dmiyeve;:::::. rm::i DAILY EVENING EDITION Xtunbcr cojrtes printed of yesterday's Dally Kdltlon ' V; . 2,802 "V Tfilt Jiaiwr Ih u, numlx-r and audited by llio Audit Imtvuu of Circulation. it i( cannot f! yo mam-t run. (w-o foar banker and &ak yttn sliaro of fcoiMta Jwfura lit loaa) Blacker are ej posed. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL SO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1918. NO. 90GO r ki0 0T " j; f a"'a TURKEY'S FULL SURRENDER EXPECTED SOON TO ARRIVE, TRAP TURNS ON GERMANY n i i. in , y Reuter's Agency Reports Wilson Has Al r ready Been Approached Regarding Withdrawal From War. ' w . : 150 ESTIMATED f ' . - ( BY ROBERT W. RENDER. (Untied Press Htaff Correspondent.) WAHHINUTON. Oct. 12 Wilson's flanking movement at Germany's rear In accentuating the difficulties of the kaiser, now atruKKliriK to aave hlm aelf from the peace trap he tried to . (iprlnif on the allien. The reported unqualified acceptance by Austria and Turkey of the President's 14 principles leaves Germany In the most delicate position. Either she must yield to the vassals' demands or lose them, say experts here. Mil la ex pected to appear before the Helch tag today to dlscusa Germany's re ply. W'A BHIN'OTON'. Oct. 12. With tho allies driving forward In the near east to re-establish the fronts on the Dun u lie. Turkey is accelerating her effort to withdraw from the war. Hurrender la expected momentarily to prevent disaster. It la expected that Turkey's reported apepul to Wilson, urging aid In obtaining an armistice tike Bulgaria's will arrive oon. i.nvnriv net, li. Reuters atrencv reports that Turkey has approached President Wilson regarding peace negotiations. Ll'KAY CREEK SITES FOUND PRACTICABLE CLOSING ORDER IS OBSERVED THOROUGHLY Mrs. I O'Kullivan, 401 Aura street. Mrs. Hill t.ull, Kaat OreRouian building. Ted Jtrown, 617 Maile Nlrort. huil Atlanta, 617 Willow street. U M. Mtadley, O. M. 1. llarraeka, Maiu street. l. Irlll, O. M. I. Ilarraoks. Main Miwi The above are the local jntmenxa case as listed with Dr. KavnnauKh, cly; phyelctan thta afternoon. There are 1rolmbly other cases not yet limed with the city physician. . The proclamation requiring " the closing of places' where people assem ble bus been generally obeyed. The theatres are durk. no church services of any kind Is being arranged for to morrow, pool hall are closed and there Is a general compliance with the order. Orders are being given today that during the closed period the rooms of all poll hulls and public meet lux places lie thoroughly cleaned and fumigated. Children are asked to keep olf the streets except when necessary for them to travel and they are advised not to congregute In large groups at play. HERMISTO.V, Oct. 12. A meeting of the executive board of the Umatilla Irrigation IeaKue was held jointly with II. D. Newell. Umatilla Project manager at the offices of the I'nltcd Htatea Keclamalion Service !u4t even ing to discuss the new proposed plans for Irrigating larger bodies of land In the wert end of Umatilla county. Mr. Xewcll has at the request of the directors of the Reclamation and the secretary of the interior been engaged for several creeks In gathering oata for a preliminary report which will be sent to Waahlngton this evening. Mr. Newell has made a number of surveys, of possible rexcrvoir sites and finds that the most practical are on McKay creek near Pendleton. There are a number of other sites throughout tho j-county but these are the noat Ycaa- it;o. Water can to stored on the McKay amounting to about 75.000 acre feet at a reasonable cost. This would be suf ficient to fumlHh all the water needed by the Western I -a nil & Irrigation project and all additional water need ed by the Furnish project. It would also supply all lands available that are still arid, and with the addition of the Teel project with a source of water supply on i'atnaa creek, practically re claim all the good lunds in tha west end of the county. it Is expected thatthe report will be acted on favorubly and further inves tigations made looking to tha adoption of the project. It Is' regarded with great, favor the people In all the west end communities who are united in the effort to secure the works. At present no other community In the state is asking such favors from the department and it In believed .that if tha proper effort la made by tha peo ple, of this county and state Oregon may get a part of Ha rightful share in the reclamation now dot it. ItulUIIng Permits. Three building permits were Irsued yesterday afternoon from the office of the city recorder: Alexander Co.. for repairs to warehouse at O.-W. trucks, to cost $JG0; T. J. Tweedy, for garage and repairs nt residence on .ee street, to coat I'JHO; It. Ijrng to make repairs on property on Thomp son, 1 10. r ft LOSS IN mm Day of the Great Discovery. Edith Caroll! . Facing the firing squad, your body Jell ' . And all of us gasped out our piteous word.-. And all of us were wrong. Why pity you? The womanly and brave, the kind and true? Our pity Is tor those beasts of the herd, " Not one of whom bad manliness to cry "I will not!" and by his own shot die. Oar pity for those murderers and Their lord. Forever after of all men abhorred. Who may not now, or ever for all time Escape the sickening stench and the foul slime' Of their souls' rottenness. " But Edith Cavell, Whose name still sings although her tongue la mate.. Whose love is sung on every poet's lute. Who of us dares to pity, when we tell4 The rosary of our words? Tour work Is done. And yet, mayhap, your work is but begun.. ' Aye, so we ever wonder! Would you con id tell What was your Great Discovery when you fell ) x On this Discovery Day, Edith Cavell! . ' What new worlds welcomed you? What beckoning shore Dimmed the dream glories of Sn Salvador,- ' Bravest of all discoveries gone before? I .. What the reward across the unknown Seas " When our sails, too, shall freshen to that breeze Following the wake of great souls such as these? ' Steamship Otronto y7 jng as American rran r&t Sinks. VESSEL COLLIDES WITH STEASIIIP 1 1 T I REPLY PRESENTED TO SWISS MINISTER - TODAY iS REPORT BAfU.K, Oct. 12. Tho National Zellung today announce Germany's reply wan preaetated to tho tin later at Herlin thin mornintf. lout and won't be brought back to it jold standard for many years. The iwcll known Profetwor Byer reports the ! German people will cry for mercy be fore six months If allied bombardment of towns continues, and when thiS ar ; rives no government can stop the peo ple's pressure for peace at any pris?. Not Viiftrnitfl. I The state department has no offici al Information that the German note in enroute, officials cautioned that the 'favorable nature attributed to the re ply In some props reports is probably camouflage prtpux;ida, No credence . should be given' tfiesV rharactcrista ! lions until the note itself is studied. IXmMKIl AMIIASSAIJOH IS I IX, AX ATAIA'TiCT POUT. 0. IS. Walter lllmw IK. former American amlMuHailr to ;rewl Britain, arrived tluy. Jib liY!?i rendition nocrs- Mliatevl rrr hut blni iltmn tlie name plank. Hi him tninHNllutlr taLrn to a liiltat, liaihijf hrcm suffcrlns; from lira rt Ulftt'attP for many nwinlhs. I. K. rOXiiUATl KATFJi KKM.K M WASIIIXfiTON. fki. 12. Tlio l iiit (Nl Mate nilnlHtor l Ilriulum UNluy fMinierattilateil IKdidum iixn Ita mili tary vlitory ver (ennaiiy. The, ul Itlan tcatln lerir, Tlio nHwtajm, hisikmI by IlramI Wlilthx-k, readw: "I barn with Joy of tfrmt ibttwy ilurltgr rtyent timy of mairnlfiHit Bel arlan army. I am happy In offering to all your Hnldlera my wariiMt ainl inoMi etitliiiftUaMtlu fnn(Tratulatlnns' FoiwaMs ary. A MSTKU IUM. Oct. 12. Borne Herman papers assert ;ermriTiy's plv to Wilson "accedes fully" to bin dfmandf. others declare that only far reaching1 advances are maile. Gr.UMAXY ntl'MUMXt;. Max's position is the mont Inli-rcst-Ing of any of the Ions; line of German chancellors since the war bean. In terior conditions are the won't In Germany's history. Government re port Indicate that ''Germany Is a crumbling; edifice." One report says, "Ken hospitals are no longer revltu aled. UandaffeH. etc., are absolut.-ly PREMIERS 6F AUSTRIA1 AND HUNGARY RESIGN )ri:XIIAC.KV, . 12- Vienna lifMHitchcff aliiHMiiKi (hat bfith ull lliiM-ari'k. Au-arlan iri-mlor, and le lor Wckcile, HiiiiKarian premier. liao cU:iicil, I'imUtbikkp ) tuIIiA. Mrs. Frank McKfiizic of Hcrmls- f-n. I'tii'TKi'iit an operatinn yester- lacking-. I'hysiclans slule lh race in t aay at St. . Anlhony'a hospital. 699 American Soldiers on Board, Destroyer Lands 301 LONDON, Oct. 12-Conservatlve estimates placed the number ot sol diers lost when the British steamship uironto acting as an American trans port sunk In a collision -with the steamship Kashmir at ISO. Collide In flianixH. The sinking ot the transport Otran. to ttfok place In the North Channel between the Scottish and Irish coasts. The Otranto, after the collision, was dashed to pieces -on the rocks off the South Scottish coast. . Ktmivors Taken to JK-lfant . Three hundred and one men were taken to Belfast by the British de stroyer Aiounsey, the only vessel .hich made an attempt at rescue In :he terrific gale when the Kashmir, tnother vessel In the convoy with the jtranto, rammed the Otranto amid ships. Seventeen men were picked up alive m the Scottish coast. Total on Itoard f,9. Of the 99 American soldiers on txiard the Otranto, HI) were landed. Seventeen were rescued alive at Islay. VOUZiSEl ENCIRCL BSD. ? CAVALRY HOTLY PURSUING RETREATING ENEMY ON CHAMPAGNE MILE 37 FRONT French go Over Six Miles; British Within Mile of Great Coal Center, Fall of Vil lages Represents Four Mile Advance. JOHN ItlYRICK DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS THIS COUNTY SHORT $119,000 OF QUOTA , John Myrlck, 63. for 42 years a resident of (his county, died this morning at 10:30 at St. Anthony's hos pital. Although it was reported that Mr. Myrick was suffering from Span j i-li influenza, the cause of his death la j given by his physician. Dr. Hoyden IOMOV, ort. II. The Omnans continue HiHr rapid retirement In l.ampjurnc and tlie " Fwnofi liavo made additional rain of three ti luur iiiileK. said litis aflno.n"s htl lefront dispatches. The Urtil-li are atiovinir tlie (iennam. aicrosH tlw BCTiaeg ranai south of louai and expett to reacts IKiuai's outoklns tomorrow, . Pendleton . . . Milton ...... "reewater . . . Athena . . . . A'eston IfliX .'Hot Kock . . pneumonia, which beean last Wednes- ay. He remained at his home until last night when he was taken to the ospital. Mr. Myrick, who was born In Ohio, j was well known here, having settled .$1,223,150 ;on a farm near Pendleton in 1888. He 1.11. 100; has lived In Pendleton for 12 years. I3,"0i Hia wife. Mrs. Myrick of this city mvisiojfs rv iisoRiEn. WITH TIIK AMKKIC.U URST AIOIV. Oct, 12. Manbornmt flKhlliuc Ih proeremln- along; Hie Aire riter as (irand Pre and St, Jurian where tlM., (Germans are counter attackinsr ' ha ; Kreat force. To lite, eastward the Am. S fwl.m n nmlM I. n. I,, . ' ' crii sn renter la i CM-rmans are of ferina; atroivi machi: ie laun reKfcitanre. Tlie enemy In tint.. desperate Mmgcle liaise thrown dlt' ttlons Into the IlKhtliHjr without rprt' I to order, fie of litem are IdentUU alilc. . , , PARIS. Oct. 12. Tlie war orfkw to day annonnred the OermaiM are jinnfield 36.OU0 53.000 73.000 35.000 Jfrmiston . 32"0 'ntatllla .v..-;(.-..J-l-"0 nd six children; survive him. Th 1 treating osr at ST K.'fle front1 mhmw are Mrs. Dun Lee, of Hermiston, Mrs; Itholms with rYrurli n-airy holly A. Oerde of Portland,, Mrs. Viola Sav- Pursuing. The French have advajferd age, Harry Myrick, Bill Myrick and over six milea In aome places. The Mrs. It. Varing, all of Pendleton. great line extends north of the Kulppe The funeral will be on Monday and Arncs livers. The Hmrk thia from the Folsom chapel. ; morning entered Vonalera. an Import ant town on the western edge of tlte ... t . Argonne forest. "-Thla anorninc tlie W. S. S. CASHED ;encii entered Vonilers," aakl m com. n.lm. miinlguc. "We coiiilaw our unsjreo TO BUY BONDS ,on t-hampagne front We rT-r III j-, a ll trn. ,,M" E'-ral line of Ileteonnre anU, VUriiVCj LlAlNLU "l rom !" to Voasler." 18.000 $1,922.050 1 ijiteBt avnllitlile figures show a fo ul of $1.22,050 of Umatilla county si liiota pledged, this leaves $1711,000! ,'it to go. of this amount $69,000 be- r.iigi to Pendleton and the remainder, j M 10.000 to the county ouisiae ol no- llelon. 1 Secretary Chessman said a number, .f Bultscrlptlons are being received ' oday and the closing of- the banks Ms 'afternoon will probanly find the ; jhortnge cut down by HOW TO TELL INFLUENZA, HOW TO AVOID IT;H0W TO OVERCOME HOW TO TI34, IMU F.NZA In MMHt caaea a M-rwm taken lik with Inrliii'iua fB u slk rallH-r sudden. ly- lla if- weak, has taiiia In tlio nyxa, curs, head or huk. and may lie wire nil wit, Alany patient feet diwy, aome vomit. Mom of the paiiciiia nnii plain of f "Hi Jig rlillly, and Mlih llils iiuiea a fever iu wlildi tlie lemiM-ralure iImni lo I 'Hi to Ills. In ii Mint i-awn the ihiIm niiialim riHaiitiSlt aluw. . fill aiiitrarance oim la atrmk by Ilie fmt that IIh iiailent IfMiks alrk. 111.4 ees and the Iiiimv side of IiIm enlila may lie Mllghily "hlood-teluit," or 'iin. yiwled," aa Hie diN lora say. I'here may ! running from tlte ww, or IImto iiiay lie annie iiinali. TIicmi sIbiw of a Hil may ut Imi marked; uetenlieleais IIh naliiiit liaika and fr-eta ery li. HOW TO AVOID IM1.I I N7.A. t, Aiold ivmlait Willi oilier tnilc mi far as m.itltila. l'avially avoid iroHils ludooni. In atreet car., Ihcalcra, motion 4iure hoiikea awl oHii r plai" nf piiOllo anNt'iiUilagi. t- Avoid ihtmxm Hiifffrliig from "colilw,' aura lliroala and ininglis. . Avoid 4iillliig of llw Isaly or III lug In roonw of lmM-raiure la-low dt gnew or alaite $2. 4, Mi- and work in i li sil frli air, a. Kcvfi your liaial. ilcsn anil ketw Hw-in oul of your motilh. . Avoid finirslliia In public pluiin ami see lliul iKlnr do likewise. . J. Avoid iMIlng I lie slik. W. i'Ml iilain. iMinrliiliig fiMMl and avoid alcoholic at liniilanla. a. Oner your nose with iHir lisiiilkeri'lili-f alu-n ou huvw. uiir month ulicn ou cough. limine liaiulkcri'tileja riiiiuciiily. rnHiirtl di.iiilii't sollnd liamlki-n lilt-f- by Isilllng or wanliliig Willi ump ami Mali. HI. Ikm't worry, and keep lour fitl warm. Wit fcW ilciiisiid iroiiiil al- li nfloii Wet l b Hlii- are dangerous and lmit lie ri-inoiil as whhi aa m- l-e. WIIT IHt INI IF VM' IMVK IT. I. If nu gel a iiild. go lo Intl In a wi-ll-i-iiillaid naiin. K'i p warm, it. Keen away mmi otln-r ieoibi Ho not kiMt aniiHMi. ' g, ni liMlltutual IhimIiw and kiilvea, forks, h1""', towels, liaiulkeri-hUfa, man; wa.h nlnlcs and i hi-. 4. Ivvi'ry -a-ii of liiflm-nra Umuld go lo Im-iI al owe uiwmt Hmi iare of a I Im-li-laii. Ilie imiIiiii alHiiild In lail al leaM Hirer lis is after fever ha illai'M-ared aiul uinll imntaU'Miiivi la well e.talill.liifl. ft. TIh miiIiiii niuwt lo tuiugli or ih'm eiiit wIm-h a iiiank or handy arn li'i ' Is Ik'I'I Iwfore l lie ra"e, a. He ktmulil sbi'P In a warm, wetl-vi'iillUled T. 1lH-r U no M'irie I uro for IIh) iIIm s-.'. Nmiiihoiihi should la met as I her ailw. a. Tlie gei'ut ilangv-r la from piu-iinmiila. . AvoUl it by atailitg In bod while aitiially Ml ami until iiuivaHnKtwe Is lullr iilabllMml. a. Tlie after rffiiia of Infliu'iiia are worse Hian Hie dla-ae. Take i-arr tit lourMif, Hi. Mrbtlr oharrte I lie stale and rUr rules and regulallons fur Ilie iim trut uf luflucuia. THE PEACE BEGGAR Postal records in the county show that people rather than be marked yellow are cashing their war savins stamps to use the money to buy- Lib erty Bonds. These are only small subscribers but in the aggregate the number of stamps being1 cashed In reaches a considerable sum. The Uberty I-oan committee an nounces where it is not necessary for any one to resort to this method to get moiitjy to buy bonds and those un able io pet the money in other ways need have no fear of being branded a slacker. To purchase the stamps is just aa ease nt iul as to buy bonds, and to sell stamps to buy the bonds is like 'robbing Peter to pay -Paul," nothing is (trained by the government in 'such action. Dor.ii piiACTicAiaLv snu ' JtOCXIKI. IXMMN tl. 12.- Hala today an nou nord . the irl ir-h are ccHitfUittng tlwir encircling; movement of lKua&. (Im great gol center and have a proulMd tthin a mile of the city frum ie wezt. Muai is practically surrounded. . The IlrltiKh occupy iuliK-y, Hrebivrea and I Is met. TtH cttMure of Qulm-y letst than a mile went of lKual repreaenta a four mile ad vaiiee. "Our advance acve tlie 6eee Hver continued yesterday evening. We fttotd I lame I, Hrtelnerea and Vulney vtl lages We are raxl of 1 leu I in-Let a rd and on Aniuiy'a retern ouieklra, two milea northeattt of leus. Titer Am cat righting on the remainder of Ilia front." G00D BYE DOC, SAID FRIEND ! AS SHELL FLEW AT CORNELISON (i:v J, M. Oornelist ! Friends of rmatilla Co; t If I could put into a letter my ex- I 1 (-erience of the pact two weeks and ' ' n't it ihrtMtKh, it might be interesting . pividi-l t-Mtite one elue wrote it. I Hut euoh has in be censored so t , v ill confine my If to some thiuK ' the V. V. i A. Is UolntrMn the war and what the men my ami think about the V. M. C. A. that all wlll be ready with th hand deep In the pocket when the -Y'' drive Is on. MoKt f this la personal eaperlarnce. but It is only what thousands of Y" n.en are doing up and down the line. I wrote ou when 1 aa not in France and wf how Interesting "Jerry' fCnnumie'l eg Fage 4.1 MUNITIONS EXPLOSION CAUSES SHORTAGE, UMATILLA COUNTY CALLED UPON FOR WORKERS ' l iiki till ruunty as well as all otu ri eouiitlvit In tlie state ho h-it ruiitrd . uj'imi ihtuimh th estate Council of lvffii- to HMiii lit suppl)na la.Mir to inti ee lUtt out put flf in unit ion I Ui li t . Tlie I'uttioltf Hervlcw MHU) I it in 1'iortilus rtcrlved frtmi the state OMini-ll a kit i if us (ittpi tit ion In re- tin. i hi, ibis lsUir lioiiuite ' 'i he tt oat Ion reti it in- In this rta tii ii wide appt-al triui(ht about I" Die ret't-ni exilolon In hii eaiern iiionttioii plwiit.- hit many atttella were :tttuoed Ml thai lime that additional lm i ilt-na re ut on all other mum 1 ion pUtitu tn order thai I'vi uhln , it it; ht not lw short on shells. Kai h rt.ile will te Mivni a Uot and earh rotMiiy In itir iute nuit help m fillina I I iiita. Thtj reprew -nlat IVea of t he lnil"d ' it en,i'l merit iwrvU 111 r :iuit theM muriiilon woraers au4 elll it t .it lit til Ml M II h I he U til lea hi h will ! leijutreil lo thertit ' ' j 1 he appral aa sent out by lary lalte ut the Intert'T Franklin K Hi THE WEATHER FORECAST Toiiiyht ami rtuiola) fair i l'iHHrMlfire .lit lle Today. jm M u t li:tj iu t-H! pel ttture, j, " M inifn'irti t'fopyraiure, ' WVw titer, r lea r. f f N In.l, -ill ' J f ' Italtiffcll, hone. t 4 t 1 I