EIGHT PACES DAlt.Y EAST OREfJON! AN. PENPI.ETON. ORF.fi ON. VFlNi' SHAY. OCTOBER 2, 1013. I $ f i ! ! i I i L n iuev. '.fair :i! "S M 1 II ft I rl mm Thr, .riwlnK- rHtb helnw t-erro-1 rlionw In (.wester fc-lttln o the tinliilnR elass tm In the basement fenm the ol .w in the atirciral .Ires- ! nrw rule, mhirh are. n!w dilfrrvnt. of the church ami nil are cordially m Ititm 1r.srtmfrtl of th lied rrn llc jwill ai.eiir ienie.irer in unlw Ihnt all vltcd. r .,,,,l..,ra ' l-lilll) Is nsav I.eiieUl 1V till" new In-, "' .irnnin. Tlx svhi.'i are ie. hp. tup auriiieai nfm'!s . . i mat!.. Hire nwh. lnrrr ami will the direction of Mr. F. K. lioyilen l -,-i.ul.. em. re lmillrg than, formerly, to met In tlio I.lhrary !'' truss - "" room tomorrow aflornoon ,! tha P- Mini Joan Fr;cr wa. a rhrmln ' kor hot.,- nt""' afternoon at (he "i mo via.-, ut n... .-.... Mr. unci Mrs. I,lmnioiw quota m iirwiiiaa ........... a, lie. In hi! f..r the week from Mon 1v, tir.toni.or 3", to Paturilny, le tolier fc, tneltiivfl. The dashes lej;in It v l:.1a o'clock anil nre eoiitltlotetl in the cluh room of In.- county library. To niiy fir all of th.w classes, women hn m not alroaily Itloiuifiod uth regular work are wri;rd a come. Fori j -five thousand forceps summies' rp to be niatle nnd a cor.lial velcome x iilv all -who ill phe a part of thi ir timo to the came fol.iniB lioiartmcnt. Motolay niurnoon. lol.imii claps. Jllr. John Tlionin-on. fntllilK rlnas, Mn. M. A. Sprink'c. Kv.'ninir, liusiiiesK tills, Mrs. J. t Wootlworl h. TiRwtlav aflomoon, foMinff class. Mrs. I-:. U l'nwer, cutting class Mrs. Jaiue.i Welch. Wednesday morning, cntlinp rla Mrx. John Adanin; aftcmonn. fuhling class. Mr T. F. o'lincn; cut I ins clny. Wrs. Jarncs 1-tcs. Thnrlay nfl rnpon, foltlinff cTas!9. Mrs. F. K. lios.Un; ItivcTxolo cuuins claK, Mrs. 11. R r.nrfo'hl; cvenins. Honor .tiuurd clans. Miss Iaulinc Jotlt'lt. Friday aflornon, fol.linit class. Mrs. I j. KoKirs; cutting claw?, Mrs. J. i ootlw.trth. Patunlay nftornoon, rnttlnR class. Mrs. John Adams, hoKtPss vrsti'rdav oo ... it. i .tivio.. .. . ..,L- nt.il Ihp li Fraxitr. Hie occasion iM-tnn l.cr firm i'"'ti m , . .i. -i, Nnhdav annitvrsarr. and n rr.ntp of ; women who are constantly In the worK U c younst-r holies ami lus of the room will be unahlo to ship the sm- cltv cnintvd a w.nl.rfnl r.fiornoon piles tin less nearly cooperation or Rnmes "on Ihp lawn l.iUowpd ly a" manifested and .Mrs. Hoyden extends a rt t around a rditk decked tahlp. re,inpst for volunieers tomorrow. . here a nB Individual hirt Inlav cakt1! Kleanie.1 at the l:ue ef eaeh d liphled Mrs. Frank VhelstotlP was a do encsl. The lit imhidetl Marian r-laml hostess yestertlay m'ternool MmirhuiM. Mary .M ltaefer Mary j ht r miosis in ner mcmlters tf the Koiui. Jane towtrtale. Hilly flark. j sstlxxrrlnktum Cluh and a few addt Vary Dlckvoii. M.thel Fcrtiiison. i tional friends. Flection of officers Hurkp Hays. John rlilunppk. Homer j wax a feature of the afternoion and Welch, ltobliia Maylterry ami r.ohhio ; the same ladles chosen last y-ar were I'l.rrmiKtis. - asketl ta retain their position-. They laic Mrs. T. J. Tweedy, president, Mrs. . . . ;J. J. Ilainle.v. vji'p liresldenl. Mrs. At a 7 oetot-k- m irta:.Ke ser ee inM K.lwnTds. secretary and I evenin, M iss JTarel -' IHet, ? hecamo , mr. and Mrs. C S. TerpeninK. tl ? hri!e of Alvirf I. Knishl. Oip cito , , Real Gravely Clicrriiig Plug ; gives the pure taste of rich leaf, svreetened just enough. A condensed, satisfying cheyy and it lasts. . ri i 1 . Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a poach and wtrtft it CmiMty JsshiMitarA I njrr ftnoat IwawMMtArai tnl rdumry p4ug P. B. Cr.nl? Tobacco Company Dwillo, Vir(iaa Us Ciicvi, who RMamii .Mrs. - moismui h.i.tti.,itv includod hcsiio- clnl imp nriiie s niniipart'n..s, Air. mhvi Mrs. T. It. Matthews, 14 Itr. n street , ' M T. ,., lwu. of ,-iark- ., the occasion ..f their t.-i "-frth ! ZTMnetZ. Mrs. Thon.a, Ho.,- .,....,,, t..-., . " ' . Mr,. Nrton of rortland. tee was UMM Jtlltl I.t'. it. H. ttooi'tit V'nHnfllh 1 C t L;l Mrs. at the ttiristWan church officiated, t The couple chose os liu only atten.l. j T,,,,istlPr R here today from " Is. Utile Mw;es liat hna ai.d Mary ! '. .. I lowland. Hip former ahowcrinft the I " 11 "a """tt ' . hii.le's pathway with pink r se petnis; II. Hudson of Pilot Hock in I en nnd her sister Iwarinti the riiip on uid'eton ttnlay. satin pillow where also rested a spray j Alvln Shone of Arlington. Is a bus- f fern and a delicate w hile l .setnid. Mt;oss visitor in the city for the jlay. I'ink roses In al'ini.lanee f.oiiied a' it.,tr iiaroer of rortland Is tran- iclinrmins scene for the osi-'-anw of j s.ietlnsr Itiisincsa in l'entlletoit. br,'" ''' "J""': Mr. ,, Mrs. lister t!off are here ovelv as she appearetl In a talllenr , . , ,. ol l.loe velvet, worn with picture hat """" ""' , l. match, and a ci-ae I nl of II. A. Barrett was hero t f rom , Pink ros.tu.ls. The liule m:i:tls wh-i At hena ye-tenlay. " i attended her were pt.wiied in dainty Arnold wo. hi was nere no.ti Qw ltin has rolurned rrol llf ,vhlte net. !m on Iminess yesterday, several weeks In; t. ,,,..,)!., iv r. ll.iuinf the eervlep ! K. F.. Aiden of Ij (Jraiide is in the Hnffet aaptier was served, the sam. .cily today. " profusion of nlnk r-s.- maklnc din- Iolo II. Kinvonit is noro oua.v iroin Miss i;latlys Hatnley. whtt lias lieen dtiltttr Kpcretarial work with tile T. Y. t'. A- at llellinsham. Washintton. ha retiiintMt Inane, having leit-'ned her IMtsition to artist her father in the of-I fice of Hamley Co.. on Court street, j Miss Haml'- has spent many months In Itellinehani, havllie: attended the Normal school there liefore entering work in the T. M. C. A. milldinx! which dttmiciles many tf the nudei.ls Mrs. James If. ftom a visit of several weeks in Southern and Western itresen and Waj-hineton. In Grants l'aws thp was W1TH.THE COLORS Nctm of liocal noya In thei Ser vice; Information for I'hla pnrtnn-nt Will lie Aiinx-iatl. the nuest (if her parents and has since Inen with her daughter, Miss Olive tiwinn. In Seattle. Kcho is is I lie cily The attractive home of land diver was yesterday Ttni Ml ItPIIV IX NFAV WflltK. T.m Murphy, with a hospital corps in France, Wllles to his father, K. J. Murphy, that he has entered hew work which consists in taklnax tanks containing 25(lii callous of water to the front lines, in order to clve hot hatha as a means of relief to soldiers who have been passed by inusturd Bas. Tile water, healed by Instantan eous water heaters, Is an ixoellent remedy for the KassinK. Th'i record : mi? room and table dec trations, , .Nona l ahiina. Ani.tnir conrrutulntions received- by I li. It. Ix-'ls of ! Mr. and Mrs. Kniwht were i.iessapes today. i.clvetl rttm Lieutenant Charles! a. rtteneil is on the reelster of llo- Mrs. Ho. , h.,ri, from Itnmoslv. I-Tnfflnnd. ani.:f..l l.mtleton tttdav from Seattle. afternoon ; f, ... ..a ,.-!. i.r..thi.. Tn. .., v. i .-t a. xt -v-,. ...... iu ..,r.. tttdav! of" the hosoltal corns shown that they th. Foeiie of a missionary tea. a 'tuar-, ,;i,,Htl. ((f ,,,,, i.ntrv supply ifrom Tneoina on business. tcrly atiair m tne omen s roc t.. company, France, who lias just been Misj-ionHry foe let y of the Methodist , r U),vr(, t,m duty In the trenches, church, and about twenty-five p nests j Al) ,,ut f town ?ucst at the wed- enjoyed the orierntton. "Women or t)n? wss j. ' a, int. Ntflem C.tontriex r.trmeti tne '"-. a, (, Wala -Vullu. tither euests Jt rt of study and the proirram was in!h(l nrro.., nnly members of the charse ..f Mrs. ;. W. Morey ;.nd srn family, were Mr. and Mrs. V'ule. !t'lhwe!l. Chris-anthemunis and roses ad.ltl a charminir note to the Pi-clty rooms itntl u social hour over the f. a cups followed the pr'Kiam. S. Sehwerlzer of lioston Is in the cily totlay. :e.tmo n. Wallace. Kdcar Paylor I. X. Frater. the bride's nnI, jlf.s j.;dfrar are here today from Walla on business. vt ll-it-rl.at V..1HO. relttrned es- llalph i . , fr,,tv, a x-l.tlt with her 'tarenls j ll. wlan.l. Miss i-an ITowland. Mr. and if La ,.rami,, Mrs. F. M. IXtwney. M rs. Charlef l)es- ' ,'. ' (, 'slmn,,B is m,rL. today I itain. lrs. I, v. tuieiie. moiio r 01 liu J bride, und Mr. ami Mrs. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. KniMlit are tt tn ti.iys in .Spokane am: baths lo f.u patients in two and half minutes. to spent! I Seattle, . I John French. after which fliey are to make their home t,n their ranch near l't nilleton. the navy. MlsafVera Temple, who is ' Mrs. Charles Heard Is to be hostess tomorrow afternoon nl her home. 21-i I nc.ln str.st. f.tr a mi-etins of the ltiswarch cluh. I " " , 1 Mr. and Mrs. Al Slasher have re- , k turned ffAnl a ntot.ir tnti to California. t :ti i . it ciitsatte ntirtf 'it mv t".- . ' . . . f"W days have been Mr. and Mrs. Fred FafeK and their chil.lr. n. Mary n .t . . t. L'lhrrEnf. of Kllth- cihn. or. Bon. Mr. Faf-ly is a neph- , now- aitendimt the I niversity of me ed of Mr Frari.-r and the family ar- Kon. aeeompanied Mr. and Mrs. rived Monday evening en rt ule to Slusher to California. liacr Iowa, where they plan to pasa , ' ' the winter months with Mr- Fafely's ! Miss liena Hales left tday for Hc tiiother. Mrs. J. C Fafely. The (fiiesta attle where she will enter the I nl departed on the Journey this morning. ' versity of Wa.-hinuton. Miss Halea is 9 i a gratltiate t.f Pendleton hitrh school and enters college as a freshmaa. I .b hll Hay i lb.tel St. t Archie and i iMtors in the cily for the day, stop ! i ior al the St. ;oortre. i Mrs. I,, i'. I.ivt rmore returned last ! nU'ht from Sookane where she spent W'hilo there they visited Hoy Tenii.le. i jt n,,inih visiiins friends. who is at Kilir Ivdro as a mt-mber tiff H. Ivauiioe, a promimait ntlor- : in y .if I n lirantie. Is iu the city to on It pal business. MISS MOI'SSI' SFKS HF.I.ATIVF.S Miss KKlantine Moussu, Pendleton Kirl now seeitiK service aa an interpre ter in the telephone o!ce in par:s writes to her father H. . Moussu, that she saw her grandmother. Mr. Motissu's mother, and a-veral uncles Walter Hayes and -nd auifTs at Mr. JJotissirs home at at the tTKerus, near runs. titim n.o .-oni.- sinee that Mr. Alttussu m motner aiea are all register. from Hepi.ner ray KAISFU I VAIIFS III IX;I:IAN APPFAI.. I. The AmcrH'aii PAIS1S. M-t. minister to Ilie Italkans stafH at So l ia that Kiiuc I erdioimd ae.waU'l ar-isi-nfly for help from Iterliii. lint rc tiitl finlv eiasiic rcidr tid was A reeular monthly niectinir .if thelolralit of rcvolnttoa nullliii from ..f ih. 1'lni.iiM. unm in amtl-CIIY Hi Itlllltana. mt nc New Instructions from Wa-hinstnn. I. , have U-en received bv Mrs. F 1- k'l'.i . hitlrioan of lied CvisK knit- the .i 4lrc. .church will be h. Idomorrow after-J-W-" J" ' come fr.mi Wa-hiiiK.on fr a i noon lit nits ::: o'clock in the teachers' jclarcd today. o o 1 0 l 0 II q II o Sleep Sweetly Coffee, -tea and some oilier drinks when -taken at the evening meal .tend to keep some people awake One of -the merrfcs - odF is that it never affects nerves or heart In fact one can drink as much Postum ' as he pleases just before -bedtime and no ill results follow, for Postum" is pure and absolutely free from caffeine or any other' harmful drug or substance. Postum comes in two forms: Poskim Cereal, which must be boiled, and Instant Postum, mode in the cup in a moment. They arc equally delicious and the cost per cup is about the same. IMnithl Mellonnld are 'at the ace of k. Followine are ex tracts from the hitter; In wmcn ant describes Mr. Moussu's bo hood home: "It is just now harvest time here any everything Is so picturesnue. The wtunen are in the fields. You see there tjuaint carta driving nrotind but oecassionally a bit? car come whig. y.in by the house which is on the main road and street. We went out in the fields ami I saw tho lund which is willetl to Iiad. I walked over It and picked a few blades of wheat which I will send him. In all, yest. rduy as the most Inter estiiiit day I have aprnt In my life, i did not think I should lind nueh an old house, and such old surroantlimia. They tell me nothioK Ii;m ever I cvn chnnKod since Had was here. l'erhirps l can Ret come id. i of how old things nre when I tell yoo that the church where Kian.il! t her Is buried and where p rami met hi r - ill be burled was built In th. 14th run 'tury; an oh! house across the s'.fet jfrom It wns b iilt ill 14l. Think of It: jr. 7 years old and all eurroiindinKS correspond, i lut tn the field not far 'fr-an I aid's trowed Is a pillar of atone v.ith a crucifix cm It; it Is called the I'frolx Neiive," but I'd hardly cull It ; m w, for tin y tell me It is hundreds of years old. They hold pilKriuiagoa jhere nl linrved time, j KveryihiiiR in so iiulct you can al most hear tin dead talk; but when I ivtiil tb.i ri lite lime lo urandmolher'a. 1 I could hear the cannon in the dis tance and it brought the renllMtion lth.it it was Ju:t such lovely, peaceful 'country as tins that has been so un J mercifully wioucht with terror ami devastation bv the (iorniuns. taoiiiK baine from omerus i a p ft w rtlhl Hi.- Ii.un Kun luff Mini it warn w luw.' or rip ii ; nml iht r wbh jMtor jthpy mnt "kick thmuich" whh the much lU-slrijtd, tnhjoc. lie Jr I t-M H 1m. K.llmvli.K Is th-s ifttr, j which is to P. A. Anderson; fc!uncwhfr In Franco, 1 Boiltmhir Mh, 1918. ' P. A. Anderson. I Toftr IVtc ami the rt f the iHtnrh: Your Mrr reoolvet yenter j y rvrnlnp. V sure lo hour i from ytu. So FloU-hr l ttnrk nmiln. i l'n n't krp wfy, ran thoy? I pore would Itko to to le there myrHf. This . Is the rtnly Job I ever hnd I omldn't Mult. The hoys Is pure Hturk t me. I poesw. eie. thin Id had work Ann Mf It wasn't that I'm tmh I couldn't Ktund it t all. you know, t h.ivfu't rectHvtMi the itarknge yet but I'm lool.iiitf iorwnrd to it with tnv month pen. I puititorte viju nil w-int me lo toil yon nlno.it the war and what part I am pla voir In It. hut I Juat enn't. Thev won't l-t me. I Bupo..R It il lie nil risht though to tell 1 1 ttd cerofcS ' . K- It whs utw'nf In: wirst li'les I ever hud it mi If -hy h-nve it m me I'm roliiR to w '.k Imek. We were the firt tnwtn to on hoird nnd of course had to k" l ih- boti4u le tow the water. If a shot hnd hit u. ? ctmldn't have pot out In a wlt. lint Irellove me. the Ciipl.iln rminlhtt the hiwit pure know httt joh. V:ih In Kii'4l;ind hut a few days and would liked to of played longer I Ihlnk the KnfiH' h think more nf um than do the French. CmiawliH: tho " ehnnnel von ran bet ytnir bottle I v?ayrd im deck. I'm nt what yu rnll afraid of a rtnb, but f want an eve break In all thfDKs. After reachiiiir Franee v.e were aent t. an KnKllh ret ramp. en!led it 'Vltotmeh rem,' which wntt ul-.nit the truth, for It would purprli-e yi si how little nmottnt of K-h ihewe Ki'liFhnien ran live on. t It s been til and tuck with im though vr Him-e. It will be KettinK better Uiourfh wMiii. I'll not Kiippoxed lo tell' yini Nhene Ihiuvus but I don't want to He about It H4i am tnkluK a rhanre. A '-.out he w rrt thih that happened to h Wmh lh.it we run out of mnoklntr and the fx a- were Jut aboii' re.nl y to ntnrt hrv k home. I'eiiple at home miKht In t rn wll understand now ft any ot;nr time that If they want the on to flrht they had IteMer klek thronh w th the nmokeH. Thut'a 'ill ws nk oi tlde of ammunition. TIjc nimiiftiiy wa holnff tt have a f U Id meet, and you wouldn't bflfeve tin when I t-ll you they had me Jow fi i ho broad jump, running h jump, half mile race, oi-e hon-d-. . yard d.teh, hht put and to hcln It- the cliiKinff Wouldn't tha maKe . i mile? I'll Iwt l-Hter and Wil r n would of liked to of le n her, ii t It never came off-good th!n? It d dn't or I wottld of ben on the Hick II. t. It man Intended for a Kiiturdny bt t tefon that time rame company w. ! hit o hnrd It looked like il rent. Tl ro w;ui only on" man I'-ft in my t'ltiud beidcM io w If an i oi her mm iud wero worse me ran never til what h "lit to hup pen. ou Vn'MV. r-'urh Ir life. It's rt'li ; ho b! inied dark ran hnrlly jee t.i write iud mininp, too. Will fin h in In to. A lmmt loit my Imnkle veaferday lo t he Kot back elt rlh H;c be-n rftli.lnr aomethfn flere.. I,nst ' tibt w hlh f w -b-er pome mi f o h Ktefed rlrfbt In my f.ir whh I ! muddy old do. Tb-y h'id nmln l;i t to in, too. Such IhCiu; will al iituHl utuke a man eroM. Went out ou a hike the i(!or day nnd pickeij enoiifrh wild Wu kmr rten f it t be whole (-ou)(i:iny. filled by ir.fm h rap full b sl.iM nil my pockets If Its a Bargain, You'll Find It at The Hub Men's Swedter Coats , ' . , . j . .. . i . $-e95 Men's Army Sweaters $3.00 Men's Fancy Jersey Sweaters $-'..r0 Men's Heavy Cotton Union Suits :'1.50 Men's Cotton and Wool Mixed Union . Suits t v. $1.'J", $2.25 and $2.50 Men's Wool Union Suits. ........... $3..r0 Men's 2-piecc Wool Underwear the garment $l..r0 and $2.00 Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts $2..r0 Men's Lojrfrer Shirts $0.00 to $8.50 Men's Mackinaw Coats. ........ $VJ5 to $10.00 Boys' Mackinaw Coats ....... ;. . $3.98 to $0.50 . The Hub ". 32 Sample Stores, o : : . 745 Mala St. T k -L 1 " 4 We nre not Ideated with Y. M. A. e1. "'Ile has ' HiiV('rl" from MTIfiiiR nnd rend in rooms o uiiinI n. WheitmatiHin ever Mince he entered the our writing on mir knwa. an there la army, hut tn flow Well enough to Im an cxoumc for thla aeratohliiK. A. Y4 In the manual company at Pamp IMK. M t A. man came by yesterday nnd j imrt aayw that many of the men havo wild they wM-re roIuk to try and et Spanish InfUieniin, and that the lioa iik n joint which wan Just ll'ai nuwe ; piiolH re full. Il tried to aee t'i'eaa I fti.m my boHt uirl. V the way. Pete, who Im j ami iii.iiiK my Bin now. uuva. icn j,, t() Httcmpl i a u m ooys i wiuiiu iiku io nir inoo - tbein and not to wait for me to write, j I'll try and answer them all. llvo i my reaardn to II. J. ami MWter ami that 1 don't excuse them either. AIo mill them I'm md louny iia one ao- diera I've hefird nhout. Son e f lu siuretM. 1'emlleton fuan. berre leav- MrtftltiR , tllf Inkewrnnl hut waa nnnuerertHful i.irs ;i.r.ot vi?v nm ii Officer M New ll-e-iird l f tioaen ApimraiuM, PHt'AiO. Hept. i4. A tit Ik hi f did Fleep In an old hen hniiw nnd the; X.i.rom feet, claimed today to be mites nhiK St ato us up I could din w-rld'3 record fr altitude bv a two a :;poonriit out of my cur every t Heated airplane, waa reached by morning. It :iKn't hnK th. tiKh till i I-leutenant M- Ik Kelleber. who flew we didn't notice aueh little tniiiKH.. . j hum the i"nilcd Klata war expoaU I'm havhiK a hard lime h at nho? ( I ' n RttttinuV In (irunt Pai l; yesterday French. Fon:et one tiling whde;wlth n p;t.s-nr.er. hnritiiiK another. ran mnke them j I.LVul. Kelh-her nnd hla taaenRr understand what wlna l. thoeah. nndlU'eo: u new oxygen appatatu;. The a lew other thinM like ckjih' anil milk. were In rarlfUd air forty oilntitea, puesa that's about the flrat nim? a nd Were compelieil to den-i d when folli r learn when he eln re, ! their oxyifen lmin to Klve m.t. When InttcmptliiK to land, Unut. Ki Ib her laud hi:; piinmoiKer w'ie Hlunned, but i not wei 'iotisly Injuicd. Well. I miiMl chute for HiIh time. Youra tn ever. PoliP. FI,MY1 HttWMAV, Co. J. Iiv'h Inf. Send me a home paper. I d n't caro how tdd It Ih. I'ltjiliit' MInmm tProwd. j HcmI ItlVKlt. ept. A aiec j tacle that waa not on t be proKritm. liFKT PAMPRFM, TH AXSlin.ltKIK Pert Pampbcll, son nf Mr. Iloac f'ampbell of I'cudli'ttm, who It In thf rervlce and who baa been for eluht month h In the ho pit a I ut lot ktrwod. New Jer.sey, has teen trannfi rreti in Jyjp hrre to am the re lira at tiay t'nmp I ox. near Tr rttim, Ne.v .h r- break thh toornimr- runaway locomotive of the Mtit:t Hood railroad company th.it Hew down a track alotiKidn that i n whirl, the war trophy train 'had Jut parked nnd m!'dnf by In them HCorea f ppec ta(or;-i furiihhed a thrill for the htun ; me i.l m rob J I pi.nl t In hIf j l.new I bud t i ii 'There's a Reason 99 a Hum hrruo ilarli rliy. I flliil In WUV t" Hie Aleft.l.d'-r H tin ll I (yuMM 111 fcel ll tlne. r"l. ally 1 ieui li. il It uiul tmiiH-u uii.im. jl.uir at are. I l.t di-ulll. I'aria In aa ilarl. al niKlit; ' an t f it ii MtreM fri.m luiii.lliir. finally I j a lal fruiii ilhile; leil 1 hit. I tn 1 V t hB llrlvt-r ll.leiny r-ir ll. Tha nay they titliiK Ilie AiiieiiimiK m il riilitlnil what run .In.' Tliei flunk we'r all inilli '..iiiiiieK ltil a Jttlia. I ljil-. il iilt a iiri i.ffier liatay J Willi euliie Ott r nil til H.1III1-' I'tttit ailli 1 1. J inan lin e. am aietlliiK iiimiiiia In Jm. M.nto Ih frt.in ln.iii.1 ami Kiatl to fet Mn. 4'ohfii'n ailtlrcnii, lint jiiava linil Iimhi aiiwow In nellinir in iniieti nli Iit, I al lliU In liii'mi' liny Klimr, l a l rinl In Hie ill) l'"l 1 iiuve li im u'l''ri.i.i anil may i!i'"i' linn a Una a lie i" 'Nuilit I'omeN In I'uriM t.at aHit.iiitllt. Tha lion ' -mir ititfr on Hie itiima ittiiii p-ein..'i iii wi i.nl; lull " I'"' fur f.Hiin uiiMu'Wn. 1 am KUtiiiu mora a.ireeinlive '-.l ilny -f Auk ilea ami I" ( l. time tha it.HMi i V. H. lull I am ( lad Im h. io ami til e all Una nltl eotJlill. ' a?.:itjca,s'I!Oi.xsiise:pcusii rrr- X i t .'WMtaWtM ll !HMIV 1111.14 Klltl.M IH H MM; IS I II t K . I...ll 1J..M ii.ri.i. relllll' li.n ti H l,. a ii.M'il Vrw. w llii nun) lir niiiirn liiml w-afc "el tli-il i II t line J..I- ll cunt M"'- l'""ln'l"j rii,uliai Oi" -l iii"a'"' l.tr ilia tuiliiM-re, aiil that it la j pt at om rnl Ilia r won! WLea ' Your liver is on! o! Order You know thtf signs i ncavy head, sick stomach, bud tahte in the mouth, tatrnt dytpepdia. Pay $tritt attention t lliese fcymptonn and grt prompt rtlic-l by Uhinff licctharii' Tills. A few diMiet will simulate the liver, help the Homai h, rrj ubtc the Imisvc 1 and make a great difference in- yur general lecling. Nftning will nut you on y ar feet t quickly at a duse or two cf -Jf. If .V La.. tJ. r Aw M.A.IM ta nW w4, w:m SU'NM TEN CENTS ARGE quantities of ShinoiA are pur chased by thepovernment to be cold to the Soldiers and Sailors. ta. i.f. We aim to make ShinoiA cost the men serving their country and the .public back of the men, as little as possible. War conditions turn men's heads to profit making. We believe friends and users are more valuable than the profit of the moment That is why you can buy ShinoiA at the eame price as always. CLACK- TAM - WHITE RED CROWN