PACE FOUR DAILY EAST ORECfoNIAN, TENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY AUGUST 20, 1918. " " EIGHT PAGES witimiuMlliiliiiliUliilluiiiiiiiiiiilllM 28 YEARS AGO I-.. ' ":" g" -y ' AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. BMIab4 Dally and 8ml-Wkly st i na i ! on. ur.nron, ry tti AtT ORBOONIAJI PUBLJSHTNO CO lateral at tta poatoKIc at pandle- uravoa, aa aooa-clua mall roaphona ON BALE IN OTHER CITIES. ImpartalUota! Newn Stand, Portland Btwnu Nen Co, Portland, Oregon ON! AT Chtmro Bureau, sot Security Build- Waahlnrton. D. C taratb Street, N. W. Bureau SOI Four- SUBSCRIPTION RATES (IN ADVANCE) Dally, one year, by mall Dally, alx montha by mail Dally, three months by mall Dally, one month by mail Daily, out year by carrier . IS.M . LSI , . , T.St . S.TS 1.9f Dally, alx montha by carrier.. Dally, three montha by carrier Dally, one month.- by carrier.- Semi-Weekly, one year, by mall..- 1.60 Semi-Weekly, alx montha, by mall ,71 Semi-Weekly four montha bUnall .St -J COXTKXT.MENT. I love to lio and Idly dream Jiy ume far-off. secluded stream, . Where willowa reach In lithe festoons While -blending rise a thous and tunes Prom earth to sky prinff's melody. I love to dream, adrift, alone, While frog croak loud their monotone. And all the world is well my home, ' When singing: streams are flecked With foam, And ail Is green With hope serene,' I love to watch the swirling rift Sway with the water's rush. While juFt alove sweot medleys lift The luscious sons of the her mit thrush. The king- of spring And birds that sing. Ithe same law enforcement. The roaus are lor xne general puD lic not for a few speed friends. AMERICANIZE THEM "TN OWN at Oregon City the Xv patriotic service league has protested against the preaching of sermons in the German language, it being held that such a practice is not only in bad taste but is unnecessary, The German ministers have ob jected that some of their list eners rln not tinrlprstand Rnc. lish. However, it is unlikely - ,there are many who come in ithat class. The average Ger- man Dorn American is tnor- loughly conversant with . Eng lish. Those who-"are not should become so and listening to the word of God preached in the English language win help them. .It is a mistake for any German, or any other for eigner, to try to live , in this country without acquiring our language. In the future more so than in the past, people- are going to insist upon the full Americanization of those who seek our shores. I love to muse when summer t showers Kiss earth, and breathe sweet scents of flowers; 4 And e'er, methinks, while here I - stand, t A spirit leads me to a land, A Kapphire stream, - Togdrlnk and dream! THE SPEED MERCHANT D'ANNUNZIO'S DARING EX PLOIT TTP HE a verage auto accident is caused by too much speed. A carefully driv en car seldom goes into the ditch. A slowly driven car sel dom, smashes into another ma chine. Fast driving plus a sharp curve often equals trouble. Speeding by another car going in the same direction is hazardous business when there is another car coming from the opposite direction. Yet there are people who do this. As Oregon develops her highways there will be necessi ty for better enforcement of speed, laws on country thor oughfares as well as in the cities. We are behind Califor ni in this respect at present. A western Oregon man last week apologised for driving 0n a good road at moderate speed by saying he had just returned from California where the speed cops had tamed him down. Oregon needs some of ySeGasplhte Quality Red Crown" la a straight -distilled. aH- refinery gasoline, not ' a mixture. Its contin uous, uniform chain of boiling points makes easy starting, quick acceleration, power and mileage sure. Look lor the Red X Crown sign before " you fill. STANDARD OIL J COMPANY V (Calitonua). L irFTER. indescribable cruel ties of Austrian troops in occupied Italian towns, after the needless death of thousands of gallant men in Austrian prison camps, after summary execution of other thmiBAnrla for the. crime of iseeking political freedom, the ! people of Vienna had reason ifor fear, seeing a fleet of Ital ian airplanes above them. : They were wrong. They had no cause to fear. From the air dropped truth, not destruc tion. Why had the Viennese "donned the Prussian uni form"? asked the leaflets that fluttered down. "We Italians do not make war on women, children and old men only on your blind, obstinate cruel gov ernment, which cannot give you either peace or bread, but feeds you on hatred ana illusion. What else have plain peopie in Vienna been thinking tor months and sometimes even whispering? To have the longest flight of a squadron of bombing planes, and to have made it twice over the Alps, despite enemy planes and rows of hostile aircraft guns, is a triumph of Italian skill in aviation. The words of fire dropped instead of literal flame and death were worthy of their author, the poet-Captain d'Annunzio. This was more than a beautiful Latin aresture: it was one of the war's finest feats. New York World. Arthur Guy Empey, it is said, lost his chance of a commis sion in the United States army by making a speech in which he slurred the drafted men. As the greater portion of our army will be composed of men Irom jthe selective service rank3, making as good soldiers as the world has ever seen, Uncle Sam will not see them referred to with disrespect. - Our wheat warehouses are in the war zone now; take no liberties thereabouts and halt if called upon to halt. Those "supermen" in the service of the kaiser and Gott do not stand the gaff as well as we have been led to believe. Canada drafts men between 19 and 45 but the United States will go them one better. j S Let the secret service put Ju piter Pluvius under surveil lance; he is acting like a Hun. ...a...... I Trotsky is leading the trot 'away from Moscow and the anti-German sentiment there. . ...... When the winds blow and !the snow hits our soldiers in the face then is when the good jRed Cross sweater, socks and wristlets come forth in the light of life savers. ! Bring on that manpower bill t (From the .Bast Oresonian, Auu 20, 1S90.) Kd Bartlett, city attorney of La Grande and popular young lawyer was in Pendleton this morning. G. IX Richardson's delivery wagon was run into and -badly demolished last evening ly another rig. which was being driven at a lively rate along the street, Mr. Tiichardson thinks , the ordinance prohibiting fast driving on the street shotild be enforced. The 'Frencfitown'' school house near Walla Waila was totally destroy ed by fire last Thursday night; loss $500. The fire la supposed to have been of Incendiary origin. . James Matoney, Irving McQuary and Misses Ida Banks and Leo la Young of Athena who have been in attendance upon the Institute, were in Pendleton this morning on their return honae. j. M. t-eeKer s nanasome sorrai driving horse was shipped la&t even ing to Conductor J3. M. Stevens, at Portland by whom he was purchased. . REALTY TRANSFERS j DtXIlS. little .Baker to Morris A- Baker, 5fl; lot 8. block 7 Adams. Susan C. t?hipp to James I. Shipp, 1; lot 20, bkck 7. Pilot Kock. Frank E. Payne to Maurice D. ScroRgs, $400: w!i swli Sec. 15. IS, Tvfp- 4N BanBe 28. Wm. H. Musseluian to Etta At. Mua. selman. 1; lots 1, 2. 9, and 5, block P, R. R. Add., Freevyater. Lottie Baker to B. E- McBollum, $200; lots 1, 2. 2, -4, 5 and 6, block 6, Adams. George Geanakopultis tp Peter Gii nis, si; lots 10, 11. 12 and 13. block 2, Town of Doris. (kV. C. Hopson, et. us, to Jnhn W. Jones, $1: mete and bound nw,14 bw4 Sec. 27, Twp. 6N, Range 3R-. W. s. Carter to H. J. Inkite, $10; lots 3 and 8 and b lots 4 and 7, block 8. Salings Add., Weston. WITH THE COLORS News of looal Boys In tli Nor vU'e ; lnforma t ion for 1'his I M partment Will bo Appreciated. 0 "Tnqi jyj "F jsffwHK jSk tmmas ti iitiii n U iii -1! NOW HERE F WW!,... .a r i "m. jar fm -. rtr . . .- im y 4 ( , This tractor is FORD con i struction all through. Pulls 2-bottom 14 in. plows. , I?ore 4x5. . Horsepower 12-22. Three speeds forward and one reverse. Plowing speed (intermedi ate) 3 miles per hour. Speed on high 14 miles hour. All parts inclosed with fuel cleaner. Burns distillate or kero sene. ,.; ..; i: jfej&!23 IN A GLASSPBY ITSELF Arrange for a demonstration with SIMPSON AUTO CO. Water and Johnson Street. Parts, Service, Repair Shop and Skilled Mechanics. Telephone 408 Service ill i-Yont Treliclics. Lou Casteel, a Uklah boy with the colors in France, writes his sister Mrs. Elmer Nichols, -TJkiah. that he has had his turn In the front line trenches and returned without a scratch. Fun With IT-Boat In a letter to his parents at Uklah, Marion Martin, who is serving In the navy tells of an eicitlnp time twhen the gunners on his shop dowsed a U boat, and a few minutes afterward- siRhted another, but it dived before an effective shot could be fired. lieutenant SttintlM in New Jersey. i Lieut. Cyrus c. Jitursls, wno nus been stationed at Boston for some tinie, has been transferred to New Jersey. His new address IP . V. S. Army General Hospital No. Lake wood, N. J. lias Three Sons In Service. Mrs. Sam Ingalls, R. K. No. 1. Pen dleton, has three sons' in the army and navy service. Their addresses were received this morning by Mr- Chess man for filing In the records being kept of Umatilla county men In the military service- Robert F. Inflalls. age 23, Is in Co. Ill Infantry, A. B. F.,' care Postmaster, New York Merrltt J. Ingalls, age 24. Is in Naval Training Barracks, Base 6, Care Post master. New York. Ernest Ingalls. age 27, !is on Sub Chaser No. 24 0, care P6stmaster. New, York. ARE WE I RIGHT? YOU KNOW WE ARE! (Editorial in East Oregom an; August 17th.) Ships built at Coos Bay are towd to San Francisco to be outfitted; Oregon should Handle such work and should be ashamed of the present procedure. . JuRt so Mr. Kdttor. ountiiiK money at 5 per cent interest over TWO HI'N L H K l MILLION IiOLURH has Rone out of Oregon for life insuranoe prem iums, lat 20 years. That money would come in handy for us in correcting the above proce dure of which you are justly ashamed. Why not let the Oregon Life Insur ance Company invest your premiums in Oregon enterprises to mature your policies. It does it just as'chcaply, is just as safe and It usfs your money ;r help build up Oregon. Mr. Orcfion Citizen, think this over a little. If you have any doubt as to the reliability of your home company, ask your Insur-' ance commissioner at Salem about it. Your banker might give you all tho information you might care for, Yoi ought to le very proud of the record of your own Company. its record is something to lie proud nr. It has gone "Aver the top" in the mat ter of ravings and surplus and stands 1rceminently in the very front rank. m Think it over and see y. H. Snyder, the agent. iA- the American National Uank Building. JH'LG.KIAN CZAR Ht'N HOSTAGE WASIIIVGTOV, Aiiflr." 20. Czar Ferdinand of Bulgaria Is Im-Iiik held by Germany virtually as a hostage, offi cial advice today declare. (Kxniuny may Iw tkinj? tliis incajis to insure lluluarla's loyally, l-'erditiaiul loiii ha.s Ixx'ii surrmiudcd lit KulgurJ an court by German ffficcrs and guards. He left soon after Mace talk liegan. It 1m Kignirieaiit that ho wh not Included in a rteent conference Of AustrUm and German rulers. HAIL! FIRE! Protect Your Earnings. ; Insure Your Crop. It will pay you to see us at once. LIVERMORE, BICKERS & FRIEDLY 111 East Court St Telephone 118 I MIT, Getflofjtei Je Will Save You Money Corn will be the Cheapest' Hog and Chicken Feed this Fall, get lined up now. We hae a fresh supply of Scratch Food and , Screenings on hand. . : IIAVE ON IIANI) NOW,' FOR YOUR POULTRY, ' ' 1 ' MEATSCRAPS, SHELL, BONE , CALF MEAL THE MILK SUBSTITUTE International Stock Food Colesworthy's 127-9 E. Alta Phone 1S4 LY'S , - BARLEY, OATS, MILLFEED, ALFALFA 1 ' - LEAVES. ' Blydenstein r Co. .WE HAVE OUR OWT DELIVERY Pendleton, Oregon 1300 W. Alia Phone 351 E3 E.a sr.-3 if f.l II II I i II. Jtu-ii Kixh'sjU Afir-nt, I 'WHlH! Ha, Of and end the talk. . JlUlullhihiililiiilliliU.iimiinhaul