v j lj w v, ni u uJ '.-lvWtj,iHiHlfcKiti .. . tajaaaat. Wait EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST CREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1918. PAGE TIIH? I II I . ,.. Tj riFivo' mTiro:. at: nmm manl IhLWO MHO m .-..rLNULLlUN ti jtvmmmmfrtWMMMnitiwimiitrtmiitMiirj'twr Z i.illiJiiUmimimiiUU4M.Ui Put the 4th Liberty Loan Over ' Buy More Bonds. KlanUclil Bdlioolw' (iuHOd. " ". Stuiiru.ld scr.o6l oral cloned 'be cause of Hpannili Influence They fifcsl to resume activities in a week. G W. Knight Here. , p. W. KnlKht hnii returned from .Alberta, Cnnuda. where he has been for Mime- time. He will remain In Pendleton for the winter. that section. Mr. Muheffer will go to thin morning from" the -war depart; ? Malheur(county latlr to-continue his nient . notifying; him of -hip appoint- I 3 wtork. ' , ' llnent aa a first lieutenant in the med- I 3 leal corps of the army and nraerlng : him to report at Fort Riley, Kan., 15 days. SEHVICE Put the 4th Liberty Lorn Over Buy More IJoihU ItMTivpd word Jiiht In Ttnie. M. S.. Hhrock wan ready to leave for Jttermlston yesterday waning when he received word the Dairy and Hog how to be held there thia week haa been declared off. Return lo Tlii'lr Home. Mr. and Mra. J. A. Newsbaum de parted thia morning for their home at puaj; pjo un mm oi(M 'jojCx TI I funeral of the late John M. Myrlck. Mrs. Newahaum la a ulster of the de ceased, , Club Not t Wert. The Hesearch club, scheduled to meet tomorrow, will not- rneet.' The Spanish Influenza epldeuilo la given aa the cauae. .. .f . Appraiser Appointed, Him Itarnes.VJ. M. rrlce, Oeurfte Ktagga have been named by Judge tl. Guardian Appointed. Kva I Huberts haa been appointed guardian of the person and estate of David Koberta, minor. 1 tilven Judgment for SIBI.Ofl. w. Phelps appraisers of the estate of The George Miller Co. haa been ransom J.leuallen, deceased. given a judgment in the circuit court "' ' 1 ' ' lagatnet George Hess for 1461.06 and Wreck Delays Train. 1116.50 costs. No. l, So. 12 and No. E. 0.-W. It N. paaenxer tralna, are held up at present becauae of a Wreck can't of here. According to the luteat report. tne tralrm will be An at 4 p. m. Hrllx Senda .V ' The Helix branch 'of the ITmatUI CountyHed Croaa aent in IS today aa a donation. The money waa earned through the activities of the Helm hlah achool. II sn Wheat l.aiul In Xlontana. B. P. Dupuia left today for llln Knm, Mont., where he haa recently purchaaed 800 acrea of wheat land which he will farm himself. It la quite evident that ho things that country all right. Has Influenza. . Loren Kennedy who la employed In the American National Hank, la Buf fering; with Bpanlah Influenza. He was taken 111 suddenly thia morning while at work. Mra. HalHtfad llctlcr. Mra. J. Hnlatead, who haa been 111 at 81. Anthony's hospital for the past three weeks la Improving and expecta to return soon to her home in cho. I 1 i I ri '3 3 4 BEGIN : XM AS SHOPPING MOW! M AIL' XMASACKAGES NOW!' Wnr Mu In Window- Th Delta, cunfeetionery in showln In tin window a larKe war map. 1c im the intention of Krnent Morrin. the proprietor to show by mean of map pina and- twine the advance of the allied forces against the Hunn. Vn know it ;lve $,0. A mysterious patriot, who refused tn dlvulKe his name, presented the V ma til In County -Ked CriutH with U0 yeeterday. lie explained that he re cently rlnared a oonnidoraole amount of money and wbliod to, IVe a part ti the Ked Cross. ! f Return tn O. A. C- U Allen -of, a. A. C-.'- who hat J&en liir jfor t)tq pt t'o days for the purpoMo of eoahtnir pig eluhs for the Hermlttton fair, returned lo tir vsltls yesterday, aa the fair was ban ned because of tipanbih Influenxa aitd Mr. Allen's work was at a standstill Mot that reamm. 1011 tea ra Vmmntso, Two calves and three deer have been killed by couKars In the last three days in the Oranlte , Meadows region, aay farmers from that section. The co a Kara are unusually destructive and; have been doing much damave, it fs reported. AppraWnt ltex.rt. The inventory and appraisement of the entate or May Allen, an Incompe tent, haa been filed showing a value of J 16,000. The appraisers were Ralph Cameron, B. ii- Hlchards and William Ferguson. lireaaks Arm in nil. Little Frank Ieebach, the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Dee bach, fell from a swing today and broke his arm. He was taken' imme diately to St. Anthony's hospital and is Improving at present. totes to Portland. K. W. Nelson, chief of the United Hiatea ftlo logical Hurvey, who has been here for the past two days for a con ference with K- K. Averiil and I. J, (3oldmanr. (f Jtw local office, left to 0fy for fortlaiid to continue his work throughout the state. Will Hejwtr Paveaient, laborers are employed today In making preparations to epalr th pavement on Houth Main street. A hollow in the pavement will ba filled In.' Two years ago the same repairs wer made but the difficulty ha made Its appearance again. Court Xanies Boiala. Yesterday afternoon Judge O. W. Phelps placed the bond of Lorent W'M I'l.nfinne Work. Jentk at lt and Hoes Killyard ml Theo. H. Bcheffer, of tho United j $3r0. Both men are held for viola Platen Hkiloglcal Hurvey.' who has as tlone of the llnuor laws. J an Ik waa his ffparlai work the extermination of i fined 430 lu Hei-teniebr oa a. boot nudes and Jack rahbly In Oregon ind 'leg charge before Judge Tarkes. WaHhington, and who wuh here on of- j - " flciol business yesterday, l"ft lat lr. MrKrlway tXimmlHNloiM'd In Med- night for Baker where he will start 1 a campaign for killing the rabbits In kal ConN. Dr. J. I. Mi-K.il way received a wire on t EKDorimont Uitli OloShos CRITICAL dressers find our.new, styles just what they have irr' mindartd you' are sure of BOInID VALUES. As you know, we carry clothes of different makes :and a full range of prices. We emphasize BOND CLOTHES because we want you to know we can give you sound values. Drop in next time you are passing by and let us show you these clothes. ' Bond Clothes $20 to $85 yhe utmost, in vaue BOND BROS. I'l'inlli-ton's leading Clolhk'ra Will ao Into Artillery. ' Hudolph Tamiler who at his owa requeat haa been changed from . claiw four man to closa 1 will leave Friday for . Kort Utevena where he will enlist In the heavy artillery. Mra. Tannler will so aa far aa Portland wUb him. pa 5 3 M SE3 i -''? 1 jr 1 t n v ''ir.ee ana (L'l S Hi It eason;-fe Here it BLIZZARD COATS RAIN' COATS, AUTO COATS, DRESS COATS. In fact Overcoats for any use you may desire are here in our stock awaiting your selection. The new military effect being most popular for the young men's dress coat. These coats are all wool fabrics and nifty hew 1 patterns. Priced $25.00 to $50.00. Other models, $18.50 to $65.00. .- - .. " , MACKINAWS, THE PRACTICAL COAT for all wear. ed number of the Pendleton Woolen Mills Mackinaw Coats We have a Umjt left.' These are showing in the grey, tan and blue patterns, beautiful designs, priced $15,00 Other Mackinaw coats $GJ0 to $17.50. ' ' " CxMmtor IlsmlHNed. The final report of Kmlly K. Isaa an executrix of tba eatate of Helen A. Kunzle, deceaaed, haa been fUd with Judge G. W. I'helua, acting for Judge Marsh, showing the will of dVeoast'd lioa been fully performed. The report haa been approved" by the Judge and executrix dismissed. Fattier IHea Suddenly. i'. A. Kerr, fatner or Mrs. uk m Ruthwrll of Pendleton, died suddenly 3 I today at his home In Durango, Colo ( rawo, according to a telegrani recelv. . ed by his dauahter thia morning- No i cauae of the death la given, but Mro ' Hulbwell aays .be think. It waa the result of a fall from a wladmlll. Mr. 5 Iverr waa 7 II yeara old... . DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IN ONE OF THESE 3 3 NEW BLOUSES all Itnturn fwmi Portland. O. M. Hire and W. K. Prock r turned yeeterday from Portland, where they attended the funeral nf lacrosse. Wash., after attending the and busineHs associate of Mr. nice and Mr- Brock. Mrs. Hrock. wlto ac companied Mr. Brock, remained in Portland to. spend some time whh Mra. l"aylor. The Geonrette Crepe and Crepe de Chine, beaottfufly styled. V , t ,J3 " Trimmed with insets of Venise lace, embroideries, and bradxngs. Colors of bisque, maize, peach, brown taupe, navy, flesh, black and white. . $7.50 to $29.50 . i THE DAINTIEST MODELS OF AUTUMN i; : j -ONLY $5.75 ... :!... ... ;.. '.: Daintily' frilled and tucked in clusters. The new est collarlessi- V-necks and square collars, bisque, khaki, "wisteria, flesh, white and black $5.75 m i Aska for IMvoroe. . K. A. Kinehart la the complainant In an action filed In the circuit court for a divorce from his wife, Ophelia Kinchui't. The complaint shows they were married In Pendleton June 4, 1917. and have no children. It allegea cruelty and personal Indignltiea on the part of defendant. liuvM (hit liiUH-ext. Charles I,. Honney yesterday pur chaaed the interest In the Standard grocery held by K. H. Simpson and la now sole owner and proprietor. Mr. Miupaon gives aa hi reason for re tirement from active business the fnct that his health is poor. He la con templating a trip to Los Angeles, Cal ifornia. Mra. Maud Nlles Ih a new employe - In the store and will take Mr. Mimpann'a fitaca aa clerk. Mra Mies' tati.laad 1 In the aervlce. 1 t 1 L - EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN-- . Used Cars If you are in the market for a poodU3td car at a bargain price, it will pay you "tor look-over our present stock. Every car is in good running order, ready to drive out of the garage. 2 Ford Touring: Cars, 1 Ford Roadster. N 1 Chevrolet Touring Car. 1 Dodge Brothers Touring: Car, (Run only 3(UK) miles good as new) ; I Mitchell Roadaler. 2 Jordan Touring- Cars (1 new). Cor. Cottonwood & Water St Thone 530 Will 1m Fulfilled. In the matter of the eHtate of Mar cell Martin, deceased. Judge O. W. Phelp7 acting fur Judge Mursh has decreed that the will of the deceased haa I'ten fulfilled and compiled with and haa ordered the placing of the remainder In two traet funds, one of tiUkt for tha cure of the Martin lot In Olney cemetery and one of $8500 In a fund for the care of George White, aged brother of deceased. Stephen A. Lowell la named truatee of both funila. I'anatHIa rxiuuty KwonJa 4ita. - Umatilla eunty haa exceeded her nuuta on clolhea for Belgian relief. tiys Manuel Frledley, head of the drive. Mr. Frledley la making a sec ond alilpment toduy and sums he ex- BAD BREATH j Pr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It I Dr. Edward dive Tablets, 4ha tihstl. j rule for calomel, c t (tuly uu Uui bowUa and positively do tho wo: U. People alllicb'd Willi Usd brctth find qukk r-litl tlirouijli Dr. Edwards' I tXive T-bk tfJ. Tuo ptcaaant, suyar ! otuted UUcts oro tol.cn Ivwr ttui bteuUi ' by ull who know tliem. i Dr. Edwardi' Olive Tablets net gently I out feaily ui tho bowela and liver, . atimulatiag tlirm to naturul artiou, clcarina; llio blood and ecmly ptirilyinu ! Ilie tutiro ty 'in. 'i hoy. do that win. Ii : ilMm taim cUoniel dott without any ol tho lud oltcr effect, ' All tlw bctk'liU ui nasty, sickening, ' gripina cathartics on) derived Ironi Ui . Udwaids' Olivo Tcblctn williout triiuil puin ur any di wrecablt' effects, i , Ur. V. M. lutwardu discovered tlio fcm.iala ufler urwtitccu yens of prac- luc ino.-ui patknt-i olllictcJ Willi liuwei a. id liver complaiuU with Cut aiipiutaiit bad brcatli. Dr. fcdvrardo Ulivo TaUcH am purely j vrtuatuuk) roniiKiund mixed with olive til; you will know them by their olive tolor. Tako ono or two every night fur j week and nolo tlie effect. 10c and Z- per box. All druggists. COMFORT COVERING - Such as cretonne and silkoline, in splendid pat terns and shades for comforters. The yard 20c and 25c v ...... . v.: ' . KIMONA OUTING - You'll need a heavy dress or kimona this winter to wear around the house. Offered in all shades and good patterns. The yard . . ; 25c to 50c HOW ABOUT YOUR BEDDING FOR WINTER? Make up your comforters just like you want them. fl I i I I i i I f I i Small Cotton Batts 3 Pound Cotton Batts 2 Pound Wool Batts . . Coyered Wool Batts . . 18e to 50c ... $1.25 to $U)5 ... $1.95 to $5.00 . . $(L50to$10.G0v BLACK VELVETS of excellent tfuality for Coats,'Dressesahd Suits, of fered in several qualities and comes in 24, 3G and 40 inches wide; rich black that stays. The yard $2.50, $4.50, $7.50. , . ! DEVONSHIRE AND ROMPER CLOTH ; Comes in all stripes and plaids, acceptable colors , I suitable for Dresses, Rompers 'and the like. Guaran- ' teed wear and fast colors. " lhe yard: r.r: ' ." : .": 45c ' f lilllUiliillllilUiliillllliUtilili'iiuuiuiuuiilliliu peels that with the shipment of 2700 pounds already shipped, the total will exceed the allotted five ton, workers are packing and aorting the clothes today and preparing for shipment. Ituinrall la .98. Jjtm night'a rainfall totalled .35. one of the heaviest rainfalla of the munth. atom farutera of thia auuutv are oom- I'lalnlng that the present rainy wea ther la Interfering with seeding. The total fall for this month ia so far, eaoeeding the normal by .40. Vo Srw Inrliieuuti Caxra. No new ' Siiantah influenza car.es were report ihI today t Ur. II. J. Ka vanaugh, city health officer. It la be lieved by the authorities that the epi demic la well under control and that In a week'a time all daiveer of the spread of the disease will he . over. Pendleton people are urged, however, ta lute every precaution in safeguard ing the public health and to rigidly obaerve all rules set down by the health officers. Will Enter TraMUnir. Major lAmr Drake. Lieutenant Hluhlm and JJeutenant P. J.s MeMonles, offi cers of tha I'mayiU' C'oimiy Cuard left today for IWtland to enter ol'fi cera training which will he held In Portland Thurwlny, Priday, Baturday and Sunday of tliia week .under the di rection of the adjutant geneal. fhily officers of the o. N. U., the o. S. tl., the O. M. 1'. and the county guard ure eligible for the training. Captain K. W. Uoudale alao a nieinbar of the county guard, expecta to leave tomor row to enter tho training. TetrazAlnl t'nnhlc to King at Concert of tinret. HOMR, Net. Id. lxiulsa Tetrnr.itlnl wa olillged to dlKappoInt the royalties and memliera of the diplomatic circle who gathered In the garden of the Nilluh einliaHMy one evening recently for the concert given by the AmlMts sodor and l.nily Kodd for tlie HmiHe "f It-'uge eKtulillHhed by the llloriiale D'ltatla for the sons of aoldlers. I'he Hiinouneeluent luelutled the lirut news that the famous contralto Ik 111. HhJ waa lo alng "l.Tstgnuoio" tThe Nlaht Ingille), A bower of roses and other fruiirunt flowers hud been created in the lovely grouiula. Musicians from the oppressed im tlonalltlea, illre4'ttMl by I'oiHerautfteff. save patriotic aelectUins from littheiu- Ium. Iturudun und Italian ntaHtera. 1IPFU1IT OMJNTKY ItEACHKiJ. OiuHeppc Martlnelli of Rio de Janeiro, mendatore Martinelli Is all the more who recently added two millions to ( appreciated since ne only recently the five millions he subscribed last gave more than a million liras for month, making his total aubscrlption patriotic work. seven million liras. I This la said, without question, to be! Serbia mill have something to sav the largest single subscription to the as to the terms of peace to lie granted loan either In or out of Italy In order Austria. And Germany will have to ' Parts tipoar tlie . dlrfirwlt to hasten victory. The act of Com- reckon with Belgium. PARI. . I e. Tlx Frrncb aar driving forward today at vital polata . ( n tho German left above Laon and In ('hamuague 'las cnenijr brtnc puattrat Araeaiiara country. '.-' The Beast Seeks .His Lair. 7.IHMI IHHI I .triii. o Kal'lul I. (Mill. Ttt )M 13, Oct. 16. Aniltiiiiii'ciilfrit Miiilfl nutmri UitUm la 1 lit Huttotiul raw, . JHVffis luttn w mad by Cuminandidur i