DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1618. EIGHT PAGES PAGE EIGHT Gray Bros. Grocery Co. EAST OKl-XiONIAN SPliCJJUi NEWS OF ITOATIUiA CO Helix School Starts Monday, September 9th (Knst Oregonlan Special.) HELIX. Auk. 17. Helix BChool will begin September 8th, - Prof.- H. W. Drew, principal, assisted by Miss Vi olet Craw, Mrs. J. S. Anderson, Mrs. It. W. Drew and Miss Nellie Craw will teach the grades. Miss Elsie Miller a Washington teacher, will teach in the King dtst rict west of town. Miss Zella Follett of Pendleton in the Mclntyre district east of Helix. Miss Opal Rice will teach at Elgin. F. E. Herman is home from La crosse. Isaac Bledsoe has gone to Wapton Washington. Rev, P.-Grant Hamm Is spending the week in Cold Spring. Mrs. Eva Sprague and small son of Portland are visiting her mother Mrs. M. C. Anderson.' Miss Elva Snyder of Pendleton is a guest of Miss Daisy Morrison. Miss Clara King has gone to Port land and Astoria for a week or ten days visit. THE AVERAGE MERCHANT thinks that the Trade Acceptance method is something not applicable to his own business at all, inaugurated only for a few wholesalers and manu facturers. The sooner you get out of this notion and take time to look into this new way of handling accounts, the sooner you will be able to reap the benefits to be derived from this system. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Pendleton. Oregon "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon." I' 'I Ed Walch Returns to Meacham From Hospital (East Oregonlan Special.) MEACHAM, Aug. 17. Miss Lenna Hardison went to La Grande and North Powder Wednesday to visit relatives for a few days. R. Fagan made a trip to Gibbon Wednesday. Mrs. W. Pidcock and daughter Joan came down from Kamela Wed nesday to spend the day with' Mrs. J. A. Watters. George Shrecktire of Buckltn, Mo., Is here visiting his wife, who came some time ago. and his wife's mother, Mrs. Dan Granger. W. Chelf made a trip to La Grande Thursday. Mrs. J. Jenkins and daughter VeU ma went to Pendleton Thursday to reside. Mr. Jenkins Is working In harvest near there. Mrs. Ralph Ham and children went to Pendleton Thursday to take fimTiiimiiummiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiii iiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiian s s I The Best Buy in Town Fine house, excellent location, beautiful lots, fin- 1 ished complete. A bargain. Terms. g I E Ch&s. E. Heard, Inc. 721 Main Street N Phone 477 Buy War Savings Stamps iiinminiiminiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiI;i DR. R. B. ROBBINS ' Dentistry Judd Bldg. Court and Main Sts. DALE ROTHWELIj Opto nseti 1st and Opticta Bye Scleotlflcallj examined. S5"" Glasses ground to lit Amen can National Bank Building, Pendleton. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronio and Nervous Disease and Disease of Women. X-Ray Eleo- tro Therapeutic. Temple Bid-,, Boom 13, Phone ! DENTISTRY Dr. David Bennett Hill Dr. Tom O. Bailey Todd Building, Pendleton, Oregon. "Grandma ' Purkes, who was ill. Jesse -KTeeniHn of Portland Is ope rator here nbw in the vacancy ol Miss Leona Hardison, who leaves soon for her home at The lulls to .re sume her school work. Kd Welch ariiver back from Port land Friday, after spending a week at the hospital there, having underwent an operation of his eye. The steel was removed, but his eyesight la hopeless. We have had considerable rain dur ing the UiHt few days and quite cold, like the appruach of winter. People were up from the valoys onl hupntlng day tu get their limit. Aim. many from here went out wilh good success. YANKS DECORATED BY KING GEORGE WITH THE BRITISH AHMT ON THE PICARDY FRONT. Auk- 17 For the first, time in history United States soldiers were personally deco rated by the king of England Tues day. Honors were conforred upon Cien eral John J, Pershing, the American commander In chief, General Tusker Bliss, four lieutenants and 15 sol diers, amidst impressive ceremonies. The decorations were In recogni tion of bravery shown by the Ameri cans when they helped the British capture Hamel (on the Flcurdy front) from the Germans on July 4, A rousing reception was given to King- George by the doughboys. There were flags, music and cheers, and an imposing detachment of American soldiers and British officers ftood by while the ceremonies were in prog ress. King Fastens on Medals The Yankees stood in line while the king fastened the medals upon the lapels of their coats, afterward shaking them heartily by the hand and congratulating them upon their bravery and iwurlotism. Nine hon ored Americans were in the hospital, where they received their insignia. Afterward a number of Australians were decorated. The 9 Americans of the rank of lieutenant and downward who wers honored were: Lieutenant Frank Svchraw, Lieu tenant Albert O. Jefferson, Second Lieutenant Harry Yagle, Second Lieu tenant Michael Komorowafcl, Rer. Eeant James E. Krtim, Private Chris topher Keane, Andrew C. Shablnger. Corporal Ister C. Whitson, Corporal Raymond H. rowell. Private William F. Linsky, Private Harry Shelly, Cor poral Albert C Palnsipp, Private FVed Ew Wilkins, Sergeant Frank A. Kosjane, Corporal John DeSmidt, Ser geant A. Erhard,' Corporal H. Zyburt and Corporal J. Svveeredo, Ari were from the middle west. chiefly in the region of Chicawo. Americans Win IraiNs The king received all of the cor ' respondents attached to tho British; groups, according to their nationality. He wor the uniform of a British field marshal with silvvr spurs and tan gloves. I The king was In splendid health1 and spirits. " i King George was found by the Americans o have We hAte to do this I Hut we' Just have to publish our "Kvery Way" Prices. Wo never hold sales, s what rive van we do but ' let jou know that you can buy merchandise from us Just cheap in July as Jou can In Aiirut? Yards and Yards of IJniurolderylos, yard , , 4c, fiu Bleached Turkish Towels 2 foe. , . . Slllo Bleached Turkish Towels Ifto Bleached Turkish Towels, extra largo uml heavy, ..3 fur 4c Uirge 11 nek Towels, 3 for Sllc Medium &lxc lluck Towels ISe uud it for i!.V liiblcuchcd Toweling, good weight, yard 1 lu 12 l-3e, 10c Bleached Towcllnif, ynpd 7 l-2c, 10c, 1.1c Iiincn t'rash TuweliiiB, yard. lUc, 22 l-2o Ited Border TuwcIIiik, yard 7 I-2o Yd. Wide Colored Tafretua, yd 1.0, $1. Yd. Wiile Black Taffetas, yd $l.lt, !. Yd. Wkle Plain Tarretas, yd? Imported J"oiircc Hllk, yard l)c Uwn llundkrrchlefs, 2 for So Wash t 'lot lis, each 5o Cotton Batts, 1-2 lb. sixe l.V Cotton Baits, 1 lb. size lc 3 lb. Comfort Size Batts 11 Colored Outiiir llunni'l. yard 22 1-2, 25c "Diamond I" Hheetlnjr, 2 1-4 yds. wide, yd. :17c liteht and Hark 11-rcales. 27 In. wide, yard.. Mo IViuts hi Darks and liiuhls. jr. 8 1-So and 12 l-2o Black Sateen, 36 in. wide, yard :13c Summer tiauxe Mists 10c, 12 l-2o rou OAS Comry Cut ;aiiaic Vi-sls 15c, lOo , I'liiu iiliio Mslo, I'uluii SniW o, IMto ' l.lslc linlHii hulls ' . A Kplendld I'lilon Suit :lO Bluck I'ibrc Silk llosc IllHi k Lisle How 1 20o M bows' and Chlhli-cn's Colored llshi llosc... l.VJ Slcn's Blue and Tun Work Shlrw 4Ua Men's Athletic Vnton Suits oUo Boys' Shirts and Drawers, each lOo Boys' Mesh I'lilon Soils o Boys' lUilbrlKwin I'lilon Nulls , ..w e Men' Musliu Mght Shirts - o Men's Dress 1'aiit.s 2.I0, 2.9M Silk IVItlcoats . .' 2.08, 83.4 Silk I'loiinec I'l tlknuls 9I.H8 Katcvn Petticoats .' HHc, $1.23, fl.UH Nazareth Waists for Children 2 lie (iiiiKhuiiiH yard 1 He, 21c, 2;ta Yard Wide IVrojilcs 22 1-Mc, S5o Hope Muslins, yard 2lo PI.F.ASH IXt'Klt That every thing in uur store Is priced at the same low ratio. IT'S A Ml AMU VK l)tN"T CAHItY UIKK'KKIKK DO BETTER AT Incorporated mm AMD OTUERJI FOLLOW ton and medal worn by an American top sergeant. The king went into the trenches In spite of the shelling nd said he felt particularly gratified to bo at the front during tho recent British successes. Severe lremor Jtecorded. ' VICTORIA, B. C, Aug. 16. Trem ors of a severe earthquake, believed about 8,000 miles distant, were reg istered on the Gonzales -Heights ob servatory seismograph here today. F. Napier Lenlson, superintendent of the observatory, asserted th earth quake was one of the most severe ever recorded here. The registration commenced at 3:00 a. m. und con tinned three hours, varying but Utile In intensity during the whole of the time. 3IOIIH JXKH) SI'JBSTK1. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Aug. 1. The committee named by the county commissioners to Investigate the poor farm scaudal based on affi davits 6f former Inmates of the la st It mi pn, that poor food was served the iuruutcs, started their Inquiry to day and, after hearing a number of witnesses, adjourned to an indefinite date. , Paul Linsner Finds New Way to Serve Uncle Sam ; Also Friend of Mate. Plant Is 17 Inchx Ian-, 14 India wid- II lacim nigh Lalley-Light furnishes two sources of light and power in the one plant. The machine itself is one ; the storage battery is the other. Light used direct from the generator is as steady and strong and brilliant as from the battery. This is an advantage not usually found. It is due to the fact that the patented Lalley-Light engine is especially designed and built to drive an electric generator. It is worth a great deal to the man who must have light and power that are wholly reliable. We will demonstrate Lalley-Light, free. Call for the book of owners' testimonials. Pendleton Auto Co. Paul K. Linsner who received an honorable discharge from the navy last May because of ill health, has been anxious to get back into the service and has found a way to help Uneie keen rense ofiam between here and Honolulu The humor and, was stirprislnKlv Infor- j following letter, received by his inn- n-.al and keenly alive to world devel- ther, Mrs. w. J.- r ishcr, of 80S H est opments. He was cmhusiu'tlc over Court street, tells of his Intended the American army and the war Journey on one of the new boats, spirit of the United States. During Portland, Ore., Aug. 13, I'JIS. the course of an off-hand chat the i Dear Mother: king said he tiad been visiting some j How are you and every body ut of our troops and found then, splen-, home. I am fpplinz fine. I am Kolna- did fighters. He expressed tho be- i F.iseo toniuht on tlu K. K. lloritz. lief that Germans would be aorry they i one ... lhB new -0oden boats. She got the United States Into the fight. iure iB Bome buaU Xney ga,e me a K-ing irforge received a nattering Vnori hunk with elnan nillow-HlIlm snrt welcome everywhere In every cap,;sleelJ weeki and towel8 and v nage ann town trie r renen an.l Mel- ! ol, furnlsnea . ,ne company. , gians hung out flags. Th, ' , d , , and roads were, lined with America I ... , ---,. , The Americans gave the king three cheers every time they saw l.lm. The Americans were reviewed In 'good, 1 will only be gone for seven weeks. We are going to Frisco and load up then go to Honolulu, and get narade fnrmn,.n win- r.,r ohnr. sugar, then back to Frisco and then ting with sergeants, corporals and j Portland. Then I will come up and privates with the same ease he talked 1Bee ou. w 8ure nuve ot a "ne with generals. He asked one blush- crew, so you don't need to worry Ing "east-slder" what the green rib-!about me. bon on his uniform stood for and was I will be on watch with another sea told It represented service on the bor- I man so us I can take the wheel. We dcr. jare so short of men. 1 am in good SIMUU.-I1 War Insignia Interests. Iwith the mate all ready. Well mother Keen Interest was shown by the 1 1 must close. With iove. royal visitor In the Spanish war rib- PAUL K. LIN8XE.Il. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuir 3 We advertise and offer War savings Stamps for sale with every S purchase. 1 Sh. T COST! Just received a small shipment of ECONOMY ICE BOXES targe Size. Small Size. $7.25 $6.25 USE ICE Save every morsal of that high priced food stuff. """TrVfi 5 ' "ivi-yr-' SMYTHE -LONERGAN CO. Phone 178 Quality Quantity Service '.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii: OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE II YoJ 00HT -co wwuMjjumm . !.!.(..., j,., THT frS "Don't Ivivt n mmnm-1 (vRlTT.CN IN UKO IiM (ZOtHCZ. TO PlIT VrtO OUT r, Tuo SlOetvll-K. AND IF" Yov S-tlC 00fi. fCO THO S TOR-CS -&GFG&.IS 1 LeAVS i'Cl. PCRMANS-NTLY TUSAOLa CoU !!J tvHt?N I AM' OtrJ. SOMB SUrtPPIMr? T TV-IK. I T hlAMT A KjV PRUSSIAN rCOOK UnACK6l fSAWU OUT TH I ' U' mi inn 1 -ft lillllllll!ulllllllllll!l!lliflllll!!llll!!!!l BATES j SPECIAL FEATURES j J The rndlutor Is of the cellular copper tube type with spiral air passages. Very efficient and durable. Water circulated with centrifugal pump. The motor Is designed especially for tractor work on low grade fuels, and is a medium speed, heavy duty type, with extra large bearings and crankshaft. Circulating oil system, four cylinders, over-head valves, centrifugal ball governor at tached to the throttle. In addition to Independent hand con trol throttlo Air to carburetor filtered through Bennett Air Cleaner. iKiiition from Klseman High Tension Magneto. All transmission shafts and main drive shafts run on Tim ken roller bearings. The gears are cut alloy steel, hardened ami around. Shafts: alloy steel. All gears, both transmission and bull gears run In oil, Insido dust-proof cases. Trsetor Is spring mounted and extraordinarily flexible on rough ground. A full set of tools is supplied with each ma chine.' A HEAL TRACTOR Not too large nor too small, but does the work at moderate cost Service, Tarts and Repairs Behind Every Sale. Oregon Motor Garage INCORPORATED 117. 11. Ill, 11 Wee Court St TetephoM M