East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 30, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Pound, For Rerit, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference.
. BW TODil,
Each new advertisement will
be run under "New Tea y jcr
the tint insertion only. During
subsequent insertions of the ad
It will appear under It proper
FCKNISHKl) housckcopln
612 W. Webb.
S rooms.
t'lllt JIKNT
, 60S Water.
3 room apt. Inquire
Fine KENT 4 room furnished
house. Inquire 302 TuHtln.
rciL'.N'O Auto license No. 26G3. Own
er cuu huve mine by calling at this
office and paying charges.
Want a Home?
If you want ft home, I will Bell you
one ready for occupancy or I will fur
nlxh you a choice tut and build one
tu HUlt you. A. H. Cox.
All momliers of Macoahees and
Knights are requested to meet at Ful
imu'i to utlend the funeral u( William
Kinnun. which will he held tomorrow
at 10 o'clock. Mr Iteager, Lieut. Commander.
Notice Ih hereby given that sealed
blda will be received at the office of
the city Recorder In Pendleton, Ore
uon, up to 6 o'clock lfp. m. on July
81st. 1918, for the purchase of
$1197.40 of Improvement toonds of the
City of Pendleton, to be lasued for the
Improvement of Logan street from the
north line of Haley street to the south
line of Jackson street, said bonds to
bear date of June 1st, 1918. and to I
bear Interest at the rate of .6 per
cent per annum payable semi-annually..
Kach bid must be accompanied
by a certified check In the; sum- of
HBO. 00 made payable to the order of
the acting Mayor of the City of Pen
dleton. - - -,.
The Common Council reserves the
right to reject any and all bids at Its
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
17th day of July, 1918.
City ltecorder-
For Rent
FUANISHKO -APT. Hamilton. Court
ttlOUSEKEJEPlko BOOMS, S01 Clay.
Thompson. :
APT Close Ih. 7J7
FOR RENT Sewing machines of all
makes,. 81. 00 per week. $8.00 per
month, HcCllctock and Simpson, 400
H. Coujt.
Willow. Phone 482B. ,
in. 401 Aura. .
FOR RENT Furnished rooms and
apt. 407 w. Alta. Phone 1177W.
practor, 10S Went Webb St. Room
10. Office hours 9 to 12 a- m. 1:30 to
S P- m. Examination free. Office
pl.one 683. Residence phone 1169.."
FOK RENT Reasonable, store room
on Main street. Front and rear
entrance. Phone 661.
" " " "".
HOUSBKifiEPI.VtS apartments and
sleeping rooms at 608 Willow St.
WANTED Good, clean rags, at Tea
Past Oregonlan offloe.
WANTED Sewing, phone 483-W.
WANTED Employment by expert
steam and gasoline engineer. Address
Box G, Kent, Sherman County.Oxe.
For Sale
FOB BALE; Wheat Hay.
, Pendleton, Ore. ,
D- B. Bell,
manent position for right party.
Apply this office.
WANTED Furnished room in" pri
vate' family, ..desirable -locality.
Phone 1001. Sgt- Arthur.
WANTED 31rl general housework
t in family. Wages 125. Write
FOR SALE NEW and second hand
' dewing Machines, singer. White,
New Home and The Free Machine.
MoC Unlock Simpson, 400 E. Court-
FOR SALE Good S-room house and
garage on North Side with furni
ture, alaq Three other good pieces of
town property. . Phone 817. B. F.
Attorney .
rHHD H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law,
Room 24, Smith-Crawford Bkti,
ft W. BAILET. Attorney at Law,
, Rooms 7, 9, , Despalo Building.
OEOROB W.! OOUTT8, Attorney
Law. Room XI. Bctaaildt block. -
CARTER SMITH H. Attorneys at
Law. Office In rear of American Na
tional Bank Building. -
FOR SALE 1912 model Winchester
' .shot gun, 20 gauge, haramerless-
Mra. T. O. Sinclair. JBonneviUe,- Orevjlnuuire this office.
WANTED Laborers. ' $4.50, per 8
houre Three months work. Join
union, laborers, $10 to join, payable
In easy payment. 928 Commerce
street, Tacoma, Wash. Don t write
but come now.
FOR RENT Furnished apt. Modern.
803 H. Railroad St. Phone 224W.
4 NICELY FURNISHED . housekeep
1: K rooms for rei:t. Inquire 619
Jot.r.son utreet-
Farm Implements
WANTED A man to work in vulcan
' Izlng shop. Man over' SO years of
age preferred. Good salary. Call at
Simpson Tire Service Co., or phone 6 51,
WANTED Man with team to haul
wheat. Phone or address James Kill,
Heiix, ore-
KAVMONU W. HATCH, Architect. De
spair building. Phone 768. Pendle-
tnn. fireroe
Second-Hand Dealers
V. 0TRORLE. dealer In new and sec
ond band goods. Casta paid for aeo
nd hand goods. Cheapeat place to buy
rmaxtield goods. 819 E3. Court. Phone
Every t'lilllun In Required la
Oik Nult to Wur Workers.
AMSTERDAM. July 30. The Ger
oiun government line given "flnul no
tice" to the public, to give up volun
tarily at least one suit of clothes each
lo the war workers and the army.
Failure to meet the demand will re
sult In forcible requisition and dellii-
auei.u will bo liable to Imprisonment rccently for tralnlnit decorated the
tor one year ana a mil not imrainn railroad cars in which they traveled
10.0UO marks- wltn aii .rt, ,,f mottoes and Inscrlo-
How hlKh the need for fanrles has un!t when they Bot here hcy werc
rlncn is shown by a decree announcln r,,Uircd to wash these off. However,
the Impending confiscation of curtains on0 car Kot awav from cam , OInc
)g the linpeiiilliiK confiscation or cur- unexplnlnable fashion, while these
tains which wll Hie replaced gratia woriIg Bllu adorned one side:
BUh paiH-r finer material or paid for .-rn,s ,8 ,n0 bunch that's going to
at the oriRlna) peace t!mo cojt price mnke Ihe kaim.t Whltie the Star
less wear and tear.. Spangled Ranner." . .
THK "STAIt-M'AXfil.KI ll.NNi:H"
CAMP KKARXKY. Kan llli-KO, ('a'..
July 30. Drafted men coming here
THE "NON-SKIP" Weeder geta all
the weeds the first time over the
field. Saves one-th,lrd the time and
does Iota better work. Order now
Pendleton Weeder works, (31 Gotten
wood 8t-
IF RUDD CAN'T clean your suit,
throw It away. 206 W. Webb street.
Phone 686.
For Sale
In writing a classified ad be specific,
definite. Generalities befog your mes
sage. .
FOR SALE Self-propelled gas. Holt
combined harvester. Will trade
for ground power machine or city
property. Machine practically new,
only cut few hundred acres. Inquire
or address Geo. Peebler, Pendleton,
WANTED Woman -1 work by the
nour Pho'.e JXI or Inquire J17
Lewis street. ....
FOR SALE Used Dodge. , Good
condition. V. 3. Snavely. Phone
128. " '
FEB rem. Attorneys at Law.
. In Deapsln Building.
Notices .
Notice) to Farmers.
We will buy SO ton alfalfa hay;
also J0 tons wheat hay. Phone 338.
Penland Bros. Transfer. '
R. t. KEATOR, Attorney at Law. Room
34, Smith-Crawford Building.
8. A. NIWBERBT, Attorney
Bmlth-Crawtora uunaing.
one of the best business locations
In Pendleton. 'Address 30M, this of
fice. ......
FOR SALE 7 head fcf good work
horses and two wagons. Inquire at
Dutch Henry Feed Yard.
PETERSON aV BISHOP, Attorneys at
Law. Rooms I and 4, Smith -Crawford
JAMES B. PERRT, Attorney at Law.
1 Orrloe over Taylor Hardware Conv.
RALBT A RALE t. Attorneys at Law.
Office in America National Bask
Building. . , , ,
a. A. LOWELL. Attorney and Ooonsel-
lor at law. uinea in uupwa
FOR SALE-rCase 40 Touring car.
Win, make good service car. Alta
Auto Radiator a: Lamp Works. 701
B. Alta..
FOR SALS By the owner, new 4
room furnished or unfurnished
house and two lots. Phone 360.
Contractors and Builders.
Notice Is hereby given that seated
bids will be received at the office of
the City Recorder in Pendleton, Ore
Son, up to S o'clock p. m. on the 31st
day of July, 1918, for the purchase)
of Improvement bonds of the City of
Pendleton in the sum of $1761-80, to
be Issued for the Improvement of WIK '
son street from the east line of Main
street to the east Ilua of Madison
street, said bonds bearing date of
June 1st, 19 IS. and bearing Interest
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually. Each bid
must bo accompanied by a certified
check In (Tie sum of $150.00 mad
payable to the order of tb acting;
Mayor of the City of Pendleton.
The Common Councfl reserves tha
right to reject any and all bids.' "
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
17th day of July, 1917.
City Recorder,
I BUT ALL KINDS of junk at top
prices. Iron and sacks a specialty
Paclflo Junk Co., J. B. Jones, prop.,
IT Cottonwood street-
FOR SALE; A few choice thorough
bred White Leghorn roosters. In
quire Dr. BIcNabb.
Saturday, June 29; on all rummer
millinery, . Campbell's Millinery. -
RANCH FOR SALE: 850 acres
wheat and stock, will sell outfit
with ranch. Address Box C83 Pen
dleton, Ore.
FOR SALE 70 shoats and SO dairy
cows reasonable. Addrets liot ii
Pendleton. '
open ana reapy tor ousinoss. tror
ladle and gents, at 609 Main street.
FOUND Pair of eyeglasses. Owner
can have same by calling at this of
fice and paying charges.
FOUND Gentlemen's wallet con
taining; glasses and other articles.
Owner can secure same by calling at
this office and paying charges.
FOR SALE Bulck bug at one-half
real vajue. PattonV Barber Shop..
FOR SALE Good mountain v wood.
Carload if desired. Leme at Co
612 Walnut SU Phone 2ZS.
LOST On road to Bingham Sprinss,
gold C-untine; case Waltham watch,
DDD monogram on case with gold
chain and pen knifo attached. Knife
set with small diamond. Return to
this office fonwe-eward.'
C. eW ANSON A R. R. DuPuufc El
' mates given free. ' 'All work: guar
anteed. We build anything, dty or
country work. Phone 24 3 M.
Tou may have profitable business
relations for years to come with some
one you will come to know first thru
your next classified ad!
Counting six ordinary words to
the Une and charged by
the line.
Waat ads and locals.
Bates) Fer Mia
First Insertion, per line 19e
Each add. inaertion, per line is
One week (aix insertions),
each insertion, per line is
1 mo. each insertion, per line 4e
month contract, each in
sertion, per line ... . so
13-month contract, each Inaer
tion. per line 3e
No ada taken for leaa than 3to
Ads taken over the telephone
only from East Oregonlan aub-
. scrlbera and those Hated In the
Telephone Directory. Copy muet
' he In our office not later than
1:30 o'clock day of publication.
move your household goods. Tele
phone 339. Also to a gage transfer
ring and heavy hauling.
W. A. MILES, baggage,- transfer and
drayaga. Office phone 849. Bee
749R, f-'"
OOL. w. .r. TOHNKA. Auctioneer,
makes a specialty of farmers' atoesT
and machinery sales. "The snan that
sets you the money." Laare orders at
alas OrAKonfaD Office.
Weston-Penritetnn Ante i
Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 1:41
a. so. and 13:46 p. m.
Leaves Athei,a for Pendleton at
a. m. and 1:00 p. m. . --"
Leavee Adams for Pendleton at 1:30
a. in. and 1:20 p. m.
Lavea Pendleton (AIlaa-Knlght
Store) for Weston at 19 a. m. nod!
4:00 p. tu,
7 '
Daily Chats With
the Housewife
- JXrv
Peel, pack hot in layers in previously ! stuff. Continued sluggishness Is still
boiled Jars, fitting the second layer apparent In the market for off quality
The liest sweet pc4pcrs for cunning with hot brine (4 ounces of salt to 1
are the Xpunl.-,h varitles known as gullon of water) and partially seal
pinilentos- The fruit of these peptiers Jars..
has very thick flesh, tough skin, and is Processing with steam under pre
cnniparativcly smuoth and free from sure Is recommended. Process pint
riiiues. The bill peppers are ot sul- Jars 30 minutes at 15 pounds pressure,
lalilo varieties for canning. Pepperss fenl Immediately, cool, and test foi
should be ripe, sound, and free from leaks, and store In a cool, dark, dry
rulnes. wort, using the whole pep- place- '
iwrs for products such as sauces, soups If the Intermittent boiling process
chutneys, and Dixie relish. Prepare Is used, process In the hot-water bath
for peeling by roasting peppers in a for one hour on each of three succes
hot oven for 4 to 8 minutes lielng slve days. Loosen the covers before
careful not to allow them to scorch, each subsequent boiling, and seal
l'eel. cut out stem, remove heeds and tightly after each boiling. Cool, test
lrk dry In flattened biyers. No for leaks and store.
wnier or seasoning is used In the pre- If the oneperlod continuous boiling
Iteration of these peppers: the pro- process Is employed, boll for at least
rowing brlnas out a thick liquor which Ihroo hours. ISenl, cool, test, and
Simon covers them In the previously store
Mk-d Jars. 1'nrtlnlly seal Jms, sterl-
Ihee (process by boiling) pint Jars for. Otra
Into the spaces left by the first layet
and repeating. Cover with clear hot
water: partially seal the Jars and boll
them In a water hath for one hour
continuously, counting from tho time
the water bolls again around the jara
Do not allow cold water to touch
e beets after they have been cooked
If beets are parked In tin the cans
used must be Inside-lacquered. Beets
1 1-S Inch In diameter and over should
be cut or sliced before packing into
Jars. When a steam-pressure canner
Is used, process pints 3Q minutes un
der 5 pounds steum pressure.
f :
Hog Market Goes to
New Summer Record
At $18.33 in yards
3D tnluutes. Cool and test for leaks.
When a stenm-Jressuro canner 1
u'eii, process pints 10 minutes under
Speight pound steam pressure.
Asparagus for canning must be fresh
sr.d tender. This Is of the greatest
Importance, Select tips of uniform
she and maturity and wash them.
Cut In right length for can, scrape
off tough outer skin, and tie In bun
iH's. Itlanche by Immersing the lower
ends pfirt way In boiling water for 3
nilnuies. Then Immerse the entire
Hps for 1 to 2 minutes longer. I'lungo
into a odd salt-water bath (1 table
Pnnn salt to,l quart water). Drain
nd pack neatly, tips up. Fill pars
' 1 -' -
Built up to a standard, not down to a
Light weight Strong pull Superior
Automatic Traction by "pull" Instead
t drart wrlght.
Ktamis up to hard service with mini
n"m expense.
, Nilson Konior. 34-3 H. P.; Nllson
'Onlor, 18-26 II. P.
Nee our lot-si sgent, or Send for catalog.
. Kaat Morrison nnd Kant Third tits. .
Portland. Oregon.
To ran okra select young lender
pod a. Remove stem without cutting
Ihe seed pod- lllouoh by dipping Into
j boiling water from 3 to 6 minutes.'
j Plunge Immediately into a cold' salt
bath (I tcaspoonful salt to 1 quart
water. ) Remove at once- Pack Into
pievlously boiled Jars, cover with not
brine (3 1-2 ounces salt to 1 gallon of
water). Partially seal pars.
Processing with steam under pres.
sure Ins recommended. Process pint
Jars 30 minutes under steam pressure
of 10 to 15 pounds. Peal Immediately
and cool In a place from drafts.
When cold test for leaks, and store In
a ey.ld dary, dry pluce.
If the Intermittent process is used
.boll for 1 1-4 hours on the first day
and 1 hour on the two succeeding !
days.' Loosen the covers on the Jars j
before each successive boiling, and seal
completely After each boiling. Cool,
test for leaks, and store. .
If the slnKle-eontlniinus boiling per
iod Is used, boll for at lenst 3 hours.
Seal, cool, test for leaks, and store.
luihy ltccts
The following recipe for canning,
baby heels Is applicable to carrots.!
Only young tender beets .should be j
runnel to set a hlsh qualltv product-1
The best variety for canning It the;
Detroit. " I
F. rt the beets, palling uniform s4r.es:
together- Col the stems off. but be
careful not to cut ofr too closely pi j
bleak the root. This will cnine loss;
of jBb'e. 'color and flavor. Roll In an!
enameled lam mill! three-fourths don t
PORTLAND, July 30. Hog market
at North Portland reached a new -high
record for the summer months, with
an advance of 15 to 25c over previous
figures. The week's trading started
with a very liberal showing of strength
as had been forecast In these reports.
and quick sales at $18.25 were made.
while some small business warn done
caHy in extra good stuff at 81S.35. the
high mark. Run for the day was vary
smalt '
General hog market range:
Prime mixed $ 1 8.10 f 18 35
Medium mixed 17.85 18-10
ttoush heavies 16.001)16.85
Pigs 1 ..... 16.0ns?16.S0
Hulk 18.00iji 18-10
Cuttle situation Is Steady.
h'lluatlon In the cuttle trade at
North Portland continues to reflect a
steady appearance. Early sales were
mude at full former values, equality
considered), buyers showing a disposi
tion to teke hold of offerings of golnd
stuff, but generally speaking no price
changes were shown in the cattle al
leys. General cattle range
Prime steers $1 l.f75fl 12.25
Ootid to choice steers... 10.75 3 1 1. 75
I Medium to good steers... . 9.50ilo.75
Fair to medium steers. . , S.SOiftl 9.5s.
Common to fair steers.. 5.50(fi 8-50 1
Choice cows and heifers 8.oo.8.B0
Mediqm to good cows and
heifers 0.00 9 7.80
Fair to medium cows and
- heifers ; S.0043) 6 00
Canners S-OOfr? B.Oo
Hulls 1, ' 5-50W 7.5u
Calves 8. 56 i 11.50
blockers and feeders . . 6.00 & 8.00
. .'.1 1 . Mutton and lamb situation Is
most favorable at North Portland- No
price changes were Indicated for the
week's start n the local yards, offer
ings being absorbed on the basis of
previous quotations. Kot enough real
ly good lambs are arriving for the
wants of killers at this time. .
' General mutton range.
East of mountain lambs $1S.7514.!5
Valley lambs 13-Sf) 1 4 06
yearlings . . 9. 50 & 1 1-00
Ewes 6.'.i0re 8.00
of feet of forest film. The industry weeks with the hope of avoiding the :
will be filmed for circulation through- usuaT slump of filt'ert-st In the middle
out the United States as a means or j of the campaign. It begins September I
officials that no military nssistance : 28. . - I
Northwest's share In winning the war. f
Th work will occupy a week or mure
and Is in the nature of a strenuous va
Ponlaisl tliambcr nt Coinnvn-c
News IMrniur xcs Work. .
PORTLAND. July SO Filming tho
spruce Industry, from the toppling
crush of the tall trees to the whirr and
slither of the bis saws at the Vancou
ver cut-up plant. Is the task that Pi1
Vincent, director of news service of
the Portland .chamber of commerce
has undertaken.
Mr. Vincent and an expert camera
man art In the Stlots spruce belt of
Lincoln county, grinding out hundreoi.
WASHINGTON. July 30 it was
made plain here today by government
disseminating information of the
has been given the Czechoslovaks or
any Russian rebels against the Bol
shevik! governmennt- The present
plan is to stand by and see that al
lied Interests are protected.
A confidential report states that
at Charson In the Ukralno many
Jews have been put to death by the
Germans for withholding grain and
refusing to name those from whom
they purchased wheat. The rabbi of
the murdered Jews has died in prison.
(un-H Pleads for l,rnlorr-y on thai
tirouiHl, but Swiss Court CimvU-ts
. GENEVA. July .in.For pleading
that lcnierrv fI-i'-M rrfmled to
his client, accused of l'-e Ihoft 01
ronio frocks, "lit-callse ho lived for a
lonr time in Germany.' M- AuheAmu,
a Geneva attorney, has Incurred tho
vnuh of the German legation . In
At the Instance r" l'aron von Rom
berg. German minister, the attorney
sonpral of the confe":-'"ntlon 1ms bed.
islud lo proceed n-.-.-iinst Auberson,
The conip'aint has n t V-"M filed with
'he authorities by t:v (ierman coli
ul In Geneva-
Aubersnn coiint.tl lailier too lib
erally on the anti-German cntlmem
rrcv.illins In western swltlerland. for
his cllt-l was convlt-ted.
lew Months Ago llo was tVutral
llslitcr in fliarsvs That lie
Was a Spy.
' CAMP LEWIS, Tacoma. Wash-, July
30 Regimental Sergeant Major
Thomas Helmuth Ritter, who a few
months ago was the central figure In
eharges against him that he was a spy
in the service of Germany and that
ho was the grandson of the quarter-.
master general of the eighth German
army corps, today was made a ser
geant in the 166th depot brigade.
Ritter. two months ago was releas
ed from the guard house of the de
pot brigade, where he had been con
fined following his removal from the
county Jail in Tacoma. He was as
signed to the denot brigade for duty
as a private, having been reduced
while In confinement. The fact that
tho charges against him could not be j
proved and his later release ana re
BROCKTON,' July 30. The Crock,
Un Shoe Manufacturers' Association
today announced a 30 per cent in
crease, in -tho form of a var tonufl,''
to ail shoe workers in the city, except
ing the 4000 or more cutters who are
striking. The first part of the bonus
will be paid August 22 and the second
half on September 30.
The increase is given with the un
derstanding that further advances will
not be asked during the present sea
son's run. which ends May 1., 1919.
Other than - this, there is little
change in the strike situation, which
has made idle 10,000 shoe workers In
Brockton and vicinity.
COTTAGE" GROVE. Ore.. July 30.
Ben Jackson, one of the best known
farmers of this section, died Thursday"1
afternoon at Walker, on the farm on
which he Was born. The funeral was
leld Saturday from there. He had
puoi.sneo u u "'" total stroke of
tho district attorney s office in Seattle,
ivcro li chnrrro of the caw.
I1AU3TRIA.-. ,
J rs w r ,
a 1 Sj' r I v'
1 WS
Tour teeth carefully examined
and properly fixed by the beat
painless method known.
.. Kcwtcn Painless Dentists
Cornet Main aud Webb Btreecs
Phone it ooew -r---
We d vrrt le and offer War
Barings Stamps for sale with
i every purchase.
I n U v.r- tai iil a . . . . n . wl
v-2 i-iiJI ArNJ f . (
Q N-QRCE ;VgsX fg
hi., n in 1. I . .
storutlon to duty was not permlted to ,,,".'' "--" "" ago
P u....u.. - -1 ouiiereu an almost
paralvNia. . His wlfo
and the following children survvive:
Marvin, Melvin aud Mrs. Otto Wrings
of Walker, and Byron, with the expe
ditionaly forces In France. The fol
lowing brothers and sisters survive:
C. M. Jackson, of this city; Frank
Jackson, of Walker: Mrs. Dan Shaw
of Pendleton and Mrs. John A. Young
of Clackamas.
WASHINGTON. July 30. King
George has awarded the Knight's
Grand Cross of tho Distinguished
Hritish Order of St. Michael and St.
5eorge to General Peyton C. March,
chief of staff of the American army.
Viscount Milner, secretary ofSstnte
for war. today seut the following tel
egrnm to General March Informing
him of tha award:
"I am happy to have the privilege
of informing you that his Majesty
the King, has been graciously pleased
to confer upon you the honorary
award of Knight of the Grand Cross
nr.d of the Order of 81. Michael and
St. George."
Lord Reading, the Ilritish Ambassa-
' length of the font 1I1. Liberty loan drive idor. also called at the war department
Aiii't-c "1 educed irom the usual fourlto notify General March of tho honor.
Where tha allle re belie-) to le
gr-ttii.K rently for a drive ajm,ii.l Hut
Hrlu. "
Itrnewed nctlrlt- Ij leHevei to
lrriase a nrw fNn!ive train.t' the,
Turk ami ltiilHiirlaiiM. The ticce
of the Italian ctiintr-offonitiv on the
The alUex are Itelievet) to hohl ihe
rep''ntJprance if number.!, tt( n t
Unlikely ihat a drive wnnhj re4,nlr '
ft very heavy re-enfrcement if (lie
allb' Une- Arialvance lnt Serbia
utul Hutgarla mould probably furte
f4-many t aend re-enforcement lu !
11 11.
r,- - vj- .
tm BrMTarlr. u..
1 (WS..3
1 v r
AMSTERDAM. July 3 The lower
house of the Hungarian Diet has re
jected the government's measure giv
ing the vote to women, says a Ruda
Past dispatch, today.
Itste ef Ohio, city ef Toieoe.
Lucas Coustr. as.
Prans J. t'Brary siakre oath that he Is
Malar part Mr nt tha lira w r. J. t'kney
a Co, doing bnslnea to the City of TolVv
county and Htate aforniaid. and that said
orra will pay the aura of ONK ul Nlilth'O
IM1L.LAK8 for earh and every raae ea
(.atarrh that cannot be rnred hy the see sa
Bwors to before ma and eubet-rihed nt
r presence, this Sta day of laa-emba
- D. ltUM. s. W. (il.KAHii.N.
'Seal I Notary I'uhlK.
Hall a Catarrh Uxtli-lna tm 10.. i,.r
ptllr and aria through, th Itloud on the
ViKTina Surfarrs of the syataav sad faf
astimonlala, frre.
r. j. ciiknrt co.. Toledo, a
Sold by all dnnrzlsta. TOe.
alts Fatally pills for cosatlnstlaa
Pliive and the imminent collanse or tlie ltnl.';nrlana and It
great rejoicing in Serbia,
nil csue
The b.iulo front in Macedonia, where the French and Italians are
driving the AMtiam from Albania and will soon force them hark
Dr. Jamet Headache Powder re
lieve tt once 10 oenU a
f Ton take a Dr. James' ITaaJa. he
1 Powder and ia juat a few momenta
'your head clears sad all neuralgia sal
distress Tanwhea. It's the quickest
and auivat rruef for headaen. whether
. dull, throbbing, aplitling or Hn
, r.ititing. Snd someone t the drug
J store and g.-t a duu parka? now.
1 Uut autforing it a so aeedla. Ke
I sun yon srt Dr. Jame.' lUa.l.rk.
P..w !.-r. - tl- ti re ill UJ ,H, lJW
AuKtria's mllltsry Miwer make this an
Ti'i nuY.c j!-.;e to :!; ;:. e.
s 4m 4 a A X A4sA Ali,.,.