will eev, France
until spring. I hear that only two
hundred out of nine fifty in our bat
tulion that "kicked off last Monday
are Htill in the game. I never saw a
bunch of chaps stick closer and some
of the boy will surely be decorated
for their work.
I will stop for this time as my
arm is sore and tired. Best wishes
to you all.
Tour old pal,
E. I Cfl K'KATT,
Pt-2621892 K. L. Crockatt. 10th Ca
nadians, Army Post Office, London
" &yy ' --" "f;''J
x . v j in .
Ain't It tongh, after losing your war, when at last you find a little1
sign and you skid up and down the pole, and you light a doicn matches'
and at last you get up the pole and get a light going and find this?
Oh, It's a grand war, so 'tis.
(By United Press)
19. (By Mall) One of the problems
with wh'lch. the American Red Cross
has dealt In the zone of war is the
question of amusement" for tho sotrli
army. Ills brother, Prince-Stxtus, to
I whom the Austrian Emperor nddrc-si-!d
his famous peace note, is In the
ian army.
A recent dispatch reported the be
'trothal of Princess Hophlc, tho younK
icst of the l.uxemhurE royal elstera.
now sixteen, to Crrown I'rinco Hup
precht of Euvaria.
wooden Han Gabriel, 660 Erosa tons,
which left here Kept. 11 for L Pa
Lower California, with a Renera! car
go. In thirty days overdue at her des
tination and has been jfiven up as lost
by officials of the Gulf Mall Steamship
company. The vessl was command
ed y Cant. Roger Allman and carried
a crow of nineteen men.
Shipping off the Lower California
coast suffered severely in a hurricane
Sept. 11 and it Is feared the San. Ga
briel foundered In the storm.'
This old world, will not rest easy
until Its verlform appendix. Irrespon
sible autocracy, has been removed.
s af
WUHflm't conccsslonK1 to democracy
are. likely to turn out to be only an
other scrap of paper. t j
Can't IM? Cut
Cmrv VMl Ct Lm'nt C.Unce at
InduHtrlal workers should , kcop
' their grip on the l'rnssiun throat by
era who.te sacriflolng Jhetr livjs for jd"itB a f day's work every day.
the cause of civilization. i 1
The men Who hre sustaining audi "Enemy Breakup Seen." Headline,
advancing the lines hot only deserve re-! Very good; but look out- for air en
creation, but they absolutely reuuire I emy "Irameup'
it in order to.'bear the nci'o strain of 1 ' ' - "
their grim task. This relaxation Is
furnished by rest-houses, canteens
where American coffee and American
jam are served, even In the near vl- :
cinity of th) front fines. ' Put a more
recent innovation under shell-fire is
the moving picture show. This td?a !
is fast becoming a reality through e- (
tablishment of portable cinema m.l
chines,A.which. can . be carried around
from one Ao another of the American
Red Cross front-line canteens on an i
automobile especially fitted for thq
purpose, giving entertainments nt
each stop. These cinematograph out
fits will be placed on Ford cha:-is i:iid
completely equipped fur . tiiuir pur
pose. Films Promifwd.
The plan Is still a ne-.v"-o!ie. v.li ch Is
being perfected by tho Militarv Af
fairs Department of tho A. It. '. One
equipment of this sort had already
been purchased consisting pf an Aster
meter, a moving picture machine and !
supplementary matertul. Other out-
fits will follow. Films have been
liromi.sed from various sources, and it j
is hoped to establish a reiiulur supply I
of pictures. Perhaps there, will not
be a Broadway standard of perfection
in these dugout movies, but it will be
as near It as the workers can make It.
There Is one American Rod Cross
lieutenant in charge of a rolling-mn-teen
at the Italian front who has
already forestalled the plan for a (
portable moving picture exhibition by !
establishing his own private show :lt !
his front-line rest-house. Lieut. Wi'-j
(..l.ii.u Vi.au fnnnri u .0 ,fl tlrilt i V'el V !
sheltered corner near his canteen.
here he has installed a moving pic
ture machine, temporarily loaned to
him by tho Italian military authority
OS. The constant guns and the occa
sional bursting of shells form a real
istic orchestrul accompaniment to ihe
show. It Is very populur -with the
Ituliun soldiers during their sh':t
hours of roleauc from trench and bat
tery service.
C'. to. becretary of Coniimrce.
BACIJAMKNTO, Oct. 17. Hpunih
iinflucnzu reporu recelveo uy ine
; state board of heulth show the total
number of cases In tho state has
i reached the 4000 mark.
New cases reported for Friday were
1776. tbe largeHt number bring 60U
ifruiil Long Beach, 307 from Lus A.i
Igelee. 10B from Hun Francisco, 110
It Is a Joy nd comfort to know tliat.froin tan Jose and 7 7 from i-aajena.
tlssie niu'li talked of puins sad oilier di-1 Fresno has been attucked by tho
trews toot are said to proceed cliild-bearinf ';mulady 72 caurt being reported this
mmy be Bvoi 'rd. Ke woman need fenr di-I . '
comfort If nix will fortify heMelf with the imorning.
.,11 known slid tiuiired remedy, Mou Woe k ton, rucranicnlo, Hanta Itos l
r Frkad, and Hakersfleld have not yet reported
This to a ( grateful, penetrating, ei- any cases,
terna! spplicatioa tl.t at once sultens and j There are no army figures available
eiaks iluiut tlie aUlomlnal nj-o-vlt. ead lira- :frohl Camp Frernoiit. Keurnv reptrls
T cases, rlHlif.ild cuinplls ISO c.l.uf
Geyhe HabiUf.
Drinking HotWater
Before Breakfast
Says we can't look or feel right
wlth the system full
of poisons. -,
SimpAo&rJhxio, Co.
Phone 408
iu:tiiothi it
; rwi vrfn an I Uautfcr at ti cni U cub-land Kort McDowell 45 raws,
Wimen avvrvwt,tri mTwt ti.i- tiur1 tlaf .vru i i tfiiiii
n '-:..t rt.-wi -wr."i
ci riuii-nt .. tiUliijf tffiiriiif d mn j
iid mlfcUU'nn .tid-i, jfH rrl'Hw hw tii'
frijii-vj ri' f n-fdoin fnm t!.o many iff'
tiM itift t'j npfir-j bJfijf fiKJilu rit-MMl. j
M'Wl f-Xend 1 only fori
thj Jvl.rf B'mI t-tiufurt f mxlitt uvilti-t
rr, tlnrnvwi' i f trn li-iv u-r.I arxf
rwjwwtiM-rnl.'.l ft, Jt for eitcniM Only,
N fj -.i;!. o'. l .t'i.l.fily iO
iTTta.iy i;r(io-', i i i w Vs
WrTfe t!.s p-itW-.? VmU'fr C.
Charlotte, KMt'r of t.ratttl IHhIm
Mmriv, o d lirotlirr of
AiiNtriMii I inn wt.
TAHIH, Ort. 1 A dinlli from
jAixemtturM totlMV annotitutfd the in-
v.du uHKinent or 1'iin.HK-i iiarlUf, rio
m tnl HiMtfr of Mfiift Adflaifle, tlif rrti;ii-
intr 41 rand I'm lnuM, to 1'imr"
iwnty two him! th
Milll-.nn of fnlkH hnthe Infernally
now lnntcud of tofldln th'fr .vtem
with drugs. "What- an Inside
hath?" yon say. Well, ft 1 i?nuran
t cd to perform niliaclcn ff you could
believe lhce hot water crithuniunts
Th-re ure vnpt niinil erii of men and
women who, -Immediately upon urlwiriK
In the tmri.liitf. diink u jiIuhh of rent
hot water with n'le-irfpoopfiil of Ilme-
Hiono phuHphitle in ft. TMa 1h a very
excellent h-allh ineaHure. Jt la In
tended to fhn-h, tho Motnarh. liver,
kidney and the thirty feet of Intes
tine of the prcvIiatH da' wunto. Hour
bilo Biid imMreHtihlf mitterlal left
ever liv the body whleh If not ellritl
jiated every da, heroine fond for the
million of bacteria whlf-I) Uttnnl t he
howelH, the fiuhk rein It H fiolfmn
And toNiiiM Hldih ure then ubMirbed
into the blood, raiiMinjr headache,
hiMouH uttackH, foul breath, bad
taHte. colila, Mtouiaeh trouble, kidney
mlKery. tle'peKfnefiM, Impiira blood
and ull MrtH of fiiliiienm,
l'ople who feel (food one day and
badly the next, but who tdmply can
not xet feeling rhebt are urged to ob
ta In iiartir pound of Itmeidone
phoMhate at thn drug More. Thin
Will roMt very Utile bitt In miffklent
tfi make anyone a real crank on thu
mibject tit Internul pun It hi lott,
Juhi mh Kouri and hoi witt'T net on
I he pkifi. rleariHliiaf, xweeteulntr and
Ft exhenlntf, ho lniie-ton ' plionphat
and hot watr 't nn t he utomarh.
Mvi-r, kbliif-y and bowel. It Im vast
ly inofc (titpoiiaot to buitu on the
li-Mble than on l!ie oiilxhle, hecniiHtf
tbe U I it poren flo not aliMorh ini ju ri -
How About -Shoes?
... . . ,. .
'Wo 6j)ecializc in shores fon the entire family,
and are able to give you better shoes for less
money. Come in and look over oyr stock. You
will not be asked to buy. , ' .
Children's Shoes
Misses' Shoes .......
Boys' Shoes,. ,
Men's Dress Shoes
Men's Work Shoes
Men's High Top Shoes.
Men's Riding Boots .. .
Ladies' Shoes ........
: ' ,' , " ' "a
. 65cto$2.2r
$1,49 to $2.ir
$1.85 to 2.95
$2.95 to $G.50
. . . . $1.95 to $7.50
... $6.95 to $11.50
. .. . $2.45 to $6.50.
: ..The,-. Huh ,
tl Sample Stores. V 145 Mafn SL
SAI.EM, Oct. 17. Uovernor Wlthy
comlie announced to tlwi state board
of contrul Monday afternoon that he
intended to ask to next legislature to
pass a law removing- rentrlctlorie
nKalnat tho sale of prison mado pro
ducts during tho period cif the war.
"This announcement oame after It.
R uoodln. aecrwtary of tho board.
nlated that John C- Portor wanted ac
tion toward fulfitiug the terms of a
contract made wllh him. whereby thu
atate was to use- convict labor In re
moving .timber from his lends.
The glovernor said ho wlnhed to
hnve the lenlslature remove tho pro
hibition nfiainnt nelllnsr convict, made
tfoculH that the convicts might work
up tho hard wood on tho I'nrter place
and acll It for fuel while tho elate
would retuln the fir wood for Its Institutions.
In the lannuace of tho cockpit, the
central powers cannot Mtand .the Kfi.
ITnclo Sum Is no quitter. Ilcsldeo,
the quitting is not good yet.
KING AliPilOf450-PAlN
, t -is
As the sun of life
sinks toward the west
Life has been said to consist of a constant
succession of breakdowns and repairs.
In old ge, the former predominate.
The body machine is more or less warn
out. Digestion is less perfect, elimination
of :waste is increased in quantity, btat .
reduced in efficiency. , . ;' ' "
' Hence, constipation is particularly pernicious.
Constipation means more than mere failure of the
bowels to move regularly and thrirmighfy. It means
stagnation of the contents of the intcstinr, inrreawd
fermentation, putrefaction anii f cfm . action, the
production of irritating and poisonous substances,
that are absorbed into the blood and carried all over
the body,
1 This is always serious In old age it is especially
dangerous. -(
Constipation cannot be cured by drugs at any sge.
It is especially harmful to an aged person to use pills,
salts, and similar strong purges in order to force the
, bowels to act
j But The Nujol Treatment for Constipation is not
' only safe, it is in every way efficient. r(
Nujol is not a drag, does not act like any drug.
Nujol helps nature .to re-establish easy, soft,
' thorough bowel evacuation as "regular as clock
work." Nujol softens and keeps properly moist the in
j' testinal waste. i
M Nujol makes it easy for the Intestinal muscles to
act, and prevents them from overwork. '
f Nujol absorbs poisons and carries them out of
i the? body,
m Get Nujol from your druggist and take it according '
i to directions. , ,
I IVnminff NUJOL is sold only in sealed
, f r 14 . k,,,,,., bearins; the Nujol Tfads
I Mark. Insist on Nujol You may niffir froj
substitutes. -? s
r- Nujol Laboratories ,
50 Broadway, New York --'
twi-nh ftl-'H Into the blofid while the bowel
Am:-...,- i