-. . . DAILY EASTOREGONTAN, PENDLRTONTIECOTT, JIHL-Tl? L 1 918 TAGK Tirnr.E I I.LW0 NOTES PcNDLETON Jiahy Jloy ArrivoH. - A (1-pound sun wan born this morn ing to Mr. and Mm. Will M. l'eturnon t till. Anthony's hospitul. - i school house, and tho bids for contract are to be opened loouy. the Wmi Mnnn, lavliiK Vacation. Wm. Hhears la taking a two weeks' vacation from his duties of the po lice force. Henry Thompson l wear ing the star during his absence. FiolU Work Mulshed. C. J'. Strain, county assessor, an nounce se hug finished .ho field work; for the assessment of J9t8, and the office force la now enKaped In in dexing and checking up on the rolls, also completing the enrollment 'jpf personal property. , v rinlMliiiig Harvest. Harvest at tho Kto'rle tic Ititner ranch southeast of Pendleton will be completed this week The bulk of the grain In that section nun lietn harvested. War Work for Women. N. Iterkeley, examiner In charge of the V. ti. employment olfice at l'l-ndleton, has received Information as ti the war work for women. Any one interested In the matter may get full 'particulars by applying at hi office, 614 Main street. Krror fin-rooted. In the case of the State of Oregon against J. A. Johnson in mentioned yestorduy should have stuted the case vvas dismissed on request of tho pros ecutor, the defendant paying the costs and tho matter of the alleged shon ago of $36 was dropped. Came to Hid Son Cioodlyo M. H. Allen, district factory Inspec tor, !s home from a trip through Union county, having come In to bid his son, Lester, goodbye on -his de parture this morning with the ten men called for training at the poly technic school at Portland, In elcarrli ut Cirouso. ".ftusty" 'Khodes, Kay Crystal and Fted Ljimpkln left this morning by auto In search of grouse. They said tt-elr deatlnatfon, was unknown but announced a determination to bring in the limit, even If forced to run down the birds. Iavc for Seattle Miss Edith Johnson, Miss Norma Al lowuy,' Mrs. Fred Karl. Mrs. Nona lJ Fontaine anto Dr. TX o. I'arker, left this afternoon by auto for a niotor trip to Seattle and Camp Lewis. They expect to be gone 10 days. School Olrllfot I lore. Cluis. lirove and J- I. Morrow, memlwrs of the school bourd Ht Tlioi n Hollow, are III the city today on school business. Tho Thorn Hollow district Is preparing; to build a new Will Hold llusr und Hairy Show. Hermlston is to have a hig and dairy show early In October. This was deelded at a meeting recently held by the members of the commer cial club of Hermiston and farmers of the community. There was at first some talk of not having the show be cause of war limes but It was finally agreed upon because such a show is considered an aid to agricultural pur Hiils. A feature of tho show will lie. an exhibit of the Boys' and Girls' In dustrial Club work. Umatilla bounty housewives. They will be mailed' next week to anyone r.ho makes a request and end name und address. Miss Harker Is also working out an outline for the use of! war foods and substitutes In the coun try schools for the coming year and will co-operate with Huperintendent Green In the matter of nrnvMinir hot! lunches at noon in rural schools. (Jo (iroiisc Hhoollnir. Fred Book, Harve Hanovan and Sol Kaum lert today by auto to spend the day grouse hunting. They will re turn this evening. Camouflage JlMCovcrrd The Oregon Military Police sta tioned here received word today that T. W. Khannon was recently arrest ed at lukevlew for masquerading as a member of the O. M. I. Other charges against Shannon Include the passing of bogus checks. J'reiairimt Kti'liio. Miss Ixirejie J'urker, hom. .demon stration agent for this county, is col lecting sugarless recipes from vari ous sources and will have them prln ed In one booklet for distribution to nvii-uni l if lilt 1! If MORE COMFORT LONGER WEAR GREATER SATISFACTION All those and more you w ill Ret in Bond Fine Clothes for men. Consider the larger variety, the Better variety and the im portant fact that here you will find over two thousand suits from which to select. BOND CLOTHES $20.00 to $40.00 The utmost in value BOND BROS. IVtidk-toiut' leading Clothiers. IT IS HERE The Wriplit Auxiliary Transmission tor fords It gives your Ford 4 speeds ahead and 2 re verse. The Wright Auxiliary Transmission is easily and quickly attached to any Ford and with it you have more flexibility than with any other car on the market. It gives you AN EXTRA LOW GEAR (lower than the one on your car) and AN INTERMEDIATE GEAR The efficiency of your Ford will be Increased r.O per cent with this attuehment. You can take hills on Intermediate gear In stead of having to go Into low gear, thereby eliminating heat(n noil saving time and gas. If you do get Into a tliiht pinch. ou have an extra low gear to pull you out. Your cnitlnn will also crank ensily even In cold weather, for II absolutely eliminates nil binding In the rliiteh. It Is absolutely tho best and most prac ticable Ford attachment on the market. . . Wc 'absolutely guarantee tho Wright Auxilllary Transmission. If joii are not absolutely satisfied after ten days use. we will re fund your money cheerfully. I- : ,.. Agent!": We are dHtrlfHitnr fur Inrae territory anil have an attractive proposition for live dealers. Will Kntcr Training. Mint Vivian Gifotm. of Pendleton, left today for Portland where fhe will enter numes training1 at St- Vincent' hoMpltal. MIhh Gibbw graduated In I June from the Pendleton high school, Hheexpectt to take up army minting after completing" her four year courac iu Portland. Xcccl Workers. Mrn. Ida L. Fowler. head of the refugee garment work for the Uma tilla County Ited Crons, hat received tome new materials for the garments and Kays that there is considerable work now for garment tnak ra and luittonhole makers. .She . urges n &ood attendance dully iit the work room In the federal building begin ning at I v- ni. One thousand of the garmenlH are to be finished by the chapter by September 1. DIm-iik Onircrt Tnir. The Iniard of manager of he Pen dleton Commercial Ctub decided oh- i Urday (hat the matter of support of; j proponed entertainments to be given i by the Hlllson-White Chautauqua i here thlK winter 1h nt connected with ' the work of the Commercial Club and j therefore they will not guarantee the money anked by the Chautauqua a-1 ' Hoclatinn. MIks Genevieve Gilbert j j who wa hero on Monday in the In-j tf rcMtH of the Herfen which would h I - In. the nature of a concert tour, may' im 1 b 1 y Int ere,st Home other orga n -. iration and Is expected back today. yinn Ieura Jerard has Teen added to the department of information of Ihe Home Service section of the Red j Criias during tho absence of Mrs. i Georwe Hartman, who Is in Portland ' at present. Miss lieth Smith is In charge.- of the work, but expects to leave soon for Ixmg Peach, California. to join her iiuthcr. Mrs. K. L. Smith j who is spending tho summer there. Miss Jerard will then have entire j charge. . ' Count Jl TrunsuctH ILoutil Iti.sriiemM. Iittlo other routine business Was j tiHnsMcted at the meeting of the city j council lat evening. There were ; present at the meeting Mayor J. 1 ; I Vuughan, and Cuncilmen f Phelps, j I 1 enlanU. Kll and Folsom. T lie sew-j er committt-e wan authorized to en- i ter into a contract with li C. Tmy for ' the construction of a wwer luteral ( two blocks on Grant direct from Jack- I son to Wilson street. It was voted ; t(. grant the Pernardi Greater p;xpo sttlon Co. license for one veek for ' t2't0. This price includes the use of the grounds belonging to the city o j Fust Alta street. Veterans 1 ten n ion. The meeting TuesdHy evening at tho Christian church of the Spanish War veterans In remembrance of the, 20th anniversary of the capture of the city of . Manila by the American soldiers. There were about 30 members of. Ma- labon Camp No. 6 and their ,wlvea present and a most enjoyable evening In a Cup of INSTANT POSTVM No Waste-No Worry LessSuar- No Coffee Troubles"-r Delicious Flavor. i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimui' BUY THRIFT STAMPS 'IT'S SERVICE JUJYVS THRIFT STAMPS J A reelnyentory Sale Only Two More Days and This Great Sale Will Come to a Close It has really been a big one. Hundreds of patrons have profited by the genuine bargains we have offered. The belated ones will find many "pick ups" if they come within the next two days PRE-INVENTORY SALE IN WOMEN S WEAR DEPT. v" ) a Big Lot FANCY SILKS to clean up during this Au gust sale. Includes some of our best silks, in stripes, checks and plaids. Suitable for dresses for street wear and make up into most prac tical frocks for eyery day business use. Shown in all colors and combinations. You will like, them and they are a bargain at, yard $1.59 SILKS FOR SHIRTS RADICALLY. REDUCED Offered in neat stripes of different colors; 3G in." wide; also some plaids for waists and 6chool dresses; all of these come in all silk, and Bilk mixtures worth $1.00 to $1.25 the yard. We must clean these up. Pre-Inventory price while they last, the yard 67c Every day now means less ening of summer dresses, suits and coats. We sav this that vou may be urged to prompt action if you are to particite in the Summer Clearance. ' Summer Suits in silk, poplin and wool, while they last at 13 price. - - Summer Dresses in lawns, Voiles, ginghams' and linens, sizes 16 to 40, are being closed . out at y2 price. Late summer arrivals in wash skirts, while they last, $3.98. Pink silk voile combination yokes of lace and ribbon $1.98. ALL COLORED WASH GOODS must be closed out, as we are not going to car ry any over till the next season. Such a3 voiles and batiste, of plaids, stripes and fig ured. These range in price from 25c to $1.25 yard. Pro-Inventory price ONE HALF PRICE. EMBROIDERY FLOUNCING Finest quality embroidery flouncing, in widths from 12 inches to 45 inches wide, suit able for women's, children's and baby dresses, petticoats, etc Of sheer organdie and batiste. This is a special assortment running from one vard to 10 yards ' in' length. Pre-Inventory Sale, ONE HALF PRICE. ; ONE LOT FANCY HOSIERY to be placed on sale and rOonnpr" nn hpfnrp ' in- Voicing. Includes coiors . some in all in stripes and clocks; values from $1.50 to $1.75. Inventory Sale $1.3a Pre BATH TOWELS ; "V We have too many from 35c to 65c. Two big shipments came in of these towels. Made of best quality double knit, hemmed ends; vry absorbant. Supply your needs now for a year. 35c Pre-Inventory Sale 26c 50c Pre-Inventory Sale ................. 39c 65c Pre-Inventory Sale 49o i Your f Vacation fDays, will be Incomplete without CAMKIt.V Come In now and we will enow yon the Ajiaco, the amateur camera of profes sional quality, and tell you how to make pictures a success. We cll Aosco Bpecdcs Film.. Cyko Papea. Ansco Chemicals, every thing you need to take - with was passed. The evening wag paHwil in tcllliiff stoi ips of the days 20 tiil-s ago, and. on the quirt, it is said, some f the stories tolil sounded, oh, well, their wives don't like to say how. Many of the members of the lne.il fuiup of Sjinnish ar veterans were present al ine lau i .i.mn n. mectiiiK meant inueh to them. I.-e cream and other ref reshnienls were served. Many tffer urk. 8ix Pendleton people offered work today to the I'malilln eounty girl wh wishes to earn her IIvIhk by ncner.il houscivoik while vaitln to enter 'll the United States Student Nurses lte sertc. tine patriotic family offered the pirl a home until she entered tho, service. The bourd s at present considering j Will Kilter Training. I mi-s that termany'haii from ?0 to j0 other appneants. und is also looking , , Wcist.r . tjiyes as n.any hlrds the acre ,a.j for someouo to occupy the iiosition of ; ' ... ,,., ,,, ,hi, lne I nited Ir- Held Is Of .principal, ieft vacn, hecauso A. iX ( vlett at the Oorrt hh.. SZ&t? aXXJTZZ'Z Cannon ha. entered war work. Fcch orJ(.r . Kellcral .,. tlle.: ,;f arm" le Ty 1 -I'tiov h nhstrd in the I'nitod Stated ' vs . i i ... . . Student Xursos Jteserv birt has not ' jjjUy in' rfgtM to 4lul( shutithnt:.' tiiMitKe Vlck of Salem. I in the clly fur a few days, Mr- Vick Is the Ore-( Sm manu.fr for the Fordstm tructnr and will he here fur several dajs. Wcjitlicr I.s t'fHtlrr. Walmum tern erat tiro. Minimum temppruturv. Weather, clour Wind, west. Bentle. liaUifall. nino. nt the Spokane hosMtui. She has Murl was nionCioned by 'Lf . Field, who sh?-i brothers in the service, three of. whom i that there are now 24t blaoti on tHi. lare i it Frahce. ! rang-e 'Whlld thre years aro lher war j t but 3t. Tht 4m 4h tutluruJ tncreiuo. j Ir. Field and tt4hlcy Jewett of the r l-lchl 1Ito. j l-"ltod State Btolngcat Survey, left ; lr. J5. W. Field, of the ' VnitedJ"d1i' f"; Hermlsm to Inspect th States HioloBlcul survey, was here to- Cl'" raervton. They wUl dav on his annual tour of .hl sec- j I,turn. "" evealn ; ! lion inspectins the federal uaute serve. Pr. Vield. whoso lioadiuar- ; Wool situation r villained. A letter fxidaiumir the curtailment ' of wool used l Ited Cross knitters ' was received today Py Hecri-tary I ' K. KooscVelt of the I'matilla i-ounty ' lied Cross from northwest headouar lera at Seattle. In part. he message (says: ' lied t'ro-s knitting Is needed i and the needs of the ited l"n( will I he taken care of hy the war Indus 1 tries hoard next to the nccdj ot the I Hov eminent Itself-" TOO LATE TOCLASSJFY n Jiuh M- KUt.k'l of Kntoi prlMj. haa;ter are in Waahtnston. D- C-. b i ltfn ill at the .lumie f his brother, j Iuh special nilsHion this trip it tu , j J. A- Biaitely. l.o" i eirevt hvit !h I aitue Oregon peMde to lite fact that W AXTKp Ity Ih ear) .old. 4 Hettint? ao'Mit town jL-a.in. tiuiK , u;ius ;tre a ijij; asei i- iue nuuu4 jieul.v wurK on jancll ox J he had a case of ptoiuatneiti lVuftiim I ind'.inut te recojiulrd as ai.atu lT C SiMth. 20 liuiiiiHniiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiMiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiuiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiuuii(iiriiimui! fl fr0 cars l county Mm iiiMMimwimm - i Will Mll Ault'lopc. S Stanley Jewell or the T'tiiKd States 5 j biological Survey, expects to .-end at, 5j antelope soon to the reserve In Mon- I tana. The nnlelopc was secured hy 5 l". 1-5. Hurnett. one of the Harney ! count v- trappers. Ir- t;. V. Kields. 2 . -Sialso of the survey, who was here to- g ' iday. .vs that the reserve will Pejilad S ,f fs gm ' .5 to set the animal as the nu.aoer has r J IIlTln V? IOs-Bi''"" rt!'tl' depleted by coyotes. I Entire Block . t East Alta St.. . The Brriardt Greater Shows -, ien(Jlt?ton, pfpon ;f lr V a .-a 3 Lmwllnc Draaalssa s ! s We atWertlse and ofter War Ba. s i S lues Stamps for sale with every His Trim Slot t pniin. I Miss Margaret Crim, or Oakland, it'alifornia. seleeled by the sehool Iwmrd to fill the position of physical train inir teacher here to sueeeil Miss I.ouise lailey, who resisned. has ntified the hoard that she had accepted another position and will be unable to come. I One Week UGc19trf i THREE RIDES THE WHIP Ride All the Gigan tic Rides Including iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Let's' Go '.illllllllllinilllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUi!