EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1918. PAGE THREE !)tl(f!inii!!iif!m!mrmtiiriiiim Buy Thrift Stamps. I iro mm vi mmm i s : . . 7 1 Will Allon4 KHi Ilwo. Mi Willow Onley f , Washington, 1 expected to arrive Hoon to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. D. Wll y and attend Pendleton high ejhool. Training for Xurm. . Minn Martha Wllney . K12 Clav .irt.ei, a fenuieton hiirh acho.il grad iime, is now in training for at Lakeside hospital, Seattle. mlttee of the Itefl Ctii and director lit a nurnlcul drefMiiitti citum. i nurse Ha by OU-l Horn. , The birth yesterday of a- baby daughter la reported to Mm. Mlle Kemler of Adam, at the home of Mrs. I. B. Earl, 824 Hpruce street. Pendleton, . . Hotel Iliia Kirnif'4 ', Following the advice of Mayor J. I Vaughan on cleaning up before the Round-Up, the Hnlul Bt. nnorco bu Ib wearing a new coat of light brown paint. . r Former Munajter Here. . K. M. C'rommelln, formerly mana ger of the Pendleton Roller Mills, how occupying a slinllar position In Spo kane, is in Pendleton today on busi ness. He expects to remain for a few duyi:. . ous operation ut Bt. Luke's? hospital, Spofcune, last Haturday will bo pleased to learn that her condition Is very en couraging. Mr. Book is with her at ttpukane. Store Front llrlng IW-novalill. The storo front of the Pendleton Drug Company Is receiving a new coal of buff colored paint with mahogany trimmings today, In anticlpatlcn of the Ituund-l'p. IjkvI Ankeny JJrulsed. . Levi Ankeny, the son of Mr, and- Mrs. Nesmlth Ankeny, s recovering from some severe brulsrn caused re cently by an accident on Main street when he was struck by a car driven by Hen Hinith. The Injuries were not strlous. i Jtfturit from Funeral. Mm Nina Hoberts returned Uday from Yakima where t,ho was called by the death of her Infant nlace, the nin muntliH old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Hess. Shot Horse for Hlrd. , The China pheasant season at No- lln cfnsed with the loss of a horse by being shot with a rifle on the ranch of O. F. Hteele. Mr. Steele Is em ployed In Pendleton as welghmoster for the International freight bureau. C. V. TVInO-ur In Command. First Lieutenant o. P. Delateur Is In command of Company A of the Uma tilla County Quard since the departure of Captain Harry Chamber yester day. An election will he held in the Immediate future to fill the vacancy permanently. Adopt Itoaoluliona for TxHial Man, The Hoard of Control at Salem re cently adopted resolutions of condol ence to l Bent relntlves of the lnte Fred W. Hendley of this oily, who died some time ago after many years of service as bookkeeper at the fttnle Hospital. 1'ermll fin- Addition. If. M liuchan has been Issued a permit to build a small addition to his house at 715 Ann stret. The work will cost 12(. 2W to Ked row. The ITmatllla County Red Cross re ceived a check today for f.uo from lan P. Smythe, reports fecrrtary C. K Itoosevelt. Mlsa Xcwwolil hi Pendleton. Miss Margaret Neswotd, who was employed for some time In the office of Bentley and Graham, Is now In Portland and Is employed ly the railroad. Her office is lit tho l'nlon depot. Miss Neswold was secretary of the Pendleton Girl? Honor vjoard. Will Admitted to Probate. The will of the late Jesse Reeves ot Weston, under date of August 12, 1918, has heen admitted to probate by order of Judge Marsh, on petition of Mary'E. Miller. Leave for Itremerton. ' .. Marlon Hall, who enlls'cd some time ago as an apprentice seaman ;n tho naval reserve, will leae today for Bremerton, lie Is a Pendleton boy. Judgment by Default. A Judgment by default decision was handed down ' Saturday by Judge Phelps In favor of W. Wilkensoii against I). T. Khellenharger for JI700 and1 Interest and 178 attorney fees. (niatllla iuarl Pay Tribute. Members of Company A and P of the I'niatllla County Guard, marched to the depot yesterday as a tribute and farewell to Harry Chambers, captain of Company A. who left for the artillery school at rump Taylor, Louisville. Kentucky, accompanied by Mrs. Chambers. Members of the Girls Honor Guard were present to say farewell to Mrs. chambers, who was local leader here. Mrs. Chambers was also head of the comfort kit com- Itiilll Good for Itoimd-I'p. Hound-Up officials say that today's rain is an excellent thing for the Itound-llp as It will nut only Improve (he grounds but probably means fair weather for the IS, 20, and 21. Ilermlston Has IMmmI Attendance, About 60 Heriniston farmers, be sides a truck loud of farmers from Hoardman, attended tho Hermlston field day Saturday. M. S. Bhrock, county agent, guve a talk on the fu ture of the dairy Industry in this county, V. I Powers of O. A. C. lec tured on drainage and Irrigation, and, Ralph Allen spoke on land develop, nient. Mrs. I'red Rook III at Kitokane. The Pendleton friends of Fred Hook, who underwent a Mrs. serl- JX MiwA ir r ANJiOl'XCINtt THF. ARRIVAL OF NEW BOND CLOTHES PY)K I'AM, AX1 WINTKR. A cordial Invitation is extended to the public to visit this dis play where tho science of masculine dress finds It's most prac tical abdication and where stor service is -of the li(r,heKt order. litiMi cixrTllK.s t'jn.on to $ lo.no. BOND BROS. lendlctoiw' Ijcullng ClotJUlnr. MarriaKe UcensoH were Issued Par unlay afternoon and evening1 to Al bert Boe.sc h antl Mm. Iora K. Kanw, ot Pilot Hock; to Carl H. Urath ol Free water, and Kunlce M. Weaver, MIHon; and to John Wesley Davis and Klzzlo Pearl Hicks, both of Milton. Buy War Saving Stamps. Glildren9s G oats New little dressy coats in velvet and plushes trimmed with pretty buckles, buttons, fur collars and cuffs in such shades as navy, burgundy, green and brown. Come early and make your selection. Prices from , ' is, V $5.00 to $25.00 rtato SottU-d. John M. J'oneR hafl filed his final reourt aa admlnlntrator of the estate of the late Madison Jones aud same has been approved by County Judge C. If. Marsh and the admlnMirator re lieved from further duty with the estate. Action to i lemr Title. William McGrdgor againsct John Despaln, et al, has been filed com plaint In the circuit court claiming title in fee simple to lots 6 and ?, Mock 22, Reservation addition to the city of Pendleton, and ashing the court for a Judgment to that effect. m 3 IN OUR ART DEPT. You will find new SILK MADRAS in colors of gold? old blue, rose and b rown, plain and fancy. If you are considering new hangings, be sure to see them. The yard . 65; NEW CRETONNE in a beautiful array of patterns and colorings. Some thing that is different. Ask to see them. Let us figure with you. The yard f . . . .t 25c to $1.25 COATING FABRICS That insure wear and good looks. Such materials as satin finished zib., chinchilla, wool velour, mixed coatings and cheviots. Make your coats up now and get a full season's wear. We have buttons and trim mings to match. Coatings $2.00 to $7.50 3 I" 3 Will Sunwise Son. Pecause he wants to surprise his .son, Tom Murphy, who Is In active 3 ;r.-rvice in France, K. J. Murphy has j 3 j'shaved off his mustache. H- says he i 3 will have a picture taken while he is :liinils the facial adornment and will iscnil it to Tom and see If the Loy rec oenlzes his father. OCTOBER DESIGNERS Are here. Patrons having subscription cards please call and get yours. - OUR HOSIERY Stock is full1 and com-r,J. ..- pieie, jr,tiiu iiew vjitMMis 57 r and at the right prices. We call your attention to our WOMEN'S COLORED COTTON HOSE specially for early fall wear. Comes in shades of Copenhagen, green, pink, brown, taupe, grey, pair 1 lU''A' champagne, etc., The 50c Schools 0ci)liui; Over County. Schools in all parts of th county are uitening today. Ther seems to be little trouble over the failure to se cure teachers. Only two vacancies not filled have been reported to the office of W. W. Green, county super intendent Thes ar for District No. M and on of the schools at Meacham, Working: In tlx MfMles- Wurd has been received here from a former Pendleton boy, George Huckaihorn, who is now with the I.asky phodtoplay people. He likes his work fine. His lutes pTctures are "A Uw Unto Herself," with Louise Glaum, and he Is now working with Porothy Phillips In "Till We Meet Atfa in. Organize! Honor (nnrd. A (iirls Honor Guard was organ ized yesterday at Weston by Miss Vir ginia Todd, county leader. She says that about 16 girls were present and were very enthusiastic . about the work. They expect to have a large n.t'n.bershlp and will meet this week to elect their officers. Miss Eliza beth Morrison is temporary chairman. ItrtiirtkH from XatitHUil Psrk. U J. Goldman of the LI. S. Piolofri cal Survey returned today from Gla cier National Park, Montana, where he spent some time arranging for the cooperation between the park officials ar.d the survey hi the extermination 01 coyotes. He placed three predatory animal hunters in the park. The present difficulty Is to protect the pa me. ALSO COTTON HOSE ' For women in white and black; all sizes.; not only have we several prices but best in quality. The pair 25c to $1.00. ' x t viV lill!!l'!HIHI!M!nHtlllMIIIHHimHHim'nilHinHtlt!'l!M''!fM!!M1"Vtnn!'HII'VmMnMmn'"ii'mii!!: UilululilliiluittillUUiluuiia against tho defendant for the sum of ! became beyond their control they service and at cost to other members Jshevlki, according to this, dispatch, cno and interest from the date ot : tried to swim ashore but !u.nm was of .the family. The brassard,, which j announced they would mobilize Ui hi. onrchase of the stallion, and a ! handicapped by a heavy pair of boots is t- be worn on jnc left sleeve mm- Amur -.c. wno v y"r-.. fi rther Judgment for $375 afl com-land was drowned In the attempt. The I'tnsation for tho care of the horse. I boy Is the lsear old son of Mrs. James A. Fee Is attorney for the plain. ! v Go mm of 9 East 28th St., Port- tiff. I land. Ilaby Hoy . Horn. A baby boy was born on Saturday to Mr. ami Mrs. lien home near Pendleton. Hack on the Joli. City Recorder Thomas Fitzeerald Is N4il at their j back in his office today after a two I weeks' vacation spent at Portland and in the Willamette valley. elbow and the ghoul- ;join the forces General Scmenoy.:'Jtli j Cossack aiiti-Bolshevikl leader, .prp. I vided he furnished them with muntti ; ons. Russian soldoera roeeJins; - at way between th del, is a band of black broadcloth or otlier materia! three inches wide on the surface of which the regulation embroidered military star thread. The number of stars will de note the extent of the sacrifice made by each family. gold Chita, recently declared their unwil lingneas to light Czech o-SIovak and Japanese. ".r Han TVn4ls Out. Miss Iearl Ward was operated upon for tonsils today at St. Anthony's hospital. Will llcport U Ijodgp. At the regular meeting pt Pamon Lodge Knight of Pythias, a report on the session of the supren.e lodge ar Detroit. Mich., will be made oy lnm.iu ir i'u iiin uriA tit thi oil t re Illfl ! representatives from Oregon. Mrs. Wilson Dies. I Mrs. Catherine Wilson, wife of Fleu i ben Wilson, died here on Saturday at jthe age of 72. She is survived by her i husband, and one daughter, Mrs. An igeline Murray. The funeral will be today at the Horuan Catholic Mission. rtrolliers Fined. Simon and Ien)is Matthews, two In dians from LtHol, Idaho, were fined COMPARATIVE ALLIED, BOLSHEVIK STRENGTH DISCOURAGESGERHANS TOKYO, Septl 9. German Magyars C0 17ASHIQG Car Washing: is a real sci ence and requires consider able skill to do a good job. Of course any one can wash the loose dirt off a car, but few know how to wash a car so as to bring: out its original lustre. Keep your car looking like new, and preserve its finish by having it washed by our Mr. Campbell. lie knows how. Cor, Cottonwood and Water Sts. Thone 530 I00 Allien lYoni Nowhere ''A hundred miles from nowhere'' was given toddy by E. F. A IVerilJ as his location when he called Pendleton by Inn;? distance and said t hat he cannot arrive here until tomorrow btrnm-e of an aito breakdown. He. with Mrs. Averill and Mr. and Mm. W. N. Mai lock, have been touring southern Orcjron. 'P7os Stallion Was TravU J. Hopkins In his c-unplnhu ftRainst KI Carnes. alleges that a stallion purchased from defendant was misrepresented; that the guaran tee of refilMry of the animal was not accepted by the state board and asks that the court Rive him judgment Itcliirnctl from Idaho. Miss Hoila ieele. dnughter of B. V. Steele, former l.'matilla county, resi dentr., but now of Hupert, Ida., re turned to her home Saturday after a vlMt of a month aniiing friends and rt-lat ives. Her brother Alvui, who came irom iSohmldt, Unpen two weeks apo, has accepted released a position as elevator boy at lei J'eiidteton. - m ;rndc After Normal i$20 and costs each in Justice Parkes' iformcr prisoners of war In Uussia and j court this morning. They were ar- rested last week and taken from a (train at Milton and held for being drunk and creating a disturbance. Martin Ixuix. In Justice Parkes court this morn- I fng Martin Lopaz on motion of Fred j deputy district attorney was j and exonorated from a dia- : the Ho-; orderly charge, lopaz was taken up I iwith the two Indians that pleaded guil jty to the same charge in the court. ! disheartened because ofallied strength, and Iwcause the number of llolshoviki volunteers is unsatisfactory according to a dispatch from the Us hurl front, desertions are numerous. The Bol- Gcrmany Would Retain -Friendship of Spain AMSTERDAM, Sept. 9- Germany will try to keep on - friendly term with Sjkain despite the clash over But marines and the Spanish selxurtr. of Oerman ships. In reprisal. Admiral V'(,n Hintxe, German foreign ecr tary, told correaiondenls of Madrid newspapers who Interview hliit-lo-t tluy. ' IIVX GI NS AJJ UOIHKVIKI. WASIIIXCiTOy; Sept. 9. German artillery Is kmdiur alt! to the bulNtM kl, accurtiiiij? to state depttrtnasMkC advices. m The city of I .a Grande has perfect- d an organization to make an effort to secure the Kustern Oregon Normal for that place if the normal school bill Is favorably voted on this fall linker and Pendleton have already named committees to look after their local interests, but first the bill must be -passed by the voters at the general election In November. I-a Grande Observer. IjadkM Aid to Meet. The Ladles Aid Society of the Methodist church will hold Us annual business meeting on Thursday after noon In the study of the church. The election of officers will take place a this time. AskM for IHvorce. Dora Sane hex has filed an action asking a divorce from her husband, Sheridan ftinchi-x. in which she alleges cruel and Inhuman treatment and vross drunkenness on the part of the defendant The plaintiff alio asks for the custody of their 3 year old cl.ild and such other relief as' the court may Judge proper. The couple were married In Pendleton Septem ber 20, ISM. Will M. Peterson Is at torney for plaintiff. I uneritl of Ww. lay Held. The funeral of Mrs. Ietha Jane Clay, wife of George Clay ut U01 Ann street, Pendleton, was held this morning at Kolsoiu'a undertaking parlors. M rs. Clay, who was f -years of age, died on Saturday. She was a member of the Christian church and of the Hebecca lodge. A large delegation from this Iodide uttendea the funeral from Helix. 70 PHONE 7 TAXICAB Tli- lxNt Taxi and Automobile wrih'a In lViulltin. An linrns rd driver. lrmt and n-ll- lilo cars alway. mt your ser- 23 HIDES FOR $3.50 PARKER TAXI CO. O. K. ItAUItKK SHOP Will ItereUe Jerseys. Hermistoii farmers will receive t carload of Jerseys from Yamhill in SeTetary ItunccveJt Assisting. Secretary O. K. Roosevek of th Cmntilla County Uwl Ci'm is assist ing Merle Chessman, secretary of the Patriotic Service Kcaguo. in Xpo dt--tributton of posters pertinent to the Fourth Liberty Loan. Some of th pesters whleh Mr. Koosevi I; has re- the tyar future, according to arrange- ' ceived Tor county distri'.i-ULi are 14. ments made recently by County Agent 501 window emblem. Hr, Tlni shield M. p. Sbrock, George Cressy of Her- stickers. 2&0 "IllmMly Hand" f rs: mlston. It. K. Hean of I'mapine. and S20 iwilriotlc circulars; M. "Hun or C I. Jamison, farmers' agent at the'H,,"" posters; no "Help Our Town Walla Walla Savings Hans, who re-1 Wln " ltr: ' honor rolls. 2' ti rned Siittirdav from Yamhill. They "ly Hoots " posters; were unable fo secure a carload for Cmaplne. but will continue in their efforts. They report the region they visited suffering from drought and the Mock is In poor shape. Hoots' posters; 60 "Mother nnd t 'hildren" posters; trt "Heat , Hack ktbe Hun posters, and ;.0 "ite member Itelglum' sters. Ilundd ; u nun s Drowned. Harold Gnnvm, a bntther of Pyron urn ut. local boy In the navy. ws ilrowned aat Cannon bench at Z o'clock Saturday afternoon. With a compan ton be was in a Ixtat at the moutti of Klk creek and the craft was carried M ill Provide Moumimr Hrartls. The Cm.-itiila County Ked Cross wilt soon be provided with mourning bras surds for distribution to relatives of men who died in the service, say a communication from Seattle headquar ters today. There is no definite infor mation as to when the brassards -will be sent to chapter. The brassard" will be furnished free to parents and ' -li? I him '--E.Nl LESS Tl M K l. THK KITCHEN." ( YitV CAN' IP VOU V!IX I!fY MORE 'PREPARE!)- FOOIJ8. ;( T1TKV YKf CAN' OIVE MORF TIMK T 1 "EX J IVIN!- TtK'IC ciiiij)i:kn and hhli'ix.thkm with thkii: i.i:s.si.iv WP HAVE MAXV "T!001IES-- FOR TOf Til TT INTO THKIlt I.r.Vlll l-OXI--. AX WK CAN Kl-L. TH KM TO f THK; I'Klf THAN VOU CAN MARK TI1KM YulHSKLi-. jr ONI.V ST I:-KIVKll TUB LAST CAR llF MI'.I.i'NS IlliS KKtMi.V. ic 1'Klt IHUM) A.NU AIO. WAItltANTKH. IIMliUKT PRICKS PAID FOR FRESH K:i:A Pendleton Trading Co. Succfwnti! to Ormral Mukrt TKLKPIKW K M WK HKE THK IIK.ST SAI'SAGR OM KARTH. Into th breaker. When the boat wuiuwa of men who have died In the