page f::v! ' nAILYEAlT Oni-GONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON, SNAY.EPTEETSOJ, ETOTIT PACES """ r i ri i 1 (1 A 1 rjrJ"s""tsp"?afaejB. flWjff "Wl Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For t- . NEW TODAY M!W TODAY. Koch new advertisement will bo run under N i w Today', for Fie first Insertion only, miring ailbseiiuent Insertions nf the ad It will appear under lis proper classification. HOY 13 wants plncn In wink lor room nml board and h-u lo miiotd. fall Until How-niun, city. .VI Itcwiiril. Slfili-n from ptirkinir at Honnil-Fp Kr.nindH rrntunlny afternoon, p'epti'm- brr Blst, new Fulok 4. rr number j 3SS109. motor No. 372724. Will pay i ntmyc reward for return or liiformii- : ilcm imillnK lo recovery of .mini. T. ! J. . Cheney. Pendleton. oreKon. j lir;ill s.;nl.i;nitv - AIIMIIMT I'ltOfill 1W i:i;pht rMi"i.irri:n WAS11INlTfN. ttfi'l. 3". Willi only n f'w rtctalli yot to Ik cli-ari'd it and poRHlldy a phort ndilli ionul henr litK, lli IliiKhrH-iiri't'orv report on America'! aircraft ,roiltn'tlon pro- tfratn Ih rninploln. Tho roport l In 1h linndH of HlPnoKraph'Tw lotln- lie hifr pri-piiri-d for l'r,'ioil-iit W'llnon. TIkto was a rrport at 1 lio rnpilol Hint portlonn of It. nt lfat. alioai).' were In llii pri'fclilfMif b hands. flrcat iKpi'i"laitey Ih inanifeMl, nt III" rapltol and In official rirrli, In pol.lii alton of lh n-porl. (Ins, Ip nt tin' fiiplti;! decltireH thai tho lliurhnH rport in oven more seere in It.o tone than th" tvmiti nireraft InveHtiKation coiiiliiilleft report. For pome time there have leen K!lnrd,', iniimalionH that hlKll representativeM of the kov prnini'iit would l,e offi'i'tid by the lltil'heii fminirv. FISTS M'SPl:TI'l i stiiiki: IiiMmiV. M-pt. 2fl. In'itl!mtliin of railway MrlkfH In Wales nuiv lirluir tint Niiiiii taiilitiK facts Hint will link tin fHiiimiMf with actlx ltiiH if luuirMM ttml isinsis-ntliiiis iihjiitors. rsinif railway twit flaliit lo liao nhli-iai Hint imiiflMts lint is-is"isily for tmNiilis hrlite; afMiiii tin ilrikc. i iKii s rxrt i Tixa K l-l FOU 4 IIIMFS fiHS. Vill)ls 4aptiin' llolicnrJillrrns ami Itrliitf Tlictn to I'. H. CIIIf.MiO M. i't. "I hope till Americans capture the kait'er ntid hi" fix silly ,.i,s nod l.,rinir tiiem to the I lilted Wales o stand trial for tho murder of the I.ttsPania victims nnd rlmllar ci hue-, nnd that all seven of them fire hauKed hy the neck Until divid, ih ad. dead." Ho llovernor llardltiK of Iowa, con rinded his address til I he ttovcrumcnt war cki-IiIoii 1,, n crowd of sev nal thotiMiiid person -i. He spoke on Thou Hhall Not l-ieal." "The Coifed States oul.t to wills thai old Pll. Ileal Hue. Thou (-'halt Noa Kteal." Into Intermit ional Piw mid m-o that It Is oliservod." Il di dared, iitso io;il,lmt a plea for c n llnmd rile,',! In the m-iMnr. of war in mi it loiiw. "Thr more nitiMlttons we e-nd over then, the fewer the i-nsiiallh-! rimoni? our liOx," he -aid. BULGARS 1ST LAY DOWN ARKIS IF THEY GET 1 ARMISTICE W'AslllMiTi iN, Sept. s.--Ilulitiir. la can lid out of I hi. war II ' h" IlKIecS lo four Coll, III lolls. Pu'kllll dip loiiiat l lieIC llllollil. d Hi" lilll'd 1 i ess: I II! niud dellloblll,e her aony. sur t" nder nil loilleiliil, p. I mil allied loulrol of ' llllbHIliiill I , 1 1 vv -I v H. pef loll Ihe paint I ciiiiiili' llo",s lhloiii.ii to Ihe Tin ki,i frontier, Hide'' lo lest all let j ll i ,t in I ipiislloiis until a la ni'iiil peace at the i ni ol lh war. If pulyull.l Is sine, re 111., diplomat raid she Will ac, . 1 t oollllolis U1, Ii will UIV I Ho lillbl a i ha lice lo Mi'i.o at Turkc, 'I hill HillKllllll vdH in c. pi the lie I.ialidii Is Ihoiisbl hl,ihly anil on all ..t.s ii is ati'id Ih.. nl- Ilea l.uv mil lo In PV '""" Holioiil.i mil of lb" way and i-tposum tin. Ausloan oar nml I '.ill o a n Till ki l to ll vikoioiis rillai I.- Hilly lliis IccollllUed Hie J 'lUo-Sill V iNstuurnoN AMI It K' AM WAIT. i'A.STI'l' M CAN I I K "NF HTFI' I.IPFIITV leiAM FOX Till iT II A I Mb OV THHI Ii Kl I P TP Id.H T' Hi NKW CLASSFoS lor HI .1 i I N V I-.I1H Mild All V t Nit II Ii PI I 44. piii vt i: i i mii Unrollitient Week Ocl. 1 to 5, 10 a. m. to (i p. nt. . AT V Mllll A H 111 KM' Ml SI". '(;raci: iujnmi: ,)m; lir I s is sim.i.s I.MtTlttC'rolt J For Rent APT AM) HOtlM.-S ALTA APTM. FURNIHHKD APT. Hamilton Court ItooMM and hoard, I'hunn 482H. HOUKISKKEP1NO ROOMfl, 01 ClajT. Ill iFSKKF.KPINU apartments and alccpliitf ro'imn at fin Willow. VOK KENT 8LEEPIN1J room, tOO Willow. Phona iK- KUI1NI8HKU AFAllTMKNTsi, clow In. 4U1 Aura. VVHFAT HANOI! for Hint. 6 mllea from town. Address. Hnx US. ren dition. Ora. KCKMH1IKI) APAHTMFNTS cloaa In. 777 Thompson. For; KENT FurnlpN'd rooiiK and BM. 407 W. Alta. Phonn iiiiw. Foil HKN'T 5 room partially fur-nL-hvil In doiiblu hoiiFK. Hyem' I ark on (!i-ar St., I'hone 044. Ifoii iifnt a cornroiUkl 1i placo for man mid wlfo or f'ir four hlnh ncliool huya. J'hono 7H or cull 302 jl'uMln. (Foit KK.NT 2 fiirnlj-hed apia. Thonc 7fl.1It. 'WANT Til ItFNT f room fiirnlrlied Iioiihp. Hurry i!. Wurrtn, pout of fleo clerk. 'l.-iu ii .:'T 2 Fuinifhed api I'hono 7S3II. Inipilre 4M7 Fa'l Court- i Foit HKNT Fumii-hed apt. Phone ! 14:1 W. Fun HKNT Furnished room to j Kentleman only. phono 294 V. l.-iiii HKNT Furnished houfl keep- ln rooms. 210 Willow. Phone ".ill. J F.-imnus Koran Stolen I From Russian Library; I:Y JOHFPIf HHAPLFN. (Fnited Pr Hlaff llorreHpondenl.) i M:W YoltK, Held. 2. oi c -f th" ' victims of the UuKfdan revolution i tin- most famous copy of tin Koran In ilin world. 11 was slolen irom thei puhllc liluary In pelroi-rail nnd Its j uhcrenl t Is now nn lsnliite my. i l,ry. SiM-aklmc of this voluma of the! Koran. iho cel. lirated Ituflnn , rcholar Prof. F. oldenlniri nam The slolen Koran Is unoiiest Ion-, al -lv one of the most famous volumes of its kind. Hy Mussulmans through- j ! out the world It was rewarded ns very' holy. I personally have se n linn-, i iltcils of worshippers of Alia walk I Into the puhlle iihrnry nnd how bo j I fore the hook. A h. aullf'il P Kend J 'surrounds this volume ih.' Mood j .pots on its covers am wild to he thnss, j of Mohamet himself. 1 don't know I the motive that may hnvn Impelled those who Hole It. 1 do not hclievc the slory that Turks stop! 11. as tho soviet (lovci mucin nlri adv has prom ! Iscd to return It to any properly des. , , -naled Pod represelltinn t lie M hammedan church" ( Photographic copies of the volume , are to he found lit the lihrary. j The Volume, came originally from Turkey, Whirl" It Wa-i presented to a oriili.r of Has Ian scholars as a a I ft i to the cliroitrad public library. A few ilaM I, ef, .re Hie Ihelt. II mini- i r of Ameiican collectors offered I ' $ l iiin.,ii,i) for It. I as nn Inilcpendeiit nationality , ad it Pas from It. nm' aniioiinc. i!. It I' Mali. ,-,1 Hi,' dep. bout under roiisld iiiiilloii by the Hal. an I"'"'"!''1'1 1- li.'i-lemd l,v the lliilc.irl.itl iritis and Serbian successes In Skuul n The advices did md imoliui Terms sriil Kolta. invimv. sent. 2.--Tlte allies 1.11,1,4 have iill.a-!v lieeil K. lit I" .--oHa .- i l, m i,, ,1 ibis aft. i iiooli. Tin y In- , ,,,. l- i taciiillon of Ml lellil.-ry I ,l , Id,' ,il la a a pr. Iimln-iry J I., alll .li'li .ill' l.t. ! A ...ii'ibie nipliirc with Oiiiii.iiiy , j u i i la and Tin I- ev. I And lh .loin, .hlluitloll of the Hup i . eatiau in toy. I MEAT INJURIOUS TO THE KIDNEYS 'tKI Tlll I V.IMMIM I I. Il i .ill. If li l It III It IS CHI i lllll II ItOlilMIS. U .. pre a in. lion of iiieul lanis .1 i. in blood I ' filled ' lib line a "I ,,s a wi II-1 now ll aiillioliiy, Hun,, us lo I e l omliilillv on mil I'lioalil a. 'all, t kliliu V tumble. 'flic I, bin, ys il.i ibeir iiloi". t to f Ihe blood of this III llullliil mid, ' lit We 'I. Ill-Ill the meiwolk; Ibc) il.i -'tiiinisli. oie niuuiii , ," "--,lc.-i llntt "ml Ihus I III' Wlisln Is e. I .loc. I III blood lo pui. -"II lb- . ti nt,, , i tem. V lo ii ).'i I l-i In. v.i a. he and t. I I ii lumps . f bad. and "i I1-""' I 1 1 1 1 ,' i I , i pane In I In. I a. I. .1' I In- nunc Is d , lull 'f ei'lln t.t Ha. liuiplcr la lliilill.le, obll.t'lilt U lo n. k roll t iluiliiu Hi" nil "li when y.,.i h oe .. veil. I, cil. Inch. j.. nervous ami ill.'-- M-i's , I. . pi. lie . m id ,1. .mai ll or li Hi '" In h"d vvelilb. , r , i fi.i, our pbiiiioui i-l ale, ui f- ii r I.I. IP to,,. ,,,, . s . f .lad S.lllst lake II t.l- i'le! iii ,i ala-s of vniiir In. , il . ui i nioliilii'- and In n I, w ,tn ir l.hlniis mui in i ill's famous ,-,,11- Is mole floln the add "I crap's and bill' 11 )iib'i', blni d will! Hllilil, and I ,n bu n ii . .1 tot ,', iicri'li, o I" II. o il and -Hi, oil. it" .1,, i Kid l.i.llli'S, 1,1 i, ill I . I -te ll,,. ii. i, I . Ill in In-' so ll Is mi loiui ,'. o I., i, i.e .,: loll, ,lion thus tiidlim llllo .11 I and l.liobt I ill .ol. Ids. Jail S ,11 i I" ll' ItHilslV e .Hill I Hi ll,, I pK.iie. a ib li'lhll i rll'T' , stem III i n i"cr llllnk. and li" loily tun ma I. a mlstiiko by Ial In It a llllla occasionally lo krep lint Kid .;a climi ai d tn-lHa. For Sale FOU HAI.H-From 1 to 50(1 sacl.. firm elam new pntntocs at market prices. 1eo. K. Attc-liury, liox 72. dial Mild, Ore. FOH l.HNT Furnidied lionw. wllh alcrpliig porch, lurnt.-.l In rear 417 tiarflcld. Ad'Hc-a 42J Ill's of loo. Foil. .ALF Modern hauso am! four IoIh. Willi RaniK". 2-5 Poiulldon, Ore. 8. K. Hullir, 1113, Indiana Ave... Hi.oKnno, Wanh. Foil PALF. TliurntiKhbred B. . . U liltra l.i isliorn ,u I h t X unil cor hT- la . K. A- ;irilnn .lr. I'houe 4SB. Fdlt HAI.K A'WHl h'.Tl frhoaln. Cha. '. I'i'liT.'on. rayiiKO, "rc. Flllt ,XAI.K Modern ,',-ro.mi hooye , ami rnrriKe on norlli fldn. AddreKH , 44Y thin offlee. Foit SAI.K Four " ilnder Klude hukor tar In i xcelli nl conilllioii: m w Urea, lor only 4.".n. S owner. 2u;i 1,'olnt fired, or call t'.'iVW. Foit HALF Five room modern new huiiBalow. A harualn 1C taken at once. lmpilre r. 1 'I Ai-li sired. Foil SALK lot) limn rood alfalfa hay. F- d ground: and l unnum water. Call or Wlilo Kali tueener, Lowden, Waih. i iws Ut HALF Phono 4F11. Farm Land For Sale 111 Ainu. Complete, Wllrat Hlim ll. In Hi" In-art of the. famous. Hauls .-, e l-'iai country of Adams county WaHhinitmn. Land lavs I erfeclly I, vet, sail acres In Rood, cl. an um- inerfalloW. K2l in llul.l.le. l.ood Pel of farm hliildlnis. Two nille.i to K. od market, on fine macadam road. Prlcn per acre. Including all ptock nnil tiiachim rv, to nm tho place. 20 tons of hay nnd other feed, some household furniture. For full particular rei, or wrllo I'atry 1L l lalii. ltllville. Wafh. Lost LOST Uoiih.liatton card, A iiici'ioa n Nat. Hank check book and some I money, between Missouri 'iiilcll and ; Pendleton. Kitit.ibl" reward If re lumed to this office. L' 'ST Iavender imiltrelia with' whlto celluloid handle. between Hotter rrcck ami Pilot Hock on Kr.i-j mer road. Finder leave at this of- I ficc. Heward. 1 Found I'ot'.N II Lelttr cotitainiml picluil? of Ihrce toy and clipplnir from newspaper. nailer call have same hy rallliiK al this ol : ce and pay Iiik for :l I Its To HI o I It MflM'V tj M.ISITWH LoNlioN. Sept. 21. SaKnue cx perls have come to the conclusion that It Would Co:-! mole to r:ils" the which has laid 111 Jtnl feet of water for two years, than It would lie worth. Hut Hoy are i;olnir ntier the nioiiiy known to be locked In the pimer's cabin on Hie m r deck Willi divers. till! I O.I MITIIt." , reel. I.' TC..S l,...e.t I ,.,,- IcieslH, ,;,T ,,.,, Sept. ".I.-- s,.',,:,'. ,.,';. j, ,!,,'.,, the "..-If- DOINtiS OP THE DUFFS U' I "Hill IHLifi" U w. WMAT Bns.o-,1 TUB IWrB m t) TuiiJTUCStu PUT V.xJ r4 ( ea s.S-a ' OH.TOM.VOO WON T till 4 Tj I OM.TcJta, fx VoOTeUklVC 1 ' ' J" ' " om sSer 12XS ? I n t,J IP "TicN ueto I t ml V-irl Wanted VV'ANTFD tloed, Chan run tu iim, ri.Mi c. c ,. . Fust I ircKonlaii of ft' c, WANTFD 8ewlIllC, ptaona 43-W WANTKI) lltl (renefa! hounework, 1 a In family. W.gei 2i. Writ. , Mm. T. U. Sinclair, llonnevllla. Ora. HUMHTITCHINU at the rilnxer shop. Mall ordeia promptly attended to. WANTKIi Woman to cook on ranch. I'hono 4F4. n'i;uT CLFItK. wanted nt Ht. Ucorso. Hotel. Apply ut oncu. WANTF.I Khaker Blrla and lionjrs DomcMtIo Lnundry. WANT To lU-.Vr 5 room modern limine. Harry II. Warren, po of ficii clerk. WANTKD Fxpcricnced Kill at The I itlui. C2J Main die, l. WANTFIl Woman for Renei nl hoiixcwork on raah. fall 34J nrjpany. n,'3- ItAI.FY AND It ALKY, Attorneys at v A Ti;i--i;oHlon an foreman of Iw. off,ee U American National wheat ranch hi' oxperlen 1 man. l'ank JluiUimtr. Artdrca J. A. Unix. 7 'iarde,,. I T'jC 1AWK1.1. "aUoTnVy a'n'i counsel WANTFlTtj'irl "for Kciaial ), ,.e- lor at law, of! Ira I.. leKPaln llld. worw. Iiiiulie ezl ;o:-;iie or phone WAXTKH flirl f')r general house-! I work. Phono S73. j 'i'.MII KNTKI! work wanlid. Special, i attention phovvn to Jolt w, ,-);. 1'all. ial .-, Lill'-lh or phone :!U2". j Notices olii-e nf IMMlliilt of 4'ity of IVlldlc. ton niimcnli'tit Hinnls. I Notic e Is herel.y yivril that l"ity nf Pi iulleton Improvement P.ond No. 17 Hi rl s: F, will io paid upon I retenta-I ti..n thereof to the nnd, rsinni d at1 the American National Hunk, Pen-j illiion. 1 'mat ilia County. Oregon. In- terest on said Pond ceases octolcr 1. j litis. j Dated Seiteniher 25. 1II1S. I.KK MOOiiHoFK. Trea'ttier. Cilv or Peiidlet.,11. Oregon. Hy Win. Mi.kelsen, Icpuiy. All persons kovvi,,K , li.-n, - In, i i,u v 1 .1. id K' "ds. 210 K. Court. I.e indebted to F.. I.. Finn It V " arrjl" '"'N rispiested to call and settle their ae- 1 . counts l,cfolc 11. owill!! to . HOVTTHn a cnlcmplated chanpo -,ie bind-j u'a'1,a" iiess. This Is Important. ! p TTCrT V.. I.. FMIT1T. CAM. PK.NLAM) HI to.-.' t I novo vour houtthold cood". Stray ill. From nenr Aleacham. nno fray tnarn mule, branded J Jt on left rhoiilder: also roaohed. Pea son aid reward for Information lendini! to her rot o cry. Addreis JOHN PAIN, pcmlleton. ore. IP.x J1S. or Pox 25. Meacham oreaon. TIMI-: cni Vi--tiiii-PciMlhiiin Aulo ritnar Ijivis Weston for Pcmlleton at ":,''lVH; i ,SM I "' WI.KItKi: nets all a- in. and 12:45 p. . j In' w,.,.,s the Ills! time ever the Leaves Athena for Pcmlleton at 8:01 . fj w -ibird the time II nu a. in. and l:'U p. m. lots Letter work. ord r now. Leaves Adams for ) -. 'million at ..I,.,-t . r Works, c:; j Cotton- ii. in. and 1 2'l p. m. 'w,,.l Mre. t. Leaves l'.'iull, ton (Alleii-Knb'llt Hton ) f. r Westoii at lo i. m. and i o nnd, t,. i ijuiis or tu aeil u 4.IOI p. m. i 'hs classified. n l.. I 1,1" who lias l-n thrihlii',- i es ,..r the I'll". W ck With Ills More of how I.r Well the cr..lx Oiieoc. was niie.-ted here leceiiily "ml aiiaii b.'d as a .1. s, n-r from the a Good Thing Wilbur i No t -' ii I l II ees. V , V yjeii.irwM'ViVVlavsl tyvtrintVtweav UtfrlN rVT M I hi .v-y- Rent, Ktc, qassified for Easy Reference. Attorn: ys -iHldtf. I) w UAH. FY. Attorney nt U, liiinms 7. K, II, IX'Fpaln Iluildlmp - --- - - ---.-.,::.,. Ijiw, Itoom 17. fiehmldt lilook. t'AI'.TF.Il SMVT11K. Attorneyn at Ijiw. rufiro In rear if American Naiionnl Funk llullillnor. FF.i: A4 Fi:.'J, Attorneys at Law. Of fices In Menpaln Huilillni;. It. 1 KKATolt, Attorney at Iiw lloom 24, Fmlth-CrawTord lluild inn. rf. A. NKWHFUItY. Attorney at Law. niith-' 'r.-nvford Jtnildins. I'CTKIIK'iN & I1ISHOF. Attorneys nt Ui, Foonis 2 nnd 4, h'mllh Ciawford ImllillmT. IAMKS F. l-j:i!l:Y, Attorney at I-aw. Oi ifieo er Taylor Haulware win- WANT AM COI, IMS," AM CI. 4SSII : IIIIIKlTtlllV. Counting fl ordinnry v.ordstgn the lie,' nnd chnrK'-tl by Hie line. Want n,ls nnd loenls, ltnl- Per l.lne. Firrt ln,rlion. per line Hie F.neli add. Insertion, per line.. 6c OlIC Week O'iX ini"'.:ti',np), eaeli insertion, pr line S 1 n,o. es, Ii Ins- rtion. P"r line 4c 6 month contract, each In st i li,n, p r line - 3o 1-inonlti entree. e:i,n in- s, rtion. per liae 2 N" ds ink. a for Pn than ...2-so Ads tak-n over the t. l.-phons only from lt IT' conian nuh p, rd'ers and ttio'--e lit-d in lh T, Pphone liireetory. ",iy must Pe in our office not Ptt'-r thsn 1 :S0 o"i lo'-I; day of puhlicntion. Second Hand Dealers V Tl'l ll'J.i-: IK. ill T 111 new ana sec- 1. 1. one :i:;:i. ai limaaiiu trannci- r.nii and heavy haulinsi- Auctioneers Ct'I.. V. V. Y"HXKA, .Miclloiiecr. ,, ,1 . - a H'l'iahy ' farm. -is slock ami machines .-al"s. "The man that cots you Ih" money.''': orders al Fast i ii c.:, mi in office. harm Implement alloy. ",'m Off .he hcr.l H... f f' lb' ,-',Ut to the Jll.I.e. "I ail, t 11.1 and w hen 1 said I was I was It.-'.' M Mas meter." lift'." hero, ly Iiik on tho Draft Board. . a I I-aw. lloom SI, l I'liin-'.run i Notices l,OTlTlT7ll"nt' FFItMH rillFH- t-ii in rrn ii i" , ..... l-ll" TO MM'KAI. 4MIIISi!.tl ,. tl. A rererendum petition hnvlnw filed with the Hecru.r of Tit" 4.lty of I'cndbton on Fehrnsry . H'li, for Hie r-!eil of Ordinsn.e No. I'l l, and lisnsmitt-d to tloi Common Oun.ik hleh took no action thereon, a vols will be tsken on rsid referendum or dered hv P'iiHon of the peopln at l!l next rekular city ! bin. The followinit Is th form nr.d num ber In which the'iro will b punted on Ih" olfldnl ballot; -I'li-'KHKylll M il:llKPI n HY PFTITION- OF THR PFOI'LH " To retoiil oruinanee No. Tilt, (rrsnt. ..... u,..,o.r,l nil Contnsnv. a cor- !l ration, permission to locale, elect, i.perat.l and maintain war-hoi,.T s. tanks and olli.r n-eessnrv bmldiiiKJ Ion certain lniU within lltl lilv t I'eniil. ton Tor Hie storaKo nn l listri bullon of Hetroleum slid lt ; and other kinds of merchandise. Voto ls or No. 402 YES. titj NO. The full tltli and text of audi nn s uro is as follows: OHUlNANCi: NJ. 9H. "n rirdinnnce itrantlne to the Pta'ndard Oil Company, a corporation, permission to locate, erect i-p-ratu and maintain warehouses or tsnks. ot .both and oilier ii'c'-ssary buildings .n le. rlaln binds within The itv ol 1 l-ri-IdiKon. for storace slid distribution of Il'. lrOMim and its prod Ida Bad other i kinds or merchandise. ,., nlr 1 1 lo: I'HOI'LI; OK TUB ! ' I'FMII.HTON ! OIIU.UM Ad OL IloWS: ., : Section 1. The Mindard oil C"m panv. a cornoralion reanul cs isihii; uiid. r aid by virtio of the ls ,,l the Slat" of Calil'o'nia. a nil thorized to do business in the M o or !'ir.-n, is h. reby rr-.n P-r.i.j-s.on. 'subject to tli" prin. and cnlu'ons 'herein .x,,r.s.d. and is h.-rc-.y thorlmd and empowered o cat i. ".ct. operate and maintain Wre liousea tn.ks .id an and J1''. n... . s, ry bi ldi ." or sir.icti.res J sudi l,iii!dint s and w . h mi'' he constra t -d of cori.-el" brn k Hollow ti.e. . .. t'-c fo h.v-in,- b-s. r.hrd property, t .-wit: I.ts 3. 4. t. 1 ' and 12 II Hl'sk 11 of til" l!e. rva t mr. : A?: dit.o.1 to the Town of Henih ton. . In The City "f peiidldon, iir-i;on and o use said premises and 'he "rmiures ilh.r.on for ti.e sfsras-i and cistr.bii tion of 1'e.roPu.n and Its J:r''uu'h'" inr.l other no rchaniliac hamlied W ;s,.i.l Company, for a not ex ccedlnif liiteeii 15) years. Section 2. The powers, rishts and pilvil. .- Krant.,1 In So mm I II. ordinal,. ,, are ttrunt, d suliject to the .end. lion that in ac-cpUim Hie same. the l-nl'l siaiiuar.i ",i . " - - . ,rt,.,n. agrees to sav- and hold l.irmleis Tli- City of Pendleton from ,11 ilamacea to any pets persons. association or corporation. w lib 11 mav he caused In any mann-r by or K-roViliB out ol the use and 1 the premise, r the said grantee for the purposes lo r, in Stlll ,,l and in the event ol suit or scti.o. the aid City for any such .lamas.', the said Standard -'"": puny a corporation, uur,-. s to defend such suit or action at in own . x- s ...w, u nv nidirm'-nt .hail be rendered auainst said "'ty , y .-uch suit or action. '11-1 siii.1 Bratil.-e iiurec to pay such Jm.itnient within siKty days after the aame Hl.i.ll hecnie filial Pass., I the Common Council this 2nd d',v of l'Miriery. 11.17. Ut.-C THnS. FiTZ t.FH.M.n. It.-eorue,, Apprnred Fehrtinry 3rd, l'-'l.. .1 A. Pest. Mayor." This notice is published pursuant to tli. prow-ions of ordinance No faci .,. s-, nl city pa.-i'd l,i- the Common Council snd anprov.d by the Mayor Hi. r.-of on lh Slat day of Mav, ! " The first publication hereof re-intf on the itith d.y -f s .t ' I ls. TlloS. FIT OFItAl.l.. city H' c.rd.r. You may pave profitable huslneaa relations for years to come with some one you will coma lo know first thru your next classified ad! SAGE TEA DANDY TO DARKEN HAIR its 4 . ir M.M(mir.ifn imu'ipk jo n.w K loiiit AM I I VI K. It ii iit. V.hi -Mi. !i;iv. t.i. 1.(1 Ii:iir- I t , ii ii 1 1 i'.t! U ii inl I r'Mir- ali'i"--t j MV.-I- fii'tl If ..Hi ll e,. t ii r.'t r M I'i.l-' ti t ..uii'i't'.t't " at it' ' Inne m...". Mil- ll.-iiH ..t i-.ltl. s ..C Uik- i.l.l l;ttii..t;s :".a.- T. t I- ; iiiU""Mm. t V thf tt.i.i.t i-.ii if .i ii r Jnur. -4.iui-. ut. U f ll 1 tl'-l ill HiiL'l.-t it, h'.nis.' it rt;til .'in itt" tiair . 1 i,; ni. ill ,ii l ii-iil;. tltal li 1 "iiu t'JUl I. l ,1 h-4 l - M u.-I'Ih - 'i 'ht f wh'.M'' 1 1 1 i ' t . u Kt-iv ,,1- i. omfntf f.ii! .1 hat- cut 'I'Ij- : iiitiiin fii . i , tiding.' Mfi'-r -'tu' "r I lU'i j . tu : 1 1 ! 1 1 4 I ti ; ti . :tii ..til Mm - iiti't vip r Ion s rtif ur- j;i I I I- .1 , i. 11 114, t. MlH i! .ll' I t, - i th.- l v mill. liuv. i.,t i tut ii i i i n ; it-i- ir- n't want . , , t, ,,,, ,., ... ; . ( (.ii - - v- ii ti S i - i .' li.iKi'f it'l-tdimi (- iii.-hl Jlt .1 ,u if (' Hi- d it-it w.tti ' 1 ' r j,., !.-; , i . t iii.-l t f oiillf In) ,i ) .) .ii" t ii Ii i il it fv ti.iM. ') hie. pi . ; ill ;s' 1- . I. nit I rc.juliilttS ItlitJ i, )," iff l' 'I I"' 1 (l 4k,s4W'4k'Vv'.-4a'a a m. S4 i 9 Farm Loans at low Hal. . and I a. i 1 , rios ll M Hi -I' HI IMIiHII NT AMi:i:i( AN NATIONAL HANK p. mil. ion. Or. sou. Notices I,K l'llol'i'.t:l HF.MIli;l. li ih I r.i, The Common Council of Th" CUV "f Pendleton, oreaon, has that st the next fcTn.rl election tit b" b""'l In the said City of Pendleton, that a vote shsll ho tsken on a incisure pro posed by Initiative petition. fid with the He-order of the said City trsnsmitt.d lo the said Common - cil as follows: The loitowlnir Is th-- form 1 muc in be lor in which th- llieanire will pnnt.d on th" official ballot: FKOPOMFH 11 Y IV1TI ATIV'J I r.i i i I'... Charter sm. n,l n. et -v. lh,.r , city ,,l I', udl ton to i' r ; : S '' 1 ' '- ' ' n, 1.1.1 ..... I., e II et ' ' I ""' e- The heretofore suliirlx- d r,.r the pui .- Ol collSlriK'llllM, . II 1. n.ltnif lis system .:irinil eliu of Kf-ivliy wst.r works and i.. i a from air iu. u inui-i'i' M- at.oll. v ' V.ite eB or No. mil vr:?i ',' 1 NO. VUe r,.ii measure m title and text of Hit-It ns follows: A Hll.U To propose liy Initiative petition an Act to ani.n.l the Chart, r of The Itr of I', nob ton. I iviotilia County, Mate of Or.ston. end t.. suthoriae and cm power the said City of I 'end ! ton . to iro-iir en indebtedness not "-"l"t $ -a aim art In addition to nil other ln d. hle.lness. heretofore ut horiied. and to issue, s. ll and dispose of neRotinhlo la.nds to an amount not cuceediiiK ( .110 in addition to O", other hor.ds li.r-tofore aiitlioru.e.1 t.. be Js hy said cily ,.r the purpose i.r lonstriict.titf. cnlar-iina; and ml-ndinK the Kravily syst'-ai of water works or raid citv end to supply said cily an.t lis int.-.hiiants end Ihe Inhabitants or the territory nOjoinim? ttie said city end the territory in Hie vicinity or su-h -rvity wat.r system with wa ter and to exempt such bonds from taxation. and .1. clar nir that said bonds nor any Indcblednea evidence.! by them shall l taken into account In computinK the heretofore authorised iod, l.t. dri. sa which V'ho City of Pen dleton may Incur hi: it h-: -TKr p.y thr rroi'i-E OF TDK CITY if I'KNDI.KTO.V: The People of The Cily of PcndletOB do ordain as follows: That tiie Charter of The City of Pen dleton. Fmatllla County, shall be amended let nddinir thereto .t section t- P.- numleTcl. Section "1 O C," which shall r-id as follows: Section 1 C c. Tlint The City of pemlleton shall have sir and tluriiy nnd is aiitbori-..d and empowered to incur nn indeirt.doesa not i xceciinK $ jii.iiuil iitt In adoition to all otlo r inch hl' dness heretofore nit-thor:z-d and to I-.' tie, sell and of lo-trotiahlo bonds to cvld, nee such ir'V bt. .in, ss to nn amount riot ,.,rnu;ir s. n.riiiii a-i in sdilition to all bom: . lo-r.-tolor nutlinnol to t- isnu.d by t'c said c.ty lor tl.s purpose of eon "i ruci -mr, enlerrtincf snd . ? l. n'lin-tiie i:re.ity system ,,f water works of the sail city, to supply the raid elly and us i t, ha hi t-i n t and the ii. habitants of the t-rritorv s.ijoinltia tiie said tv aid in I'le li.inily of the. s.iid wravitv w.i'.-r wyrl.-m with wa ter; tiie bonds is i' d pursuant to this s.dfon shall b- lvnnv.n as "Water Fonda, K-ri-s l I'." and shall have tfiose word'i. wrilt.-tl. prinl-ai or -n-craved th. r, on and aliall Ik- miniis-r- ,l coiiscu 1 1 v e Jy, l omiliell.-in'i w ith N... 1, and If tiie' w tele amount of a. nils aalhorix-d by lliis section shall hot he issue.! at the same tinm any suhse.iuent issue stinll be numbered c, inn,, ncinir with the. numb.-r next followinir the last number Issued in th, next proceed in IT issue of aald bonds; no Is.nd issii.d pursuant to urn provisions of this section shall ba suh or liable to any taxation and none of tli.-m. nor any indebtedness, evnl.nce.i by ih.-tii sliall be taken into account in computinK the heretofore Hiilhoriz.-d IniMsbi. -liiess wbiet, the said iVv . f I'emii. ton may incur. This noli,'.- is pub 1 1 he, I pursuant to oi,t..r of tiie Common council, the first publication tto-rcof beitt-f made Zttttl 6. plco.b. r. p' it. Tiioa rtrr. ofralii. City Icecorder, i mvkti: IV rill lit ll lS Alt AHM. CHILD Juiirw if Invtt .UJtiutn the Mh. wr Mill at H.-a lit iht mytt-ry mrriuinl Hit; thf ah.iiiliiiNH'iil .f h .-fur-ltl i-'-tl Ut a roimlji htiu.e (ur Suntiuy. 1 he t till.) f-'ivt-H lit r iimne as Aim Un n K1Iii;i'm frim JirtMtk I n. N. V. i uom Ait moT A - m ! ;t Si-i'l. lt-ir- s cult!. i. f 'I'. nut f. ntalr in .it. an i p'i-n .U. r nii ini.Hr' 'f it h. a t f;. j r- t 'muilii r tin -inl M.. ml.i . t f m I mi .! lit h -m: - tj n t r ! tt "t l iff Aiat'ii- tati un y in ih wnr imiii. XUrr m mnrm riUnti tn ItiM il t I th ria.oirf Hum Hit iii.-r it U r' .ir f.-r ?-tr tl u,'t mr! tM I iu t.ralii. I'ar i . 1 , mikI ...r.wmiit 'j fuiiiiitf tu mr , Ulili !atnl frtatlrU'Hl, n i-ii.-t. U' l l( 1M Ul'aiilr t'lt'aftll l H I'M 111 tllaH-tf", (Bi-( M till l. it'll, f'i I'S l'lls'lJl....ll . il.llMH.ti4 ' tii-rfitf r.-sjult t -i niHi m hi t..t.4ti lrti m.i. tin il t "ti i nrrh M- tt ihm.ii ' liiftxl hi I J t..t A . t. it-a... ililfc ..UM! tl! ! ( ,fl r . if. .1 U lMll M mi l n. tri (( mi llii- I !.-l i.ii t(i ,4i.i t-.,ifw.. t.f tut r.'.tt - lld..arri It- hiir. r -H'I It tffMil r ttuf ltt : iui rMi tl to- i-.'ii'- i t !(. hu4 tur 11. . rut m-'t left Hllt.lltlll J Hi M . 4 l -. l.KJ... IHil I iiailn I if ('Ml fui r.att.rtt4B, .a.''.''a.-.'4U', iii:tti:u and W)n Kit I.K.IIT 5 2 la assured l tha uaa i f oui of lh. lM,i'lfii riilurea of uu is Tti" I'1'' hal tllUloiliul a ll.w room peif.eily. but ll. at iloea IP t tiia or sita'a Hie ..e. Hi, y aie .,t epso. tve e.,ei. i in their '! af- lelelicy ami lll br'llf Wbf ami at lea.l llisnil J. L. VAUallAN a .aa.ast'ai.'ajs.takas. .'ak'aV.'wS i i r"