KTCirtf DAILY EAST ftttCONTK, MBTOIJSTON,; MPrftMn 2, 13187 Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. NEW TODAY TODAY. ' Been new adTsrtlsem.nt will ba run under "New Tatar" tar taa first Insertion only. During subsequent Insertions of ths aff It will appsar under Its props alassUlcatloa. NEW TODAY. FOR KENT 2 sleeping rooms with bath, close In. Phone 20711. rieuHC Take Notice. , School begins on Monday, geptem her Utn, 1(18. and ull crude pupils must huve their books and supplies ready for work. - Complete lints of books and supplies can be Had at the Frazier Book Store, No. "19 Main street. Oet these printed Huts and check up your old books so that you may not purchase new books where not necessary. FRED P. ACSTIN, City Superintendent of Schools.,' FOR RENT Sroom house, north side, modern . conveniences, . f urni ture for sale at a bargain. Apply 816 Johnson. Phone 77. For Bent AIT AND KOOM8 AITA APT8. FURNISHED APT. Hamilton Court. Notices Strayed. . from near Meacham, one gray mure mule, branded J B on left houlder; also roached- Reasonable reward for information leading to her recovery. Address : .; - - . ' JOHV BAIK, . Pendleton, Ore- Box 118, or Box 25, Meacham Oregon. Architect KATMONP W. HATCH, Archltaot. Da spaln building. , Phons 78S, Pendla ton. Oregon WANTED To adopt a baby girl from one to three years old. Address J. E. Perlao, Pendleton, Ore. , WANTED Work In town by day la borer. Phone 21W or cull 901 E. It. n. KAISER HOPES FOE WILL ACCEPT PEACE AMSTERDAM, Sept. 2. The kaiser ongrutulatinK Chancellor Hertling on his seventy fifth- birthday said he hoped the chancellor might bring peace. "Germany unites In wishing your life work will soon be crowned and that vim will tuienrA ueiioi wtlh I lia FOR SAIC I'sed Monarch four-hole lonemv upon whom our invincible armv range, first class condition. A bar- bus Inflicted bloody wounds, but who HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 101 Clay. FOR- RENT SLEEPING room. Willow. Phone 82R- 00 FURNISHED APARTMENTS, .closs In. 401 Aura. ' FOR RENT 5 or 9 room house. By era Park on Gear St. Phone 644. FOR RENT Nice Phone 72W. sleeping room FOR RENT To responsible persori, piano In good condition. ' Inquire this office. WHEAT RANCH for rent, 6 miles from town. Address Box 98, Pen dleton, Ore. FLTINISHED APARTMENTS close In. 777 Thompson. FOR RENT Furnished rooms and apts. 407 W.rAlta. Phone 1177W. 1 FOrt RENT Nice front, apt. Court. Phone 76311. 407 E WANTED Girl for general house work. Phone 20BW. guln. house. Roy Morse at Peoples' Wure- W11A, TAKE CHILDREN to care for . afternoons and evenings. Phone 171. persists us." In his desire to annihilate Miscellaneous I BUT ALL KINDS of junk at top . prices. Iron and sacks a opnclalty Paclflo Junk Co., J. B. Jones, prop., (IT Cottonwood afreet. 1 hf.l motorcycles with Iripjo renr who Is are enabling Brltlsu dispatch riders to drive through desert sands? HOI'H 3-lb. package of hops dellv- . ereuV anywhere In the U. S- by par cel post, prepaid, SI. Address F. M. Morley, Silverton. Ore. To find, to -enjulre or to sell use the classified. Wanted WANTED Good, clean rags, at Th East Oregonlan offloe. WANTED Bewlng. phone 482-W. WANTED Girl general housework. 3 In family. Wages 126. Write sirs. X. G. Sinclair, Bonneville, Ore. WAITED Position as First class reference. office. bookkeeper. Address this HEMSTITCHING at the Singer shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. WANTED Woman to -work by hour. Mrs. Ben Trombley. 117 Lewis. fhone 296 J. WANTED To lease wheat or alfalfa! farm. Address C- S- Gllson, Cor- vallls. Ore. For Sale FOR SALE: 7 bead .f good work horses and two wagons. Inquire at Dutch Henry Feed Yard. FOR SALE? Residence property la west end of town near Hawthorne school. Call at 421 Maple. FOR BALE) Complete farming out fit; also rrlll lease purchaser my farm for a term of years. Address P. O. Box 40, Pendleton, Ore. FOR SALE 4-cylinder Buick, B-2S; has been run only . 12,000 miles; good tires. E. B. Aldrlch, East Ore gonlan office- WANTED Small boy with wheel. In quire Model Cleaners. WANTED Furnished modern house. Adults only. Phone 711. WANTED To buy several head hogs, 100 to 150 lbs. Call or write Her bert Thompson, Pendleton, Ore. WANTED Rooms, with or without board, for public school teachers; also suitable places where a few high school boys and girls can work for board and room, in whole or part. Phone Superintendent City Schools, 1004. FOR SALE Five-room strictly mod ern house; lot 60x150; will take payments. Fhone 661. Attorney! FRED E. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Lav. Hoora 14. Bmitn-crawfora ifiaav D. w. BATLKT. Attorney' at tva. Boom 7, s, I, Deepala Bull ding. QEOROH W. GODTT. Attorney Law. Room 17, Schmidt block. at CARTBR A gsTTTHB. , Attorneys at Law. Offlee In rear ol America na tional Ben Building. FBI fkb, Attorneys at Law. m uespaii. gmiqinar,.. OOlee R. L stSATOR, Attoraer at Lew, Room IV amitb-crBwrora Buuaina . A. NKWBBRRT, Attoraer Bmita-uawrora nunaing. at Law, FOR SALE, CHEAP a 1-2 Webber wagon. First class condition. Call at A. P. Burgln's blacksmith Shop, 632 Cottonwood street. PETERSON eY BISHOP, Attorneys at Law. Rooms I and 4, Smith -Crawford Building. Notices Notice to Fsrsm We will buy 50 ton alfalfa hay! also 10 tons wheat hay. Phone (It. Penland Bros. Transfer.' .- FOR SALE; 2 young heifers, coming fresh. Inquire Chas. Adams, No- lln. Ore. - FOR SALE Saxon Six. 1917 model. Inquire 309 Jane street. FOR SALE General household goods and two heating stoves, range, sew ing machine. Good condition. " 315 W. High. - Phone 781R. ' - JAMBS B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Offlee oyer Taylor Hardware Cons, aay. RALBT at RALBT. Attorneys at Law. Offlee la Americas National Building. a. A. LOWELL, Attorney and uooasel- lor at law. Offloe la Desoata uiae Auctioneers EXPERIENCED TRACTOR MAN wants steady work on Holt cater pillar. Have had 9 years' experience. Address G"t A." this office. POSITION WANTEDD by married couple with highest referencen. Man expert auto mechanic. Wife first class cook and housekeeper. Pri vate family or ranch preforred. Ad dress "X" this office WANTED Woman to cook on ranch. Phone 4F4. FOR SALE Complete set of .house hold - furniture. Apply 504 Marie. COL. w. .r. TORNKA. Auctioneer. makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sales. The man tnat gets you tbe money." Lear orders at ttast Oregonlan Office. Second-Hand Dealers V, STROitUC dealer In new and seo ond bend goods. Cash paid for eeo nd band goods. Cheapest place ti bay tousehold goods. 110 IS. Court. Phone taw. Draymen Call penland bros.1 van to move your household goods. Tele- Phone t)(. Also baggage transfer ring and heavy hauling. In writing a classified ad be specific. definite. Generalities befog your mes sage. A majority of classified messages may be clearly told In less than fifty ords. TLMk OaKD Weston-PondletOB Anto Stan Leaves Weston for Pendletou at 7:41 a. m. and 11:45 o. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at !: a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at t: a. m. and 1:0 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (AIlea-Knlf hi Store) for Weston at It a. m. and 4:00 p. m. O- II. McPHERRIN. Driver. Lost LOST On Main street, white crocheted baby carriage robe lined with blue. Call Bowman Hotel. Reward. wiirr an colvm CLAISInlCD DIBBUTOBT, Conlung six ordinary words tei the line and charged by the Una. ' Want ada and locals. Rates Per Llae, First Insertion, per line lee Kach. add. Insertion, per line ee One week (six insertions), each Insertion, per line te 1 mo. each Insertion, per line 4e t month contract, each In sertion, per' line J te 11-month contract, each Inser tion, per line Se No ads taken for less than f fce Ads taken over the telephone only from East Oregonlan sub scribers and those listed In the Telephone Directory. Copy must be In our office not later than l:tt o'clock day of publication. IS POUND. . - The following descrlbeilanlmaui have been taken tip by" the "marshal of the City of Pendleton,, towit: Brown mare4, bold ftae; 1 p 3 yeara old, branded vf," -V, jurff Shoulder, weight 0ft lbs. v j?.T ' ' p - Brown mare about, a-yeara-old, star In forehead', J. V. left shoulder. (. Bay mare, 2 or t years old, brand ed V on left shoulder, 850 lbs. Old gray horse, Indian brand on left stifle, weight about U.00 lbs. ..., If said animals are not claimed by the owners or those entitled to their possession, costs and expense paid and taken away within, ten daya from the date hereof, then at 1 o'clock p- m. of the 5th day of Septem ber. 1918, said animals will he sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the City Pound, in aald City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied- to the pay ment of such costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 24th day of August, 1911. AL ROBERTS, ; City Marshal. IN POUND. The following described animal has, been lakn up by the marshal of the City, of Pendleton, to-rit: One old black mare, weight about 1100 lbs., branded R on right shoul der. If said animal Is not claimed br the owners or those entitled to It 4ossession, cost and , expenses paid and taken away within ten days from the, date hereof, then at t o clock p. . m. 6r the tth day of September, ISIS, said animal will be sold to the high est bidder, at public auftton for cash, at the City Pound. In said City of Pen dleton, the proceeds of such sale to be. applied to the payment of auch costs and expenses of making sale. Dated this 26th day of August. J.918. ' '. - AL ROBERTS,. ; City Marshal. Farm Implements ? THB NON-SKIP" Weeder get aal th weed th first tlm ever th) Meld. Save oca-third, , the time and does lota better work.!. Order now. Pendleton Weeder work, ttt Cortan- . wood St. i MEAT INJURIOUS TO THE KIDNEYS and Thomas CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS vlctnl In Kanrus City T T.t ... . Hull was broiiKht over to the Federal AID ALL IN SERVICE j Irani. Jury under IIO.OUO bond. He hHd trunks full of I. V. V. Utera- Wplfnr WnrV PnnfTnffpfl in ture which, acordln to the evidence. WeiiaHJ VVOl K OIlQUCiea llx 0 Army ana lNavy von- TAKI-: A T.HliKS!MHM-TL Ol ISAI.TS fp n( K III IITH Oil 11I.IUKK HOTIIintS. he- hud bwn Inntructed to deliver to the necretar of the I. W. V. union here. T he Keneral strike, as planned, was to have oriKfnate'd In the copper ud other wlnen and In the timber dls-. trlrt of the northwent. Indications that an "undericround" f. . W. orKnnlantton exlutii h--re was j centration Centers. We are a nation of meat eaters and our Mood ix filled with uric acid, cayHMt well-known authority, who warn us to be cuntanlly on guard Wn today In the arrewt of Charles j Christian Science War - againnt kfdnev trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to free the blood of this Irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork, they get sluggish; the ellmlnative 1 1s--ues clog and thus the waste is re tained In the blood to poison the en tire system When your kidneys ache and feel - ilu?..'":":"..'.'.! .iea.l.-B,,iru.- h";:,LACK of reserves urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, or the bladder Is Irritable, obliging you to seek relief during the night; when iu have severe headaches, nervouh and diray spells, sleeplesHnens, acid stomach or rheumatism In bad weath er. get from your pharmacist aboui four ounces or Jud Halts; take a tel- j blespoonful In a glara of water lefore WITH THK KHKXCH AHMY IX brenkfant each morning and !n a few I FRANCK, Aug. 24. The anxiety of days your kidneys will act fine. Thla'tho (li-rmans concerning the dcplo- Chele?. In his room were found boxes and grips filled' with I. W- W. literature. He Is believed to be J. IS. King, secretary of the I. W. W. union. No. GOtl. Several raids on rooms believed to be I. W. W. headquarters were con ducted today. WORRIES GERMANY Captured Document, Signed Ludendorff. Confirms Seriousness. famous suits Is made from the acid of grapes and bynon Juice, combined with llthia, and has been used foi generations to fhih and stimulate clogged kidneys, to neutralise the acids In urine so It Is no, longer tion, of their renervea appeal's to be confirmed hy a document signed b t!en. Kndcndorff, a copy of which Tva? captured among other papers during tho recent fighting. "The atato of our resources in men j teriorJ' says the document, "oblige us Kqurco pf irritation, thus ending url- and tno nomlc situation In tho In- nary and bladder disorders. jJad Halts Is Inexpensive and ennuot Injure: makes a delightful off erven cent UthlHwinter drh)k. aral .Qpbody car. make a mistake by taking a little occasloiMrlly to keep the kidneys eiean and active. to send back to the figtUma forces all tho men of the" armed aervice." The document prescribes the desti nation for all the ntcn of this service then employed In the rear, and adds: "The high command desires above everything to restore the infuntry rc- I serves. i Prisoners belnnirlnff to forty-nine ARRIVES CAMP LEWIS different garrisons in Germany give - confirmation of the existence of thu nun t t.M i-i T.iiiiiiu WitRf.. ! man power crism, snowiuK mi ui The aim of the Christian Science camp workers Is to be as helpful as possible to all the men in the camps whether or not they are Christian Scientists, and particularly to give as sistance which may not be available at the time or place through any of the other camp, welfare agencies. A feature of this phase of the work is is 11 nrranTmpnt fnf kocnln? Holdtors inoHion unuay Aunrj and ,,0 in c,ose touch wjth their Christian Science camp welfare 1 relatives. five army and navy camp. In the j . "Uk CmnmnlcaUon. I'nlted Stales under directio.l of the Cooperating with the committee In Relief and KoHton, there Is a christian Science Camn Welfare Committee of The First I camp welfare committee in eacn state. Church of Christ, scientist. In Hoston. I The committee In the home (state of a Tkoro are at nrnrnt sbont irv.ntv soldier or sailor cooperates by mall men and flften women engaRl In this " teiegrapn witn tne committee or me Fervice aim me ur.,,mrai n n,w niMi. 111 . iiilii lie la itmpeu ill 1 .'iiiri i..niid ...- stationed to form a direct and con- j participation of their boys In the ser stant link between tho soldier or sail- j vice. or and his relatives. Thereby the The camp workers say there Is an relatives are quickly made acquainted j increased willingness among the com with needs of their boy in the serv- manding officers and Burgreons to al Ice. and he Is provided with an ave- icw christian science treatment for nue of quick communication with his thnne men who ask for It. and many home. j Christian Science healings have been This linking of home and camp, ' recorded, liecently, two requests for combined with the personal attention Christian Science services in hospital r fi f" Tri H A jk R V of the Christian Science workers In wards were received by camp workers OAU t I t A UMflUI the camus. has freouentlv been the i frr.m mmliMl i,mhm whn h-. ,1 .WfJ means of changing a soldier's outlook j ed the beneficial effects of Christian ! from one of gloom to one of joy, and j science treatment, ' ' 7t not Infrequently It has proved to -be I in or near numerous camps, thl! the means of relieving relatives. of fi- j Christian Science committees have nancial embarrassment, the commit- erected substantial buildings. with i ten In the home mate niaktne: loans iinfut lur.no fn. mnillni, nf witinn ' TO DARKEN HAIR lor use by the relatives until their boy in camp should be prepared to for ward money to them. If call UK I Cocorded. The net result, for which the Chris. tian Science committee and camp workers have received many com mendations. has been a noticeable raising of the morale of many men In work, the women serving mainly as welfare room attendants. Conducted at first Independently, the camp welfare work has been merged with the war relief work which the Christian Scientists were doing In foreign countries before the I'nlted States entered the war. For hnth the.e purposes about one million dollars have been raised. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS TOM TRIES TO GIVE DANNY A TREAT. BY ALLMAN GENERAL VANDERBILT! Aug. 23. Accompanied by his son. Irivate Cornelius Vandcrbitt. Hrlir. fien. Cornelius Yanderbllt ha arrived at Camp Lewls to command the 2Mh Infantry Itrlgade. now In process of organization one of three brigades of the 13th division. Hrig. tlen. Vanderhllt left t Harrisons had been largely depleted by calls from tho front and that number? of others have been gathered up from the rear who had recuperated. According ft such prisoners these men Included mechanics frmu th central aviation shops at Adlersdorf. near lierlin. and miners from Aix-ia- France 'last year with tho rank fChaprlle. Some garrlons. It is stat- colonel. In charge of the lfd Kngl- ed. have rurnisnea rroin to r.eers. a national guard organination i men of tho contingent of 1920 that iMMtlngilVhlng himself In action he Is, young men now eighteen years of Was promoted and returned to Amer-jage. let, to rtsHlst In the training of fight Ing men. NATION STRIKE FOR MOONEY I. W. W. PLAN FI'OKANK. A!!g. 28. That the 1 V. AV. have started a comprehen sive plan for a general strike to force the government to free 'pollcltBl" prisoners was dlnrluwd here Thursdav nt the hearing of V. Ifi. Hall, before I'nlted Flutes Commissioner llirks. The lifDImiinr i-howed th.it Hall MiHinlH-lm Hnlil TcrnH-lrs. .. I.O.N N. Sept. 2. Holland ami Swltxerliiud dispatches confirm the I'nlted I'ress Interview concerning the effect !venes of the Hritish'iuld over Mannheim. Knnrmoiin duniHP'e wii done In some sectUius. -The terror .ti lrken population seemed h pnotlz eil and sought no cover, which Is re !ponlhle for the targe casualties. . r'lflr AualiiM Two. It Is not rea- Konnhle to expect two weeks of oul- i ins to overcome the effect of fifi fneeke of conrineniem. .Take Hood'. ' fhira.n dlr-iir sfln fiirniiurlllll along with yon. It re- ihe I- W. W. trlalu closed tlnre and l hat he was romnilsslnned to work for u genernl strike. The reneral strike would Imve for lis purpose the freeing of Willlniu- 1 Haywood, convicted In the $rfcoK tiliil: lr.. lt"c Pnsmr Str!;es. con Irish", the MimmI. Impioves the appe tlt: lli.'ikes sleep easy and reMfiil. Vxit sn end to that d.'!sv In remlnc (hat house or apartment through setting your message to the readers if the rlanwJMea. It t BnjEve the jime- J 1 Movj wheU c fimos ) .VJ RASCAL IJK&S TMEWATEW- OUT IT DlDHY HURT I !pf,rr I WAMT HIM 6 USED HIM HcluBC -ij To ir so me WosiVee J? I ALLBGH-r r 3tu AFr?An WHEH HE GETS C 1! tPEC ''' ' " I T?M duff! what I 7Slt" fBl I "n. op Au. TJje Poofz ) -1 toe. Hon TWiUr: I MKxI rsm abound this law and other buildings are in course of construction. A light touringr car ha been added to the equipment of the Christian Science camp workers at each camp to be used where vr and whenever possible In assisting the men. EVEN LIEUTENANTS HARD UP IN FRANCE BY LOWELL, MELLETT. -(I'nlted Press Staff Correspondent.) WITH THE AMERICAN' ARMY IX FRANCE, Aug. 6- By. Mail.) Tn young lieutenant, having had 12 days and nighta of scarcely interrupted fighting in the region of the German push, was In a pretty bad way for clothes. The uniform he wore was that of a private and It didn't fit him. Only the silver bar on his shoulders indi cated his rank. Kefore he volunteer ed, as a private, he had been some what careful as to his clothes; his natural inclination running that way and his 'business as a bond broker In New York requiring It- But he didn't worry much on the subject, saying If the colonel could ge along in a pri vate's uniform he could. "However." he said, "I'll have to have a new hanky pretty soon. With a grin and a blush that none of his fellow bond salesmen ever had seen on his face, he pulled from his pocket an irregular, and ragged Mjunre of white linen. "Where 'd 1 get it ? Well, we stop ped for a few bourn In an altandoned farm house and some of tis didn't! have any handkerchiefs and. well. I one of the fellows found a lady's! nightie and and we tore it up and IT'S CUtAXmiOTHfTirS RECtPK TO BUI Mi BACK OUMift A NO ' LISTHK TO ILVHt. You can turn gray, faded, hair beau- r tifully dark and lustrous almost over night If you'll get ar 50 -cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound' at any drug store. Millions of bottles of thN old amoui Sage Teu Recipe. Improved by, the addition of other Ingredients, are sold annually".' says a well-known druggist here, be cause It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those whose hair is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van ishes and your locks become luxur iantly dark and beautiful. This is the age of youth. Gray hatred, unattractive folks aren't warn ed around, so get busy with Wyetb Sage and Sulphur Compound tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and our youth ful appearance within a few days. This preparation is a toilet requisite and is not Intended for the cure, miti gation or prevention of disease. 18 TO 43 DRAFT IS NOT NEW POLICY WASHINGTON", Sept. 2- This draft Is not a new policy. eald Pres ident Wilson, referring to the man power bill. 'A century and a quarter ago It was deliberately ordained by thce responsible for the safety and defense of the nation that the duty of military service should rest upon all able-bodied men between IS and maiiP us some handkerchiefs. One of 145. Now we accept and fulfill tho the others got the piece with the em broidered lntlal on it. ATTACKS" KKPri.SF.I BY M)K FltTITHH'S WITH THE BRITISH ARMY IN F R A NCR. Aug. 31 . In con nect ion iwlth operations on this front it Is I worthy of mention that yesterday's I German official statement, in which i it was said that len. vim Boehns group of armies had teaten off at i tacks with tanks In fnmt of lioye. was ja pure romance, as there ws no nuch f attack. The rest of the official state j nient from Vu-rlin, referring to other .. attacks breaking ilow n under German j fire, was equally false. J Every usault made upon the obligations which tbey established. We solemnly purpose the decisive vic tory .of arms and deliberately to -devote the larger part of the military power of the nation to that purpose.' British 'sua!tlrff t.(K0. LONDON. 8ept S-Britisli casual ties published for. the past week to taled 19,800. There Is store Catarrh tn tbts Ho nf tn v-ouoir? iba sil nthr oil eit together, and for years It was supposed te be Im-iirabie. Iorturs rrtrrthat4 toml rnacil anf bT mnntant!? fatting te ctre vita local trvetraent, srmvo'im-, it h Ctirsbi. Catarrh U a h-l i .-. gresrlf tDfliared by cnmltut1rml rooriltloa as if threor requlrre -ontlttit.osl trt- Pt. Ill ll n Catarrh Unlirlnr, MBnfft German lines In this section has ben ! tared sv K. J. ChnT A Co.. Tle, oht im rfnl Hn. tho .M.nr. nt-a.si i ? constitutional rmnSw. la tak'S lal-rn- ' " . " ' ' any and a. la tbrti the mood ee the at'i- ft cm isolated Kts. .IKWIMI i tint i: TO SKKVF IN IWI KSTINF principally jeona Hurrarea of tbe Kif. tv Ilaftr L'l ir rr aro la nrffred rr f raae that Haifa ("al.rrh M1llne faMa tw car. BVe for ctrt-)a- and trvilmoalaia. P. J. rtJKNKY Co. Tol4, Obi. K..M bv IruxiiUt. 7.V-. (Ult a Kamlljr I'.lla for eonatlpstlflS).1 " 1 N K W Yt'lJK. Aug. .to. Men who' I enlist in the Jewish latiKli..-! of the t 3 Hrilish army wrr Sssnr-d sen-kn- In j Ilf PfJFQTITO Q Pll f I air-tin,-. In s slalt-nirnl i.siil toila i Is I Wl 1 C.O I III I O ILL lv .,,jr C. I!r....in!,n ".Vhllr of th- liii ii "t. VV.i"i. i i Itritlsh unit i-unnilf:,!, rrntr!,, f F V ' i.,'h W.W H ; 'on M..r While dHlnml rt-rriiil. f 'J-Ti . 1 mt siiHwis shins r.uK il tl ,111 ih. ir svrticvs r- no Iwixer re. V B y. . -.a,..,. . J