DAILY EAST ORF1GONTAN, rEN'DT.ETON, OnFOON, fUTTTvIUY. OCTOBFU f. 1U). EIGHT PACES PACTS TWO H Pay Enough for Clothes You may exioet your clothes to cost more this fall than they did a year ago ; but so does every thing else. The main thin.tr to consider isn't "I low much do thev cost?" but "How much do I get for the money?" That has always been the main thing in buying clothes anyway You can judge for yourself what happens to merchandise when cost of production rises. Some makers do all they can to keep the price down, with the result that the quality gets pret ty bad. i Hart Schaffner & Marx make all-wool clothes; you know you're getting the value you pay for in such clothes. We say $10, 5.VI3 and $:0 for a suit; we have some for less and some for more. We'd like to have you sec the $45 suits first. New Winter Suits for Women A most attractive assortment of suits await your choosing here. Suits with individuality. Every garment dif ferent All the newest styles from the greatest makers in America. Tailored and fancy effects; some have large fur collars, others are just as good with collars of self material. Serge, poplin, silvertone, broadcloth, velour and other new materials in ail the leading shades; sizes 10 to 4. Priced from i . . . . $28.50 to. $100 m Mr 4Z1 . I J I AW t y M Buy a Pendleton Indidn Robe For couch, auto or traveling. The best all wool robe made today for the price. Each $12.50 BED COMFORTERS Large size, filled with pure white cotton, cov ered with silkoline. Each 1.95 BUY YOUR UMBRELLA NOW and get the use of them through the entire season. "Rain or shine" umbrellas in colors at $1.50 to $10 Black Umbrellas $1.23 to $5 Children's Umbrellas $1 to J 1.50. PRETTY NEW NECKWEAR in many new styles, organdy trim m e d with luces, each. . G5c DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOP PING NOW The National Council of Defense requests that Christmas shopping le done now in order to avoid the usual Holiday congestion and rush. it Ik v.nir i;itr1il!c duty to x-''rt with thin re'ju -it at"l Mwj-iht tn fcivwinm-iitn every way jiO!-m)I.' mi MifiiiitiK lh r. Wiiiji fa. t-uiiv in lh- iluy mh ou can. Wr mrt r'Hil U m-rw )uu. Be ready with your subscription and buy Liberty Bonds lo the limit. Protect the Emblem of Freedom. The soldiers and sailors are sac rificing their lives for you.' The least YOU can do is to loan them your money to fight with. PTATXJJO.VS GREATEST OEPAKTArXT STORE 1 OVER THE NORTHWEST v ii.ii r"l'"i"i!"' I"'"'"'- 1 "" '" . ,,;,.,.-i. Tli.-v .l. j.luiol In Hi'- t ciWwi ii.t .- uit A''tn ijii"iiii"r. : " ( ' "v ' Irt ltiOM J A'Utim t.ViM-l Mali. l UK Iri II.'1 'ltlh llt-l-j il 'tint ' tlt. In '.mi. t'i W " i li. 'l l.lf !' . I tf K V U un . t-- , i 1 hi d'-il ,.. i I"-' I'M V KltHITf ' iK oltKO:. 1 Jui rt V ', ' " - 1,1.. J...M, II. ...Hi . ' :. .t. iti -f((. -I i rii-iK irHiiiliirf umi' n I- .. i.J Ati.H i ! ' in i hry Ta i'.i. Kfni 'ik. iifi iittifii t. I . 1 . i - v W ( ( 4 ount.it Fill ft ijf f f u t f 1 Hi .til-til) Arm) Tl n Ifi- !., 'ii i f ii f l-i-rt Ml irit-r t- T ' -itir-i)! i'-tl. mis n.cii . Mil" f'M.)lMHffH tti- i ) ii.iiiluiy ( in 1 Hi I'j it fr,iii ihf Itinllh iHHiulJ ; i.f III (-) "lit I :uf ! 1 1 1 ; h fill-1 ) hiill 1. t ililirf iuci' h,iti'li to iMJ i inhitliii'it) rtiiM ii )r in (-!, 'J tit' lidiMiilV ).'.tii tit f titi'i'tt ! i I 1 l"re Ujj Hfi) I .-1 , . t ij i- h 1 1 1 -(( ( lluit I. -r-! id wlliiir' -.llt.i If lh-v (nil I., ill ' ('. i i' i " r i-i l tit tuli-ti-un ti.v lit-iillh u-ln-lHi ii I t l.i r- A I uriiiM tiwf' t tt . M I M " S I t 'I'ht 'i Viit i.Ui-t Mr (.; I urti'i Mm- ft !. i'f 11. ri .i!iic lit'UIJi (.ijlluli.ff It. lift i.;i.t t.WM. t.li)(( tu ! ii.rial .ti i f the 1 i . .! .J I i tt.k' I -t nUM "t - :M r ( i 1 nit. w ii i li. A "V t-.r tt Hx'p Hn I tt il i tMitilry aril-. mnk.. .i u.r i i,i i;.f i n- f-.l., I' i !!T T I nil, f, - 1 lit Hltrtt V in d rli ;nt 1 ihi! l J )(!' t-f I" t.t-f fi-.in tH'fttx r lnri' -, Dt- : il' li't ' t,i'i I'V t.itti Imrii. Irl, Ii.m ti.m tt r liftii'M fr .in Ihr fnHf- f. k ri'l I.trtl. H nl ihr infill lurv i.i-f hi n 1. t ti'.ilf'.wi -f tfiitav , i!ittin I'tUr ut JT.C nt, 'I imt li mlntn iilm proin i-iot ,f all jfl drJnK rw- nor h "nP-kf.r" i rlnl it Tli- t ?'v- i f ' . H I .lH r hf . J I ' ' ' .. KAN-THEKAISER KORNER Mttn Klhtrlnp Hhk. hrml nf llio t i "i i h V:Mtioiiei rtrpnrl nxvni f the lilph school. In a pvMiiu:tr or Hr I nlviTfiiy of MinncM-u. ha hJ wvrn ypnr riiPirtont'v In M work ntul IrtHt KiiiunuT lHk h Mvelal coiir? In f coiwrvatten at thfr riviTfliv trf VAhfeton. Her rk i; very vru'lKnl. n canf the kUU run ttir cnifterla lKilt fUM'lMn ul H Miic in rr cipo? U!rd the i vcc-tUnR wreK at A. the frho bojr h rv- gntHl thftl IwiiMnrt.' Phimlrt Hit t ycrxrtl In war turn. Mi Ho;i ha ;-n t hrr litno uHn wrtr ivrtl'f. ntul ft thi-ro hve Itpii many rnmt! for such rr- rip1 uv hMunchmld rHimn In the KaM oreonln will be ro irvol fur htr w each wrek. MJm H' will lo lad t on wcr M IiiiI' telephone 4- mimtter i: "ir. I I 1 i Wc arc the distributors for Z r - T "3 X A ; . 5 , s- .3 f. , '3 IT ' Et'.-.'S a E' -is 3 sr: 3 S?"3 :P 3 -'-3 I 3 ;:3 Lf mmr mn "J 1mA i-i feel buaZl U LlVy DOUBLE CABLE BASE t ', , The follow Itm l)Ircvialloii8 will uix-il in thl tli'iiurtmi'iit: c cup. 1 ttuHion. T Talii-ii'on. ill' l!nKin powder. in. pint. nt. Mu.irt. Ih. pound. ' niin. minute. . Ail mraKuremenl.i should Ic tal rn , itvil. In the use of ilwt.iui., it l a (tood pluli tu wilKht niMud of pit'usurinK. 1 The lollowini? Isi a lis.t of tiiiltif.liM a n.l their equal weight In wiu-it flour: 1 J-s c bMrlcy equal 1 c win at Hour, T-8 c buckwheat. 1 cup wh-nt flour. 1 c cornflour tocKiitl, - n v. heat fir. 1 c coin meal ulnei, 1 c wlu-ut fir. 7-s c cornmcal, i c wheal i:i"ir. S-4 c cornstarch, 1 c wti.'i Hour. I cuj peanut flour, 1 c w he-it flour. H-4 c iiotato lour, lc vlu.it lieiur. ( 7-8 c rice flour. 1 c floui. 1 IS c rolled oalii. t c wheal four. , 1 1-8 c uround uuta, 1 cu; whmt fir; 7-S c poy.heallst. 1 c wheat tiour. ( K liiMie aliK- f Kills. j Material. K.iulvulent I 1 T. tile 1 T liutterj 1 T. Commercial fut com- i l.ound IT butter 1 T chicken fat .clarified) 1 T butter, 1 T rookc fut 1 T butter 1 T beef and niullon fut (clarified) IT butter 14 T lard 1 T butter 14 1-i T vegetable fat ...IS T butter 1 c crated chocolate a T butler I c cream (thin) 3 T butter 1 c cream (40 per cent fat) whipping T butter 3 c and 5 T chopped euct 16 T butter Any recipe printed in this ilepart nient has been tested. Cut ul und puHte on wmall cards. ' Vary the tne of th lotato.s and conk carefully. lf a potato ix-comes HOKKy and bolls to piece, try neain h.g them. l'lace them In a tileamer over iMillim? water and cover cloxely. They will become llsiht and fluffy. llMcr I n h Krlel I'artutocM Wasti and pare potatoen. Cut ilcnsthwiw Into eluhths. I 1'ut In a tlreai?d baliin? part and 'Heasoii with wilt und pepper. Add 1 T fat to every lx iiotnloea- l'lace lo oven and cook until brown and pota toes are oft. Satory Mu"lifl 1'otuliKH. 1 6 medium sized polatoea. 2 T butter fUbntltute. , I 1 t ealt. 1 Hmail onion (choppfcd). 1-4 c milk. Pepper. lioil puiutoeB. drain and mauh. Add butler Hiil'Stltute. milk. Bait, pep per and onion. lleut unlil fluffy. Serve on a hot dish. I'olato Waffk-s. 2 c boiled rlced polutoeil. 1 c mlll. 2 t H 1. 1 c Hour. 3 eiiKK. 1 T. meiled butler Hulwtltule. 1 t talt. Heat cpKB until Unlit, and potatoes (whleh have been boiled, riced und allowed to cioll, butter nuliKtitulc, nail and milk, then flour lfled wilh Hie H. 1". Take at once on a hoi. well gnuH ed wuffle Iron. Serve with maple Kyrup. l'olutMn on (lie Half Mull ' 6 potuloen (even al.ed). 1 T milk. 1 T buiier. Wash and oeriili polatoen wilh u miiall bruvh, pnl in oven to buke. Cut inlo liulveM leiiKliiw-uui and Kiiupe out limble wilh a foi-R and UlllHil. Heuoll Willi Wait, pepper, but ler and milk. Ileal uulll fluffy. Kill lie pkliiH nod iiliiru to oven until lilowaeil. liialed clieewe or mineeu ( lili-lit lliay lie Ridded. ( An l.rullu J'olulmtt. 1 C boll'-d pOlaf.MK- 1-4 v bulleieil crumb (umc mib rlliirile). 1-2 c loedhjiii while iaui-e. Cut boiled pobiloe llilo half illl II ciiIiik iul u luer of potaloe In a Kre.ed bukinv illhh and eu it w It Ii half of tho while fcaliee. Then add In. li .1 of the potiiloen, the le-ct of I lie v till o nam e und lastly the fullered l-l'lllib. l:al-e III oven IJhlll lop li liUelv l.lowiii-d. I realiit-l hmt 1'o.m.iM'm.' 2 ci li"iii-i bweel potato. T (;.i. l-x t hl.it-k ) ii ir. fi.lttlku 2 T fl.mr J cup t iiiK- I lit I unilix iritli Imi If -Inch vu f, 1'ilt ji ,1 r.nttl l.lll with 111!' fill till! ' i i l j. FiUHl. n i'h HUU, l-l 'r I ii.itfii 'I ttl M rl.li'lu (Illl tho flnr ititl-(our (pr Uii I'm. ty rl-.ul r r 2'i mln. 'ih uii'I cit B iiiiii.'Jfii ttitLt-tt J k'i i',i..f'i .. i, lij hDiiii.ir, niI) o J VWltl f I 'I ili'n. ltiiiin, nl in lilllv.K f I) ii I liw it-f j.jI tn M iltHHf1 UtHriu ; lf-i. jEi'j'tt i-Mtdii.f n with rufi iiii ).it' ' in ,t.n-i. Itu- wth th( rfi:i ii' Iwli'' ikliili i-ifkti.tj, and have all sizes in stock in Fabrics as well as the following sizes of Cords 32x312 34x412 35x5 32x4 35x412 37x5 34x4 36x412 AH adjustments taKcn care of in Pendleton. r "EXTRA SERVICE OUR MOTTO. Complete stock of Weed Chains and Auto Accessories. Complete stock of Peter's Shells for Ducks and (Icc;;e. Allen-K ri Main and AHa Streets. o. Telephone 400 TONGUE WHEN CROSS, FEVERISH AND SICK TAKi: VO 1IM'I! MOV!? l'Ol hONS 1 HUM IJVI--U WU liOU I l,S AT iXt 1. Molhtra can TvM any af Ur Riving California Syrup of Kl's,' bcciiuft in a frw hntirt all the cloWKcd-up ;ti", four liilo and fwmrnUnir fomi pently Tutiv M out of I lip liiiwclf, und yon liavt? a well- playful child ju:ain. ('hilciri-u pimply will not mke the tlm from Way to empty tln ir liowels. and thiy htconic tightly packril. livr hIuij ih add ptonuirh tiii'nli'i'iMl. ' When ro."H, fvrih. r'-siU-w. nt-e li' tongue I rttatpd, ih-n uivo this d.? Ii liMiH "fruit UxMtive.'' t'liililn n love H. and It can n-'t cause Intnry. No dirrect what ails "ur litth on !f full of cold, or a wore throat, diar rhoea, Momurh-at'lm, hud TT'iit h, r nicnilHT. a gt-ntle "in id dean win " photi Id al w i b-1 1 he flrt i real men! tivf-n. F'ull dircrtiotts for lu!n.. chitdr'n of all at- and Rrovni-np are printed on each, hotih. I beware f coutnrrft fiK pyrupM As--k your drusrtfiM for n htt le of "California Syrup of Kiw." then look carefully and we that it 1 made hv the "California Syrup 'Mi!puny " We make no tiiiaJIT ize. llatid haea with coiitempt any other fljf hyrup. ARE VOU GOING TO EAT YOUR SUNDAY DINNER OUT? Maximfllian of Jiadeii, uc(eedill.3 IlertliitK, "And thin Mtalktnff btr cutries u ropy t l-nierKon liiBtead of a nun." 1'rliJCe Alaxlmllhan it tali, well huiit, and handMome, Kd r.t. JJe, ! new t ype f ii rmari HtateMtian. HIh inaniirr la nrt i'tuvtiUtn. nor even ' ijetman. He haw none tj the ihtiuhm v.oout-n liea4l'dnew. IJih mother wa Lunula n. Me a I Wit m earrieti a cmiv of KujcrHon'H efMays. There Ih no et;rt-r Indiealion of the denlre of iivr man ruleih to win over other riuttomi to peace than Iho? a ppoirit meiit of l-rhue .Max." will serve a good Men Dinner Along with the other good things to eat. FROM THE FOUNTAIN StrawlH-rry, Chocolate, Vanilla Ice Cream; Orange Sherbet. Maple Pecan Sundae; Toasted Al mond Sundae. Anil a Dozen Others as Good. FRKKII CANDIES FRESH MADE FROM FRESH MATERIALS AND CANDY SUGAR. lii-lKiuit 1'ul.t Tnfc I.11M111V. Oft. fj It ti Iwirtml Kir Ili Uiiiits hiv f-aiilun-d Ni-i rlom-IHK-k. Ki-hlfi hi-li, .wiiiH"i-wyn uifi ' lii-rmliil-i-. f. ,,iMM!!(MM!l"M;lH!ll!l!M!Mll!M:t;"im!M"Mi''M!l Gerard Sa New 'Chancellor Carries Emeihon, Not Gun li-t AX:Kl.f. . 4 Jaiur V, , li'l.iril i'.i m.MI-V .nl ,i-l ft Lf t Cuticura Soothe Your ikh'ngSkin !s.'il,lii icirtr, ik v. e 1 r nr ni"ft 1 J. . r. I I I il l.ii )! I. if.i'i .i.s.. I ...iiiL- .;!il ! ..i j :il.U .- . V .Hi I 1. 1 I'Hr ll.i- I l ' ill j. ,i it'll iil it I- 11 'W 1 11 .1 I.. I. Ill j,j,l;i iliull i l ( -i!lv:.l.t ' M!iIi:ii -il' .. it'it (II ! Il' il. W'l.i "I j r 1 U-.v l'ii-l i'ii-jim 1 t 1 in I. 1 i I . it l i. IV I ',.' -., .ilfi ' i ;i' , I . s'l'fi.i 1, l".t !' j r t ' 1' . !,- 1 I .y ui .1-.. I 4 . I 4 i li 1 ' ' I I( ., .ii.'i !.- il i:.i- t- ,.f ' I ' I -1 tn.- ! !-.. .!.-..: !j ciilui.;: t--. r Surnplc I'.ach I'rec hr Mull 'A i h . , "i- ''i 1 ' A- ir, - ji rmii "I lrj I H ' Tlie Fuel Administration ASKS THAT YOU - CONSERVE IN THE USE OF GAS AND COKE AS THESE ARE MADE FKOMCOAI Coal is Scarce PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. "Always at your nerIcc" j I- 3 I i E 5 E I 1 r' -I t 3 I- J E-.l . -'3 i r i Irlrtllllillll,.-