''To emphasize its argument America has already sent across the Atlantic the largest army that ever crossed an ocean. Thcro to It will add, please God, enough contingents to make the point quite clear, for the only language the Hohenzollerns understand is the language of the guns", from the Stars and Stripes. Buy liberty Jborids and help supply the guns for the boys at the front. DAILY EVENING EDITION This paper is a member of and audited by the Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EVEIII'iG EDITIIi'i Hound-l'p begins 1:30 each day. Happy Canyon open S p. m. Wmtmnl-Ha PsrtHie 10 . m. Sat- nrday. " COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL 30 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1918. NO. 9540 AMERICAN SHELLS FALLING I CITY OF METZ; RED CROSS ROUND-UP IS AVIATORS WATCH FORTIFICATIONS SCORED ON BIG FACTORY AND Yankees Nearing Frontier; Enemy Dead Cover Eight Mile. Field Where Repeated Attacks Are Crushed by Haigs Army. Hi " BY FItKO FKRGVSOX. (Vntml Press Klaff mrroioiulent.) ON TUB MBTZ FHONTi Kept. 1. American avlutors resrt that shells from uur h'avy artillery are drowsing In the center or Mela. A big factry lias own struck ami direct lilts liuvo been scored on fort I flea I Ion. Americans Nearlng lYotilirr. The Americana are still advancing. The line now rune through Honvaux, Manhueles, Plnthevllle, St. Hllalre. Donrours, Woel, Haumont, between Jaulny and Kenihercourt. north of Vadleres and south of Champey to the old line. The enemy l reported to ,be mining Haumont, apparently preparing to evacuate the terrain In thut vicinity In a great retrograde movement to Mars I-a Tour and Chambley. One American patrol Is reported to j nave penetrated' - yards . beyond j Mogny-ur-Molle and just across the river from the German frontier. 800O GKIOIANS CAPTI HF.B. BRITIKII AltMIF.S IV FHANCK. Sept. IS. The Itrltish witlistood an. inker heavy counter attnek iviitcrtiig ahnut llavrlncoart. lrlsoner In kin yesterday nuntliered MHMt. More tliun All kiiim sire caH Thirty-five Milesby Canoe Brings Youth To Pendleton Show Distance and lack of fund are not obtuacles !f you refclly wnnt to see the Hound-Cp. na William BMs, aKd 5, wlH tea tlfy. He had heard about the Round-Up- and It wan the de sire of hi heart to aee It, but funda were lacking: to come from hla home In Hanford, "Washington. Bo he traveled SrV miles in a canoe on the Co lumbia river until ho reached Kennewlck, adilntftnn. lie made, the rent af tho trio by train and la now all ready for the big show. The traveler encountered ra ;ild and aand bava on the trip, but he cava ho knows ti Round-Up will he worth all the hardships h has endured. At Hnppy Canyon tonight alr- planes will be used In connec- lion with the patriotic pageant. Several changes In the proKram will also be made. Two new Chinese tumbler. Mr. White and Mr. Wnck of Spokane, will play the Celest In I roles. Agnln has Hnppy Canyon proved! that it'hns lost none of its attraction, for the people of Pendleton and vis- Itors at last night with the grand stand with the largest opening night crowd witneswd the reproduction of the scenes that bring back the days! when the.westlund was in the niak-j Ing. In those days there were plenty of things happening In every day life of the people to keep them from grow- ' Ing untie and so ft waa lust night at Happy Canyon. i 'The show opened with a band of painted Indians who made their camp' ,on the mountain followed with a num. ber of actions reproduced that form ed the evryday life of the pioneer) who came In contact with the red man when the wst was the wild fron,1 tier Then thcro were the cowboya HAPPY CANYON BR NGS OLD TIME CROWD PATRIOTIC PAEAN DIRECT HITS IN GERMAN CITY LONDOX, Sept. 19 A German at tack In great force on a front of more than elKht miles went and southwest of Cambral yeHterday afternoon wai completely repulsed with heavy en emy losBes, Field Murshal Halg- re ported today. At- 6 p. m. German Infantry at tnrked In strength oij a wide front, the report said, from Trescuult north ward. At all pufntK they were com pletely repulsed with great loss, by tn UrltlMh. "At Ciaiiohe wood, repeated attack were made by the enemy, each attach being; repulncd. Ioslt,nns Improved. A succewsful local operation, car ried out yeHterday afternoon, Improv ed our positions south and west ol I'loegHteert. Another stronif attack north of Mouevrea was alBo driven off with heavy Oerman lowies. In Rome cases the enemy reached out trenches but were driven out h counterattacks and In all fttich case? our line was restored Intact. Manx prisoner were taken, great number of German dead are lying before our positions on t he whole front of the enemy's attacks." PROMINENT MEN HERE TO TAlKjP BONDS Mayor George Baker of Portland Col. John Leader of the University of Oregon, and John L. Ethrldge of Portland, are here as liberty loan speaker during the Round-Cp and will talk from the crows neat at the show today. Mayor Baker and Mr. Kthrldge arrived thi morning and were met by Mayor Vaughan and oth er city officials. Col. Leader arrived on No. 17 from La Grande. Mayor Baker Is to be here all dur ing the Round-tp. Mr. Kthrldge w!U talk Thursday and Friday and on Sunday at 3 p. m. will talk to a lib erty loan meeting at Milton. Major Thornton Mills, I'. S. army. Is to arrive tomorrow and will speak on Friday or Saturday, Col. leader will talk today and tomorrow. Lieut. Vincent Doweresblckl Is to be here Saturday and will talk In place of Htrihop Summer, who cannot come. T T T land cowgirls on a lark. Maybe there were a couple of highwaymen who phot up the town, of which the Hed Dog km loon formed the center, and then t here was always the camou flaged har that served camouflaged drinks to the camouflaged gunman ever ready to shoot It out with the first to bat an eye. All such incidents and more found place in the little frontier town of Happy Canyon when It opened for a niRht stay iii I'enoleton. The early days Hinge of the vwt are pictured as wild and wooly nnd Happy Canyon Is true to the picture. It Is claimed to be one of the largest opening night crowds, the bift grand stand waa crowded save at the ex treme ends, and the attendance was In excels of 2500. All that was promised for the Happy Canyon entertainment was there and more too. It Is truly a big show and some of the effect fn'l lit tle short of wonderful. Iloth In scenery and action. J. H. Italy. the directing genius, and his assistants, have accomplished fit to rank along with the best achievements In enter tainment. The program last nleht was divided into two parts, the first being (Continued on faga I ) OPEN NG NIGH GREA WONDERFUL WHY CALDWELL ARE ABSENT l .vi Av " . 3Iany i;nmd-l'i HMlato?rx Mils car mirM the familiar 'faces of l.cc Caldwell and 1K-II llliiiic-tt. Mar imt fornirrH of hyinmc days. They liavo valid oxcmseM for tholr nlfcoiMO, CuloT rtdl Ih a cavalry captain In lYamx. wltcrp he went a pmmaiidcr of Troep of lViidlct4tn. lie is In charge- of 4 rcinoiiiit Hi lit Jon in Ianee and wan rM-ciilly sllfclitly woHiided, nffrdin? o a comrade of Ids rwrlnieiit who partMed tlimujh the Hty Tuesday. Hlaneett. hIiowh on liorspttaek ahoie, k1m In a grave lit Flrardy. t where be was killed In actloji lanli SO. lie waH with the Canadian trooim j ami iMirtlftilurs of tils death were j ificn by his battalion command or In j a letter to It Haley- The letter! was written front ItaiM-o May 21 anci ooiitalns the 'following: I'nforttinately lliertt was no error In ! the report of the death of Pvt- Plan- i tt and yoar letter of 22nd 4pril was oitcned by the writer. I can readily tinderstand the desire for particulars of his dentil since It Is certain tlmHic must have ls?en a vry pofmiar man wherever he went. Ho waa with im a short time only, hut he was loved) by all and was an execfr tlonatfy good soldier. (hi the :toth of March tb bilarade Ikh me entmced In an oivcration, the sueceHS of whb'lt earinxt for It the pcr sonal thankH of C. In C. and this Uitt. took the leading part. . The enemy had forced a way into a large wood on a prominent hilt which we undertook to JOE DESPA1N AND HIS CANADIAN PALS i' . i ;Hial i)in- Jx rsnhi of IVndletoti has ri- Scared hhii ir to all local cltixeiLs thnmah the brae fiuhliiur he ban done irhil to hate hi- brother naii-ivrred ' durJmr two )ears at the front with to ihc mcrK-an fftsrei-s but the Cana jthe Canadian tniou. He enlisted In , d.au sat Ik- is too eottd a stddtcr for J tho Canadian army before the Vnltcd thcui to Kc. Voting lrpain b.ts gone AND BLANCETT FROM ROUND-UP clear and this we did. both mounted I and unmounted. Itlan"ett was with the dismounted party which pushed tiirougii me wchhi. wiiii me auiiitiMvl nround it. on rcuchimr the I farther side It Itccamc neces.aiy to ciHisolfdate and it was while this dlg ci iii--in was being done (about noon) that he was shot thrfmgh the stomach i by a tiennnn sniKr. It not before h (Hlaneett) had done considerable ci c -lit Inn with his rifle from behind a tree. Some of the men went to him and he Mild, "Those trnian bullets sure hit hard well, boys, there's a j little change In my jeans which you'd better dlide Ietwcen you.'' lie diea a few minutes later, quite cheerfully and wMhout suffering. The dispatch which is addressed to lug the day and at night when the Hgt, was relieved it was Impossible to brlivg out any but the woanded. There Is. however no finer grave for man today thai! the battle field of f ranee. Yours very sincerely. (Signed) I. S. TOIUtANCK. Major. .V Kqdn. SVHM AIEIXK WAS SI NK. I)MN, Sept. Ih. Survivors say a t.crmnn submarine which torptMlistl the pritislK t.ullway Castle blown "p ami all perished. - v. . siaicv wt-nt to war. Hi Ismtlier l.tcul. I hnil m iii. I". s. A., has Iniv BRITISH. REPULSE GERMAN ATTACK ON WITH WHIRL SALUTE TO FLAG, LIBERTY LOAN TALKS THRILL THOUSANDS WITH PATRIOTISM - OPENING OF WEST'S GREATEST yiiLATE UAH :f;usir coxthol atie. l,OMM). seH. 19. With the an- noiiiHvment here that Hugh Trench- take the initiative. ard, formerly one of the air corp j c liii-f-. has iveen cmmamliiig an In- AUJFH KNTKIl COXTASCOlTftT. (b'IM-iidriit air force, tlte laily Kx- J PA KIN, sept 19. r troiMi have preHs xiiited out that this is Ue real penetrated ntaseourt. two and three reason wliy lxndon has lecn free tiuarter miles southwest of St. Qaen frcMit ufr raids for some time. ... tin where tho enemy was fUrhtlna and It says: "Since the iMginnlng of dct ending his positions, the jtVencti 31 ay. Jyomlon has been raided only !war office announces, oiic-e. The inference drawn is that j North of the Aisite we maintained .crmaiiy Is com-fMitrating: h'r air nil our position. Northeast of Cot-f(ir-s for the sole purpose of com- i lander on the Vesle, a carman attack Gold Star and Military Note Bring Memory of Round-Up, Cavalry Hero Dell Plancett, Pendleton Ttound-t'p utar who was the first man from this city to make the supreme sacrifice on the battlefields of France, was honored last night when his wife. Mrs.-Hertha- Hlaneett. par ticipated In the Happy Cftnyon: show wearing on her left arm a black brassard with a gold star, in memory of her husband.. Xor did the patriotic note atop here, for Yakima Canutt, who was the partner of the white clad woman rider In loading the ouadrille, is a member of the United States navy, and ap peared in the regulation navy uniform. CORNER IN FOE FRONT USED AS PREPARATION FOR Ml WITHDRAWAL ROTTERDAM. Sept. 19. Evidently preparing the public for another re treat, tieneral Ardenne In the Herlin Tageblait today emphasizes the diffi culties caused by the fact that the Herman west front forms a "corner" j which can be attacked from the west I and south. , j "Field Marshal Foch undoubtedly will use the advantage, which the gen- II wasjeral situation offers him.' says General- Ardenne. IhrfMih the Itanle-c fiubtim; of tlte war and ha bad mailt nitraiilous c-iass. At one tnw a bomb wtrucW his umx,I and Im- tlie only man The War Industries Hoard will in immI killiil. He is shown almic isilh.forni all persons alving dirertlv to the scout srciton of his company. it, that lh y must first take up their , OULLETIfJS ' I bating: the Indole ndent aJr foreeH which don't allow the Germane to wwaf broken up beffre it reavlied our lines. POPE ALSO KKFTSES. MIIAN. Sept. 19. The Corriere Delia Serra declare It learns from a reliable source that the Vatican won't : answer Austria's note to the poe ask i ing the moral support of the peace itroposals. Austria attempted to in- yoke the oe's Intervention- But it : is held the great majority of Catlto : lies favor peace according to justice. .The lopoo Italia refuses to publish i tlte note to the pope. Muting the only way to hasten peace is to hit hard like Foch. I KEIJEP SHIP SHKI.I.KD OIT OF ZOXK. CHRISTIAXIA. Sept. 19. Tlx- Xor weginn steamer Itjornstjorn lljornson. employed in lb-hriun relief work, wax shelled and damaged hy a German submarine while enronte from Amer ica to Amsterdam. It was put into Bcr gern or reimirs. The attack was out side the war zone ami an inquiry will be held. BUI-GAIttA It K A OA" FOR LASTING PKACK. WASHINGTON. Sept. 1. The weakening of Bulgarian morale under pressure of the Greek-Serbian offen sive is adding to the trouble of the Teuton. The Prcportzia, the semi-4if-fieial organ of the Bulgarian govern ment says: "The next move lies with the entente. Bulgaria ardently desire peace based on principle which will render wars Impossible in the future. WOMEN TO MEET AT 9:30 SATURDAY ON GARDEN STREET Mothers, wives, sisters and daugh ters of men In the service, who are to tie in the airtotic section of the Westward-llo iwrade Saturday morn ing, are requested to ffsnn at 0:3O on Garden street beyond Yf hh and Alta. All women qualified to wear a servtae flag are requested am! ursed to he In line. This is the only kind of a parade the goernmcnt aklnjr in Conner- , tinn Willi the Fourth labcrty Loan and all cities are c.iectcd to make a I I big feature of it. i CONSENT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK TO COST MORE THAN $2500 Hereafter anon In Cmatiila coun t uixlerlakiou u building project to cost hs mueh an $25o must first get the ennsf'ttt of the war induntrtea board throimh the local Patriotic Service league, M. K. Chessman, aec r'tar. Notice to this effect was re ceived today from John K. Kollock, secretary of the state council of de fense. The follow inn extract from Mr. Kl. lock's It-tter shows the procedure to 1 he followed: The procedure will be as follows: 1. The person intercnted in a con struction project will apply, with a full !atemeiit of the facts under oath, to the appropriate county represen tative or the State Council of Defense. The eount representatives of the St.ate Counc.l of IWene will then in vestiKute the necessity of the pro posed construction and transmit its recornnif ndation. with a summary of the facts, to the State Council for re- ie w. S. The State Council, or Its appro priate committee, will review the cane. BENEFIT SOI MARY OP EVRNTS. Rquaw It ace Time, 28 1-4. fflTaa, Cowboy's Pony Raop First. K, 1 Heavener 5); necond. Bill lloftef (126); third, Jack Joyce (60), Time. 57 3-5. Cowgirls Standing Raco First, Bertha Hlaneett; second, Ixtrenat I'dey. Time, 28 1-3 Cowboy's Relay Race- First, A Neylor riding the Druhnheller Mrinm 1:09: second, Chester ParMona, HdiruC the Parsons' siring, 4:1$ 2-A; third, Max c;aaut. rid ins; own string, 4:14 3-5. " Cowgirl's R nek ins: Contest Flotoe) Hastings on Silver, rode. With perfect weather and catherfna; thousands the beginning of the ninth annual Ifound-L'p carries the omen that it will be even a greater aucceaa than ever before. Patriotism is the key note of the entire pageant but in no way detract ing from the wild thrills crowded with incidents and accidents chasing each other over the arena, - , The snening day crowd is fullv as large as the crowds of previous years and Pendleton ia already congratulat ing itself upon staging the greatest Red Cross benefit in the west. Promptly at 1:30 to the strains of the Star Spangled Banner played by the Camp Lewis band the ninth an nual Pendleton Round-Up opened wltft the raising of the stars and stripes. Following this the crack company ef the Umatilla County Ouards charged across the arena in skirmish formati on. Following this announcement came the hanging of the kaiser when a nameless man in the dress of Wil helm was dragged at neck break speed at the end of a lariet. Mayor George Baker of Portland, followed with a short talk on the 4th Liberty loan. Stripped to his short sleeves he broke into bis subject with words that could not help being In spiring. Mayor Baker, after making sure that he could be heard said: "We are at war. Our men are anxious to get In the fight. The spirit of America might be ex pressed by the words of the negroes wno. on leaving for France. "Just wait until us Angry Saxons get over there.' We have 24,000,000 million men in France because the open season for Germans is on and the hunting Is good. "We are through with men nd wo men who are not patriotic We want nothing but complete surrender from the Hun. That question is settled. Xow comes the question: Are you go ing to be Americans or quitters when it comes to giving money to those men iwho are over there? It will take money, and lota of money, to make our armies gain the respect of the un- (Continued on page Blx. r ) ; protects with the appropriate repr sentattte of their State Council of ! ; fense. Further information ronrnrn- iiiR p-ocedtire will ac :tansmitted to y.ui non tin to time is received fr)m th War Industries Bort. Har llear-4 rarrs, ALBANY. Sept. in All Alhanv "e ilealerp sixned an axreerornt to dav not to hu mile any Hewrft fubl tiitf"ns for the per. od uf the wa'. itr iu:til I recommended (o resutn tholr xa!e hy the National Council of feline. THE WEATHER FORECAST lU'tV I Tonight and