DAILY EVENING EDITIO!! Nuuuer oopllea printed of yesterday'. IMUly Edition. ' 2,760 IUa paper I member or and audited by the Audit Bureau of Circulation. D!LY.EV!.'i::SEI3IT10;i September 19, SO. II. Alt net prof its so to the Red Crow, COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. SO, DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTETf 7g ;g 8. NO. 9527 FAMOUS DROCO r niuT AiiriTAii i mr nnnRmnsirr !i5 NT AND LENS CAPTURED B II 111 Vllfflll-H 1 IllllH I1EJI1I1IIIIB I1IHIV 15? I I U Ul Vlfll I I B il 1 I Hill UliEJIyl II II til 1 1 12 Lni 1 1 u 1 1 1 1 ui i lii iL. nini it ui ili i a t r FRENCH WEDGE COUCY-LE-CHATEAU IS BEING , OUTFLANKED, RETREAT SOUTH (LINE DECLARED NEAR FORCING wIDE RETREAT FROM UNITED STATES FORMALLY GIVES ... RECOGNITION TO CZECHOSLOVAK GOVERNMENT; WILL -AID IN WAR ARMENTIERES, cambrai THREATENED. YANKEES . HOT ON HEELS OF FOE Dodging Disaster Both in Flanders and Between Arras and Soissons Becomes Bad J oh for Ludendorff. KAISER TRIES . ECTIONOF PROPAGANDA PARIS, Sept. 3. The French are thig afternoon biting into the western edge I of Chemin Des Dames, hav-i ing reached Laffaux hill, six and a half miles northeast of oissons. BY JOHN !!: AX DT. (1'nited Press Staff CorresMindnnt.) PARIS, Kept. :t. -Cumy-Jc-4'liatcan Is hcliur outflanked by the raneo A merles tut south of the Allettc, His oncrs dccluro tho GermanH arc irc pering e general retreat, to Kt. Qucn- .. Jin. - The .JtYanrn.Amrrlm.itA are tr grossing; alonlho road toward Ijion. A comniunhpio reportd on Infantry lug mid Mill there was artillery! iu? on I lie soiumo front lietween the ofa ami Alsne, tie-man raids arc unsiic cessful along the Veslo and In Vosjsr ITVE CXrNTERS EAIU The (.ormavH art energetically de fending; their positions toward loii. The t.erman reargiiard has counter attacked flvfct times unsuccessfully altove Hie Alsno, JAMES H. ESTES NEW ROUND-UP DIRECTOR WAR WORKER TELLS OF RECONSTRUCTION Mrs. Martha McCann Inter ests Pendleton With Il lustrated Talk. The first address ever heard In Pendleton on reconstruction work for soldiers In the present war vai giv en last night at the Arcade thenter hy Mi Martha McCunn, who naw ac tive nervlce a a reconrructton work er In France. The lecture wnn IIIub trnted with Inrltern I Ides made from photoRrnphn. N Mm. McCann dearrtlwd her experi ences In London during the air raids and gave a graphic description of the way In which the Hrftlnh people have rallied under hardship. ie told of the work in it. Diinnfan' school for the blind, ooldiera and the work which Ih being- done to re-educate the men- 'The word 'afflicted" wild Mra. McK'ann, "la never iiHod for the mil dfera who are wounded. A wound to rpoken of nit a "handicap, for the frrnntlnned on Para mtx Westward-Ho Paradq Man agement Resigned by C. E. Penland. - Copies of 'Americans in Eu rope" Printed by Fritzies, Dropped in IL S. Lines. YANKEES AMUSED AT. GERMAN INNOCENCE American Airmen Deliver . Foe Two Tons of Bombs Instead. : WASHINGTON. Sept. 3,--Secretary 1-unnlnff has formally notified tlv Czecho-fHovak crtincll that th2 United States la prepared to enter into re la H J tlons with He defacto government, k Recrgnltlon will Hd their War! against -the Ttrtfns and will deal a evera. hlow at bohhevlkipni, solfdi fA'liig the Cchoa- Lanafng'a Btatement Bald, "The Czechoslovak people having taken up arms agalnftt Herman and Austri an empires, and, having placed or ganized Irmies in the field which are waging war against those empires, un der officers of their own nationality, the Ignited Htateta government rec ognizes that a Vtate of belligerency exlHts between Szecho-Slovaks and the Germans and Austrian empires- The United States government far-1 ther declares that : it is prepared toj formally enter Into relations with the! defacto government for ,tho purpose! of prosecuting- war against a common enemy." ' j TO SWEEP FOE 10,000 PRISONERS TAKEN BY BRITISH NORTH YESTERDAY HOLDING POINT IS WRESTED FROM NORTHERN FRANCE IS HOPE ARMIES ADVANCE MILES ON FRONT COAL REGIONS Present Successful Allied Push Suggests Greater Smash Before Winter. CHEMIN DES DAMES JA WFOR PINCERS in six combata and German bombers f driven back. There is increased ar- j tillerytng in Ihe Woevre ami Vomc-8 j III FRANK J. TAYIAJIl j German patrol was diBcovered. and (United Pren 'Staff Correspondent ) fjecied heavily. ' The kawer is evl- I WITH THE AMERICAN'S J-Mdently tryilJB unsuccessfully to inject. PRANCE. Sept. 3. American airmen Insidious propaKanda directly into i dropped two tons of tomhs on Oer- American trenches. Copies of "Ame.- .man military objectives at Audun. tlcang in Kurope" printed by the-Ger-)l"hx. JToiman and LonRiiyon. Borh mang an dropped by airmen, contain januadrons lrmen returned sareijj. . , Three, titile machines were downed j Operation Being Applied on UnusuallyWide Front Succeeds. FOUR OF 20, TAKEN German Casualties Heavy, 11 Divisions Identified; Lens is R.R. Junction; Switch Line Was Great Foe Defense. (Continued" on Page 3 ) Claude E- penland resigned hla po sit ion on the directorate of the Hound-rp two weeks ago and, . James rnSAYS FRANK HAYES PROMISED' place- The Westward Ho mrade will be the particular charge of JJIr. Kstew ns It has been In the enre of Mr. Pen land for a number of years. Mr. Penland's resignation was ne cessitated by tho demands of his per sonal business, the labor shortage re quiring him to devote all of his time to the affairs of his firm. However, he will give Mr. Kates assistance In preparing1 for the parade this year, Mr. I-tes Is tWe unanimous choice of the directors as successor to Mr Penland. He only returned yesterday from a two weeks trip to Portland and Seattle and will twgln 'erergetic work at once upon building the vari ous features of the spectacular pageant- For the past two years he has been active in the management of Happy Canyon, last year having been director of the Iet er puck dance. His election to the Potind-l'p board required him to sever his official con nection with Happy Canyon but he will give assistance to ft Pent ley who succeeds him In charge of the dance. PUMP PLANT WOULD BE KEPT- UP; MR.. HAYES MAKES DENIAL SPOKANE BLAZE DESTROYS PRESS " In a letter to Mayor Vaughan J. X Mct'une, of the Oregon Iran race rating bureau, says that during the summer of 1914 a promise was made to the rating bureau hy the city water superintendent of Pendleton that the old pumping plant would be contin ued as an auxiliary plant In connec tion with the gravity system. In his loiter Mi. McCune Insists the pumping pjttnt must be reestablished or. else 1st i ranee rates will be raised here. Frank Hayes, water superintendent denies ever having made any such promise to the insurance men and says their' statement Is news" to him. When the gravity system -was com pleted the old pump plant was con tinued for a time for precautionary purposes until usaured of -the succens ful working- of the.rftew system. The pump plant was thn dismantled lie cause parts of the machinery were be ing stolen. past Juvigny. it is likely they will soon j reach Chemin des Dames. This will form one firm Jaw for the pincers sya - tern whtoathp alHes tr"npplyng tm a , wider front .than ordinarily for such 1 operations. ' On the battle front's German end i Pritish and Americans are laying- the basis for another mighty jaw of pin As a member of the water' board, V. ' cers. In between tJerman positions Stroble expresses, Indipnwtlon at the , are constantly growing more perilous claim of the underwriters about the causing retreat to the old Hindenbur promise from the superintendent. He! defenses to come quickly. explains that any such promise woula i have had to come from the water hoard to be binding, the superintend ent being merely an employe of the board. He says no request for the maintenance of the pumping plant ; was ever made either to the water board or to the city council and he therefore Is in no mood now to listen to the claim of ihe underwriters that it be restored.. The claim Is regard- ! ed as a pretext for raising rates. ! The expense of refitting the pump-1 ing plant would be heavy and there' wouud be danger of the plant being nit of shape if needed. W hat the , outcome of the controversy will be ' remains to be seen. The water board Is anxious to avoid any such expense as the new work on the Chaplixh j springs Is taking much money. j By Lowell Mellett United Press Staff Correspondent. bvcarTTghoat ! WITH THE BRITISH (United Press Staff Correspondent) ARMIES, Sept. O. Ihe Washington, sept A'y j break in the Hindenburg line men today foresaw that the upshot of I - . & , , the present successful allied smash j aDOVe Ueant exceeded will be to hammer the Hun from the j seven miles this afteillOOn. center of the western line, back past , , j t-i . - . the Hindenburg line, and, if plans ! extending beyond kA&Tg tO cari', to sweep him from northern north. ' France before winter. 1 With the Americans, progressing nightfall. Thin In an important pivot, TanltB again materially asKfeted. : Two Front Menaced. " BY WILLIAM PHILLIP SIMMS. " (t'nited Press Staff Correspondent. PARIS, Sept. a. The Oeriian re treat continues both In Flanders and between Arras and Soissons. Armen tieres is directly threatened by Gent eral Plummer s second army, aided by the Americans, who are hot on the heels of the fourth and sixth. German ' armies. These are gradually yield" ; Ing- ground won at tremendous sacri-) fices in the "Hindenburg; April offen sive- South of the Scarpa the British are driving on hourly, increasing; the. depth o a per I tons pocket at fbe bet- j torn of which lies Queant. one of the main corner stones of the HtndenV burg- defense. Cambrai lies only id, miles beyond. .With Queant captured, li neni masicr inmuKnuui mu re , THE WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and Wednesday fair. warmer tonight. I.OXIKW. SciK a- The Cernuns have abandoned. I ho famous Pro-(oiirt-Qucunt KAiUti lino to tlic Brit !, Queuntnat tU irnes southern extremity and Ia-ms, fnrtlier north, are both wrinrt-l. Thete are the outstanding; de. rtopim-nts of tlie g-reatcst battle. I"feid larhal IlalftA announcement afd the Canadians Htormod the switch line. He an nounced the I!rHI-h had enterea gion. The fall of Reincourt and the Prouville. KiffiUes and Hertineoiirt, j capture of high ground below; .taking- IO.OOO prtHouers in tiiat rtoin- brought the British "close against. ! Uy seterday. It Is learned auttkorita- I Queant. which they completely doW.' Ulvety that KHtif-li advanenl four j inated at close range, forcing the Ger . j mile on a 20 mile front this morning; ' mans to leave hastily. in IP is y region, reaching; a point ' FIRFS LKi I IT SKT Weather fooler Hero TMlay7 Maximum temperature, 7S. M inf ilium temperature, 41. W'eather. clear. Wind, west light. Painfull, none. . , a ultra v and Vein. 1 WITn THE BRITISH IX FRAXCK, I GHEAT DKFKXSK IS SHATTER KB , SefH- S. In tlie northern part of the The evaluation of the lrmonrt- : battlHine Amerieans are sitting; in the Queant line placed Haig In dubw-shIob Irenrhcs on both sklea of Ihe Ynres. of positions rcrardcd hy Hlmlenhurx Everywhere are indications that the as the moMt iinjxtrtanl on this front. Germans In tle north are preparing Tills line is cnnsidend by nuinv as the to make the bert of tlie sitnatton that lioltllns point on the whole (rnian ; Is rapidly growiiur worse. Fires were west front. It war prepared by Hln- olwerved last night at A rmem tieres. den burr In 1I7 as a protection . Worentou Mid smaller Manders towns against any allied advance, from the , lighting the eastern sky. The twer Arras rcffion. aloiue two great high- ; nians are offerina; stiff resist aoce- anove tienve reiiw. .luied advance there is slow. ways towards cambra and loiiai. SPOKANE. Sept. 3. The Spokane Press was practically destroyed today by a fire of unknown origin which started In the basement- The fire gutted the editorial and hunlness offices and damaged the press and composing rooms. Tempo rary offices were established next door. One edition was printed In the Chronicle plant. Regular editions will le issued tomorrow. The flames threatened tho Empire Hotel adjoining and" guests In night atttre fled hy ladders. woixn AnoLisir hoi sk ixris DMinV, England. Sept. S. The labor council toduy adopted a reso lution to abolish the House of ltrds. DON'T WORRY, THERE IS GOING TO BE A HAPPY CANYON DURING ROUND-UP; HAPPIER THAN EVER This much was decided upon last evening "when the directors of the Uound-l'p'a little sister met for the j discussion of the plans for tho even ing show during the Round-t'p week. It was unanimously decided not only ; that there would be a Happy Canyon, j 'but that-It will surpass all previous t ones. i Already a grent deal has lren ac- ! cnmplished In the making of the 1918! show. The scenery has been put In piece and 'much improvement work i done In the "little old town" J. Roy' New li rectors Clio-en. Four VHcanries on Ihe honrd of di rector were filled Inst evening by the election of I., s. Uentlcy, c. o. Hine hart, M. R. Chessman and pay Crys tal. Mr. Rcntb will hnve chnrse of the let 'it Puck dance. Mr. Rlnehart will succeed James it. Powler as head of the. Puck lank and will hIko act us treasurer. Mr. Chessman will have charge nf publicity and Mr. CryFtnl will either be assigned to th'' games or program- Mr. Raley and Mr. Orjke will again have charge of the program which HOW OUR ARMY IS ORGANIZED Itley. the program senilis. h nsd i prererie the opening of the festlvl with new entertainment ideas inni- n ,ne jlc Bn(j flnn(.e raJ months anil they : vlllon. Peeretnrv C K. Crnnsion will re now nrsmnlnc to hatrh. While have rharEe if admissions. G. A It Is s A OJr o- ... ) fegl f, (irvp-R . - : " A -rupee og wow amv cok-pt- -coaoco By a lt. (rrxr a l. V Y - ' 47?MY two op svexrezy Trr.r yurzirc ! R. R. COA1, t ENTER CAITl RElt j South cf the ArraA-Canibnii hlg-h way the Rrltih smashed hard at tlie enemy- The storming; and capture of Lens w ill proe a hard blow to the ;ermiis. not only for reasons, hut 1kciic it tlon of several railways. the dminatittg city In a large coal re gion which was Immensely valuable to the enemy. Halg's official statement said en- , etuy a.-iiulliis. in additkui to prison , ers capturtHl, were heavy on the Que- 1 ant front. Kleen enemy divisions 1 were Identified. CAMBRAI WITHIN RANGE. ' . LONDON. Sept. 3. At present the (Jmuwi retreat to ,poAiions behind sentimental "ilial l)a '"! will place Cambrai k the June- anuer "ni rwnge lire ana suuLe IHmat Ijens Is also l-wUy useless to the enemy. Im itusctv in riauurni win prooamy mi soon. Tlie enemy has iMraetieally no fresh divisioiBN available. The British have occupied ICkhebourge-St. Vaast in Elantters two miles west of Neuve ChaMlle and have ala oceuikd Ham blain. six miles beywmt Arms. tAXAPIWS. ENGLISH. SCOTCH t STORM PIVOT. Ha Iff said, south of tlie Scarpe -yesterday's oterations were comiriete ! ly siiccessfiil Tlie enemy was hear ily defeated in hU repared defenses i on tlie InrtKiiurt-tiH-unt s-stem re- j tiring this morning: along tlie whole 1 battle front. Tlie Canadians and , Eimli-Ji and Scottisli naval tnMtps t surniexl Ihe juiM-tion of the Oitc-oHtrt- v leant ami HiudcMibtinr s-stenis. The -tnMis swcK over the forniidaitlo en- emy defenses, cuchrtiliur Oneant frotn tlie north. reMiftliu; Sin its capture at ( MORE THAN 250.000 U.S. TROOPS GO OVER DURING LAST MONTH IX1IHV. Sr.t. 3 It Is k-arnrd txlay lliat orr J.io.mM Atnrrt fanH .erf tran-vxtm to ranre during AujniNt. TWENTY PER CENT SUBSTITUTE MUST GO IN BREADS, PASTRY The Cmntilla count v food adminis- 'per cent wheat flour. Thia means tratton calls the attention of house- (with each nm pound of flour thev bating for several tlfl a little early to give tho pub- Hnrtman of seating. W. I Thompson I "l " r ' - tr nuiiqings. . .n. nut i or k rr frames.) The first American field armv, co ni posed of the five arniv rirps r . the unique new features in prepara-' Or. M. S. Kern nf refreshments and tted at the front under the direct co mmand of General Pershing. Th tinn. It Is safe to predict that all pre- J. y. Tsllman will continue In his ca- peditionary force will be the format! on of an ami, composing two or vlous programs will be eclipsed. parity of mayor of Happy Can7in. ihow our army U organised, from a p rivatc up. hit ,uh in en m tea ti ll st step in the orasnitation of the s niore field armies. This diagram shows holders to the fact that all the cereals classed as substitutes under the new regulations are suitable for mixing in to breads, juistry and cakes. In releas ing the consumer from the Titl-it," rule it exieets every housewife to see to it that the fall 2 per cent of HU In stitutes purchased with wheat flour is mixed in the family baking, and that no bread, pastry, cake, dump ling or other edible in which wheat flour is us-d be mixed without the proper one-fifth portion of siibstitut. One INhiihI Stilwiitufe firt iir l-MHtr. lea!ers under the new reRulatton are re-p'ired to(tl in tly new regj ilation i) per cent substitute and 19' must sell 2. pounds of mibstUute, and not 2 pound as some bc and co'ir -try dealers ha e reported to have been doing. Formerly the substitute Ilt ln bid ed several cereMln, nueh ss roiled oats and rice, that could b used in other wa. but under the new rettulaitons ail the substitute re suitabi and in tended to be mixed Into the family tiread. pie crut. etc. A nald adher ence to this rule should be uhwrvd in every household. Many will tnt glad to aid ths Food AdniinitrtmtiofTi in a still further aaving of wheat by the liberal use ef corn bred and other wheatleas or near-wheatless breads. i