East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 29, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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525 Main St. Free Delivery. Phone 640
Kerr Self Sealing Wide Mouth Mason Jars,
pints $1.10; quarts $1.20; '2 gallons $1.55
Kerr Self Sealing Narrow Mouth Mason
' Jarsr, pints 85c; quarts 90c; '2 gal. $1.20
fKerr Economy Jars, pints $1.10; quarts
$1.30; yz gallons ; $1.55
Economy Jar Caps, dozen . . ,
... 30c
Mason Jar Tops, dozen 30c
Best Mason Jar Rings, dozen 5c
Jelly Glasses, dozen 40c
Harold Iloll Wriiriil'H luwt Known
Novel to 1MB Kliown on Pendleton
Harold Bell Wright's story of love
and adventure, "The Eyed of the
World' In motion picture production
In 10 reeld by W. H. Clune, the maker
of "Kamona," and part producer of
"The Mirth of a Nation." will be seen
at the Alta theater today.
v'CA - ljwl
declared to tturpauH the written ver
sion.. The flKhd on the cliff In "The Eyes
of the World" between Kinjf and
Kiltlldse, 'which Is the major climax
om the plcturo. Is ald to be amort? the
most thrlllliiK thlngH ever xhown on
the ecreen. The picture wan filmed
with the personal anlHtanc of th!
author, who not only prepared the
working cenarlo but tok part In the
day-by-day work of Interpreting his
characters for the product ion. Motion
The book has been read, according i picture views of Harold He'l Wrlirhi
to the publishers., by more than 4,- 1 at his literary workshop on his ranch
000,000 people. The film spectacle leat Oracle, Ariz., are ehown.
2 5c
We Sell
20c gallon
We Sell
Stay with the bridge that carried you
over safe.
Grocery Store
309 West Webb
t United Press Staff Correspondent.)
IN FKANCK, July 16. (By mail)
An American division was on the move
They had decided it van needed up
Pleardy way to hell mop the Baches
The Americans came out of the line
much differently from the way they
went in a few months before. Then
they were recruits, and their efforts
were always In evidence. Almost no
one saw them come out of the line,
certainly no one from up above.
They quietly came out under cover
ol night with almost the" Ha me tin-
i canny ease and order that characteri
ses movements of French troops. The
Americans are becoming veteran.
The division ent down south of
the line for a few days for a re-M. The
chief wanted to check things over and
see tht everything was all rinht. It
was surprisingly oil rinht.
I-YiMirh Admlm Ifciiif-lihoys
This division has been a wonder to
the French, who admire its discipline
and order Almost by intuition or a
If it was going1 home, this division
scattered out in little towns in th i
roar, ulont; a sin all rivt r. Hire tho j
boys nre kept under cover in the day
time. In small groups nnd moved at
At nno placn (ho artilbrv ror-iment
had drnwn up. If ymi didn't know
thy worn I hei o, a nt ha ve a brtp!
tlmn finding out. Tho irnr wct'p a'l
tinder cover. i-"m-i ino-s a e-i ajou Par
but UMially under tree.
Kverything was finned mvl orderly.
The horses were well groomed and in
past tiro where trees nhi-Mrp"! Ihem,
The boys In Vharne of tlvin w re toM
inc in the (;rns or hwiioiiilii- to thc-
Vrai'th-o Siifpimr.
At another place a fb.i l nf fli.imh
boys was prartlelni? suiplmr. Tartrotft
clothes and soon were splashing in
the river-
Down in a neighboring village a
number of doughboys gathere d In
groups with French families In door
ways. In several places women were
sewing on buttons- With others the
activity was speaking1 French.
"Got to brush up, my French.' one
private explained. ''I was getting
rusty out there in the trenches, with
no one to practice on. The boys won't
listen to me." ;
This chap admitted his French vo
cabulary consisted of 63 words that he
knew ''for sure" and nearly ami equal
number he could 'rueHn the sense of."
Street In Order.
In every viMiaKe the main streets
wore kept in order by military police
Thfw men new where parts of the
divfsb n w re, despite its movements
Hid coi.M tell you jiirft where to ro to
find the people yc.i were looklm? for.
In a certain little town, the staff
bad fixed up temporary quarters.
Next day it misht be in another town,
but there must be headquarters. ,
Supply trucks were loaded under
cover for nightly trips. The noys must
cat, when one the move, and the only
difference in the quartermaslers wor't
is that is less danger of bombardment.
On a certain nixht the division took
tin ins for Ileardy or t hereabouts
LtJip bik clock works, the units moved
over different roads to tho riuht places
and wit h out disorder, put c vr-ryt him?
on hoardl. Next day ihey were Kpeed
ii i; to ward I'hardy, thoe veterans lo
v. a i Ufa re.
Keep up thR'fitfht; do pot plve tip
Nature is tryiiu? u m-rve yon in tnquor
'Ufi the wrongs that may exist.
Ui blood, vim, courage, vitality, all
aeem Ia kln(c. No woodif you aro nerv
ous a ud discouraged.
Why not call to your aid a Mroner.
dependable ally'? Ir. Pierres (iolderi
Medical' iJiscovery has for nearly fifty
years proven Its merits as a most iJowr"-!
IHI tonic ami wiofKi ounner a me many
thousand- who have befn returoed to
gori health bv fU Ufe.
Clear the coau-d tomnje, et rid of
unsightly skin trouble. Let this remark
able retiMrdy rid your body of the im
parities of the hksd. let ft tone and
strengthen you. It often cures tho linger
ing chronic eoucrh.
Ir. Pierce V tiolden Medical Distrovery
!s absolutely herbal, free from alcohol
or dangerous habit - forming drug. All
druggists. Liquid or tnb-u.
Portland. Oi:eo "I wrtiunly can rec
ommeiid lJjetor Piem-'s lioiden Medtea'
discovery. 1 had liver tnnit.le yo hat
. liiat i was jusi
'v yelltiw u t id had in
i-iz&K digestion, too
itjr kmemA! Alan had woman';
Z?ys troiihie. ano i wa
T decided to tri
Ijr. Pli-rce's ("loldci
Jletiiciil i)Ucover
,, and ins l-avont
'aA Prescri i; t ion. 1
v"' tojk six thjtties oi
eurh and was &
well woman.
" M v husband had
iY)Ubfe with his lungs, lit was very weak.
I avo him ' Discovery ' and t cured him,
"I cannot Sfs-ak too hfgl.I y of Dr. Pierce'
Remotlies." M it. Fu&ii Pattlksos, tut
Kirby Street.
Porti and.Orp.g. Tor bilfonsness and
torpid liver and to regulate the bowels,
there is nothing that can eqnai Doctor
IMerce's Pleasant Pel Sets. I have used
tlinm over twenty years and have alwayf
found them good." A. W. Ht'Mi'HRKVB
if. r-i. 75th Street, N.
ItAtOV IS At rFin i:i.
I'.AKI.I V i:i K(Ti;i AT
c.ami1 i 1;mit, -l.
AlA'ASW r.. Aug. 57- -The local
i liofi r,1 fi'e.nt Jy p!iff-eil f.,r yoyvlff at
; i'aui 1'rrtnont a yuan by the name of
'Knrb. He' whs promptly rejected
jnron bis arrival at th" military post
, v.-t(b aiiothi-r Lin:i eonttiy bov luimett
Hart. n ;is promptly aff 'p'ed. The
I board of'ieia Is now claim l hat n hn
na nie I'.arle.v sound tl tot much Iil:e
;a Fiibstitiite to nuike iitr proper im
1 tirosston nn flic MrniV ;iii( n ntrut(i
were m-t up Hgaln-Kt a hill In some ttlIh Ul(1 r,hvsk..f, esamlnathn.
bushes, and (be snipers lay in lnj!r!m' ,
by th" rreek. shoot Inr. An (.ffirer
was diiedNng them, criticlziog thIr
Sot in the spind In the grass crawled
beck nnd down under t he co r of
bushes. A new squad crawled into
Od llammoiitl Ktcorring.
ErOKXK, nr.. Auir. Colonel
freed f lauiniond. formerly com
mander of thn oreprai cn.-t 'trtillery.
who rtcenlly went front Port Stevens
to San Francisco for surgical treat
position, while the rhaps who had ; ment. Is recovering, according to word
nnishe?i shooting stripped off their received here.
12 Killed in Mino i:ploslon.
TACt.M A, Aug. Hi. Twelve men
were reported kiled and others in
jured In a mine explosion at Burnett,
about 3o miles southeast of here, thi
v.orst mine disaster in this district
since that at liavtnsdaie, three years
Kiley's I'eat Iteeord One.
IH hhT KIVKK, Aug. 'J A record
in mountaineering was set today by
Ki-an k lira nch li ib y. ( x-president of
the M az iioan... and widely known pood
roads lecturer, who lft Mount Hood
Lod''o at S;;to p. m. and after a suc--erui
;(.-eeiit of Mount lio.H iourney
;fl to H-.fd Kivt-r and caught a trair.
for Portlamh
'oat ! Heat fiun-e. j
ASTC'tUIA, r., A u??. '.- l.ieuten-1
I art-i 'ojj.nel J. C. Pttorson. command- .
; li.;r rh il-fenses of the folmiibia, har '
: issued ofliraJ notification that target .
prartiee. w ith heavy uuns will be com"
u'enc",! at s;45 next Monday morning
by the Irooj's at the forts about the
; mouth tif the Columbia nnd continue
, Ourm da H.ht wltlmtit regard to
hours until completed. All shipping
j Is warned to keep out of the danger
j zone.
Stiipnieii Ct Hack to AVork.
! ST. HKLICXS, fr.. An?. 2'J Hiiro
N iiiiiiarytrom, part owner of the Co
lijubia t'Uy Sbipbuildinff Company
near here, no longer is foreman of
Jtdj No. S, which is government ship
i fl 1 A IF la 0 f t 0 L
A w imum
f. rrm n n Tl If rf '-
I (? WJg
By Harold Bell Wright
See the characters move through
? their stirring episodes symbolizing
i clashing social forces of our times
Children 10c Adults 25c
la amured by tfa nn of iom
of lhee bfau'jful flzturM of f
our. They rive light that
Ulumlnatr the room perfectly, $
but that does not tire or train f
the eyea. They are aot exprn- J
atve conalderlnv their extra ef- A
flcloocy and ertra beauty,
not at least aee themt
. ....
4.1. V
V jwieeWf.rjt .
Protect Your Earnings. Insure Your Crop.
It will pay you to see us at once.
111 East Court St Telephone 118
contract, and today the sevral hun- ' is local axent and packer and the ship
dred union men went back 10 work , mcni.4 average more than 100 era tea
after their walkout yesterday.
Minimum Wasc T I.ow. TIIPK1 STTKS PHtrTUST
Conference on Wtmien's lotlar Will ; KV It VII IIATES
lHH'ide lut'miws. : "
OI.YMPIA, WasJi., Auk. - J. Mrs.!
MUlie It. Trumbull, as.itant secretary .
of the oreun Welfare Commission.
participated in a conference called by
the Washinpton Welfare Commission ;
to consmer ine yimimum Wa? scnea-;VVashin oren and Idaho filed
WASH. X GTON Au?. 2 9- Increas
ed freight and express rates are
now under fire for the first time,
since being InauRurated on June S5.
. . The public service comniisaion Of
u lo of this Mate as a war emergency
i dicf measure. -
Tour teeth carefully examined
and properly filed by the beat
paloleae method known.
Corner Mais and Webb Street
Ptwat II Opeei trveninm
We adTprtlf and ofTrr War
Sarin Stamp- far aale with
very parohaa.
st .1 -i-T ' l
; ., n x -, - - - Jv
- 4 " ' - '
1 - , i . ' ' r '
1 1 5
V cIL -.
lMr,tors ife Pas--.
Dipni. A in?. Mrs. A la Hob
ertson. w if1 of Kw- John lt ; rt.-on.
pastor of the First MetlmdNt K;.i-c.-pal
church t;" luf nr. dt d it t Half m.
r., August lt- Tho futwiiil M-rvict-was
held, at S;tlm,
lUmker H (. hk! Hiileinan.
WHI'I K SAI.M'X. Va.h.f Autj. 2t.
tlcorce A. Kt.l. nrtidriii f the
Columbia State Hank of W hite Sil-
j num. hits hen s-lee tod a one tf a
team ef IS rifknien t roprosent th"
(state of Washinut'.n at t lo Na; ior.al
j mtitrhes lo bo lu-ld ;it 1 rr.. .
' 'hio, ,fpioiiil i r 1 -' 1.
Pelican IIo.nl Martett.
KUVMATtE KAl.l or.. A iu:. - i -Work
on the new r.:d to I it- in Citv
h.ts i"V (Mil Hi im ' 1 1 Vilh :i or. a' o,
coniiduims asainst the railroad orffan
iKiition and twenty-six lines "f rail
roads a.-k inp readjiistment of trans
cominonial rales on fruits, berries and
The complaiTit also was filfd against
the American P.uilw.iy Kxprosi Com
I a ny, a.kinK a rtavljustnitfiit of the
j'l cm ni o.x press rates.
Thou s; ruts of fruit and vegetable
'io,iiicors are suffering losses as a re
s..It of the increased rates, the com
r laint stales. It explains that the ex
press and freight rates have displaced
!in'. rs in the market east of ;he Mis
i i tifr. They have heen forced
Lo :-:..rket their prt'durt cheaper than
. r ,.r. ui .r'! r t.t cnmte with
. '- ! f ; i t :ir ettahie pi-i.tltictlon
u i ; i .v-. I'.ct-rUiiiA ti the ctiiiipltiint.
it. i:. M'Tinn;v nv
ST.'I'F i h t ( I K s.!
men under '. 1 . W ;
v.r U on t ho i y y
d.-r of Um s-'i ii-
'!:"! h fil ol .1 I'b' (-. !
a-binu0!i T to
i o .! ! ; i .
:. Mr. W i i . -
oi-- i.:-.-:n:I
r h.-.A re- t- -I
- :u : ,ol lie ba.
it l;o? ninr-
.! Ii-M.TV
I' iCid
I r ;
,t-.i. n
.tl (
or;, pan, ft. puitil X t rl.-i Ilonic--IV
M I I A A . 1 P"
' .tod., i . r .. it. t.-.;
1 1 h-'i
f ;
gj Those nre Ibe first pboiomaphs nrriuni; in tlu.- mmao vh-'woi- .;mi-
S! lean" inari'tea wt.tnubd in the preat bttb nt 'h'ti;nt Ttveri'v in J ut.
; That at the top was takon hi a Kt-d Cms b-.-pM.il in I'.ii.h wlxie the I
Si nre rimvuii'scinn; tltp lorwer one shows two not so rrt'OiH wounded on
.ri-. Sivtli .Ihitio.
Ni'W VI 'UK. A';i: 1"' J'ont
V. ,"iirr, b f the i:.. k , i,1..,,,!,
it -. ha ti.-u o .) sS:b
i i ii;.-, ., s a b r to N-'W
It'tK klwrr llarw-- bm.
tWfTI-i; U 't K V.i-h.. A.-,. 2.--Tiie
KM'liio ii t ; i. i y .i. i i-
t. in t;tib K m k and tl.- t.. an 1
it- mat iiiit iHiit r 1'itf.i a.e '. rrv
, ., V;ik The be! r.t--. ai. st j l . t!u
M ) ... ii;-. . : i Th r " pi v,i
' . An--, UX This mornln
us' by io TMilroad.t taken
pet at l V - v i to k . t rnment
, r ;, ,.r v.jin t" d for 1 he f irt
t . S. ICai'l'-ad 'iiiiiMr;Kiun,'
i ' ; MrA'!'". I 'in-C'-r i.omT
I ili.'ii.lin c lo it :t-?iei .-.I urder
t in N!..iei.i (... .-.ot i'l-i ii I'a-
.1.1.1 I 1 Ti( ' r ai;entH.
u.-o;v vAitl a!--' i-'-ir in entail
11- ii. ( .-tent or
t - i.it ; i t - P .b -,. i ate r
(.it 'or ; ite:ilius
1 1 1 ) i 1 1 i i a - d t ri .:is; tt ud
i . rail- iT - M ; . i-i r . . iti vot
- , . , i -f -a.o kikI
1 i 0 i to r al't-i
1 ;)') Mt VPs II'IN.
lit l,-i:-M If
- : n .. Ki'muo
, ,i . I ' . - . ' ' O i --o- i H-
v i (f - 1 hi-t af' r I tie
. . ; o. M 'o thf f od al
... .: . b - O.I t-, h..id
i :i -!.ii i.iil o A a .!. a it i Ik "
.1 : 1 a. 4 : Wif b e n 1. ie-1 hs
!..- i.- .-i ail u.rtnrtn. n t- prevent
I, m . . t . . .(..- b f r it iul
, ff.t i i!y n..tu(d. The f'M-d
!:!.',,,',, ii i-he that toe r-lt-:
! r ' h tir-l nmlH lh mjiii rwr
m- .t . r y p ir i( u f4 0lly til
J At
1 H3
i t
J n
MO pt.lO.
. IK I
", 1 eeitt a p.oind Ur
nnnntmnitiiHHimiiiimiutiuiiiHtniiuiiimuuutmutiuamm croumu
of the hot.j; il.