J -i.rayeT - -er-y -s tr it- PAGE FOITK " DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, - THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1918. EIGHT PAGES IHALF THE WORLD: NINE-TENTHS OF POPULATION, FIGHTING HUNS ; : 1 : I ' - O C e a ALLIES. -. I 3 X S ' ' NEUTRALS..; . J - LZZ3 CENTRAL EMPIRES , t - ' I RELATIONS BROKEN. , ''m9 ' TWENTY-THREE STATES ARRAYED AGAINST HUNS TO AVERT RUIN OF CIVILIZATION i 1 I I W i 1 ii 1 i re Nearly nine-tenths of the world Is atvwar after four years of tbeigreat conflict for civilization, and a large part of the remaining tenth which now Includes Rus sia, nominally at peace is torn by internal dissensions. During this? fourth year two new .governments appear to bare definitely taken their places among the nations. The Hedjax, which began a revolt against Turkey two years a go, -baa been recognized by the -Allies and is fight ing with them, materially aiding In the conquest of Palestine and Mesopotamia. FlnlandV-Taeially distinct, probably will never again be Russian. Nominally neu tral, abe Is practically controlled by Germany. The fol lowing Is the way the world divides. THE ALLIES 1914 Serbia, July 28.. -::-France, Augast 3. .k7...i Belgium, AUflUI 4. . .T.-fcK4 British Empire, August 4. .j Montenegro, Aurutt 7 -,.-- . Japan, August 23. g .a 1915 Italy, May 23. .v-- .-. .;t,Kn 3 7,398,000 San Marino, Jun 2. . .-.r. ,j ' 12,000 1916 PorttrcaL March 10.nssa i 15,208,000 Hedjax, June 9.wm-k- .h ' 1,050,000 I ' 4,548,000 87,429,000 22,571,000 439,959,000 516,000 73,807,000 1917 United States, April 6..-.-..:.) Cuba; April 8 Panama, April 9.. .p . . i Greece, July 16. .sr... v. .-. .-a Siam, July 22. -.";,.j.' Liberia, August 7. .ii China, August 14. .s- Brazil, October 26. . . . -, 24,618,000 1918 Guatemala, April 23. .y-.r. si . 2,119,000 Nicaragua, May 7.. 600,000 Costa Rica, May 24. 431,000 Hayti, July 15. . . .,g.v.v...Sn 2,500,000 Honduras, July 19...xsas.K0 650,000 113,168,000 2,500,000 337,000 4,821,000 8,150,000 2,000.000 350,650,000 Total, 23 States .-r-j-.-.--. 1,1 95,042,000 Two States have left the ranks of the Allies Russia, through Bolshevik treachery, and Roumania, Isolated and forced into a dishonorable peace as the alternative to annihilation. On the other hand, the defection of. Russia has been more than made up In population by the entry lot tha war of China, Brazil, Liberia, Guate mala, A'Icaragna, Costa Rica, Haytt and Honduras, tha latter only two weeks ago. Thus 23 States are arrayed gainst Germany la comparison with 18 a year ago. The four Central American States had already broken ami there re have not yet off relations with Germany a year ago, main 6 States in that Condition which declared war. The neutrals number 22, against 10 Inst year, being Increased by Russia, Roumania and Finland. RELATIONS BROKEN 1917 Bolivia, April 14 2,890,000 Santo Domingo, June 8. ... . . 795,000 Chili, June 29 3,870,000 Peru, October 6 -.- -., 4,620,000 Uruguay, October 7. ....... ,: 1,379,000 Ecuador, December 8.....J.. 1,500,000 Total, 6 States. .-.-.'. .-si 15,054,000 THE CENTRAL POWERS Austria, July 28, 1914 .. 51,341,000 Germany, August 1, 1914.. .-., 80,661,000 Turkey, November 3, 1914..., 20,253,000 Bulgaria, October 4, 1915..-.-.; 4,755,000 Total, 4 States. .T. . . . . . .t, 157,010,000 NEUTRAL STATES. The following governments are neutral In the great rars In EUROPE Andorra, 6,000; Denmark and colonies, 2.872.000; Finland, 3,277,000; Holland and colonies, 38,. 007,000; Luxemburg, 208,000; Monaco, 23,000; Norway, 2,450,000; Roumania. 7,510,0110; Russia, 171,800,000; Spain and colonies 21,350,000; Sweden, B.OflO.OOO; Switz erland, 3.877,000. Twelve States, population 257.855,00a In ASIA Afghanistan. 4,500,000; Tenia, 9,000,000. Two States, population 13,500,000. In AFRICA Abyssinia, .8.000,000; Morocco, 0,500, 000. Two States, population 13,500,000. In NORTH AMERICA Mexico, 15.100,000; Salvador, 1,271,000. Two States, population 1H,431,000. In SOUTH AMERICA Argentina, T.doii.OOO; Colom bla, 5,500,000; Paraguay. 800,000; Venezuela, 2,803,000. Four States population 17,010.000. . Total neutral population (22 States), 318,206,000. - RECAPITULATION ; "j FT -At war with Germany, 23 States 1,195,042,000 Relations broken, 6 States. . . . 15,054,000 Anti-German, 29 States. Germanic allies, 4 States. , Neutral world, 22 States. , .1,210,096,000 ., 157,010,000 , 318,296,000 World's population. . . 1,685,402,000 I fill 1 I 1 I Blame for Starting the War Is Placed on the Letter "U" WT-T HAT started the war was thsr t la-BJycoinparativeIy recently that: W topic that had heea intsedacedune Jetter has bad sulrgitimste standing, lata the conversation ef the and siaisgvths word-legitimate la this . i m .1, t,1 1. ... V. mM cnflctiaV4a wfeia e- t)ym Wit f . " rv saorsfsg atter-the firtt r-1' " gsneldoohc Previous ta the aixteeath eentnry eafing-nper-a avcvrnerrir aaa "nr TovnoM lntcrcaanxeably.' aaVr ciryTosaL. Ts-Oih-ai flt4eta -aarmrels aa easonsnta. Ihitcfc f ajanlj lalTlai liniilia ln eeruuBJsehoIaishagavsrnirdistiict.tanduig. .!,-. ainT iimiiii In tha i!bla'ftMjacwaiJs that they-acte murisely, jmkiiM i 1isiia Si inlninnmrf ritrrrrr r wiu sea xwwircwi m inau Siisa m nil' Ilnsiiisi'iam win iiiia ctmiwmnzeomtxeca. i or bbut, M taaislhil saialataiiJLj"''W" tiit3mte4y-aajI iato rthtX'.arwunr iCi; as in -mammas. , ,, nriii IOiii m II fcinlirTntu onrTarliih It nsursed mrTiflCf poim'siiief vuwgup mm m u ah..iioar6.gaa. mxt - ' TJasnuji UnVe iaoas it M Makanf cskt ,iuhj JUr Tor ,f rrp!v -paarapiitr was vnantmao, -i, I - Tumi - - fMrrwJHdl m&&!Utntmtt9 aU ai Tnissntal, TJleaborg, Umbrelt mni a kost of other TTs. G into the matter and yon will see tbs Ulegitimate vowel running all the way-threughJeading nptha oat break of th war. Wij, iicy erea called aBrtans-aoUliees Uhlans. X wilt call youc attention nly ta what rhas-assed luider thsvabservation i thej last lew years. JV here iiJw Jork wers-oing aloar aUvricht. Wa were eatice broiled lobster and- gaing ta the hows la which virtue was rewarded, aad wickednssa punished aad enjoying om elves at a reasonable expensa wheirthe O" busmen begaa. One ef the first oot- ta vattrU iMmauu4famlryf4rtlni&maniltmttit4 wsa when the boys cam down froaa Ham Haven .followin a football gam or baseball game and begaa-ainrbag vj-pMee.'W-aonethinff'go that effect, raever hava heard that s U-pMe has fceea eaptored, Vten tilled and, catalogued. .AywsTw-et that pi good ld shows as 'Old ITosiestead.' 'Blu Jeans,' 'la Old Kentucky' and 'Way Down East were shelved to make room for the Uplift dramas. Tkea came the Urre. We were afflicted with the Urge. We had the cosmic urge, the psychic orgs and tb artistic area. Immediately tha Uplift and tbe Urge got fused into the Ultimate, tha Universsl and the sub liminal Uprush, Everybody was talkinr about society's ultimate and tbe attention of the town was swerved from tbe old standards of tbe district primary, and the voters began scratching tha tickets and there was no wsy ef reckoning just what the old First ward would do. The U idea got into business snd they begaa putting business concerns together snd calling them the Union company, the United company or tha Universal com' paay, eromething like that, but always rwita tha U right np In the drum major's TtaaKSi asdFlateriaad taea a IT thxetormnr tifgnXalkinx leonsplcupoa place. Why, in tbe old days ttrTt "JtimTann LatxwnJia i nnrt. mrca saw sew retorm iof mil V)gZfigigiyi XrcrfuuhjrrvH-wa ynsbedat f thavacahulsrr and VS. Wl being wa used to -call a cracker a cracker, not aspiring to a name snor faacy rhaa the parrot use when ha tells what ha wants. tubs' forazsa. ttBnt soaie commercial gealus wko bad beea iCla03hxte lrah-Utrua tts4 a chaage, so he utilized the ubiquitoua U in an unlawful union of ultimo-geniture and unbiuahingly unmasked the unique nuncupstion. And now old-fsshioned crackers hare become a particular kind of biscuit. "And abont this time the girls begsa playing the ukulele. Time was when a girl waa doing pretty wall to play tbe piano or the fiddle, but tba U Business could not be stopped snd sbe must now unravel a sort of a chopstick aoeiody from a South Sea Island ukulele. "Such, waa the condition of affairs wbea tha war started. .We knew it would be a big war, but we didn't know about the possible peregrinations. For instance, the people ot Hie civilized world weren't alert to wbst the U-boats would do. They proved to be a wonderful instrument Jn getting peoples interested in the war In terested and enlisted oa the aide of the ' Allies. England wss doing a mlrhty work, hut of couie then had to be a little digression because of Ulster. The Ruwrian oroblrm wss s bis one. nartJcn- larly because of (he Lkraninnn. "Rut of course the whole thins will end with, a si rt ma tiiss, Jrosajncla.asg,. . ' pTHE NEGLECTED HOUSE The araas Is high around the step; 1'npruned, the orchard trees 1 Drop rosy treasures overripe, A banquet for the bees. Tha blinds half off their hinges swing,. The broken seta's sjar. But In the window han a flag , , With one blue service star. . .. w And when tha people pass slong Tha road that runs between ' They do not glance toward the house where all la neat and clean) But every eye is turned upon My pslntlens window bar. From which depends tha sacred flsg With one blue service star. The pretty house across the way I'm proud because the waeda are thick. Is kept with constant cere; The roses choked snd dead. Tha lawn la cut, the walks are trimmed. The fences down, tha shingles off, Tha flow-era are brujht and fair, leaky roof o'erhead. a small garage behind It holds It means my man has cone to fight . A new and shining car, , ' , I For Franca and freedom tar . But. oh. Its window has no flag And left me here to keep the flaa . That shews a service star. i .Wita one blue aervka etar. i , s . . eav a,s.