East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 29, 1918, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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fa nr. fix
A change In the Rod Cross surgical
'. dressing schedule, occur each week
bewiM of the alteration of the
isi.w cutting and folding clases.
Following 1" the order of work for
the week. Morning work begins at 8
o'clock, afternoon work by 2, and
evening: work at 7. Volunteers are
urged to meet with any of the classes
and will be gratefully welcomed in the
work room of the library, special at
1 tentlnn being called to the morning
cutting; classes which ara entirely de
pendent upon volunteer attendance.
Monday afternoon Folding Class,
Mr J. K. Thompson, Instructor.
Monday afternoon Cutting Class,
Mrs, M. A. Pprlnkler, Instructor.
. Monday evening business Girls,
Mrs. J- C. Woodworth. Instructor.
Tuesday jrnorning Volunteer cutting
Clan. Mrs. John Adams. Instructor.
Tuesday "afternoon Folding Class,
Mrs. J. N. Hurgese, instructor.
Tuesday afternoon Cutting 'Class,
Mrs. P. H. Brown, instructor.
Wednesday afternoon Folding
Clasn, Mrs. T. I. Taylor, Instructor.
Wednesday afternoon Cutting
Class, Mr. Joe Murphy. Instructor, i
Thursday afternoon Folding Class
Mrs H E Kickers. Instructor
Thursday Afternoon Cutting Class
Mrs Thomas Thompson, instructor.
Honor Guard Cutting Class, Miss
Lillian Boylen. Instructor.
Thursday ovening Honor Guard
Folding Class. Mrs. II. M. Chambers.
Friday morning. Volunteer Cutting
Clafi. Mrs. John Adams, instructor.
Friday Afternoon Folding Class.
Mrs. J. C. Woodworth. Instructor.
Friday afternoon (Tutting Class,
Mrs. J. T. Klchardson, Instructor.
Mr. and Mrs. l O. Frazier and llt
ale daughter. Miss Jean.' w-ere among
the guests registered during the weeV
at Hotel Moore, Seaside., A
Rcola, Cannon Heach, Oregon: Mrs.
P.oy Becker has returned after two
weeks' visit In Portland with her hus
band, who was recently called into
service at Vancouver.
Judge James A- Fee. who has been J
looking after some business matters
In La Grande, left for his home In
, Pendleton this morning. La Grande
Miss Kuth Bothrock of Athena,
spent Sunda" here as the guest of
Miss Haal Wyrlck.
Mrs. Sadie Wise and little son,
Tavld. were entertained yesterday at
Hillside Home, as guests of Mrs. Rena
Mrs. Lee Moorhoiiae extended a
charming bit of hospitality Saturday
afternoon when a few friends were
atked In to tea for the pleasure of
Mrs. Scth Catlin of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Johns of
Athena, are being congratulated upon
the arrival of a baby girl Saturaay
evening. The. little daughter was born
at Mrs. Nicholas maternity hospital in
Tendleton, and she weighs eight
Mrs. C. W. Melghan of Ogdon.
Vtah. Is In Pendleton as the guest of
her parents. Mr. and Mrs; John Halley.
Mrs. Melghan formerly lived In Pen
dleton. Mkai Nina Roberts returned today
from Yakima, where ire vialted her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J- E. Roberts.
! Iks Roberts reports a pleasant aca-
Th only NEW
fac powder i
U past 50 yean
Oh yes, there are maay,
many kinds of powders oa
the market, but this one is
absolutely different from
any you have ever nad.
Tha price is reasonable
50 cents
Ilara It
! Con Dung Low f
1 chop suey, I
I Tie
Cveothtnr clean and vp-to- t
tote.' FlHST CUkBH tiEHVlCI
; Cor. Webb end Cottonwood Btm
1 I'bwu f. MMm, Ore.
1 1HR H BMr
sl e . " n a.
The IS itfslt Royal Ald Force hn!-
loons are the eyes of ,he aridity-v. n
the ground. ( They direct the lug guns .
which hammer the Riehe lines. &nie ;
tion, with a motor trip to Seattle, Ta
coma and Camp Lewis.
Mrs. Berkeley Hailey returned to
her home ir Portland after a visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hailey.
Miss Vera Means, of Boise. Jdah.
who was in Pendleton as the guest of
Miss Anna Kinnlburgh. left today for
Newport, Oregon. Miss Klnniburgh
expects to Join Miss Means at Newport
soon, where they will spend the'r va
cation, i . ,
Manuel Pedro returned today from
a months stay at Hot Lake where he
was treated for rheumatism. Mr. Pe
dro says that his health is much im
proved. While at Hot Lake h's small
son vnderwent a minor operation,
which I.lr. Pedro says was successful
in everyday-
Mr. and Mrs. j: B. Pupiri returned
lo Adams, today after a visit tit ttie
home of their daughter. Mrs. I.. T,
Rogers. Mrs. Dupuis rocen:ly return
ed from Portland.
A pleasant aftnrnonn was Kieni
Saturday In the asocial room at the
Methodist Episcopal churn vh'.i
teveral of the Camp fire nirls met.
The atternoon as spent in ro:diii.cr
aloud and flanninr for th patrif.tlc
program that ia yet to be pi . on. Those
present Tvre the Misses ;.-lriiJ'?
Jones, lieu ITr.wks, Edna Iioppc
Gladys Cornice, Mable Stickler. UtitlM
Taylr, Margaret Adams and the
Guardian, M.s. J. I- Rowland.
Mrs. E. A. TodIey, wife of a prom
inent farmer of Athena, was the guest
yesterday of her Bister, Mrs. Will 11.
1 Mrs- H. & Rudd, accompanied by
her children and also her housegueHta
from Elfiin. Illinois, left today to pass
the remainder of the summer In a cot
tasrw at Seaside. Mr. Rudd plans to
join them for an outln? later.'
Miss Gertrude Nash, of Heppner,
was here yesterday visiting friends.
H. R. Newiort of Hcrmiston, was a
visitor here..
Mrs. P. It. Bowman -ft as a Saturday
visitor here from Echo.
Rev. Alfred Lock wood left today
for Spokane, where he will Join Mrs.
55 ..
r 1
ThUt Is a British
I HmB m f ft a
of tlio best work of the war Is done by
the men who aloft in these fcaskets.
Tney ums (rtM, jumJ) wh JIara.
ct,u;oH , rave ,heir livcs from an at.
tacking neroplane.
Lrckwood, who has been visiting ther
for somo time--Rev. and Mrs. Lock
; wood are former residents of Spokane,
1 W. N. Matlock left today for h
business trip to Portland and tattle.,
V llliam Hoch of Ilingharo i?prlnfs,
' is In the city today.
i H. K. Rartholamew and wife of
j Stan field are ia the city today.
Mi, and Mrs. Fred Earl returned
'on Saturday from Seaside.
Pen Cohin of Ritter, was In Pen-
jdleton yrFterday. '
i T. Peterson of Payette, Idaho, was
In the city yesterday.
I A- J. Harp of Xnlin, was a Ptndie-tt-n
visitor yesterday.
' G. T. Vickers was a Pendlet n Vis
itor Satnrday evening from Cayuse.
i L. R. Smith of Elm'.ra, was In Pen-
i diet on yesterday.
I lec Stino of Adams, spent S:"jnday
Dan Mclntyre of Adams was her
j Roy Haley was a Hermistnn visitor
' esterday
( Mrs. Alice Turley returned today
from Seattle.
I w. tt Pi-ans nf Pptitllfton is rearls-
' tered at the Imperial. Orcgonian.
t V. C. Carson of Campbell station. Is
in the city today on business.
G. V. Robinson is a Pendleton vis
itor today from Walla Walla,
i C. A. Pryan is in the city today from
i P. F. Grott of Spokano was a visit
or here yesterday.
! A- Marcellus was hero from La
Grande yesterday.
I A. W. I : oyer of Jji Crandc was in
, the city yesterday."
Joseph llay:i and Walter Hays were
hdre on Saturday Vtpm Heppner.
James W. Reams of Portland, if
resistered at Hotel Uowman.
; Joseph Mueller of Hillings. Hon-
tana, was in Pendleton yesterday
Zend V. Casey, of Salt Lake, is a
Pendleton business visitor today.
! T. M. Blatt, of St. Louis, is here to
day on business.
I Marino Hamilton, of Milton, spent
Sunday here.
Mr. Robert Spencer of La Grande,
1 wh' h(ii b-cn here as the . sruciit of
j Mrs- L. M.'ftullack, left tooay for
Vet, "
' -' . . . L ,
: v .
tilppet" or "jitney tank." of the tyi which, because
Portiand Where she will spend soma
time l;ore rpinrninff to her hem.
;' Ms Mary Francis was htrc c-
tordny from Enterprise. x
j Frnnces M. Sommers hus been ao
, cured as a teacher for school district
No. 92 near Pendleton.
County Clerk R. T. Brown and wife
apeitt the week-ond 'With friends at
La Grande. '
Mrs. t Thomas was a visitor In
Pendleton Saturday evening- from La
Grande. .
' Mr, and Mrs. W. Bailey returned to
their home in Prescott yesterday af
ter a short visit here. -
Mr. and Mrs. II. R.y Bartholomew
are resistored at Hotel Pendleton from
La Grande. .. .
Ed"ard Hays returned last night
from Seattle, where he spent his va
cation. He Is employed in the Delta.
Mr. and Tdrs. Ed Reeves hive mov
ed lrora TO Thompson street- to fl
Thompson street to 201 Wessl WchK
L. Hansen returned to his 'Pendle
ton home this murinn fxoin a vlsu
with his sister at Pasco. ''--;
Miss Hazel gentry of t'kiah, ;roturn-
ed to her home today after a .hort.
visit .here. , v
Mtss Jean Clnrke returned today to
Albany after spending a few tlnys
ith friends here. ;
Mrs. Juno Uranptetter returned from
Feird this morning where she visited
friends ' t
F. B. McGregor and D. C. Kurt of
the United States Geological Survey,
were in Pendleton yesterda on offi
cial business. t ,
Miss Virginia Todd return-rd today
from Hermistnn where she spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. V. Todd.
Mrs. M, N Duty, who has been in
Pendleton for the past two weeks un
der the care of a. physician, returned
to her home In Hermistnn today.
Mayor G. H. Bishop of Freewater.
passed through Pendleton yesterday-
en route to California on legal busi
ness- . ,
Retailers May Replace Su
gar Sold for Domestic
' Canning.
The new sugar order announced a
few days ago by the food administra
tion rom Washington was received
nv rire yesterday by Dr. YT. ,D. Mc
Xary, county administrator, from V.
B. Ayer. state-- administrator. The
new order cuts the individual monthly
yugar allowance from three pounds to
two pounds- The order goes Into ef
fect at Once, and there will be no ex
ceptions in enforcing it.
Tliw order will have the effect of
reducing the amount of sugar which
retailers, hotels and restaurants can
secure for August, by one-third of the
allotment previously fixed. It will
have no effect; upon the baker's allowance-
inasmuch as the bakrfe had
previously Ireen cut down to seventy
per cent of the sugar used a year ago.
Thp state administration Instructs
the local administration tnat retailers
m.y replace sugar sold for domestic
cmning by securing speeral certifi
cates from the local officials. Th
new order alsos requires that the lo
cal administration shall keep a dally
record of all sugar certificates issued.
t eh r.vrtft be sent In at the end
of each week at Portland.
(Continued from pnge 1.)
'tenn Instructed to Rive nollco of thi!i
ncetlnar to all registrants anl the of
"lcer of the Umatilla County I'ntrlot
1c Service LeaKue and of the 'ma
ilia County Ouard. will co-operate In
making the meeting a aiiccen.
The executive commUtee of the Pa
'.rUrtic gerlce League, Jn conjunction
with E- B. Aldrich, chairman publicity
wmmittee. and c. CJ. Slatlock. chalr-
tian of the speakers' committee, will,
thi nfternoon dineura - 4an for the
tnectinar and announcement of details
will be made scoon.
v.. i
-:'; ' t ' r . i
r r 3
is built for speed mora than
Pom-pom cloth Is going to !e Tery
populiir this faU. Herols the latest
rlpplo" toPGmt of pom-pom cloth
FRANCE, July 2i. Notable work has
been dono by allied aviator during
the new Oerman offensive. The bom
barding, observation and battle planes
have been constantly busy. nd the
mastery of the air has been mal-
tained throughout. !
The air forces constantly harassed
the attaojilns cnlumfi of the enemy
md alipplictl Informuiiim from tno
ment to nu nient to the TTPnch staff.
One of the principal elements which
worked toward brinsinK the Oernian
offensive to a halt nw the splendid
co-operatirn of the transport nnd in
formation services. In Champagne
lorry drivers pasncd four dnys and
nlKhts without a moment's repose,
hurrying troops from one doctor of
the line to another, often under
heavy fire.
Carrier plseons proved most im
portant in th Champagne fighting.
where the French advance posts were
often cut off from the main1 body.
The birds constantly brought back
message: concerning mv-Vfrnents of
the Germans. In one Instance a
pigeon brought a. renues tnat French
artillerymen fire on a position occu
pied by their own comrades, because
the Germans were surrounding them
The Ounncrs complied, mowing lanes
In the Ocrman waves. Their wonder
ful accuracy of aim spared their com
rades, many of whom made their way
The enormous losses of the Ger
mans during the (Tossing of the
Marno must have been fully equaled
In the Champagne sector, where their
assaulting waves were hurled vainly
against deep harriers of tm'bcd wire
under the fire of hundrcdsjof machine
E"ns. . '
SlMIciius. You, ennn't rleep In
the Btillest night, if your dtetstlon le
bat- Take Hood's Sarsaparllla It
strengthens the stomnsh and. estab
lishes that condition in which sleep
regularly conies and Is sweet and re
I'ARIS, July 21. After being per
mitted to print the information last
night that General! Gouraud of Iar
denelles fame was commanding the
French sector between Tlhcims and
Massige the Paris newspapers today
are allowed to reveal the Met that
Oenernl Henri Berthelot. who headed
the French military mission in Ru
mania, Is now commanding the Franco-Italian
arrtiy in the sector between
the Mnrne nnd rthelrns.
Jayful ScsnJ
I CkmV?mn2tu Mane that Bontt Fortk
Who m fnrt thM litMa hnwv err iiml
In rtmdiHna to ntttli erriais. f
and reiiabim appHtitiCMi, MoUiffr's i rrenti, dur-i
Inc the wait in Bioiithri, and they rUte!
how tlwr entirely cs-nDfI tiajma. ncrvoii
neM, bt-Jirinr dm it and srelt htrir psiM anl
manf otlter Hcbililnl 5 fiarl aittfir.irtcninc ex-
primrra whki ma ioy m uio mutter iur lu
Mut iter Friend Is a Wonderful 4r1r to
tWr V,
' ' :,' j ft i
x i f
7i J-;K it
1 ftatur tn reueviftc strrjn ami mtmir
brourht aboat lr cxnndirr iiwrVs, 'i tw ,
. BrTTM, to, will be c -Ua, niiikic ttaa per'Hi .
one of clitrcrful dnr rj rtrfril tuMi. 1
Tha breat ro kept in ptd e-n-iitloa cno
the afxkmiTa.il Bittscle relax with eao len
Itahr i born.
Mother' KrrVnrt m.iV" R fvnrte f rr th
rrpeLtant mother horm-'f tr a-t'nll u .1 n
ura iH tha irWoti T ark t ia prf rmct t
and DO woman nhout.l neglect or fu t tn
Crm nature a helper bnr.tL tt wj'J iMcai. ;
nnftrty Imi pa(n at tta rriti.
Wothfrf triend I for ertrQI m mH. 1
M abaDliitly uf mr4 wi(lrfii!ir rffrtiv '
It i prepared by the Brad Arid liecutm
To-, w I Jim a r PlirM Aiiarfi. Ci. V. rU ,
thro for their "Motherhood book." 00 ai
iah to rrt)int mother,
fmrvrm a botue of th. fimom rnnt?r..,
rhiea aaa beea waad bf imnc wit the
are&tcat aurr tor over h-!f a rmy
-... . . a. ...- . m I
Boys puting feboesj 1 1 t$t83hnd '$1.95
Ladies' White Low Heel Canvas Shoe, . . . $2.45
LadiesVOxfords and Pumps up to size 4 at $1.65
Ladies' Juliette $1-65 And $1.95
Men's Outing Shoes.. .......... J $1.93 to $2.45
Men's Dress Shoes, Neolin Soles in button pr
lace . $3.6
Children's' FanCy Soft Sole Shoes and ' . " '
Bootees, 25c to 65c
Men's Black and Tan
style .. .
32 Sample jStores.
V. 8. Food Adtntnutmloa.
JIftt ez de burk wheat cake cot flop over on hi face, Brer Beon-rtn
dance 'roun' en nay, arxee: "One good tu'n denarvea en nuther." eeKee. ,
Mean In dnt ef ile eujer bgya no en rto de flBhtln fr itn, de leaa we alls :
kin do l tr spn err oil oe wheat cn eat buckwheat In at Id. Con meal. '
rye en barley Hour Ur ua will he'p a lot. loo.
JiiHt a Ilnly Vnyor at Twlliclit (for hrr Paikly Oror Tln-rp).
The EJna White Trumpet Quartette. A ZSSH, 10 -n. 75c.
NiImI.v Kiiow4 Tronlilo I've feoeli. Oacar paKl, baritnno.
I Kon t i'ri-l o Way Tirrtl. Oscar ScoKle, baritono. A S69.
10-ln., ti.bO. ' , ' . .. '
!K)n Ilouio Hag. ox-trot. Karl Fullpr'a Ilcclor ?;ovelty Or
chentra. I Ain't Noliodjr Maeh.' Fox-trot. Karl FuIU-r'a Reclor Nov-'
elty Orcheatru. A 2547. 10-ln., 75c.
Turkey in (lie hlrw. (Arr.onlu.) Mctly Fox lrot. Jnmrlmba
OrchCMtra. '
ir llo. Amprlra. Hello. .Medley Ono-atcp. Jaznrlinlia Orchemra.
A 2537. 10-ln., 75e.
ThuWa a Scrvlre n 11in at Our House. McclJey Oae-ntep.
Vlottn and piano duet.
I'll Think of Von. (Hlnich.) Medley Fox-trot. A 6044. 12 -in.'
11.25. . j) .
My Mlnd'ii Mado op to Marry Carolina. Medley Fox-trot. Prince'
Hand. A 043.
Keep the TrfiH-n Fires ;ihit for tile Hoy Ont There. Medley
Unc-ctep. A 04. 12-ln., 1.25.
Are Ynn From Ilenveo? Medley walti. Introdtteing- ''chlmea of
Normandy." Prince's OrcJielra.
Blue Hint. Medley waltz. Introducing "Mammy's Little Panay."
I'rince'a Orcheatro. A 042. 12-ln., M.25.
Anierii-an Famnsle. rhilharmonic Orchestra of New York,
lemmliaixlns. (Waltz), l'hllharnionic Orchestra of New York.
A 0. 12-ln., It.SO.
"The ItrKlfiient'H I til urn. (March.) '(Crosby.) Prince's Ttand.
On ltevH-w. (March.) (Von Ulon.) l'rinca's Uanil. A 253.
10-ln 75f. v
Hello Ceutral, CMve Me No Man's I.nd. Al Jalson. aomedlam
We'll Hot )n r Kharr (While You're Over Thure). Hubert Iawis,
tenor solo. A 2452i 10-ln., 76c.
What Are Yu ;ohif to Io to Help the Hoys? Peerless Quar-
. .telle.. .-
Just I. Ike Wardiburtoa Crownl the Delaware ((.onerat Perahina
Will Vntm the Ilhlne.) Arthur Fluids, baritone, and Peerlexs
Quartette. A 2545. p 10-ln" 75o.
i Won't You Ile a IMar, lear Daddy. Character duet. " -I
Want a Daddy I.llie Yao. Far be r KjHtors. Character duet.
A 2544. 10-ln., 7r.e.
I'm Kerry I Matin You Cry. Robert. Lewis, tenor solo.
I Want lltass Rack AxhIh. marline: Trio. A 2!4I. 10-ln., 70c.
"Pa Pay." Arthur Fields, baritone solo. t
Whuril We I With llhn IH7 I'eerless Quartette. Male
voices. . A SS3. 10-ln.. 75c.
Wlx-n Alexawli-r Taken Ills Hand lo Franee. Hob White, tenor
solo. ,
When It Conies to a IohMclewi Iay. Arthur Fields, baritone
solo. A 2541. 10-ln.. 75c.
Tliere's a LHtle lllue 4a In the Window. Henry Burr, tenor
Mammy's I.lnle Pausy. rhaa. Ilarrfaon, tenor ' sido. A 254J.
" 10-ln.. 75c. 1
We Kfctfiniii Them at the Ms roe. Baritone nnd male quartette.
Hike! Hike! Hike! (Along tho-Oi.l Turn Pike.) Peerless Quar.
let to. Male voire A 25 40. 10-ln., 75c.
Come Join In (nr Ijniahter. Laughlna duet. ' iiu ."'
H- l.iuch ami Ko Do L Al H. Weston, baritone. laughing
solo. A 2512. 10-ln., 75c.
Economy Drug Co.
Hotel St. George Buildloc
Dy Telephone 7H Nizht Telephone 718
Oxfords, lace or button
An m
745 Main St