DAILY EVEHIIiG EDITION Number cui'iox pi Intra of yesterday'! Dully trillion 2,825 Thin paper l a member and audited hi the Audit liureau of Circulation. DAILY EVEL'l.'.'G EOITIQII If jr cannot fth yontp awMf ran. Boa yonr banker and taka four shara of bonds before UM loaa lacker ara expoaed. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL SO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1918. NO. 9564 BOLSHEVIST REVOLT IN GERFY IMPENDS IF PEACE DELAYS REGULAR SOCIALISTS DRAW UP GOVERNiVl ENT HOPING ANARCHY IF KAISER ABDICATES Series of Well Credited Dispatches De clare Bolshevism Prevalent in Indus trial Classes of Germany. IAMOV, Oct. 17. I'tilei eace la effected Immediately a lollietlrt rev olution Mil lorcalr out in fierinany, aeeordlnjc to a wtUh of roll credited diHaUlHM received today Tlie K preaM, Newa and Olronlclo received dlKftalchea from llielr ataff corre Hitondcnta In AniMtcrdam In Anwitcr dam, Stockholm and ticm-va at-siiec-llvely. all making tlio aaitH predlc tlonM. HoIhIici Iwn In noted anionic in dUHtrlal cIammcm. The rctrtilar aocial IM. alarmed. Iiavo drawn up a rov eminent, which tlH'y Hill neck In es tablish If Hie kalxer hInIWuKk, Imp linc to avil anarchy. GERMANY IS ONLY BENDING WASHINGTON', Oct. 17. "The war la jloi over." declared I-anaing- today. Thin 'la ho time to -Market! effort or fall to tlo our part here a r home. To keep up and IncreaMe re.wura on lit retreating Clermanx m tnauniy cer tain way to win. Oermnny la lien" Inc. and wl(h more preiwiire rhc will break.' 1 " ' REVOLUTION BREAKS AGAINST YOUNG TURKS IN CONSTANTINOPLE Germans Rush 20 Warships From Black Sea for Protection. OKXFVA. Oct. 17. A revolution liaa broken nut In CXHeaanllnople against the Yimnt Turks, declared tlio Tribune. Tho (iermana Iiavo nihliol iix: wurHhilw from the lllack protect tho Young Turks. Sea to 100,000. NEEDED TO - MAKE COUNTY QUOTA With $l,9Kft,O0O raised on Umatilla county's quota of J.iK,iHut this county is now within $I'iii.0(m( of the Fourth Liberty lyoiiti goal. Pendle ton Is short only $31, 000 of Its quota and It U said subscriptions in sight wilt make up this amount- Milton had r:'l''?V"!T",kB'.,!;!l'J;;dL'iCan Publish News of itver the top on schedule. There Is trouble at Hermlston over the wizn of that town's quota. The difficulty seems to have been caused j . by K. H Hwu) se(. termiston banker, who differs from t he central organ 181 ton as to what the IlerinlHton quo la nboujd be. Mr. Kwuyxe Ik piiUI to vyry low ratings for 'lis own UNABATED ZEAL IN WAR DRIVE ABSOLUTE NECESSITY TO MAKE PEACE IMPERATIVE TO ENEMY In a Ml roiw appeul to tho people for support of the Fourth Liberty I. nan mutla through the council of defence. KiiuMiii K- Iane, secretary of the riepitrttnent of Interior, says: "It Is of prlmury Importance that lh receipt of the (iernian pole vhould net in any way, -reHnlt In the nlowlng down of wur actlvitleH, piirtlcularly to our ifupport of the Liberty lmn, Will you therefore Immediately call t be aitrnt Ion of all mumiiIhtn of t be s'ais, coi.iiiw and ioiununt v of fense to thw absolute, HWehKy'tk (lp porting tttlw loan and of cuiHiiiufug nil oibir wr uctivilli-s with un sbuii'd t'ttl. Vmi tuay cult'ly trio-3 thu 1'relUept to guard our Interests 10 AVOID VVOMFN URGED TO HELP FILL LOAN QUOTA IN The assistance of the Woman's Dl vhdon of the Patriotic Service League 1h increasing bond subscriptions to the Fourth Liberty Ixan In this coun. ty uum urged In a telegram today from Karah H. Kvans. of Portland. rum 1"e capture ... to Mrs. W. . McXary. chairman o Hlrson which Is the key to the south tho Woman's Dlvlsvlon. ' corner of the Ardennes massif. Mrs. McNary says that the women ' are eager to do all In their power j nkii in huUitnlnr ihA f nlflllment n ! I'matllla county's Quota, and although they have not-ensaBd In any active effort up to the present time, many women have themHolve bought bonds. Followlna; is tho text of the" tele Rram; i ; . ' - , t rnrtland. Oct. 1. 1918. Mrs. V. r. McNary. Chairman Worn , an s iMviHiorv j'ntriouc service i IHKUe, I'endleton. Ore- At the request of Mrs. McAdoo. in tensive effort Js heinK Mow made by women of the I'niled Staten (a In crafws bond subscription before the close. let your committees together and make special effort to raise addi tional subscription In your territory. Wire In results Saturday evening. Don't let any county In the state be found wanting, especially yours. SARAH II. EVANS. H. C. GOLLIEORD HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT It C rtulliford of Pendleton, sua tuined a broken hip bone In an auto mobile accident on the way from Iran He to Olive Ijike In Rrant coun ty Tuesday. He was riding with a friend from I'endleton, whose name has not been learned, who was driv ing, when nomejhlmr suddenly went wrong and the car began backing down the hill and turned over. Oulli ford hrr pinned beneath the car while his friend was thrown clear. The car immediately caught fire and burned. Mr. Uulilford is from I'endleton and has relatives here, but no confirmation of tho above could bi learned from t hem today. It i supposed to be t'lRtr Oulliford, a son of J. F. Guilt ford, who with J. F. Temple of this place, 1h mining chrome Iron ore In that purt of Grant county. Pacific Coast Ships WARMlXflTOV. Oct. 17. Pecre the bn on the tary LanlelM lifted publication of ship movements on the Pucific coatH except as to ships trims porting troops or "running commer cially but carrying new products de signed for military or naval use. and direct our diplomacy. Our duty Is to give MtrtiKth to his urm. He will know bow tit u ue It.' Ill the siime vein N'athun A. HinWh, of bo employment aervlee U settdlna the fidlowlng to the federal employ ment nHeuclffl. a copy having been re ceived by Norborne llerkeley. the lo cal agent: t . "The receipt of the Oermsn lude mitHt not, for one minute, rcMiill in the Hhiwlng up of our war uctlvlties. WIH you, therefore, rail the attention 'f u II Individuals and orgnnlKiitloiiH wirh whom your aro working, to the' fact that we iiuiNt speed tip our prep- I nidi lon to continue war. This Ih In! order ptaco t bat our enemies iiiiperuUvve." iiiudt fludj ALLIES BREAK THROUGH FOCH STRIKES BERLIN DENIES IRTOH TO ELIMINATE IT OF FOE ARMIES This Morning's Attack is One of War's Most Ambi tious Strokes, Drive is Double. HUN CONGESTION IN RETIREMENT, OBJECT Allies Would Force Hinden burg's Withdrawal via Belgium. HT J. W. T. MASON. (I'nlted Prewt Btaff C'orreapondent.) NEW VOItK, Oct. 17. Tha Brltich offensive launched this morning be- j tween I,e Cdteau and llohain Is along; the line of the Jilrson railway where i the Americana In Plcardy were hint reported operating. This movement is supplementary to the new advance of j the French fifth army above Laon, ! starting yesterday. General Foch now ' Is attempting one of war's most am-j bltlous strokes. His purpose Is to run) the two armies toward the Hlrson, fortress one from the south and the; win prevent tne uermana maintaining comruunicauon net ween intfir Helglum and retreating armie in wen tern France and their armies In Champagne." It . will wimutlaneously ! ,rT . , ' "v, . , compel HlndenWg to direct his! Tn" President is reported to be ex present retirement entirelv by wav ot i trcmeJy anxious that the people di Belgium onwhere terrific congest! ! attach undue importance to the must result. ,lvaIftnche of rumors until official ad- J , vices are available. There is strong FORTUNE AWAITS MISSING COUPLE EUGENE, Oct. 11 -A fortune I tune. It seems. Is hunting a man, Instead of a man hunting his for- j tune, according to a letter re- ceived yesterday by I. M. Tra- vis. attorney, from the Minneap- oils tax bureau. The letter states that the bureau has some Information that will be of val- ue to George W. Kinschl and wife. Lydla, and adds that if the parties named are deceased they would like to locate their heirs. 4 H ' '-r A ! . '!, i ro ri mmtm fefetl- 'Hiiilli.! 1 ABDICATION OF 7&im KAISER. MmJ EMC JED SOON V Official Washington Be lieves" Another Peace Note Will Mark Immediate Future, i s i. SIGNS OF IMPORTANT EVENT& IN GERMANY Rumors Come in Avalanche, But Compliance Believed Eventual. AMSTBkDAM, Ort. 17. Berlin dnpatches today officially deny that tho kaiser has abdicated. BY ROBKRT H END Eft,' (I'nlted Press Uiff Correspondents WASHIXtiTOX. Oct. 17 Through the maze nf rumors, unofficial rec j ord;, and some official data, diplo mats and government authorities read I signs of Important events transpiring j hi Germany. "Without direct word ! Washington has been expectant today ' that a new move towards peace would i mark the Immediate future. All ad ! vines were regarding the Internal con jdition of the central powers which Is j increasingly , a source of evidence that j liberal end conservative elements 1 a intern plate some action to prevent a bolshevist movement within the em- conviction that entuaJIy the Ger man people will force the government to comply with Wilson's decision, bit it I believed these measures have hardly been-taken yet." A little more I pressure and Germany will break," said 1-anslng. TWELFTH DISTRICT NEEDS $100,000,000 TO MAKE UP QUOTA SAX FRANCISCO, Oct- 17. The twelfth federal reserve district today had over one hundred million dollars j n subscribe withW three days to com I plete Its liberty loan quota. ONE WAYTO GET HIM ii.,.J) WAR WORKERS CAMPAIGN OPENS IN COUNTY NOVEMBER 11 if finished the c1oh . Xo sooner is one drive than another starts. With ing of the liberty loan campaign, which will be over the last of the week, M. R. Chessman, seyetary of the Patriotic Service league, is start ing the preliminary" work ; for the opening of the united war works cam paign to be started the 11th of No vember, Word has been received at head quarters that supplies for the drive have been shipped, consisting of re ceipt books, buttons, posters, etc. In the meantime Ahe committee Is working out the quotas of the differ ent districts of the county and making all preparations for launching the campaign promptly November 11th. ROUND-UP FAME SPREADS AMONG CANADIAN ARMY The fame of Pendleton's Hound-Up is spreading In the ranks of the Canadian army, for A, Hildebrandv lance corpor- al. 2''t5J35 Second Canadian en- gineers. formerly of thLs city, has told his fellow soldiers so much about the big show that a member of the company, iap- per F. K. Phillips, has asked i)rnt complete, set of - Rottpd- .t'j post, carfds bj ent to Phillips mother.' Mrs; M.i E- Wells, w ho lives at 301 1-2 .South Center, ' Bloomington. Illinois. Phillips sends a ten franc note, equivalent to $2. through Corporal Hildebrand to G. A- Hart-nan of this city. In his let- ter to Mr. Hartman, Hildebrand says that the men of the Second Kngineers are eager to hear of t,l.e,0"a"Cp and a.VTg.h'2 Phillips has never seen it. he la anxious that his mother be giv- en an Idea of the events staged here. LAUNCH ATTACK CHATEAU; ENTER C ARIES GAIN NEARLY FOUR : MILES ON FRONT 0F31;ENEMY ' CENTERS - BEING - HEMMED -"- If Twenty Villages Delivered From Foe, Lille Uuofficially Reported Occupied, Germany Takes American Relief Stores in Evacuating. : PARIS, Oct. 17. The al lies have effected a com plete break through the German second line of de fense in Belgium, according to this afternoon's battle- frnnr Hinntr-Vioc r)oncn,(nnioj took American relief stores) . masses ux cavairy are pour ing through the breach and are reported having advanc ed nine miles. Great Retreat Reported. PARIS. Oct. 17. The British captured Courtraf after violent street fighting says the Petite Journal. A great German retreat is re ported under way in Bel gium.' The enemy is report ed retiring so rapidly that the allies have lost contact at some places. .JIarching on Ostend. LONDON, Oct 17. Bat- tie front dispatches declare 4,. . . 1 . the Belgians are this after noon marching on Ostend, I the former German subma rine base. Nieuport, at the 1 nearest point, is eight miles ifrom Ostend. . Lille Reported Fallen. LONDON, Oct. 17. It is learned the allies have cap tured Lille. Battle front dispatches said the British had completed the occupati on of the great fortresr. ?.nd industrial city. UIMKIV. Oct. 17. Haig today an- iMium-ett that the British began a new attack. 011 a 10 mile frout between j I c. t u tea u ami llolutht at 5:20 this I ; morning. They rcMrttl making at- i.-factory prtiart. A communique I Mild Hie lU'lglaiis bad eantured Tlioimiut and Nciioorbuk kex. The French untk. Ardoy and Lk-hlcricllde. southeac of Ttuitirout-I Wt-dmlay Mween Irtimude and L. HritMi and lYem-li roiulnued llielr attaiksi on a 31 mile from and ad- ml to an ateraKe il. li of near. , ly rnr niiieH. ' 2H VI M.AC. KS omVCIIH). A Ktn.iis eiM-my eonnterattaek on A wa rlparoil if tho ami. asalit llaily al.ve K,.len- ,uh- len1 ,"aS t"?"' " ' ej i. k the iiritii-h to the town my (his morning. V ice Ad ii,,. iiim.. No fiaiir. are t ai4-; the British channel Meet. vtardi... prura ..! (Ol ltTltAI (M ( I I'll'l). j hv kiwii.i, i:i.i.i-nT. I I'lliffd l're Maff C'tureiandeMt.l I WITH Till-; ItltlTISH IN IKAMKl o l. 17. The In itial are in t'ourtral. ! ' tt areul eiH'lliy lMM Ih4,w t.ltenl. 11m ' j llrlil-.li are aire reairt-d In l.ille'a niickiri. TliU K uiH'iirinmd of-! riiinllt. The ltrllli.lt hate eaiKured I the whole 1II domliutlliia- Imir- (-oinif and Itouluiii Um. c-iu-iiik Im n. : ' mot iiki? iiiilllarv -limsi rnmi I III 1 Touri'oiiu; and Itouliaii, and rirr oo- I a-rw-d in Ulle. but It Ih uiat-rtaln u hit her or nut ttm (.eruuiiM liuetal I to destroy lite elly. I'nwv U ii.n- ! j llniilou nit all -tiU-n of Hie Mlk-nl hIik-Ii o'liluln. tlH-e Hm ImjiortaiK ilMluMrlal ellu-M. t l M l IIKIV niMIVIAT. I u 'iiiilioii mvhh HianiliK-m aiul In, a niaiiiH-r that will lan pli-aix I lie j (erttiniM. In iihi lai the iur-! si:er. anr purHued hate tiMited out of dta-i'tted mud flat into fair. ; until euumr). The lletalaua for lliel LINE EAR on first time In four year urti glimpNiiut tltcir country, am they knew It before the war. Few Imlldinjr lusve been d Ht'roycti. . Tree are utihamteti. W Ite-ft It"uk?n wan oreuHed J00 dvUlmart ran about at the peril of their own necka. pointing out Itlckten mine). The BrltUli rreed a ctaptured r man engineer to remove the mfnet IX.VI0-. Ot. 17. Tlie British at. tai-k between Ilnhain and 1" twsa already had mnlutl In a two niila advancv al S thin aftcranun. CAVAMtV PEXKTKATESi T18EI.T PARIS. Oct. 17. It Is nnoHHmi that lU'lvan cavalry ttaa penetrated Tiiirt. ' ; s l T"pt- PRX;IIESS SATISFACTORY' IX)MH). o-t. 17. Haia uxlay re ixwted: "Yerterday afternonn tlM enemy niado a atroiiff unter attaea: main lliwif aecuroiwnled by heairy KlM-lliiiir. They prefixed na back to tlio vlllase's western edjee wliere tho flghtlnj; atill eontlnue. We nude further nroerewi laxt nluht aantliwea t I.ille. tukina; few priaunera. at .Vu'rt tliiH inonilnit we att-kel on tlio. IIiliain-I. rateaa front- Our trHp are reKirted making isfn-tory pro. Kress' FIFTH LIBERTY LOAN NEEDED.SAYS M'ADQO WASHINGTON. Oct. 17. M.-Adoo KHlay dn-lared the Anvrlctfl people mut preare to auhacrlue to one and I rvlialily two more liberty loans to meet greatly Iwreaslnc; finanelat bur. dens. i OSTFJDIS CAPTURED LONDON, Oct 17. Brit- ish naval forces have occu- pied Ostend, I'OVllI airfOTCl'S . , , , . . tOday announced OlllCially. Aviators reported that On- Janded jr, ,he former KU)ma. rine base at 12:50 this after noon. THE WEATHER FORECAST Tiiibt and Ir't lUy fair. y tfmt in ificrtilitg. y iti i n in !iMi'rature, M t nini um lirnp-rat j, Vher, clear. Wind, tttmh. 7.