DAILY EVENING EDITION Number oopllea printed of yesterday' Dally Edition. 4,052 This paper la a member or ana audited by the Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EYEilli'IG EDITIfl.'I WEATHER FORECAST. Tonight und Sunday probably fatf. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 30 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1918. NO. 9513 FOCH'S CRESCENT LINES WITHIN MILE Of ROVE QUANTITIES MATERIALS TAIS HUNS REPORTED TO CVACUATE LASSIGNY, Camp Decar, Midian Trench, Plessis de Rove Captured; Methodical Thrusts Pry Into Enemy Fighting. PARIS, Aucr. 17. The French have occupied the ad- vanced defences of Koyc !,.u's " ' 1 south of the Avre river and at the junction of the Monte PuriM .Jn-""" ,. Didier-Estrees St. Denis i nic lYunco-iiritisn an- m-yina rnnri sf Ttfnrrl was ran- ,H" rlvc '"' i1"""" ' ,,,,, ;' rOdUa. OU IVicUll was Cclll- ,,, 1'h-unly line, renderfiis tlic tured after the fircest house fin-my imiii mro pminih. . I i i ; tv, f At the rxlrrnip southern inirr it to house lighting, the Uer- , ,,,,, ffiml . ....i, already mans offering a formidable i-i v..n iu hm (n-n- n , - T 1 T J OllBI f tllO llllNrlUllt 1 JlK-iltll.V defense. Beyond Loges wood ihikih dominium a- country f.w the Germans were pushed "" "'' r . me-iiunc , ti t slowly over difficult country snutli- back behind the koye-Las- wlvt t ijwimr. wiiuit i w.i r..r cirrnv rofld nuu-lilne kiiii m-sts. a'b"J t ten-Cully uimI molliodliully (.onoral ' " .. . 1 T'imJi Is ttltldchlllic IliM l TON. -rut- shaiip .. ...V . l(tn miiH Ixrtli JH4K.iy anil lt)-p. within a mile of IniIIi Itoyn and I.as- lny. Titer have r.turrd (.rap 1H- irar, a nine m'M oi it") . nmi ..iiiiimm trrmii and IMcil-li-llo less tliun a mllf southwest of I-asslgnr- JIoihth und icrt-at quantities td man-rials lino tKtu taken. DR.W.F.M'NARY MAKES SUGAR STATEMENT Success of Sugar Campaign . Rests on Honor of Amer ican People. The following ntutement un the biikht ttlumtiiin ha ln-en Issued by Ur. W. U, McNury, county adtiilniMrutor. "The sugar cantpalK'n ciine on u HUildenly. KcvK-cd accounts of losses and reMitircei and new itatiMiieni oi needH which we are in hn(r Iwund to nieel crtnpeJU'd a sharp change In program. We mnnt act quickly what i not well begun in the next six weekH will not he done -it a 11- "The Biiccerts of this program rests on the honor and co-operation of the American people. What are they do ing now? We hear of people goii.t from Ktore to store, trying ;o double their portion over and over. They don't reallee they are trying to beat the game. That is failure of the pro gram. " How was It In the wheat cam paign ? J'coplo everywhere vieng with one another In wal to play the game. That was success. "Our succeKM tho wheat campaign literally held the allies gethcr through the spring and summer It did mure than any other thlnff to give them comfort and courage until the tide turned last month. It did more t than any other performance of ours to establish American credit un til the splendid part of our troopi look In the second Marne buttle. "Again we are called upon to share with thone who sit at the common ta ble. It Is a challenge of war condi tions to our humanity, our chivalry and our worth. This time wo are re quired not to employ a su'mtltnte for necessary food, but to give up h Indulgence. "Shall we succeed? As yourselves, would we do It if It was to sharv with a sick family next door. Instead of fttrleken neighlM.rs across the sea? "We can if we will. We will if w realise. Hut the time Is short. Th background of the whest campaign was six months building, but the sugar campaign must be put through In Ik weeks or fall It Is the sec und large test of the twelve million food administration membership. They look to you; they trust ou. Uel thr situation home to them and they will play the game. "We claim the rlnht to share with the allies. Iet us give Mr. tfeiover. j now sitting in the allied food coun-, c it. fresh warrant to assure the na-j lions that America will make good. , I-el us send by every ship substan tial tokens of xupport to our boxs over there from an America orth dying for. Uegardless of how other'"""1'11. m parents received word ectlns of ihe country respond to this that he was wounded July 18. llefore new hp pen I, let Cmntllla county be hi the fore, as ever." PREPARING ENTIRE ROYE, NOYON, SALIENT Positions in Fierec J'J?Z! suiiem. nm ;.imi rmrui liorna lietwceii flmitliK-x and lloyr an) . .awd-ny uihI In tho center of both TOM(ntrt. Meanwhile lie Is Hfiitliuf n thru! directly hotwwn IiIkiiv hihI oynii. t'KIX I XT I.I.VK AIlVANt lX 1oim tin IK'W mpm1i Ioiih the I'rcntii (lomJnate ltutte le IMemont, Hois le lEcx'rte aiul Ml, lEeiumx. Also the fall of Xoyon will capture Laxslgny. roois itivriii;i. Purls. Aug. 17. et of Itoye there Im great arlllleryhig. South of the A re the I Vencli continued to tr agrees, reachlnjc the eaHtTn bonlrs of J,oge mmN," Mtid the com niunliiie. lunwiH'ii the Mat, and Oie riven two NtnHig .erniMii utlaeks at llono lit lie and (ur moye. were rt'puleil, the I retail iiialutalntiig' their msU tfoiiM, An enemy raid norllimt of thelitis mum unsuccessful. IHil lU.K I'IMM.ItI S MAI'K. lOMH)V, Aug. 17 "IVevMirc of our tns iMrtli of ltne and north of the Anere rher ciHillnuett toil ay," ha id laeiicral llalg's resrt. "Irogre.s has liceu mmle In Imth Hector?." . I lu the Vleiiv-lkkrtiili iH'lglilwtr j ho a! our patrols roiight sharply yew- I lerday mimI had fun her encoiiiiterH (luring tin niuht- Our trooiw prog rMtl n this Meetfr and alMMit Mens, taking irii'rs. Hostile artillery t? tu-ihe near Mt. Itougc and Siicnn berg. RAY Ifl'CARROL HAS EYE ON FIRST PRIZE FOR BULLDOGGING Hay MrCarroll, w ell know it local wrestler, win made bis first appear a nee a a cowboy at the !tnund-l last full and came near to witinhi-c the bull-dogRing rhumplonship, will make another tiy for the money this year. liay Is Just back from the har vest fields and Is hi fine com) it io for tackling a steer. Hi has prac tised up in the gentle art of b, til-dog-g In g Fi nee la st fa 1 1 a ud ex i eet s t win the ehampionsli ip. which was formerly held by his brother Frank Tho latter will I'jgbably not lo hack for the Ilound-l p this fall, inasmuch as he In serving us sherif f o er In lfoiso. Idaho. jt j Hay McCarroll will meet "You in Sampson next week at t he carnival that Is to be staged for the I'matllla County Guards. SAU.M MV MvVI-'ltKI.V VlHMH:i 1 FHAXCK SAI.KM. Aug. Id. Hay ii. lawson. who was repotted in Wednesday cumin It y lists, among the se erel tunded in France, is son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dawson. 1511 North Winter street. He is not 1 cnrs old and has i "een In active service In Franco ninr in ennsimg ne was empio eu hi Aim city in thH roiinly, TIGHNEWS SASSIGIV; EN VESLE BATTLE SPEEDS UP, GAS IS FEATURE T American Airmen Bomb Aisne Bridges in Lively Encounter. (l-'recl I Viuhoii) . WITH TUB AMKKICA.N AliMY IN FltAN'CK, Aug. 17. Fighting along tho Vesle yeyterday was the liveliest for several days. The German night bombardment continued for hour with lots of gas. American airmen bombed the Aisne bridges effectively. Traffic across the Aisne In the jtaxt few days has been much heavier than usual, said observers. It consists largely of ammunition 'trucks header! south. This indicates the enemy Is determined to hold his present lined indefinitely. Great numbers of Ger man bombing planes have been trying to drop explosives on the Franco-Americans along the Vesle where they were driven off by anti-airscraftera. Thi'v then slipped around batteries visiting the back areas, repeatedly and attacking places where they believed troops were quart crort. There aim was poor because it was still dark. An American barrage destroyed man machine gun nests on the edge of the I'latean west of Fi.-mette. Thirteen guns were destroyed and the crews all killed. New Hampshire Senator ' Victom of Heart Disease KltANKM.V. N. H-. Am. 17. I'nlted Stiitew Senator tlalliner. si. died here today of heart disease. He hud been til for seVurul mouths. BIG I. W. W. TRIAL TO JURY TODAY CHICAGO, Aug. 17. The big I. W. W. trial went to jury today when tne attorneys for the defendants waived the right to n final statement. LIQUOR TAXES GOING WAY UP WASHINGTON, A UK. 17. Tho house ways and means committee to day tentatively decided the tax on distilled Honors at S ler gallon. 'The present tax. is $3 20. Kates on other liquors are raised iiroportlonaieiv. They may (to hluher If more money is needed. $7.N.M.o(m ioii to rvit.Mi its. W SIIIGTON, Aug. 17. Th" federal farm loan In Mini Miiiionm-cu It has advanced S7.8Vi.lHM to farmers during July wlddi I $.Yoo.0M les than In June. The MmkHuc tlMrit is the biggest unci ree-icI l.-2i'l.uo. JACKIE ADOPTS LITTLE FRENCH ORPHAN j L . . . - , 1 X'W'CiL P'U rat. ; f . ""-V This Jackie has made liime)f a her France bv sdopt ing t his In 1 1 ; French orphan, l'oth her I'iuont BRITISH OFFICERS INSTRUCTrXERICANS ' .? . The above picture, relouoed by the Committee on Public Information, shows British army officers instruct ing American boys in the use of the V letters machine gun. . . YANK B1R0MEN SCORE 18 DIRECT HITS AND ALL RETURN SAFELY Ity FRANK J. TAYIXm (I niled I'rvM Staff orrus'iMilidcnt-) ITU TUB AMKKK'AN' A UM V IN FHA.NCH. AuK- 17. American bomb iiiB pluiien scored 18 direct hits on MWitchliiK trucks and two on :i round house at t'oiiflan" Friday. All re turned safely, although they wera continually attacked by anti-aircrafters and uirplanes. SECRET COMPACT RUMOR IS DENIED . . LONDON. Aug- 17. Tho attention of the Ministry of Information has been called to a rumor that the fresh calling up of farm laborers for mili tary service Is due to pressure from the l iiited States government, and it lias been further rumored thut the I'nited Stales insisted that every t.ble-bodied man under the ape or 10 vmm should be called up for the army. Additional wciiiht has been given these rumors by tne suggestion , that Crime, .Minister uoyu ""c when he said in" a recent speecu contract "We- mupL live up to our un aiiu'iu u. v.- ........... - j cret undorstaiKling of this nature be-; tween the American and liriush gov ernnieiits. ft,n A;, lain- r Inftirmation is able to state with authority that there is no truth whatever iu these ottrts." savs Renter's. IJmlted. re- The United States has made no claim in i iw replace iteorge to-tbest individual aispiay oi nn. smhu- respect to 1 ritisli man power as hast burn, one of the colored men sent from lest 9 inches, largest 16 1-2 inches, to been suggested. !tne county the first of the month to!tal weight 2S lbs. "When Mr. liovd Oeorye reierreu ir 'our e.miraet with America' he ha . in mind the moral obligation ' Great l-rftain not t relax her efforts ow ing to tho entry of the United States into the wa". America declared war to defeat the menace to c! illation and to the ideals which both Amer icans ui"l 1 Hit'His have in coin num. I loth nations iirf pulling tun men fill I rf"rs t- this end in complete co-operation, but with no Interference in each other's international arrange- incnis'' iC s. Were i,it?1 in the War. lie do. .v not cl know what he w HI do vjth h-r. but he ,iih to m io! h r to bis h oi e in the Cim.-d states. x . . mm i ii '1 -Crl CASUALTIES - FOR BRITISH ONLY 7851 LONDOX, Aug. 17. The British casualties published during the week totalled 7,831 The casualties included 181 officers. I 1301 men killed, 533 officers, 5,550 men wounded and 105 officers and 677 men missing.. THIRTEEN PERISH, SUNK BY SUB PARIS. Aug. 17. The cruiser Ieputit Thouars ws French f 101 jit:- j doed and sunk today. Thirteen per ished. American destroyers rescued the remaining survivors. Tha normal complement was 540 men. Wool Is Received. Two hundred fifty pounds of knitt ing yarn was received today for the VmatNIa coUnt Red Cross. The yarn!lBaac Walton. Is gra y wool and is pa rt ly for ;slealer8 anJ partly for sox. It will be , utu iu complete me cnapier a aiioc- mpnL ,IIC,,U Near C alled From Portland. Clarence Wright, a negro, register- ed in Umatilla county but now living "t Portland has been called by the lo- cal draft board to report at Camp -.' ntcicu """'"""B ouaiu 5 Years See Prices 66 Per Sent Higher WASH IXC. TON. Aug. 1 7. Retail prices m tne i nueu r-iaics nave in creased bH per cent since June, 191't the department of labor announced today. In this five year period the price of milk has increased 44 l'er ( cent; butter 45 per cent and eggs 55 per cent. Food prices Increased 7ithe lli(l,, of bidding for from two per cent in the last year. iMiring the t , tive ears. tne-half of the school month ending June 15 the average in- crease in prices for all was per cent. Itf'mly to m t lar. ltoht-rt l.msner. of l'ltot lloi-k. walkiMl into the office of K. t. Dra per, rlt-rk of tho local draft hoard, this morning and informed him he i ready to ki to war and wanted to lc in the first call. He will leave with the men called for August L'fith. Mr. Unsncr has hen in class (. hut hs wife dicil a few weeks ao. and he is ' mm- anxious to et in the army at the earliest opportunity. He is a son of j Mrs. V. ;. Fisher, SMS V. Court' street. i 1 HI M l IM II (d ! -MI IXtll CHIMIt AI.S HKISXK. Aus. 1 7 Uori.MilH negoi mi im- tvlth terman foi the change of chemical preparations ami "ther medical soppiieK for i;s fo,,,! cros. Kntite illaues are hcitio tleci- mated I'y .liseasc. i-whii! lo slionasc 'f chentic.ils. ' GOVERNOR COMING TO ROUND-UP, APPROVES GIVING MONEY FROM THE BIG SHOW TO RED CROSS Sheriff T- IV l he iionmt- Cp ter t - i , x from ac knw leiiim: tJ ii to attend Ta lor. piexidt-nl of ! in leieipt of n let-' i o vnwr r t. com h reeeipl of an invlta the to iintl -1 ' p and .'-avii.g be vill !e here a d.iy at leaj-t The letter follows: Have Mir let ter and a prenate onr kind remembrance- I h o,e tt bt abb- t.i l.e m itie K.-uml-l j. , 1 at ne day, nUhonh things arw de,elop-i re ' 5. 'ft VICTORIOUS CZECHS PLAN GOVERNMENT FAVORING ALLIES State Department Announc es Capture of Irkutsk. ASIUN'GTON. Auk. 17. Czecho slovaks have captured Irkutsk, as sisted by Siberian troops, the State Department has announced. They are organizing a government xavor- able to the allies. FISHFRMFN GIVEN I w - - PRIZES FOR BEST CATCHES IN SEASON for The prizes have been awarded the fishermen as announced early in the vear. by Sol Baum, and are ready for fiiivfrv to the luekv diciples of Winners of the prizes are: First, value 127.50, Olaf Oahrus, Umatilla, displaying the greatest weight of fish, displayed 146 lbs. Second, value 15, Bert Smith, dis played 134 1-2 lbs. Third, value $12. Bert Smith, larg est fish caught during the season, 14 1-2 lbs. Fourt. value $7.50, Bob Wheeler. ruin, vaiue i.uti . dwih.., largest bass and best display of bass: 10 bass, smallest 3 lbs , largest 5 1-2 lbs. c.v.h f..lua t rot Kitrl Klrknntrirk. black bass e ibS. TO I.KASK IXIUA'X SCIIOI. FARM. Announcement is made by Supt. K. I., swartlander of the Indian agency that the Indian department has au thorized t he leasing of th Indian sch' 1 farm, and bids will be invited j nt .ne relnrnuble at the axenCV c.,dBn.i.ur t Ri.i.iom will he eiven (farm is now under summer fallow the remainder in stubble. Rids will 'also be invited for leasing; the 80-acre : tract belonging fro the school a mile 'west of the school farm. This tract is commonly known as ths "old agency.' r PI tri IX CLASS OXK. i The district draft hoard has rr-I ported hack to the local hoard on me appeals oi onuii n rsir .-onier and llde 11. Carpenter. lacing both , in .lass . C.IVKX OIIUKK !' ItKIMll.T. C.lads 1'acon. plaintiff. asaiml Ki i'fil F. I'ai"n. haw hcen siven at. older of default for failure to answer ' court hy Judce O. V. I-helps. AI'STISI XS :iMK. Aue. II. V AC ATF. Aiilrian forevs TucMiav ra. uautt aii .--. opo.i i-mihh MHitll of lln Si-im'nl rtcr In AIImuiub , mhiiIi of llio Si llicnl rtcr In Allmnia It N annoinicT'd. Italian and lviM-h forc'M rlmrtil pra4'tH-all the t'litire msloli sHitll of Im St'incni In a rtt-viil of fcnit'. inc so rapidly here it is a litti uncer tain. et 1 do not think I can p-s-s.bp. 1 1-train from arceptli'K our hopiiaMt for at leaM .-ne d.i. Wit h teM ishes ft-r a most mic ce fn Konnd-l'p. and con gra t n lat -ing ou upon the splemlid painotic purH?e tt which It is to be d-ted 'hi ear 1 am. fait hf oil y.ur. JA M I-i WITH Y l ItK. liowrnor. 1,450,000 LAfJDED 111 rwcEoit EiJUOOT March Tells Military Com mittee Result of Improved Transport Facilities, B"r. NUMBER HIGH U.S. OFFICIALS COME HOME Declares American Prison ers Not Signaled Out for Cruelty. WASH1XGTOX, Aug. 17 Chief of .Staff Mareh today told members of the Senate military committee that tlie total number of Amtricanf Im l-irone to date were 1.45O.O0O.' He hope to lime 3.300,000 In Iktrofie bjr next June. nerai March . said improred fa eilitlen have aJn inereased the speed of troop fihJmenta. March told correspondents that & number of high American officers in cluding some major generals are be in? returned home for rest because of severe fighting. He warned that heavy casualties must be expected. March denied that American prisoners are signaled out by Germans for harsh treatment, as all get the same. March said the figures announced included men sent to France, Siberia. Italy and Russia proper Henceforth all expeditionary figures will include all these. He said French command ers have highly praised American val or In action. American troopaay Italy are not yet fighting. He said a careful investigation through Spanish representatives disclosed that Ameri can prisoners are treated the same as ; others. The men were inspected by jthe Spanish. j He said the latest allied advances were west of Koye. The French have gained all the JUassigny plateau except on a small corner. There is no gen eral change in the Vesle line, only ar ttllerying and small raids. 90 CASUALTIES USTED TODAY WASHINGTON-, tary Baker today unities. Aug. 17. Secre announced 90 cas- NINE MISSING FROM TORPEDOED STEAMER WASHIXOTOX, Aug. 17. The Navy Department today announced that the British steamer Mirlo, 6.700 tens, w as sunk off Caoe Ha tt eras. probably torpedoed, yesterday. Nine of the crew have not landed. It car ried a cargo of gasoline. APOPLEXY FATAL TO WIFE OF RANCHER I'SI.UMXK, t)r.. Autf. 17 Wont was received here Wednesday of lh. sudden death of Mrs. Mary A. Sl monds, wife of l- K. Siniond... a well known rancher of Pine OreeK In tha Hudson Hay nelghhorhood. due to upuoplexy. Mrs. Slmonds as born ;,i years ao in Norridgewolk. M... and came to this vallev with her. hushand following their luarrlagB 30 years ago. when they took op their pres nt homestead. She w as a prom Inent memlK'r of the rrril'turan church at I'maptne und leader In Ited tross work. Her husband, tier mother and two adopted children. Mrs. lale W ilder of Klnsey. Moll!., and Forrest Simonds, ued &. sut vle. Jlinister to Panama , . . ordered lo Kcturn I.KXlNi.ToN. k.v . An:;, it. -secretary .f Mate I -in-in.; Uy -un -nioned io W ..shiii oi V. J. ric. loinister to I'ana ma. irlfi nu linn t return to hi p..-t lointediutelv jifirr a tonferener at V uh if i( mi -.er r-n-(iiti'MW In 1'anjniH. t'rl ,m -itul-ing hit H.tioii ut lunvtlle. K. l-I KMWs KF.IHtlt l I'Altl. ng. 17. llotaiMl runnr ikn-lari lh 4 fiiMiH liatr mrml Ki-oor-lMill. a KiiImii natal iiar In 1 1 m II iila ml au If. w Im mOim a ml Tnx-W v luate eMi,l-lwl Im tm- gtirtinM-i. I1.AM H KIM t IMtl H t'brKNHUiKN, Aum. i: The cen- I rn I power h e dfftnitelv d- ft de I ithMt Anh Inike Kil Kiphn will Cwlunds WiUi,', XJrltn newp(r S