EIGHT PAGES page rrvr. DAILY EAST OltEGOfftAN, PfeNDLfiTOtf. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1918. Oior; CASH GROCERY 525 Main St ' Free Delivery. Phone 640 !ff00 ci!o:. 'Si FOLGER'S GO.LDEN GATE Vi LB. FREE WITH I LB. 406 0, - Vt LB. FREE WITH 2r LBS..1 . . 90c ,7 TRY A CAN AND YOU WILL BE A REGULAR GOLDEN GATE CUSTOMER. Order A Can During This Sale No thing But First Class HUN LEADER RAVES BECAUSE' GERMANS -MAY LEARH TRUTH General Von Hutier Says Allied Propaganda Part . of Trickery. ' WITH THIS AMERICAN ARMT ON THE LORRAINE .FRONT,; Oct. IT. Efforts made by the Herman high command to counteract the effect of the allies endeavors to express their war aims to the German people are evidenced In an order from General Ton Hutier which ha fallen into the hands of Americana. The order followe: "The enemy begin to realise that we cannot be crushed bjr hi block ade, hi superiority In number and his force of arm. He therefore is trying by trlckerty and underhanded methods, of which he ia past master. to Induce In the minds of the German people doubt of their invincibility. He ha founded for this purpose a special ministry for the destruction of German confidence. "At the head of this ministry he has put that most rough-coins rascal of all the entente, Ixird Northcllffe, who has been given billions for Influ encing opinion in Germany ar. l at the front by means of paid agents, assassi nations of ambassadors and in all other ways in favor with the entente methods. "Aviators are constantly distribut ing Increasing numbers of leaflets and pamphlets. Letters written by Ger- WHY bCFKER. SO? . Why suffer, with a bad back, from sharp,' shooting twinges, headaches, dizziness and distressing urinary Ills? K ' Kidney Tills. Could you ask lor ' stronger, proof of merit ? m ,,!. Greenawald, 414 Lincoln Bt., jl'cndleton people recommend Doan's Zk I Kidney Pills. Could you ask for All Work Guaranteed, and OXY-ACCTYLENE WELDING Cany always a full line of repairs in stock for all models Cadillac. DAPEY OLOFIELO (4 C6r.SiCottdn,vrood and Water. :r. '! -'' 177 TelepRoH7-V::j;i':;) 8 5 stronger proof of merit? I Pendleton, sayB: "I suffered a lot from backache and soreness across ' my kidneys and it troubled me day and night. I was also bothered by my kidneys acting too frequently and the secretions were scanty and burn ing In passage. One box of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me." (Statement given . May 17, 1910.) On May 12, 1916, Mr. Greenawald Fnid "I am glad to back up every word of my former -recommendation fur DoatjV Kidney Pills. . .Now and i then. If I notice my kidneys ere in; ' any way affected, I take Doan's Kid ' ney Pills and they never fail to re i lleve the trouble." 60c. at all dealers. Foster-Milburn 1 Co., MfRrs., Buffalo. N. V. I man prisoners are falsified in the most' outrageous - way. Tract and pamphlet are written to which name of German port, writers and states men are forged. Not "Illiterate Americans' "However obvious they may appear to the man who thinks twice,, they may suggest a doubt, even for a mo ment. In the mind of those who do not think for themselves and shake their confidence In their leaders, their own strength and In the Inexhaustible resource of Germany. Germany may be saved by confidence. "Lord Nortbcliffe forgets that Ger man oldler are neither negroe. Hin dus, Illiterate French or Americans Incapable of seeing thru such machi nation. " "Pick up the leaflets and pamphlets and aiv them to your commander for transmission to the high command hlch may be able to make valuable deductions from them a to the aim of our enemies. 'Tou will thus help the command; also help to hasten the hour of vie tory." HOUSEHOLD "No educated man can say that he 'does not believe In cal- ories' when the energy in the foodstuffs constitute the baa- is of his being, and calories elU m ilia ted from his body are a measure of the sum total of hi hi physical activltle." Luck. Again We Ask You to -1 Jl 11 A 11 A - L We know you want to cooperate in giving Pendle ton the best delivery service possible. You are asked to do it NOW! I- ! Since our request of last week we have noticed an appreciable wil lingness on the part of Pendleton -home to help avoid the congestion arid delay of getting orders deliver-; ed to'them on tinie. 1 Soma have openly announced they want to aid in meeting this war-time emergency caused by theT shortage of labor. Others are still hindering deliv eries by ordering at the last min ute and by waiting until Saturday morning to order everything need ed for Saturday and Sunday. These people simply swamp the delivery boys of a Saturday all day. Which class are YOU in do you wish to help or hinder? - We are merely appealing to your common sense and fairness. Pendleton has four deliveries a day and yet many homes are swamping the stores and deliveries by not cooperating in the placing, of their orders. ; ORDER ALL YOUR MER CHANDISE THAT YOU WANT DELIVERED AT ONE TIME. Don't order four times in one day. Don't put off until a few min utes before the delivery starts, .to place your order, for if everyone would do this the stores would be swamped and no one would get ser- ' vice. ; ; ; ' .'..-.". -" Don't -wait until you need an ar- -r tide before ordering it. ' " Be a patriotic citizen. Help solve the war labor problem. Help the stores and delivery system to give you service, get your merchandise to you on time and keep down the costs. ORDER ALL YOUR MERCH ANDISE EARLY TO COME TO YOU ON ONE DELIVERY. Last minute orders that miss the regular delivery must be sent to you by special delivery, messen gers and taxis. You have to pay for this. Why not keep the cost down? -" Why not order your non-perishable groceries and other merchan dise for Sunday, or any other day , a day or two ahead of time ? Then order your articles you must have that day EARLY and all at one time. If you will comply with this re quest you will help the delivery boys, you will help the delivery ser vice, you will help the stores give you better service at a less cost. Will YOU do it? THANKS! Start todayOrder early, order ahead of time ; have all your purchases come on one delivery. This will be appreciated by (Penland Bros. General delivery and the stores they serve MI SCELLAN EOl'R WAHTIMB RE CIPES. Green Pcjppers, Stuffed with Cream Crab. Large pepper, cut off stem and, scrape out Inside, place in cold water one hour. For six peppers take 1 cup crab meat, 1 tatilespoon vegetable shortening, one tablespoon flour. ; one cup milk, one egg (the yolk beaten), one . tablespoon pars ley; salt paprika to taste and a little onion Juice. Make cream with sauce then add the yolk of egg and crab meat. Bring to boil, remove from fir. Wipe out the peppers, fill with mixture, place In hot oven twenty minutes. Excellent. Potato Dumpling. I wonder how many housewives make potato dumpling. They are de licious. Mash two medium-size po tatoes, add 1-2 teaspoon Hollywood butter, pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon su gar, a little mace or nutmeg. Beat yolk of 2 eggs and also whites, mix with potatoes, then add enough flour to make a stiff ( batter. Drop 1-2 tablespoon at a 'time into soup and boil five minutes. , Baked Corn With, Clam. . One can of minced clams, 1 cup canned corn, 1 cup milk, 1 egg well beaten, 1 cup dry bread crumbs, 2 tablespoons of oleomargarine, 1 tea spoon salt, a little onion Juice if de sired, 1-4 teaspoon pepper. 1-4 tea spoon paprika. Mix .ingredients, ex cept oleomargarine, ..well - together; 'put into a buttered baking dish, with bits of oleomargarine;! bake one-half hour. ' " 1 ' i Broiled Oysters, With Tomato Sauce i Drain large oysters, dip in melted 'oleomargarine, roll In cracker crumbs, 'season and broil until .a .delicate ; brown. Pile on - hot - platter. Pour lover tomato sauce, made of . 1 . table- spoon, ot malted, butter... ltablespoon chopped onion browned In the butter, 2 tablespoon flour and 1 can tomato soup. Stir until smooth and thick add 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce. Pour over oysters. Garnish with parsley and lemon slices. Chicken In Casserole. Cut a tender middle size chicken In pieces and stew until tender, but not too well done. When done arrange In casserole and add canned peas and mushrooms, then another layer of chicken, peas and mushrooms until dish Is full. Make gravy with chicken stock and pour over. Bake about forty minutes in a hot oven. One can peas and mushrooms and 1-2 bottle of black olives if desired; add salt and pepper to taste. ' This is very delicious. Spanish Round Steak. Take 1 1-2 to 2 pounds of round steak, lay on roasting pan and sprinkle with salt, pepper and dash of cayenne pepper. Then cover with sliced oni ons (about aix good sized ones) sea soa with sale, pepper and cayenne, and pour over about half cup tomato cat sup. Bake in hot oven 1 hour to 1 1-2 hours, basting often with own Juice; If not enough Juice, add mime hot wa ter. Very good, and if lamb chops are used instead of round steak, may call 'Spanish lamb chops." Drown Rice Pudding;. (Unrefined rice) One cup brown rice, wash well, pour in double boiler with S cups boiling water and 1 tea spoon salt. Cook until tender. Now beat 1 egg, add 1-4 cup sugar (half I white and half brown). Mix 1 cup 'milk with rice and stir In 1 cup seed iless raisins. Pour in baking dish, put j bits of butter on top and sprinkle iwith little nutmeg to flavor. Bake In . hot oven until brown on top about ISO minutes or more. Serve cold with top milk. Unrefined rice cheaper than re- I fined and is good for health. j Ilk-e and Tomatoes j Cook in double boiler 1 cup water, '2 cutis tomato pulp. 1 large onion, site- led. and salt and pepper. When this begins to boll arid 1 cup rice, thor oughly washed: let boil one hour, or until rice Is soft. Stir occasionally. Have ready 1-2 cup grated cheese. 1 cup ripe olives, seeded. When rice Is soft remove boiler from flame and stir in cheese and olives. Serve hot. Ch liken With mop. One chicken, half cup rice, 1 quart boiling water, sslt and pepper. Dis joint chicken as . for fricassee and put to stew In one quart boiling water. At the end of an hour and a half add half cup washed rice and the seasoning. Himmer gently until the rice has ab sorbed most of the liquid and each grain It separate and tender. Mark Scallop. j Take a steak from the shoulder of a large cod and with a sharp knife cut into squama the -shapes of scallops. Wash, ami dry llivsu carefully, diu lu SomlilnationDiVood dnd IDT'TGi A M iool at the Old Prices It is surely time to think about a new heater for these cold, damp lays". It is a well known fact that much of the sickness is caused by living in a poorly heat ed house. Isn't it better to buy a stove now that warms up your living rooms than to wait a few weeks and pay out several times more money bills? . i , in doctor 0 UI HEATERS Reasonably Priced were bought more than a year ago, before the heavy price advance, and are now being offered at the same price as last year. .This is your opportunity to buy your heater at before-the-war prices. ; ,-;.'"..' Goal Bills Reduce Residents using our stoves use less fueL No black smoke, the fuel is convert ed into heat and does not escape up the chimney. All our heaters contain du plex grates; burn either wood or coal; good roomy fire boxes and ash pans; lined with heavy cast. They are full nickel-trimmed and beautifully designed. SHOWN IN ALL SIZES. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE Crawfdr ' ,! I..i,.,a!l :, (...:- . ' 1 ,' 1sssW' COR MAIN AND COURT STS, ! '.1 f :'l I beaten egg then in seasoned corn meal, and by means of a frying .basket crook In deep, hot fat to a rich brown. Drain on brown paper before serving. T , 1-.... Cherry or Rhubard Tartlets.- The nutritive value of oats, as every one knows, is very high. Oats con- talira great percentage of albuminoids -(which orreapomla- -to -wliita. ot fg) than any. other grain. . kwX. havt. iesa starch and a good deal more fat and sugar than wheat All these elements tend to make it the healthful breakfast dish we all know. And we are learning to em ploy these valuable food qualities in bread, muffins, cookies, etc Here Is a recipe for tartlets with a rolled oats crust. You are getting a new recipe and splendid food value together. Cherries or stewed rhubard make a delightful filling: It is better to use one of the steam-cooked oatmeals, but ordinary oatmeals will do. K .C. SIGNS GlIIE WOI'SDED TO REAR LONDON, ' Oct. 17 Thousands of small cloth signs provided by the Am erican Red Cross sre distributed to follow the advance' of erery American attack and are tacked to trees, posts or-oiner oojecis to point me way "walking wounded to first aid dress- fl-. ir.g Bullions. y me siae ui ui. iam t ' ; 'i- H To walk into a store fl and say, "I want a pair R aj of Army Shoes" is fl all right as far as it I a goes. But only when k I you insist on. the .. B BUCKHECHT (tea. u.s. pat. err. - R ARMY SHOE ire you sure of Betting the mosi -for youj money the most comfort, the most serv ice, the most value. For practical, everyday wear- for lasting comfort you can't beat the Buckheiht Army Shoe. Made on the Munson List specified by the U. S. Army worn by all of our soldiers and thousands of men in civil life. Look for our reirittered trade mark BUCKHKCHT stamped on every pair to protect you. Buckingham & Hecht M.a.i .ctur .r. 3mm Fr You can get the Buck hecht Army Shoe in your town. If your dealer does not carry It, wri'e ui direct. e..v t stt.00. Made by ltuckliutham Jt llm-lit. l-Taim. . auM t IVill-lm by . . UO.N.U UtOfi. ... . pn o)Pnrp j'MuuuulIls GET YOUR t GASOLINE HERE! AT THE OLD PRICE 25c gallon EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN GROCERIES At low rent and operating expense prices. .. : I , V7e Sell CQ!AL ODL 20c gallon We Sell 60c GALLON IN GALLON LOTS LYNDE BROS. Grocery Store 309 West Webb