-PAGE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1918. EIGHT FACES :i ii it i i t 7 , U u J A 11 ,1 F I I H,P i . 13 Kit "4 vjl ..SiIqM 1 1 UJL 2 TlilsiVONDERFUL SALE WILL COME TO A CLOSE SATURDAY EVENING, AUG. 31ST. ONLY FOUR MORE SHOPPING-DAYS ARE LEFT IN WHICH YOU CAN SHARE; IN THE ECONOMIES TIUS SALE IS OFFERING. MOST OF THE MERCHANDISE WE ARE OFFERING IN THIS SALE ACTUALLY COSTS MORE WHOLESALE TOD AY THAN WE ARE -SELLING IT FOR, AND WHOLESALE PRICES ARE GOING .TO BE HIGHER. SO. USE GOOD JUDGMENT AND BUYIBUY1 BUY! PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST THE-EXORBI-ITANT PRICES THAT ARE COMING. - ' . . Men! Now is your last chance to buy Suits at a reduction 5 5 IF WE DIDNT ABSOLUTELY NEED THE ROOM THESE SUITS OCCUPY AND THE CASH THEY REPRESENT WE COULD NOT POSSIBLY -AFFORD TO LET THEM GO AT THE 2 5f?irniTi ar PRrrp vnT to mpvtihv a n vav.itp niMri' thev are Tt A nn A ls Slini AS! YOIT'T J. NOT SKR AfiAIN IN YEARS. IP VOIT 71 AYR TIIK MfiVEYOR PAN AU- t GRANGE TO GET IT, FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, DON'T FAIL TO BUY AT LEAST TWO OF THESE SUITS; PREPARE YOURSELVES AGAINST THE EXTREMELY HIGH PRICES THAT gARE COMING. v . . . A . . J867 fume as aooe oiu . juai Z. darker. 31?. 50 valuer. AUGUST CLEAN-UP IN SILK DEPARTMENT 5 'fz Kool Kloth Suits (J irf Black with a very tin white stripe. W Coat and pants suits. Sisea 36 to 44. M Otod fitters. Beautifully tailored. S12.50 value!!. ? I-August Clean-up Price $7.93 -5 If you dun'i need it this season, buy j bn next spring- You can't save j M rZ any easier- S August Clean-up Price $8.35 5 Lot 11661- 5 1S Two Piece Suits ' J XI Medium grrey mixture. Made by t 5 rrHan. Schaffner & Marx. Guaranteed j R all wool. $2--5(i quality. 5 V $13.S5 S 25 Kool Kloth Suits A l3 SagB prey. A very atjtractive suit. J $rauil fine 'leaner. tl2i ualue. ' 5 sAugust Clean-up frice $8.33 SI 2 II f E Silks are advancing; every day, gf in spite of this we offer: 6 U Colored and Black Taffetas at p special inducements. 5 p Colored Taffetas in a complete and full range of fall shades, 8 f $2.00 quality, on sale. .... $1.69 Black Taffetas in the various 5 "' grades; SCinches wide. 5 m $150 Grade $1.39 5 $2.00 Grade . $1.69 g - $2.25 Grade $1.95 5 " Corded Tub Silks, colored J stripes, $1.25 grade on sale, the 8 yard 69c S " Sport Pongee Silks, large sport f designs in a limited amount, val 5 c- ues formerly to $2.00, on sale yard ....69c s... , lot 11722. Pall Mall Worsted Suit Klack and' white check. Very smart and dressy. AH wool. Made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx. Regu lar 4-0 value. $14.65 I.ot J7l. Grey Cheviot Suit Good for all winter wear. Well tailored. Good and serviceable. $20 value. $14.60 lot H60K. Fancy Cheviot Two Piece . Suits All irouL Made by Hart, Schaffner & Marx. value . August Clean-up Price $13.95 I.ut J I2I. Brown, Fancy Worsted Suits Corner. In nearly all sizes. Good fall weight. A suit that will Kive you all kinds of wear. very iuie. pal tern. Itegular $20 value. August Clean-up Price $14.85 Lot 1- $20 Suits Reduced to $13.93 This lot consists of good, new. snappy niodcls. The kind thai, every one likes to wear. Materials are very choice. . August Clean-up Price $13.95 lxt 2. $25.00, $27.50 Suits $16.90 This lot includes some of the most wonderful bargains In our entire slock. New. smart, up-to-Uato nulla of the. very best maJies. August Clean-up Price . $16.90 lyllt .1NH". Kool Kloth Suits. Medium grey. Not too light In weight. Very smart and stv llsh. $l.i0 value. August Clean-up Price $8.35 Lot ,in;k. . Mohair Suits Hlack with a very fine dark red stripe. Two piece. Heautifully tail ored. " Perfect fitting-.' $l".tf0 value. August Clean-up Price $9.65 .t I Si Imported P,ongee Silks white or natural in August Clean-up at these unusual prices : $1.50 Grade' $1.29 $1.75 Grade $1.45 $2.00 Grade S1.59 $2.75 Grade $1.98 $4.00 Grade $2.95 Artificial Silk Shirtings in neat, pretty stripes, on sale as cheaply as the new ginghains are Quoted to us wholesale. Has the lustre of silk and washes better, on sale, yard 75c Clean-up of Foulard Silks, dark and medium grounds; 36 to 40 inches wide, values to $2.50 formerly, in August Clean-up at per yard $1.45 August Clean-Up Prices in the Underwear Section ' Cumfy cut gauze vests, small sizes only, each 12c Kayser Gauze Vesta extra fine lisle, size 4" only, 50c grade each 35c Kayser and Cumfy Cut vests in fine lisle gauze, G5c quality. . 48c One Lot of Women's Union Suits in the sum mer weight gauze, long sleeve, high neck, ankb length, also low neck, sleeveless, ankle length styles, 1.25 union suits for 69c l'ine (iauiAi I.i-lo In ion Mills, SprinTiHiI quit tit, v, low iKfk. sleeveless. tiK' Ioos kmx extra fine grade, hixe 5, O. 7; $2.00 garments Tor $!. One lAtt of I' nil m Suits in nearly all xfxes at a KiHi'ial rice of ; lilWS' i: - " if a k 1 4 f 11 - w 5 TP- f - f it 1 Kujmt 1'nion Suits, gau.c wijilit. low neck, bleevrless. tiylit or loose knee, full raiie of hlis, rcsular Mock that Is worth more than the regular prk-o, 7."e suits i:ie; H.'k Mills Vlv; fl.lMi hiiits H1H: SI.J.", hiiIU $1.05. Women's and Children's Hosiery Specials Black Fibre Silk Hose for women entirely out of the market at pres ent and if we could get them would retail at $1.00 pair. We offer a limited stock in all sizes, a splendid quality, the pair 49c - lilacK Ldsle nose ior women, Knox Knit brand No. 730, a splend . . id fall stocking for every day ser vice. Special, pair 32c i One Special Ixt of Small Sizes Only in Women's and Mist Hose, black, white and few colors, values to 50e, the Clean-up Price is, er pair 23c InfiZnUV Colored Lisle and All Wool Cashmere Ih.sp. such as mnk. blue, red, etc.. broken sizes, worth V ";to 50c; Clean-up Price, pair 19c WE STILL HAVE SOME OF THOSE BLANKETS FOR $8.50 1 Full bed size, plain white with colored borders, gray and blue plaids, a blanket worth $12.00 today. Clean-up price $8.50. $6.00 TO $8.00 WOOL SKIRTS $5.00 With the present hieh cost of wool these skirts are most wonderful values, all sizes, in- lluding out sizes. August Clean-up price $5.00 ONLY A FEW MORE COT TON BATTS LEFT NOW that weigh 3 lbs., full size for comforters and selling for Clean-up price, each $1.00 MILITARY YARNS In the khaki and gray shades, a superior all wool ex tra strong yarn, per skein, $1.10. ART GOODS AT 'i PRICE Dresser scarfs, center pieces table runners and sofa pillows, all good qualities and styles at 'z price. 4 r, j V- 15 - HartSchaffncri If C"iii;lit IU StliafTnerS; Mrx ? You want the best you can get for 3 our money. It will pay you to trade at Pendleton's Greatest Dept. Store. PENDLET0NS greatest department store ami iis vi i-.hi.i i i'uiv ri;rat-s You will find It a pleasure to make your selec tion at The lv-tpl'' WarchoiiM. The i-lylrn ahown mo the very laict. The asf-ort men! n are complete. An. I all K-'oN are marked In plain figures. And oim prl4 to all. i I ,,:!r.rai?,'J W8IERE IT PAYS TO TRADE HI i