DAILY EVE!i:;3 EDiTJ DAILY EVEM1HB EDITION Kumbcr col'lc. printed of onlcrday'e Haily Kdiilon . 2,817 Thla paper Ik a member and audited by Ilia Audit lluriwu of t Irculaiiona. If 70a cunnot, fletil ran. Sea ynar oinkr and tafca jimmp l,m of bond twfora tli lua alackcn are uoactl. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ( COUNTY OFFICIAL PArER VOL 80 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1918. NO. 9554 i GERMANY IS WITHIN SMASHING DISTANCE AT THROUGH RESUMPTION U. S. OFFENSIVE ON 20 MILE FRONT WEST OF MEUSE GAINS FIVE MILES Main Rail Artery of Front Menaced, Americans Within 18 Miles, Many Divisions Thrown in. HV HIHI FKIU.I'NOX. (rnlted Prewt Muff Orirreiondcnt-) WITH TIIH AMKIUt'A.N' HUNT AliMV, th. 5. Tim rcmimpllon ol Ilia Amerh-anH' attack hi a 2it mile front woat of llie Metine with m five mlk American advance. eat of Khetma, haa brought lJe Americana wlUtln eniaMliliia; ilMamr of llie -r-man line at two lniortaiil point. MAIV IHII, AHTHIV MW.M'HI WASIII.MiTO.'V, tttt. 5. Mur. ll to day declared IIm- American advance brtwvrn the Argotine Mid Mouse Ihrratriia Utmaoi'i main rail ari-r on lli Wdcni front. The AmorM-an. Ira now within IH miles of that rail road, lie said the drive haa oomrll rd I he (;ormini lo throw "many ill. visions" lulo Ha MUlk SEATTLE CHURCHES SCHOOLS. THEATRES EIGHT EPIDEMIC KKATTI.K. Oet. 6 All churches, achool., theater, and public guther- ii.lta arc cled today l,y a proclama tion of th mayor lo check the Hiwn ish Influenu. The pollca have closed movlra and there will he no churches It morrow. IIKINFOIWE.MIIXTS I'MVU TO l-O MTIONS. I'AKIH, Oct. A. An official alatc. men! aaye, "Mouth of MoiiiImiIk we broke iii a (ii'rmin ooiinicr attack at tYoli-IKnt-Souaiu. All our iteins were) malntaltie. The (.crman. arcat ly relnnarred. art dlMwitlng imiiiid on IIm whole mint between Orfcull and .Monlhol. with citcreme harsliiicm." OVER 800 CAPTURED BY BRITISH Haig Announces Substanti al Gain Northeast of St. Quentin. I.OKItON, Oct. R. Halg today an nounced further prngreaa northeaMt of hi. (jtiHiitlu In sueceaixf ill nilntir oper ation. "HuhMa tidal minor operation- above Hi. (jurnthi reaiilled in auhHlantlal progre-M Miit l.tMt of Beanrevolr unci n-rth of t'ony mid jb 4 mi U-t . took lono prlaonera. Inn log tht night our line h km In advanced lightly nnrthweat of !.e t'atalrt. COUNTY CHAIRMAN ASKS ALL TO INCREASE SUBSCRIPTIONS 25 PER CENT TO MEET GOAL ilta ruuiil'a ahlllty to iit ta fourth IHici ty loan plola . the following atateuicitt wan laaiiwd to- ilntiiM our. W hat exrtine van we of. dav liy V. L. Thiiitaoii, rotmtv. hair- tvrt Think It out himI a-e if . mi rail man, i not uv u froin Ihu huMiiliuliou." iiur (piola In the Fourth .lhrty I lluid After Mliki-r-. Iiun In i.ith 1,815. Thu auhaet llioiiw Yeeterilu.v ei-oii1 itnticeM h re wnl lo dttle tolal tl.Ha r,aoo. W are ahorl out to thoi- Mho huxM not tejMnilt-il apliroxtnmtci!- IIihi.iimu In the loutily, 'The latum eoiiiiiiltlee flxt d the in dildUUl tiiiotu Mt the niililliitnii each ahoulil auhitrl'Ihe, Hinl With nil Imtlv I- iIiim la liikiiiM their full iiMitun wt- find that our lot.ila -Aould Mill he n'l'i"-t inat.'l f j 00,000 ahoit of our u. "Thla iniiHt he inadtt ui. annaat to u II to hierfHe llieir ii'iw an I- rriptlona at leaM tv.et(y-fi per i-eiit. It In not loooM-tt IIMtt auxioie' ahatt ha eieuaed from luhitiu their full itiol, rueept for tha heal of rt-aaoiia. In maUlnM the appeal for over uh- M-rtpllotia from thoa Mho reatpomlt-d promptly and fully we muat kle thn aaaiiram-a that there will ' tio ll-up In ihe lampatan aaint ulaekcia and ahirkera. "What H1 our ho M ller Tin le think of ua If we fail to d ir duty In thla loan? The) me dolnu their 2 VITAL POINTS AMERICAN El Germans on Western Austria Reported to Have Asked Holland for Use of Hague for Conference, British Investigate. PROMINENT PACIFISTS ARE BUSY IN VIENNA Hungarian Premier Karl, Declares Negotia tions Underway. AMHTKHIMM, Oct. B. ltrilylnc jt , the liewd AUMtroHunicarlan r. oucHt for a M'ace conference of all i hclllKcrentK. (irent lirlialn 1" reported to have demanded that Auxtria ex plain what it mean, by '"a non-com-nilttant conference." It l reported that AuntriH ha. aMked Holland to I lace the Mamie at belligerent dl Im.miI. Holland iroinltly notified all iH'lliKcrenfK. rronilnent pacifist, are iroxt a.'ttve In Vicuna. The Cologne CaKetie mvi Hungar ian ITemler WtMkerle. fount Tlaea. fount Andraaay and fount Aiion'l have arrived In Vienna In connection with new peace cffortH. "We are la boring unwcarlnKly In the lutereMa of Mace. 'e are already neaotlat iiK." aald Weckerle. They will dla ciihM the situation with Karl. NEW CHANCELLOR PRESENTS PROGRAM BEFORE REICHSTAG SKI lU'H. tht. 5. (irmun)'i new chancellor lrhn-e laxniilllan or lia den annoiiiK'ed his giroKrani lo Ihe lletchMaif lialay. It will Include the coloration or lu-lgiiiin h nitcmallon. al run.l, the rcviHlon or lite ltnMl and IliichareHi ircalh1 h a eiHigrcs. or all belligerent), fniiioni of the mcnm; no INlyiiM-iil of damages to ane; llie retention or AlKai--lsiraliic: (lie ri' turn or Ucniiaii imiIoiiIih and iartial and rtiRrcMM!vf dlsarnianicul. ipurt noMy mid wluit will we mhv to thrni when thry riftui n If wo fail in lo the f ll al uinl fri ri;t I mil irea W fie j tWIll tO tlltlHl' HhO HllllIM I'lltl l IcMH thU II lii.-lr ijiiiiCi. iiitui iniiiH Iheni tht.t I tieir an liwi I H lona lutv Hot hi .11 i.allf.tt- toi. The liivully coiomiitit hil IiIkIiI i Inet I'tiHed lia men i h r-lni fi oi m- j teen to 1 eu i - f u e unit i ii nrlntt , for uu InifiiMlve i-uiiii'aiicn uiiultthl ! alaikra. Their licaii la 'No nii.tii rt (t 1 !.. who uie tiol Willi tia " j iMvlrJrt 'IiuIimihii llfitinuiii la lod' j notifluu hiw u'i-liut ihuinnen and; Irani caiHuiha lo attend a ine.-linn of the Coiiinieteial Awm mtUm iiooiiim j afieriooti at thte o riot k u( v hit Ii time they wll p iflteti ttiir llt for thn folhiw-tip niini n.aii. Tlo v will he told to ch-Hii up their U in a i!h in it. if the repoiiMe to the apepal ht j iier-aiiheirilntM ia a ril aa 1 hoped, It la hrlleved that Pendleton tmi rem h Ihe top hj Monday nliihl, ATTACK t HUNGARIANS NEGOTIATING FOR PEACE HIGBY HRRIS WORTH $175,000 IS BOND SLACKER; HILBERT AND PETERS SUBSCRIBE FOR BONDS To (hn Public: The ntral lx)iilty Committee of the? Imatllla County Patriotic Nerle-e fairim rcHi tin I It liaa fHMWHlirn im1 amln rrant for ItrootnliiK to tlio puMlf tin nanio f H-irtty llnrHn of Mil Km mm ono Ik Iimm HiatMfiilly ami flag rantly fallttt In the mi f tort MT hlPi ictoriintcnt at war It lie lMvrM that llm word ilnkor (vlnrd for J nut uc-ti m-n an Im. Mr. Iinrrin Iihh llvrd In I nutlll lm tvniiity many yiarn and ham (tnmn w-onltliy liret. H bi Ktmr ally iTfdltfd vthli Itvinx tlio w-rwItlikMt cltlRcn f the ont mid of Om oiMinty ll In paying; laveft umlrr IiIh mrn name on rraJ prop rrty wwurd at $7A.Mo and mt-i-oruil roMrty aMpMMHl at !.. INK). A vrry nmratlo eMl-matf- an to hi talili mailo ly nwMi In MM4lilm to JwltfO dan?a It at $I7.Yhm. Mr. iinrrin d ill not mthmYitm to tlie I Irnl or Kcm-oimI Ulirrty lean. In tlio Tlilrd liMin, w Ihh an finranlRaOoti for rtHiiMllnic up dt-llmiiicntM wu f-rv-tttcHl, tic mili mtIInnI Bivm. . lluit tlto amount of IiIh fHiliMfitln to flic lourlh oHn aim. i rf ii'H'd to nulMwrllic fir IiIh tut in or SttHHI. Ho itot iflcd lo apiHur iM-forr? IIiIn (MMrnniUt ami make mii-Ii rplHnatkn an lio dovmiod mlulit JiiMlIfy liln rofiiHal. He licnttrtHl tlM iiottr and tlio ffmniltt, ff-lr that It ulii mi Id iMltato lonircr In exiMMlnK him to Ok c-tljn.-.ilp of tin mmity for tle rdilrkrr that IrT In. In the hawond lUxl rna War NiimI cainMtiaTit Mr, llrrln rrfnai d to rofitritMito m dollar and o hae no rcwird of hl ever liav- innnnTiiiT nrniini is i u u n n k u i i ii rim , i ....... BASt b ItllLtS AWATii- r. ' , . isits'Opiwsinpr Armies bwaying To and Fro, Allies Gaining. I'AltlS. Oct. S. The franco Am- eriiau. dritiiur nortlmard asaiiiHt ouziiT. are now wKliln llie mlleo of dial luuriaui irf-rnian ne. rj in , j,mK ruiucc hiiiih iviniiw 'iwxirra are hell. Iieavllv withdraw n. 1 he t.cr man. are rciairted evai'ualiiur the en ! lire .Moroni II lera kcic. M-iM-ral Iielieiiy la tlKllcnlii(t lila iirlp cm llie tMi-c nuioii w.uth of St. oiicntln and lia-reaKlnit III irc-ture aval tint norllHf-n defeiiMW of the lium I and M. (Gillian mawlf. Oplwl'UC ' i mln In 1ianiMfno are kwayiiur too j - n ... 1 .ulHH. u or -un-ihlo i,ulllhrlm." Ala.ve 'st. Oiicntln alllcl aahw are la-Hut ! gradually widened hut ihe ..-rmaii are rutliunir itarn ant. imwrnw I -low. r't'llO tlt KH TIIK TOP. Al ibmmi lialav l-ho niiorted over llie loi, with M-rlbcd. V7II.3O0 tub ''7',,', ", .. '. lu..; 1 i' '., war fund. On flie oilier hand hate mr4ted Imiumerahlo re- lri to llie cfrt that ho haa tlKHiaitda of dollars on drpowlt and han oeiily tau-d that Ik In I hohllnir IiIm money until artcr tlio war no that lie will lie In a MH4tlon lo buy land wltci. tallied fdtrlnk. Up ftfl that Mr. Ilnrrln U In a IMiMltlon to Mlmulate hln iielith lMm In tatrlotlc uraUtiakinftA and et tlio eomtnlttre lwlbnr tliat tliere Ih no one man In the riunty wIhimo examine Iian lioen llm eaune of o much dlHMtiMfac. tlmi. Wc lHie there are few cit Imtm In Aiwrlit who have given hihIi nlvvarflly (UipMrt and wlio hate manlfeKtiMl a t.rlt if aori Krud:1iur itatriotlMtn. To Mr.' llnrHn and to the eonnty tha commtMHtee flHheN to aay it lias Hit had Ita final aay. IKowfdm Mr. llurrla, Uie com mltton had mimmonedj for I tear lute lt evettliuc, Mr. John IL INi-rn of litnirt-ton. Mr- I rank IhllM-rt of I'klah and Mr. . IUrthriK-la of letidlcton. It Ih ftlud IO aiiiHNimv that Mr- letrs han airnfd to KiilMTilie hlw full qiii t toilay and tlmt Mr. Ililhcrt thin nHimlnir aiithorlMtd hln hanker lo l-fitur hln MiliMTfiHlon up to $ MHM), lii-i quota. Mr. It-xhrofk left the elty for Cali fornia lMfre he r,Hvcd hfn no live to apiMmr iM-fttre the eoinmlt lee and will lie itrand a Ml tic more lime lo make hln cxiriana. lion. If lie no itelre. KNTItAli XVAITV XrMIT- Tl- l'MTll.rA t tH VTY I'ATIilOT- iv skuvk i; i.Ka 1 UKJLsLjLu I 11 KJ tITT-:SIVK IS AXSWKK. WMII.TO. tut. 5. Allied anulCM will rt5T" Ol II" .lil'iruin ,,i, i.v . .ux-nu,. ..rr.n.-n.-i.-.. i.,.. line acainst the duul monarchy. One : claMi or allied force In In the near civl. the otlM-r I llie uallant Ituliau army. It Ik ih iii c1 rueii iiu'iiuh io il. i. lo. Ik.iIi, fon lnic AuMrit to make u Kenuliie iea-e olf.r. The .rewut offer t nnoeere. .. ;j.;C'll M-TTI.FX I'EACK Ql'ES- TIN. MIMKIV. kt. &. The Telcsraph dcclarew authoritatively thai llritaina only reply to the Austrian lro kmI iiiInIk of llalfours eHfc'li of Mcj.tciuhcr 10 AHlm'ATlOX fOXITIIMl:l. AVISTI Itll A.M. (K-l. S. All official "' " " """ "". Uh- ah- dt.atki ..r kinit IVrdliiand. trown Prince IKrl U alalmcd klnK. SI't'rWH X AM Kin. AMSTKHKAM, Oct. 5. lr. Von Wolf, mionicM m-eretary has been ap IMiliiliil t.rniaii foreign niini-siiT, u eeiiliiiic Admiral Yon llintae, a)s a Ila-rlill official. hia nuido a- donation to . i , --. , SQUEEZING THE LEMON fUlUmW f. .' - . .1 ill 1 . aw I I vi i - -a rzz .RAMUS THROUGH FOR - THESE MEN ARE 125 nrn prii-r Mrpipiii I LU btlil AltiLltlUAti; The call for volunteer to In cremie the amount of th"ir nuh nrripttona to the Fourth IJberty Ioan ai annwered today by fifteen Pendleton men who ore the first to volunteer. The men who Increased their nubnenp lioriH 25 it cent or more ure: H, . "oil i MR. L. La Mann, J. N. HurueHH, F. K. Juild, Marion Jack, W. K. Thompwn. I I Hogcrs, Tom Thompson, F. 8. Curl. K. J'errtner. K. I'. MarKhall, W. J. ClHrke. J. J. Huml.-y. E. J. Burke and 3. V. Tall man. MEN U.S. MACHINERY IN WEST FRONT BATTLE Americans Veterans After Few Weeks Experience. line la-hind the KuK river, went of , WITH THE FIHFT AMERICAN the Anconne. A It MY, Oct. 6. The Franco-Ameri- can advance In the Champagne region ' 4.0OO Prixinera Taken, ic now a caae of men ogalnat machin- Ml). vt. S. Th Americana cry. Allied Infantry punhea furlou.-1 atlacklntc on an elirlit mile front be. ly on over well organized defenne and jlarra llie Mcone and Aire rlrera, ad the Ccri.iana are retiring only when vanccd two mile, today. Tlie Aiimt fhoved out. The Americana haveih-am. have eaptiirrd Knnel on tin? profited greatly through the pan Krh-nihllde line and have took 4OO0 wc-ck'a experiences. They give the irioncr In tin Argonuc-McuKe fiKlU bocheK machine guns no more fine ;ing;. 1'he KmiaiiH are fighting mtwt opportunHlea, through charging teck- tdcMM-ratcly in t'haniiiamie for every lessly. Yenterday'B operation, were i.h-Ii lavaune of (he valuable eommu altacks of velerana againM expericne- , nic-aMitm Hih-k behind the frout. ed defeiidvra. The Cennana admit the hiill'. i.uddennt-iui aurpri-ed them.) Kightli Pariowi. 1 There w as no artillary preparation to I . 1 give warning. At 6.-0 the entire ec-j Furlou. fighting ha. continued to ilor vm euddrnly curtained by an day all along the tu mile front in the 'American barrage. The Herman front k'hampagne-Argonne rcKion. Heavy i lines. puMled. waited five minutes, artillery is supporting infantry as- Inactive. Then the doughboys Jump- isuulu. The weather Is ideal for aerial . ed off. sAeciiliig foraard. leading 'activity. Htupendou. violent German against the creeping explosive line, icounter attack. In the Fleviile region The Ameilcana' heavies were mean- Ion the Arnonne's eastern edge were vhlle pounding fierman batteries with jh gh explosives and gas. German batteries were naturaled with mustard I His. The Americans jumi.ed the mi j chlneguns quickly advancing a kilo meter per hour. I tar Ian Itatnc Irli4. The home haircut may possibly re turn lo favor In I'endleton. Beginning with Monday, Octo!er 7. local barlers 'mil chargo fifty cents for a haircut. BREAK 2 ClAPIIATinW flFRDfAT ADllfiyMF L IHUUH I IUM Ul UllLHI nilUUIlML; ' rnnrnt rinrnrpn rnninii mn rUKt5l tAKtbltU, rnmuti AnU AMERICANS HOLD TABLELANDS ENEMY 1NPERILED IN NEWLY CREATED POCKET, AISNE CANAL CROSSED, FOE RETREAT HASTY Furious Fighting Continues all Along 50 Mile Champagne-Argonne Front, Spcc tacular Advaace Made Against Great Difficuliies. I.OXOON, Oct. S. lUJtttcfroiit din- IMilcliea declare the TYanco-Americans have definitely hroken throi.li the jwiiole front of the enemy, defensive repulsed last niKhts The attack weat of the Meunt beajan at 6:30 yenterduy morning. Hy midafternoon hill to, (iresnea, Fleviile, t'heaaery and 1-a-fergea were captured. The advance waa fully maintained against avcre counter atiarka. The attack ia auc ceaaful in ArRonne despite the grenl eat difficulties. i;&dowkna KvldeiM lxi-r. The Bochea have Interlaced barbed wire with felled trees cleverly con-c-euliiiK nittchin gun nesta. Tanka cleared these up. Numeroua am munition dump exploaiona in the ene my'a rear linea throughout the day evidt-nced the Itoche'a heavy loawea from allied artillery. The alliea at tacked later ut aoine pointa without artilhry and aurpried the (iermatii Kite m y hi-Hvy concent ration of artil lery and maehtue guna haa offered atuhhorn reaiatance all day long. The American H(i.t k U highly iectacular. (iciii rul lout and today aent iersonal conui atulai iona to the Amelicau di visional commander. II V JOHN' K ;MT. (IiiIIimI pritws Staff t i.rnkHHi(etit.) PAItl tk-t. 5. TIh Ihtiiimiw uciiH.-il In the grat Argoiiiio foret hi the I ramf..iiHrlt-ana art e-mh-i d to eiai-iiuti. The tHTinaii In a iiewh -iwtiNl iMM'ket nortlieaM of Itlieim- are liiiiMrll(Hl The reiH-li hate r -at lied tin AriH. rlir and are nm lhetttniiig o i'ittto the (.r. mail' w ho an iill Imlilingr 'oKint. I a ltMa4 and I lien lHtwer Itlwlmn and the Mi rUir. TIm IVantio. tinri ao are firmly I'Mahlinlutl mi llie iri'iiil tahli'lamla. iii'Xk ri ir- PtIlH, (hi. a. Tin war offht to. ilui aiiooiiiu t'ti I lu I rem Ii Iiae addi tional iwitit'e-Mt iMtrili of M- tueiillu. iii.rthwe-! of Klteiiiu. and In I liam-l-uuoe etertlay. IIm l.t-riiiaiiw liae i 1 114-uuieil iIm iaiirti trihm if Mom region, ihrcalenoil wUli milopiiMitt h tin raiuAiiHHi'an-a. NimiIi of m. .m-mlii figlKfiui ini- ttiiiotl w till (lie MIIIM iulcinv,'' MsHUI itimiitMMiiif-M. ' tti droe Hi immy j k ft;liiiiiu fof h l m k from a lll'tlll I'M S ted I JOO IIM-lor. laOUltla t mi'M of i hai"iitiii irl ami from lu-tgti-1 tuti'tiiit wihmIw. tf( iria inra are luLi m nort hwe.t of ItlMfii1. i ttiiain iartHl a iiili ll Km ttlodi friuit ol llio AiwiM i aiutl. wlik Ii we iTiMwaatil, sihI wo ra -I m t li lar il-r of luen uoiirl. i utile alaitt i:him i --.no pl l 111 l l ft lY. hit ."-mi arlt-iiM'r tiae lui-n la ken In tin a-4 fie daia. 1 lOri -ma kni" wi're iwiinrel. Im-luilliis im In utl. "liai-p attai'ka tv I rt'ia Ii sihI meruMtt irM.a in 1 1aiii-aaiM 1 v-Mh iiaren liiWHrtli Arta1 fireHl : ilu i m iii who w mm iliri-sieiwil with enteh'piiii'Mt i Ml hi 4-ft to; inuuali' l.rriill i hu.eMaaitrM rt of intj .vi-timi. l to I rii4ti Iti tlte mtt9 j i4 of iIk MiIpih rir r'grtwxl toi 1 NILE GAIN ... . , i llie hllla maintaining contact with ttaa enemy'a rear aruarda. A"t. night ttarr n-aclied tlM lieiglit of 13 mile. C.H of lllieima." M 100.000 IKFLUEHZA WA8HIXGTO.V, OcL E There term l".u00 case of Influeni In military campa but only sound men are aent overeeaa. - ESTIMATED EXPLOSION CASUALTIES NEAR 800 NEW YORK. Oct. . Tha estima ted loaa of life from the munitions ex plosion which destroyed the Oillrapl (hell loandlng plant, varies from fit to 150. Probably there are Set! varu altiea Including; 300 hospital case. The plant cost $12,000,000, the loas carried largely by the government. NEW SHIP IIANDMNtS IttXXHUM iTAUUHHH WAKHINGTOX. Oct. 4- Americas two fastest built ships, tha Crawl Keys and tha Tuckahos, have estab Hahed new a peed records in loading; and unloading In tha Boston coal-carrying trade, the shipping board an nounced. The Keya, built In 14 days, waa loaded at Hampton Koada In 64 hours leas than tha average, and tha Tuckahie, completed In 11 days, was unloaded at Boston In 4 hours Jest than the average. County Quota for National Democratic Campaign in $200 The need la urgent for funds fur the national democrat i ' cumpaign. W. N. Matlock, trwae- ' urer of the 1'ms.ttlla county ren , tral committes, hua received ra- iiueata from the democratic na- t ion a I committee and aaauram thnt help In securing donationa for the fund will be appreciated. Kur lhi purfKMia Mr. Matlok will recelvv donadona for tha fund at the Mwllmk-Udti uffu-s ( on Main atreet. I'maMlia torni- ta iiuota fi.r the fund I 4444444444444 UXTIHI h hi it I I im Jimim . U -illt.HN. t i l. V lamr lrii. erul .H';liHi m (r.la ai ioniitt a memtxr t'f tin- war lodu-lrn laaard auiv.eilitix llrigailkr tfinral 4iii on who i --tguc-d lo autr .fi. ItMITlHii s TIIh asiMHi. I .tMl int. V PulHi-lM-d Bril. Ili ca-uatlks tor ihe at wi'k tiilal aa.aoo. THE WfATHEH fORECAST Hun1a ral.i. looter tolll.l.l llamfall i. la. M. 1.(011101 f . o t'.iwt of l. MinltiiMiti teoi c. fal ul.. S4 irtllur. cloudy and r.jm" V ..id ae.l. iialllf.ll, .ii. !,rTTT""7i I lll,lh'u ft I