V WEATIIEU "TOTtECAST. Tonlsht ami Tuesday shower. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1918. VOL. 30 NO. 9494 GERMAN RETREAT ORDERS ARii' ...... . ,pu.Dot.0altM J o J Lf Ui sii daily fi" vvyu uujij u bjr the Audit Buou of Orcuf&UoiMk g ",,., V, ,,,.,. ., - ' ZTlZ1 ! I ffR-'Q HKtY JMt-- 'A'" J lKinS COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER . . ' .-J- . ' - ' " "i-A w , 1 CA AAA' 10 THE HUNS TAKE THE HOME TRAIL! ESTIMATION m i 111 11 111 I Hi v arras- ,Be i:ynV i iiuur Lvpu c5ibrai oa rfex : . ; j : , CHE.UIE . EPINAL ' J? 1 SUB VICTIM: PARIS, July 24. German losses in the Soissons- Rheims region are estimated at 150,000 including 25,000 prisoners. ' lllKlii'r KHtlnialeo Muilc. -PAUIH, July 24 Unofficial ctl mateR place the total of German cas ualties a the remjlt of the Cham PaKiie fighting at 1780,000 but mili tary men discount this. 1 itOOPS ORDERE FIGHT TO fl PRESENT PO Foe, Nevertheless, Gives Ground Before Allied Attack on Practically Whole Battle Front; German Reserves Being , Ordered Into Soissons-RKeims Pocket DTD S SIMS MOBILIZATION t)F BOLSIIEVIKI FORCES BEGAN JULY 17 AMKTBItDAM, July 24. Moscow iH"chrs nay a general mobilisation of all Bolshevik! military forces was iMeiin J ijy 17. No rei is u-sltfntd' INDIAN WOMAN STRUCK BY WESTBOUND TRAIN An Kfd Indian woman diod at 8t. Anthony' hufipltat between 11 and IS thin mnrnhiff ft the result of Injur-Ir-s rccelvnd by being hit by the en Klne of a welbonci pasrrnKcr train earlier In the morning near Cayutse tatbntr eant of Pendleton. Her name 1m mild to have been Minnie (Mdwonian and when hit by thn train Hha wax driving a - team hitched to a hack. Heln quite deaf who fulled to hear the fast approach ing train and when It Htruck the hack he wua thrown fully &0 feet Nnd Injured on the skull, the left khoulder and Internally. Tne train was Htopped and she wan brought to Pendleton und taken to ht. Aiithony'rt hoFpliul, whero the was attended by Dr. luy L. Uoyden. The body 1h at the Kolsom undertakinjr parlor. I awalilner arrangements for the funer al which will be conducted by the Indians. ' , These maps show where le great allied push began and how It will M be' extended over the whole western front. The smaller rjiap Is of the Holssons-Chateau Thierry front, whero French and American troops Rained eight miles In the Initial blow The large map shown the triple f rrn the big push will take; Itrltlsh attacking in Flanders, French and Americans In IMcardy und Americans In Alsace. FLANDERS TROOPS ARE CALLED TO REINFORCE HUNS IN SOUTH (FRANK J. TAYIiOn. . WITH TIIK AMKKICAN8 AF1KL.D July 24. The German drive between SolKsons and Main de Massiges was one of three puHhes they contemplat ed this summer, two towards Paris and one toward the channel, prison ers admit. They also admit large numbers were massed In Flanders for a drive against the Itrltlsh while 35 dlvlMionsK- were massed for Cham pagne operations. The Flanders drive was to follow the crown prince's rush as soon as the latter attained success. Many vrisoners captured near Sois sons were identified as recently re moved from Flanders, Indicating that the Champagne failure disrupted the Flanders drive plans. NATIONS Ml ADOPT AIDED FOOD CONTROL LONDON. July 24. wllsmr s pro posal for unity in food control of the allied nations with headquarters In London Is being favorably received by "the fuod controlers of allied na tions meeting here. CONTRACT BETWEEN FARMER AND BUYER TO RULE PAYMENTS Tho rule governing wheat sales last year where the government, advanced HO per cent of the purchase price to the farmer and the farmer paid In terest on this amount bntll the time of tho final acceptance of his wheat will not be used this year. Soles this year will le direct from the farmer to the dealer or sniln buy era, and payment will be according; to the contract between the purchaser and producer. The government has establislied a price It will be ready to pay the far mer, and a price has also .been estab lished for flour allowing what Is con sidered a fair margin of profit to millers. The first will have the ef fect of keeping tho price to the far mer at the established figure, and at the samo time will prevent the cost to the consumer going above the es tablinhed government regulation price. Ilounnt Reiterates fundldsry. . PAttATlXlA. July 24. William llandotph Hearst reiterated through representatives his presence In the lace for the democratic gubernatorial muulnntlon when the democrats op ened the state convention. The New ork city delegation Is sol id for Hearst but the upstate dele gations oppose Mm. 41 GERMAN AIRCRAFT . SHOT DOWN MONDAY . PARIS, July 24. Thirty-seven Oerman airplanes were shot down and four balloons destroyed by the ollies Monday, the air ministry today announced. LONDON. July 24- The air min istry today announced the destruc tion of one enemy airplane during raiding operations- EVENTS SUGGEST LORD IS WEARIED OF "ME AND GOTT" LINER JUSTICIA 11 KILLED, PASSENGERS SAFE WASHINT.TOX, July 24. Cleneral March told correspondents that the ullied armies in the Foissons-Hheims salient have steadily advanced during tho past three days although the tlcr mans have used at least 15 reinforce ment divisions. He said between the Murne and Khelms the enemy lost one half to 'LONDON. July 21. Several hun-!two n a 10 'mile front. The, dred are dying daily In Pelrograd Germans have only one railroad left j from cholera, jtays an Exchange Tel- ;for retreat. He said ''It seems the ' egruph dispatch from Copenhagen. Ij0r(1 hll, beco,e tired of the part-j The disease, it adds, is prevalent in ticrstiip ot "1110 unt tiotL' " many parts of Russia. Jle Bls0 guld the German retreat J , 'somewhat resembled the Austrian ; lis I online Jinm'. dash thi-.muh the buck door of the HINDU I . P.N 1VIX i.mi,y ix i'i7rr.x;uD LONDON. July 24. It Is an Submarine commanders report the nouneed that 400 Justlcla survivors, J"stlca was equipped with large steel , , j ... . . . , . . . anti-torpedo nets "rendering Its de- torpedoed Saturday have, landed at .. ' ? " struclion dlf llcult." The fact that an Irish port, declaring that one ot commanders' is plural. Indicates that the 10 torpedoes wrecked the engine several I'-boats attacked. The explosion killed 11 of the .i-;v YOHiv. July 24. The White Mar line today announced that a new SlioO ton liner. Justicia. was torpedo- 11 K KLIN, July 24. Tho admiralty cd and sunk en route to the United 'announced the Jiiticla was torpe- Slates. It was completed a year ago doed and sunk. Newspapers express and mnde its first trip with invalided j mtisfurtion that the steamer was Canadians. It also did freight ser- sunk white under American control, vice. room, crew. No passengers were lost. GERMANS GIVING GROUND (Fred Ferguson) WITH THE AMERICAN ARMIES, July 24. Despite orders to hold until death, the German rear guard is giv ing way before an allied attack along practically the whole battlef ront Prisoners declare the rear guards were, ordered to hold off the Americans to the last. Vio lent American assaults wiped them out or took them pris oners. The advance is proceeding cautiously at all points, however, because great masses of Germans reinforce ments are increasing the resistance. (Frank J. Taylor) WITH THE AMERICANS AFIELD, July 24. The German retirement movement within the Soissons-Rheims salient has been reversed. The movement is now south ward. It is believed the Germans are prepared to make a 'stiff stand with fresh 'troops. . ' RETREAT POLITICALLY -BAD 1. . . PARIS, July 24. The German crown prince has sud denly changed his plans for a strategic retreat from the Soissons-Rheims sector. He has determined to fight it out there. This decision is indicated by stiffening enemv resistance and borne out by German prisoners who de-' clared the withdrawal ordered has been countermanded. Prisoners could not explain it but ally leaders believe Ger man politicians, fearing the internal effect of the huge retirement, forced the plan's change. The prince con tinues to order new divisions into the pocket, drawing re inforcements from the British front far north. . -a BULLETINS U. S. Cavalry Fijrhtine. (Frank J. Taylor.) WITH - THE AMERI CANS, July 24. American cavalry, acting for the first time in this war, are harras- sing the enemy north of Chateau Thierry. The PEACE PROPOSALS PUBLISHED BAKER, Ore.. July 24. It is re- Plave. A storm concealed allied ported that C. W. Seott. a former ! movements, Indicating Gott forsook Richland resident, recently sold one-it he Kaiser. March said the Hermans half of his interest in some chrome ore mines near Lake Creek, Ore., for (70,000. and continued for several hours. FENDLETON MILLS ' READY TO' GRIND NEW WHEAT CROP made a bold decision for 'retirement when the allies captured the import !ant Holssons-Chateau Thiery highway. I Holding New Position. March said tho Americans and HELIX. July 24. (Special.) Rain Trench have crossed the Mnrnc at begun falling about 9 last tvenins Ipveral points and are now holding po- I sit ions irp?re. The response of the Germans to Foch's offensive was to throw In a 1 largo number of reserve divisions which were not used when tho drive for Khelms started. Kv KiH-my (incasing. He said the allies advance In tho past few days had been practically a steady march and declared the enemy must retreat or be caught in a, pocket at the tnercy of the allies. He said the j ground retaken by the allies ahmit jcmiaUi what tho allies lout In Flan ders last April. It will be the first of August before j lle aid. the MonteDldier attack an- raln will be coming In to the local nounceu jesuraay is not important flouring mills In quantities though !?xcct to keep the enemy guessing. both the Pendleton Holler Mills and the Walters Flouring mills' are re ceiving some wheat of the new crop every djfcy. The Pendleton Roller mill Is ready to start grinding as soon as a suffi cient supply of grain Is received to start on. which will be by the first of -the month. The Walters mill ts now being re paired and given a general overhaul- j AMSTERDAM. July' 24. -. Ger-; ! man socialist newspaper publishes j i the newv"informar peace 1'rono.vals made through Spain iuchialug no an nexations or innVmnilics In the west, the itusi.nn and .'Kumunlan peace , The small peace treaties to stand unquestioned future of Pclginm and other rations to be determined at a conference, all Germany's colonies returned, freedom of the sens recog nized and the Gibraltar and Sue ca nal dismantled. CltKW OF VICTIM SAKE. POHTl.AXI. Maine, July 24. AH I members of the crew of the schooner ' lUWiard and Kolcrt, sunk by a V- boat off the Maine coaM. vtere ac counted for wltcu a dory containing U,aw- 4i ehii.t men as landed i.ere wi.iie ! horsemen are throwing gre- oth.T with four men arrived In ltos- IladeS which is 3 neW StUnt. ""carnal., whar..,,, will. i t ti.e ! The" Americans this after- rried hen- earner. moon captured Eoieds vil- .tMum nation kihou'!?. five l?s northeast of ki.sk. nateau lnierry tor the amstkiiikym. juu a Ti.o ro- hird time after- violent loenc Volka 'Arltmig today dfrhred, " " f-. , . . Vf01ent fab a ruiia.r of an attempt made to Street lighting. After OVer- coming stiff machine gun op position the Americans cleared Bois deChatelet at. bayonet points. aV aailiiate burg-. the kaiser and llinden- SWISS INFLUENZA CASES NOW 11.500 AUGUS T DRAFT CALLS' WILL EQOAL THOSE DURING JULY1 UlilTISH HAM) MtVKSS. I.MM)V. ,n,y 21. Hal); announc ed ralill.ur oiHratlons and cannonad l.ur on varhms IlrltiNli sot-tors. Wc nu.de a sutsful raid south tr llmt.Hy. this cas,ialtk were liBht. Nnrtl.woM of Allan me se cured iri.so..cr. IXK HAM) KAILS. LdDOX. July ;t "An uttemlited enemy laid northwest of Kethune was renulNcd. Hostile artillery Is ac tive on the northern portion of the front, particularly near l-ocre.'' lirxs Tllltow l; Mlr3Js. (Mi-:i.i. iKij..-r. J I.V -I. Tlie (irniMiM are n It-ntly iMtmlwrdlngr allied imaltlum un a la niilc front from Vrijtlly south r,l to Um larne Tliey alxu are InmliiK Kreat qunntitk's of Has sIhMH ut-nrnM the Manic from umui rMi wanl. TIh' U nuiH aiMH-ar determined l aioid a itnihimrod retreat and arn dn-iwraie sta.nl at tlie .MsS. HMi.tMH) X ItM'KKr. te. hae more than IfMt.utHl fori.M-r zarctiK li. illetl of rxmure In Hie sjilient Mlit.h is ImlsTillcil by .l.ortly aftiT the rmr's execution. I.K.XIVK MHMIIDS t.KUM W IMII.Wt'K AlKTI'lilllil. July 41. IHKHor Karl llclf fericli, former ice-cliam'el- ir men for ten- lor ami one of ;i-rinnnyK Mnni-M I Mi llie allh- at Kits.iiu and HlwHm. The lruiKii-AHHTi,iirt Mtlll proaie m. iirniimln- IiIiky rrlMaiM-e mirth ea?a of tliateau TliMrry. lis mr M silions at t).,h hy are outflanked. m- w iiii:uvi:s iiiK.NTiriKH. ItEllNE. July S4. The A wire received it 1:90 hy the 1"- laical hoards arc urgently iiiijimI to rul draft hoard from the provost , iiuike every effort to make a suffl marshal general announces .that Au-irie.it niinikr or nu-n avuilahle to fill Kust calls uri the slate of irefton , alt culls. ' will lie ns larise as were the calls in There were tvo calls ilurins July juiv. anil unit u'iroiluiately ZS" upon I'mntilla county f v. hlie men will lie railed darinK thv eral military duty. 4K on the r.lh and liiician will In- the Hu.ii.lan anilM-a ....un. .-ouir m me cans sj in ttie rail entrained yesterdav dor. U-.Hih- recently ik-clnred lh- have already hern made. ht allot- niornhiK. makinK u total of Hit. lu ItoMn-Mkl lo lie caimhlc or cuarduis ' w ,TM T,,r: All:ltl . MlMll lt ments have not Ih-ii lnad to nil addition to these there were a num- tlie ticrman cmlM.ssy ami wvmiIiI tH ",ul ' Hl many or. tlie halite hoards on acrount of local aKricul- her if othrr rails ror men in the allow (.rrmnu tniM to enm m.u.,.. i m,-alofuilly !-.- all reM'tnlilamT tn lore coiiouious. sprure worn as well as other special or IVtrourud. I.orwl himrds are riirecled to re- rails. To meet the new order the lo- fuse release to the navy. marine cal hoard will have to comb the reg rorps. or the emerKency fleet to all istrants oulte thoroughly. ireaistrants who have been or will he: rlassed In class 1 and to reclassify i IIU vSM Ht SI t'KJ .s , pultinK all they can In elasi 1. hav-i j InK the newly classified men examin- i ed. making Generous allownnre for lph"siral qualifications fi i rearKuartl actiiain with tlie lrsu im Mcmliurly liiliMli.kjc I,, make m lr I n.anent 4a.MJ. ew IkTVMn rere VOX SKIH.KH. IST'UIM. July SI. PoniK-r RenerHl n.inlMer or Imldie InMn.ction llus- V. ; . ' ' v --'tj.-l duliloir. are tains eoiMantl) kk.ill- FOR ARMY DIVISIONS ' WASHlNXlTi'N'. July S4 March ordered .W new national army divi sions ivlth reieiilars for m nucleus formed this month at six c-tnilw.. ln- AHTII.I.r HVIM; ll)l.:T. PMtll. July 21. tkdent artillery f i . -1 1 1 i iur a a -. .l,... il. Influema . military service, so the boards w ill wiht lias siicecaled fn-mlcr Von cludlmr "aii. l ewis. TTi. m-ni ... i... ..i . w. 1 Ing and will be ready to start arlniilnn epidemic In the swiss army has ll.Suoie able to rill promptly all mils unto Sculler a. head of lite Austrian rah- numbered from wine to H each hav- a eommnntuiie. Ii-inan roanter a. In Shout two week. leases with 10S deaths. lAugust list. ilnet. ieiuut aald. . . In. two resular li.fn,rv; r.im.,. . . . ... "