EIGHT PAGES vacf. oniiT DAILY EAST OREGONTAN, rENTH.ETON. OREGON. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER HQ. ICTlg. EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL -NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. COLUMBIA OLEOMARGARINE 1 r 1 I i ) We highly recommend Columbia brand, for table use and every cooking purpose. IT. S. inspected and passed by department of Agriculture No. 1, District of Oregon. We receive this direct from factory every few days. 1 lb. Carton. 2 il. Carton . 45c 83c Rellfleur Apples, Delicious Apples, Win ter Hanana Apples, (livening Apples, Rlue 1'ermain Apples, (irimcs llolden Apples, Jonathan Apples. GRAY BROS. CROCERY CO. "QUALITY" Two Phones 28 . 823 Main St Not a Man Rut who would place all his money and all he could borrow on a winning horse, wouldn't he? Whv not place a goodly part on a WINNING CAUSE of HUMANITY, purely to bring Big Returns, by buying a Bond of the Fourth Liberty Loan at wnw tiL wiuuuttii imiiun Pendleton. Oregon "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon." RomReapcrtoKvctinqHammer j Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation in Portland, complete two new way. 2500 Additional Men will be required at the end of the harvesting teaton. At lea:-t 2000 of these will be unskilled men who will come from tho harvest fields of the North west an. I in a short time be transferred into .skilled shipbuilders. When you have performed your patriotic duty in the harvest fields, come to the tihipyarU tind hit the Hun a;';iin. Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation X Personal News of Ukiah and Vicinity (Knut OrKnlan Special.) VKlAH. rpt. Mrm K. O. I Vnul nnii datiKhter, Mr. Hubert Sturm, Helen nnd Potiny and Ron Hrrkeley of Tort In ml, were vlult inn WVdnemliiy and Thursday In t'anin I'mirlp. Mm. Prvaul formerly liven t Allm but It ha been its years Mnce nhe hn here, and this l lir firs visit hack here ninoe leav!nx and she seri many chitnKt-ft. Miw Krank ie ( it i tlivant accompnnh'd t hem l';itk t l'ort Hind whtre ulie will re n nin tint in t he w inter. Mr. J. 11- Mettle returned a fiw dun iiko from a visit on 1 hitter creek with hvr dattKhter, Mw. Kran J Hae of Walla Walla w.re Friday visitors. .Mrn. J. 1. Klllmn and datiuhter Mia. A. J. Melhinnld of pokanu are at the Kllltan raneh in Vannvele. Mra. Jennie i-slio li here from WaitMbnr. Mr. and Mra. Klmer Hendrlckiton ofj the Finnish colony "were In town today. Mcacham Red Cross Docs Refugee Work (Kast OrrRonian Special.) ' MHAt'HAM. Sept. 30. Mr. A. J. Smith returned to Pendleton Thura- ( dav after apoihDiik thu Hummer at her, "ittiitr lint I Hed Croaa held a uriinl Thursday ; t'tinprnan. nfternoon. Tho uttendiiiK vere Mra. Ale Martin has purchased t-f hl i Welch. KImIs I enaon( Mm. Denann, l brother, Karl Chapman, a fcanollne Mra. Wattera, wood wtw, and In no wetiKHKed on the! MIkr Klaie linon spent Friday and Mossle raneh. Saturday visiting Mrs. Hobert Fug And Mill the Hhcep are leaving th- at tlthbon. mountain!, owing t" the scarcity of Mr. and Mrs. .luck Ousey and llttlo ! feed. The herders report that feed If 'dauKhter Florence were paetiKerft to I si scarce that they have to herd I -a ramie the latter part of the them In the heavy timber a? d thai i week. They returned home this niorn- a grout many or tne sneep a. Peine ;i"tr. Tomorrow you should come and have a talk with DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT SPECIALIST at our store. He can show you how to get absolute comfort from those aching feet of yours. His advice is FREE. He will be with us on Tuesday and Wednesday. A Free Lecture Tuesday night. COME. We are author lavd rovrrih merit agi-nta for Ttirirt Ktnnii Map the Kaiwr Willi one. a . incorporaTed The Vxl I'ik-Io ob eref hail lt railing M ; put m W. H. H. in hla Hera Hook" PORTLAND ORECON Some Good BARGAINS IN Used Cars AT THE , Pendleton Auto Co. Ehtabtihed JM7 lout In the motintalna. Stanford t'hllcon In hauling lumla'r i from the til Mis saw mill to his home in HriilKe creek to finish hi house. AHert Peterson and Wood 1 iblm left Kiiday morninu; fr a few days hunt. Mr. and Mr lntia Iern 1 iH'ic in (nn Tuesilay. I Mrs. Parrett returned from Pendle ; ton Monday morn in. Mrs. Sinclair, who has been livlnw on tbeir homestead alone durii K the i Hummer, w hile Mr. Sinclair i nrked in the creamery, moved back to town Thursday for the winter.' inliard French was a uewt ut the i'Kiah hotel Wednesday niaht on his way to the mountains to ook ufter his she1 p. ' Mrs. tltorge Paldwell receive I word a fvw days ago that her brother, Ar ! i h u r fa rd w e 1 1 , of I nn ? free k . who had Kilned up. hud been called to t he train ins cchoo! at f orvallis. I lev. and Mra. Herbert, w ho hav i i'een In Walla Walla for nearly two weeks on bnnineMH, returned home ;THurday evening. Frank JUIIjert and fon Jesse ntad ' a business t r I r to Pilot Hock Satur day. ; ioiis Johnson, who has been work in In the harvest field for ionn time, ret urned home Friday, i J- D. Kirk in ban I ins w oo 1 to hf wood.- hep in town getting realy for ; the winter as they expect to move mark to town dm Boon as the weather ?ets bad. Oscar Hilbert was over from ' flrMe creek Friday on bu-im-ss. Mra. Mae Wells made a huafneaa trip to Itilard yesterday. Mrs. W. p id cock and daufihter Joan were down from Kamela for the day iitlntc Mrs. Watters, Friday. Tlie fw refiiKte narments "which the Hed fross tallies had to make are of AI1A ; fin is bed and were rent in lat niKht. There Is no tit-wing until some inure work la acnt. wlro entanglements east of Pt, Mlhlel which up to last Friday had been No Man's lanrt. After nhootimr down the Oertnan machine, iiaillard received bullets in the motor of his own airplane, which put It out of commtHKtniK Aa a result the plane was wrecked when it landed. Oaillard had taken part In the same 'combat as LJeutenaiU 1 Uve (tho latter Bhoottng down three Herman Fokkers). l)e Live Is a Southerner also, hnv- liiK lived in both Alabama and Mis- tfiHsippi. s4i,iMi:i.;oM i:its to m; 1 1 RMsin.n links f II If AOt), Sept. 26. Fnele Bara'i soldiers, stationed at tho various camps around the t'nlted States, who atv addicted to the Rolf hatiit. will have a chance to renew t heir ac )mtinanee with the (fame, tor it la understood that a favorabtu report Hcrewed down the safety valve and turned on the oil fuel supply into the firebox. About 20 minutes later, while 60 (Germans were standing about the en gine, it happened. The boiler blew up with a tremen duoua roar. Bo far aa tne nermann wera concerned It had the same ef fect as a half doxen well-placed shells. i1. KW1X H. AVIATOTIS LOMMt.V, Kept Ml F, SO. Moyd A. Hamilton of Vermont, American av iator on the northern end at the Una In France. Is still alive by one of tha wars thousands of freaks. Hamilton was called upon recently to lead tha wiuadron of which he la a member: the leader was 111. He took hla placa at the point" and on tha trip lnt tiermany the man who took his placa In the formation was allot down, j In writing- a cissslflea ad ba specific, definite. Generalities befog- your maa aaga. ; ) niitisw ii i A iMOMonvi; AT HI N 11 OF II HI XI KH rARIH, Aug. -8. (Hy Mall.) Ceorge Hobert son of the Hallway tn Kineers is wearing the f rolx o t.uerre for InKeuulty In utilising one ut the most novel weapon of tha war. litirintf the recent Cernmn drive an American unit of engineers was haul Ing ammunition and supplies up to the French front. Just as the Hermans be- has been filed by the war depart- gun to get too near for comfort, Hob f mem, approving of the establishment of courses near the different camps. It Is expected that a call will be ma ile to the different golf clubs to collect thdr discarded drivers and lions for use on the government links by the golfing pastimers of the army. NKOISMTY I IS im; OF Tl MII.K CANS ertson's huge American locomotive ran off thu track. He had to leave It. Hut before he evacuated he j i Fast Orcgonia n 8pecia 1 HFIJX. Hept. 3u. Helix iw fiver the top in her quota drive. Hi iM K. Ahv 1C. ( My Mall.) A most practica Mo and huppy use has be.-n made of empty rmidiTiscd miiK line at Palerm. Sieilv. Tho America n Hed f'ross delegate tben writes that the tin had been cidlectiug afttr milk distributions at the raie of ywa n week and were care fully treasured because of tho value of the metal. Iteca-ntly a woman who was Kiven ruilk with illrections to re turn t he c:ui, brought It bak fash ioned into a drlnkiiiK cup. The top had been cut and turned ha'k for a handle, the edges carefully trimmed and there It was. In the American Hed frn aflll, or f the fourth liberty j homey, in I'almero are H4H children. ! all of whom were In need of drink- Men Wefccnis Mother's Friend A Datptliai Et.it Ma Own toThoM who Parpaiuata tha Raca. T. Carrier Will Farm ! Reese Ranch at Helix MJffl Then, f harrier has leased Mrs. Kie Heeoe's farm a rid bought equipment for operating it. Min. fcf-M u ill ho nil t tie w inier in pori . land and send her son ita mond to Hchoid. i Far nest Ohorrnely is home fi orn Montana. Charles Mason left Thursday for his home at Saius, Wn.p after a weeks visit with his brother Victory and at tending the Hoiind-I'p. M iss iiac. ( Jarrett local editor of the Helix Advocate spent Thursday in Pendleton. W. V. Oris wold left Haturduy for hi home in h'cattb-. Karl Titaworth and family of Idaho are vintting at the V. V. Kerley home. Mr. Titsworth is Mrs. Kerb-y's bro ther. M rs. ( "Jarence Helton f 'old Pes- 1 tn 4u j a rther extensive article to the j buy these days. This clever use of t ho etui-! v lot Ik can gave t he H''1 i 'tnwH rcprcsenint iv an b',ii. and now all the children have individual rt rink lug cups made from the empty milk tins at n cost of i fi to 20 cen times (about 2 cents In American money j each for ohteiing and trimming. lAMintirw WMToii is ! iti-'rri nv aiva k ' WITH Till: AMKHIfAN A It M Y IN fXHUAiXi:, Hept. American troops, advancing on the front eunt of 'the MeuBo river, rescued lieutenant Pulmer 'iinlhird of Mobile, Ala., an aviator who had been forced by en- jgine trouble to land after he had shot down a German. It Is Just as Important that men stiould , knovr of proper nictlod Jn advance of mUi i erlwMid. KufTcriinf, pain and ditres Ind I dent n cliildbirtU ran be avoided by bavii j at hand a battle of the tiuie-boucred prcpa t r-itfon, MjIIict's Friend. This la a pne ' trating external arpl'catlon tiuit relievo th I tcruaon upon t! uawcles and enaUa them 'to expand wiUut puiiiful strain upon tba j i.raiaeuta and ncrvca, ! Ttwaisnds of women frr over fifilf a cen l tury v io biva uiteii M Iter s Krtrud tell ' Ituw ihey rnurely avuaivd nervuua pelts I and n.imwS and prr--:rvid a ttriflit, lutppy i)Uioi.itiia tlmt reflect wonderfully upna tlis j clutractrr and dLtpoMillnn of tli littla oii mma to npea t tycs In bcwiltlurawat at tbs Joy ul tiiri arritai. By rrmilar use of Mother's Friend during (le perkI tt niUM'I-s are made and kept piinble and eiuwtic. Tiy expend easier when baby trrive. and pain -od daasvr at the crisis is iiaturuily iers. Von enn obtain Mother's Friend at aer 'lm ur. It Is fur external ues onlf. Is tlttMilutely aafo and woiidt'rrully effoctiTa. Write to the Ursdiicld Kuiatur Com l arrnr Hide. Atlanta, C.a , for their val uatile and ii.tru-'tiv Mijltirliood ImiIim of miiduine fur rxiMtant iitntlrr, and rvmenv iM r to ret bottle or Mother Friend at the driitnriit Uniny. It is tit trrentet kind of help to nature lit tLm gloriouj Hurk Ut be Dorfuruicd. TFo NEW FALL SKIRTS In a Wide Range of Materials and Styles. Separate skirts of satin, silk poplin, all wool serge, Gabar dine, novelty plaids and stripes in many new and clever styles to choose from. One hundred New Fall Skirts at from $7.50 up to $.'15.00. See them! rm: lli:sT in- STYLE TIIK MOKT IV VALl'B Spring n( hi-r Kticnt Aim. Minnie (iaillttrd hart gol!n IokI umlrixt the OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE saBwSMavBBrsaysBMaMMaBMMMWawVHHMjMMw . LI PHONE 464 For a TAXI MY T.IH AUK ALL NEW All Llueii.ed Drlvera. MY BOOKS ARK 2rRii)i:sroR$:i.50 ' Service at all hours. WM. flOEDECKE llaiiiy Da)', fiwr Mure. JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH'i I Con Dung Low I CHOP SUEY, 1 1 NOODLES China Btyl. I HOT T AM ALES f i CHILLI CON CARNE KPAM8U 0TYLK. E , I LUNCHES 1 I COFFEE 1 s s - BSrithlnt elaaa and up-lo- : r data. riHBT CLABU BKRVICB Z z I TEA 5c Packasre j I UNDER STATE i I I HOTEL i! S c 3 Cor. W.lib and Cottonwood au. B l'bona 117. faodlaton. Or. rtlMIIIMIIIMHMIIMIIMIIIIIIIMUIIIIIIIIIMt? ARNAND'S Th only NIW fac powd La tl pat! 50 yn Oh yes, there are maiy, many kind of powder oa the market, but thla one It absolutely different from any you have ever Bad. The price la reaaoiable, too 50 cents KOHPPEN'S H.T It r ' i noew aor3 Tine to Co Into a Lunch Voom ANO NOT HW TH5 pORTCfd fuss AnoKz rrt post WITH A. rxtfTY POP C4HIUS I'M OPOCP1NS HT G&UH AT jua COWlUiAMV TMCM PGSTCfrt tOAAIN UH1CB i l '.tv jl - I t ra ill Ml It. R ItOIUIINS Dentinlry Judd Rldg. Court and Main Sts. ijililililililiillliiliiiiiiiiiiililiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiilliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiilllllillillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia I Easily Pulls 50 Overload I 1ALH ItOTIIVVKIJi ttpuiimmirt axt l)iiUim Eya Bolantinoally lamtnad. ' 5 UlaaaM around to fit. ', twrt.a Nation al IMS nallfliBB. ;s paodlta. 1 2 Dr. Lynn K. HlakesJee Chronlo and Ncrvoua lit. and ItiMM ot Woman. X-ltaf JCI tro Tli.r.p.utloa. Trml'lfl lild IUmmm It. I'twMM fit -i3 DENTISTRY Dr. David Dennett Dr. Tom O. Dailey luil.l liulldliic. mlMU, Orrfoa. Tlie Model I) RATES STEEL MULE Is a three-plow tractor with a big overload capa city. Such provision has been made for power and traction that, under favorable conditions, it pulls nix fourtcen-ineh plows over six inches deep. This has been done on numerous occa sions when Riving it dynamometer tents. !tuid III mirli unrf"miMm.' It I. oniMjrvutlv. to auy IIimI th Mod. 1 l will I'Ull a 7G r uvrlnad In rmtmrni'lii, whan IiuIIIiik thu lud II U built for, I. Iliri o ilow any Ucilli. 3 DISTINCT REASONS Tha imwrr ut lh" Mlrl l la iliis to ihrun foalnr.a rif roll, airui'fioii: an rffiriifiil vulvln-liMd molor; aerond, roller biarinK limiiiillon; and third, doulil ruwlrr Krli. Oregon Motor Garage INtXIItlHlItATICO 11T, III, Iti, 1M Weal Court ft. Taicpbosd n g a ES f, 17 ' niiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii 1