DAILY EVENING EDITION Number oopllea printed of yestcrdaya DmDj Edition. 2,792 TblM paper l a member or and audited t7 lbs Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EVEH1IIG E01T10H WEATHKR FORECAST. Tonight and Wednesday fnliY I 7rr& . '. Kfl Eel ? a . I ." I f I i i A . 7' ' . ' 1 -V COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 30 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1918. NO. 9521 in ii t s ill ii I BRITISH ATTACK MAY EXTEND BOTH WINGS ON BEYOND BAPAUNE E IS HINDENBURG CROSSED New Zealanders on North ern Outskirts of City, British Move East on Scarpe. NOT SINGLE GERMAN IN BAPAUME AT NOON BYNG O' THE TANKS Prisoners Taken by British Since August 21, are 21,000, PARIS, Aug. 27. The Matin de clare Uiat not a single German re niaiiuxl in liapaume at noon. BY LOWELL MKLLETT (United Press Htaff Correspondent) WITH THE BRITISH IX FRAXCW, Aug. 27. The British launched a new attack south of Bapaume at 4:45 thus morning which is designed to make the situation below Bapaume as pre- ' carious us that above, where the line extends actually beyond the city. New Zealanders are on tho northern out skirts of Bapaume, having taken Beautmatre durinir the nlsht. Thnv captured prisoners from three . bat talions including; a battalion comman der. Simultaneously the British aro moving' east-ward along the Scarpe, the Highlanders on the north and Canadians on the south, utilising yes terday's Important gains. Take Advanced Trrnclic 1 ,!!. The British last night swept down the Henenll slopes and over the ad vanced trenches of the Hlnrienhura line, capturing these easily, but found the Germans holding hard un the sup port lines. Fighting below Bapaume Is unumi- ! ally violent little attempt having been made yet to carry Hapaume directly, althotiKh there is patrol fighting con stantly In the outskirts and British reconnoiterlng patrols entered tho city late Sunday C'atiadiaiiH Withdraw, Thru Smah. LONUUX, Aug. i! 7. General Haig today reported that the Canadians after capturing Wancourt carried their lines east of (iuemappe. A counter at tack forced the British back from Itonaueville to Bazentin-le-Grand an) Hlghwood. The counter attack was broken up there and the British posi tions reestablished beyond Hlghwood. "Yesterday afternoon and evening there was severe fighting on the field of the old Somme battleground be ween Marlcourt and Bapume, also to the northward. The enemy counter attacked re peatedly in strength, I 1 If Jk&-f-zW British Hive In EARLY PEACE OBJECT OF FOE IN WORLD JOJNATION PLAN WASHINGTON, Aug. 27. Ger- ' reports of a new German peace of- niany hopes to negotiate an Parly peace, giving her an opportunity to reorganize her resources tor another great world domination war. A high diplomatic authority mated this to the United Press today, He held that tensive are not me rumors. ! Tempting offers will be made va rious nations of the entente. If the udvances are seriously received It will greatly menace the entente morale. GERMAN BATTALION REFUSES, EVERY TENTH MAN IS SHOT AMSTERDAM, Aug. man battalion ordered unanimously refused. 27. A tier- every tenth mad was shot. The re to the front malnder yielded, says a front dis Thereupun ' jJatch in the Telegraaf. FRENCH CAPTURE "KICK-OFF" LAND ' "TO 7 : YANK DOUGHBOW IIMDFR HOT FIRF MlllNflFf IN Ifi - - . - piS I iANGIN TAKES HIGH POINT, i I LnULO, LliLUj nun in uiiinir nniiTii ainur m .... tho man who Js leading the troops in their new offen Pleardy. He became famous by "Byng o' tho Tanks" last year, and he's the man who started yesterday smashing the Huns along the Scarpe. GERMANS FEAR, GATHER FORCES FOR PROTECTION airforce and anti-aircrafters to com- HONOR PLAN FOR uui trie urivt", - u vt iiKfma'e is ue ing taken or German raids on de fenseless cities. The purpose is to cripple their munitions output ana produce an unfavorable psychological effect in the German pupuiac. Ger many shows every evidence or dislik ing her own medicine. She is whining ind scared about the raids. American Patrols Outfight Foe in Several Actions, LIBERTY BONDS IS ' TO BE TRIED HERE RECORD NUMBER OF WOUNDS ESTABLISHED KAISER ACCEPTS ALL SPAIN'S CONDITIONS KANTANOKR. Spain, Aug. 27 It is aiinotiiu'od Uiat Germany has aoccjitexl all conditions in tho HwiiIhIi note agrcfliitr voluntarily U snrreiKlcr In terned .-rma n slilm fir future submarinhigx. l''orcfagri .Minister Iato an tioiiiuTd flic gtvcrniiM'nt wmld rcciiilrifthm all Spanish, tomtago wli k-li will lc apxrthncd. ttceord lii to vital iiwfHsltie, .Other gttprumcntH In wIkwo trad? sonm of the KliiiM will Iw employed will be aked U set hmnJu1 com iiifMllliPM exchange of i-argties with as Irtnr ore and olive oil. 4a4rmany tn nmIcrHtod t have proinlMHl that slie will .not . to IhmIo tlieNe rrviuMllmMHl eswls. Tlic tii(Kt proniiiient feature of the coming lJbrt,v Ijoan cam paign In I'nmtilla tenuity to le ainioiiiiced as a result of the meet ing of the managers of the cam paign In semioni this afternoon at the t'onunercial association rooms will tie the naming of Hmior Wetkk. ThLs w-IU lie the week be fore the formal opening of tho caniHtlgn Burlng the week alt liersoikM will he aked to- go to their Imnk and make tlielr suh Hcrlptlon for bonds voluntarily in aeenrdanco with the ratings made by the executive committee of tho Patriotic .Service ieague. IVtllouing arc district mana gers prcwiit at the meeting: W. I. Th(nipwm, county chairman; tieorge A. Prices, .MM ton: I.. C. Scharpf. 11 lot Uock: Ualph IKdte, Stan field ; 10. J- Davis, lYcewater; William Kwitzler. I'matilla; .1. If. Price, eston; l-ay 1j (irow. Athena; oii llfKlgcns, I'ntnpfnc; arl KniH'rM, Helix; J. I- Tliomp soi i. i ; 1 1) In n ; italph I teKcr. Cot -toiiwiKKi; T It. , Swa y-sey, irermls tn: .lefw Hales, Adunis. ontLLo wnuLt LINE; ADVANCE TOWARD ROYE One Yankee Disables Four Boche, Another Protests Wound Aid. Counter Attack Repulsed; Artillerying Continues Through Night, 1,100 Prison' ers One Day's Bag. HCNSi KIM, MANY Mii:i.i.l; J. HATH HOl'M-:. Persistent Raids Against In dustrial Centers Plan of America, Allies. RECENT DASHES JUST START OF PROGRAM Psychological Effect and Crippling Munitions Out put Are Objects. 11T CAUL 1. CROAT (United I'rewM Staff CorrpwpomJent WASHINGTON-. Aim. L'7. IVrslnt t'lit air raids attains! (trman industri al cities are manifestly planned b Anierieu and the allies. Keeent dashts axainst Mannlielm, J'rankfort and Incurrinjr great I'-'onfluns are only part of the prowram losses, but wai unable to arrest (Continued on Pane J our:to Pftrr- the war directly home to jdermany. Dispatches state that ller- 'tuanv is (ralherinif a strong crimtiatHnt EVEN HIS MAJESTY IS PROUD TO SALUTE PRIVATE O'ROURKE Private Michael O'Umirke. who will (vpeak Friday night at Happy Canyon for the benefit of the tiirlV Honor Guard, han the rank of private In the Itrltbdi army, neverthflewM, every man of any rank In the Itritlnh service, even HIh Majenty himself, la proud to Hiihite hi in. Thin la becaime he is one of the few men HvhiK who wear all three British cmsMea. The Victoria t'rowH he won for most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty; the Mil itary Medal for jjreat bravery In re pelling Btnfjtle-handed a Herman bombing attack, and the Distinguish ed conduct medal for bravery. Hov. H. K- Oornall, pastor of the Methodist church, will preside, and Will introdllfp IMtv;ito I Vi:nnrU. fn- slcal filertiouH will be in the form of soIoh by Mrf, Mae Haair and pa triotic pon? flung by t he audience, led by . t. Hreach. The officers of the I'matlUa County Ouurd will be in uniform and will be on the platform with the speaker. Members of the Honor (iuard will act ms ushers. Tickets are already on sale by mem bers of the Crirls' Honor ?u:ird. An admission fee of fifty cents, includ ing war tax. will be charged ind the proceeds used for the fund of the as sociation. All this money ir used I for patriotic purposes. ROLL )N0R All or tis arr, talking nhfml.drniiKTary. Tlii wildlor lioso printed In this casiiallr list lie Mif fored ir died for II. iinnitt arc TOH.WS t'ASl'ALTIKJ. Released for afternoon papers: Killed In action : O Mlsslim In action 3 Wounded aeverely S3 Tled of wounds 1 Died of accidents and other ruM 3 Id of disease 1 Wounded, deujree undetermined . . 7 Wash.. I'vt. Idaho. I'vt. wound 1 Total l&sJWash., Northwest citsuah ies. released to day: Corp. I hl H- Hunt, Portland, or-, wounded severely. Pvt. Nisei H, Itidnold. Moiitesano. uilssing in action. Kdwln C. ijuereau, Jerome, died of wounds. Swan Johnon, Seattle, Wash., d severely. Fred B. ; rover, Asotin, missin); In action. WASHINGTON. Aiitf. 27. t.crman artillery shtdhnl a ltod iVos Imtli hotiHCt lehiiid tho llr-llaii lint' yewter day, killing 2il and wimndiiigt 60. NOIIWAV 31 A V JOIN SPAIN CIIHISTIANIA. Am;. 27. rt-rnian It. in re-ply to Norway's pntcst ainst sinking Norwegian shipping1 outside the danger zone offered eonilM-nsation where It Is irtved the shi wax sunk without warning, it it announced. Norwegian newspapers advocate the seizure of Internet I vcKsets like Spain. BY FRANK J. TAYLCii (United Press Staff Correspondent) WITH THE AM KKICAN ARMY IS FRANCE, Aug. 27. i American patrols today outfought the lermaiiH in several actions on the Totul and Woevre sectors. An American pa- trol itlllfd or wound- :d four Boches in tha Toul area. An American dough boy aa wounded in 16 jlaces by machine gun bullets. Ten struck him between the knees and wrist, three entered the calf of a leg and three in an arm. He will recover. r -9 M'ADOO INVITED TO 1918 ROUND-UP ' WANTS TO COME LONDON, Aug. 27-(Received 20 o'clock) The French have captured Royc, and advanced three miles on an eight mile front When in Portland on his last trip to j the coast Secretary McAdoo said to W. I j. Thompson, of the American National Bank, when he was intr'i- I duced as beins from Pendleton, "Oh, .mju are iroifi ine piai:e wnere mey ,.. un i au(u, .iuOintf tZttrmmm BY WKBB MrM.F.lC. -1 (I'nllpd Press Star Oorer8Pondit.T PARIS. Auk. 27. General Manla has wtn hl(U (rround south yt CNcf. THESE MEN GO TO FI6HT FOR FREEDOM 1 IXll CAMP LEWIS. Arthur .lUilaml, I'm ik is I. t.iinis. Kiltard A. NeUou. tlew W. MyrU k. Assistant Keadcr. Joint 10- lurNhnll. lames) A. Woolay Ilarty If. Mustard. Alfrtl IK l.tMlgett. les-e r. Hiitherland. Patrick .1. Otitgiuin. lHter OIK or. . !inmrd 4'- lOntoii. Aistant leader. (Niir I. lteek. 1iarles I- l4it Samuel It- Smith. Hctldie I. Hall. Chester M. IHipuis. Ast. Leader. 1 w W. Hanks. lenn f. Simmons. Henry X. Illlman. llon T- smith. Assistant Leader. 1yde 1 lloyt. Walter It. Morrl-. William Jt- 4VmstKk. Lloyd A. Thctinison. .Tesso Head. Hugh A. ltonnian. Leader. lartmv . loak. Miuiibv W. I Hi kin. William L Power. M(o tlaekel. Kiiuiict A. Ladgett. fese Slmtwcll. AsMstaut Leader. Waller It- Atlchury. ;Mi:e IE. la key. Herman L. Nelson. Henry llraiwtt. Assistant Leader, l-'tlwurd T. Long. Ldvnr l- Ttiomas. AlfrtMl Little harley H. Scarln-ry. Ilugll VZ. Harris. John K. McAtwIaii INIt tTi:i I (lit OTIIKK LOAltlS loo -Sura. Charles HiuNmi. I. II- l.eottanl. tbn1 llubman. ltK FOliT lelOW IU,r Kbrt IJiiner. Leader. lald .. Head. l!oy StnbmVficld. .Charles s. Pane. Lynn IH'nl. William la kcu.le. Iloyd Mei.lwr Assistant Leader. . ;eorge . Peeblrr lN-lMrt. c. Arkrrtium. This is believed the record number of wounds received during a inlnutj skirmishing and not causing death. Another American, despite a torn face and stomach wound from gren ade fragments pressed forward pro testing violently against returning- to the dressing station. SENATE PASSES 18 TO 45 BILL "Work or Fight" Will Not Apply to Strikers if Rules Observed. I hold the Round-Up. I have .promising myself for several years to see the Round-Up but have never been .able to spare the time." Remember ing this, Mr. Thompson wired Mr. McAdoo a special invitation to be here for the next Hound-Cp. The wire i follows: )W. a. McAdoo, . . j Secretary of the Treasury, j Washington, D. C. Recalling your statement when In ( Portland last fall to effect you hope some day to see the Pendleton Round Up, we extend you an especial invi- jtation to be present this year. Pro j ceeds of this year's show are to be i turned over to Ited Cross. Fourth j Liberty Loan to be featured through- out entire show. Estimated sixty thousand people will be reached by campaign. Your presence if possible (would be appreciated by entire North- west and would give added impetus to floating of loan. Round-Up dates, Sept. I W. L. THOMPSON. Chairman. I Liberty Loan Com. are aLso being- shelled from Ute Cter niari Aisne tine ea$ of Sotoeo&s ftkntg the whole active front- Tho 1-YencH continue to "kick off place for fu ture otierationa. 7 ADVANCE TOWARD ROYK. PARIS. Auic- 2T. The emti ff vaneed- toward Roye Uibr mornbac after repulsing- wnenl oountcr-al taeka. Uie war office annoiioced. Tla 1-Yencti advanced tliree quarters of a mile beyond . tUuTneax, five mile northwest of Roumm and repulsed (-on nt er-at tack went of Uliavlguy. Artilleryliur eoiiOnued Imnt uucht between the AJme and AHette. The Freuch took 1IOO prtsonera yesterday, including 30 officers. , . . WASHINGTON'. Aug. 27. The senate tliiM afU'riMMm MisMd the 18 to 15 maiikowtr bilk - j WASHlNtSTOX. Aug. 27. The bat tlo over the work or fight amend -i ineiit to the manpower bill Is virtually st'ttled when the senate by a vote of t'l to 2 9 refused to strike out the en It ire clause. I The senate earlirr by 7" to (t adopt ; ('d un amendment i hat the work tr fiuht pro visit m shall not apply to strikers who submit their grievance to t he war la 1 tor board, agree to abide ( by its dt cision, mihI pending the de cision return immediately to work, t Hvrnian told t he senate that I!h kir assured him hoys of IS and 19 will not be sent to the firing line un ,ti un "emergoncv arises. However, they will be called for trainim? om ; mediately and kept in the United States until needed, t U. S. SUB CHASER SUNK BY MISTAKE 18 ARE MISSING AMBASSADOR PAGE ! RESIGNS; BUSINESS. . ILL HEALTH DEMAND IjON'OOX. Aug. 27. Ambassa dor Pag;e has resigned because of business reasons and health It Ies announced today. WASHl.VdTi 'N. Aug. -7. The , merchantman Felix Toussig this morning mistook United States sub- j marine chaer 2"tJ for a U-boat and , yhelled and sank the chaser, the navy announced. The commander, execu tive officer and 1 f. men of the chaser are missing. Nine men havf landed. The chaser was sunk at 3: 1 o this morning In the darkness. ROUND-UP HAT DAY , SEPT. 1; LET'S GO Get out your Round-Up hat for September 1. If you should be on tha streets of Pendleton after that data without an approved cowboy som beraro you may find yourself minus your sky-piece. The hats are to be worn from that date till after the Round-Up. WATER MELON FEED HONORS 56 MEN, SOON TO DON KHAKI Both Pendleton companies of the Umatilla county guord, as well ut the local draft board Hiid a lai k crow d of townspeople marched to martial music played by th band to the O -W. It. X. Htatlon this morning to do honor Hrtd bid farewell to the f6 men who left today for army service. Nine are replacement men and so to Fort McIowell. 43 are of the regular draft for this month and wil go to Capip Lew Is. llesides this mini bor. t htre are four Inducted from other conn lies. They will go to t'amp also. The men were designated ty whit arm bands, which showed n bin letters that t he boy are now -nt em -hern of 1 be United States Nat tonal Army. This is a new method as for merly the drafted men wore Mag. Iait night the men were the guest? of the Aba theater, and after the rex ilar moving pUtor program they ap peared on the dience Mini! tlons. b-d l es were given piriform whit' the an-, ii-ring patriotic selec . '. !reaeh. Address- ' l.y James 11- (Jwinn and U. I. Strain gave several chei will stou don tli Refore gi'in 1 Clul rooms for j for w hlch t he the men. carr in, and the audience rs for the men who khaki t the Commercial watermelon "feed." isoeiation was host the flan, serpentin ed down Main street, cheering as they . went. Thev were led b J. Uohin son's machine, into which Mr. Robin- ' lxwwifon had guthereti six colored si nnstei i. 'who added spii .t and lnusie to the tarude by sliifimg several selections Twelve ot her machines a N't joined the procession. Boxes of lunch coninh'iled by sev- ; eral of the auxiliaries, were given b the meiniers of the liirla Hmmr t CimM. as well : two boxes f peach j e. and e er:il ot hrr token of ro ( meinbrance. . UMATILLA PROJECT WILL SOON HAVE ANOTHER ENGINEER HKKMISTOV. Aug- 27. Se I'lal.) II. I. Newell, projii't en gineer tot the I 'mat ilia rije-t fr the laM I2 eair- is ooti H Im trnn-ferreil Id titiMrtaut giern nient work ca-l of the Rocky mtiuiitaln. accord itiir ti ih'mh iiirrent oa. . Mr. Newvll Idin .M'lf I out of town and could ntt la 4-en to confirm Hie reNrt llowtner. tin new K tH" a -bai-a4-ter to inuri it-. autlieulKii. It W understood that lr. Newell will lone n nnih an lie can r rnitte affulrs at ermitn. It- l. shilling ha nrried front ontaiia to lake up wrk on ilie I maillla project ami It U trtl- , tle Im- will le ?iicce-ir lo Mr. , Newel I. thouuli itfricial notice .n . I he i-n!ject i lacking-. Mr. Newell has tw-cii in cliarae n lite goeriiineiit project eicr iiMe ila dcartiire f .1. T. Wbi-tlcr. Ibe builder- of the project- lan friend, of Mr. an. I Mrs. Newell rearret t lMar of his com Ins dcrtiire. Mr. NewII K now eiarei In -ome wrk Mwera IVmliciou and IMot Ro.k. H. E. NOW H. S. PRINCIPAL ii. sch.a from la K- In low. Is at F'Uest i H large mil lit at a spe 1m. ant of dire of principal school f.T tht low is being Jroe bartl t here. A- . t'rews t he commercia graduate of th of Santa i:-a Pacific fo.ist f tlH superintendent of "rove, was selected liter of applicants ( ial meeting of the to fill the position ! Pendleton high 1 ensuing year. Mr. In released by the Forest1 to accept the position ' was chosen a.s head of, ! department. He Is a, University of Oregon Knsiness College and linsiuess Uollece. He' where under hit direction the hiKfft has a life certificate and taught for three yearn at Hood River, and alao at Roseburg and Grants Vhssl Mr- Inlow. the newly elected prin cipal. Is 31 years of ago and haa toth normal schotd and college training. He has an A. It- degree from the Pa cific University and I, I H. degre from the University of rei-on. Aa teacher, principal and superintendent he has had 1 1 years eiiH-rleuce, nix years being ipent u Forest Urove. , tt'tintlnued on page R. l OREGON REGIMENT FORMING; WAY OPEN FOR FORMATION OF NATIONAL GUARD CO. IN CITY A Xational Guard regiment fantr is tteiog formed if action is taken s-on it ill be pos sible to secure iu h a company for Pendleton pro nted the necesRar ; mi in tier of men tan b secured, the minimum strength teing l3 to a 'icompsn". 'hile in Portland recent 1 K. H. Aldrich. editor tf the KaM Ore- i .tuiian consulted w tt h the adjutant ! general regarding the ne-w enmrd of in-' t egi'iient ami the formation of a guard in Oregon and in party ' Pendletm waa HiiiCKiMrl by the adjutant Kenerai. Addition! data as to the tatun and reutrnenti of the giiurd has juit teen re-el I and I in the pottweNjooii of Mr. Ablrtea and of Rrrtoke lu kn. teller at lb American Nittmnal Hank. No HefHat IVum lraft. The national guard i oftn to mt jConUau.4 on psf aim.) A