East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 15, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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" '' ' ' " ii i -i mi i mii iimmm. Ill " . ,i' m.f-iiin l
of corn, jrompared with?3,159.-
000.000 bushels a year aard,
While these figure have, fallen
below early expectations they
are still much above the aver
, '. ... - ?!
fbllak4 Dally ana Beml.Wmklr an
f-andlaton. Orea-on. by th
; Water. at tha poatoMea at Pendle
ton, uraajoa. . aa- aacoad-claaa mall
. ImparlalHotel Keax Stand, Portland
' Bowmaa Newa Co., Portland, Oregoa
f Chieato Bureau, 0S Security Build
t. U
Waahlnrtoa. D. C Bureau Ml Four-
nMl Btre-et. N, w.
Dallr, oua year, by mall
Daily, aiz month by mail
Dally, three month by mall
Daily, ?n month by mail
Daily, oua year by carrier
Daily, aiz month by carrier-.
Dally, three month by carrier 1.91
Daily, on month, by carrier " .M
Semi-Weekly, one year, by mal"l.l
Semi-Weekly, alx, month, by mall -It
Semi-Weekly four month br mall .ft
If you miss anyone from his
usual haunts today it is safe to
..! say he could be found in the
. .n: foothills hunting grouse
. 1.M
ket, is causing a very consider
able expansion of credit, rnak-r
ing business requirements un
usually heavy. " ; .'.
It becomes self-evident,
! therefore, in view of the ap.
Heavy casualties are report
ed today among the grouse as
well as from the Huns.
; Letters received from the
boys in France and the word
of observers returning from the
war front all tell the tale of the
heroic self-sacrifice of Salva
tion Army men and women. If
a detail is marching to battle,
somewhere on its way it en
counters the Salvation Army
core, in view 01 me .P; iassle with her little cook stove
proachmg Laberty Loan tnat- - , h-r H .
doughnuts. If it is. coming
f, Wherever they be, on M or
aea, when the voice of du-
. ty calls,'- i
there must be some prepara
tions made for meeting the re
quirements pf the government.
The government must have im
mense quantities of money, as
: planned now one-third from
foxes, and two-thirds in bonds
'or other obligations. .
'The banks are quite able. to
J 'meet the enormous strain, as
they are in a sound position.
Behind it all is the federal re
serve system, which may be
said to have almost accomplish-
TV,.,, I rim ,1 .. . . a,
and do; no ini our lads led miracles in stabilizing
With true Yankee (rrlt thpy will
, do their "bit" through
: '' at ormiest. battle scenes,
4 .And the Teuton shell that was
( 'made in hell haa no ter-
' ror for our Marines.
country's credit facilities. , ,,
Behind all this there is also
compensation in the fact that
nearly all the money, required
to be raised for the trovernment
I will be spent in the United
States, and will have the ellect
of stimulating war industries
beyond the wildest dreams. .
back weary and exhausted
from the desperate strain of
the trenches it is sure to be met
on the way by one of these
same lassies. The Salvation
ists, have undertaken a big job,
and hey are doing it wejl.
It is noted where the kaiser
is -, building larger U-boats.
That' only means, larger targets
for the Yankee gunners. i
, A wa in the front where the
. liattie's brunt ia winnow-
r ' Inc men like chaff
, . ( American ladq. the mns of their
dads, keen fighting right
on and laugh;
Oh. they've hearta of . atecl, no
t fear do they feel for the
Teuton's fiery "acreens"
Or his poison guns, and they'll
.' . get the Huns; for they
.; , axe our own Marines!
Then, here's to the boys. Am-
"'erica's oys. to' our gl-
lant lads in France!
To the Stars and Stripes, the
t immortal types of democ-
racj's advance!
To the men who know how to
meet Jhe foe and who
"' show ' what- courage
means! "
1 Uncle Sam is proud of that
fearless crowd, the mag-
e. uifioent- Marines! - f -
' . .. John r Barrett-
Vf EW people realize the
burden that has been
forced upon the bankers
of the country by the require
ments of the government of the
United States for war purposes. Ibe called, if not the children of
iney nave mei an emergencies
and there is no need for anxi
ety but they will continue to do
T is not known whether the
following creed was com
posed by a German or by
a foreign student of German
ism. It has the ring of genu
ineness! it is not far-fetched or
overdrawn. The military mas
ters of Germany-have acted up
on this creed, and the German
army, their disciples, has lived
up to it.
"Ye have heard how in old
en times it was said, 'Blessed
are the meek, for they shall in
herit the earth' ; but I say unto
you, 'Blesse! are tne valiant,
for they shall make the earth
their throne.' And ye have
herd men say, 'Blessed are the
ooor in spirit : but I say unto
you, 'Blessed are the great m
soul and the free in spirit, for
they shall enter into Valhalla.'
And ye have heard men say,
'Blessed are the peacemakers' ;
but I say unto you, 'Blessed aire
the war makers, tor they shall
The nation has but one great
purpose winning the war-
and every energy must be
turned in that direction. There
is do effort that can be made
toward this end but it must
first be backed by money, and
providing this is the task that
is' being accomplished through
the banks.
' Crops are moving faster than
usual, as with fixed prices
there is no inducementlfor far
mers to hold their gram. This
fact, with the high prices for
commodities, labor, and every
thing that is sold upon the mar-
Air, and Mrs. P. E. Kin, their
(laughter. Miss Merle Klnir. and niece.
Miss Clara King, of Helix, left today
for Portland and coast points where
mey. are to spend th next two or
three weeks. ,
During the absence from the city
of Mrs. F. U King, who is in charge
ot materials for Hod Cross knitting,
the yarn will be obtainable from the
women In charge ot the workroom
of the , federal building. "
Mr. and Mrs. R. Raymond, Mrs. a.
C. ileece and children. Mrs. .Joseph
ine. Conroy and Mrs. M. P. Baldwin
left toddy by auto for Lehman springs.
Mrs. Conroy and Mrs. BulUwin ex
pect to camp at the resort for two
weeks, but the rest of the party wiH
return soon.
Mr., and Mrs. B. J. Clarke
children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles
oreuuen left last night for a motor
trip to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. B. J.
Murphy and daughters. Miss Edna
and Miss Jane Murphy, loft' this
morning for the same destination.
to his homo yestcrdny after a short
business Visit here. ' ' 'y
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Howard of
Hoppnor were in Pendleton yester
day. Mrs. Jesse Failing. Mrs. Charles
Quinney and Mrs. Mury Uisosway en
joyed yesterday as guests at Hillside
Home. .'
Miss Ruth Kothrock of Athena, re
turned to her homo yesterday after a
visit here at the home of Miss Huzei
Jas. Shockiey, a well known furm
er and stockman of upper McKay
creek, was In town yesterday on bus
iness. V
Pat Doherty, sheep man of Butter
creek, was in Pendleton yesterday on
business. He was accompanied, by
Ills nephew, James McLaughlin.
Miss Grace Gilliam leaves Friday
andjto spend a week camping In the
meuntaiiis. . The -counLM treasurer's
office will be' closed during her ab
sence. . .
r'rom the Gust Oregonlan, August
15, 1890.)
Tom Vanghan, the veteran Jehu,
says that roads ate '"powerful dusty'
-along his route. - . '
The handson)e residence property
of Hon. G. W. Webb on Alta street
has been purchased by J. A. Howard
and W. W. Roper for J2508.
The Indian school will reopen Kep-t-mbcr,l
in the eld school building on
Alta street which wll Uo occupied
until the new building is completed.
Work is progressing on J. Barn-
hart's new dwelling on Iewls 'street-
The contract will soon be let for an
other on Stonewall Jackson street.
The tracks of the man who trieu
to burn George Kinney's thresher
north of town were traced directly to
the machine- of a rival outfit. There
is no proof to convlcf anyone of the
deed. ,
Orvillo White Is enjoying, a fur.
lough at Spokane Falls. ' '
Lillian A. fipicer to O. P. Bowman
L-50. SV 1-i XW 1-4 . section 2.
townsht,, l north, range 35.
Charles K. Hulier to Kutherine
Huber, SW 1-4 SB 1-4. B 1-!
SVV 1-4 and B 1-2 W 1-2 SW 1-4 sec
tion 21,, township 6 north, range 36.
Mary E. Goodman et con to John
F. Hansen. $1100. S 1-2 3 1-2 BK
1-4 SW 1-4 section 22, township 6
ncrth, range 35.
T . I 1 ru.ll a, . T
Jehovah, the children of Odin, sone i55o. Lot 10. block 9. Atne-
who is greater than Jehovah. 1 na.
j. . .... .a. .... . I W. H. Helm et ux to William Nich
ols. i. Lot 5, Dlock 4,' McCoy's Au
dition, Milton.
ff"HE August government!
(!L crop report was in some'FOCH SMILES, LOOKS
The Wenaha Camo Fire Girls held
their weekly council, fire yesterday
s iter noon in the social room of the
Aiethodist church and an Interesting
business session was enjoyed and
Pmns for the monthly hike and pic
nlc - were discussed and committees
appointed. Ail campfire girls will be
notified of the time and pla e. The
girls who are working for f:ro mak
ers" honors are doing well- These
honors are conferr-ed only after twen
ty elective honors have been won, the
girl has been a member of the Camp
Fire organization six month;, and has
made her ceremonial dress and head
band and selected a ceremonial name
and symbol. The elective honors are
won ny such accomplishments as
winning; a swimming race, planning,
ordering and preparing a meal, car
ing for a room for a month, visiting
the sick or the making of garments.
Among the girls who arc trying for
1 fire builders' honors are Rhea
Hawks. Mable Stickler. Evelvn Sny
der. Teuressa Thompson, Gladys and
bdna Cook, Ruth Taylor, Rachael
Paine and Gertrude Jones, and try
ing for wood gatherers' honors; whicn
precede those of the fire builders are
Marjore Paine, Seville Marly anu
Kdna Hopper- The chapter plans to
hold a grand council meeting In the
near future when the honors will be
awarded to each gfrl. and a good pro
gram Is to be given. Mrs. J. L.
Uowiand is guardian of Pendleton's
camp fire girls and Is making plana
for the affair.
Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. ' McCormmach
left this morning for two wcks' rec
reation at Lehman Springs.
George Hartman. cashier In the
first National Bank, left today for
Portland. He will join Mrs. Hart-
man who has been there for a week
and together they will go to Seaside
for their vacation. "
Miss Gladys Tallman ret'irned to-;
day to her home In Portland after a
visit here at the home of Mrs. Earl
Mr- and Mrs. R. J. Bennett return
ed today to Umatilla after a short
stay in Pendleton.
respects a disappoint
ment owing to the July dam-i
age resulting from drouth and! pahis. Aug. 15. Those -who have
ntho- nnfuunmhlo nnnrlitinns !met Marshal rocn In the last few days
T , i are unanimous in declaring that he Is
our, juiy anu August, me usu- , Krca. Kood humor, according to L
ally months of deterioration fLiberte.
and further dam a l?e might OC-! Premier Clrmenccau, who dined
.iii- srpiint tr. -u.. Vie at the rmr. wlIh the Marshal yesterday, said he
I t , . , -ii t. fol,n nim radiant and looking twent
V" "'" t.r " years younger than when he had last
enaea. ine government iig-:8een him.
ures for this year's' crop are
878,000,000- bushels Of wheat. ! The we"ment orders, th.-it adver-
r. -,A ,W1, CM ilfin nno lu '"' ,,ut railway umr
l",l'",cu niva v,vvv,vv.a.i.:taWl3 What s going to be left that
year and 2,908,000,000 bushels - anybody can understand?
patriotically Spiea
'nf?cr? ' Alfa a 'f?n
.Vis A'7i7s
Otherwise they are
corn flakes you evei;
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Home. 311
Madison street, will leavo tomnrrow
morning on a two weeks' motor trip
to Crater I.ake, returning home by
vay of Portland.
Gus Couretflon of Hieth was in
Pendleton yesterday.
Mr: and Mrs- K. O. Nclll ut Echo
were here yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Irvinn are I'en
dlctun visitors toduy from I-rho.
A. J. Wllklns of AHiuny is in the
cty today on business.
J. M. Bentley left today for a short
business trip to Portland,
j Jake Hoyt of Helix, was in town
C. C. Henderson, of Union was fn
I 'e nd leton est e rda y .
Almond HartKuff of Echo Is In the
city today on business.
A. C Hnnt returned today to bis
home n fpokane-
Mr. and Mrs. C K Lwls were vis
itors here from Ktanffeld yesterday.
Od Teal t In Pendleton today from
C. A. Ifalcs of Waltsburff, Wash., U
reglrtered today at the Hotel Ht.
Ooore V. VIck of Salem, U a bus
iness viKltor In Pendleton today.
" Mrs. L K. I toy is visiting in thu
city today from Pilot Rook.
If. X. Strand In a Pendleton visitor
today from Spokane.
Mrs. Fred Eur I returned lant night
from a visit to Echo. .
.Hugh C. Currln Is here today from
Pilot ftockk.
Mrs. A. W. Jackson of Dayvllle. is
In Pendleton today.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kimery of Echo
are registered at Hotel .Pendleton.
lie, and Mm. J. T. Hickfor J of pi
lot Rock arrived here today for a
short visit.
R. I. Castecl of Pilot Rock Is here
Charles Beckett of Heppner arrived
today from Portland for a ivislt with
friends here.
Mr. .and Mrs. t Ppence are In
Pendleton today visiting friends.
C W. Heonter of Gurdane, wu here
yesterday on business.
Rufua Ornstuff of stanfield was In
Pendleton yesterday.
a.I Teel mas a business v.sltor In
Pendleton this morning from Echo,
topplnir'at the Hotel 8t. Georae. I
C H. Rice of Kerr Clifford and Co.. !
was registered at the ninen Rule
yesterday from Walla Walla.
Mrs. W. U Cresswell is driving
new I'adlllac machine purchased yes
terday. Mrs. C. K. Hoif is eiecl-d to re
turn tomorrow from a trip to Port
land. The'lalles and Heattle.
1 HtimmH o( Takima. returned
The Oregon State Councif of De
fense, Including all Its branches, an
vjjOll as the state councils if other
states, Is given high praise in a let
ter written by President Wilson to
Secretary Kaker. A copy of this let
ter has boon 'received by the Umatilla
County Patriotic Service league.
President Wilson characterizes the
achievements of the Council of
fense during the past year aa a most
notable record and urges tho exten
sion of the defense organization Into
the smallest com in unities. Secrelar
t'aker is the chairman of the nation
al Council of Defense and his report
to the President upon the various at
livitis of this organization and lis
branches occasioned the congratula
tory letter of the President.
We have a large assortnient of Ladies'
Waists, all colors and size's. Well worth? .'your
time io come in and see.i Priced at r.
..$1.98 S2.98
he Hub
, 32 Sample Stores.
745 Main St
Alutiny life in Army
of the Dual Empire
10. Prisoners taken lately on the
Italian front tell of greatly increased
disaffection in Austria-Hungary. Mu
tiny and desertion in the army and
fi'od riots and strikes among tho civ
ii population occur throughout the
heterogeneous empire of the Haps
hurgs. According to these uccuunt?
Austria seems to be gradually going
back to mediaeval days when bands
of discharged soldiers In arms roamed
central Europe -terrorizing and rob
bing the ..peasantry and defying all
authority.. Scattered about "in forest
and moor fund there are today many
ittle groups of outlaws.
Mexico's Pefiance, Bolshe
viki Attack, Turk-Bulgarian
Unrest Thought Questions.
MAGNOLIA; Mass., Aug. 15. Pres
ident Wilson arrived today and prob
ably will remain at Colonel House's
home over the week end. The Pres
ident Is safd to be resting, but It is
believed he will discuss many diffi
cult diplomatic questions with Colonel
House including Mexico's dcflaucc of j
Great tirltaln and United States over j
oil taxes, the liolshevtki attacks on
allied consulates, and Turkey and
Uulgirlan unrest towards Germany.
(Continued from page 1.)
able at home, when they cease In good
faith to follow essential occupations
they ought to be subject to draft as In
other cases.
"Young men not enlaced In these
occupations must wear uniforms or
bare their breasts to weapons. They
can not refuse to work even for an
hour. All are compelled to fight. The
provision does not prevent a man
ceasing to labor when ho pleases, but
It says he subjects himself to draft as
though he was never exempted. The
committee believes the justice of this
provision will appeal to the good sense
and patriotism of the country."
inn NEWoicK is ai;i imi:.
Woman's lot Is a weary one at best
Kut with backache and other dis
tressing kidney Ills life indeed lu
cernes a burden. Doan's Kidney Pllht
have made life brighter- for man
Pendleton women. Read what Mrs.
James K. Jacobs, 300 E. Hluff Ht-.
Pendleton, says; '"I couldn't speak
too highly of Doan's Kidney Pills, foi
I have never found anything their I
equaL W hen I take a hard cold oi i
over-do. It always seems to affect m
back and kidneys- My lack aches s. !
badly 1 oan"hardly move. My kld-j
reys also get out of order and I can
hardly do mv houework- After 1
have taken Doan's Kidney Pills foi
a few days, my kidneys act regular- j
ly- That awful misery In mv back i
lt up and In every way I feel as
well snd strong as ever." j
Price c. at all dealers. Don't
"imply Sfk for a kidney remedy get!
Dosn's Kidney Pills the same that
Mrs. Jacob had. frHer-M.lhurn Co.
Mfprs., noffalo, ?f. T. '
PARIS, "Aug. ', In reiioii8lllj
pimiutic circles In Fiance -Iho new
Cprimtn iiaiica fiffjinMlvi, itf ' " wfiW'h
llwc are' Blmwln 'Iho toojny premr,
la imC0 fi'urel than "waa tho crown
prinpo's pocket drive. . , ' . .
Filled with leglttmato prldo at
having beaten the oe on the battle
field, the French do not intend to al
low the central power, by diplomacy
and the Vniser'a Intrluue to rob them
of the frulta of the allien' victory.
Tho new Fraiieo-BritUth orfennlvo
Ii the allien' aiiMwer to tho crman
.tlC(ft! Efforts tji iOfot -Jhe diHlia
IroiiH efects ot tho rov. n nrince a
great fallnrft. ' "
"The greatest improvement in footwear
' in a generation." This is whaf experts
think of the Munson Last the: principle
back of the Buckhccht Army Shoe. '
You, too, will like the Buckhecht Shoe.
You will like its comfort, its velvety feel,
its wear-resisting qualities. ' And you will say:
"Here is a shoe that doesn't crowd or cramp my
toes. It gives me th: comfort and wear I have
a right to expect from my shoes." .
Alwavs look for our registered trademark
BUCK H EC H T stamped on every pair, It
is our mutual protection.
If Jnmr .alr 4om at aril lam. RkoM.
enlT from a. illrfrf. A ar pair or
oar atoaef aara If tar7 de aot It.
Smdiah m " V
w tan a , ai
Kl1t tsr4f w4 Rer
-lrsblf for tralHnHl
antl rofMlonl nmt
portitmes. ont-dimf
blkrn, srtsr, rr
Mrs fur mm, rasrk
f n aad airs Is 'rT
walk ot Ufa. 1 -Kailao-rd
for rlrlllaa -wctvx
by (J. s. sraiy.
San Franelaa)
At your dealer's or if he Is not sup
plied order direct from tho
manufacturers, '
ftticklnxhain ft ilcolit, 1 8a Oandsco
$6.50 to $8.00
For Sato l,y UM ItltO
- AT
Grocery Stort
309 West Webb
Bran New Pump
with 5 gallon stroke
right at our curb.
No Waiting-
Quality and Quantity
Buy all your good things here.