i 1 PACE ETGIIT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, FENDLETON, OREGON,. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1918. EIGHT PAGES A COOK BOOKS 55 Ways to Save Eggs; Best War Time Re cipes; Rules for Iced Coffee, Coffee Ice Cream, Coffee Jelly; Songs of our Country. ANY OF THE ABOVE "NAMED BOOKS FREE FOR THE ASKING. RYZON BAKING BOOK, Worth $1.00.' We give this book free with one pound of Ryzon Baking Powder. Pi-ice per lb. 35c. Water Melons by the Car Load. All You Want at 3c per Lb. GRAY BROS. CROC! "PITTA T ITV Two Phones 28 823 Main St EAST OREGONIAN SPECIAL NEWS OF UMATILLA CO. HonorGuard Girls Making Comfort Kits for Soldiers (East Oregxvnian Special.) PILOT ROCK, Aug. 15, The Hon or Guard girl met Monday night and made housewives and comfort kits for the soldiers. Another meeting1 for the same purpose wilt be --held Fri day night The next business meet ing will be Thursday, August 22. Porter Royer was transacting bus iness here Monday. Maxine Schannep, who has been the guest of Jpanita Gillelftnd at Pullman. Wash., for some time, re turned to her home here Monday Bill Ktdwell and son Herschel are helping with harvest at the George Campbell ranch near Und, Wash. Mrs. I. M. Schannep and sons. Dwlght and Charles, will leave Wed nesday for Portland. Art Janes was down, from his ranch Wednesday. A. P. Warner was a business visitor here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Humphrey were here Wednesday. Mrs. 1 C. Scharpf, Oda Rldrldge and Klma Boylen returned from Elk born cabin Tuesday evening. OVER THE NORTHWEST Some Barely manage to make both ends meet or ut terly fail, whiie others are successful and are making headway. . There may be many reasons for not making, progress, the chief reason, however, is bad accounts, tying' up capital UCSIZZI Isn't it worth, your while to overcome this and consult your banker about such matters. Our officers will be pleased to talk such matters over with you at any time. jjal THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Pendleton, Oregon "Strongest Bank in Eastern Oregon." Aiple Harvest -Is Near. HOOD RIVER, Or-, Aug. 15- The harvest of Bartlett pears has begun, packing of Gravenstein and King ap ples will be under way before the month Is over and the harvest of Jon athans will quickly follow. Xorn.nl Crop ,1s Kxiwetcd. LEWISTOX. Idaho, Aug. K,. Lew lston orchardists this season will har vest a normal apple crop, according to T. J- Murpny, of the fruit export ing firm of Murphy & Co. Mr. Mur- ; look especially the soldiers. after the coduct of UlUUUUIlIIIIlIHIIlIfllllllllUIUElflllllllUUIIfHIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIJIIIlUUUUO VALUE 1 EVERY DOLLAR Tour teeth carefully examined and properly fixed by the beet painless method known. Newton Painless Dentists Comer Main and Webb Btraeta Phone 19 Ones KrenJan S We adicrtlse and offer War Savings Btampa for sale with S every purchase. 5 nuiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmnnnr Snnnmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii The Best Buy in Town Fine house, excellent location, beautiful lots, fin ished complete. A bargain. Terms. Chas. E. Heard. Inc. 721 Main Street Phone 477 Buy War Savings Stamps aiiiimiiminiiim phy spent yesterday looking over the orchards and last evening declared the prospects favorable, Ban May lie IJrted. PORTLAND. Or.. Aug. 15. Men of high type and special qualifications will have opportunity to serve with the nation's armed forces if the pres ent ban against acceptance of civil ians for officers training school. courses is lifted even temporarily. The Engineers Reserve Corps exam ining board will visit Portland Aug ust 31, as originally announced, and it comes with authority originally had the authority to select prospec tive officers for special branches be sides the accepted engineering units. New ltacliitf ien Comtiiff. SALE Or., Aug. 15. Articles of Incorporation filed with Corporation Commissioner Schulderman by the North Pacific Racing Association, with C. H. Lea, George R- Walker and C H. Palmer as incorporators, divulge a new deal In Pacific North west racing, which means a break with eastern trotting associations and an entirely new and independent as sociation for the northwest. O. A. C, Wants $1,127,650.--SALEM, Or., Aug. 15. The Oregon Agricultural college estimates its ex penditures for 1910-29 at $1,127,650. in a special report filed with the state tax commission today. Its receipts are estimated for the biennlum at $$98,200, leaving a balance of $229.- 450 for the legislature to take care of providing all of its wants are met. It is estimated that the millage tax will bring In $742,200 of the receipts. Mayor Shipyard Worker. SEATTLE, Wash, Aug. 15 Mayor Ole Hanson today, enrolled himself as shipyard worker and will put in a two months stretch at one of Seattles' shipyards. H elected to take the first night shift, which calls for his working from 4 oclock until 12. I Yttv Boat liars Closed. SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 15. Ferry boats and river steamers of the Southern- Pacific company are not "trains or trnin depots," but their bars were closed today as the result of the ordopt making trains and de pots dry. Pol Iro S y st om Orga ni ztd . ABFJRDKBN. Wash.. Aug. 15. A full military police system, such as operates at cantonments, has been or ganized here, with Lieutenant Albert B. Walker in charA Members will be stationed at Aberdeen, Hoquiam. Cosmopolls and Montesano each Sat urday afternoon and continue on du ty until Monday morning. Yhey will Persistence la Rewarded. ALBANY, Or.. Aug. 15. After making nine unsuccessful attempts to enlist, Hillls Archibald Southard, of Lebanon, has succeeded at last in get ting into the service and will Jeave here tomorrow with a contingent six Linn county .boys, who will go to Portland to become members of the Benson Polytechnic school training detachment. LATINS WOULD USE IDLE HUN SHIPS (By United Press.) , WASHINGTON, Aug. 15. Latin- America is looking with ever-growing intolerance upon the great number of idle German ships interned in South American ports, according to authori tative diplomatic disclosure here to day. Representative diplomats who are in close touch with internal conditions In the various republics admit that th Interned ship problem is a vltan one in practically every one of the coun tries that have not already entered the war and turned the much-needed tonnage into entente trade channels. Demand for Seizure Stronj?. Late reports from Argentina indi cate that the popular demand there has become so strong that seizure of the Teuton merchantile fleet on the River Plata may be forced on tho government. One shop of 6,000 tons has been sold to Argentine owners, the money being held at Buenos Aires tin til the close of the war. It was ru mored at the time of the sale that the shop was turned over to the Argentines without cost, in payment for the tor pedoed Argentine steamers "Toro and "Monte Protegido'' which the German governmen agreed to place. The United Press is able to state that the question has been raised by maritime interests in both Chile and Argentine as to whether the protec tion which international law affords to interned vessels is not limitable as to duration. Both republics are very much in need of additional shipping facilities, and influential forces are known to be urging that the hospital ity that has been accorded the Over mans for nearly four years be revok ed without further delay, upon grounds of national necessity. 19 KNEMY OFFICERS Ol'STKI FOR PKFEAT Kaiser PtuiMies Commander for Failing to Stop Allied Drive. BERNE. Aug. 15. For failure to stop the allied offensive nineteen Ger man officers have been retired, ac cording tn advices received here. This punishmsnt was inflicted up on Gen. von Plan its, two major gen erals', four colonels and twelve lieu tenant colonels. BASF.BALU YKSTEUDAY'S SCOUKS. American League.. Cleveland 1. New York 2 Boston 2. Chicago 3. -Washington 3, Detroit 5. Philadelphia 1, St. Louis 4. National Lediriie. Chicago 2, Pittsburg 0. St. Louis 1. Cincinnati 5. Brooklyn 4. Philadelphia 2. BUY YOUR DOMESTICS NOW Round-Up is well on its way and you all know what a scarcity of bedding:, towels, muslins, etc., there is at that time. If we have to replenish our stocks before that great event, prepare yourself for much higher prices. At pres ent we can offer you a splendid selection at the lowest price that can be found anywhere. . .f 9-4 PpmkwII Slioctlnr, yard , 3o 8-4 ShcrthiK, jard . . V 47o Pillow Cases, each 25c, 28c, s:)o Hemmed Sheets 83c, 8o, SI. S9, S1.A9 Bod fiwads $1.19. $1.2.1, $1.40, $2.25, $2.98 Comforters. $3.4, $.1.0H, $4.50, $1.98 Pillows r.... 8Uc. $1.25, $.4. $1.80, $1.08, $2.25 Cotton Blanket ..$1.70, $2.19, $2.A0, $2,118, $: 4 Woolen niiuikctg 1 $0.90. $8.00 Turkish Towels, each 15c, 2 for 3o. 2 for 4e, So ;. Face Towels 8c, 2 for 25c, 2 for 3c, 2 for 4 Do Turkish Toweling, yard 27 l-2o Crash Roller Toweling, yard 12 l-2c, lllcj 22 l-2c, 27 l-2c. Hope MiihIIii, yard Musllna, yard Cambrics, yard . . . sov cas DO BETTER s Incorporated M 2lo 15c, 18o, 21c, 22 l-2o . ... 19c, 21c, 81c, 3SO WE VBAB, AJVT) OTHER FOLLOW "Your Magnificent Dash Upset Enemy" WITH THE FRENCH ARMY IN FRAN'CR, Auk. 16 Gen. Mnngtn. who was In direct command of the allied forces In the drive against the German right flank south of Holwtono, has issued this order of the day: "Officers, non-commissioned offi cers and soldiers of the Third Ameri can Army Corps: "Shoulder to shoulder with your French comrades, you threw your selves Into the counter-offensive be gun on July 18. You ran to It like Roing to a feast. Your magnificent dash upset and surprised th enemy and your indomitable tenacity stop ped counter-attacks by his fresh di visions., Yon have shown yourselves to be worthy sons of your groat coun try and have gained the admiration of your brothers in arms. "Ninety-one cannon, J200 prison ers, Immense booty and ten . kilo metres of reconquered territory ore your share of the trophies of this vic tory. Besides this, you have acquired feeling of your superiority over the barbarian enemy, against whom the children of liberty are fighting. To attack him Is to vanish him. 'American comrades. I am grateful to you for the blood you. generously spilled on the soil of my country. 1 am proud of having commamfbd'ytm during such splendid davs . and to have fought with' you for the deliv erance of the world." kidnaped last night. Oreat excite ment prevails In the city. The kid naping was spectacular and bore a tinge of patriotism. WaMrop was standing on a street corner talking with friends: when an automobile in red, white and blue ;bunting dashed up and two men with guns forced Waidrop to get Into the car. It then roared out of town head ed 'for the country. The motive for the kidnaping is a nwstery. Big'Y. M. O A. Fund rinn. POUTIxAND, Me., Aug. 15. Mrs. Henry I. Davidson of Xew York. treasurer of the National "Woman's War Work Council, was appointed chairman of the campaign commit tee to raise a flS.OOO.ooo war fund for the Y.'M. C. A. by the national coun cil today. - MAUDE ADAMS BUSY AS UPTON HOSTESS CAMI' UPTOWN. Y., Aug. IB. Maude Adams, the actress, has ar rived here for a stay of several weeks during which .she will act as a work er In tha lower hostess hour.e of the V. M. C. A. She put in an hour be hind the lunch counter this afternoon and then Joined the other hostesses In receiving women guasts of the sol diers. Miss Adams will soon gfve an entertainment in which she will bs assisted by sevral members of her company. Mrs. Klchard Mansfield, widow of the actor, is also attached to the hostess house. Soldiers in the Italian army ore given cigars as part of their dally rations. ARIZONA l-XIOV I.F-ADEIt KIIVPKI BY IRX IV r. s. i k;-ikapi:i cab .TRROMR Aril. All. If,. A search wa? begun today of territory sur rounding Jerome for William Wai drop. mine union leader, who was Women, Prepare! Pendleton Auto Co. Distributing: FRANKLIN REO COLE 8 MARMON MOTOR CARS DUPLEX REPUBLIC MOTOR TRUCKS GOODYEAR TIRES MONOGRAM OILS GOULD BATTERIES BOSCH MAGNETOES I OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE IV lki TMU T0 you TMtMK. 3i?t:EXr2pt7T : 'r--' ENOUGH OlRT Thousands of women near the coast have overcome their sufferings, and have been cured of woman's ills by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Thia temperance medicine, though started nearly half a century ago, sells most widely to-day. It can now be had in tablet form as well as liquid, at any drag store, and every woman who suf fers from backache, headache, nervous ness, should take this "Prescription" of Dr. Pierce's. It is prepared from nature's roots and herbs and does not contain a particle of alcohol or any narcotic. It a not a secret prescription for its ingredients are printed on wrap per. Hend 10c. lor trial package to Dr. V. SI. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Medfop.d. Okego.v " For three or fon days at a time I would suffer untold agony j it was this way for years. I doc toral all the time but never got any help. A friend told me about Dr Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. I took three bottles and never bad any morn trouble. At another time I had terrible dlzv spells and a i catarrhal condition also; had that 'all- sous ' tired feelinirt was nervous : and after each meal would bloat something terribly. Had indiges tion so that I could hardly eat anything and my heart was affected. I again took me - favorite rrescriptlon ' and it cured me. It is a grand medicine ai.d I am glad to tell others how It helped me. "The Pleasant Pellets cured me of chronic Fniisilpatlon; reirulnted mr bowels so that I is'ver htid miy mors trouble. Idas. A. I). 1,1 it.. K, 3i N. Riversldu, Av llllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIMj S We advertise and offer War Savings Stamps for sale with every S - purchaser s 1 Sk T COST! 1 WPSSWWSSSISpsiSaJJlBffSSSSjJ 1 L"" -" '? 1 .... !': r-'M ' 1 oil Just received a small shipment of ICE BOXES I Large Size. . Small Size. . $7.23 $6.25 USE ICE Save every morsal of that high priced food stuff. SHY I HE 10 NEMAN CO.! Phone 178 . Quality Quantity Service llflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllinillllllTllllir DR. R. B. ROBBINS Dentistry Judd BIdg. Court and Main Sts. DALE HOTIJWEIJi Of4osaetrlH and OptlctM Cysa Sclantlflealli I Br - uiassss arouna io III p Amsrtcaa Natloaal Bank Bolldlof l- PaodlatOB. I F- Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Disease and . nseajMS of Women. X-Ray Klea , tro Tharapsutlca. Temple BKI, I loom 13. ItxiM 41 DENTISTRY Dr. David Bennett 1 1 HI Dr. Tom O. Bailey fndd flulldlna, Pendleton, Oreiron. A HEAL TRACTOR Not too large nor too small, but does the work at moderate cost BATES STEEL MULE SPECIFICATIONS Class Jlatlnir 12-J0 lrawbar Horse Iower, over Is Power as Stationary Plant, over 25 KenKth Over-all I ft. 9 In. Width Over-all 62 1-2 111. HelKht Over-all (8 ln Width of Fpace to make Complete Turn , 1 5 ft. Speed High Oear Miles per Hour 3.8 Speed Iiw Gear Miles per Hour 2.4 Motor Number of Cylinders i Motor rlie of Cylinders Bore 4 In. Motor Sie of Cylinder Stroke ( In. Total Weight of Tractor 4J00 lbs. Weixht on each Front Wheel 240 lbs. Welsht on Crawler 2K20 lbs. Width of Crawlers 10 In. Pressure per H'lii.ire Inch on Treads 3.1 lbs. Fuel used by Motor Kerosene or Pistillate Capacity of Kerosene Tank 10 fal. Capacity of Cusoline Tank 2.5 sal. IMamelrr Melt Pulley 13 In. Fare Helt 1'ulle 1-2 In. Pulley operating; Seed J2r, It. p. M. Service, Parts and Repairs Behind Every Sale. Oregon Motor Garage :-3 ' 1 -a 3 INCORPORATED 117, US. Ill, 111 West Court 8. Telephone I